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.... ' ' ' " ' . - 1 '. , an Marcos Free Pre SSo I. H. JULIAN, VOL. XII, SAN Free Press. Published Every Thursday by ISAAC H. JULIAN, To wboin all Letters Bhould be Addressed. OFFICE East Side of Plaza. " BATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. OQyer,U advance gix nionlbi ' Tu month .2 00 . 1 S3 76 BATES Or AD VEBTISIJTO. One square, oue loiertlou tl 00; each dltloD (1 Insertion under on mouth, BO cidU per sauart. j I mo. 3 mo. 6nio. Hmei 11 3.60 16.00 $8.00 $10.00 I 5.00 T.00 10.00 15.00 I. .0C! S.00 11.00 30.00 T00 10.00 10.00 30.00 13.00 1 20.00 30.00 6C.00 30.00 1 S6.00 60 00 76.00 1 Square J " S " colm. " 1 " Business Cards, one inch or Ism, one year, $8 00 Cardi in Business Directory, one year, $3 00 Legal and Transient Advertisement will be charged One Dollar per square for the first In sertion, and fifty Oente per square for each addi tional Insertion. A aqnare It the spaoe of one Inch. Fractional squares will be counted m full iquares. Oeal and Business Notice will be charged ten cents per line for tbe first Insertion, and eight ceoU per line for each additional Insertion. Announcing candidates for offlee, county, $ 6.00 For District or State offices, 10.00 Obituary notices of over ten lines charged at ono-half advertising rate. BUSINESS DIEEOTORY. Notary Public, ana General Agent. T H. JULIAN, olflce Kukm Vaaas Building, Bunkers. rin. J. L, GREEK, Southeast Corner Plain, at E1 one's old stand. D, A. GLCVEH, Jforth sido of Main Plaza. TCltolesale Orocor. JftETlif HtSZIE, Southeast comer Plaza. Dry (jioodH and Uroeeriesi TOHli'SO A JOUNtsON, Mitchell Building, North J side I'lara. L. J. DAlLiS7, Wcptslde of tbe Main Plaza. ril. (JIE8F.S, South sido of the Main Plaza. QAILEY Si BitO., 3. W. Corner Plasta. V J. ICiLF.HAUT o&st ido of the plaza, "j, oppebite Court House. Dry Goods. GREEN PRICE, at Malono's old stand, South east Corner Plaia. KresK-makcrs. M ISS IV A COOIi, Near South-cant Corner rublic Square. Groceries PITCHFOHD South side Plnza. Groceries and Hardware. J. REED & CO., South Side Plaa. G, W. DONALSON & CO,, East Bide Main Plata. Furniture. J WARD, East Sido Public Square, J17. NANCB, nearly opposite Hinzie's Grocery Store. Druffffists. J FROM ME, South side Pluto. 1) AYJJOLD3 & DANIEL, North aide of the Main H Plaza. pi.iri.11 n mh ami Mursreottii. J A. JACKMAN, Can be found at hi resl- , dence (formerly Dr. Blakeroore's). X&. WM. MYERS, Oraoe at Fromme's Drugstore, U Southeast Corner Public Square, Dentist. fR. J.H. I' Plaza. R. J. H. COMBS office North side of the Main Lawyers. GW. WALTERS, Office two doors Sooth of Post . OClce. FI8HKR A ROSE, In the new Eank Building, upttairg. HUTCHISON k FRANKLIN, office In the Hew Building, north side Main Plaza. A T. BROW'S, oiBce In the Mitchell Building, V, upstairs. Itakery and Confectionery. LA5GK, South sido Plaza. Stoves and Tinware. QEO.HESiiB, East ide Plata. Llrerr and sale Stables. gALBS SCN, Sin Antonio street. Uatc!nvj.kctb Jewelers and Opti cian. H. ROBPINS, Sinn side P'.- .Irtt ."Xarket. g L. TOWStZXD, stkweiruViie Square. Saddle: Ac Harness. Q t.COZi, i?tbvl Certet Flexe. VP K y-r-LLl?. Xe rials. t t--'. hart's Stars- i;eot tui Saoes. pf3. LlTxrS, Hut !it PVIU f V. JI.HlTlt, H.n'-ecw iJ e:er, Sort! "Prove All Things I Hold Fast that which MARCOS, HAYS COUNTY, TEXAS, martin WHOLSALE To) SAN MARCOS, SOUTHEAST CORNER ESTABLISHED IN 1852. HO 1E3 X-S Xj3 Jj(r rffCiTriT.o.'hM- DEALER IS tjte . -m-So-rrtrlc Fittest Most Elegant Designs. a I IMiiH u Itf Jil I i RAZ0ES, P00KET Of our wn importation. GST SPECTACLES A ttlCJlA Lu X . NO. U C01I1ECE ST., ORDERS BY MAIL will receive prompt i nr,n unn nc of. tho Store. Pair. ASSOCIATION. ATJSTI2ST, TEX. OCT. 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th 20th, 1883. RACING, CATTLE-R0P1NO, and other irreat at tractions. Very substantial rremiuni" uiiertu. own for Catalogue. SAMps0Jf pres. CHAS. A. NEWNING, Sec. aug33 THE LIVER AND ITS FUNCTIONS. S?1T has become a woll eetnblbhed fnet that the JXB Jnraor portjon of diseases to which tho human vifl family is subject arise la tho first jjlace irom 'W Borne doranKeaient of the Li7or. ThlBorgon la not ocly the lnrRsst, but at tho same time one of turn to tho henrt, passes through this organ, and hi lta piscsa tho lmpuritio,a ulfio the secroilous M I cathartic to nairt in the, renewal of waste mate Irlat Acorcoliminrted. From thisitiaoasllysoen that &ue iivurio iiu.'to ' a - " - - , ' - r . erertteror iesa extont, and when this ogcursitls fowlbloforitto properly fulfil its office of re rcoVlnsivllobjoctionr.blo matter from the blood, but eJioKsit to uasd i through, carrying with It tho With lmpure -DR.B. F. SHERMAN 8 i, m a. j. krtUnTii.l rj- 1ssmisu anil blood thewholeays- Un becomes aueoi ed.and noorganens properly perform its function unless It Is frtlUIV LI nan rtlTTPBR. M V M of ntudy.ezcerlm'at H sr.ppliaawna i tJit medical research lMstrength. botno B. F. ShehiiaK, Its Liver Dmodim bu onginutor, huu, lmportani.iuiu rbeo one h.alhA fil "ii S ''i".w nereTer MWctViused laauf Ci'FfliiitilaiN' flcloDtuar- w neroTer ing Of being continually tired, worn' 'merit. Tl and ifhnt lniR out, u con stlpated, Klthtondcn cy to Piles, BTITEHSSiaSS r: fuct thiit pnnr; -i : k thnir Headache, flick 6 torn -nch.9allow Complez'n ruptlonc l.i, iMrrifrtnrrur Li ilolont ao- 4iUKWl"J '"initios to 'I Tirrrri ?t.rnoi: theymey''' weuknn the and KIDNEYS fSEi ....... l. 'ei-. ... IJverieoat; efjra&r.aa; regaind to; A JLi i, if iKIdnsys. llnlf of eill eccumula-' tton. ta rjtgtitto IU orWinil Btrenrth and ViiTor! for mil the' of liiakird' tftr U eoi la s mild ' ra s n o r, and i - lc:ja- t- lfcsti.-t .aayoo: 111. . n I AUDRU3SISI5 PRIC ef rare ch1 at a.' t ' TT-VL V "T..!-,.. T cf clause s n:rii i. iaV 1 u ?;'aT AUrt-rdrvt 1 ,-13.U .'prickly asm cirrtTRS co, B3UE racrsm OLD NEWSPAPERS i'cBsarr ATTHISOITICE. 1883. FAIR, 111 1 p. I ." A. . t JT-W .r I.., rtnlt. I mm AND RETAIL 3. & - - - TEXAS. PUBLIC SQUARE, jgs fcblfy ESTABLISHED lift 852. H OS-, PI m and Dealers in ninnks. Jewelry, AND TABLE KNIVES, ETC., s i a SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS. attention. Every article guaranteed precise- CORONAL ooo ' INSTITUTE SAN MARCOS, TEX- A SCHOOL FOR BOTH SEXES, Full Litsrary, Scisntific, Musical, and Art COURSES. TUITION : From $2.00 to $5.00 per m0 BOARD: 12.50 to 15.00 per mouth. For Catalogues apply to JOHN E. P1UTCHETT, A. M., je23-2m President SHIP YOUIl COTTON TO 1 1 HOUSTON. Prompt sales and quick returns, Strict attention to weighing and classification. Shippers will enjoy all the fa cilities and advantages to he ex ptckd of a strictly first class House doing the largest notion commis sion Business, in a systematic and husiness like style. Stencils ajtd Daily or r Weekly Cotton Reports sent on application free of charge. id a.: Iaxm CetsnAMiri are r:i?Tl 17 UJc-? WRIGHTS IKDIAH VEGETABLE PILLS H So Wl CLEVELAND illlll Is Good." THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER, 20, THE MAN AND THE H0UU. Atone; tb battle's flamlaf van, We mark tbe tried and true Defender of tbe eaui ol man, A, peerless lew. Born to their mission and Inspired, Ob, should Ihsjr tell, we feel Ho spirit would like theirs be flrtd, No hand could wield their steel. Tt one bj on they step aside. Or ou the red Sold lie, And their places are supplied, Still rings lb battle cry t Still o'er the hoary, walls ol Wrong, Truth' startling missiles fly, And still, with steady step and strong, Her host are marching by.' And It (halt be e?ermor Cutll the trump Is blown, Proclaiming Wrong's hard rule It o'er And Right Is on the throne. Oh, fear not for the cause sublime, Let hat do all It ean. for In the dark en t oomlng time, Tbe hour shall bring the man. Written for the FasiPacxi. Reminiscences or a Texas Veteran Sauta Fe Expedition, etc. DT 0. ERHARD. The Copyrighted. ' XXXVIII. KENDALL'S NA.RBATIVB CONTINUED. The village of Anton Chico is built on n square, the houses fronting tho inner nido, although there are entrances, protected by Btroua doord on tho outer. Tho hoxises fire of one story only, built of adobou, a Rpecies of suu dried brick, wlnlo tho tops are lint They had neither windows nor floors, and in uoint of comfort nud convenience aro on ly one doi'rco removed from tho. rudest wig warn of the Indian. In case of attack from savagca continually hovering and committing depredations upon tho frontiers of New Mexico, these little hamlets servo as forts, tho Indians rarely pursuing the inhabitants further than tho outer walls, as they carry on their warfare entirely on horsoback Thia description of Anton Chico will ans wer for a maiority of tho ranches and small er towns of New Mexico their buildings being all constructed of the samo materials and in the same uiaunor. Wo entered the largest house in tho placo. It had but two rooms, the earthen floor and scanty furniture of which gave them a prison-like and desolate appearance. No chair or table, knife or fork, did the occupants possess, and wo were given to nderstand that we were in the house of tlrtJ "first fann ly" of Anton Cltico. We callod for some thing to eat, suggesting a somewhat varied "bill of fare" to be spread before us, for which we manifested our willingness to pay the highest price; and our dinner consisted substantial and extras all enumerated of tortillas, boiled Cggs and meal and water In the meanwhile our animals outside were faring infinitely better than ourselves, for they had an ample supply of corn and fod dergood legitimate food for them, to which they did ample justice. The sun was about setting by the time we had finished our meal; yet we determined upon traveling some ten miles further to wards San Miguel that evening. After pay. ing the master of the house tho most exor bitant prices for every article we had pro cured, and after his daughters had present ed each of us with a bundle of oigaritas of their own manufacture, we saddled and mounted our horses and again proceeded for San Miguel. Immediately after leaving Anton Chico, we were compelled to climb a high, steep and rooky hill or mountain, and on reaching its summit, by which time darkness had overtaken us, we found ourselves without a road and completely lott in a grove of stunted pines and cedars. To advance was impossible, and we accordingly retraced our str-ps to tho village we had left but a short time previous. Once more we secured our animiils to a Ledge fence, noar tha house where we had procured our homely dinner, and after carrying our baddies, Lridks and and other euuipuiei.ts to a corner of the room which Lad beta appropriated to our use by the maMer, we rolled ouTseive up ia our blankets with tho vaia hope, as it was the first nijjLt wo had passed under cover for months, of enjoying a rtfresLing sleep. But no such L'oodrluek was in store for us thera wat a cloc enc-M in the atmosphere to which we Lad long Leon fctrangers, the room was occupied Ly some thirty iten, women itid cLUlrvn, eicluwr, of our own f arty. and when ail were provide j with alepir:g room there wa wcarcely apace enough on the Lard earthen floor for a hat. The bda of our ne-ULlors were nothing Let aheep- kiiia thrown uron tLe Coot tbeir clothing j blanket, wLica tbry fjread otct tLeia- relre after ljiiig down. PROPRIETOR. 18 83. NO. 42. Kverv mombcr of tho family, which con- alatcd of a craudfathor and grandmother with thoir chlldrou ond their childreu'a chil dren, aeomod to bo badly affected by a cold, nr worao for tho younger branches were all evidontly with the worst form of whooping cough. The grown people appeared to have tho most distressing cougha to match their cold, whllo tho children seemed at times to bo in porfoct convulsions. Occasionally the distressinc sounds would all die away; anon, one of tho children would begiu coughing frightfully, another would join in the dis cordant din, and immediately, the whole family were in full chorus. .And thus they barkod away the hours. ' From St. Louis.' St. Loots, Sept. tt, 18.?. Editor Fbek Tress: The edict of the "Veiled Prophet" is published commanding his Bubjocts to prepare for tho grand carni val on the night of October 4th. lue pre- nitrations for that event and for the inter- tftinment of visitors at tho fair exceed nil tho sights and scenes of tho past. , Broadway, as 5th street is now callod, is one continuous not-work of gas-pipe, for a distance . of one mile. All intersecting streets, particularly Washington avenue, Olive, Pine, Chestnut, and Market streets, are filled on both sides with myriads of gas jets, and the illumina tion will be tho finest and most extensive ever seen on this continent. Tho pageant of the "Prophet" it is said will exceed any thing ever wituossod hero before for tuagm- llconoo of dress and display of floats. Tho Fair Oronnds have been greatly improved, and tho premiums offered by the Associa tion aro immense. Tho courts of tho city will all onou on Monday morning, September 1 1 . Two-hundred-aud-sixty-fivo prisoners aro in our city jail awaiting trial for felony, and tho ofllcers of the criminal court have a fearfnl task beforo thera. Tho great An huoser Brewery took firo yestorday morn ing aud despite tho desperate efforts cf tho lire department, is still burning fiercely. Tho loss is enormous. Another one of our bravo fire fichtcrs was killod in a confla- gration Tuesday night, a section of wall fell upon him. Caul Smytiuc. Nartindale. Martindale, Sept, 17, 1883. Ed. Fbee Press: This leaves times not quito so gloomy as we havo had a nice littlo shower, which has laid the dust and coolod tho air to some extent, but we could almost parch corn in tho sunshine now if wo had any corn to parch but still improvement goes on in our city, Messrs. Chenoweth & Son have just completed a new warehouse to tho sido of thoir main business house which is quito an improvement. It is of barbed wiro. Mr. McQuien has just rcceiv. ed his first cargo of fruit, consisting of green apples and red onions, which will be on tho market to-morrow. Dr. Porch's business house is now very near completed, his goods aro arriving and ho will bo ready for business in a few days. Tho latest report we have at present is that our young friend John Klllian will pay Georgia a visit in a few days. Some of the old gontlomen are very anxious to know what John wants to go to Georgia for ; we. could enlighten them on tho subject if we chose, but don't like to divulge secrets. On his return he and Mr. Martin Stewart of this city, will start a blacksmith shop at this place. The stylo of tho firm will b-3 Killian & Stewart Messrs. Martindale and Petty havo im proved the streets considerably by cutting down all tho dead trees and trimming the live ones. Mr. Stanlifer has moved his meat house back and everything i now ready for tho court house. McQuien A Cocreham will be very likely to get the con tract for building same, as theirs is the low est bid heard from so far. Messrs. Hall, Minot, McQuien and Cook, attended tbe ball at Kyle Friday eve. They speak in glowing terms of the Kyle gentle men, and return many tlianks to them for their politeness while in their city. Rev. Abbott delivered a turo thi ef at the Daptist church, subject : Tempcrauc) and the evil influence of abiJkey. Mr. Atott is a fine lectTrrcr, and we would tx pleased to have hint come sgani. MUs Clara Tattle, of York' Crock, is th guett of Mrs. J. T. Tf tty this k, Mors, 1LC. The fitter county claim set up try TVias, is tot likely In be settled onuils of th crttrt. The Secretary of ths lalsriar boLU adverse rrnini'yne to the Jxrtaea cf osr tUai. 6. A. Tivtrt. Mr. P. C IVrscra of LUmittr, Trf. wts -'Iirtrn' Ircva Bituxs car) mt ef ft wr9 aUark cf i&lielis.