Sail Marcos Free Press;
"Prove All Things I Hold Fast that which Is Cood."
vol. xii.
NO. 38.
Free Press.
l'ublldhed Every Thursday by
To whom all Letters Bhould be Addressed.
Of Flee-East Side of Plaza.
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?..olm.'. 1.00 10.00 90.00 90.00
.. 19.00 90.00 90.00 5C.00
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putli'v w r -
Cards in Business Dlrettory. one year, 9 00
Lsgal and Tranelent Advertisements will be
taugti One Dollar per equaro for tbe flrtt In
mrtlon, end Fifty Centi per square for each il.
Hoosl Insertion. A equate It the space of one
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!,al end Business Votlces will be charged ten
centi per line for tbe first Insertion, end eight
eeou per line for each additional lnf ertton.
Announcing candidate! forofflee, county, 8.00
For District or Btete office 10.M
Obituary notices of over tea llnea cberged et
ene-hatf advertlslwtVatea.
notary Public ana General Agent.
H. JULIAN, office Fata Feats Building,
-ip, j, L. GREEN, Southeast Corner Plaia, at
rD. J. L. GRKBHi
Jj Malone's old stand.
A. QliOVEB, North aide of Main Plait.
Wholesale Grocer.
TifiRTlS HINZIE, Sontheatt corner Piatt.
Ory Cioode and Groceries.
T0FT58OU A JOHNSON, Mitchell Building, Sorth
tl Bii 1'laza.
r J.DAlLEY, West aide of the Main Plata.
yjli. UIKSEN, South side of the Main Plata.
IjAILEY A BBO S. W. Corner Plaaa.
; J. IfiLKHART eaat side of the plata,
I j. c;i
oppo.iie Court House.
Dry Good.
fiREFN PRTCK, at Maloue'a old stand, South
Vf tal Comer Plata.
Iirees-iu rakers.
MISS IVA COOK, Near South-east Corner Tabllc
1) PITCHFORD South tide Pima.
Groceries nnd Hardware.
V. DONALSON A CO,, East side Main Plaza.
J WAttD, East SUo Public Square,
T W. NA.SCE, nearly opposite Hinzie'a Grocery
T) FHOMME, South side Pluta.
IHYXOLDS & DANIEL, Korth side of the Main
Jl Plata.
IMiriclan and wiirseoim.
JH. THIPPcan he found at Baynolds Daniel's
' Drugstore,
V A. JACKMAN, Can be found at his reii
l dence (formerly Dr. Blakemore'a).
l3. WM. MTRRS. Office at Fromme'a Drugstore,
II Southeast Corner Public Square,
iK.J.H. COMBS office Horth aide of the Main
GW. WALTERS, Office two doors South of Post
FISHER A ROSE, office In the new Penh Building,
fCTCHION FRA5KIIN, office In tue ew
Buitdini. north tide Main Plata.
T. BROWN, office In the Mitchell Euildir.g,
ft upstairs.
Ilkcry and Confectionery .
LASGE, South tide Plata.
Stores and Tlnwari.
E0.CEN5E, East itderiata.
Mrery nd Sale Mables.
pt VLIS a SOX, Saa Antonle street.
Matthmaktrn Jewelers and Opil
H. ROBBtSJ. Kerth tide plate.
nttt Market.
L.T0TJ5I5D. ;mare.
addle A. Harare.
I. COCK. Somthaert Cone Ilaia.
X K WrTrLUS. Eart Slie nt. at Zt'f
loot aad
QTEf. tirilS. East a t T-" 'rt'
1 . W tTCLl, XaatUTrerasI t.
BELIi c&
33 3FJL O S
D Hi i
and Manufacturer! and Dealers la
ninnks. Jewelry,
DAn-pc! PnmrPT A "Km T A "RLE KNIVES. ETO.,
Of ouT-n importation. CiT" SPECJTACIKS A l-JUlAiJA x.
iiAim in l.nlest Nlvle.
n-nmrna -ry MAIL will receive prompt attention. Every article gurirftnteed precise
ly as represented. Call and Bee ua at the Store. fet)
Is a oompounJ of the virtues of saTsapariU
ia, stillinsia. mamlrake, yellow dock, with
the iodide of potash and iron, all powerful
lilooil-Jiiakimr, llood-i-leaHin. and life-sustaining
elemonts. It is the purest, safest,
and most effectual allerative. lttedieino
knowi-M.r available to the jmiMic The sci
ences of medicine ami clietnisrry have never
produced so valuable a remedy, nor one so
potent to cure all diseases resulting from
impure blood. It cures bcrofnla and
all scrofulous diseases, hrysipeljw,
Kosc, or St. Anthony's Fire, IMmples
and Face-grubs, Pustules, Blotches,
Boils, Tumors, Tetter, Humors,
Salt Rheum, Scald-head, Uniff-worm,
Ulcers, Sores, Kheuniatlsm, Mercurial
Disease, Neuralgia, leniale K
iiesses and IrieKtilarltles, Jaundice,
Affections of the Liver Dyspepsia,
Emaciation, and General Debilitj.
Bv its searchinR and cleansing qualities
it p'ur-'t'S out the foul corruptions wlncu
contaminate the Mood and cause derange
ment and decay. It stimulates and eiih ens
the vital functions, promotes energy am
BtrensMi, restores ami preserves health. and
infuses new life and visor throughout the
whole svstein. No Millerer from auy dis
ease which arises from impurity of the
Mood need despair who will give AtfcKS
SAUsAi'AitiLLi a fair trial.
It U follv to exnnriment with the numer
ous law-priced mixtures, of cheap m'tit nais,
and witlMMit medicinal virtues, ollered as
bljo.l-puriliers, while disease becomes more
lirmlv seated. AvEit Saiai akii.i.a is a
uiefliciue of such coueentrated curat it e
Hjwcr. that if is by lar the lient. '
and most reliable Llood-pnriner known.
Flivskiaus know it composition.
srilK! it. It has Ikd widely iil for for
tears, ami has won the uuuuabtied conn-ileu-e
of millions whom it La lieue.itcd.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer St Co.,
J'raciival and Analytical Cheiniat.
LoweX Mats.
Photography ,
My Photographic Qallery will
in a short time be permanently
located in San Marcos, when your
kind support and patronage i& re
spectfully solicted- By the new
I can take Babies "on the jump."
Satisfaction guaranteed.
mi hj Riuen CCwnJLtTl are nr4 by Ukm X
I cittiettrs'rI':tJC,f,ibrril'til)p
. i rtiM 111 otthm human
I odu crite eoi a derangement of th
Liver, ejecting both the ttomach and
cX. It order to eject a cure, U It
Mcetmrv to rmore the cause. Jrreyu
lar and BlufffUh action ct.' JfcW.
JleuVic,SicknfS at the &tomeh.rain
inthe Bark and imdleaU that
th Ureri at fault, and thatnaturerc
tjulres a-tttanc to enable VUs organ to
(Arete cffitmpurlttett
rricJy Asl nltten are etpeciatly
tnmpoundrd for this gmrpome. XAeyare
tntia ie their action and ZcHr a a
rmr$ are pi rata n t tothe tatteand la.Vea
ensilw bp bothchiUZrenandadulU. Za
hn atrordi-a to direction, ihri aro a
,V m dplran t en rer Dypeps la.
Oencral octollity.EIabUnal Coa.
auipaatloc piseaaed Kidneys,
-tc,etc. a31ooUtnriecrtfcejr
art o-prrior ( cr etthrr ewrficUe;
eltmufiua tie ry" thoroughly, and
ImpartimC me tifeand rrervj to thein
rrUU III a mcdlclzo 4 no4 an
fctoxlcatlnff hcreraffo,
r t::i uecwT r:i r:KXti ui irmii.
At throigh the busy street I past.
Often la tun or rain,
! mark tome pleasant household grotp
Behind a window paees
The mother le politely blind.
The father does sot eee,
But If t note a baby there,
The baby smile al me.
Dear tiniest tool of babyhood I
She doet not ooldly wait
To ask about my bank aeeoonl,
Or boudt, or real estate ;
Wlih irotU, soft face agalaet tbe pane.
And doTO-llke coo the while.
She beokoat with ber dainty band.
And answers back my smile.
be doet not tears my glance bwaute
She Beyer beard my name
Hot query ef my social place
Vat question whence 1 cttte j
Ko tedious rule of etiquette
Restraint ber loWng graoc,
Kor chills tbe loetng smile that lights
Her lovely wild flower face.
(be knows me by 'that nametest teoie,
That wisdom tweet and One,
Which bablet have, ere time bat tpotlsd
Their Innoceooe divine ;
That strange unerrrlng magnetism
Which tome kind angel tends,
By which all tlnleat things perceive
And recognise their friends.
Which drawt the pigeons to my band,
Peartets and trustful still.
Which makes tbe toolal tparrowt crowd
My frtondly wludow till
Tueeileiit empathy which makst
The homeless dog I meet
Forget his hungry lonesomenest
To fawn about my feet.
Ah, thougb the world seems full semetlmet.
Of darkness etid ol dust,
The soul Is not quite desolate
Which birds and babies trust ;
Life i not all a wilderne.s.
Made up of grief and gullo,
While eyes so shadowless and sweet
Smile back to those that smile.
Written lor tbe KresPums.
Reminiscences of a Texas Veteran The
Santa Fc Expedition, etc.
BY O. EllttaKD.
KENDALL'8 nabrative continued.
Before wo set out, our commander dis
patched four of our bost mounted men to
make arrangements for provisions, while
the rest of us followed as fast as our weary
animals could travel. As we ueared the
point where wo knew food could hi pro
cured in abundance, not only our hunger,
but our impatieuce increasod. During the
day, I was fortunate enough, in company
with madcap Fitzgerald, to find half a hat
full of wild parsley, and this we swallowed
with the creotcfit avidity.
About the middle of the afternoon, one of
the four who had been sent forward return
ed with the joyful intelligence that they had
fallen in with a herd of no less than seven
teen thousand sheep, and had succeeded in
purchasing a sufficiency for the whole com
mand. Again wo put spurs to our horses,
and a rido of half an hour brought us up
with the shepherds and their charge, and a
fine camping ground on the llio Galinas.
Here a scene of feasting ensued wnicn
beggars description. We had been thirteen
days upon the road, with really not provis
ions 'ough for three, and now tht there
was an abundance, our btarving men at onco
abandoned themselves to eating perhaps I
should rather call it gormandizing or stuff
ing. Ko less than twenty large, fat sheep
had been purchased aiid dressed, and every
ramrod, as well a every stick that could be
found, was soon graced with smoking ribs
and shoulders, livera and hearts. Many
maile themselves sick by overeating; but an
attempt to restrain the appetites of half
starved men, except by main force, would
be the very extreme of folly, nad the food
been anything else than mutton, and ha 1 wo
not procured an ample supply of salt from
the Mexicans to 6?ason it, our rn.n might
have died of 6-irfeit.
I have never yet seen a treatise or disser
tation upon ttarvicg to d--ath I tun Fpeak
feelingly c,f nearly every eiage txcept the
1 tst. For th-? first two days which a strong
and healthy man is dooai'-d to cxvd cpon
nothing. Lis sufferings are, perbar luore
acute than ia the remaining stages L? feels
aa inordinate, vutppoavAbls t raving at the
toma-h. nipht dy. The mind runs
upon hci, breal and ether rubtintUl;
but still, in a trtAt t:auie. thibolyr
tvus iu strtegth. Oa the thirJ aad focrta
day, lhi ir.ctvint craving giv a j Ivrc to a
ir;kicg anJ mti.ka.fcs of th$ atom h, as-coaptsi-d
I J taiK;. Tuj nnfjrtusai
CiZcrtr etiU desires fool lat with le of
flrer.r.hLe Lt thit e2-T craving Lkh
is f-.t in tie m1;t t'.s. hnou'd h
thicc to tl'.ua a core I cr two cf foe J, as
was oocasiotitdly the caw with us, he aval.
Iowa it with wolfish avidity: but five minutea
afterwardi his sufferings are mora intense
than ever. Ha foeH as if ha had awallowed
a livinc lobster, which is clawing and food-
ingupon the very fouudation of his exist-'
onoo. Oa tho fifth day hut cheeks suddenly
appear hollow and sunkon, hi body attenu
ated, his color an ashy pale, and-hi ey
wild, olassv. cauuibalish. Tbe different
parts of the system now war with each oth
er. The stomach calls upou the legs to go
with it in quest of food: tho legB, from very
weakness, refuse." The sixth day brings
with it inoreased suffering, although the
pangs of hunger are lost in an overpowering
lancuorand aickuoss. The head becomes
giddy the ghosts of 'well-remeiuberod flin
tier pass in hideous processiou throngu tue
mind. The seventh day comes, winging
increased lassitude aud further prostration
of strength. The arms hang listlessly, the
lees draff heavily. Tho desire for food is
stiU left, to a degree, but it mudt bo brought,
not sought The misorablJ remnant of life
which still hangs to the sufferer is a burdon
almost too grievous to be borne; yet his in
herent love of existence induces a desire
stiU to presorve it, if it caa bo saved with
out a tax upon bodily ex3rtioa. Tho mind
wanders. At one niouiont he tuinKs ui
woarv limbs cannot Bustain him ft mile tho
next ho is endowed with ununtural strength,
and if there is ft certainty of relief before
him, dashes bravely onward, wondering
whence proceeds this now an I Bullen iui
pulso. Further than this my expericuco runneth
not. Tiie reader may think I have drawn a
fancy Bkctch that I have colorod tho pic
ture too highly; now, whilo I sincerely trut
he may never be in a situatiou to test its
truth from actual exporieuco, I would in all
Bobor Bcriousness say to him, that mauy of
tho sensations I have just d tsmbod I have
myself experienced, and bo did tho niu' ty-and-eight
persons who wore with me from
the time we first entered tho prand prairio
until wo rcashod the flock of fiheep; to
which more pleasing subject I wiU now re
turn. From St. LouIh.
St. Louis, Aug. 16, 183.
Editor Free Press: A frightful collision
in a deep cut on the Iron Mountain Railroad
occurred yostorday at a point near the city.
The dead and the dying were brought here
last night on stretchers. Iiis'eimpty the
old story of weary and overworked engineers
and brakomen driving to their death after
the long watches of the night. The bewil
dered, sleepy and overworked engineer of
the train did not perceive that his watch had
stopped; ho missed his connections and the
awful crash came. The corporation can
stand it however. The widows and orphans,
will have to take care of themselves. Mr.
Williams, a faithful employe who lost his
life, stated to a reporter just before dying,
that his merciless employers on the Iron
Mountain ltailroad had compelled him to
work steadily without tho least iuteriniHsion
for three days and nights, until his mind
was fairly unseated. Among the dead is
Eugene Vinston, once a bright and beuutiful
boy, crushed and mangled beyond recogni
tion. Indeed, Mr. Editor, the events of tho
week in an I about St. Louis are somewhat
monotonous in their repetition of sickening
details. First Mrs Simon Binenstock was
instantly killed on the corner of Jefferson
avenue and Olive street hwt Tuesday, by ber
iug thrown from her carriage. This lady
was CI years old and tha wife of an o'd aud
leading merchant of the city. Oa Tueslay
Mr. Tatrick Murphy was crushed to death
by the wheels of bis wagou at tho career of
Easton avenue and Webster 6treet. Addi
son Case deliberately shot hiunclf last night
in Capt Tyler's thooting ga'dery. Young
Case died this morning. He Lad been late
ly discharged from the Wabah roa L Mr.
Hear don, driver of a patrol wagon, is dying
from injuries sustained Ly the upsetting of
thi vehicle Monday evening. Hut a truly
sad case is the death of Eugene Oorman,
pipeman in the 13s cf our fire department,
iu Lis wild dash to a fire, the engine plunged
into a rut of cur miserable ttrtU and threw
Lira and Mr. West, the driver, from their
eats, in a second the ponderous engine wis
cn Gorman and Lt reason of a Leokea pipe
the LisMLg cteara was literacy boiling Lim
to death. He died soca after being rescued
and LrougLt Loua. Folio ccer Toil a
fatally injured in a desperate gLt with a
ping cf Lcodlama Toe lay niht- Acst
Dunkel the and LiHtJ Frank Wahl in a -loon
ca Cherokee tret Suoday n'uit.
LmAel tVn shot Limvlf and jMnel Lit tic
ln-rte ttn east