Newspaper Page Text
Free Press. ISAAC II. JULIAN, Editor. SAN IwIA-ROOa, TEXAS. VmJKSIMYi AUGUST 30, i-;.NTJililii AT TUX I'OHT OMCZ hi MAKOOB TKSA8 AKHKCONU (.XAHH MATTER. J " Snmn hlight premonitions of miller Wttuthlf. J'.xOov. IYiwg of Tcsm died ftl LnmrrtHe on Siimliiy night ugod 72 yearn. Smart. The Onlvestdn News copies our account of the Ktonu at thw plttco lid credits it to the "Sun Antonio Free Press." IlEronT to the Oulvoston News from 33 different portions of Texas represent the ijotton crop cut tiliort from one-fourth to one hulf by tho drouth and worms together. A fuw places report cotton almost an entire failuro. Wu nro gratified to learn that Tctm F(trtn and lUiwh, published at Austin, Texnn, will nipnr lifter 15th 8eptenibef as a Semimonthly. Tho price of the paper Will remain the is . . . M l . Ti same m heretofore -omy x a jear. . com. an H page, 48 column paper, devoted to the .,eJ fa the hackneyed manner of those who farm, rauoh oud home circle. it Ktnt J'reCt IVnert CooPEB onco said: "In all towns whoro ii uewspu per iM published, every man M10U1U iiuvoruse in u, even u urnum iumc ... . . a it. - 1 2 than a eiuu stating nis namo ana wie uuhi- I, a iu Aiurnitorl in. It rlofiH not Onlv DIIV the advertiser,it lets the people at a dis inn pp. know the town you reside in as a pros- unrivis communitv of businesa men. As tiw. iKMl in unwfi art the fruit rocomperJBes Never you pull down your sign while you M M It expect 10 ao DunineBH. Tatib tinners irencrallv depreciate the publication of ma tter tending to foster an- tiputuies between ine peopio oi jyieaiuu uuu th'wti of the United States. They counsel oxtm fdr'bfihranco towards Mexico as tho weaker power, and with the prospect of increasing Amer ican influence in that country which U jealous and has cause to be, of forjignors. j!rct'v. No wobds, containing more truth, were I'vcr p 'inodthau the following clipped from tho Cubunbus Citizen: Th m-mia for publishing newspapers and periodicals is still running iu Texas. More uownpiipcrs than babies die before they are two" ycuvB old, in proportion to the number tnuf. ('oiue into tho world. Of a dozen pa pers hl srttvl in Texas scarcely more than one nurviv-s two yearn, yet every young man who cr.ti write a ten lino obituary thinks he can Ru!u: a success as a newspaper man. A (.''tiicKSPOSi'EKT of the Cincinnati En. quirer bus beeii cdnvassing Indiana and II litioin through the circular process, and claim the following as the result: To t'u'ri circular I have received four hun dred r-al olrivon answers in Iudiana and thrc h'.indre'd and seventy-eight in Illinois. Of th four hutidi'ed and eleven, three hun drol ui l ninety-Ciid have becu favorable to Tilde i and Hondricks, or to Mr. Hendricks. Jur?t twonty have responded to Mr. McDon at:. 7-jighty-throe arc for the old ticket first, au l Hendricks as second choibo( while two hundred and twenty-eight favor thd Old tick et tirdt and McDonald as second choice. Tlie second question was not answered in many cases, Uio writers saying that it was ft'jwcred in the question. In many ohkob tlio statem'int was volunteered that no :uuii.lato would bo considered by the peo pl ) except Tilden and Hendricks, if they would accept thn nomination. In Illinois but live were in favor of Mc Donald us Urst choice, but for second the niHwevp weve divided between Palmer, Trumbull, Morrison and McDonald. The sentiment for Tildun and Hendricks was al most unanimous. I pueu in lut nacuneyea innuucrui iuuwj uu Sample cop. ive oniy dry dates and statistics, but the 1 .. -JJl- . !.. -M M writer gives pen ana inn poriruun tu iucno men, describing in bis pointed and compact style their peculiar characteristics, adding a condensed biography, and in several in stances he gives also specimens of the style of itpoech oud writings of his subjects. Among those sketches are the following : James Kussell Lowell, Theodore Thomas, Wendell Phillips, Henry Ward Beecher, Kev. Dr. John Hall, Henry W. Longfellow, Thurlow Weed, Wm. M. Evarts, Cyrus W. J'i'pH. Thnddeus Stevens. Thomas C. Acton. Elwin Booth, Elihu Burritt, It. H. Stod dard, Eastman Johnson, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Chas. J. Folger, Frederick Doug las, Henry Berg, Samuel K. Wells, Rufus Ohoate, Elbert S. Porter, K. F. Deems, Sir John A. McDonald, Rev. David Swing. Rev Dr. Richard S. Storrs, Morgan Dix, Edward Eggleston, F. E. Spinner. Rev. John T. Lewis, Rev. Robt. Colyer, aud others. The author Mr. Bungay, is a master hand in this lino of writing, he has made charac ter a studv. and no modern writer has been more successful in its portrayal. He is well known in literarv and newspaper circles, and was on tuy editorial stau or tne iew x am Tribune in the times of Horace Greeley. Tbfl vnlutne is handsomelv minted on fine super-calender paper, and with its illustra tions, and handsome bindinc is well adapt ed to tho holiday season. r.v. tin 1 Hook Xoiiees. rAvr.s of Consolation fortius ArFtirr oe Voices from the Silent Land. By IT. Dwifht Williams. Published by Presbvterian Publication Committee, H Ohesuut St., Philadelphia. About a year ago wo chanced to seo a copy or the above work at tho house of a friend, and were kindly permitted to take it L me with u. In its occasional perusal w have found much comfort. Finding its coutenif mill to grow upou our appreciation, and m t willing to rrtaiu tho borrowed copy 1.i!i'.;it, we wrote to the publishers for au orinr, which is r.ow before us. It is a well !nUl volume of :C.O pnes, with gilt is, handsomelv bound in cloth. As to the contents, we have never met with a col-l-'ctioa of cmal interest ; the selections show teti?ivo renting and grol taste on the p at nf the compiler. She h?ys iu tho pro- some two hundred-aud.flftjr writers in prose and poetry, of various eras and nationalities. In tha language of the compiler: Such Bad visitation of Providence inspire withiu us an iusatiable desire to know more of the future; itud the flight thitherward of the spirit of Ohe who in life Las been very dear, perhaps the dearest, seems to cast a halo of light into that future." It in only under such circumstances that such an array of consolatory sentiment and testimony bear iug on the subject as is contained in this volume can be properly estimated. A stamp on a blank leaf informs ns that our copy is 'from Rev. James A. Skinner, Dis trict Supcrintendant Presbyterian Board of Publication, 4 WCBt Fayette St., Syracuse, New York." The price, we believe, is only (I. We cordially commend it to whom it may concern, and should take pleasure in ordering it for any who may desire it. Tbaits of Riphehentative Mew, with poetraits, by Geo. W. Bungay, author of Off Haud EtchingB," "Crayon Sketches," "Pen Portraits." "Creeds of the Bell's," etc 5IHO fim'PH. 12 mo . extra cloth. Price $1.50. New York : Fowler it Wells, Publishers, 753 iiroadway. We have here a volume of sketches giving something of the history aud character of nearly forty representative men, compris ing poets, orators, philosophers, financiers, soldiers, statesmen, and other leading men in their variovs walks of life. This is not a od The 'Voices from the Silent Lud have l ; u co!le. e l in the freshness of a very f p (iQ:. t K, ttiid o ir.plettd tefice its dtily-pw'.iiiu haJ passed away. She rtn'oiily devire tb.t thi ' perusal of tuee J r;t' i:iav prove sweet and soothing, a s h'.a-c of iMjsoUtion t j othri as their r-'rvi-Hf :on Lis It cc t h rsclf. M-.eti.K ;. idrigr.e,l mcr' rwir-r- .liriy fsr lh.-o cf my countrywomen vh.v.i tlol, ia iutiuit? wuHlom. cuiy Lsre c .1 to p naJ.T Ui cf afSiction." All. bowAcr. L.J hive unflerfd bfTivmeiit t-.r.'jot f;l of Uhi;; ictereUd n.I benefitted 1 y a p. n.vil of t'i I.ttle tulimf. T1:0 ccrj n . i.i m. of CLri .La Tai'.L asd Lope are here - -y; UCit'-i oad d-frrrtiby rxracUfrou Kyle Tcrsonals. D. A. Barbee is now keeping the Kyle ho tel, and keeping it well. TT T the lumber man. has cone on a trip North, leaving his brother in charge of the business. Yrmncr Prof. will bike cbarce of nrinninw Snrinrrs Acftdemv for a time till a 11 r - i - o - - - , corps of teachers can be organized. Prnf Kt.nrts wfi were told will resume preaching, but his daughter will still teach in the Seminary. We werei n the store of Meyer & Wretzel. It is a big thing. "Charley" says he likes Kyle, but is still partial to San Marcos. TIia Rtona bnildinfT on Groos's old corner. built, we believe bv Groos and Banner, is about 100 feet square. Capt. Ferg. Kyle has turned his tank into a fish-pond. It will be a nice one when in complete order. Apropos, we were tout that Mrs. Peel has carp in her pond over two feet long. A vminnr riivl. nlpp.9 nf Mrs. Kill!?, widow t' r - - -1 o of the late Cumberland Presbyterian minis ter, had just died of disease resultiug from un attack of measles. She had but recent ly come from Arkansas. Wo mpf T)r Kimeopk. tha dentist, and were much pleased to find him prospering well. Since he removed to Kyle he has bought and improved a homo for himself, nnd bonoht sixtv town lots, which he is be ginning to sell at an advance. He is a good lentist and clever gentleman, and deserves his success. News ! v s ! ! Travelers aud others will find at the Free PiiESS office copies of the St. Louis Republi can and Globe-Democrat, Cincinnati Times Star, Chicago News and New York Sun, all Dsiilv; besides Texas Dailies and various Weeklies and Monthlies from all parts of the country. Also some choice Miscellaneous Books, very cheap. Call and see. Urn Card. The undersigned, on East side of Plaza, 60-cnd door South of Post office in San Mar cos, cnin lw found at all times. Has for sale Farms, Basiness Houses in town, and county of Hays aud other counties iu Texas. He offers "cheap, on easy terms, invites pur chasers aud atrouage, aud satisfaction guar anteed in all court in Texas, and real estate agetK'ies. Live stock interests looked after, and business attended to in all parts of Tex as. Give him a trial before investing else where aud Iks convinced. G. W. Walters. Solicitor, Att'y at Lnw and Real Estate Agt. Administrator' Notice. AH persons having claim against tho cs tnte of W. P.. Pry. deed, will present the vire within th time repaired by law to the und reigned ho h.vs been appointed nd iiiiutrtrix of fiid estate, and whose port-tCk-o a-Mre u San Marco. Hays County, Tfvw. Oaini may b h ft with nnUhiwn A Friathn, attorneya for id administra trix. "Mks. Groa;ii Far, it .AJtainistratrix. Tiae lice TcrcsJc SLirta. jat roreivl. at Guxs PjucV. 0jter Creek. Othtka Cbm, Aug. 85, 1883. t pD pBiui. A most sudden and Bid death, Mrs. William Stovoll, occurred on the 23rd inbt. in the adjoining ncignoor. ki, .. a woman of youthful vigor llinrv " - w and amiability. She leaves a tirge familj of promising childron and o kind ond af .innfit husband to mourn her departure, We do most sincerely extoud our sympathy in tliA hnrpnved family. The short crops, dry season, and low prices of cotton, are very discouraging w the farmers. But farmers cannot expect to rA, h the desired decree of independence until more attention is given to raising the nceHArv articles of home consumption A larffe maioritr cultivate cotton and corn exclusively and depend entirely upon the merchant for meat, flour, and other arucies w i.a mitral at home, we uaev nictured in our mind's eye the model farmer. The farmer is the bone and sinew of the country) he raises something for his fellow man to live ou. The model farmer Keeps things neatly and judiciously arranged about bis farm. He delights in raising tine biock inmilkinc his cows, and feeding his pigs he sows and cultivates some of all the seeds that are profitable aud adapted to the ch mate in which he lives; his garden yields a rich profusion of vegetables, and the man-tel-Diece is decorated with delicious fruits; his dairy is supplied with milk as sweet os honey, and butter as yellow as gold; fried chicken and baked turkey often find their way to the dining-room, and occasionally the fatted calf is killed, and his sons are made to rejoice; on pic-nic day a shoat is prepared for the occasion, and oh, how pleasantly the hours glido by; he is alive to every publio interest, benevolent to every good cause, kind and hospitable to all with whom he meets; he finds ample time for mental culture, and no one thinks of calling him a rustic. If to the field of battle he is called, he is true to his leader and fights bravely for the cause; with patient toil and economy he lays up a competency for his declininc years: his sons grow up honorable and upright citizens, and his grandchild prattles around his knee, and the old man laughs for joy inexpressible; at three Bcore and ten, he talks of heaven, and at eighty is borne away to the abodes above for which he is created. Governor Ireland truly and aptly remark ed in his address at the San Marcos barbe cue that we have the elements of a good and magnificent country. We have some thing to write of the impressions that were made upon our youthful mind when we first beheld the San Mareos river and her adja cent country in 1870, a little prior to "ye editor's" advent. Instead of the waters of the San Marcos river being turn ed from their channel proper through some subterranean channel, we expect to live to see acre of ground successfully irri gated by her waters, provided, that we ore permitted to live out the allotted time of man. J. T. D. The Western Outlook. fThe following came to hand a day too late for our last. Kd. Manchaca, Tex., Ans. 21, 1883. Ed. Fbee Press : Having just returned from Devine and enquired closely into the financial condition of the country through which I passed, I am sure that the corn and cotton crops are distressingly short. Ours is the most prosperous community I have visited ; and a half crop of corn and and one third of a crop of cotton is all that we can boast of having made. It is fairly presum able that this is the best out-look from here to Cotulla. And nothing but the strictest economy will save this country from the usual distress that accompanies a barren harvest. In many localities 6tock are suf f erinc? for water and eras Out west in many localities stockmen have to draw water out of wells or drive from six to fifteen miles. But the ring of the hammer can be heard in all the cities and towns and the building boom does not cease. The Guadalupe, Comal, and Medina ivers look like they had about an eight foot dam up about their heads. Let me assure you that San Marcos with its truly refinod society and beautiful river, ought to be the common resort of those who coot vrcf nnd nlensure. And may I advise you to "ttay at home Tommy, don't go : ' ana grow ncn at your leiisure. Respectfully, J. ALAMO MUSIC HOUSE. 220 COIYIIYlfcKtl: 5l.f oAlt ANTONIO, 0HI0KERINO, JjEIONi and FISCHER . t PIANOS, H m MASON HAMLIN ORftAKS Sole Agents for Texas of S. Brainard Sons publications. Subscriptions for the Texas Edition of Biiainard's Musical World, price?, $1 50; containg now a larfje Texas Department. Everything in the Music Line. Ke pairing and tuning by first-class workmen. . tf w guarantee PromptD6M and SatUfactlon In Ailing all orderi. aug23 tf E. 0- EVERETT & CO- KIMBALL AND rtfrtr fn.rr.aa CD (CO5 Ka M Uannfaetarer and Dealer In SADDLES, HARNESS. BRIDLES, AND COLLARS. will keen conttantlr on hand Terjtbing belonging to nls line, and will sell cheaper tbao the cbtnp . Rigging ;of Stock Saddle a Specialty. Repairing done la order. Satisfaction guaranteed. A Urf WHIPS, LEGGINS, BLANKETS. ran of the public patronage tolicited, -A LARGE SUPPLY OF- THE BEST AND FINEST EVER OFFERED IN THIS PLACE. ii. mm Tflffl h CO. SA3ST MAECOS, TEX. Dealer In All Klnda of SHINGLES. SASH, DOORS, BLINDS; Whits Pine Weatherboarding, White Pine Beaded Ceiling, EVERYTHING IN WEIR LINE ALWAYS ON HAND. Lumber Dressed to Order. AU Orders Promptly xuien. OFFICE AND YARD Near the Railroad Depot. apr 19 17- Eoal Estate Transfers. ateoantn ncaixu th pat two wctna. KIUbeth Prledam, guardian of certain minor, to J. II. and W. S. Powell, 145 acre Jno. Barton urvey. $325. Kliubeth Koon, busbnnd and other, to Wm. P. Bralth all Joint and individual inwret In Peter D. Smith etate uov. Joeph Maciwki, to Otto Groo C9 acreG. W. William MJrreT 121H, K.rt. Vardellto D. K. Cocbrebnm MX acre 1 and other consideration. Saront-I Word to liar Brecdlove :u acre Miller W t2. J. H. Schmidt and J. n. xcador 10 r. 1. oreeuiove ere more orlem 1300. Cornelia A Trimble to 31. Gatlln lot 3 block Dopre . . ... .. - ... Jacob T. ami Jame A C!)noiea to .ino. ji. n auiag Ut 4. CbaaJirr' addition to Dopre t Jarcb T. and Jo. A. Chandler t J. T. Walling let 5 and S. Cbandler'i addition. Uupre. 10. Kyle Co..t H.T.. Rirber. K. J, ot lot 12, block 13 5an Mirro. f50. B. r. firiitcX at4 wile i . r. tiinDKi, ioe acre 7.. Hiet ecrrfjr 5o. H faw. C W. naaiel to P.M. springer m i. a. laraj tot fciock 3 Pir. 9f. . Kle and . H Ib1 to J. Bareto part f let 5. Motk 13 Marco, f etc. J C. avrbe Cbaa. i erueca bj arm. .,rT,r)M. 1200 . ...., i. I. Harbee. wre Ml. a. ikrr trc. J C. McBleram. t Ctea. weiltr in acTea w mi. Stewart isrrej 5o. II l(. ANNOUNCEMENT My Stock of Spring nnd Summer Goods is now arriving, ind I am pleased to inform my friends and customers that I have purchased a larger and better assorted stock of goods than ever brought here before. I carrv a full line of Bryan Brown hand-made Shoes, Morris l Fine Hats, Glen Falls Shirts, Fine Custom-made Clothing, etc., anu full assortment of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, .Notions, Lace etc. Mv Groceries, Hardware, Crockery and Wooden-ware, De partments are complete, and large purchases enable ine to sell to low as the lowest. I am Headquarters for Agricultural Implements and Farm Machinery, and parties wishing to purchase Gin or Mill Outfit etc., will mid it to their interest to see me before purchasing The Moline and Jackson "Wagons are always in stock, as also Barb Wire. Thanking my numerous Friends and Customers for the very liberal patronage bestowed upon me last season, I assure them that it will be my only aim to try to please them in re gard to prices and quality of goods and liberal and polite atten tion. Yours Trnlv, WM. GIESEN. P. S. Cash Paid for Country Produce. nic-hl MM Hi The undersigned is now prepared to gin cotton at the following rates : At my Home Gin at the McGehee crossing, $3 75 ; at San Marcos, $4 25 per bale of 500 lbs. This includes Bagging and Tics of the best quality. W. S. GRAY. aor, 33 tf. DR. J. H. COMBS, A OrnCE:-KorthS:Je Tublic Sy Kan Marcoa. - - - - T la (be ItrST. So vreraratlAft. t L wfib icy rle pB for m.rk- in Tiwnc rwjm I r ."C 2rr aUrewo f,iri4 Zrm- itsuiinrnii, a ipmbu. EHNitfirar. a trail arciswiauoiicra 4 ftw Aft'. job rBtsmu! ! job rKisnw" JOB PRINTa! NOETHLJLST C03XLB TlSZ.