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Marcos Free '8. re tin IKK, I. H..TUI-.IAN, it Prove All Things i Hold Fast that which Is Cood." PHOPIUETOlt, VOL. XII. SAN MARCOS, HAYS COUNTY, TEXAS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER, 6, 1883. NO. 40. SO) iVi ss Free Press. " I'ublishpd Every Thursday by ISAAC II. JULIAN. To whom all Lettors should bo Addressed OFFICE East Side of Plaza. It A TKS OFSL'BSCltlPTJOy. 0vfr, In udvtnc f3 U0 f:X months ' 1 SS Three monthH " 75 RATES Or AD YER TSISG . One square, oi.e Insertion $1 00; etch addition (I Insertion uudi r one month. SO eeole oer eauare. 1 square ! " S " co!m. . I 3.60 6.00 1 mo. 3 mo.. 6 mo. l'i mm 10.00 15 00 10.00 S0.O0 6C.00 76.00 5.00 e.or 7.001 11 00 I ao.oo I 7.00 A.00 10.00 30.00 35.00 (1.00 10.01) l'j.nn 10.00 30.00 nu oo Business Cards, one inch or lest, one year, 8 00 Cards In Business Directory, one year, $2 00 Legal and Transient Advertisements will be liarged One Dollar per aquar for the flrat In sertion, and Fifty Centa per aquare for each addi tional Insertion. A aquare la the apace of one loch. Fractional squares will he counted aa full square!. '.real and Rutinets Notices will be charged ten ceoti per line for the flrat Insertion, and eight ccota per line for each additional Insertion. Announcing candidates for office, county, $ 5.00 For District or State offices, 10.0(1 Obituary notice! of over ten lines charged at one-half advertising, ratee. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ftotury Public, una General Ageitt. J H. JULIAN, office Fum Paasa Building, Hankers. GREEN, Southeast Corner Plata, at PD. J. 1 , Malone'a old stand. D. A. GLOVliR, North aide of Main Plaza. VliolcfiIo Grocer. ART1N HINZIE, Southeast corner Plaia. 31 ttvy linod and (irocerlCKi JOHNSON A JOllNSON, Mitchell Building, North V side I'lsZit. J. 1MU.KY, WoHt aids of the Main Plana. I l'M. (ilKSKN, JJAIJ.KY & BRl) 1? Jj. South utile ol the Main Plaza. , 8. W. Corner Plaza. tr.r.EIIAItT eant side oppneite Court llotine. of the plusa, ttry Gondii. U'.nKN A PK'CK, at Jlalone's oU stand, South U c-ft"! (Jorr.or I'la.a. Drcuh-mnkcrs. 1IS8 IV A COOK, Near South-east Corner Public JU Square. B Groceries. PITCHFORD South side Plana. G, Groceries and Hardware-. W. DONAI.SON A CO,, Rust aide Main Plaza. Furniture. J WARD, East Sfdu Public Square, T W. NANCB nearly opposite Hinrie'e Grocery Store. OrtiffffiNlN. FROUME, South side Plnzn. j) AYKOLDS A DANIEL, North side of the Main It Plaza. Physiclmis anl Mirjffons. I" H. TRIPPK can be found atRaynoIda A Daniel's V Drugstore. Uf A. JACKUAN, Can be found at his resi U . dence (formerly Dr. Rlakemore's). DR. WM. MVRR9. Office at Fromme'a Drugstore, Southeast Corner Public Square, nv, H. COMB3 Plata. Dentist. office North side oftba Main GW. WAl . Office. Lawyers. ALTERS, Office two doora South of Pwt v TMSHER A ROSK, efflce In the new Bank Building, 1' In the New upstairs. TJCTCniSON A FRANK! IN. office 1 Building, north side Main Plaza, j) T. BROWN, office In the Mitchell Building, - . npstairs. Ilakcrr and Confectionery . f LASGK. South side Pluza. G Move and Tinware. EO.DF.NNE. East side Plaza. )LES k SON, San Antonio street. Watchmaker. Jeweler and Upll clans. H- RORBtNS. North aide plait. .'Heat .Tlarket. U T0WN$KND, Snthett Public Square. iddlrsj A Harnett. COCK, 5oath"-t Car Plate. K IfcVCLLIN, la-t"t Store. tart Side Plata. at !!- Raarana h LATEEN. Eaet Side TaWte f3er. J . HANTLA, Kaasfartematl t' j tiie tin. martin mum, WHOLSALE AND RETAIL 93 Sn To) his DEALER IN TEXAS. SAN MARCOS, - - - m- SOUTHEAST CORNER PUBLIC SQUARE. vhlRy The World Would lie Tho Hotter For It. If men cared Iras lor wealth aud fame. And If Kir ball In Hl'l and glory ) II writ In liuinan bvarts, a nam SruiJ b.ilvr I ban If ung ami story I It men, lntad of ln.rlrif pililc, Would lr:i to bale at d lo abhor It I ll luur. rcllrd on I v. to ifiiiito. The ni I.I would would be Ibe better for It. II men dilt leas In stork and lamia, And more In bonds and iWda fraternal If l.tvif'a work had more willing bands To link this world lo the supernal ; If men stored np liv.'sull and wine, And on bruist'd human souls would pour 11 i If "yours" at'd ''mine" would uiioe combine, The world would be I he bel'rr lor it. If mote would act the iy ol llfn, And lewnr spoil ll in rehear. al ; If blifi.tiy would ahe.itli Its knife Till good breams mora universal; IfeiHtom, grav with sue grown, Hal fewer blind men to adore It; II talent shone for truth alone, The world would be tlio better for It. If men were wise In littlo thing;, Affecting less In all their dealings If hearts had Inwjr rusted string To Isolate their kindly feelings j 11 men whn wrong beats down the right, Would strike together and restore It ; If right made might In evary tight, The world would be the batter lor It. ESTABLISHED IN 1852. ESTABLISHED IN 1852. BELL cfis at lff . .IK C3 and Manufacturers and Dealers lu Jt . "TT" J 1 1 r 1 T)i n m or) H . - teteA Most Elcirant Desim RAZORS, POCKET AND TABLE KNIVES, ETC., Of our own importation. 63" SPECTACLES A SPECIALTY. HOnttruving; Hone iia latetl NO. 11 COMMERCE ST., SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS, ORDERS BY MAIL will receive prompt nttention. ly as represented. Call and see us at the Store. Every article guaranteed precise feb 1-ly Fair. 1883. Fair. CAPITAL STiTI PJU ASSOCIATION. A.XJSXHST, TIE 221. OCT. lCth, 17th, 18th, 19th 20th, 18S3. RACING. CATTLK-ROPING. and other Kreat at tractions. Very substoutinl Premium, offered. Send for Catalogue. GEO. Wr. SAMPSON, Pres. CHAS. A. XEWXIXG, Sec. sug23 THE LIVR AND tTS FUNOTIOHS. j vCj T has 'do.'oit.o a well ost- b'.Ir.ho 1 f .-it t'v i 1 hot iJ, ;J Ir,-,-se i;arH .n of dlaou wit i.:U tbs human ;, -rt ia.niiyJSfiuo)eiciireji; 11 -so ri'ie irom u ' "V soaioO-Rtrteuontof .1 .ivr. Thisorstri? 1 ! i ri.-ir .u..!y u- larteat, Wit eu tho a.vaot:tuRO''t B ,; thsi liKut import nuc. 1h3 hi jo.t, on its ro- 4 1 t-.t -c : :c t;ea't, .ipso- lL:uu :!i t lit nnd i in '.tu suro tl'.c iiitjiuritie viz al'o ,ho r.';tretioii3 '.' 't ..'ii;i: ir u-tff.-i-. .yfor liitboiitr a; veil a. l-.r n 3 j catii..rt-'oto ssl il tha m wl of wuate innto-1 a riiU se. ' .iv ;...- i. jvcnv-jri ii:. on-i 1 iinpo-fr iMo proporly fuM:iiii oiTwu ff ! 1 uiovteK i. .1 r. ' .)i-,?.bb ia'.ti r fiom iho Mood, a J but c'.l irrt.'t, fc i ::-s thro:-;', cn -ryir.i: with t: tt.-s 3 ? Witli Imnuro D.I.C.F. r.HEiilkmk S I Moo I tlio. i.iji;-: : - iar8i I j, oc !uinesviuci-i m-1 ii . inoi be -iuinesruoet ..ronorl r. Tf oiXl it. J ina.-tio:i un'd&aiiiiit kA? Iivlv T B vi.oo:io irufcjtam ;j l,ivor owon t clt I j'ni'orli.Pi., J Pr.lOKLY ASUS 3ITTERS. J'h'i P'sultrf y. . r- Jfi i F'.'"J .tJirmin tl frywri 'M'd t-rnctk-iof lir. S?viR,V. c.IWnttir, eadi Jwhen f ',Wy.4w horcver j iorf of b,iurf; rCWi-ii4.,Ci!l ! tieior.t, r.i r. , cootiau.ui x r rftk rv&'Wi ! "atl' f,3r . fir.--d.wjrn i y 11' E- V.I rncri ii iikii . CORONAL OOO INSTITUTE SAN MARCOS, TEX- A SCHOOL FOR BOTH SEXES. Full Library, Scientific, Hosical, and Art COURSES. TUITION : From .2.00 to ").00 per ino I50AR1) : 812.50 to 13.00 per mouth. For Catalogues apply to JOHN E. P1MTC1IETT, A. JI., je28-2m President Written tor the KasaPaaHt. Keiuinisceiiees of a Texas Veteran Santa Fe Expedition, etc. The BY C. I-KHAHD. SHIP YOUIl TO COTTON UmKlcrur u'.tics and r; .in. 5 BITTERS f!--"' 'U !"Kt ceo of- If! la tlioir j Auc:siisscrm ;s ST LIVKK KIDNEYS ,i STOMACH JBOVELS. vrO H ULLDSUGGlSIstliS . aVI I PRlClc:UA3.J ... J out. in cod ; iti-ial-2.1. S witl.tnr.dHU irrtoPjl-'a, 'T-ir'.iche.l joickbtom-j j n,30 i--v i C'cair.U'X'r Hi upticr. "'hin.ft-tn-v rr.r.y L Ihoii Ijvoris j:.- 1 o'f t. rLinlrwu t. a lvoi.t'n f ia Tr'A -vln :! r itsplt or ail rccum jl. -tier. a, r.r.d. rfU it .c orlrioil. 3:r-jp-.h,' nd vi-or. Toe rJI lh-c-m?lainl" i.l li.ij ti.-.d PfttCKLY A9'f C!TTER3 re-dicine of rr" L.'.i.M..!r".n ' iiut. new1". .Tr-i-t- 'r ' ; i i:erai! ea b" ad at c.i tiisim: 1 1-3-- i--1 It l ai .ja-J m a T"rc--''J, Oc. f w,-rif-!arma o L)n''.'"i i:ti s.-it.o .-:4 f!r-.-l. 1 . ; L tc. I a. u.u. it b. or- 33.CKL.Y ASS CITTERS CO, ; ST. LCUIU A"0 aXA-:A3 CITY. WO. rr.n?3 nnd .wi n!c:n the jiitom. Eittcrj act- Kidr-ers. J Stomach. ,A:owcIb, in a m'!r1 ret efTett' manner. od la aa k-eaer.t to nt. .Iras uireurdiAl. and la as :l;-t.-ltn WM. D. CL8VEMI. HOUSTON. Prompt sales and quick returns, Strict attention to weighing and classification. -ri yrhild.-o jidii;t. OLD KEW5PArERS AT THIS OFFICE. Shippers will enjoy all the fa cm ties ana aa vantages to be ex pected of a strictly first elms House doing the largest Cotton Commis sion Business, in a systematic and business like style. Stcncilz and Daily or Weekly Cotton Reports sent on application . f ree of charge. JOE C.J5VE, FOR. S A. X. E nntu FARMS AND RANCHES. Al ea-a f Ike IrM rra tea Sea Street r Dairy. f. CnpyrlKblvd. XXXVI." KENDALL'S NARRATIVE CONTINUED. At tho request of Col. Cook and Dr, Urouhfttn, two cf the principal inorthauts, JLijor Howard nnd Mr. Fitzgerald nccom pauied Lewis and Van Ness, and as I wan in groat hadto to prosecute my journey through Mexico, I gathered all my efl'octs, packed them in leather panniers made for tho pur. pose, placed them upon my initio, and set oil in company. This was on tho 1 1th of September, and when I parted with my mends, l certainly did not expect to see them for tho first time in tho City af Mexico in chains. The shepherds from whom we had pur chased our provisions had informed us that tho country was in arms against us, that Howland and his company were prisoners in Santa Fe, and that an American named llow land, a merchant at San Miguel, had also been imprisionod and his goods confiscated by order of the governor, Armigo. Yet they told thesfl stories in so many diffjrent ways, aud contradicted thomselves so often that little confidence could be placed in them. After having obtained directions as to our pourse towards tho camino real, or prin cipal road, for our camp on - tho Eio Gallinos which was some distance from it, we proceeded on our way, a Mexican ser vant we had accompanying us. After reach- the main road we journeyed briskly forward until nearly two oYlock. An abrupt turn now brought us suddenly upon two Mexi can muleteers, enjoying a quiet nienta, while their mules were feeding close by them. Our appearance frightened them exceedingly, and as they quickly caught their mules and commenced putting on their pucks, their extreme nervousness was pluinly risible. The color entirely left the swarthy face of one these fellows, who for once, certainly had the appearanco of a whitoman; and as his trembling hands were flying about from ono part of his ruulo to another fastening the pack, tho move ments could not have been mere rapid had he bean executing "Tho Battle of rrague," or one of Strwuss's quickest nnd most diffi cult waltzes on the piano. At first he could not answer a questfon coherently, but as ho gradually found that our intentions were not to eat him up alive, the color returned to to his cheeks, his tongue became loose and he was able to give us satisfactory answers. Tho fellow said tliat our approach was well known to tho inhabitants, and the greatest fctir and excitement existed in con. sequence of Arniigo's informing them that intentions were to burn, slay and destroy, as we went He corroborated the report that Howland had bn arrested for his (rcpposed connection with the expedition, m wll as tke torr that Howland, Baker ar.d Rofnbnry were prison- in Santa Fe, althongh he aw-riM that they had the liber ty of the town. Aftr UUing on that the vi.'lae of At.ton Chico vaicoine two cr three cile to our kft, and a little off the onin road to San Viffn-1, the rrn!ete-r de- I artel. aprret.t!y well satisfied that we Lad kt him off withont taking hit ca?p. It waa tw deaoed advisable to aeivl wrrd lack to oar friend, on the GaIIina of wlt we Lad beari, and Maccel waa aocord itg'T dijULed with a Bote detailing every thing. Mr, Van Nesa also sent back a num ber of iotton of iutrodurtion to different in dividuals, with which ho had been furnished aud other papers, fearing that ho might he arrested aud blame might full npon inno cout parties if ho should bo searched, aud the letters found on his person. After this we turned off in the diroction of Anton Chioo. Not. Mr. Van Ness who could speak Spanish well, certainly understood the rroachory and outrageous lying propensities of the mongrel raco of Spaniards and half, breed Indians. These poople are coward ly, aud very ignorant bud bigoted; our officers ought not to have put any trust in their treaty with us or promises ; tho alaught at Goliad and the Alamo, ought to have sat isfied them of thoir treachery and cruelty. From St. Louis. St. Louis, Aug. 31, 1883.. Editor Fbm Frkss: Judge Noouan has douidod in favor of the saloon keepers. Tho Suuday law is a nulity in St Louis. Your correspondent predicted this result in former letters to the Free Frrrs. Tlio rie. cisionof Judges Noonan is regarded through out the State as a corrupt political measure. Governor Tom. Crittenden is exnspmited and will cull a special sessiou of tho Legia. laturo and uuder the provocation of Judge Noouau's decision (?) the assembly will doubtless enact laws that will brii'g this revolutionary and free Gerniau city to its knees. The State and tho city of St. Ltmis are now divided on thia issue. As n legid proposition it is doubtless truo that tho city or linanco law of 1857 is unrepealed, and this law gave tho saloon keeper's the tight to soil beer and nativo wino on Sunday. Tho Governor aud tho couuties take a ditter. ent view of it however. It is contended by tho State's Attorney, Col. Claiborne, that tho Downing Sunday law repealed all pre vious laws and ordinances and his able ar gument on that point seems unanswerable to tho law abiding citizens of tho city and Stuto. Col. Robert Claiborne is a personal friend of Governor CiiUoudeti; ho is it bmve niau, aud tho pride of our criminal bar, and tho consequences of hiu splendid talent) will soon he folt by thoso who violate tho crimi nal laws of this State. Carl Smythe. The Question of An Extra Session. Tho crops of Texas last year, largely ex ceed any previous year's. An immense am ount of hud was sold, bringing to the State many millions of dollars ; land advanced heavily in price ; cattle and sheep advanced in price; all taxablo valueB were advanced, so that on the first of January 1883, when the tax assesseor began his assessments, the land, Btock of all kinds, merchandise and all taxable property had felt tha year of progress and prosperity and were rendered for taxation at such enhanced valueB that it is now computed tho property taxes will yield some $250,000 more of revenue than the previous year. For a time, and until the assessment rolls of tho counties begin ning tocouio to the comptroller's office were found to indicate this extraordinary result, it was assumed by the News that thoro wus no occasion for an extra session of the leg islature, And, indeed, there distinctly ap pears ns yet no sufficient r.afioii for entail ing that expense, growing out of the adoption of tho constitutional amendments. But if the assessment rolls hereafter to come in shall bo found to justify the estimate of 250,000 increase in the revenue there will be an uuforseen but sufficient reason for nu extra session of the legislature to reduce the rate of taxation. There is iikelv to be an increase also in the revenue from poll taxes and occupation taxes consequent upon the increase of trade and population, while tho expense of tho government are. after tho large expenditures for the peuiteuthuy ond asylums have been made. Iikelv to be diminished rather than increased. I'rovi vioion has been mado for theso permanent iuiprovmcnts, and the increased reveuut will only go to swell the idle cash balance. and embaniMi and oppress tax-payers dur- ng a year that is likely, it appears, to bo disastrous to thousands of producers, small land-holders and country merchants. (7a.'. vestimi Jt'etcs. The Ilillsboro Mirror man reflects ra some of the members of the press excursion to Monterey as follows : V have none but the ple&santest recol lections of our trip to Monterey, met with many excellent gentlemen upon the excur ioy ; but frequently blush to think that we should be found in company with so many consummate asses claiming to be newspaper men The Mirror chould make due allewance for the change in drinks. The mescal convert ed even a strong local option taan at home, into a regnlir greaser, with a bottle Jn hi hip-pocket instead of a pistoL Gal Xev. The critical nillsboro Mirror man was himself the most frightful example of that f which the News ppeaks. The taeacal or other beverage more familiar to him ao overcame bim that Lis cue Lad to be "in- TeiigateLn and a special meeting waa Lt-ad at the Hotel de Itarbi.le for tLat purpoae. the remit of which was censure aai penaion. We are much surprised tfcM i hcruld incline to throw stone at Lis 1-rerV-ern on an j accoact. A i i j