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Sae T3 ress,o. FGOS "Prove All Things I Hold Fast that which is,, Cood." l'UOPIUETOlt I. H. JULIAN, SAN MARCOS, II AY COUNT Y, TEX A S, THU RSD AY, , A UG U ST,' 16, 1883, N0. S7 . CO L. XH' Ma Free Press. ibUshcd Every Niiirsdaj by , ISAAC H. JULIAN, To bom nil Letters should be Addressed. OFHCE-East Side of Plaza. . RA TSSOrSUBSCRIPTlOir. ryer,lo aduc tJ 00 U,H monlbi BATES OF ADYBR TISIXG . A Mtwre, one insertion f I 00; each addition- ,1 Insertion nnd er one month, 60 cents per auare. 1 mo. 8 mot. a mem. 1 moi j " ! j :v i ira y colra. $ 3.60 ft 6.00 5.00 1 T.00 S.Of ! 9.0H 7.00 I 10.00 12.00 I 20.00 30.00 S6.00 f A.OO 10.00 l' 30.00 .10.00 60 OO 10.00 1600 30.00 so.oo EC .00 76.00 Bwlne Cards, one inch or loss, one year, 98 00 Cr4 1" Business Directory, one year, f3 00 Ugl end Transient Advertisement will be rtirg One Do,Ur per 1W for lhe flret ,0" rtlon, end Fifty Centi per qure for each addi tional Insertion. A aqnare li the apaoe of one locb. Fracllonal square will be counted aa fall Ucal and Buslne Notices will be charged ten ctnti per line for the first iniertlon, and eight tdiK per line for each additional iniertlon. Announcing candidate forofllee, county, $ 6.00 for District or State office 10.09 Obituary notice of over ten lines charged at iiw-balf advertlsiM ratea. BUSINESS DIREOTOEY. Notary Public, ana General Agent, j E. JULIAN, office Fbc Pats Building, E D Uunker. iB. J. t. GRKKN, Sontheatit Corner Plaza, at Ualone'i oio nana. A. GL0VI5B, North aide of Main Plata. Wholesale Grocer. JJART1N HINZIE, Southeast corner Plain. Dry Good und Groceries. TOHSSON A JOUNSON, Mitchell Building, Horth J tide Plaza. i. DAILET, West side of the Haln Plaza. yM. GIKSEN, South side of tho Main Plata. rjAILEY k BR0 S. V. Corner riasa. J. KtLEHAkT east side of the plaia, opposite Court House. E. Iry GoodN. GHEKN PP.TCE. Rt Malone's old stand, South eet Corner Plaza. JF lre )sm takers. ISS 1VA COOK, Near South-east Corner Public Square. B Groceries. PITCHFOED South aide Pluza. G. Groceri and Hardware, W DONALSON 4; CO,, East side Main Plata. Furniture. J WARD, East Sido Public Square, T W. !UHCB, nearly opposite mnzie' Grocery 8tore. DriiKtf it. FROMME, South side Plata. KAYN0LD3 & DANIEL, North side of the Main Plaza. PIi) acinn nnd Kwrffeoim. JH. TRIPP cen be found at Rnjnolds Daniel' Drugstore. TTT A. JACK31AIT, Can be fouud at bi resl M deace (formerly Dr. Biakemore's). TB. Wl. MVRRS, Office at Fronme' Drugstore, auuiavasi uorner ruuuc cjaiv. n DOUtiMt. iR.J.H. COMBS office North side cf the Main Plaza. lyfiwrers GW.wALTEP.3, Office two doors South of Post . Office. TMSnER nOSE, office In ths rew Eank Bulging, TTCTCHISON k FRANKU5. office In the Kew u Building, corth side alain riaza. (1 T. BROWN, offlce In tta Mitchell Building, v, npstaira. 0- Uakery and ConfectlonerF. LA5GE. South e'.de Plasa. Ftovea and Tiawure. J.E0.BENXZ, East ride Plata. Llrery nnd Sale stable. JJ VLKS k SON.Saa Aoton'.o atret-t. 1 atcb maker, Javclerif and Opti clan. Fleat Tlarket. I-T0KXJ2;:u, SoUtruo'!- &;re. M k-f - . llo.i anJ Jnac. J, Kaa.VUrtf iil leaiex, -!t Ma;. MARTIM ttlUtE, WHOLSALE AND RETAIL " IE (3) WW mm i DRALKR IN - - TEXAS. SAN MARCOS, EST SOUTHEAST CORN EH PUBLIC SQUARE, jgs fehlZy ESTABLISHED IN 1852. ESTABLISHED IN 1852. 13 JEl : 6i 9 F T B 0 A M and Manufacturers and Dealers in "Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Dia 1XIOT1 ds Mast KIeant Designs. RAZORS, POOKET AND TABLE KNIVES, ETC., Of ourown importation. SPECTACLES A SFEC1AL.T1. Kntrravlns Ione in intewt HI1. NO. 11 COMMERCE ST., SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS. ORDERS BY MAIL will receive prompt attention. Every article guaranteed precise ly as represented. Call and see us at tne Htore Jeo i-'y THE BEST REMEDY FOR Diseases of tie Tbroat and Lungs. A V T7 T5 n diseases of the pvrt- a a a - - monary organa a nam and reliable remedy is invaluable. Aveb's CnEiutv Pkctoral is such a remedy, and no other so eminently mer its the confidence of the public. It is a sci entific combination of the medicinal princi ples and curative vir tues of tbe finest drugs, nlioinirnllv milted, of such power as to msnro M pfflci(?ncv and uniform- rr"PAnrn ity of results. Itstrikes rL'Aj 1 jktiU, ot tlo fniind:itioil of all pulmonary diseases, affording prompt relief and rapid cures, and is adapted to patients of any age or either sex. Being very palatable, the youngest children take it readily. In ordiuarv Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, lufluenza, Clergyman's Sore Throat, Asthma, Croup, and Ca tarrh, the effects of Ayek's Chkmit Pec toral are magical, and multitudes are an nually preserved from serious illness bv its tinielv and faithful use. It should be kept at hand in every household for the pro tectiou it affords ia sudden attacks. In Whooping -congh and Consumption there is no other remedy so ettacious, soothing, and helpful. Low prices are inducements to try some or the many mixtures, or syrups, made of cheap and Ineffective ingredients, now offered, which, as they contain no curatire qualities, can afford only temporary relief, and aro sure to deceive and disappoint the patient. Diseases of the throat and lungs demand active and effective treatment; and it is dan gerous experimenting with unknown and cheap mediciues, from tbe great liability that these diseases may, while so trifled with, Income deeply seated or incurable. Lse AVer's Chkuky Pectoral, and you may confidently exject the best results. It is a standard medical preparation, of known and acknowledged curative power, and is as cheap as its careful preparation and fine iuTedient will allow. Eminent physician, kaowing its composition, present it in their practice? The ttst of half a century has ,roven its absolute certainty to enre all pul monary complaifiU not already beyond ti.e reach cif human aid. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical CbenuUU, Lowell, Mats. toU) st aix DRitcifT rvtrEifcX- ' '83 A GHAND COMBINATION. '84 ISan Marcos Free Press, AND THE LOUIS VI LLK ' WEEKLY COURIER-JOURNAL, One Tear for only f 3 00. Two Paper for little more than tbe price of one. By paying us (3.00 you will receWe for one year, your home paper and the Courier-Journal, the rep resentative paper of the South, Democratic and for a Tariff for Revenue Only, and tbe best, brightest, and fnmtly weekly in the United States. Those who desire to examine a aample -copy of tbe Courier Joarnal cando so at this office. GOD KX0WS THE, BEST. Sometlm, when all llf(' ieason bate been learu'd, And iun and atar lorevermorc ba set, . TbtblngswblcbourwakJndgmntbrabaipnro'4 The thine e'er which w crier wun lasoe wen Will Saab befo'r out of Ufa' dark sight, . - Aa atara ablna noat in deeper tint el was I - - And we (ball see bow all dod't plan are right, And bow whalMensd reprool was love most true. And we (hall that while we frown and igh, Qod' slant ro on best for yon and m j Bow when we called he beaded not ear cry, Beeanse hi wisdom to the end could see J And e'en as prudent parent disallow Too much of sweet to craving babyhood, So God perhaps I keeping from n now life' sweetest thing beoaute it aeemcth good. And If torn time, commingling with life' win, W find tb wormwood, and rebel aud shrink. Be nr a wiser band tbon your or mtn Pour oat this potion for our Hps to drink , And if some friend we love I lying low Whore human kle cannot reach hit lac, Oh. do not blame tbe loving Father to. But bear your sorrow with obidleet grace, , And yon tbaii ahortly know that lengthened breath la not tbe sweetest eift Qod give Bis friend. And that, sometimes, the sable pall of death t Conceala tbe fairest boon His love ean nd. If we could push ajar the gate of life, And etand within, and all God a working ee, W oonld interpret all this doubt and strife, And for each mystery could Cud a key. But not to-day. Then be content, poor heart I God1 plans, like lilies pur and white onfold ; We must not tear tbe close-shut leave apait; Time will reveal the calyxes of gold. And if through patient toll we reach tbe land. Where tired feet with sandals loos may rest, When we shall clearly know and understand, I think that wt ahall aay that "God knew beet." Anon. 8 I R DAY CAN B madebyA?ent selling my Rubber Stamps, Cata logue free. O.WHITUOKN, 110 Main St. Olucia nati Ohio. mr m mm Mr WEIGHTS INDIAN YECETABLE PILLS loy frri.w! "r.m T if'-iw.itjrrmrnt ff Uu: Liver, cfictttHif Is'.: (he i-titusuS a-i ttrccl$. 2.- crJi i to rjett Cf, it It tejeaw-riforf'jt.-!t.'.o;r-. n-m-Inr and hlnpjf.h rr-f rf 19 EoirU, Jlm&it he tw- " a S'fmfk, I'm n dat thr fytk afl h, C"- tiirU f hmt tXt J..t-r O atfH, Uc ,af rf r. 7Vc " l' JZt'jtrszmL3 ihrr eyfan.wr.'-V. mtUltl it thHr c-iU -i f' c n wrl tfjjrmvnn' iHhety.ear.dUi::? nf.ljtly LlS tJi-lff fnC admits. Uei f frt my lo irWisel, thrjf ar erf, iSf f-r ,'-r3-rcv.-l 1, c-rr oJ Tc'-,n. Jf y. tn: tncl Con. 4 Ti potior, ric.cta ti3ncyv mpfT Icr fa tfker wrahiw; ilkiisj 1A wtne I raruL Jt m a 7TC:clriC jaol (. IctoxicztHtic a4aawrA. TXiri. ".'C-p- rra. ' Written for the Faae Puts. Rcminisceucs of a Texas Ycteran The Sautarc Expedition, etc r . : J3X O. ERHARD. ICopyrlghted.3 xxxm. , , Kendall's nabrativis continued. In answer to tho question as to tho Btate of feeling in New Mexico regarding our ftp. proach, they could give us no information upon this point they knew nothing. Ihey had been absont for rnontha irom tho set- tloraents, and were trading with tho Caygu. yas when the unfortunate Hall and his par ty were killed, although they had no part or lot in that massacre. They also told us that they were in the main camp of the Indians when the murdering party returned, bring ing the dead bodies of eleven of their war riors, among whom was the principal chief. The cercmonioa and performances on the occasion the wild dances of the warriors around the scalps of their victims, with the painful penance of the women in token of their grief for the loss of the warriors of the tribe were described by our new ac quaintauces with eraphio effect. The wo men smote and cut . their breasts, and ran naked through thorns and prickly-pear bushes, to show the intensity of their offee tion. , We next asked the Mexicans the distance to the Palo DurO, or rather tho spot where our main body with tho wagon encamped. They said that a good mule could travel ho distance easily in four day si Upon our tell ing them th route we had taken, , and that we had bcou thirteen days on tlie road, they expressed the greatest astonishment baid it was wonderful that wo had been abl3 to cross the immense chasms and mountains at alL They sail that if we had taken a course directly west on starting, we would liae avoided the deep canoes altogether, and had a good, smooth road the whole distance. In addition, they informed us that Carlos and his companion had passed them in the morn ing, completely worn down with hunger and fntin?. By this it would oeiu that the runaway guide had taken course too nmch to the north, and fallen into the Mint errors which had canscd us bo much trouble. As regards provisions, the Mexicans were aluiofit as Ladly off as ourselves. thir stock being nearly exhausted. Thy pave the mess to which I was attached, however, a small qiantUy of r-arler meal; jut enough for a tut, acd that was tJL TLey sLd that Sin l!igt! m fciill soiue strenij cr eighty milci dint, tot Lenre reacLin it we th v;kl fall in with large her Is of bp, and alo the little Tillage of Acton Chbo. At the hdUr flare we ocmVl procure t rf72"4 nl ot'V; the former s upecies cf tUu rule in ni.'ver-jj i: tLronWut Mtiko, arid tLe b.ttAf a this tih tnads cf CU nd ratr or cow's r.r post milk, val alsw a sutiding dl'h is St coactry. AtrtLin?, tvt wtr -?ritj amy r reparation cf mkl jr fl "r:r, wool 1 Lave Vn a wtktm t vt at n.uv n wu to the tilcrli. liaLut ia tLr X Tls tit nrrrzlzz. Wr-rt cf 11 iletirrte wtretx-l lco tackt? ccr ccs.jtr.-.t. one of our Mexican ' servants, Matins, di. guised completely, ho that ho might npt hi uspocd by any ludiwns thoy shpm'd mct ou tho route, acoompauyiug theui'.. They . . . ... .. i l-.i wera provided witn 1110 oo,si ana tcant jtuuu mules we had, and look with them a package of letters to General McLood. Tho or- port of thee letters was, that wo had ar rived witUia two or tfyree dny's rid of th settlemOHts, and tb,at the beat oourstftha corniuand oouJ4 pursue would be to march immediately, ondr the dtrectioa or the guides, towards San MigucL The Mexicans, after receiving full inslruc- tions from Colonel Cook and Dr. Bronlmm, set out on their journey across the immense prairie, and, as wo afterward learned, were )osu than four days in going a distance which had occupied us thirteen. Shortly after Matissand Lis companions left us we osumd oar march towurds Sail Miguel Not a morsel of food did we Jtave during the day, and at night we encamped, suDPorless. on the banks of a small croek emptying Into tbe Rio Mora. ' Ou this stream the Mexicans wbo had thus far ac companied us, had their places of residence. After givinu us instructions for our route to wards San Miguel, they left us on the en suing morning for their homes in the moun tains. rrow St, LoaJsi,, , : St. Louis, Aug. 10, 1883. Editor Free Press: A case of the his torical "pound of flesh" occurred t before Judge Noonan yesterday, the details of which converted the large audience into an exas perated mob. OneD. H. Evans,' who bo, longs to the class of "money brokers" was on trial for larceny; and the ' evidence U closod the fact' that' Mr. and', Mrs, Perry mortgaged their f uruituro to, Eun 1'or tho pittance of $29, and in tho space; of throo inou.ths Evous had trebled the amount of tho loan by a sjtitom of duplicatlnjr inJ triplicating the aiortgago snd notes, nnd by charges, intoreHt and every conccivablo kind of fraud and deceit, actually brought tho original loan of $21) to the sum of njnety throe dollars. "When tho victims LuiltA in their dosperato e Sorta to meet these charges, Evans supplemented all his villainiots by stripping them of every vefitigo of furniture, clothing and personal effects, and all with out replevin or any writ of authority of jaw Evans was committed to appear before the September term of the Criminal Coart. These "nwney lookers" of St. liOUiVhavo thrived in a course of theft and villainy that wauld make the meanest pick-pocket blush to the cars, ,aud it is high time that these sharks bo bronght to condign puniriJimont. Well, the Sunday law is in full force and effect, and ono thousand new warrants were issued for tho arrest of lust Sunday's vio lators of tho luw, but tho prosecution seems to bo in bad shape. The ealoon 'keejers op pear to bo slightly ahead. Tbe politicians have taked hold of the matter, and tho sa Icon keepers in St. Louis cna always rely on the ave'rago politician for tbe moKt unquali fied support. The saloon keepers of this city .are defiant, ntwl (he authorities thai be, are slightly weak-kneed and a little uncer tain as to what course to pursue. They, the authorities, recognize the law and acknowl edge the evil, but they are slightly averse to heroic remedies, and your correspondent is of opinion that the three thourftnd etdoons of Ht. Louis will continue to keep their por tals open wide open on Sunday, and this will give rise to new and oomjiifcatcd politi cal problems, and by the time I send Diy next Letter to tho Free Press I w ill have consulted some of our local statesmen and will then give your readers a clear idea of the outcome. Carl Smiths.' 'ewspaper8 in the 3IaiJU The following general order has Leeo is sued from the Tost-offico Dc-partmout: Complaint has beoa made to this Depart ment that f cond-clas) mail matUr. newspa pers and periodicals et to regular sub scribers, is iyA. la all caws promptly forward ed to the adjressct. Such mutter Ia cf at least "qaol LuijwUdco with the letter xuail, and it should le trented witli equal car by jHtal ch rks. If it i nt-ccaarj to withdraw eooiid-cl4f niattr from it wrapper In rr-dt-r to axrjainit deAtiruttKn, it nwybe doc?. LtU this wd not Lo tHjFd for any other pirpot,. Sond-c!a.i tiijaa ill b trt 1 aa recried by tie rjIaiious ax, 1 rrlr. li po-?i clerks find any mcoeJ. cUs raster iiajrocTty dirrcteJ. tht to ay, aiArewJ tie wroai? poirto2ice, tby fhctld iprt the fact on the trip raport o thskt tho anperintendent tear niAitj the pTiL lihr. hrt alsU on( ching the Oillrf-o t r ctrn cf tls paukAqe. TL Potakr Gnnl drives that the prartiM f red'.f ? d-w p7f r yr.i rrWJiAi ptirg Utot: tis coils be dlscDctira&d lrrrrer U exui Ar't'i Ai? Car i an iaftHIhU rwt f'T Ttvrr tzl Ae la a3 it f ones. Ths jt I ri!r wj-rn. it. aaJ Ueir war 1 is af a a V- S. Icl TrU jrevtf 'A