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I) ft ffe, mm ti V KRIS KRINGLE IN COMMON CLAY MODEL JY C. A. BEATY. v. Aaww.- - - is (THE OLD LADY 5PEAK.3) By JaiDPa Wfiitcomb Rily Coiyi)ht by JimJWhitcomt Rilfy- Lnst ChrlHtmnii a yar agt, Snys I to Pwvtd, I nays I, "We're goln' t morning Bt-rvlcp, o Vou hltrh no rlsht awny; I'll try To t'll thp glrln Ji s' hRt to do Kit dinner. We'll be tie ti .)" I didn't wnlt to hrnr whnt he Would moro n like any back to ir.e, Hut han'd the utabln door and 6pw Hack to the rouee. Jca' plumb chilled through. Cold! Wooh! how cold It wat! Mj Oh! Kroat fly In', and the air, you know, 'Jet' iharp enounh," h'-tnl David awear, "To nliave a twin and cut hla hair!" And blow and blow! and anow ano ! W h e r 1 1 had drifted 'long the fen on And 'croat the road ion J Christmas Carmen John ercenkaf Ulhlttler $onnd oc.r all waters, rucD out Tront CIk chorus of cotces, (Ik clasping of hjnds; Sing hymns ttut were sung hy tin stars of tU morn, Sing songs or the angels when Jesus was tern! With glad Jubilations Brtng hope to m nations! Che fcrk night is ending and dawn has ftcgunt Rise, hepe or the ages, arise, like the sun, Jill speech now to music, ell hearts teat as one! Blow, bugles or battle, fix marches or peace; ast, west, north and south, let the long quarrel cease: Sing the song or great )oy that I!k angels bcgn. $mg er glory to (icd and or good win to mam h:rK, tolnlng In chorus Che heavens bend o'er us; Che drk night H ending and dawn has tenuis Rise, hope cr the ages, artst like the sun, Jill speech riow to music, all hearts beat as one! FIRST CHRISTMAS TREE 7' HIE conflict Chrlatianlty heathenlam duced no of with Jll'v"-, j , ' mrr of Tbor. "AS YE DID UNTO THEM" o he died, and they aald unto him: "It Is written hgainst you that you hded not tho Burrow and tb want o! them that wer, atrlcken In iioverty and autTered In iUneaa and want" And be aald: Tbat la unTalr, for all my life long I noted especially the aufleritig and want of the poor, and not a I'nrlatmaa ent by that I did not aay over and over tbat 1 waa aorry for them. No ono rae them mora aympathy than I no onu showed more coinmlaeratlon lor them. Why. lots of tlmea I thought of them on cold winter i.tahiM. and aaid to my frlcnda tbat It waa too bad they bad to endure pri- ilnM That la correct." they aald unto Km. "Hut It la written that you did I bla ai rvice. n;l inatirUllie )our aynipatliy you KMtiply ayinpalblaed In wurda, and word am uot eatm. nor are ther worn, nor ara they burned In atovea." So he waa abahed, aud atintd atleut (or a apace. .Then he aaid inei kly: "Aud I muitt not ronm In!" Aa to that, tiny ill 'I nut atiawer, W (hey ald as'Hn unto lum: "All lho (hat ynu vrnpttiU.'d lth am here, and now th y will aym tathU wtlh you." Mlbuf l NaablL Ha Hard Ward. Mia Wuu.l' r - ! aujN.dy iT l.a.l I'bi laliiiaa -C'"' In I urn r Mr Wuuler -tih, t lha aditof aut th-4 (-ri:frea4M baa Ua. drumuttn Incidents than thoae which have come down to ua, half hlHtory and hiilf-myth, out of the foresta and anowa of northern Kuropc, where the croaa confronted and prevail en ham Oft- en the crlHta came at OiristmiiB, whirh buppened to cor reaH)nd with the Yuletide featival, at the time of tiie winter sulatlce. Lonpff How has uaed one of theae atones in "King Olaf a Chrlatmaa." Another. In whirl) reul n-liKloua fer vor and moral herolam play a purt, la tho atory of the lirat Chrlatmua tree. There atutida at AHeiibergen. In northern Germany a atatue erected In 1811 In honor of Baint lloniface; and the phice of the atatue Ih aaid to be the altrf of the lirat Christian church In norta Germany. lloniface. who must not be confuaed with any of the nine popea who bore the name, waa a llrlton by birth, and hia name waa Wynfrlth. iJeclinlng high ecclealaatical honor, he chose to be a mltalonary to the rude trlbea or the German forests. Of theae tribea Tacltua tells uh; and we kiiow that they were implucable In war and bloody In their worship, but that among their virtuea was a marked purity of private life and love of borne. ' Kach year theso people sacrificed to their goda. One of their holieat shrlnea wae a great oak at Geiamar. There they gathered at midnight at the winter solxtlce. and offered a fair lud aa a sacrifice to call back the re treating sun. Tbua they were aaaembled at the Yuletide In the year 724. Aa the mid night approached, an old priest raised the hammer to alrlke down the cnna when lloniface Interposed a strong rm and an eager word. He told them of a child who waa born aeven bull dred years before, and how he allow ed to men that they neeil oner no more bloody sacrifices. He told them of the love of God and the beauty of The stern men beard and believed. I rged by tne neroic mis sionary, they hewed down the dark thunderoak. the scene of so many aacrifleiB. The legend says that when the tree fell. It left a young Br growing be tween the shattered branrhes, and un broken by their fall lumirare told them to lake that Iree to their ban nuetlng hall; to aerve Cod with Joy and ftastlig; and to take fur their Yule tree lliia one. with roots un stained with blood, and with ever green foliage for a symbol of Immor tality. If part of the stry Is myth. It U not II mwh, and It l surely a bautl'ul ay of eii'lululng one of the ninkt bemitirul uf t )n:UliS CUJlM. v"!h a Conipaiiuiu. mm places though, Jea" swi-p' clean to the gravel, so The goln' waa as bad fer alelghs As "t aa fer wagons and both ways, Twixt anowdrirta and the bare ground, I've Jpb' wnndered we got through alive; I hain't saw nothln', fore er sence, 'At bent It anywherea, 1 know Lat Chriatmaa was a year ago. And Imvid aald, as we set out. 'At ChriHtmae aervlres waa bout As cold and wuthleaa kind o' love To offer up aa he know of; And aa fer him, he railly thought 'At the Good Itein' up above Would think more of us as he ought A-Ktayiug' home on airh a dny. And thankln' of him thatawayl And Jawed on, in an undertone, 'flout leavln' l.iile and Jane alone There on the place, and me not there To ovemee 'em and p'pare The atuffln' fer the turkey and The sans and all, you understand. I've alius managed David by Jea' savin' nothing. That was why He'a chaaed Llde's beau a w a y cause Llde Bbe'd alius take up Kerry's side When Duvld tack led blin; and ao. Last Christmas was a year ago. Er ruther, 'bout a week afore, Duvld and I'erry'd quurr'l d about Some tom fool argyment, you know. And pup told him to "Jea' git out iv there and not to come no more. And, when be went out, to shet the door." And aa he passed the winder, we white aa white cvuld be v nut onhitcb bla boaa, and light v.r and loDe out o' sight. Then Llde she come to me aud cried? a nd I aald nothln was no neea And ylt, you know, that man Jes' got HlKht out o" there's ef be d be n shot. '.....n.,' ha mint ao and feed n-k. .&.ok .r aomDin'. Then I tried To git the pore gal pacified. Ituf rittln' back to where waa we? (ih vea! whore David lectered me Ail way 10 mm In', high and low. Last Chrlatmas was a year ago: Fer all the awful cold there waa A fair attendance mostly, tbougb The crowd waa 'round the stoves, you see Thaw in' tbelr heels and BLTOURln' us. K.f t 'ailn't bn'n fer the old squire Glvtii' his seat to ua, aa In We stomped, a fairly perinlUn', And David could 'a' got no Dre, He'd JeV 'a' U round ihera la bis track: And aiu!re, aa I waa trytn' to ylt Make roi fer him, aays, "No; lbs fMC'S la, I ot le !t us auil ill . 'lthout no preachln'. Jea' l word Trial fer life can't be deferred!" And out he put! All way through The sermont and a long one, too I couldn't help but think o' BTUlre And lis changed 'roind so, and ad nil re Ills gentle ways, to give his warm flench up, nnd have to face the storm. And when I no ticed David, he Waa needin" Jnb- bin' 1 thoupht best To kind o' fort o' let him rest: 'I'enred lili he eli p' ao peacefully! Ajid when I thought o' home, and how And what the gyrla was doin' now, And kind o" prayed, 'way In my breast. And breaded awny a tear er two As Dnvld waked, and church was through. Hy time we d "how dyed" round and shuck llumla with the neighbors, nmat 'a' tti.-k A half hour longer: ever' one A-sayln' "Chrlatmas gift!" afore David it me ao we got none! Hut Dnvld warmed up, more and more, And got so J'ikey like, aud had Ilia sperlts up. and '(cured fo gled. whispered to him, " 'Hpese you ant A pnnee of 'em come and cat Their dinners with us. (iyrlss got A full nnd plenty fer th lot And all their kin!" Ho Dnvld passed The ltivlt round snd ever' seat In ever' wagon bed and li lh Was Je' picked, as we rode away, The young folks, mild er ao along, A utrlkln' up a alelghln'-song, Tel David laughed and yelled, you know. And jea' whlrped up and sent the snow And gravel flvlti' thick and fast 1-uHt ChrtRtmaa was a year ago. W'y, that-air seven mild Jant we come Jes' seven mild scant from church to home- It didn't 'pear, that day, to be Much furder railly 'n' 'bout three! Hut I was purty squenniif-h by The time home hove In sight ami I See two vehlckles Btandin' ttn-e All to myse'f. And presently David he sobered, and say a he, "Hain't that air 8iulre Hunch s old Ituggy," says be, "and cla) bank mare?" Says I, "Lea git out the cold Vour computy'a nigh 'bout froie! He says. "Whose alelgh there?" ?aya I. "Ifa no odds whose you Jes" Drive to the bouse and let ua out, 'Cause we "re Jea' freezin', nigh about!" Well, David awung up to the door. And out we piled And first I heerd Jane's voice, then Lldo'a I thought afore I reached that gyrl I'd Jes' die shore; And when 1 reached her. wouldat koered Much If I bad, I was so (lad, A-klsrln' her through my green Tell. Ai.d jes' excttin' ber so bad. 'At she broke down herself and Jane She cried and we all bugged again. And David? David jea' turned pale Looked at the gyrla, and then at me, -Mm tbutalr. a-Btandln' 5k V W i i Then at the open door and then Is old 8 q u i r Ha rich there?" saya be. The old Squire suddenly stood Id The doorway, with a sneakiu' grin. "Is Kerry Audera In there too?" Says David, II m- . borlu' all through, As Llde and me both grabbed him. and Kerry ati-Dpcd out and waved his band And says, "Yes. Kap." And David )ea Siooui'd and klaaed Llde. and says, "I guess Yer mother's much to blame aa you. Kf she kin reek him, I kin tool" The dluuer we bad then baln't no lilt better n the one today 'At well have fer rin. Hear soiae Sleliih A Jlnglln' now. David, fer me, I wirti you'd Ji s' go out and see I f they're lu slkht ylt. It J'' does Me good to think, lu Utiles like Ibeee, 1 .1 J.i done ao Well. And David, lies More Irac'abler'a what be waa l..t Ibr'alluaS S a )rrar 'te.1' LVf v . . ? $ .V WHF.N Mistletoe blows. There's a hopo in my heart! For haply who Knows? I may catch her apart When Mistletoe blows. There's a hope In my heart! v. OF ALL IH BEST GAME The Kan You can talk about baae- ball. fonlball and basketball, but the ratatleloe game la the bet of alL Christmas Plum Pudding. The Chrlatmaa plum puJUIng la de scended from the plum porridge and la a time-honored dleh at every Chrlatmaa feast. To be properly made, each person In all the house hold must atir It before It la boiled and the mlatreee of the house must sdd the spices "with her own fair hand." and so she favor fortune for a year. If ana la an American ana mlies ber pudding In an ancient china bowl, stirring It with aa ancient a spoon, whose handle ta adorned with au old English crest, so much the bet ter, for In the new land she is help ing to keep alive the customs that made old England merrie. The pudding ahould be boiled In a well floured cloth "alt hours upon the day of mixing, six hours upon the day of eating, and the steam should not ceaae to arlae from the pot while the pudding I within it" Mistletoe and the Druid. The custom of decorating strategic point In the household with sprigs of mistletoe at Chrlatmaa date far back to the time of the Druid, who held the little plant in great veueration. At the approach of thru winter fesll val. I Iks i f It wre placed abote the doois of their bonnes to ser as talis mans and sign to the S)lvsi dllle thai alialter ud comfort awailvl thorn all bin. I'rrsenl day CuMnm relating la n.! tieiue rurrut th evolution, ot U- DcuUkal Ugsul ClrrlBlmafl (tlrrnnnlogii J06 Dri tlaotkmJ 20.000 507 -St. Atfrtf I 10,000 2mtof in krnl 7?0Of. A'.n .Wmc-. m ktU S00 CWweafia rfi"W F iww y I 'of Lm III. a Horn. I Oft! WtuhtHttltr AfJ-nf nnrmlrj 1 pimtmt of W"" tt lh- 1066lVJt om tht Convutrot cimmtj tit WnUmmtrt. Iff) Html II tHt'J M I 90 HkkarJ lb Ijnm Hrail fuj 1417 Sir A-An 0.rf iumtj LtilatJ ktrttc I42$Tn ml ( 0.mms a mtmrt ChrUtmm. I492Ctluml,t,t ttii0. 5dfWe Man. 1572CarArml Wtlm. hmJtrJ h Caiy'$ Inn mtlt, throw turn mtn fne pntan. 1620 Pile" kill Jing fin! km at Ftymmulh. 1642 Sir laat Ntwhm lorn. 1644 Ckriifmat krt oW ky tngluh Huntam. 1647Chnttinf nUnUam pnhMuJ y Parliament. 659 Control Com of Mommhumttt piormlitt crlmOmlimn on pon- mttuoffinm. 1720 William CoUlm, pott, torn, 1 77 i Too A m Norn Yon ooM ooxk tngtafJ. 1775 AmolJ onJ Slonltomonj at SMge of Quokot. 1776 lVoohintton mJ tho DoU- man s oltak T union. 1777 Woohir,iton't mrmo otatooj al it' ailog forgo. I78S Shan't lolollitn olmrtaJ In AumocAhmMs. Taylor JtfootoJ Stmt- nolo mat Big Wotor Lota In tUnaa. 1843 Col. Doninhom mnj Amarkan KWauriMis JtfoatoJ Hon- tarn mnjot la, W 4 Loon at BtaMiro. ItilUtmrg of CsagraM In mint from Jim. IS60CoUol Chrutmao In EngtonJ. 1664 Union fltot onJ army ollnxJfJ tort Honor, oul wlMiM, 1866 Yachl HenrtoUm onJtJ octam rm.0 from At Yon m Cmms, 1868 ProoiJtnl Johmon koaaJpraJ mtaiion of gtmtal and am tonititionol omrwitq. l87lPorl$ In JUtroot Corman mrmg mmmnJttaJ city Just What He Meant. "Your toy are very bruy, but 11 price are loo high," objected the eu tomer. ' Wtiy. look at that drum fur l You eau't beat It al the price." pi tested thl dealer. 'I believe that la what I luHinati In Usf runaa," aaid lb cwsiumur. 1 fl