OCR Interpretation

San Marcos free press. [volume] (San Marcos, Tex.) 1877-1892, November 16, 1882, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86088181/1882-11-16/ed-1/seq-1/

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' San Marcos Frefe P
"Prove All Things i Hold Fait that which Is CoocL"
NO. 51.
Free Press.
"T'blWied Ercry Thursday bj
Towliomall Letters should be Addressed.
OFFICE East Side of Plaza. '
fl 00
f)t month
Ibre month
0 square, ot.. Insertion 1 00; each addition.
I Insertlou '"'' on, im.nth. 60 emu per o.uare.
1 ' 1 mn. 3 mot. I 0 mos. la ni
1 square I
i 8 60 fi.00 I ft SOU j ft 10.00
3.00 I
7 00 I JU.O, I
IS 00
S.Of ; 9.00
T.OOl 10.00
3 "
I 11.00 1 30.00
I 10.00 80.00
113 00 I 20 00 I HO.no I
lO.OO 36.00 ft.) CO
20 00 1 80.00 6C.00
Bu.i,iCarda, one inch or Iws, on, year, 8 00
Cards In HmlueM Directory, on, yew, i 00
litgal end Triilut 'Advertisement will be
clurged n, Dollar per squar, for th, first Ill
usion, end Fifty Cent, per square for. rich artill
tloiial lorrl on. A .qua U the space of one
Inch. Fractional qnare will ta counted a ftrtl
squares. " X- .' ' .-'
hrcal "l "wlM" Notice will b charged ten
fit per -line for tue "rat insertion, and eight
ctut per Kne tor eech additional insertion.
Aiinothitiim candidates toroftloe, comity, 6.00
ForDMrict or Htate oftu.es, 10 f
Obituary notice of over ten lines charged at
ne-lialf advertWiW ratea
Hooka, itlonery and Fancy Goads.
jylSS MARY KUsSRI.I., Near Kukb Ir Ofllce.
IOVflR A CO., North side of Main Piar.a.
Wholesale Grocer.
AKHS 111NZIK, Southeast corner Plaza.
; Good.
QKO.T. MAI.ONB, South aide Plata.
(fry (Mood atid Groceries.
T0HS8ON A JOHNSON, Mitchell Building, North
f) side Plaza,
p R, TUUNKR, 4 Co., Went aide Stala Nasu.
I J. DAILKY, West aid of the Main Plata.'
yil. UIE8KS, South side ol the Muln Plaza.
jjAll.RY A BRO., S. W. Corner Plata.
V 1. tr.IKHART east, aide of the plata,
Ij. oppoi-ite Court Donee.
merchant Tailor. 4
) HUGGER, Mitchell Building, upstair.
J I. ' ' -'
: Groceries. -
PITCHF3RD South aide Plats.
Groceries and Hardware
W. PON ALSO N A CO,, Boat atde Main Plata.
T W. NNCR, nearly opposite Hiutle'i Grocery
1) FR0S1ME, South aide I'liiza.
IjAYSOLDS A DAN1RI-, North side of the Main
it Plata.
H. COMBS, office North aide of the Main Plata,
B. ROSE, office in the uew.rank Building, up-
r 0. HUTCHI"OX: offlea in the Kew Building,
, north aide Main Pima.
T. BROWS, alllce in the old roiloflice Bulld
I'f. 0
Notary Fustic ana General A cent.
H. JULIAS, efflce Faita Pause Building,
Bakery and Canf ectlonery .
7RITZ LASGK, South tide Plaza.
Starea and Tinware.
"K0.HE5SK, Eait aide Plaza.
Livery and Sale Mablee.
j) VLES A SOS, Sau Aoteolo atreet.
Watchoiakern Jcwelcm na PU'
J0BBISS. A BI3B0P Eau aide plaza.
.neat fflarket.
J'KIEA POPS, Korthweal aflNiblic Sqaare.
Ilaat awtzal Va l ai
T . H AXKUA. Maaafactarer aid Dealer, North
' Mara.
rtaairsr .tltll -tr. I
'' M.a'ji,iasCknT:a' Latatwr Iar4.
The Cotton Market
Js now stead y at settled prices.
Tf iott ihxirfi tn'ahtahi the best re-
. -f - - - - " - ......
suits of the moat acute market in
. i
me, STUie. SMI) IOur LOUOn W
. . . -
Wm. D. Cleveland,
the well liwim Jottoi Factor and
Wholesalo Grocer, at Houston.
Large raceipts, extensive transac
Hons, admirable tystem, prompt
and correct returns ; thfse fea
tares of his business enable him to
guarantee satisfaction to all Ship-
pen,and ltare maae iits business
what it is. Soid for Daily or
Weeldy Cotton lieports.
St. Peter's and Paul's Hoarding School.
New Bbaunfels, ... Tex.
Parrot a and gna dimi, derlrous of receiving for
their children or ward a. bi'iilir a good elementary
education, inatruclloii in embroiderv, plain and
fancy ne-dle-work etc., rhould avail tbeniaelvea of
lh opportunity here offered. The Meter of Divine
... 1 1 bhn.il fftnli.ni tpacheri.. a'ill'
open the above named School mi the4tb of Septrm.
.., Pnnllii nnaivpil at miv lime dm in the Mtaaoil.
Charge for Board, Tuition, etc., etc, Eight Dollar
permontt). Aaareaa.
, , Kt . ir.w. Iiui.f.ijch,
ect.19 lm . : ' New Hraunlels, Comal Co., Tex-
Of Valuable Land
The n. O'KANK TRACT nflani!. eefttalnlng 1.000
tu-nmiR from Kin Marcos. Is now offered
for sale in quantities o auitpurcbaaera,
Je22tf J .. McBKIDK. .. Agent.
Has been in constant
ase by the public
for over twenty years,
and is the best preparation
ever invented for RESTOR
LIFE. : - ' J
of Mass.
as a
in medi
cine. It supplies the natural
rni and color to the lialr
Slauds without staining the
skin. It will Increase and
thicken the growth of the
hair, prevent its blanching
aud fulling off, and thus
It cures Itching, Erup
tions and Dandruff. As a
HAIR DRESSING it is very
desirable, giving the hair a
silken softness which all
admire. It keeps the head
clean, sweet and healthy.
will rltange the beard to a BROWN or
BLACK at discretion. Being in one
preparation It Is easUy applied, and
produces a permanent color that will
not wmah off.
I'KKl'ARtl It
Sold or all Delert Mdkine.
' "
-m. n-.J tTr.ii !
" "Z X. i
avin s-iciuw? i
rt vPl v.
" I
",:: Von ra w urs.
For Diantiuia
Castlvene4 .
Hick Headaeuaf. .
Cbronle Diasi
rhesa Jaundlee, ,
lanparity'of tfte,
Wood. Fever ana
Agne. MsUrla,,
ad all Dtaeaaes j
caaaed by' !-'.
raagaaaeat aLlvsr, to waU sod Kidneys. '
I J4I U ( TII ) I.I. " " ' "
ki,euaurim; of .ppttu,; Bowcia
Au.r.lla n,iv annMlniaa allernatlnC with laa !
Uad Urea : fats la l' ia, aoeaciunea in
i . . -. -- -. . .
th, haad U uoubJad wlthp.nr., ta out aaa aear
th head is troubled wltn pm, .a oaui aas acavr. ,
wira considerable lou of memory, accoapanivd .
with painful caaunn ofloaviai: undone something ,
whlcrhought to have hero dooe; a slight, dry cough ;
and flushed face is tamwiaaca aa atuodant, often
miauken for ewtimpttori: the patient complain,
of wearinens and debility: nervoua, easily startled;
feet cold or burning, sometimes a prickly tensatiua
of the akin exist: spirit are low and despondent,
and, although satisfied thar exercise would be bene
ficial, yet oa can hardly summon up fortitude to
try It la tact, distrusts every remedy. Several
of the above symptom attend the disease, but case,
have occurred when but few of them existed, yet
examination after death has shown the Liver to .
have been extensively deranged. .
It should be used by all persons, old
' young, whenever any of tho abw.o
symptoms appear, ;
reraons TraTellng nr Living In tTn '
hralthy LoeaUtlea,by taking a dose occasion.
any to Keep me uver in neauny ncnun, win ,u
all Malaria, lUUoua attack, Diztiness, Nau
sea. Drowsiness. Depression f Spirits, etc.- It
will inviaorate like a glasa of win,, but Is no
i no ln
tuxicating beverage.
If You have eaten anything hard ot
dhreMtlnn, or feel heavy after meals, or aleop
loa at night, uk a dos, and yuu will be relieved.
-r - - - y
Time und Doctors' Dills will be saved
by always keeping the Regulator
. . , .' In tite HiHiael r '-
For, whatever tho nilment may he, a thoroughly
safe purgative, alterative and tonle c;in,
never be out of place. The remedy 1 harmless
and does not interfere with business or
.pleasure., ,,. ., , ,. . . .."
And ha, all the power and efficacy tjf Oilomcl pr
Quinine, without any of the injurious after etieUs.
A Governor's Testimony It'.
Simmons 1.1 ver Regulator has been in use in my
family for sume time, and I am aalislicd it is a
valuable addition tohe medicul science.
"J. Gill Shortek, Governor of Ala.
non. Alexander . H. Btonhens, of Ga.,
says: Have derived some benefit f mm .the use of
Simmons Liver Regulator, and wish to give it a
r..--i .
luroicr uitu, ' ir. i.
"The only Thing that never full a to
Relieve." I have used many remedies for Dys
d many remedies for Dys
..j fi-l:i!. 1 . .
pepsia. Liver Affection and Debility, but never
havH fnnnH Dnvthtnff tn hf.rwflt mff to the extent .
f ' t fV ... , . . t ,:.
Simmons uiver Jeguiaior nan. i neni mm min
. neaota to Georgia for it, and would send further for
' such a medicine, and would advise all who are sim
ilarly affected to give It a triul as it seem the only
tiling that never fail to relieve. ' " r '
P. M. Jannet, Minneapolis, Minn.
' Dr. T. "W. Mason saysi From actual ex
perience in the use of Simmons Liver Regulator in
my practice I hove been and am satisfied to use
and prescribe It as a purgative medicine.
' ' BSyTake only the Genuine, which always
has on the Wrapper the rod Z Trade-Mark
and Signature of . J. U. ZEILIN & CO.
' We recommend Carter's Iron Pills to every
woman who is Weak, Nervous and Discour
aged ; particularly those who have Thin, Pale
Ups,Cold Hands and Feet, and who are with,
.out Strength or Ambition. These Pills qulot
tho Nerves, give Strength to the Body, Induce
Refreshing Sleep, Enrich and Improve the
quality of tho Blood, and Purify and Brighton
tho Complexion. They cure Palpitation ot
tho Heart, Nervousness, Tremblings, Nervous
Headache, Leucorrhrea, Pains In the Back,
and other forms of Female Weakness. Re
member that Iron lsonoof the constituents of
the Blood.and Is tho great tonic. Carter's Iron
Pills are also valuable for men who are troub
led with Nervous Weakness, Night Sweats, ko.
In metal boxes, at 5Q cents. Sold by all drug
gists, or sent by mall Address
New York City.'
sold by KAYNOLDS & DANlEl.
Mission Valley Nurseries,
TwelTe Miles From Victoria, Texas.
Tliee Nurseries have clalma npon tne people rf
western anil southern lexaa that cannot be urged
by any o'.her eslsbll-i'meiil.
V. Li .A .nntharn Trial a lilt Of
JU CIVC tV "CHlti.. w . ,
fmlta adapted to the climatic reqolrements Is tbe
otject to mnicn toe propnior u.,u .. .
H hts been abl to bnng to bis aid the advantag
es of eirfv nortlcuMural tnining. ami nj m
pend.ture ot over twenty tboa-and I dollars! n '"P"-
Imentaopnn oar own jnrami-oj .
and atudy tbrontb tb, onarter of a ceatorv during
which horticultural ...dy ps-.nt "d Ubor
heeome ar,aainted with tbe peculiar wants of o,r j
I.m haan hit la4EJ1l tlsT nDrtUH DF 11 lWis smv a--
verv peculiar cum.... ui.u
r.-,ri .... .r ,tia nrlaefs'e well eiublihel
by phTteal veosrapbl.ts. !.: thit all Iroll ueei
areimpreved bvbtngcmfH tewart tkelr polar
l.mi', and that ibey are deteriorated by hH if ear
red toward, tbetr eq,airiil limit ae he made
w. . t. ..a ..,.hi,h.d hi inteerle far-
'iher'th tbao any at he a-ral saraerle. In th
c... u. .-ii. ,Kmi iMrtbem trass
u Mi custoera. Hi tre "4 plele aretkervfore
ltterlied toTexs-co1ire b,a tbato ,f aay
Oar nurrie. and rrai4. ew,brc aboe! -
. l i Ir.1 .KM!
... i.i.. ,rr Ubal eaa.
ffri-sr ir. an-1 r'arta r-iT4 by mail, ar
ikarb v r ta)'id aa-es
C.i-UW e spplast. Tn
frnber ln'nr.atio aaplf .r
Hi-a TalSe.VtctenaOoaty.T.sa.
Ml! 3.
RcmlnlHceuces of a Texa Veteran.
Editor Fk Pbeks: la series of lt
tent I intend to give your reador portions
of the history of the Santa Fe expedition not
coutuiued in George Wilkius Kendall's two
volume. : Mino will eoinmeuoe, where the
com mud fro:n uocessity separated, and he,
Keudtll, starting off in Hdvanoo, could not
know the history of the main command
under Gen. McLeod. ; .
Again, my narrative rolnting principally
ou my personal experience, I being the
ouly prisoner in the hospital of San Luis
Putosi, iu State of name name, and also re
le vied there, my fate aud history is entirely
different from the reHt of the prisoners, for
I never was ih the city of Mexico, nor at
Perote or Vera Cruz, nor was I chained like
the balance of my companioas.
To explain to those who are not conver
sant with the history of the Itepublio. of
Texas nor have road George Wilkins Kendall's
description of the Santa Fe Expedition, I
will hive to mike some introductory re
mark 4, to explain the aim and object of said
expedition, and the authority uuder which
it started.' . '
Under the treaty of Sam Houston and San
ta Anna, after the latter was taken prisoner
by the Texans, Santa Anna ceded all the terr
itory this side of' the Bio Grande to Texas.
' The regular army of Texas was dwbpnded
in 1840. Geu. Mirabeau Limar being pres
ident of the Republic of Texas, started the
Santa Fe expedition by virtue of this au
thority. ;
; He invited merchants of Texas to open a
trade with New Mexico, for at that time that
trade, as well as that of Chihuahua, was un
der the control of meruhauts of St. Louis,
Mo. Texas being in nearer proximity ought
by right have had that important trade.
President Lamar appointed commissioners
of treaty, only wishing to claim the coun
try this side of the Rio Grande according to
treaty, aud also wishing to establish com
mercial relations with New1 Mexico. Under
these auspices the expidition started from
.Austin ubont the middle of Juue, 1841, ','
But my future, will Bhow, that neither
Santa Anna regarded the treaty, for the
Mexicans claimed the Nueces as the only
boundary, nor did the Governor of Santa
Fe, regard the treaty Gen. MoLeod made
with the Governor ; only under these con:
ditions the Texans gave up their arms. "We
could have whipped his cohorts, but we
were betrayed by one of our own officers,
and the Mexicans, treacherous and ignorant
as they were, felt not bound by our treaty
stipulations. But years afterwards retribu
tion met them.
C. EuBAsd.
From St. Louis.
St. Louis, Nov. 10, 188?.
Editor Feeb Pkess j Democratic ma
jorities throughout the country are causing
much excitement in the city and the Demo
crats seem nearly as much surprised as their
foes at this Anti-Republican tidal wave. The
city elections are over and the battle between
the parties is about a "draw," and the spoils
about equally divided. Bribery, corruption,
and all manner of "ways that are dark and
tricks that are vain" were practiced in the
local; scramble for office. The five judges
elect will unseat their opponents next Mon
day, the bets will all be "squared," and it is
confidently hope,d that tbe feverish citizen
will settle down to business again. Mayor
a vin arrived here from El Paso, Texas,
yesterday. He is in custody of Michigan
officers who will hold him to answer for ex
tensive forgeries of the "Adrian Water
bonds" while acting as mayor of Adrian,
Your correspondent has frequently men
tioned escapes from our uplendidly and ex
pensively built city jaiL The concern is
extravagantly managed, has a battalion of
well paid guards commanded by a health j
jailor with numerous . "trastys" thrown in,
and yet five desperadoes, beaded by Yonng
Shea (who murdered officer Doran after
. f j.;, eu a,QN walked
r - .
t of ouf jW) wj0 jajj vefitcrday.and Up to
,nA .hpir mva.
ill in UVUI AA4S V V W'l ,a "v J "
. ,eaTe ulinK i( yet nneiplained by
.. . . .1:-
their xseepera. .Mayor i.uig u suiu my
nient received Jailor Ryan's resignation.
Car. fiMTTCT.
4 I'awerfsil amlraul.
When th aoldiers of the dark agas were
attacked with tetter, they coail sis naupht
bat anffer. MeLcU vx-ite baa not yet de-
v-:oiJ a cure. This 1a of love atxl hi-
r a . m zr-v aJ .V a
mane datr wm kii wr i;r. niii'.
OiDtaiect for akin dUeatea ia aa inlaEiUe in
itsrwlt. aaasthe insT'irliM potency of
Patrick !Iet.rj ra'mtl word, "tiiv
me lil'Tlv or give xae dtfn. '
( Life U the MetrDp9"" ...
OO. ' ' '
Special Correspondence. ' '
.1 New Jot, Not. 10, i8J. -It
would seem that October baa beeu a
fatal month for New York. For the most
part th weather has resembled murky
London. A bright October sun wm a rari
ty indeed, and there musjt haye been some
thing in the muggy atmosphere to breed ca
lamities. First, we had a crazy French
man running amuck in a thoroughfare crowd
ed with lady shoppers, and dealing death
blows right and left with a pair of compass.,
ets. - Then an employe of the Third Aveu
ue Horse Railroad Company tries to Bhoot
his unule. the president of the company,
and uuder the impression that his shot was, .
effective, blows out his own brains, with
the itame weapon. Then the Park Theater
fire, which missed only by a few hours
being a human hlocusJt. Tbe- climax of
horrors was capped h,0weyer, on tho last day
of the month by tbe murder of three bean
tlfnl and innocent children,' by a lunatic
mother, who subsequently takes her pwa ,
life. Dr. Seguin. the father of the murder- ,
4 children aud the husband of the lunatio.
in question, i mftn known to entertain
peculiar views on the $ubject 4t infancy. .
That phase of insanity resuming fxom ner.
vous disorders he has mode special a study.
It is reported that he would hae been call, .,
ed an insanity expert in the Gi(eau cse '
for his peculiar ideas No one qujsstions
the Doctor's high standing in ,hia profes- ;
siou, and tbe most , profound sympathy is ,
extended on all sides for his . dreadful mis ,!
fortune. But it is( rather remarkable that a ,
man supposed to pe aa aaept m giagnosmg
the insane ' phase of morbid nervousness, .
hysteria, etc, should have failed to discover it
that his Own wife was a lunatio. . ,
The present sensation in New York ia Mrs. 4
Trfincrtrv. The Bernhardt boom was never .
so great aj the interest in the "Jersey Lily.". ' ,
who is a cooimon BUbject or conversation
Her piotures are for sale in all the shop win- ;
dows. in the elevated railway stations, and
on vendors' carts in the streets. . Some of-
the photographs are highly colored, and not :
in the least like the original. Her beautiful
face is now bo well known that Yhea. she .
ventures forth in tbe street people Htace i4.
hor with abominable persistency, and even u
follow, her about. ;'The Park Theatre fire,
was a' costly advertisement to Mr. AbbeV ;
the manager, his loss being $100,000, but it," t
has not been without i,ts advantages, in,
spite of the delay of one week and the aiy.o
noyance to eager ticket holders,, I soy ea- ..,
ger advisedly, becaiwe people wo ushe4 j
forward to pay $ 18 and $20 for a single se4,",
and $320 for boxes must be some what., en ,
thusiostio. ODe advantage of the lire is ,,
that the debut was made in a more euitable, ,
place, Wallack's new theatre being ho
handsomest as well as one of Jthe targets ,
phtces of entertainment iu the country.
A great deal has been written ot late ,
about the closing of the greaj house of A.
T. Stewart A Co., and some writers have,
grown sentimental over the closing of bos-;
iness that has been so prominent before
the public for a quarter of a centurv. The
truth, of tho matter is that the business
is going on the same as ever, only under a
different name. Judge Hilton, since his
memorable attack upon the Jews, baa found
the trade of the house steadily decreasing.
It is an open secret that the house has lost '
money every year .since Stewart's death.
Mrs. Stewart, while nominally the proprie- ;
tor of the business, left everything to the '
control of Judge Hilton. Mrs. Stewart
must be over seventy years of age, yet
she affects girlish airs and always appears
resplendent in a brown wig, youthful tress.
e. and a lavish display of diamonds- J,t
became apparent that something must be
done to stop the waning fortunes of the
house of A. T. Stewart & Co. Nothing
licw than heroic treatment could hope to
remedy matters that were going from bad
to worse. Judge Hilton hit upon the hap,
Ey idea of changing the business in name,
ut not in fact. The retail department had
long been under the control .of Mr. E. J.
Denning as superintendent. That branch
of the business- could therefore be readily
turned over to him. The disposition of
the wholesale branch of the business is a
more doubtful experiment. A Mr. Gross
cock had been at the head of wholesale af- "
fairs, and to kirn, in conjunction with
three young Hi! tons, is intrusted the bus
iness for the futnre. The branches in
other cities have been long non-supporting,
and they were all closed. Judge HJL
ton says the new arrangement will innce
to Mrs. Stewart's benefit and relieve hiru
of many cares. Folks say that Judge Hil
ton will not be a loser under the new ad
ministration of affairs. He will still act as
steward for Mrs. Stewart and collect the
rents of her other numerous properties.
List of Letter.
Remaining in the Port Office at Sea
Marcos, Texan, for the week ending, Nov;
Andepeoo. Wm. G.
I Witt, Kboda
Frrlino. Carte
Ilarrlft, Inj.
MolLv. Jnaa
Raw-ll, Wm. J.
Sao!. M-ne.l J
riarda, Felipe, .
Dooley, J.
ttanna. Koarvo
MarlinuK, M. 2
Kmt-, Max-io
Uj'.br-rf.rdj C. P.
rwiU, JulTtn
IVtiw calrcz ft fcWve batters wl
t ' aay advertise J, gtsT date."
AUTLkT HtlIC5, r. If
rt si.e
at TinsoriKT-

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