Newspaper Page Text
TERRIBLE CALAMITY. llMiiao" H'rrr Exrttaloi Mttmr ExpUJea lr Holler Opsonlts Nw York. Kew Yokk, Aug. 28.--About 8:50 this afternoon, the people who wero in tho neighborhood of the foot of Fouxtecnth street and North river Vere startled by the sound of aucxplo 8iou coming from tho direction of the river. Looking out in mid-stream, ti.nv saw the Hudson steamer Uiver- dalo enveloped in steam, and, in loss than six minutes afterward, she kttled to one side and capsized, opposite Sixteenth having lloated that fur. About fifteen different tugs, from this cily and Iloboken, hurried to whcio the vessel lay. There wero over 10u passengers on board when vhe left the foot of Harrison street for Haver, straw, Borne of these were hurled into the air and fell back into the wa ter. Others were compelled to jump into the river to escapo tho hissing steam that filled all parts o' l o v? 6el, or to avcid going dowa w .:j The cause of the disaster was ai. explosion of the boiler, which was amidships. When the boiler burs, the air was fulled -with flyii.g do oris and broken woodwork. The plo- bouso was snapped like a pjpo-sfcm and toppled over into the water. About titty people were killed, tcme blown into eternity and others met their fate by being drawa down with the whirlpool caused by the linking vessel. Those who were Uoatir.g cc swimming in the river were picked up by tugs and row-boats that came to their rescue. Of the passengers aboard the Iliver dale, some wero blown up with the explosion, but from the best accounts obtainable the number was small, there were some few in the cabins at the time. No exact estimate can at present be gained as to the number of lives lost. The acccounts of the number of passengers vary from 150 to 200, and the killed from ten to fifty. There is reason to believe that nearly all had a chance to escape. The hour at which the explosion occurred, between 8:80 and 8:45 p. m., the en gineer was about to enter the engine room to slow up, as another steam boat was at their landing, when an ominous rumble was heard proceed ing from the boiler, and in a moment a terrible explosion occurred, blowing out the entire side of the vessel, and leaving only a helpless, sinking hull. The force of the explosion was down ward, apparently. The rapidity with which the vessel sank showed the bottom to be blown out. Hardly a minute elapsed between the explosion and the sinking of the shattered hull in the whirlpool into which the strug gling and swimming were drawn. The river is strewn with wreckage of cabin doors, beams and boards. Fur niture is floating about, and proving the force of the explosion. Tugs and small boats put out in swarms from docks and Jersey shores and began to work rescuing the drowning passen gers and crew. The number saved shows how efficient their work was. The accounts of the manner of the explosion differ. Those on the boat agree that it was hidden, and entirely without warning. A policeman fho bad been a boiler maker was standing at the foot of Bloomfield street. His attention was attracted by the sound of escaping steam; looking out on the river he saw the Eiverdale going up stream, partly enveloped in steam that escaped with a loud noise from her side; saw the people rush from the lower t6 the upper deck and make ready to throw themselves into the river. The next moment the explo sion came. The Reliance, a coal-tar boat, was near when she blew up, and immediately began the work of rescu ing the drowning people. Her crew diewnearly forty from the water. Other steamers and tugs hastened to the scene and so quickly did they reach it that those who escaped injury by the explosion had no time to drown. The steam yachts of Jay Gould and E. S. Jsilray were lying at the foot of west Twenty-Second street at the time. Both'Gould and Jaffray had just gone ashore when the accident occurred. Upon hearing the explo sion they turned about, putting out to the scene of the wreck in their gigs nd ordered their yachts to follow ithout delay; both engaged in the work of giving aid whenever needed with great zeal. All who were in ght in the water bad been picked up. The rescued were taken ashore and sent to their homes in this city or put on board the steamer Christen for beir destination up the river. The injured and the dead were taken io die foot of west Thirteenth street, when the entire ambulance force cf the city had been summoned. A Mexican died in Sou Aiiciiio, nd it was feared Lis disease tLe ci.Gltr.i- Otlirr Vrucan? Lrr :Us. A relative cf the dccczttJ 2o"? comes fcnrtrl tel iTC "i r Te cf tie r-znzcz.U. How Weapons First Came to bo Em ployed. Popular Orient Monthly. The idea of employing weapons for assault or defense was a logical result of the first contests that took place between man and man. In these contests tho strongest man with his native weapons his fists was unconsciously tho father of all arms and nil armed strength, for his weak er antagonist woxdd early seek to re stoio tho balance of power between tliem by the use of some sort of wcf.ioii. The shorter-armed man j lengthened his striding power by tho J ueo of a stick, and found, after a time, tho help its leverago and weigh alforded him. The first case in which tho chance selected, heavy ended staff and club, showed that weight or hardness had its value, wns a first step toward f urn with a strong head. Hence the blow of the fists was the forerun 1 1 of the flushing weapon. In the sii me way tho pointed stick became the lance or dagger; and the thrown shaft, helped, as knowledge increased, by the bow or "throwing stick," was tho precursor of tho dart and. arrow. The character of the first weapon was largely determined by the nature of the materials from which they were derived, and their shape partly from this and partly by copying the forms of the weapons possessed by the animals the . primi tive men slew. Hencearif es the general similarity in character and shape of the earliest tcols from all parts of the world. A blundeeino compositor, in setting up the toast: "Woman without her, man would bo a savage," got the punctuation in the wrong place, which made it read: "Woman, without her man, would be . savage." The earnings of the Texas and Pacific for the fourth week in July were 171,482, against 117,248 same week last year. The Transcontinental Meat Com pany at Kictoria has purchased 3,000 head of cattle for $90,000. ... F3R D3TH KERVE AfiD MUSCLE. r.'.rengtheninglnvigoratingFaticnin( . f QLDEN'SLIQUIPBEEFTONI C 'ilgf pronounced bif scores nfrph -, ;, iuun, anil hit tlioumnjJs of people n h itaee used it, io bo the, best Jitiown. retm' ;. Debility, Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Losn ipefito, Loss of Fieyh. TAinef Comptain Female Weakness. C.-r'-.-ie Irritability, .V.. la rial Fever and mini o''ier djsensesirliit tonics aro reqitinxl tl TrriMJ?wntini: ' from all other jlerj Foods mid T! IT IMPROVES THE QUALITY C,' ttio Blood and enrich s 1 1, and is there fore a line invitoraui ami correct in-teaneaota.chroi:i-:innt'.ttlicsM'-h associated with an n:i'OVi:i:isn:.x (iHIE OF THE BLOOD. These ail ylel't totho regulating an ! nourishing prop erties of its greut Iik.:1 tonic clt'inent.x. It compensates lor the loss of vitnht;, indueodbv Cotunim ption. Catarrh tr lironchial ami Throrrt affect lour. r tc'U rem-dif Feminine lMnt) u:"l reimburse- tho Female jlnji,e n,r those losses of ritalitn atcoia; an7 U ' complaints jtrenlinr to tlm sej: Vuthrrs nnrsinq their nvn ch iltlra. , pinl delicate v.i.o i-spect t' bceome mothers au.l M.njjui riior OiU children, snoul l by all means uv it It trill restore sufferers jroi.i Veutat or-Xerroa Prostration an laj? trom Ocer-work, Exerxm-:i or jPotractM Disrate. It will Drunkenness and tho Opium Jlobif rras the oppetito crovr-j henl-iic and tlUestlon mor.: vigorous t.;r(.uf: . .uousJof this T.m:.-. th unnatura ntriniT dies ew.iy until totailres t(ac ItUhlnMtihrnrfietnl in X.irr Onnplaints, Malarial terrr nd A'-.'. Malarial Disease: and io- the di-Mlltatlng effects ct Vryr !'' hind it has no eVta1. It rjaira waste, improren Diacttinn awl Ap ,rt f-, au l alT or ! tho il w-w lij ra'id an rasdif assimila -4c article of food; anl It w-as-iut : th U. 7'UTTHE MEDICAL PROFESSION ' tnJ InMs pece rally r ILtL1.' tinlfivtanl tbo Merit ..I tilrn s in -r n n- i,t rbc nii-t, AUTHtl. Mil HASMl U M.D.. r.B8.. I ""rr. vs'ira wiLs-JN. r.r-.xii . A. L-m : -n, are UJeie1 oa ca:h U.-.-. vf.UTI0N. Colden's Liqui f t -rv TOXIC 1 tl t Mr,.i? ITf lioriu'EXTRtCT OF KtF ANO :fpW-; Ttr,;.:r, ..1 tr i rue- - ' tto. - hZvii'.iJ lex 1 1 j ' tto n T" , 1 1 ! vrtoi (jutttiotts n Ask the most eminent physician Of any icbaol, what in the beat thing in tho world for quieting and allaying all irritation of the uorvos, and curing all forms of uervous complaint, giving natural, childlike refresh ing sleep alttaya? And they will tell you unhesitatingly "fcouio form of Hops!" CIUFTEU I. Ak auy or all of the mot eminent physi cian: "What is the best and only remedy that can bo relied on to cure all diseases of tho kid ney and urinary organs; sueh as ISrUht'a dis ease, tliabate s, retention or inability to retain urine, and all tho disease audailuiouU pecu liar to Women" "Aud they will tell you explicitly aud em phatically 'Cuchu." Al tho samo physicians "What is tho most reliable and surest euro for all liver diseases or tlrspepsia: constipa tion, biliousness, malariul fever, ague, Ac," and they will toll you: Mamirakol or Dandelion!" Hence, when theso remedied ore combined with others equally valuable Aud compounded into Hop Bitters, such a wonderful and mysterious curativo power is develloped which is so variod in its operations that no disease or ill health can possibly exist or resist its power, and yet it is Harmless for tho most frail waman, weakest invalid or smallest child to use. e'HAPTL'U II "Patients Almost dead or nearly dving" l'or years, and givon up by physicians of Blight's aud other kidney diseases, liver com- puuuis, sovero cougus cancu consumption, have been cured. Women gone iioarly crazy! l'loni ugony of neuralgia, nervousness, wakefulness and various diseases peculiar to women. People drawn out of shape from excruciat ing pains of liheumatism, lnllammatory and chronic, or suffering from scrofula ! Lrylclu8t Salt rheum, blouil peisoiilug, dyspepsia, indiges tion, ami iu tact almost all dim-axes trull Nuture is lu'ir to Have been cured by Hop Btiteis, proof of which ca-i be found lu every ueiuliuoihood in tun mown world. mzm f. j's rai?Siftii5iK!ii U..L. Pisiraiai fm-ffixtf ST. MARY'S AGAULMY. lUaemilt! west fr. in Notre Iiaiuu Luiversitj.) Kcliool of Art unl l'Misn Couiluett'il by Hmierhoi UoiyCroMX. 'lue Academic Courfce 1h thorough in rrepuratory. Suuior aiidClua Bival tirades. Muhc Depai tment. ou tin- piua of the bttit On.strvatoiit.s of liuro):e, untliT elia;-jie ot a complete orpa t teaeiitTH It comprineg u Jure Music Hall aiid L'H (ieiiarHlt) rooms for iimtruinnith. j Studio modeii d on tho great Art Hrhoolh of turopo. DrawniK ana I'a'.niiug iroiu iuo aim nuu'iuo. Buildinii cou.iuoUiouh: aiuplo accoiuuiodatiouM tor J50 pUi-ilw. l?'or full punieulars apily f .r atalogue to iloTllKH KUl'tltlOM fcr. Mai.y.h, Notre Value. I'. O., Jmiiaua. DALLAS EYE & EAR IXFIRMAUY. DRS. STAXSItUKY & MOKIiAN, PHYSICIANS & SU11GE0XS, No. 1041 Klm-Ht, VaUas, Trx. Bprcialtien All diReases of the KVE and EAR Granulated eve-lioh mil pannus ot thecou KE CbrtEU on a GUAR A Nil'. RUPTURE ilncutual llernia) CTRFIO without i TruH. in 12 to 15 day. Succeiia !tiarautetL i PILES IMI'ICALLY CURED In ten to days, ! without KNIFE. LIGATURE or CAUTEbY uuaran- teil. All mrKical operationa killfiilly ji t.(rm!a. References from the cured cheerfully 1 uriilHtnc!. WANTED The narae and addreaa vi every per on in the itate afflicted (with aore eye. httlMnefurnUhed for Female Comp'tiiU. KntntD Trovblt and 'shronic ItixtOKta atHerully. jTJScnd for Circularat. ALEX. H. STEPHENS Is no More, Jcthebai Wtnahn Hiatr.ry cf thr t'. - a Broorial. ARfitu wautr.1 loll t : ..'k ai 3lir Manual. Hil.'a Albnr: ofIlr";dy : lAt i-jdour Uue t I t . : 1 rculan and k la . -I. -IUO CHICAGO SCAL2 CO. s res iuri 4 4La. it. a . 14 Tow UMt. H--MM It latrltira. I t J r O C ' (S. r n.m 1 1 Ji ro?.3zn. tools. &c rn n3.4 :.. r m. 40 lb. mli Itlli I Tnt. '.1 I al 1 fW r mmi'j r n ,1 ; lit'r - -Ml V. it '-r r - at Iter u.: l- . . i -i- t. w CAX.tltltll 'I'R i:i-i:rrr . oana'rr .fm or rtjwren..::.. cu l evr4 lij tL ne f cmr Var.r --.f.;? IhT ti. j,'.y ti'a't ' t.atTri' yt y1 j tor d. of the s-r t, t f . ( i -j 1 u-l " iKrjK-. 1 ri)' 1 rT.f ttiiLj. i r :. I .It i. 1 f.f; . ,-.!. ATI ,t''.(. ar ' - a -tj. iLI l 1 t)I( II A trKMrtl IVTITI 1 1. -i I lai SXr, PaJ!. ;.. U 13 CTVrf Jm0 EH BSsast mm ' " mm mm J RKV. x. I. HOBS Writes: After (i thorough trial of the IKON TONIC, I take iu statin? tnat J. navo ceon LODE greatly baellted or i line, ministers and -PUD lie Speakers will una it n nf t Iia crrnntAf. I n . D where a Tonic is neces sary. I recommend it as a rcliablo rcmotlial apent, possessinfr un doubted nutritive and vestoative properties. Jt,iniltc Kij., ti. it, l.-v'i. rfiSED S? IS! DR. HARTR MEDICINE CO.. 813 IT. Um ST., CI. LOUIO. NORTH-WEST: CORvCAPITOL WITH- QAUZEWp'feflip ,n 'm OUAPTF ttt"i U" il.ii 7 OVEN DDQRS. i HENS LAY vnl tinlilc. Vjitliinir mi o.nrth win ninkfi hpns lav to 1 ninl food, Sold every wUurii, or sent oy man lor 1 up U U FILL TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER, and MALARIA. , From theso sources ariso threo-iourtns or the diseases of the human race. Uliese Bymptomaindicate thoir oxiBtenco : Ijom of Appetite, Bowels costive. Side IIea ache, fullness after eatlnff, aversion to exertion of body or mind, Eructation of food, Irritability off temper, low spirit, A feeling of having neglected some ditty, IMzzlness, Fluttering at tho Heart, Iots before the eyes, hlgbly col ored Urine, CONSTIPATION, and do mand the uso of a romedy that actJSdlroctly on the Liver. AsaLivormedicinoTCTT'S PILLS have no eaual. Their aotionon tho Kidneys and Skin is also prompt; removing? nil impurities through theso three" scav engers of the system," producing appe tite, sound digestion, regular stools, a cicor skin und a vigorous body. TUTT'S MIAt causo no nausea or griping nor interioro with dally work and aro a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. hold every where, 25. OfUoo. 44 Murray 8t.,N . Y. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Grat Hair or "Whiskers changed in. stantly to a UTissr Ulack by a singlo ap plication of this DTK. 60 d by mufgwis. OfTico, 44 Murray Street, New ork. TUH'S MANUAL OF USEFUL RECEIPTS FREE. jISSION VALLEY NUESERIE8. Twelrc Miles from Victoria, Tex. Tlieno Kuncrles have claim upon the peopls o estern ami aoutbern Texas that cannot be urged by any other eatsbliahtneat. To give to western add southern Texas s Ui ot (ruits adapted to the cllmatio requlrtmenta is the object to which the proprietor has devoted hia life, lis has been able to briug to his aid the advantages of early horticultural training, aud by the eitend- Uure of over twouty thouaaud dollar In exp-riraents upon our own ground by cloeo obaenration sod atudy t.iroiiKh the quarter of s century duriog which l'.orticultural atuily, experiment and labor has been hia leading pursuit bt has been sble to become acquainted with the peculiar wsuts if our very peculiar climate. luitngalraataKeof the principle well eatsbliabed by phy:cal Koerspbikti, viz. 1 tbat all fruit trees are impruved by being carried toward their polar .rait, st.d that they are deteriorated by beioR ear ned toward thoir equatorial limit be has made hlf experimei.ti and eatabllahed his Durv-rles fatthei outh than ar.y other general nuneriea in the United sta'i. He ella no cieap northern trsih to his customer. Ilia trees and plants are thi ref jre bet tr uild to Trxaa culture t-iSn lLocs ot any other eiiablishnicct In the world. Our liuraeriea sod around, embracing shout 05 acre In torticu!tara. will be frceJy abswn t- visit, in trrry day but Sunday. Order for tree and pU.' revived atiy f onr authorized axtnt. Ciikio' tent bva to evrry anicant, l' r tnt tLtr 1.-Xmi-Uoa ri-'T ' Gll.lll.KT OMIKCOONK.' M.m-a Vaiie. VtrSorrta Co Tvxaa. jPlainEnglishl tSirERE EXPRESSED I Owl Fill CltniUI TOU TI KJT l tuml Jim TtB. ISR2. HtjT Y nmrr Cn. .i.u I ms tfe Iron the lirr I ti,nri tba I k f 9 wu ead I catiuuit ioM I tb tv v'k -. wrt twr Bt 4 UtiMiOr. ll' Uml:!i aitMBik I tn!rlUar4 ti f t 1 th r S icu It Ij;ct.f t nk - p. S Toe wu c vr rt mi it- li r a r- '- inn LJrm. To every youn, nuadi r or cH man trout:l with nervous or t tyicsj dttui tr or irsretcc ajei circ-ujar is -!' ties. &t4 fu'.l s-JIt-ss rn rostsJ t&i-i t. HARRIS REM LOT CO. 4t. tout. Mo. XT w--1 rtr ito4r . Te-s avsel ftx rt,lj AlultoMarAcettfUiJS Jl eombinmtlo of Pro tojcid of Iron, I'vruvian Hark and. l'hoapkoruait a aUttatU rm Jt'of Debility, 1ams of Jtpp tite, Frustration of kttal Power it it iH4lspcmiit lie, t t?tt t t. Trxnrtrm PURIFIES' 7J; . 111., ieti:- 'a, moat excellent remedy foy tho debilitated vital forces. SQUARE AUSTIN TEXAS PERFECTION R0AST,NG 8nd BAKING U only attained by uslnff STOVES And RANGES An Knulith Veterinary Burgeon and Clieinmt,. 110, trurolinK in tliia country, anya that mom i f tin lloiue and Callle Powders (told here aro worth, leits triuli. lie Kiiya that Hliorlilan's Uondllii it liltn. lierldiui'H CniKlitiiiii Powupck. Dorcs I U-nspcoJilul a louar-sinmp.s, 1. H. JOUNSON it CO.. UOHTON, MAX. Life a TI1I3 rt:t f-ivjwi? iiic Magnetic Shiclfl ns applied over the K1 ne h iiud Mfi'vo-vit.i I centers. Tno tvr:!y :,,c C13 V-?V liuuiico rnniio tiict i;(f every part i ll.o body, nn;l only olio nceileii 1 1 j'fyiTivi:;.Y ouii.i KMiiryDlM'jjMj It lie- It uiliiv. E) yapepviu, tlio vvinht en 1 f ciiillinl VVe. h llf.sHf tlOU. llllliOlf.i- t y, i.n.1 nil m ; tnwes and lVwih cieiuf thu & ri. (jieuttsvE i:ri;aiJfr. ) V n 'FSJI'T 1 Patented Feb. HT,, lUTO.J YOUNG MEV. front early tnisi-ur;iiu!i, PBCAflS! ?ierve forco mid fall i uttuin ftieuytli. MrODLE-AOICl) MEN often 1;:' ' K-t, st!ri.:it in;? it to tlio prirv!s of year. Thfi MOTH EH, WIFE mid X T, (?:ifTi rlnfir :l IVniule Weiiknefis Nervous lcl il.'y :i.d utVri. latiit-), vi lli llnd it til'- only ciui To one and ail we fy that the S-liield kivo; u 1; Pl ural itid in u iiiitiirnl why WITHOUT bitL'tiOINO THE STOMA Cl. Warrantrd One Veur, uiJ tlio appllunee mude. IllUKtratcd Pamphlet, THREE TY!"2S or M I ..". bIw Pamphlet for Lat'.le only, nti;t tu rtet'i iff Ccsuuled; uutealeJ, FHCE. American Galvanic Co nrriOFCi 134 3luIUn Si., i:lr;t , Ull IbtolllOJ C!ientaut M., I'ltil t ft i4 7 M I LL9r i j -riiTO yr' g7" Lctr:g . FRPPt RELIABLE SELf-CL'RE. A frTt tTTM'wi 4 t r tv ! . r-1 I l.nn f.t.'if, fmmt Itmmtomn 4. tf emlm 1. . 0ei&. . x i;. k