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The Lubbock avalanche. (Lubbock, Tex.) 1909-1922, February 03, 1922, SECOND SECTION, Image 11

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86088055/1922-02-03/ed-1/seq-11/

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-rut- i unni AAI ANJrilF FRIDAY FFnRlJARY V 022
I I ir. I aii- rv - z.
llllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllilH ii
Lubbock County Singing Convention
Has Record Breaking Attendance at
Carlisle Fifth Sunday Convention
Hail! Hxil! The fwinur'ii All Hire
Where? When? At. the i.f.rf?MUl
phire ami limn. "WhM's the iilen?
did mi any. Why don't you know?
Ltibfioek County Singing ' ''inven
tion in In nmtinn hire to'liiy, anl
believe mn, thin In some biinih, I
may be no Jmlge, fut I have at
tended bcvithI hintrinif convention,
in Lubbock, Halo fttoi other coun
ties, nl t.uke it from mi', this Ik I'V
far th largest crowd of singer ami
liKtener I have seen on the I'lnin.
I confidently believe this ts the
rrcatnut iraihcriiiir of H kind ever
belli above the np K" k in Tcus,
Orove' Tasteless chill Tonic restnra
tnatl and Vitality by Purifying and
fnrlrhlniJ the Hlimd. Winn you feel It
iretmthenln. Invig'ifatliiil effect, sea how
It brliKtu rolof to lha cheeks and how
It Improve tlifl ai'iH-tlte, you will then
appreciate, in true Ionic vnhie.
irnv'i Tastelrst rlilll Toilr l simply
Iron and Quinine u-''ded in ayrup. S"
pleasant even rhlldren like it. The ll'1
needs Qt'lMNP: id Purify It and IKuN to
Fnrk'h it Iiestwys Muliiriiil iiemn and
irftptferm by Us Strengthens,. Invito
atin( Effect ftik-.
Ilum.h for Lubbock fo-inty! Wiitrh
us trr"w'- I" t"'"'' ''" riavrt the
larifeit organization, known n the
County Sintr'Ttt' I 'nnvenlion In Tex
as. The ...il of l,iililoik Coun
ty' "do" things,.- -they don't Junt
"dream" them.
We have a rrfcirter In the hull and
I have hern jrather.nir the filled
pniren with a view of determining
the riimiher present, llnvinir sonic
r.oo visitor enrolled, I estimate
there' between HMO nnd 1,01111 peo
ple present. It was our intention
to have printed the roll, hut there's
too many. Suffice I" ay: llere'n
It. 1-, Powell and his ela-'i nnd sup
porters from County Line School.
Here's Idalou agirrciration with Mr,
Holt, president.
"The Huh if the I'lnins," cla,
with T. Q. I'y". mgr., president
of the County Convention; Monroe
Class, winner of the pennimt for the
lnt two convention, with the young
man lender, a commit smifinir won
der, Floyd Mntheny; l W. (ii!l with
hit hunch from Woodrow; Alhert
flrove nnd hi class from (iroves.
ville; Kd Scott with a choir from
Hardy, and hint lh Carlisle class.
The convention I over. We hope
everyone enjoyed himself. Sorry our
neat 'rif and s'amlinir rapacity was "o
Kinall when compared to the great
numhef prenent. Wo tru-t, and do
....tlx l ,11. .in ll.i.rn UI4D mif ficient
dinner for all. Thank to the pa
tron of thi s hool who no freely
gave fund toward the ciiue, ami
especially to the Indie mid mother'
for the willingness ,iinl caifeniiHt
with which they did the real work.
Afternoon, the content of the
classes begun. Prof. Tcug'ie, Hock
ley Co., W. C. liylander, l.nMmik,
(fiirifot hi nn fiu' ; ,' Slaton, were ap
pointed iiH jiidi'ei, Malou ilen rvuiif
ly won firt place, it neemt Lub
lin k, m ml, arlile third.
We hlld hIh'i the l.lllihnek County
fllinoil nuile itiurtetle: ly, Wen
dell, WiNoii and llollard who ifave
two Hpecllilx.
The .Sacred Heart 'I'larleMe led
hy A. Judd was n much appreciated
numl'cr, nnd niary other np-i mil to
numerou to print.
At the clone, the Hinder were
irracioimly extended two -irn ero In
vitation for the fifth Sunday In
April, convention to he held in cer
tain place, Slaton nnd Idalou. Af
ter Prof. Hcelie of Idlilotl, utfetcd
we accept Slaton' Invitation, the
deletrate voted Inrifely in favor of
Slaton. We feel nure either place
woul'l have treated u royally, and
will when the time rome.
The (food nnd nllwice Creator wn
kind to u today. The weather wa
jimt heaiitiful after the morninir
iiluter nnd the un.hine at noon
made u feel like fprinjf wa at
hand. No untoward feelinir of any
nnture were in evidence anywhere.
No accident whatever. All the
Ford cranked without jakit.tf a
Come to Crlile nifuin. We nre
jrlnd to have yoi and you're welcome-
Delinquent for Tmw for 1920 Only
Allen, Jno. W., Pernal, I2.0r.
Awbrey. W. J. (Crowell, Tea)
Aht. No. 37!, Sur. No. 7, K. I
R. R., SE l-, HO acre $2.1 25.
Rarker, A. R, peronl, ft. if.
Huron. C. W , peronal, $ !.).
Campbell, R. ('., permnl, $I.IV
rvm, J. M , peronl, $2.20.
Deavour. H. R , peronnl, $2.25.
fmwdlo, J R , pernnl, $2 S5.
Fowler, II. M , neronl. $1
Gather, J. C (Ahemathy, Tex ),
peronl, f 1 f.'i.
fjoodmrht. R. F., perwnnl, $1.40
flrern, .1. A., peronal, $'l.fiS.
(ireen. Jno , peronal, $2
Jnckon, .1 S , pertonnl. $2.rf.
Kimhrell, W. A., personal, $2.25.
Richard, C, M, peronal, f 1. 1 V
Hrmin. .1. R, Ah-t No. 27;
Sur. No I. T. T. Ry. 121 1-2 acre,
ahirt. No. lO'J'.i, nurvry No. 4, M.
S. Acuff. I H acre. $20 7T..
Sleifemoller, M. I,., per"nal,
4, M. ft. Acuff. 21 2 acre, $1.1.'.
I r known, Ah-t, No. H'. Sur. No.
51, K. I.. A It. K. Ky , l l 'l acre,
$1 10.
Tarver. F. W .
Vance. H V..
Weaver, Rual
Sur S. T. T.
aer, $2lo.
Weatherall. A ,
No. 21, K. I.. 4 R.
$21 21.
I'nknown, Aht.
pernnnl, $2 70.
pernnnl, $2.20.
Ah No. 27,
Ry , NK 1 I. 1I
Ah-t No. ?1. Sur
R. Ry , Io0 a'-re.
of l.uhhork, Canyon Independent
School Iitrict: I, J H. Mohley.
Tat Collector of wild county do
hereby certify that' the within Und.
nc-d on the tax roll of naid di
trict for the year l'.i'.'O are delin
(luefit for tnxe for l:c'0.
.1. It. MOHl.F.V.
I "anyon Ind. School h"t. Collector.
.v.,rri to nod K'ihcr;bed before
me, thi I Oth day of .Inn , l'.'2J.
.Seal H. F. STt'HHS,
County Clerk, I.ubboik County, Tex.
Vn H'M Sue i
It M. Farly, rt acre. $21 2.'.
t'nVnown, Abt No. fll'l, Sur
Acuff. r 1 acre. H mi.
Aht. No. Ill, Sur.
.. A R. K , 1.1 t, acr,
No. I. M S
No. 41. K. I
$.1 to
I'nknown, Abut." No.
No. 41. M. S. Acuff,
$2.1. IV
Unknown, Abt. No.
No 2, C,. P. Smith, 14
Unknown, Aht. No
0, Sur.
1 7 I acr-.
1011, Sur
acr, $.f.!0.
lir.'!), Sur.
Certified of Trole of Canyon
Independent School District.
The State of T'-xa. County nf
I.ubbork We cerlify that we have
exnmined the within report of land
,,..,.,! on the tax roll of ald dis
trict f .r the yenr l'.t'.'O, which are
delinipiert for tnxe for the year
I'.t'jo, nnd find the nme correct,
and it i ordered that the Mini' hall
he publi-hed in the l.ohhock Avalan
che a the law direct.
Approved 'hi the I t h day of
J inuury, I '.22 by order of the hoard
of tni'otee of tha Can von Inde.
pendent School pilrlrt, of l.ubnork
County, Texa.
W. It Trotter, President.
W. F. Pruitt, Secretary.
Pat Nix.
.1. .1 Sharp.
Side. '
School Trustee.
A. K.
.) H
w. ,;.
Dear Reader:-
It looka like lh long delayed buildinit bom wi get
ting atarted.
Peopln who have been putting off building a long time
waiting for condition and building coata lu aettle down nre
now going ahend with their plan.
Everything indicate that there will be an increasing de
mand from now on for building material.
We believe that you can build now to better advantage
thun later when the building boom geta under full headway
when labor becomea scarce, and price of material may
If you are at all interested in building, take the matter up
with un at once ai thia time, let ua help you with the plana
and tell you about the cost. We have many plant of charm
ing and distinctive home that we will be glad to show you,
and we are prepared to render you very practical assistance
and help you build in a aatiafactory way at the least expense.
It cost nothing, or incur no obligation lo talk the mat
ter over with u. and we extend you a cordial invitation to do
The Long-Bell Lumber Co.
of Texa
Quality our Watchword Service our Creed.
Lubbock, Tejta Soutb 2ad St PWom3II
Do the ritfht thinif at the riifht
Ai t qui' l.ly in time of dunpvr. ,
In time of kidney danger, lonn'
Kidney Pill are mnt effective. I
Plm'y nf evidence of their worth!
in thi vi inity. I
W. T. Hob ombe, Bitf Sprinjr. St., I
Midland, Tern., ay: "I wn trou
bled by my kidney. They were weak
nnd I had a steady, dull ache through!
the xninll of my bn-k. The kidney
serretiori were hii'hly colored and
pnKfd too frequently, obliging me to
get up several time at nitfht. I had
read a lot about Ponn's Kidney Pill
o I irot a hot. They cured me and
I haven't been bothered since."
Price 00c, nf all dealer Don't
"Imply nk for a kidney rett edy get
Ionn; Kidney Pi!l,-'he nme that
Mr Hob-r.mbe bad. Foer-Milburn
Co . M'tf" , Huffalo, N. V. 11-4
,A specinl buine neeti'ir of the
Fpworth I eiii'ue i lulled by the
president. K. K. Haley, at hi home
nt the corner of (I avenue nnd Kith
ctree'., tonight at 7
All young pci'iimn interested in
lb" league nre invited. Future
plan for the work will he made,
and what part the I,ul.ho k league
will take in other th-in loo. J field
will No he di ed
To the young peron who ha
nothing of i!terrt to do on Sutulnv
evening' one hour before chur h
xervi the l.e.igue offer "Jileiiil I
oot.ortufilti' to work, which hoi 4
be accepted No pcon can be mi
well educated but that prni ti. il
work i neeewiry to the dcveli
ifet't of their power n T
workers' for good, and that is the
very thing ihe Lubbock Fpwor'h
League want to do make lug
church worker of the young peo
ple, the greatest eence of which i
prai'ieal experience.
If you nre waiting your time 'lur
ing thi hour it i not because there
is m illing to do to utilise that time,
for the Fpworth League ha need
of and a place for nil the surplus
energy of every voting perm in
town. If it i iinioible for you
to attend thi meeting, come to the
chunh Sunday evening at li'l.'i nnd
get lined up in this work. Commit-
"If I knew about RAT-SNAP Ut
winter, would have saved $120. My
car wa In the garage for a few
week during bad weather; when 1
went to take it out, found that ruts
had eaten great holes in two new
tires. (!"t them Ister with RAT
SNAP." Three sixes 8.r,c, f.r.c. I1.2J.
Sold and guaranteed by City Drug
Store and Cule-Myruk Hdw. Co.
41 tf
I will maintain an office at the
points and on the dates named be
low for the purpose of nsaiKting In
dividual taxpayers in the prepara
tion of their H'JI Income Tnx l
turns: Lubbock Feb. fi. 7, . and !.
Plainview Feb. 10, II. Ll, and 14
Lockney Feb. !.' nr.d 1".
Flnvdadft Feb. 17 and !H.
Kails Feb. 'Jl and 21.
Crosbyton Feb. i!2, 23 and 24.
Umesa Feb. 23, 27 and 2.
TahoKu March 1 and 2.
Slaton March 3, 4, and 0.
Post March 7. it, and 9.
Ilrownfield March 10 and 11
Lubbock March 13, 14 and 15.
You are requested to give this
information as much publicity as
possdde, in order that persons re
siding in your vicinity who need in
formation about th Income Tax
laws and . regulations, may be in
formed as to these dates.
Geo. C Drenieale.
Deputy Collector.
ConstrueCon work on th n
40-room Hotel heing built by the
Fort Worth and Denver City Rail
road in Texlin began thia morning,
the work I to be carried to com
pletion at soon aa practicible. The
contractor are using local men on
the building a far at possible.
Com to Lubbock.
A Clean, Clear Statement
r j. As Will Be Gladly Proven
01 FaCl Upon Request
The Panhandle Ciar Company is a going concern.
Already it owns property valued into thousands of dol
lars. It is because that demands arc made in such pro
portions upon such a concern operating in the fastest
developing territory in the United States, that to ex
pand its facilities for meeting the demand, you are of
fered the golden opportunity of helping finance the ex
pansion by purchasing stock.
The Panhandle Cigar Company already supplies
millions of cigars annually to the trade of the South
west. It owns outright the popular Hamilton Fish and
Shaw's Hand Made brands. Salesmen throughout
Texas are today selling these brands in growing quanti
ties; and on each and every cigar bearing these brands
the Panhandle Cigar Company shares a neat percen
tage of profit. On candies and other articles which
are handled through the Panhandle Cigar Company's
house in Lubbock, a percentage of profit is realized. In
less than two years this company has been called upon
to serve a territory so large and in quantities so great
that the amount of capital required to efficiently han
dle the business necessitates the raising of our capital
One grocer who has had occasion to witness the
growth of this company and who realizes the vast op
portunity for immediate expansion bought $2,000
worth of the Panhandle Cigar Company's stock this
week. Another man was quick to see the prospects for
a future growth unparrelled by any jobbing concern in
West Texas and wasn't long in deciding that $1,000
worth of this stock would be his.
Because this is a clean cut proposition and an effort
to establish a big business on a solid and substantial
basis, we invite investigation. You will find this to be
free from 'watered stock.' Men only in the regular em
ploy of the Company sell or solicit stock sale for us
and are not selling on percentage or promotion basis.
Under the management of men who have already prov
en their ability to successfully conduct the business and
make it a big paying business, the Panhandle Cigar
Company continues to function, handicapped only by
limited expansion funds, which at the present rate will
be secured within a few days.
We say this because we want you to realize that
htock is being purchased rapidly; because we don't ex
pect to continue our advertising expense to a long,
drawn-out campaign and because we believe that in a
few days the entire amount of stock available will have
been subscribed.
Proposed Capital Stock $100,000
Shares $1 each in lots of 50 and up.
Partial payment plan explained up
on request.
Panliaiadlle Cigar Compainiy
Wholesale Cigars and Grocers Sundries
Lubbock. Texas

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