OCR Interpretation

The Lubbock avalanche. (Lubbock, Tex.) 1909-1922, June 06, 1922, SECOND SECTION, Image 12

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86088055/1922-06-06/ed-1/seq-12/

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mr. i t nncxK avalav nr. urmw. junk f. 1 022
Let's Go After
That Fund to
Build An Armory
After looking about the town and
neeing the humming activities, then
to figure out how long it will take
us to got up that Armory fund at
h nreaont rate of apeed. would
make one thing this place is too
active in one place and too oor
mailt In another.
Here ia the list of contributor
tp date:
Col. Clark M. Mullican $10
J. A. Medlock l"
E. L. Klett 110
Avalanche Pub. Co 110
Sam C. Arnett $10
C. E. Maedgen
John P. Lewis $10
l.tihhnrk Orain & Coal Co $10
Lubbock Produce Co :..$T0l
W. K. ntcictnaon
W. E. Cravena $10
Rit Furniture Company $10
Chris Harwell $10
T. B. Duggan $10
Barrier Bros $10
W. M. Mullican $10
E. R. Vaughn $10
I.ubhock State Bank $25
Will McKinley -$10
Moore Bros. $10
K. M. Jone, t5
Lubbock Monument Co... ..$ 5
Higginbotham-Bnrtlett Lbr.$10
Mrs. (Joo. Arnett $10
Raising this money at this rate
reminds us of a Joke someone told
on a waiter In a busy town. After
the customer hBd waited forty min
utes for a glass of ice water with
which to drench down the dinner
h had just enten, noticing the slow
movements of the waiter, called
out: "Hey, sonny, why don't you
fro down to the beach and see the
turtles whiz by."
The speed we are making on this
li.it i not in keeping with Luh
bock's way of doing thing!1. Let's
g- I
' hi v. iit'1 i.- the ow ;'r of a
vciy altrac'iw young pr-iiii- dog,
vhiih wa.-- rnpMirc.1 let we'k when
tne yminir ."ivr.iil became excited lit
i.c 'ipprnr.'-!- of the mitoinobile in
vhiih we were riding, und ran
awa V from i'.s home, iiui!:'-) its r:ip
tl-re only a Hitter of ii little nm
r.if The doc ! m '".ne a pet n
fny ouM -Me, be I- piovi'lg
tory h.'.rd ' i t ne, uw.pg :o t h
'net th;.t it : ii li't't IV. n than
half grour,.
While we have cr-ateil no appe
tite for the dog m-at. we have
noticed the habit.- of tlli ene onoui'h
to lielieve they eat e .'cr t hlhg
squirrel doey, and had the origi
nator f their nilinci cll'Mened
them "Praine S'piirreU" oth"r than
"Prairie lfcip"" the demand I n their
meat for food wo.ild f ir exceed the
annual growth, and tiny world be
more mime than fov ."iinrn ly are
at this time.
l)oe the name make h diff -n n -e?
277.000 POUNDS OF
San Angelo, Tcxa
Two h'liutre'l und
thousand poumU of
month wo., I and 'l
shut, i-ight-niont 1.
si. Ill hen- early
Wool t; rower'
Muv T.
vevent y-si".'eli
long, t'-lve-lion
pound-; of
wool was
in the week by the
Central Storage I'om-
sevent v-yevi
n yheepmen
nar. v f
in Tom drieri, .Sutton, rcnleiciier.
Crocket:, Sterling. Peeos and Irion
Count us.
Iiei aijye bidders at the Mile,
first in Texas thiy wa.li, are
buying wool in thiy M'ltiop,
romnaiiv would not make publu
prices, but said they wen- much
higher than la.-t year It Is geneial
ly understood that prices were dou
ble or more than last year's aver
ages of I He to Uiie a pound for
long wool and J. n pound for the
shoit fleccey.
John T. Johnson of the Western
Windmill Company, ha returned
from a trip to the Fairbanks-Morse
plant at lieloit, Wisconsin, lie re
ports conditions rapidly improving
generaliv throughout the portion of
the Noitli that he visited and espec
ially at the big engine works. The
plant was neatly fhut down during
the winter but H now employing
2, .100 men. The Cray iron foundry,
said to he one of the largest in the
world, is now operating at one-third
of its capacity and th? officials of
the company are optimistic of im
proving conditions, both locally and
in export trade. In the corn-belt of
Illinois, the corn was barely showing,
while in Kansas it was up several
inches, rain and cold weather holding
it back, Mr. Johniion aaid. .Sweet
water lieporter. .
R. Y, Baylus (better known n
Mo ho), accompanied by his famUy
left Us Satur'l.iy for Los Angele,
where Alicho will rcprt.ci't the I.'j' -bmk
Itulary iloh at the Internation
al Kotuiy meeting h. Id in that city
from Julie eth ti t'th pitljitive.
Mr. Uaylus Is a live wne, and
we aie sure ti e torn i nt lotii rs will
be amc of tr- pre. en i' the
Llil '"' kite
Wh.le th.tc l.e will vi.it with h!i
mother and ' sifter
junf iir to sLPr. 3orn
San' Ir, I. k l-lmi. mo I r.it
Worth A I r m.!ii-4! 'H h...
M Joll't imfi-'y flll 1 neipu.fc-M t'l
Afiril ft. .11 J.ie I to Sit.inUr
:ii iio l-MV., n ui -t-cr t s.
I'ailoU I.-. l Skill f 1 1- ' Le
hic l.iri'ie-l p.riiii t:i be il-
!i. in dim 1 1 i , wuhin a h
Inl lit
wiihin a
, , .l I., i.-
We have just closed one of our most successful sales. The bankrupt stock has
been satisfactorily cleaned out. And while we are taking this means of telling
the people of the South Plains how thankful we are for their liberal patronage
during our extra effort, we also want to tell you about one of the big things this
bankrupt sale learned us and the result it will have on our sales policy hereafter.
We have -been thoroughly convinced that
enough volume of business can be secured
by keeping the prices down as low as pos
sible to really create a sensation in the mer
cantile business in Lubbock. We learned
that people know values. As a result we
are now publishing our pledge to the peo
ple of the South Plains.
And our prices will be strictly in accord
with this idea. We promise to you that
with one of the larger, newest and most
complete stocks of Dry Goods ever as
sembled in West Texas to select from, you
can come here, compare our price and be
satisfied that The Leader is the cheapest
place to buy good, high quality, standard
merchandise at all times.
New goods will be sold to you at aston
ishingly low margins of profit. Our vari
ous departments are being filled as fast as
shipments can be made. Come to the Lead
er and let us show you that the Big Bank
rupt Sale taught us something that will
bring about one of the biggest changes in
merchandising ever made in West Texas.
In Price, In Quality, In Completeness
Lubbock of Course
. -t
; s
r t
z i
m .iifit
that there weie 1907 ftal railroad
a. .nil nt in 'J"1 and l".l inj ired
i 'i accident The pouter that will
be phi ed In re are in three cubit
and uie Ii h) feet Amarilln
I !,.ri,. i. T, M-y '." All hu
' and rm.iiiu bi.u-e her ara
1, .n-i-1 t inli . Ill' i n I u
il i. . i .tin , acouU and t.tukri dur
ing tbo U-4 week is tha taigmt tine
the dt's nvry of od waa. of man
The I'et rolcillil Operator' Ansvcia
tion and Sputilding a Zi!pa Mmrin
So. I i dulling at 2,ai: feet. Th
can rock i aipeitvd to be fnuiiil In
lesa than fifty fret inula of ill ill, p
The well i about olir Hula rl of
the M.iiriMiit No 2. i Ii ii ti lot Icon
i roilui ing ..ilia Kl ru.iiy I'lm
Imn 1'i-u ..luiun t uinpaiiy't Ktta
ll.rhha'iil No. I I aattil g II
in. h i .hV at f.'.U f. , t
Th I lol. land i I'l .dui inn and
Refining Cuipny'a T. t F. No. i
la aelting tvn Inch casing at bOt) fret.
! The Aikaiisa Natural ( Company
and Tma t umpaiijr. th tiul f and
jutber vt tl' major toiiipanu and
indeprtidelit ha asoul walibinf
'th dulling atUviti in Mitt hull
;( uuniy.
i No iKtl It I pr..pi.ej to appoint
'a govrl nioel-l vomoil ioii lu llivaa
t.al IK t'.al kliik. II thalur for
il . j .l ilo.ii aia bllrflil. -Mall
Mud Jovil Hall.
Ji n T looifia, fotnurly if lb
J'alihan.lln igar Coiiipany, Iml
' iiioiv ircmlly of lha AikaiiM t ig-
ar i ulnpaliv, ii f lllll liotk, At
I kmM, I l a. k al I ul bo. k atfaln,
l.ciiir "...Id ' on Ilia I'lain than
Hl I'tf-.la, ami lleilalv It
' lull nl. on. Ik Irinaili In lh upio-
i-.n II. al lltti i In pU. u al
; tia. liva a I ul i.... a
I II l l""
(Vnniaii Inauranc Agency doiug
general Inaotaiua oik, at whlift
Job are ur ha will "inak
good a It ha dona on all ov-
lanofi wnrr viieigy ami
mailer ai in demand
with lh Hi'iik A I
Ma Manila Vl.i"P, of lh
I ul lioi k Irli phoo k-tibaiigv, la
In a lui al aaiulal luin, ithi-ia hu
un-ii i rii an i-piialou liuiUay
if la . (let a-any InviiU
ai aniii.ii f t U. r !-. Ui ta
iiif lu b aiiiiuuii. U
if c
I i

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