Newspaper Page Text
i i I i. t ; f t i I WONDER. II kissed rot-ana I knew 'twat wrong, For be wat neither kith o kin) Jitnl or-e do renanea very leng Forms liny little slot IT pressed my hnd-lbil was not right; VTby will tnon bate tuob wicked wtjtt Ii waa not for a moment quite, Hut Id It tbtre were dayt aud dayt. There'a mischief Is the meoa I knowj I'm positive I taw her wink When I reqatsttd him te go Att jet 1 meant It too I think. nut, alter all, I'm not to blame He look the klaa J ! do think men Are born without eente of abamet I wonder when he'll cone again ? American Queen. The Kind of Men Who Make Trouble In and With Mexico. LSan Antonio Light. I 1 bo injuries tLnt Mr. Jeff Miller received in rcKiHtiug tho ftrroM ox uie juouierey po lieu havo liftd n fatal termination, and Jeff in now imniberod with tho dead, 'lue lacla I lli tana that led to tho difficulty Are mi fol low.? Miller was in a (tuloou ut Mouterey ii'id wan nt tlmt tirao upon a Kpree. He u.-imscd LiuiHolf by generally curoing tho Mcxitnnu. A Mexican officer reHentod this national infsnlt, when Jeff retorted by hitting the ollicer over over th& bead with a billiard cue. Hbtill continued to drink, and later on ho went into a private hoime, where he h id no right to go. Here he saw a lady and timdo improper proposals to her, going bo fur n to indecently assault her. She sent lor the police, who came to her assistance. Miller refused to bo arrested, and SHOT THE OFFICEE through the heart, killing hiui instantly. Another policeman attempted to make the surest oud was woundedt He then went mid sought other police, firmed withi sabres ()u seeing Miller they shot him iiutheleg. On this ho fell and the Mexicans ran on him with their swords, intending, to kill him. I tut for the intervention of the chief officer he would have been killed by the infuriated police. As it was the wounds were serious, and as his blood was in a bad state from- de bauchery their danger were increased. It w as soon apparent that amputation was neo ossary. This was dane, but he gradually succumbed and breathed his last yesterday. Joff Millor was well known in thfocity. Me was tho brother of Mr. Monroe Miller, of Austin, who is very much grieved at tho ((currenco. lie was a member of tho Tex as rangers. Tho incident is a most unfortunate one, ivit only for tho deceased's, family, but for the American people, inasmuch as it tends I widen the breach between Mixicaus and Txans. Tho American people do notcn dorse Mr. Miller's nation. Whilo they re gr?.t his death they feel that his blood lies upon his own bond. The Mexican authori ties wero undoubtedly justified in what they did, and having vindicated the law, should not feel any prejudice against the Americans, who always hold out to them tho right hand of fellowship. Timely Hint.. An exchange has the following, which puts in the proper light a matter which is Lv neinily misunderstood: "AVo aro willing I givo place in our local columns to the ii.eutiou of any visitors, the absenco of any citizen, Lis wife or his daughter, but at tho i--;iino time wo would bo glad to have tho ivm written out and handed in, or mention t.iado of it at this office. It is not snobbery to do this: it is in no way improper; Peo j h are always much, interested in knowing t lie absenco of friends, and equally glad to :mv the presence of nuy visitor upon whom they wish to call. Se-ma very sensi ble people say they don't want their names in tho papcrH. This may bo true as to a pan' or bit of evident flattery;: but it cau hurdly bo truo of the simple announcement of a visitor's name or the temporary absence f a goutlemau or lady. So. bring in the itms, we are ulways glad to get them. No visitor is more welcome to our sanctum thiu ouo who brings in nn item." Mr. "W. D. Hick, Eunis, Texas, says : 'Urown's Iron Hitters has improved the health of both my wife and myself." From "The Times." Kdilnr of Timet : Seeing an articlo in your paper last week from Arnold Parker, I impressed w ith the earnestness which ho appeals to you to coutiauu to- enlighten tho w orld in regard to the means by which ho was l liiviculously cured of rheumatism and hip joint lameness by using Randall's Spavin i"'i:v. The nrticlo to which ho alludes by !r. Tiiites, cmpresscd mo so favorably with tLvi real merits of this remedy that I tried lt.klsofor several blemishes on my horses, H i' I found it the most perfect euro I ever I lied for spavins and other blemishes, as it completely removes tho enlargement in ewry instance by continuing its use for k n-eral days after the lameness has subsided. '! lie perfect success I have always had with K vidrtll's Spiviu Cure led mo to uso it on ii-y owu person aud all the f.iuiily, with the "r,- best results as a family liniment. V'iiio st veral of the cures made by it Lave b-'a almost miraculous, none have been m r Mti-factory than several cures w hich I r.ilo with it of foot rot and also- sore teats :t w-ll as warts on to its of cows. I eon si i rit a sure cure for sore tents or foot rot. either cow or sheep. Vili tho satisfae t vi this remedy Las always given iu every ii-tice, 1 rvfraiu from asking with i v friend Park i-r, that you continue to m iS known to th, world, "this, the greatest d: ...oviry of the iiineteenth century. Vourn Truly, Javct A. Campbell. !!r';n:crf X.Y.. S.-pt. 10, 1S-J1. Tie aVr Ut:T witH tV one pr-.MiVbeil !i'(f, Hiiwriiiitm in our efforts to i ik onr piper on ' niot rateable :rnaU in tii coiutry and U a'J or.r v;t . anl w now ak o'.hireof otr reia- rs v' !.t-ty.-n a!:ke l-ifiel I'V tl:e ltur ,'. ;'..-l. J oaoytnr .v fro i Pr. Bite, thit I.. VM--..1 lir public-tioa. ktateraenta v : t:. y :.-iy v .h to iuak for th Lc t. .: oi 4-:br. Vr. ycrV at tl h? rf a!1 ir.rc'tire 1 - f imily c. Tber r pl?anu f as 1 . . et, -I aU ot jtr ia Lti-in ial . i'Jve '--.s'.itks. What Shall lVe Do with Our Daogbt rl Bnng them up in tho way thej should pro. Givo them a good substantial com mon education. Teach thera how to wash and iron clothes. Teach them how to darn stockings and sew on buttons. Teach them how to make their own dresses. Teach thorn to make shirts. lYndi them to make broad. Teach them tho mysteries of the kitchen, tho dining-room ana panor. Teach them that a dollar is only one hundred cents. Teach them to wear calico dresses, and do it like A aueen. Teach them that a round rosy romp is worth fifty dolicate con sumptives. Teach them to wear thick, warm shoes. Teach them to foot up store bills. Teach them to do tho marketing for the family. Teach them every-day, hard prac tical common senso. Teach them self-reliance. Lanham Apflin to the Front. We tho other day mode another pleasant ami inRtmetive call on our enterprising friend and fellow citizen, Mr. Lanham, of the Ban Marcos carriage Factory vtorKs. Wn found ho had inaugurated great im provements since our last previous call, cuiei or wuicn io iuo iuuuuutouu of the admirable Common Sense Engines, manufactured at Springfield, Ohio. This is die neatest and complotest thing of the kind we ever srw; the boiler and engine are so combined as to occupy comparatively lit tle space. The engine is a seven horse pow- er, and appears to De in an respects a per feu't nWa of machinery. It is used to run a Ttnnd Rawincr Machine, which executes all sorts of sawing, such as for church and school soats, brackets, ana an tnai son; oi wnrlr with wonderful accuracy and light ning velocity. Mr. Lanham is now prepar ed to fill orders for this class of work rapidly. While on the ground w e also visited the Finishiner Dentrtiueut. There we saw, as just completed by Mr. Lanham, wo behevo the nuest nuggy we ever saw, ut lont nm-tfilnlv. iu Texas. It was not only fine, but substantial, having steel axles and tires, leather top, and other things to maten. It Las, besides, an unhitching attachment, which is realiy something wonderful. By it nid von win sit in tho buacv. and by means of a strap unhitch your team in an uiRtmit. in ensd thev should become unman ageable, or if from any other reason you may desiro to unloose tnem trom tno vemcio at once, as for instance upon returning homo from a drive. It is a great and use ful invention. Mr. r.n,nham is doincr a ereat work for our town, and a visit to his shops would in terest any intelligent person. jy PJ-Sm. From Eminent Dr. C. C. Clark, Oswego, N. Y. "finlden's LiauidBeef Tonic is by far the best of all the preparations of the kind (food and tonic Y that I have ever used. To the sufferer from chronic diseases, or the conva lescent, it is invaluable, being uom nounsn ing and strengthening." (Take no other.) Of druggists. "Hill's Hair and Whisker Dye," 50 cts. I pity from my heart the unhappy man who has a bad wifo. She is shackles on his feet, a palsy to his hands, a burden, on his shoulder, smoke to his eyes, vinegar to nis teeth, a thorn to his side, a dagger to his heart. Osborne. Mr. W. V. Lloyd. Hamilton, Texas, says : "T nsnd Rrown's Iron Bitters with ereat benefit for indigestion and loss of appetite." Pike's Toothache Drops cure in one min ute. "Prickly Ash Bitters" is nn unfailing spe cific for all complaints arising from a de rangement of tho functions of the liver. It purifies tho blood and infuses new life into the invalid. Pains in the side, general tin- easiness, loss of appetite, headache, bilious attacks, c, &c, are sure indications that a corrective is needed. "Prickly Ash Bitters" is especially ' adapted for these complaints. It arouses a torpid liver to action and restores it to a healthy condition. To banish contagion from garments and linen, disinfect with Glenn's Sulphur Soap. Glenn's Sulphur Soap purifies the 6khi. Thev say that the finest, most diamond covered and elegantly dresGed women at Long Branch have the meanest and most in significant looking husbands. Some people want to know the why and wherefore. Swaync's Tills, Comforting to The Sick. ThouKindt die from nglci to properly treat Impure Blood, Constipation, De.'peynia, Malaria Ap polexy.l.iTfr, Kidney, Heart Disae. Dropy, and Kheumatim. But to lb debillted, burdened with audi serion steHneso, w conscientiously recom mend SWATNR'H PILLB," which contain medicinal properties poaaeaed by no other remeiiy. Sunt ty ni,l for2"c.boxof3n pilU: S boxes $1 (in stamps). A.t.iress PK.8WATSE k BOS, Philadelphia, Pa. Sold by Druggists. On Thirly Iny Trinl. Tm Voltaic Belt Co.. Marshall, XicblRan.. will end Dr. Dye Celebrated Klectro-Voluio Belts and Kleclrlc Appliaocet on trral forlbiny days to .Air.irilil) .In in aflicted with Drrrons Ldebi'lty, lost vitality and kindred trouble, guar- aoteeibg apefdy ana compieto rrwraiiwu ly rleor. Address as abo. 5. B. So riok Is in curred, as thirty day trial is allowed. Jaa tly Itching Files, Symptoms and Cnro. The symptoms are moUture, liia perspiration. Intense ilohtnc. trreased by siratchinir. 'ry dia tressinic particularly at nit-nt, seems as if pt worms were crawling ia aud about the rectum ; taa pria: parts are sometimes aiTi-cted. If allowed t etinue rry serinus resells wi.iy follow. 'WATKK'S OISTMKST" is a pleasant. rr cur. Alr Tetter Itch. sl kbeam. fcald Head. Kry!p'as Barber's Itch. Bl all sca!y. cmttr fk:n pis eases. Sent bTmiilf-r S W: J bces fl -A .In ..amps.) Adlress PR. 8WA1SS A SOS. FhU-ailvL-a. Pa. vl4 by CrSKfUts. OLD KE'srArERS Toe si e ATTIIlSOrriCE. SHIP YOUR COTTON ii. I HOUSTON. Prompt sales ami quick returns, Strict attention to weighing anil classification. Shippers will enjoy all the fa cilities and advantages to le ex pected of a strictly first class House doing the largest Cotton Commis sion Business, in a systematic ami business like style. Stencils and Daily or Weekly Cotton Reports sent on application free of charge. Fair. 1883. Fair- CAPITAL STATE FAIR, ASSOCIATION. JTTSTIiN", TEX. OCT. 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th 20th, 1883. RACING. CATTLB.ROPING, and other reat at tractions. Very substantial Premiums offered. Send for Catalogue. pm CHAS. A. XEWXING, Sec. oug23 n 9 v THE "OLD RELIABLE" WATCHMAKER )akd( O 3? T ICIAN, and dealer In all grades of CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWEL- EY, SILVER WAEE FAJnUi GOODS AND NOTIONS. NORTH BIDE OF THE PLAZA. All aoods warranted as represent edall ivork to give satisfaction, or money refunded. All eoods sold as low if not lower than can be bought elsewhere in Texas. Printing Outfit. FOR The Cheapest Yet ! The subscriber has for sale the greater portion of a NEWSPAPER AND JOB PRINTING OUTFIT (except Newspaper Press.) It consists of 150 to 200 lbs of Bour geois; about 100 lbs of Nonpareil, (both sec ond hand, but good, and very complete and well sorted;) some FIFTY FONTS more or less as may be wanted of GOOD HANDSOME DISPLAY AND JOB TYPE, "of all sorts and sizes ;" a pair of chases for . a six, seven or eignt column paper, wun Column and Head Rules, and an abundance of Leads aud Dashes all complete and good; Brass Galleys; Cases; Job Chases; Com posing Sticks, &c, &c. Also a good NOVELTY JOBBER! 10x14 inches inside of chaeo. All of which will be sokr AT A BARGAIN FOR CASH, being entirely surplus to my office. Impres sions of type and other particulars will be sent on application. Don't fail to -write me, for I am prepared to offer the greatest bar- ijain in Printing Material to be found in the State or elsewhere. Address I. H. JULLN, Proprietor Fbee Peess, San Marcos, Texas. V. S. A rd econd hand Press for a newspaper can nearly always be bought at not much, orer one half tho cost of a new one, at any of the principal Type Fonndrles of 8t. Louis, Cincinnati, Chicago, it'c, which would complete the oulfiC F ASHION CATALOGUE Koa Fill An vViktkb 14S3-4 SENT FBEE To an one sendinr foil name and addreaa. Con tains lithurraphed Faahiao Plates and abora 1.8G4 beautiful Wood KdhtstIocs. lllotrating the vary latest notelliea ia Ladles' and Children's salts and cloak, Tndcrwear, la fact's Outfits. Hosiery and flrnt's Fnrnlshlns; Goods. liUerware. Jewelry. Watches. Roou and and Shoes. Hair Goods, etc.. at". Prices lowor than those of any other noose. K. C. F. KOCH B05. 0th At. A SOib At, Ksw Tork. as r 3 la Of Kentucky UaircnitT, UXIIGTCI. IT. Tia Mf W tto T.n rpiM ti !! rt wraM. TW Cms, hmftmt Tiws J", rrr. tm4. sfc-xH ift twM. lnl Cwm tfiHrarfMniSM. r S Imi ar flKx m. vflS l PHi. -M-ra cm tan at sw. xmmi s nr-. Tm3 l.-lis ktwiciwt- rr ImH tm it. mtm.. sum WILBUR K. SMITH, Lwxlngton, Kf. CLEVELAND n 9 msa JfE W ADVERTISEMENTS. CORONAL ooo ' INSTITUTE SAN MARCOS, TEX- A SCHOOL FOR BOTH SEXES. M Liicr-ry, S:i::iif( Uricil, a:i COURSES. TUITION: From $2.00 to $3.00 per mo llOAItDi $12.50 to $15.00 per mouth. For Catalogues apply to JOHN E. riUTCHETT, A. M., je28-2m President . . - sv - w a a W SON OF MAN. DK. U&KUn BUKBiAl nvnn, The reiult ol yean of patient atndy and traral. A book to charm the young, delight the old, Inter eat the student; a book for ererybody. The style is elegant and forcible ; the language pure and pleasing. Fluely and appropriately illustratea, ar tistic binning, (jommcnora oy m "."""'" V' mi ..ii A li A It V OPPORTUNITY fir ITIII ll w" ...--- - ladles, Ministers Students and others wanting pay. Ing employmet. Address Taxis Book A Bulb Co., Dallas Texas. COLLKQB OF PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS. BALTIMORE MARYLAND. The nractlcal adTantsges of this school are nnsnr- mini.. holil atnttr Hosnltal. Matern- Ite and Maryland Woman's Hospital, all of which . . . i , nl I-I.J..I n J belong to mis scoom . ruysiuiugiuai BuU Laboratory work reauirea oa arery siuaeni. appi; lor catalogue to DK. THOMAS OPIR. Dean, 30 N. Carey btreet. DIVORCES. No publicity, residents or any State. Desertion. Non-Support. Advloe ond applica tions for stamp. W. H. LKK, Att'y, 238 B'way N. X Kevipaper Alnrtlsine Bureaa, lOSpnot St., HivTork. HOXJSXOXT Baily Post, DEMOCRATIC, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Month ' $ 1 00. Three Months 2 fiO. Six Mouths r - - - - - fi 00. Twelve Months 10 00. The Weekly Post, Comprlsip? rmrr pages or sixty-four columns, made up from the creum of the dally editions, Is the largost ufld chenpest newspaper in tho Houtli, and is now offered nt the followiiifj hkiifckd rates ; One Copy, One Year - - - $1 50, Club of 50, One Year (onch) - -125. INVARIAUl.Y IM ADVANCE. Free of Fostac to nil Farts of the Uuit ctl State and Canada. SPECIMEN C0PIE3 FREE. Remit by draft on Houston, postoffice money ordet or registered letter. Houston Post Publishing Go, HOUSTON, TEXAS. THE DIRECT LINE KBOM WESTERN TEXAS AND MEXICO, TO ALL T01ST8 IN THK IS VIA TIIK International great rthern rASSKNRKIS Can Take Their Choice of Routes, Either via Taylor atd the new WACO LINE, Or via the St. Louis, Iroh Moubtaiit fe SotrrnrB Railway. Close connections at Little liock for all Principal Cities in the Southeast. In the Union Depot at St. Louis with Express trains In all directions. Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars between SAW ANT0SI0, AUSTI5. HOUSTON and GALVE8T05, and elegant Hotel Cars between SAN ANTONIO and ST. LOUIrf, Without Change. err For Tickets, Bates, Ac , apply to any of the Ticket agents, or to B. P. DUOHES, Tassenger Agent. Houston. B. TV. McCULLOUGH, Ass't Gen. Psss. Agt., Marshal, Tex at H. 0. T0WNSRNO Gen. Pas . Agt., St. I.onis, Mo, H. at. HOXIE, 2d Vice Pres. St. Louis Mo. mchilly EDUCATIONAL. TUEiimvEusirv of Mississippi 1 AT OXFORD. Tuition free to everybody but Law Students. This institution will opra next session 27lh Sep tetnber 18vS. The coarse If complete ; the Faculty la large, able aea emcient. The terms are very moderate. The whole initiation is open to both sexes. For catalogue and iDlonnalioe apply to Gen. A P-. Stbwabt, Chaccellor. B. M . 8CLUTAN, Secretary. ESTRAYS. Kstrayed hy J.R. Barlesoa Contnisslnarr of tr eltt 5. S. Hsys coaaty. Texas, the follow ins- stork tvit. Ooebrowa horse. blase In face, trbite left lore ana lbm loot, braaoed Jl O with bar over. wu ir. TMrs via. Gives aader n bad Aagan 15, ISiJ. JssG.BCKLEftOX. Clerk Cvanty Oirt Hsys C.Tx, Kslrsyel ly W. B. W4. Coacty CoasBitaeer predact . Hsys County Tevaa. the (vllvviac at k o-w1 : Orve bay nar 14 baada high, brard e K sbffSldT. X n left Jw,s y-v als.oe Ssri VaT ksrsi bras4 T K MiMiti oa Rhtti!rh 1 basis h e-b ibmi yeaia M. Wlfesy read li-s tk l.dsyrf;X .AS. G. BtiLMOJ, C. C. Hn Ca. Tx, NEW ADVEXTISEXRxts MSMrsis. " la No, It nsfsr atnounlsd to as acuta n.t. v.. tinned to be dull wssry athe In th. !S,N' back," writes -r.Jamss Thom,a,0, 2 Uf street. ll.mphls.Tenn. 'This ., .itii."'""- e.. and Ufa b.o.m. dull . 8 oW "Psrl... oer, iib pain In the lower llm'bi and V t''!? It lug awake of night.. Rse,,, I lrlV,h .bli decidedly relieved within tweui,.ou i.''' been Providence that did the work, bat I .V verentlal Idea does hint much credit, bat r!E!M' " works br aaents. and imoni ti.. u I"'f rankt Oral at an extura.l r.m.rf. i. ' P'MUr In relief and healing, and renders (, bsM,:0'11' iivintv. wnrm irk mi i .ksvir i l. . . - -vim plaster for the word CAPC1SK. aa ! kt elan about it. ""r Seabury 4 Johnson, Cbemlstt, New Tork. NO "MORE EYE GLASSES MITCHELL'S EYE SALVE A Certain, Safe and Effective Remedy for SORE nn 11 1UE1 Producing Long-Slghtedntsi, aud restoring or toe signt ot the Old. Cures Tear Drops, Granulation,5tye Tumors, Bed Eyes, Matted Eye Lashes. AND PRODUCING QUICK RELIEF AND PER MAN EST CURE. Alto equally efficacious whonnsed In other mli diet such as Ulcers, Fever Sores, Tumors, tilt Rheum, Bnrna, Piles or wherever inflamation exists MITCHELL'S 8ALV8 may bt used to advantage. ' Sold by All Druggists st 35 cents. T" A If sT The World Watch fa I II Ik P tl"aT Package it the Int. tTllAb est selling article on the nurket. Contains 18 sheets Note Paper, 18 Envelopes, Pencil, Pen-Holder, Pen and a handsome piece ofJewelrj, Retail price 25cts. Four dozen for $8.00. A wucb guaranteed with every lour dozen you order. For 25 cents In one or two cent postage stamps, we will semi a complete sample package with elegnntGold Plated Sleeve Buttons, Gold Plated Studs, Gold Plated Collar Pulton. Handsome Watch Chain, Gold Plated Ring and elegant Heart Pin. Register large amounts. 43 page Illustrated Catalogue of Gua, Self.cocktng Revolvers, Telescopes, Spy Glasios, Watches, Accordeons, Violins, Organelles, 4c.,(ree itiei, ac, iree TICE. Write at at once towuKiti MANUFACTURING CO., 120 Nassau Street, New York, B00KS-2 TOI A M OVER 506,000 VOLUMES UICVDY. Tli'e choicest literature of the world, often the best editiom pub lished. 100 paj?e Cstalogiie Free. I.owot pricei ever knt.wn. Not sold by dealers. Seut lor txtm ina'ion before puvnient, on evidence of good faith. JNO R. ALDKN, Publisher, 18 Yeaey Street, S. Y. I. O. Box 1227. BURN HAM'S rnr l i 'hi" PAMPHLET FREE 3URNHAM BR0 S.Y0RK, PA. $65 A MONTH and BOARD for three live Young Men or Ladies In each comity. Ad dress P. W. Zikqlik A Co., Phils., Pa. HOW LOST, HOW EESTOEED. ,...a ' - rwi;in Af T.R. CULVER- WELL'8 CELKBRTKD ESSAY on tdo radical cure of Sprrmatorbo'.a or Seminal Weakness, Involunurj Seminal Losses. Impotfxov. Menial and Physical Un capacity, Impediments to Marriage etc, etc , slso, Cokboiiptioh, Epn.srsr and Fits, induoed bysell indulgence.sexunl cxtrnvagaiice, 4o. ...... The celebrated author iu this admirable esuy. clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' success ful proctice, that the alarming consequences ol Ben abuse may be radically cured: pointing out s moa orcureetonce, simple, certain, and eectiial, ly means of which, every sufferer, uo matter what nis condition may cure himself cheaply, pnvately ana This lecture should be In the hands of every yojtb nad every man in the land. Kentunderseallnaplaln envelope, to nj ' to dress postpaid, on receipt of six cents or two post age stamps. Address THE CULVER. WELL MEDICAL CO., 41 ANN ST. NEW YORK. N.Y. Tostoffice BoxsO jlyS ly 13 TSHmPILEl PrtnptosBS are motstor, itizigine. 'r;' trff ht; e-rrns at If pinrorma werj rLiVa tbs nctoo ; the private parts tfV7T,i ficaaaat. eoossosaic! an4 pnMtive Sold i-y dn.csits.or sd Wcaiis. More Ejei. BY I RCMEDY SUCH AS DISEASES! V TETTER. ITCH. S0I5ES. FIVPLES. (pnlTMsOulBitl fritgr- Persons ansvreri VVT&s Trtrajta li-O Utta la ttif P"-