Newspaper Page Text
Free Press. ISAAC tt JULIAK, Mtor. THURSDAY. BEPTEMUEK 13, IBM. ! I KtEntD AT TBI POST OrrtCt AT AW IAOOi TEXAS KCOSfD OLAJW aUTTM. ftur XontbVror Serentj.flTe Cents. We wUl furuUh tho Fate Pbh on trial U January 1, 14 for manty-five cents. It in a much better local paper than erer be fore, giving regularly the proceedings of Commissioners' and other courts, transfers of roal estate, and all othor local news. No intelligent citizen of the county can afford to do without it Try It. More Tfork For a Special Session. The troubles amon? the stockmen grow in out of tho fen ce-cutting and other aimi lar operations affords anew and pressing reason for an extra session of the Legisla ture to take action for the prevention, if possible, of similar troubles. We believe they will find thia one of the most difficult jobs they ever encountered. The founda tion for it in tho first place by in the greed of the large rauge-holders in UBing the com mon outside range a long as it was avail ll)le. before turning their stock in their own in turos; in hit-losing with their lands large tract of the publio lands which others have as good a right to use as themselves; and in refusing to others any share in the water in lti.ni1 iuclosurcs, however abundant or easy of access. Such are the views of Governor Ireland, as reported in the News, and we bi liove they will be fonnd to be correct. Sooner or later the legislatures will have to "nit down" on the monstrous idea that such vast tracts of land can be held without allow ing the access of others to water, or roads through them at reasonable intervals. These ! are among the inalienable rights alike of nature and society. As well might one set of mortals assume to exclude all others from participation in the air we breathe as to at tempt to Sot them at naught. A ftsabful earthquake in the Island Java is among the late news sensations. PbemdinT Arthub and company returned from their late excursion. of have The are agitating with new spirit Bud and vigor at San Antonio, the subject of a road to the Gulf. gTMSGTOWN post-office is discontiuuod, taail formerly sent there should be direct ed to Hunter. Th latost advices from the North are that the corn crop is very badly damaged by frost. Whisk is king in Northern politics, and the mon that treats oftenest is sure to be a ward politician. "The Ghinqo and Gbeasek" is the title of a spicy little paper, English, and Spanish, published nt Slanfano, New Mexico. The Kylo XutsJiett only publishes articles in favor of Temperance under the head of "advertisnieut." Industrial. Art, etc.. Expositions are now in operation in four cities in tho U. S., Louisville, Cincinnati, Pittsburg, Boston, Severe frosts are reported all over the North. Tobacco and other tender crops very much damaged, and corn to a less extent. We are in receipt of a copy of the special illustrated edition of the St. Louis Specta- being an attractive showing up of the .sinmw interests or tne city, wnn muua other matter of interest. tor, bu San Antonio and tho region West, about Laredo, Corpus Christi, Jfcc, have been fa vored with copious rains. In some place they have had "too much of a good thing." resulting in washouts of the railroad and other serious damages. FkVne James was acquitted in the recent cise Kcalnst him. Thero are yet several other casos against him to be tried in Mis- louri, a? also in Tennessee, Minnesota, and in the United Str.tes courts. Even if he u illv comes clear ho has btfore him & hard road to travel. Wk acknowledge an invitation to grand ball and supper of the KnlghU of Honor at Kyle on to-morrow night. Tax Downing law of Missouri, whlo clomm only saloons on Sunday, bos just been tented, and the discovery has been made that liquor selling on Sunday, in 8t. Lonis, is permitted by a special law passed for that purpose as long ego as 1857, and only ex humod by the counsel for the defense in the first Sunday liquor selling caso. We only referred last week to the annual September 1st edition of the Galveston News. It is a complete epitome of the business of Texas for the past year. Its statistical information embraces all branch es of business and commerce. It also is accompanied with a fine railroad map of Texas. The News management deserve great credit for their enterprise in thia be half. Sewabd A. Habelttnz, attorney and soli citor of ratents. of Springfield, Mo., sends us the following ; Patents issued to citizens of Texas ince our last publication as follows: James M. Matthews, San Antonio ; "Insect-destroying machine." William Moore, onerman; treasure umuo. Cristopher F, O. Stienhagen, Anderson ; Water-Mill.". Sept. 3rd. 1883. Indiana is blest with democratic presi dential "timber." Besides Hendricks and McDonald, Holman, a member of congress from a southeastern district, is spoken of. The New York Sun speaks of him as follows: If fidelity to duty, honesty in its perform ance, courage to resist false persuasion, stern adhesion to the right regardless of political considerationo, watchful care of the peoples interests, and capacity to serve them well, constitute a claim to public con sideration, William S. Holman is justly en titled to a foremost distinction. - Feed. Docolasb, in an interview with a Washington Star reporter the other day, said the statement printed in a New York newspaper that the proposed convention of colored men at Louisville on the 24th inst., was to be in the interest of the present ad ministration was wholly untrue. He said, also, that he proposed to go as a delegate to the convention if one should be held, and that he had received letters from Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Nebraska, Illinois, In diana, Maryland and other states, informing him that delegates from those states would attend. He said also he had received letters from Sona tor Harrison, of Indiana, and from the mayor of Indianapolis, welcoming the convention to Indianapolis, in case it should not be welcomed to Louisville, Ky., and in any cise if the colored people should wish to hold a convention there. Wire Fence Cutting-. Dallas, Tex., Sept. 3. Gov. Ireland has taken a view of the wire-fence troubles and and says it is a matter left with the com munites where the lawlessness exists to sup press it' There have been several calls on the governor for state troops to assist in Ktooninor tho wire-tenco cutting. Ha has responded that the troops cannot be used for that purpose, and suggests that counties and their officers look to the arrest and con viction of the offenders. GM. News Special. T.Anrno. Sunt. 1. Mr Underhill. repre senting the Austin Marble works, h.s spent the dav in Laredo examining the the speci mens of of rooks in the different quarries iu this vicinity, in order to niako out the display of Texas rocks at the Boston exhi bition. He secured samples which will be forwarded to that point by express. One of these rocks is said to be very line. It is of a blue color and almost as hard as granite. Another Bpocimcn was taken from the quar ry seven miles from town from which tho contractors at Aransas Pass arc taking rock to sink tho matresses used in building the jottios at that point. Hi leaves for Monte rey to nignt to secure specimens irom tue Sierra Madre range. The Rio Grande and Feeos railway will send a fine collection of different specimens of coal taken from the Hunt coal mines on mat roaa. 11. 11 A mono its notes on the Cincinnati fire in Tmi Star is the following : r.nue A. BuentaL a typo, lost a Talua- diitraoua ru. The de-ickcus he did ! lie must have T-ircWd the pin at a pAwn-rijop oT fcaW it criminal cost, which was probibly about in The ca cf the Jenkins brothers for kill - Hot. J. Lsoe Borlon b been contin ri ry d-f.r-diuti on oorunt of bect :tr.-t until Jurmy next. The defence en:'.?ner to trm-e that Ben Jet-kias The Lnst Luling Eurdor. A Galveston News special of the Cth gives the following account of the murder of M. TJssery, a prominent citizen of Luling or vicinity, by one Sam Brown: TTsserv had two daughters. Last week the elder one eloped with a man whom ls- sery considered worthless, and whose suit he violently opposed. At the same time Brown, whom the father regarded ns no bet ter than the other one, tnea 10 sieni awy Gnssie. the yonueer daughter, but was foil ed by locks and lwira. At dawn this morning urown nrrivcu w.m a six-shooter, and rode to the Ussery man- to a neighbor that he was ,.,m',..i tn rr.t Iv's rirl or t Ise kill Rome one. .Hsmimniin? TTsserv and hi wife con sulted privaulv and then iufonned Brown that fce nil 'tit nave tmss-.e u ne :u th eirl in her home Discussion ensued, but was cut fhort by l ;-..,-.. rniritn hi nitol and delibcrrtt'lv shooting tho old man three tiim, ki'lin? him infnntlr- Mw. IWrv rusbinc to the - -Kwwn inrs ail ma ivo:tit ni uer and fiiUl but the had knocked the nuzzle t wi ),.) u kntlmnrcued bv the arontK-d Mid infuriated neighborhood that he a'wndoned bin borw, prr--wd tbronch the ,v;v.4 fV. TMtHrt i-il and ramnder- cd. It i thought th many relative and friends of Uavry will make rf-ort wrrk cf mTirrrf Vmxrx reft r lav fcd tn vie hi will t.d arranced hw bain-s to Wve Kjle. A pressure of other topics bas compelled as to omit some of our notes and observa tions at our late visit to our flourishing sia ter Tillage. We conld not undertake to enumerate all the improvements. They are numerous and important, and the place begins to take shape as a regular town. In addition it is conteni. plated to build immediately a 5,000 board iug house to bo used in connection with the 'new dispensation" which has overtaken Kyle Seminary. In a stroll over the town we were struck by the fact that much the prettiest part of its site lies in the direction of the Seminary. It is high and affords fine views. We should think the private residences would in future be mainly built in this quarter. One deficiency wo noticed the absence of incloflures and shade and fruit trees and Bhrubbery. Proper attention to these would soon add vastly to the attractiveness of the place. On the other side of the railroad irom town, the railroad company own upwards of sixty acres of fine land, but decline to sell at present. They granted a "dispensation' on that side only to Maj. Nance, who nas there a fine gin-house, combining other ma chinery of the latest improved styles. Although the season has been so dry, wo were assured that Kyle has not suffered for water, the wells affording a sufficient supply. In short, the outlook for Kyle, all things considered, ia better than ever before. As a oitizen of Hays county, and as the pub Usher of a newspaper representing the whole county, we are glad of her prosperity, Martlndale. Ed. FbeePbess: As I have seen noth ing from our quiet little city in your columns for some time, j conoluded to drop you a line to let your readers know that it has not rained yet in this part of the country, and prospects for the weather to continue fair for the balance of the nineteenth century, Crops are very short on account of the long continued drought, but in spite of all this our city builds up. We have one business house just completed to be occupied soon by Mr. A. B. McQuien, who is now a resident of our city. Mr. McQuien will engage in the grocery business, he has a nice little business house, which when well stocked will be quite a credit to the city : also Dr. J. S. Portch formerly of Temple, Texas, is in our midst ; he expects to engage in the general mercantile business ; is now having his lumber hauled and making arrangements to put up a nice and extensive building which he will stock soon. We will also have a cake and cider stand which completes everything now on foot. The next thing is street cars which we must have soon. Mr. James F. Pettv has bought and is now oc cupying the residence formerly owned by J. E. Peters, who is now a resident of your city. No marrying yet, but the boyB are only wait ing for the girls to say yes. More anon, Sept 7, '83. M. C. From St. Louis. St. Louis, Sept. 5, 1883. Editor Free Press: Judge Noonan has again decided in favor of the wine and beer saloons, and his decision in tho case of N. Steller is a total defeat of the Downing law iu this city. The prosecuting attorneys are disheartened and the Governor will doubt less call a special session of the Legislature to pass such laws as will bring this rebellious city to terms. The people of the State at large and all the country papers denounce Noouan's decision and speak in threatening tones of the conduct of the saloon keepers of St. Louis. The final action of Governor Crittenden will be known in a few days. The celebrated case of the State vs. Frank James is being brought to a close at Gallatin, Mo., to-day. The alibi attempted to be proved by the defense is generally regarded as a dismal failure. The prosecution under stood their case and handled it with far more skill than the defense. No sane man or wo man in the State entertains the slightest doubt of Frank James' guilt. James was not in Texas at the time of the Winston rob bery and murder, but he vvis at Winston. Now what the jury will do, is the connn- drum r.rtHcable to all juries. It is safe to bet however that they will dodge their sol emn duty, by failing to agree upon a ver diet. The evidence against James, through. out the trial is simply overwhelming. The evidence for the defense is weak and unsatis factory. The war between Mnvor Ewins and the city conucil, still continnes, and thus far, every appointment made by the Mayor, has been steadily rejeotel by the "solid feven." Later The St Louis Life, afternoon edition, denounces the decision of Judge Noonan as ' the Reqnel of a packed jury and a tipsy Judge," and calls the proceeding in Judge Noonan'a court "a roaring farce." Your correspondent has jnrt learned that Governor Crittenden has Lned hia mandate to the police commiiwioneTj to order every cae of Fnd-.y or Sabbath breaking to the Grand Jcry in order that indictment may be presented to Jndge Tan Wagoner at the S- iial r term cf the crin-in! court This is Ud tws for the saloon Lfjvw Yccr corrpon Int win let th reader cf the FtAE Tif9 know the rf nit text week. CauSxttsx. ALAMO MUSIC HOUSE, 220 COMMERCE ST., SAH ANTONIO. Dtalirt la OHIOKEBlMtt, HH AEIONi and FISCHER PIANOS, 1 V KIMBALL MASON & HAMLIH ORGANS Sole Agents for Texas of S. Brainard Sons publications. Subscriptions for the Tixab Edition of Bbainabd's Musical World, price, SI 50; contains now a large Texas Department. Everything in the Music Line, fctf" pairing and tuning by first-class workmen. V W inaraates frotnpUeM and latU footton la filling all ordert . aug23 tf E. 0- EVERETT & OQ. j0 IBISTDffl & 00. SAJS" MARCOS, TEX. DmImiIb All Kindt of Ml mi SHINGLES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS; White Pine Weatherboarding, White Fine Beaded Ceiling, EVERYTHING IN 1HEIR LINE ALWAYS ON HAND. Lumber Dressed to Order. All Orders Promptly FiM OFFICE iLND YARD Near the Railroad Depot. ANNOUNCEMENT My Stock of Spring and Summer Goods is now arriving, and I am pleased to inform my friends and customers that 1 have purchased a larger and better assorted stock of goods than ever brought here before. I carry a full line of Bryan Brown hand-made Shoes, Morris Fine Hats, Glen Falls Shirts, Fine Custom-made Clothing, etc., and full assortment of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, JNotions, imv a etc. My Groceries, Hardware, Crockery and Wooden-ware, De artmente are complete, and large purchases enable me to sella low as the lowest. I am Headquarters for Agricultural Implements and Farm Machinery, and parties wishing to purchase Gin or Mill Outfit etc., will find . it to their interest to see ,me before purchasing. The Moline and Jackson Wagons are always in stock, as al Barb Wire. Thankinc- mv numerous Friends and Customers for the V ' y very liberal patronage bestowed upon me last season, 1 assure them that it will be my only aim to try to please them in re gard to prices and quality of goods and liberal and polite atten tion. Yours Truly, WM. GIESm P. S. Cash Paid for Country Produce. mch15 Printing Outfit. FOR SAXiEU (25 The Cheapest Yet ! 555 The Bnbscriber has for sale the greater portion of a NEWSPAPEll AND JOB PRINTING OUTFIT (except Newspaper Press.) It consists of 150 to 200 lbs of Bour geois ; about 100 lbs of Nonpareil, (both sec ond baud, but good, and very complete and well sorted ;) some FIFTY FONTS more or lee as may bo wanted of GOOD HANDSOME DISPLAY AND JOB TYPE, "of all sorts and sizes ;" a pair of chases for a 6ix, seven or eight column paper, with Column and Head Kulen, and an abundance of Leads and Dabhes all complete and good: Brass Galleys; Cases; Job Chases; Com posing Sticks. 4c, Ac. Also n good NOVELTY JOBBER! 10x14 inches inside of chase. All of which will be sold AT A BAliGAIN FOll CASH. being entirely surplus to my c3ice. Impres sions of type and other particulars will be sent on application. Don't fail to write me, for I am prepared to offer the gnattet bar. gain in Printing ifalerinl to 1 found in the iMf vr tlKexrhtrt. AdJres I. IL JULIAN, Proprietor Feci Trem, San Marco, Texas. P. A r4 kf4 Press for pBr eta tr1r alwayi I tcsght t act tnvea vrr titlf tbeot of at tsr M the prlsefpsl Tjp Fcolrl f fti. Loai. Ci'ma&Mi, Ch;ef. e, wh4ca vrvcM rn.pV tie itft. JOE C. EVE, P O R S A. nmu FARMS AND RANCHES. AU K ite Wse t ?aa Iim tot t:rj. at. DR. J. H. COMBS, C2 OFFICE: North Side Public Square, Kan Itlnrce. - - . - Tex jod rRixTixut jobpbixthgi JOB PRINTING! NORTHEAST CORNER PLAZA GOffllNptt The undersigned is now prepM1 to gin cotton at the fBoi At my Heme Gin at the McgJ crossing $3 50; at San tfvt 84 00 per bale of5001be. Thij includes Bagging and Ti the best quality. W. S u tf. . HI I I I I I r! tb fatal bot an J tint h is subject to tbi morniE for Teuo-w. n dr to get