OCR Interpretation

The Lubbock avalanche. (Lubbock, Tex.) 1909-1922, November 11, 1909, Image 12

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86088055/1909-11-11/ed-1/seq-12/

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I 1
! . i ! In nth!ntf Wt of tho United
M'Mt.lMIMVKMV rMIIIAt HV SlMlfH HflT ! llfflcll I
TII1C AVALANCIIIC IHJHMN.IINU CO. 'HI rrn.lcr It fr uxm Ulfr n.
iN,,MitMAi n ' I r'Mnp to run n lerl tmer
- ..- 1 for the people of thin r nny
I.. Ih)W, KIM to it. 0tj.r runKo who like It ami
JSO. K.Ti UNKU. .... ASiKMATKKIMToll.Pmlj, nnl fln, H n,re fitting
- , mi Ration to thnu who do thnrn
Knre1 at Hm llotllc t Lutitmra, Tmm, tor irannmlMlon through th , n(m,. l))p tmp ((t miMWcrilo."
Mall m imh'oikI cImh niattrr. I
Olif Year 11.00
(Strictly In Advanet)
sit MoriUn fxK: I Some eopl are natural !orn
fools while others iwikc fools
AbvRHimiMM ium:-tli lownu prr n eacl. '"'; '! ! of themselves. In the daily bus-
4 . ..i nut i tn it tut t a At it aiuu'iai m iAm tin
"I"?" relationship of men they
mtrnb ouwivpa. 2 1-2 rnu i-r line. ;'urc, 'XVl'.uoT) shoul.l try as hard as possible to
a revenue la derived therefrom. 6 cotiU rn'r line, rrofewlonal carda 11.00 '
per month or 110 per year If paid In advance. be agreeable. If a fellow is a
. 1 I . V 1 1 ..
I iooi ny uirm some allowances
! must be made for them, but the
KhMiu-.Mi', i ii'Mft i kind who make fool of them
i selves can soon be learned to
i have a care for the rights of
lUimoi'K TKXAS T1IL'KSI)AY,N()VI:MIU:I111. li) others. Some people have no
4 ' ' ' more sense than to force a fight.
1 4 PAG liS.
There is no use talking, the
way things are going in Lubbock,
she is to be the city of the plains.
The Avalanche has surprised
the public many times before,
and she has another surprise in
store for them at an early date.
It is said Teddy is getting
tired of the jungles. Strange
that he should tire of a place
that seems to be so naturally
adapted to his habitation.
Judge M. M. ttrooks no doubt
"jarred" his prohibition friends
when he came out square agin
State-wide prohibition. Mr.
Ilrooks doesn't seem to appre
ciate what little support he did
receive in his last campaign.
This is practically a new crop for
this country, but past demon
strations prove that it cana be
raised here with the proper
seasons, and the season at this
time is good, so says the farm
ers of this county.
If the management of this pa
per did not have any more confi
dence in Lubbock than some of
the people who pretend to be
good citizens of the town, we
They generally get the worst
end of the deal and this is right
Explanations are some times es
sential but it is not always
pleasant to make them. If a
man is your friend he will make
allowances for your frailties.
If you have to explain the whys
and wherefores of every move
you make to" some fellow you
may depend that his friendship
lmvf ruil wnnirtlim lth thi T
A I' ftl Hwcftwatrr, Ami the
Santa Yv llrnncli at Coleman.
There art other Milieu to lr laid
from thin place but at the prenent
time ailenre eem to prevail an
to their direction nr the time of
"darting work on their construc
tion. After the lire if inaured oh
bow irld. After the lire if not
itiauied oh how and. Sec 1). .1.
Wood. II carries all kind.
Room H, Lubbock State Hank
Huihlmg. riiono ifM. 17 i.'t
1). ,). Wood finds Ida business
growing. He comes to the front
with an increase in advertising
space. His slogan is, "Insurance
That's all." 17 i!t
The Farmers
President Taft in a recent
speech at Jackson, Miss., says
about the farmers.
"I am glad to be in a State in
which agriculture is your chief
trade and occupation. We must
admit that the occupation of the
farmer is among the one or two
most important occupations that
go to make this country great
and a State, which is great be
cause it is entitled to recognition
as typifying Americanism in the
highest degree.
"We have arrived at a lime in
Carl Itoiwrdu rrluwtNl Sunday
evening from a bualneaa trip
i V, Flmon In lilMln
liandnome rrnldrnrc nn SmilJi
Ringer Street
is worthless. People are w ho , tIie le t l. .pmei.t of this country
continually picKing tiaws in
other people are crooked them-
The Avalanche is one of tin
foremost pushers fur the interest
of the town of any business con
cern in the town, and when you
iiatronize it. vou do tli.it riva ls
for the upbuildin
country and tin
1 e k .
certainly would not he investing S(.iu.s tj,, y()lir K.st at all
as much hard earned money in limi,s aml tnisl to tJu. hiRh,.st
printing machinery, as we have pmv(r for tH, (ina :i(.(.oun,i,lLr.
in the past twelve months. We perfection is not obtained on
know Lubbock is to be the best 1arth ami after you have done
town on the plains, and we want y-mr best you will have fallen
to do our part toward making it j-.u. sj(
The eiglit hundred ambitious
young men at College Station did
! not have their heads t ;;vm-d ,y
1 1
of the plains
town of I.:.!-
t ,o ra-sriir throuuh t, the oresi-
derit. anil have returtied to their
labors of ieaiviii .r how to take
the lead ill Tea deeiop;-e!:t ill
I'i t.ii'i v ears. Leuume!!! Kuter-
A Wonderful Machine
( hie of tiie most coriiplica'i d
and at the same t ime perfe t
n.achines in opi ration today i
orobahlv the Iiiu lev Track I.;.'
land the world when old methods
of agriculture must be discarded
if we would keep up with the
procession. Land is becoming
too valuable to treat it in the old
wasteful way. The profession of
the farmer has become a real
scientific profession, and I am
glad to note that Mississippi is at
the head of the column in having
Dam paddy buggies
f- KrW"4N 7i.T"T !. lrrM mm Mb er M ml
If ynmr nlr not kaIU lh.
wrll ! olll rlr fmm I mmr
tml i'r tt irlM lhl ly
gM4lbl filraao. Var llklrlMtM batrhtnl
tip by r janrtr f erutwry ml Biirrr-
PARRY MFG. CO., Indianapolis, Ind jrr.l llntlT Km torjr III llm W nrl
In Lubbock. Nov. I8th Rnd 19th
I treat all diseases of the eye, ear, nose and
throat, also hae glasses and nay sped"' atten
tin to ntting them. Consultation nnd examina
tion free.
Weeitherford, Texas
W. Altlzer
iHthc Houst mover
He is prepnrtd to do the work on short notice.
He motes an thing from n chicken coop up.
Offico wltli
Spencer-Allison Land Co.
Lubbock, Texas
one of the be
dilutions in th
The value of
.unt rv is of ;
ac!I as in Mi.-.-1'iofe
i'ai'n.. -s.
m a
Ibn. Williams .lenniegs Li
is now fighting those w ho stu r.g
him. uldle in Texas a lew
weeks ago. He is doing it with
his long range gun. the Com
moner. Liliie Lryan jumped all
over some of the poor news
papers in Texas and he is get
ting what is coming to him now.
Everything points to a bumper
crop for the new year which, by-the-way
is not long off, through
out the entire state, and no
doubt there will indeed be some
thing doing in grand old Texas
in the year l'do. There will al
least be a line crop of candidates,
and the-e will be a great div rsi
fication of these.
Lubbock is now away ahead of
a great many towns that are
V. I i
he pa.-i ng Hi)'' u;
I is a matter of
moment and :v
!i o a
ii.ti ret
mints to
little, while lexas deeopmi-nt
is of prime importance and will
stay with us forever. Those
eight hundred young men at Col
lege Station wili be promoters
and builders in the various indus
tries and will be important helps
in pushing Texas to the front as
a leading state of this great coun
try of ours. Let us hope that
our next Covernor will regard it
as a duty ho owes to his people
to See to it that none of the young
men at College Station shall live
in tents while pursuing their
studies as many of them are now
doing. Fort Worth Telegram.
n ir .Machine. It distributes l'
ties ahead of the rails ai: I I i a id f;
ow n powt-r moves itself am! .i ner.
I :,: -' riii';' of ca''s I :i ie. I
rails and t ,e for dm' rim.- .
Ti.efe is one of the'U i'l oji, ;.
tiou on the Colemaii-Texic .' -oil'
helow town at tiie pre-. t
time. Mr. Hurley, the in . . -.r
is with the machine and ir.-': a t
ing the crew in its operation. Ib
is a man of about sixty w ars of
ago and it is said he was tuen-
ty-sew n years perfectn .g this hi: I tiu'.v t w !
invention. It is claimed that . Mrtl: I .
th. m-whir... will hiv ..!. ;t f,.nr ries nil kinds
iie tntiv itiuv ii mi u'' ' v. !'
miles of track per dav and it on
ly requires a small crew of men
to operate it. The rails are i; n M.-Wf.orter.
U agricultural in-
coi.ntn ."
the farmer to tins
reat m-.mef,t, a-
i.-si'.pi. e ! eed
! a ' . 1 1. at
! Announce m ent
1 1 a i ri hou-.'ht tin- IMiclo business ol U. I . It.
C"ri4. I nm n' prt-p.-ired ' Jo yur photo work.
ISahic picture ami Kodak lriiiibin;:
f the llibsst (iraile
, r.
i. Rlnillips
i ', I ulhi k, loll'
I l.e
i a I ' c
ii ;i iij t ! i I ' .-
lit 1 1 ! ia-'.. i in 1 i i -
'l I l is i ; cm a . 1 1 , i : , ,i
WllliU lot (hi ll,n
rauie Ml.-i ! iiel I home
I lie I. iisti'ir. I s
k'llef Mini lllaiost (,H
Ins iff showed liim
" .
.ew t!.
. I 1 :i
f r (i i , t ;
i lit
.1 1
; i re
r i "i
u i 1 Ii
oll(.V. Ills joy n ui,l"Hldi'.
hc n new iioini'.
.1 W'imm). li enr
II . iin . I, ii t.lnx k
tnte I'.Hiik I'miMmg I'tioa- -"'.
17 Jt
several years her si nior,
is no sign however that her peo
ple are entitled to sit down, so
that others may catc h up with
us. We must ever keep pressing
forward. We must make Lub
bock a city in size as well as in
who has
strung along on earn sufe .,.n a,A;iy s,.Vl.r., t.
of a string of cars and are fast- jiur , ,(.' s,j,, ,,.,,, ,,f so.,u. ,.at.
ened toKr,.,h,.r. The ties a'e pil- tl(. i t( (, K:iro;is rjl ,,i;trk(.?
ed between the rails on tl cars r,.t;ir,,,, t. ,i;t,.r ,,.., ,,f .t
ar.d as the engine of the -rack u (.,.'K ar;, u it h him was his son.
laser feeds the rails it also feeds w. L;is ,.,. in tf;,. s;iMt;in itn
the ties, which are piled .m the in th.lt (.if,. f() .
,.L.T(,rl.(1 ,irvv W,,!V rails and carried to a c.i;..yor. . havjn.r L.t., afl 0,rt.ratifl ,M.rf),nu.
SKKk IILNL AfiAIN u hich seperates them fro: . the ,.,, him The little fellow is
The Lost City Lost arrived at rails. The rails pass through t.ntinly well, now, which uh! la
this office Saturday night. Itis the engine n.m wlnle the ties Ra,i r.-vs for the man v friends
a good looker, and Post City and K" overhead. One man -lands of tm, fari.ily at tlds place and
the people of Car.a county , in the frame work and lowers elsewhcre. Mr. McWhorter re
should Ik? real proud of tiie Post, the rails by means of a derrick. .Mir,g ,.(,n,jtjn, jn t. Kansas
It is under the management of to iracK. ns operation is pi act- City market c'.d. and he realized 1
- i
Ui-r TOM V
-Ii i t: 1 li -V
The best of Made lo Measure
Capt. W. .1. McDonald. State
Revenue agent, is making it
warm for the big circus in the
state of Texas. lb- claims that
Stockton Henry. He is an ex- icaily done hy one man.
perienced newspaper man and engines and I .oiler of this
the west is fortunate in having chine are of high hors.-.j
him join the throng of newspa- and taking into ennsid. r;
per Im.vs to proclaim to the world the immense amount of oa
tiie greatness of west Texas. nioves and the complexity
ine satisfactory prices for the cattle
ma that lie shipped, and sold on the
,wer market at that place.
Servise Riftht Home
u tr
tion " e are local representAllves 01 me American iaaies
Tailoring Co., Chic ago the ffvmons maker of man-
1113 lthi'Ii Ahstrnet Comtmny is p or ! uri. W f i hir Fisilon Pnrtfnlln. nnd aII their
He has the following to sav in 'mechanism, it night indeel l? r(.jv t ) mik nn aUtrsi t to tho mnle nf r loth. Plffv rnme tn nur lnr find see
they hae U-en dodging part of . inaugural address to his reckor .- i one of the present day title of your property better g-t ' wlmt thin servit e menns to you.
qv thnt die the State, aiid he l .. i. .... I u-ofi.iere lr Mnrlev vvi'l fl..t it dow flow nri'l HVOIil tho rusfi.
" lecioei-. ... w
is going to see that it is collected, i "s-, wishirik' l break the sell the right to manufaitire,
He has several suits filed against J time-worn custom of all other this machine, but has them made
one big o.ncern and he is follow-.newspaper men in launching himself, and leases them at so s I. I'a-ad-se. of Hereford ar-
f tic t :r hrst t-'t.'ion on i.e.- snore- . . .. , ,
h--s s a of journalist!!. I hereby h per da or mile of track rived this week and is installing
an. Uorh on the ( ut-o;i a printing plant in the humling
t from this point is j.rores-ing adjojrdr.g the opera Iimim'. Hej
' rapidly and if the capp-ck d'M-s informs us that hi- f';r-t issue
; cor.sume t.H. f::;.rh time it ui; w ill apjar about the lCt h of t f.is
.'. r :ot be lof.g i.ntd L.lboek will month. '
ing them on their
eaer. re.-t-
A fe'V thousand j
n-ia'. at ei1 t cen!?
Kross wtdght .Id
a neat sum of mot
is the price of jH.r m r
niarketu at this tm.e. j,
pnKcts for a de.l.r.e
ery favorable. lUiie
i ) I s o; r
per Im.i;
nrr in 'i''
,. ar.d tl
f jv
u rr
ri.-e and state to t h
e-.s ar.d (nartionng
( V : the wihd at lar;-e
i others adjacent that hep-
,. w itli a ilmtiof.ary nnd. - or,.
, a i ncii o , er tn ear ar 1 a'
t pe ac'ourt. 'i.er ?s t ee ..-, r'. .
'" ami ,roi'o- to punt. pi. !,';(,.
tie own. control and ers-e
r ot the J'ot 'if l'ot from on.
f. the very l-st of n . sd.il. l
' . . I r-..'. I ne. I tr ist I
. I , PI r ,, I I I .-!-' . '. ..... . a
corn an.la.la.ia t.ext ye.ir ar,u ,.lVaM. ;,.u uj r p.t rich,
you u ill l-e in the muh in tie . ri,.,.s.-,.1ry to y ir.to a
game 'l with the pro-p-' ,r,-,.r: -; ('. fail as to the many
, woi.derf.il tl r,gH I propose to
. t .rri up. neither do I tu it
l.eeesar;, to ..it b f tl,e future
.-.I...-. . I . - . 1 . . d . . I I 1 i , . r
uheatilll- o-.u. in 'hi. m-c , r , , ' ou! In'f ! h.M-
J'a.ir tl is lad.
Wc arc Im arnl for Ihr I.J I'rtct made to orJrr clothe, for
men, and in ionnr.tin with It all f arc still in the market for
"The French Dry Way"
C. A. Refine Company
'l.ro 2 "i 7. l.ohlxM It. ItiM
a! ti.
ion of the J'a.ir
S.-ura! th
I w,l
I a':, a
-2 J
"T 1 1 A T I-Tin-
olilfMt unci IU'hI CoinpunUH
Ifooiii fs l.ul)lcU ?-lnlc llmik UUiiz., I.ullxick.
I X.
M il li.H I ' ' " '
I I. ..... 1 I , I,....,
, A e!
, r.i I
f It I p 1
( 1!
.ii ; a;

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