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THE LUBBOCK AVALANCHE LUBBOCK, LUBBOCK COUNTY, TEXAS, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1922. PUBLISHED TWICE A WEK VOLUME XXIII. No. 71. THE FIFTH CIVIL APPEALS COURT VACATES FAIRFIELD INJUNCTION TUESDAY CHILD DIES OF BURNS SUSTAINED WHEN CLOTHING CAUGHT FIRE AT HOME-MOTHER BADLY BURNED On of the moKt horrible accidents know) to have happened in Lubbock Couny norured here Monday eve aing it seven o'clock, when Acton, the litle ton of Mr. nd Mri. J. E. Savagt was no badly burned that he died ( few hours later, and hi mothit and five year obi nroiner, (irady wire so badly burned that H will renuire month for the wound inflict) by the flnmei to heal. The Savage family came to l.uh book hree weeks ago from Long view. Kor the past week, Mr. Sav- ge, a mnn of about thirty years, has hcn employed at the hitrh school rmililtnir nw under construe, tion hre a a plumbers' helper, and in thai tun" proved so efficient and trustwtrthy a to commend the con fidence and friendship of his fel low wtrkeri. and though they were li'erallr in a land of stranger, Lub bock pr-ople realized the awf nines of th situation, and every com fort pluihle ha been offered the woundfil and bereaved parents. The ffimily has been living in the east pirt of Lubbock, and it was at the hovie that the aecident nccured Monday evening. Mr. Savage had kindled a fire in the h-snter and th r.kinsr it would burn went shout other work. Short ly aftuward the wife became im patient and attempted to rebuild the fire, rts'il'irg in her clothing and the rli. h'fig of the two ihibiren. who were (laying on the floor ne:ir the r-tove, ein rauirht on fire. Mr. Navsce wort ed ns fiW a it was hum-inly po-i'.!e in e .. rir tie Hiipm U m his i"th i g, wlo. in t iro bad torn the h irmrg gir-m-tt from oldest chsl.l. while ,Me Art-n r 'I'd br".'h a b-d ail h clothes aflame. II, s father re-osered I, m as n.m a it Was possible, and thouirh the flames Were smothered Oy wrapping the bhy in a tlanket. if was too late. Ml th d r at the ho-'p tul real ised that the little fellow's drko ws InovifMi 1e. The little l was pre-iareil for trial by the Simmons' Company, id a. four u'. he k yesterday ser )on funeral service were conduct ed at the undertaker's parlor, by K. C. E. I.ynn, Methodist preach es, and immediately follow ng in-in-ment waa made in the Lubbock rernetery. A lit'le corps charred beyond tn iifnitinn, a miher whose hand rtre bandaged, with her fare pit I ftfly marker! hy the hot flames, a i!e brother whose condition was lit: Ire le tnan critical, and a f;it her wkm heart was torn and si k at the irri of h suffering loved ones ta I condition thai is l.eyond cnmpie tension, and ail I.uhb... k is irnoved ir, it the results of tne most groe tne acr!ent recorded in the his liry of the town. U. S. Government Not Hear To Cancellation of Debts fSj United Press. Washington. D. C, Ont. 31. - It Ma learned at the White House mr ktg the day Tuesday, that American aj-ticipation in any world ecvnum.'C ronfrreme must he withheld, snoukl lu. h b contemplated. This is ea fe tally true if the subject of allied debts to the t'niled Str.fs la in any day slated lor consideration. Thia b the answer of thu Government (rowing out of the popular senti int in the country and upon U(f rentions of European olTlciala thut (Vineri. a asit in woikintf out Eur- (!' financial mjddle. It haa been Ufffttel by Euro pean powers that tne United Stales fhould enter into the scheme of Moratorium to incluilo lth feparstioiis and allied debts. To this bt (ftivernment anawt-ra that this tiori will peru.sw helpful and iosiderat poln y in rKard to debts (rwed ihia country, but any proposi tion looking toward the aioditication lr cn.ella.o of debts ia unten able,. I Washiiii(tn does not Uike to the pa of camelling out the debt that L.t .urn i-,iuiitrii's usii this nation. n I this sentiment aeem. to prs tail throughout the country. ix KAISER WILL HAVE NO HONEYMOON TRir If I' n tod Irraa. lamdon. tM. 31. -And the r.t- won't hav his wcdting trip r thu tame rea-ton that he w r bidden to alii nd tha KauHiiui nerul. The ban la on and rii the r.s kicr' to Kiiuoa of KtniM ia Just a f iw days 41 So lb. l rr II be no wedding tup i ;h I'luu' .s' Hoi iliinvY i' in k if ui.-ssiJ vk.ool tu kicp 'in both S, rml .r Wsliclt I tllkllid ib. ut a Liii aioiy l" "4 ait iin'i- ii. i( . o i ruin) i' in- aiy i,u" (ti li'iilf inisi . bli'g Vo bore Armistice Day Celebration Will Be Held On Sunday, Nov. 12th, in Order That the Stores Will Not Have to Close on Saturday Attention! The commit tee of Allen Brothers I'ost, Ameri can l.ecion, has decided that nwini? !. the fact that the eleventh of November this year is Saturdny, one of the buiet dnys for mrr-i-hant, tb-re w ll be no services oo that i.iv, but that at 2 p. m. on Smil.iv," November I.'. Armi'Mc day projrrnm will be had, to oh.erv Aimis'.ir-e Pay It is hoped that one of the lur-ire-t le!cr;it!oni to attend a nieet iMir of the American l.ririon will be Witnessed in I.ubboi-k that rluv. mid pi-cial stress is marie by thoe in . hurire thnt rerarriless of where an ,.x .ervue man's membr-chip in the l.eirinr is, he m welcome t'J parti'e in this pr'frnm. It is hoped that all h-womO n-n will cr me drr'"ed in tlir'ir uni forms, but "till t the same time no ore -(-mid stay awav from the mc'irr be nil"' of hav,Pif rf noi- f-.rm, ns t Id he far hefier fo- lt-i. n.-n sod for the s ice.--" of the icovram to have j . -t as many of : Te-i ore rent as .t is at nil priss.Ue, r. vr of dr. The im o tr-M Amii-i'r .lav -hte.ild not be d o'.in'erl ly a small n'tendatve on thl- "n,:s'"!l. and ;he patrioti- people of this -' tion are rrouir-si ol to oberve III every way possible date. The far t that the i,.ri ..T r-ia!s havinir th h important A niern an I etr charife of ar- rantrr m-ot s for hri ion r(e. olrol Ai nusto e day r ele to coiidui t servir'es the following dav, .should not be .r.oKerl upon with any critc!-m ahals-revr-r, as they emphasised that this is done because o' their de-ire t remain one hundred p r r ent for shat they believe to be the best for everyone, and anyone with any reason about them will admit thnt Resolution Endorsing Scarbrough Passed at Mass Meeting The rtlllr'.l Press: j Corsu-ana, Texas, Oct. II I - It.-1 marks whir h "rlrsparairi'" District ! I irtL'e Siarabornirgh, m.nir" ai the! Democratic rally m Dallas hist Sat-i unlay njghl, by Karle B. Mnyfielrl. ! leinor ratic candidate for United I States Senator, V. I. Mr U-an, May (ield's attorney, anil by Thomas U. Iove. Democratic national commit teeman, did not fall on deaf ears in Corsicana. A mas meeting rail- cd torlay by the Corsicani Har As-i sr.nntion, with a large cttenrtance, ! pasied resolutiona emiorsing Judge J Scarborough uml dissenting Ciu re-' ceat "disparaging remarka.' 3 KILLED, SEVERAL INJURED WHEN TRAINS CRASH Ttir- furled Pn-.r Houston. Texas. Oct. 31 Three were killed out right and several iniurcrl, one seriously, when tram number Nine, westbound of the I Southern Pacific r rushed into the rear of the sp, carrying Worth aui Shows, a few miles out from Adeline, according to reports received at the office of the Pre ident of the Southern Pacific lines here today. STUDENTS STRIKE IS SETTLED TUESDAY EVE J Ily United Prewc. Farmingriaiu, N. Y., Oct. 31. The strike of one hundred and ten ex irrldier stuilr'iits nf t State Agri cultural School, who marched out, at the same time demanding the resignation of director Albert A. Johnson, waa ended today when United States Yeterians Rureau ( threatened to drop from the rolls ; any and all strikers. The trouble ' arose over the recent dmniiifal of , Allen Knhcrta. Dean. SCHOONIR OUT 70 DAYS , CIVtN UP A3 LOST TODAY 11m ln. Mil I'm. Hi aliment, Truaa, th t. 81 Sihoolier lirtirve Katblrne, that bi In ch out of P"rt neatly Klrlily 's) i pis tr ally yivni u.i i le.t , by tbe nsliiirt tmlny 1'be bli m hull and icvncd bv Iteauu lit . renin. The lllt l tl'.l HUT two' iii.oiib tiii for a i" it iii H" I, and; i Hi IK b.n bivn li. .ill of it an., ll onliliardv lilin aboul I b 1 1 1 v , ,Uv. to ik t'or ll I', lu .b p i ai i iv I a i or me t. t! ip "4 " ' "x'.bo.f sj'i'it tbl .l.wl. (. the Jas. to rciuost I.uhbnck nice hunts to r lose on Saturday would place them in a position thnt would result in rmch loss of tune nnrl money to them, a well ns place them in an awkward attitude toward their cus tomer's interests, for it is known that -hould the Legion ask Lubbock merchants to ioln their doors on this day they would do so at what soever cost it m'ifht incur. This action, therefore, is purely pat ni'tic. The men who head the Allen Brothers I"rt . American Legion, are the type of men whose efforts are re-'ponible for the peine we enjoy today, and when they place their approval upon changing dates for i deb- ating AnniMi-e l'iy rr any other important memorial date, their I notion should meet with the anprov- al o( nil concerned. ! All per-tins tr-ng members of the' orgaivra'ions w II ple.e me-t mi the ( 'one: ho. is,, iawn at lin k sharp, Sunday afternoon, November I N'lti-.nal ("iuardsrii-ii !i. v Sunn., (,irl S. outs, mii.I all ev -uvi-e nii"i itii-'d'e"' iif mr mb-r- li'ii hi l.egloti. I.pi-s of match A II he formed, bonded hv 'e ex- vii' meo, w;tu il.e Wpone1 ' iu rrd' m-ri. ! y ""' H'"t S i'..l.-Ai;g ,n iiir- on'er nam ed, atirt will go to In' Community ur ! 1 1 1 r i i it' . it if tlie v.'. ;il r- i- ! . , i o the Haptrt i burch, w'ir-re tne frebiwing ;o-"ir "un will tie rcinl-r r- l : ( all to l Irder legion C-miirind- er M-.rne, Nationi.l r. .icm -I'.fiiiJ. lnvurat ion Legio.i Chaplin, Kev. W A Bowen. M isw: Selected Ban 1. Arldress Kev. v". N. N. Kr-rg1;-! r n. So'ig, A urlii'iire e by Irthn (rd iti --"My Country I'is of Thee.'' Benediction. Body of S. B. Pern' Found on Canyon Near Here Saturday Stanley 11. Perry, fifty-five years if ago, wn s found dead on the can yon below I.ubbot k Saturday, by irgriies.. . The body hart ovulcntiv boon 'here sr. me two days. A thorough investigation was made, with the opinion that the man hail committed Mil. hie disclosed. The body was held at the Sim mons I'ndcrtuking Parlor until rel atives came for the body. I. D. Cole of Amarillo. and Judge W. I. Klcher of Canyon, came to Lubbock Sunday and had the re mains shipped to Canyon where fu neral service were, conducted, then hipped to Amarillo where inter ment was made in tbe Amarillo cemetery. Mrs. tj. S. Wyatt of Canyon, is a sister of the dead man, and be has other relatives at Canyon and Am itnllo. who are at loss as to v.hy his death was st.f inflicted. A brittle of choloroform was found near the body, which gave rio to the belief tout the man bad committed sun ide. EMBARGO IS SOUGHT ON CANADIAN GRAIN Py l.'nited Press. Chicago, 111., Oct. 31. Demand for immediate and complete em bargo on shipments of wheat from ( anuria is rapidly spreading among the American Grain Interests, thru out the middle and northwest. This was revealed here Tuesday when American Farm Ilureau Federation was asked to join other Middle Western interests in requesting the Interstate Commerce Commission to place embargo on all Canadian ship ments throughout the ,'ountry, and that the request be granted immed iately. Intrstigatinn by the Farm Kureau alleged the strangling of American tirain movements by Can adian shipments over American I lies, to Kaslein seaboard points fur expert. It IS Per ted that a decision Will be rear bed with a a very few ds) al least, whether this mpiest will be pushed fur il losnd of this cm bst io. It l in grid that 'bis Is a riv ini ioitsnt norilrr, ami that sit p sli.mbl be I al on a In ito only pro ide Aiiii iu in ','sn 'h IimIi. mi Isli.oi la lilbenrj in ni ll. hi like bi't' sc.! I v iml fri IM ll tfsbl to Nl Yl'll, but to h: twin i t'he mil .it,.if cf e r i in i a i , b. Ib tbi , b.n.l lb p i a. a rt. ei I Is I.I II ii .r f u , Im lial l .l I. .i .ii ais.l. General Rains Over CQRSICANA INJUNCTION GRANTED LkTong Mby judge scarbrough effective The t'nited Press: Oklahoma City, Oct. 31. A jn-n-ernl rain ranging from one-half inch to three inches fell over Oklnhoma, i Missouri and the Texns l'atihanille, lusting until late Tuesday night, breaking tftc long drouth and mnk iag it possible for the wheat belt to sustain their hopes for a Bprinj crop. Tne entire Smith 1'lains Koction received light showers while in Crsshy County the rains were re ported heavier than in other coun ties of this section. REDUCFD RATES FOR SCOTTISH RITE REUNION Special to Avalanche: ' Italia. Oct. 21. John W. Hw erth, ihrrtor grneral for the Scot iih Kite Ketiniori, whnh will be held fr m November -1 to 'J 4, an ni.ii'ni'il yesterday that all Dallas frT'i iniil railroarl- anrl 'heir Con ner t oris, not including toe electric line-, have authorized the rate of one anr one-half fun's for the round inp to tbe Scottish Kite Reunion m be hr'lil at Dailas November 21 to .'I, in lusive, on what is known as the iib'titif oution certificate plan, the selling dates to be November l'J nod L'U. and .4 and -"i, f nal limit for return November 21. On receipt of ndvir e of anv can lida'o or member coming to Dallas, u cr rtil'ic-ite will be furnished him, w'n h oti bei:ig prcr'nterl to his lo- al ai." ni, a round-'rip tickrd wii. be s,d-l him upon piiyituMit of one arid . r. to-. half fares. These cert if i- : ; , . ,:re g .r-i for iti, mber atirl v ! .r r,.M'iident inr niber of fam ily. i- ,ietmv .1 I.. Stehens rerpo-'ts 'nil' all wlv expect to nttenil this ;-e'.i- (.:i notify his r Ifv e at once. A l angemetits have br-en pride whereby all tbe catidiriaf es will be -p wl ilielr meals at the Ca'bedral wit'ooi airy ...l.litional charge. B!G SAVING TO THE SOUTH PLAINS PEOPLE BY MARKED CHANGE IN THE FREIGHT RATES TO THIS POINT v-rv important meeting was held by the direr-tors of tbe Cham ber of ' Commerce Thursday at 1 :tO i. m. in 'be matter of freight' rates f.r the business men of I ubbor k. Through the efforts f the Chamber "f Cummer e, Mr. F. A. I effingwcll, Traffic Manager of the Texas t'tiHinhi r of Commerce and Mr. T. '. tiallnher (ii nr ral Freight anrl l'as. t gr r Agent for the Santa l'e i a. i way, n'W rates were made which will go into effect December 1'ith, v tin h will mean a saving of not less ban $ 1 110,000.011 per year to the business men of Lubbock. As soon as possihle to compile tbe data the Secretary of the Cham ber of Commerce will figure out in dollars nn.l cents the amount that will actually be saved. Resolution was passed and written in tbe rec ords expressing the appreciations of the Chamber of Commerce for the effort 'f Mr. F. A. U-ffingwell, Traffic Manager of the Texas Cham ber of Commerce, T. 11. (iallaher, (leneral Freight and Passenger Agent of the Santa l'e, and Mr. J. F. Anton, superintendent of the Santa Fc Kailwny. in obtaining these reductions :'or Lubbock. One hundred thousand dollars is a lot of money. There have been those who have prated about the possibilities of Lubbock go ng to the dogs because of the enormous amounts of money spent for brick build. ngs, and yet here comes un announcement from the Chamber of Commerce secre tary to the effect that on only one item transportation Lublnsck busi nessmen are to be saved an amount of money that if put into brick buildings, would at the end of a few vears, make past investments look mighty small. There is nothing mythical about this situation either. The very fact that one hundred thousand dollars is a great deal of money, docs not mean by any means that it is whole lot of money when compared with the ag gregate amount spent here rash year on transportation. The fad thai that much money i an be saved to I.ubbo. k shippers is within Itself proof that a gigantic shipping businesj is done here, and suly tantralri any stslnnciiU thai have been made as to the bigness of I.ubbo. k. The Chamber of Commerce has attain proven nlf a vabiable agent fur hi liming aboul better conditions for Luliioik, and those who ai familiar wi.ti oil. if . . sbnuni. a. a ri.rtnl ie-,,U ( the -if.-iU of Hat b"l, V U ite I .Hi this IS J lt ii of the niMiiy Hons- Ibal sis hi i g d in la in-!. bin.. I 14 K'esl si.. I 'i.y li a iiiHii.i if .lily a f )isri. Ill ,o Is tlitl i lb.. Vtkol In a I hi k 1.1,. oil ll. sl. l'iJ SS a I I . ! I HI III Wi I Ir) i. lo y I,., IIC I. m I I tl Is I r 1 . I, I i I I t ll V U Si it ,i.,..s..i.rj Is ro..oilJ Of it -STAPLES AND KEELING ARE CITED Dallas. Texas, Oct. 31 (By United Press) The 5th District Court of Civil Appeals, before which a motion for rehearing of the Corsicana injunction suit is being heard, today was heard from in the Senatorial mixup when it ordered the Fairfield injunction, planted by Judge A. M. Blackmon of the 77th District Court, vacat ed and set aside. The order also restrained Judge Blackmon from making other orders en joining any of the defendants until final dispo sition has boon made of the motion for rehearing. Corsicana Injunction in Effect This action of the oth District Court leaves the Corsicana injunc tion crntited by Judge Scaralmrough in effect, pending the disposition of the motion for rehearing. Thin ac tion of the Court of Civil np"uls of the fith District was also taken after th" Supremo Court bad over ruled a petitiin for leave to I a v fit of man 1'it'ir , filed '' -Wl ir oey Croir .-al Kee'injr MTond ly "e:ghi, ti ii'-lniiti .ludg" A. .I Blm-kmon f t... TTth D:-'ricl Court I'riini pi e'l:.-' with til'' i n j r j ti i . i lit ;,!!. ?n' hi ilay. Contempt Charge Cited Sr-r ri'tary r. S?a'e, Staples, anil Attorney trenci-ii Keeling were cit irl toilay to appear Momlav before 'he old Distciit Court of Civil Ap i.eals tr show why they rhoulr! not be nljurg'-d in rontompt of court. know that the merchant of Lubbock 1 iri' tbe type of men who give their . ustomers full hem-fits i f any sav- ini's tb.-.t might be affected, and i.M lenuction in transportation costs will enable them to again show I ibe.r liberality. F.very man, wo-1 man ami chi'd in the tiade torri-; tory rif Lubbock will' receive the' benefit of this ri rlucti m in proper- I tii n to the amount of goods they i purchase in Lithbock. This can , therefore be looked upon with favor i by everyone. , ! It is with much pleasure that we, are enable to make this reduction announcement in the first issue of 1 The Morning Avalap 'he, as the very existence of this issue proclaims an I advancement in the life of Lubbock. I and this reduction announcement i heralds a new era in the business I life of her institutions. j The business men of Lubbock have made their way through one of the most stringent periods in the I life of the city, and the announce-' ment of this reduction will no doubt be looked upon by them as the a-1 pro.u h of better going for every line I of industry. ' Let's remember that the local j Chamber of Commerce is instru-i mental in a way for gaining this i reduction for Lubboik .shippers and I receivers and thnt this should be j taken a another genuine reason for' your w holehearted support of that ore-nnir.ation. j Lubbock i growing. No more ( i thia city in the -.mail town class,) nor no more are our people to face approaching problem with the view of small town folks, but in expand ing to keep apace with the times our business men have become am-; ply big enough t' meet any problem siiuirely, the one of transportation has been to some extent solved. Let's look upon this as an achievement worthy of our heartiest commenda tion to those instrumental in bring ing it to light. LUBBOCK MERCHANTS TO ASK I OR LUMBERMEN CONVENTION The Panhandle-Plains Retail Lum ber Association was organised with II. W. Galhreth as president: II. F. Tepe, vice president; J. F.. 11 11, vice ; I. i. lent, and I'. N. Oliver, se. re tai y-lr.a.uier. All of tbe lumber luer bania i f I ubbo. k, Brow nl.ebl, M us. low, Tahoka and lanoa era be oinicg mcnibui. They will hold ll'rir first rnecii.ig al snisi iio, e.n-.liv aiol Ihuiuli)', November e ll and nth. Mr, 1.. A. l.ntii i f lb Iuiviiii.iu 1 l in! . t I' lnpsi.y. and Y. II. A 1 k ma of lb 11 it 4.11b iibaui Iml licit limber t 111111, y if I i.l" to L, l boh r II Hi I . . , ai 1 K lit fir 1 11.1,11. ii i.iri.oy hi. In 1114 i'. . i.i;,.ni "l I j ion, Ir,.., I c I r I I. I !. . . 1114 . S H I l Mmi. u I I 1.1 b - k io I, i.U ak li Da i .r(. i bio n I . lis I Reasons For His Dismissal "Up to Mc- jNamara" Hassel Thr I'll ilfl Pri-si. : Dallas, Texas. Or t. 31. It's up 'to Mike M'Namara, "tar witness in ; tile recent Mayfiold injunction suit, fo tell publicly the reasons why he i was ilis.'liargr r from his connection Iwiih tbe tl and Gas Divi ion of tbe State Hailrnad Commission, ar- cnrrlirg to adice receiver! from J. ! V. Hassvl r f Austin. Mr. llassel , d-t"!:ned to rlisr uss the reasnns per 1 taining to M'Namara's discharge, j Allison .Mayfiold, chairman of the i State Railroad .'rmniision r-fuseil to give any resscn.i or to discuss ' the matter savin : was e v.ire'tr i.p to !r. 1 1 i,r. isdic' r n. ., nr it was in hia The New Prime Minister Would Defer Debt Action By I'niteil Press. London, Oct. HI. Andrew Bonar Law in his unsought authority over Krplish, as the new prime minister, after the resignation of Lloyd tleorgr', wants to delay fur ther debt r funding negotiations wi'li the United States until after the lieneral Flection in November. This action is sought by Bonar Law by reason of bis unwillingness to enter negotiations of such magni tude until he receiv-s final verdict of approval from the Britiwh peo ple. Andrew Bonar Law, heading the Conservatives, sees an uncompleted tank awaiting someone should th Conservatives fail in the General Flection to obtain a majority. Be lieving thut the verdict of the peo ple should guide affairs of such mag nitude and that their verdict will be favorable to the Conservatives. Ilelay of only a fev days in the ne gotiations with the United State will be of little moment and ia event "Conltioniat" party gains a majority in the General Flection they will not be handicapped with un uncompleted task. Th" !irst l ornial i abinet meeting wi'.h Law iil be held Wednesday. Fascisti Leader Is Busy Straightening Out Italy's Disorder By United Press. Rome, Italy, Oct. 31. "The Bloodless devolution" climaxed Tuesday with a triumphant parade of thousands of the Fascist! and compu ted the desire of the Fascisti to proclaim complete success of their Coup. Followers of J'tnita Muss olini, new premier under the Fas cist! regime, have been ordered hum and a general quie'.ing of alfairs SS resulting. Under Benito Mussolini's direc tion the Fascist! government, now nlbrially installed, is engag-d in a business lik effort In straighten out Daly's disordered alfairs. The new Premier has already committed him self a program ( commercial tare, al home and an extension it i immune and lb ili-v.i .imikiiI ef ii inily i cUticns siih Nai.niih ate in ...iinu I i futmsli fsw mm. Ii i ! tor the ii I'loiiiilm i I lialtaaj ,iul.iii i. s and lb .Isl li-bmor i, of cu ids fir lialys ti.r'.o ....iis Inn llir.unli limn r alimi ilnvf.f ti A ami i mi ixouiiiis ant Auriiii A iiw n of 'i "ipiii it f i ins 4 at l y ib I s i-n t ..un. a i ia, No ih. I kbsn.t lb wui4 iia I. ! l ti. i.r lusra .r,.i i. ,i I Ibaa wi.4 ;sn ,