Newspaper Page Text
Free Press. THUItSDAY, AUQUST 30, 1883. TIME TABLE. gjf ANTONIO DIVISION BOLRU 0UUTU. AIL. 11.80 A. V 11.10 P. II .1130 " laatln yiaclitc 4.-00 P. M 4:40 4:61 " S.l " 6:41 .01 81 - nr ".vARCOS.. 1:H " l a wBru .MH l.a AnWOlO.... 8:00 P. X, BOUSD HOBTfl. HAIL, 4 00 P.M. , s:0 " 3 00 " lira AOItln.... ytnchtc Ior 11:10 A.M. 10:30 10 li 0:11 0 35 010 8:55 7.45 f 2: " 3:20 " Xjj MARCO Bon(f ...: Wer BriUDfoU. am Antonio... ...3.01 " ...l:M " . .15 i addition to tb above are two tipr train .Mill 4IUOI1IW WUH"VIIHK ..... IW t uwu inl for uaiT BOUSD SOUTH. :35 A.M. KOKTH, T:M P. M. HOME NEWS. iHnci for water-work art reported to bo burned' and Dailey A Bro., on Ibo corner, bava la. ..t the following price-current good till Sept. IS. Van ibould bear In niind tbat they are eaah price: . inilUunlihil Ida Peque, white, corded 14 tarda (or fl. 10c " figured 13 yard for SI. 15e Cocblco Lawn lOo per yard. ik French Cheviot 10c per yard. 8eencker in brown, blue and black itrlpei at 13 l-lo per ya. Beit quality Dr Gingham lOo per yd. JSe all linen Beared Lawn 10 l-3c. v,ti all wool Bunting plain 16 2-Sc. 40c all wool warp and filling Lac Bunting 23 In. 250. 60o all wool warp and filling Pre neb Bunting 44 In 45c. 35c all wool perforated French Nub Veiling 25c all colon. 30c American Hun Veiling 30c. aoc double widen perforated nun veiling iso. 44 in. Albatrak in all tbe new abade tSGe former price SI 35. Lsee Bunting 15c, Our best Print 16 yard for Si. 4-4 Bleached Domeitlo free of lUrch "Farmer Choice," 13 yard for $1. Beet Sea Island Brown Domestic, yard wide, 13 yard for f 1. S Dozen At .00 Corset! for 50c each. 3 ' 1.25 " $1. each, warranted everyday wear for alx months. 10 Dozen Towel 60. 10 " all linen Dauiaik Towel 18 In. wide 36 In long 40c per pair. 11-4 White Bed Spread worth f 1 75 for fl 35. Ileal Lemon Torchon Lace 1 In. wide at 5c. 0 Dozen Ladies' colored Hose worth $1 75 for tl 15 per dozen. 25 Dozen Children' colored Hose worth 20c for 12 Vie each. 10 Childreiia colored hone worth 15c for Bhic. 100 Mens ani bo; Straw Data in all color for- tier price $1 now for fiio 25 pair long ail Gloves in all color at 65ctl. 25 pair long silk Mitts, all colors at 60c. Keckwenr in Luce Lluen Collars and Fichu very low. Parasol at 50c former price 75. ateOo " H6 10 ' " 70c " f 1 00 8 " (1 " 1.25. 7 " best silk $1,50, former price $2'25 S " 3.25 ' 3.50. flood line of Pebble Slipper $1. Gooil line of Kid SUnner $ I. Good line ol fine Kid Slipper $2.00, former price (3. A rood line of Bed Table Kapkln at Boc former $1 per doe. Ike above prlcei are strictly fob cash. DA ILK Y A BKOS., on tbe C"rner P. S. Soecial bargains will be offered in our Millinery Department, Baby Sulkies for sulky babies, J. W. Nance. Ladies', Misses' and Children's Hosiery, just reo'd, at Gbeen & Pbioe's. The water pipes continue to leak some what. Those new plaid Dress Ginghams are just beautiful and so cheap! at Greek & Price's. Pitchford declines the contract of fur nishing wrapping paper for the meat market. Plush and Velvet Ribbons and Embroid eries, (something new) at Green & Price's. A large 6tock of fresh patent flour; best in the market, iust received at Raid's New Store, north side of plaza. Beautiful line of Prints and Dome-itics, just received, Green & Price. We are pleased to notice the improvement iu the appearance of the Institute grounds caused by removing the loose rock3, etc. Complete stock of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Shoes, at Green & Prices. The climate of Texas or at least of West era Texas is more like Mexico than the United States. Full line of the celebrated "Bassett Cor set," at Green & Price's. We learn a flight of sea gulls was noticed in this vicinity last week. "Wonder what it aeaut. Our stock of Dress Goods and Trimmings will arrive this week, Grixn it Price. Fixe large maps of the U. S. at the Ftu: Press office. Green & Price' stock of Dry Goods lias arrived. Go and see them. Mosheb A Gucci, carpenters and build- Can give the best of references. u. Nobbiest btock of Mens' ans Boys' Clotb- 2-, tver teen in San Marcos, at G&ux i Tkice's. Lot. On Sunday hw-t a poli spiral breast-r-a, with a coral spray in the centre. The fte finder will pleate leave it at the Free Film oiLce. Sew lot cf Mens' rhCadelr'bia Shoes, at Gazix A Piaci'a. pent raost of Monlar pleawmt'y at .rle nting its improvements etc We only pce this wek fr xkd pcrson heiSycj, t f jrusi ia another ?-:e. WHY'S STORE. The reason why Billy can sell goods for iwiu tucnjH r mau any outer doum in San Aiarcos, are t lt. That ha has no Mansard roof bis house uor awning in the frouL on 'Ud. Ho has no clerk hire, and attends to nu own uiouoy drawer. 3d. He buy chii goods from first Lands ana pays casu for same. 4th. He attends so hU own business, uiorougnty. 6th. ne supports no family but his own ana Rives no gooaa away. He understands Lis busiuess thoroughly. Cth. He gives evorybody full value for moir money and sixteen onncet to the pound. 7th. He is a friend to the widows and orphans aqd will not turn the hungry away. otb. He delivers all Lis own coods free of charge. Oth. ne Las no old stock, all his eoodi oeing strictly fresh and new. 10th. He can furnish anything iu nails, tinware, Hardware and Groceries. Something new, nice and chean in Club uouse Ties and scarfs, at Green t Price's. AmB several days progress, the auction of the 6tock of goods of Turner fc Co., closed by the whole of the remainder being struck off to J. V. Hutching, the highest bidder. Complete line of Mens' and Boys' ITalf Hose, just arrived, at Gbeen & Price 8. The new arrangement of the post office is now the best we have ever had. The differ ent departments of the business are separa ted in city Btyle, so as to make it much more convenient to the publio as well as to the postmaster and Lis assistants. We have received a full and complete Btock of Trunks, Bags and Valises, and have marked them at prices that mil sell them. Green & Price. A large lot of Cane, Cocoa, Brussels and Velvet door mats. Brussels, Velvet and Moquet Rugs. Napier, Coco and Grass Matting. Carpets, Hemp, Cotton, Wool and Cotton, all Wool Brussels four grades, and Veivtt. Oilcloth for halls, dining-rooms, Hacks, Buggies, tc. i. W. Nance. "A Treatise on the Horse and his Dis eases" is the title of a valuable manual of 91 cases of which 2,300,000 have been sold. For sale at the Free Press office, price 25 cents. Fine Flour, Potatoes, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, and Keroeiue and Astral Oil, S. F. McAllister. Remember you can cet the latest copies St. Louis. Chicago and Cincinnati daily pa pers, as weM as many others of interest at the Free Press omce. We went boating on our river on Tuesday with the Kyle pic-nic party the first time we had been on it since the completion of the new dam. That has vastly improved it for boating. You can now go a long dis tance up the slough as well as the river. There are also several new and more com fortable boats. Ex-Governor Lubbock said here that he had visited the source of the San Marcos of old, and thought he appreci ated its beauties, but on going over it in a boat, ho found he previously had no just conception of its varied charms, buch is the General verdict. No visitor to our town should fail to make this delightful trip. A new spirit of competition has sprung up. The uauey s on ino corner re running in opposition to the auction. See difference in prices: Honey-comb white bed spread, fl 75, Best Kid Shoes, $3 00 to $3 50. Yard wide bleached Domestic. Farmers' choice, free of starch, 9 to 10c. Now see what the Dailey's on the corner sell at: Bed Spread, $1 00. Best ShoeR, .2 90. Farmers' Choice Domestic, 8c. A difference of from 25 to 75 per cent. See. For further prices see advertisement. Marriage licenses issued to the 13th inst: Thos. Blackshcar and Liney Davenport; Jesus Agilor and Connerion Butieres. J. N. Porter and Mary L. Barbee. J. W. Snann and Fanny B. Pike. J. J. Piatt and Mary Hollinger. Henry Blanks and Mrs. Delia Johns. Colmissioncs, Court Proceedings,. I. B. Rylander applied for a change of about 750 varas in the road between Hector and Kellam. Granted. Report of C. W. Criser and ethers here tofore appointed to consider a change in what is known as the Blanco City and Aus tin road. Report in favor of the old road and tk that it be made a first-class road. The court accepted the report, but decided that it should be a scconJ-clasa road, 40 feet wide, H W. Baker presented bis resignation as road overseer. Accepted and Gas Shoe maker appointed in Lis place. Application c' E. G. Coleman and eth er for the removal cf Independent Hall school commuaity to Kyle, where there has Un gim a block of lasi for free school purposes. Gritted. IL E. Bftrbtr, Collector, rreretUd Lij re port of occupation taxes for the quarter ending June 30th, Approved. Report of C. M. Brown aud others ap pointed at May term to locate a flrht-chum road from Kyle to the Travis couuty line on CorLin longue. A majority located the road but other partiett Died a written protect. J The court thereuKn ordered that w. lx Stephenson, Taylor Goforth, D. A. Barbee, S. W. Odell and Otto Grooa be appointed commissioners to view said road aud assess the damages iucident to the opcniBg of the same and report at next term. Report of Jos. Biles and others, commis sioners appointed at May term to locate a first-class road from the Austin road via Elm Grove school house, etc., to DuPro, against which a written protest Lad been filed. The court therefore appointed com missioners to review said road and assess damages and report at next term. Application of L. L. Porter and others for a first-class road from said Porter's place to DuPre. Same proceedings Lad as in pro vious case. Application of J. C. Rowe and others for a socond-class road from Dripping Springs to intersect the Austin and Burnet road, I J. Good, M. G. Caperton, N. Harris, A. nunter and Joff Marshall were appointed to view and locate said road and report at next term. . Application of Jason Wilson for the dis continuance of a portion of the road from said Wilson's place to the Blanco river; the court appointed G. B. Patterson, W. P. Woods, C. B. Donalson, Otto Groos and W. T. Goslin to view and locate said change and report at next term. Application of M. Y. Moran and others for the opening of a third-class rood in pre cinct No. 3, from Wimberley's Mill to the Comal county line. M. Y. Moran, E Pos ton, L. Wimberley, Jno. Ruiard and J. T. Egger appointed viewers, to report at next term. Application of Wm. Ottenhausen and oth ers for a second-class road commencing near the Tom Cheatham place to intersect the present Dripping Springs road. D. Mc Donald, G. B. Ezelh J. A. Smith, S. D. Jacknian and S. L. Pegues were appointed viewers, to report at next term. Application of H. H. Stanley and others for a change in the Austin and San Marcos road. The court appointed Jim Adams, J. D. Meader, J. Schmidt, A. Borton and D. Burleson viewers, to report at next term. Application of E. P. Haigler for a change in the road in the north-eastern part of tho county. Viewers appointed, to report at next term. W. F. Barbee and E. W. Kyle applied for appointment of public weighers at Kyle and San Marcos. Granted, to qualify by next term. H. E. Barber presented annual statement of taxes for the year ending June 30. Ex amined and approved. The following claims were presented and allowed : H. E. Barber, board of prisoners to Aug. 14 i290 05 H. E. Barber, for Guard at jail 180 00 Same, attendance at Court to date... 40 00 Same, stationery 11 00 Same, jail account 10 50 Sheriff Mitchell Co., boarding Hays Co., prisoners 14 00 H. S. Harvey, digging grave for pauper 5 W. M. Wyatt, estraying mare 2 Sheriff of Mitchell county 4 Dr. Woods, examining lunatic 15 00 00 70 00 S. F. McAllister, bucket and rope for county well 1 10 Sheriff Erath Co., keeping Hays Co., prisoners 2 ... i: l 91 25 wm. u-iesen, supplies at David Lynch W. L. Steele L. J. Dailey, jail supplies I. H. Julian, printing and notice J. Ward, coffin for pauper.. u 31 90 G 00 5 00 5 20 3 50 4 50 4 00 W. A. Stone, guarding prisoners R. S. Fortson, Assessor account 10 05 Dr. Dailey, inquest W. B, Fry. 00 Mrs. Fry, well rope.. E. Northcraft, lime, &c 3 A. C. Mosher, coffin for pauper 4 C5 00 00 Jepp Henson, guarding prisoners... Emanuel Logan, care of Mary Wil son, pauper 12 00 OtS Geo. D. Barnard & Co., stationery, &c 73 20 M. Strickland, ditto J. E. Pntchett. W. R. M'Kie. E. A. Vaughan, W. W. Slack, D. W. Dailey, S. P. Bozarth and B. M. Gibson, for holding election on amendments, each, $10 Reports of L. Coffee and A. F. 47 80 70 00 Fiagge, butchers, presented and received. Various county and precinct officers pre sented their reports. Examined and ap proved. V. Al. Wyatt, successor to jonn lucuara- son, J. 1'., precinct xso. o, presented x.icn ardson's receipt for effects. Ordered filed. On motion of J. R. Burleson, Commis sioner of Precinct No. 3, it was unanimous ly adopted and ordered ly tLe court that on conviction of any party or parties immedi ate payment of fines shell be mnie, and in case of default or inability to do so, hire him or them out in squads under an over seer at ratea which the law directs until such ! finea and corts are all paid, and in ca-e there ' i, no work, nut Lim or thm in the countr1 ..... .... . I jau. in lus manner id; awww en-i forced and vinaicaieu. a in to crarea ty the court. E. R. Koce rreented Lia bond as Judje cf Hays county, which vcj txii-iitd aci apT-roved Yj the cotI. Commissioner allowed themselves 0 each for attendance at this term of court. Adjourned. At a special term of 'aid court held Aug. 20th, the following further proceedings were Lad: Jin) Adams and others reviewers of pro po sod chance in the Austin and Ban Marco road, reported unfavorably. Re port adopted. E. W. Kyle presented Lis bond as pub lio weigher for the district of San Marcos. Approved. Allowed Fcrtr Kyle Lit aocoant for guarding prisoners f 19 65 Allowed J. G. Burleson, clerk 19 70 Said Burleson presented Lis report for the quarter ending Angust, '83. Approved. Commissioners allowed themselves $9 each, for attendance at thia term. Adiourned to the next regular term, tud Monday in November, 1883. Personals. Dr. F. M. Burleson, of San Antonio ia in town. Mrs. Zivley and Misa Lena left for Lome on Monday. Misa Addie Hockett of Ban Antonio is vis. iting at thia place, A ladv ia now night teleprnpher at the International depot Misa Fannv Barbee Las returned from a recent visit to Kyle. Mrs. Wilcox returned on Monday from a visit to San Antonio. Miss Mary Richardson is teaching in the family of R. M, Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins returned lost weok from their sojourn in Mississippi. Mrs. Gid Johnson and Miss Jo Nance Lave gone on a visit to Lampasas. John Mangan and Maggie Markley, were married last week in San Antonio, Mr. Monson, representing the Texas Farm and Ranch of Austin, called on us on yes terday. John Walters returned last week from Kansas. The country seems to agree with him. Plenty to eat there. Mr. Murchison and family recently re turned from a visit to the Sour well. He says it is by no moans an attractive place. We recrret to learn that Mrs. A. Hart is lying very sick at Austin, where she has been for some weeks under treatment We notice at tho cemetery handsome new her.dstones at the graves of Mrs. Basil Dailey, Jacob Sanders, and J. M. Lea. Seeleo, a Celestial from the Flowery Land, (via of Chicago), will open a washee house next week in the building lately vacated by Kyser and Schultz. Z. I. Williams and sons, who reside six miles down the river, killed thirty-six rattle snakes one day last week. There were two large old ones and 34 of the smaller fry." O. T. Brown, Esquire Las joined the ranks of "mounted men." He is believed to be the most bold and dashing horseman in these parts save only the editor of the Free Press. We referred some time since to Prof. Rich' ardson's modification of his dwelling. It is now completed, and is a great improvement in appearance and in fact ' Among other improvements he has added a cistern from which the water will be drawn directly into the house after the style of "tho states." Sterling Fisher Jr., a son of the Judgo, and a very promising boy, has been danger ously sick for a good while, and remains quite ill. Wo learn his sickness is thought to have been caused by too much going in the river. Boys and others should be warned not to go iu too often or when heated nor to stay in too long. By invitition we were one of a pleasant company who dined with Mr. and Mrs. Hea ton, Tuesday last, upon the 32d anniversary of their marriage. The dinner was very good, and the congratulations of the happy pair and expressions of Lopes for many returns of the day were numerous and sin cere. A picnic party from Kyle and vicinity "held forth" at the head of the river on Tues day. The following is tho conipletest lint of those in attendance we could obtain ; we relied upon Judge Kone to help us out, but he is not sure has got all tho names. If any are omitted, be beg leave to say it was by no means intended on the part of tho Free Press. Here is the list : Mrs. Storts, Mrs. Lundy, Miss Mattie E. Cheatham, Misses Flora unci Annio Storts, Miss GazloV, Miss Moore, two Misses Glasscock, Miss Barbee, Miss Tomlinson, also Mra. 1). Nance of Sun Marcos, and her sister Mrs. Blanks, of Lock hart Of tho gentlemen in attendance there were Messrs. Nance, Storts, Jordan, Wliisc nant, Jackman, Wallace, Jenkins, Good, and Martin, besides Judge Kone and the representative of the Free Press. We have not for a long time been in a more in teresting company or where all appeared to enjoy thpniselves so welL The exercises rontinted of an elegnnt "spread" ut tho head of the river, boat rides and socLd converse. Afte r tho picnic they "took in. the town," or at legist a goodly portion of the contents of an ice creiim siiloon. The writer hereof w Lshes to express to oiw and all his apprcv cii.tivc sense of the their ourtc-sy and kind n.fs a mar;lf--ted toward himself and more esTiecLilly to Miss Cheatham, a former acjuaintanee, who Lou the good taste to r.pireciate 'uge and merit" Slock Ranch For Sale. I offc r for sale my ranch f 1C0O acres. situated two miles cast of Wiinbtrly's mill on the Kyle road. Thero are 25 acre in cnJtiviUioa, the rt pasture of cod qnality. 11 " WfcU L" t!eBJ fef n- wood. Pnce ,0J. K. I'. LAxrT. Witnbtrly P.O. School .o1loe llr. Duncan's rh&ol will optn on Mra- &.t, I UcAr 2rd. a&d regular tUer. is reit:uiiy st:gU-X BUSINESS 0ABDS. W. J. REED & CO., Dlrli E HARDWARE, Ao4 GROCERIES, COTTON BAGGING A TIES. Cottoa f hipped for Producers Fr of Chaw and ah adtancad tra tarn. ED. J. L. GREEN. 8AK KAROOS, TKIAI. DccuM Msgui Eachfigs Imttt, Collections Made on all Accessible PoiLta. corresfondkno solicited. . D. A. GLOVER & CO.. BANKERS, AN1 DfrlAI'l-lRS II EXCIIAMJI) SAN MARCOS, TEXAS. Special attention paid to collection. jly23 8TCRUM0) F1SHKK. B.B. BOSK, FISHER &R0SE, Attorneys at Law, SAN MAECOS. TEZAS. f OFFICE OVEB GLOVERS BANK.jhi mens If ATTORNEY AT LAW, IAN If AHCOS, BATS CO TEXAS. Offle In Illtchcll Building. Jaa J-tr Dr. C. . FISHER, HOMEOPATH 1ST Austin, TeJtat, Treats ALL CHRONIC DISEASES, Sends Homeopathic Medicines to any address by mail or txpress. Lonsuna tinns Frea. Fees Moderate. Office. 105 Hickory Street, under Avenue Hotel. Isaac H. Julian, NOTARY PUBLIC, AND GENERAL AGENT, SAN 3IARC0S, - - TEXAS.' Latter of Inquiry accompanied Uy a (tamo for reply, will receive prompt attebllon. i DR. WM. MYERS, (Late U. S. Army.) Ofllco at Frouime's Drugs tore t Booth Side Pnbllo Square, SAN MARCOS. TEXAS, EXCHANGE HOTEL. SAN MARCOS TEX. Fbitz Lanob Proprietor1. Thl Home will now be ran In an Imprdted tjle; and no pain will be (pared to make It Atlnfaclory to all who may favor It with their patronage, Jly Ctf It. FROMMEY DRUGGIST CHEMIST, San Marcos, Tdxa. Preicrlptlou carefully illtod day and nlg.t CONSTANTLY OJJ DANEl A foil line of pare freih Drag and Chemical. 1t ent Medicine, 1'erfumery, Oil, Paint, Brotliei, etc., eU. augllly Ji WARD, FURNITURE DEALER. SAN MABCOS, TEX. WALL PAPER. PICTURES FRAMES, MOULDING. Coffin and Metallic Caaet all (Ite on tbort notice. Free Press Job Printing office, '3 East Sldo of Plaza. Hutchison & Franklin, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, San Marcos, Tex. Prompt attention paid to Collnting Claim aftd Examining Landptle(. I Fro 1-ly IVIISSIVA COOK, DRESSMAKER. n 4. II COM, - TKXAN. CCTT150 ASDnmXO A SPECIALTY. Satlafacttnn gnrantced. Locatlta , Mar Soatfe-eait coror pablic aar. m j.iil W. A. JACKMAN, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. RAN MAKCOS, TEXAS. &t,petfm!!y Under bit rofMt.,lrrK It opl. f Sta V.rrM a4 vIctaK. U. .ll k tamn4 at kW rcatdrM. (tie fom.r r;re cf Dr. BUkBre), wawa a4 iwil ro'e:.D:i j. Italian Bees and Qneens HITLS.BOTKT SXTBACTO!. fVOXE&f, Bit TEtLS, AVD ETE&TTBISG MLtPD la B Ca'.'we, U trod at Ua Apiary at axlIXy Xti. a. C. jtCIEFR. Saa lUkCt. fatal. I