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(Cewwealaoiod I WILLI M11L0TE. M BtBMOBIAI. Peat .wUifM tor, tb thill KovemUr ere, U iB, WhM thai that baarkea eakh OOI W7 ellN lad hi BMtrrtlom. el Uf loll dnae, 11 rd Lasoad lb Mart gat ami th oa O lif MbUiB I U victory, Barmy woa j VaU. Kile. vU Uvr fc aad bo thy b4. A aobl baart lo iris ii dead. Daadt O bow tula to, ia bora oa all tba wind. WhlU ia ravarenl homtd nr aod far, Ilia sacred aamor brighUna Ilk a Mar, Doadi while froia Uaaooto lodgatoelub, Ooa Tolo aaoaoda of griaf, devotion, praiae. And lore' neb bate crowo bl parfatl days, Moraalrarlr beautiful, mora purely proud, I fadalaaa fraaoo on daalh'a aoinbra oloda I Itaad t No, not drad, but alaaplnfr, Ilia happv anul bail found U ifinkldawn, And Iba long raat which brlghtaoa la para dlaai Oooa from earthly eara aad woe, - All Ufa Borrow bar balow, Wbara oa laara aaa vr flow op to Ood. Oa th brow la aoguUb praat a mother' kl-, Kooa but tba parant'a heart eaa tall, Bow bard it U to farawall, Aod give to baavvn ao good aoa Aod m armor low tby will be dona. Daad I Kay, bla alngla Ufa, ao true, so triad, Baooinaa baoocfortb divinely multiplied, 80 friend, wblla tbia, bla out-worn form da pert, Ita reeurrectlon la a million heart. F, L,. MOCI-EILLMU TlXE. aUHILTOH JAT. It'i bog-killln' tima, an' da darkies am glad, Pile on da fat plua knota! But slow-foot Jim am lookio' miibty tad, Pila on da fat pine knota! An I know wbat am ailin' him, yea I do, II' a wlabiu' b oould aat widout workin' tool Yon buy nigger, von uina' taolp n fraw, . pile on da fat pina knotal Dig a bole In da groan' for da bar'l to itan', File on da fat pina knots) liar cornea ole Ham wld b knife In be ban', Pile on d fat pin knota! II gib on (tick an' down goea d hog, Cau't lump no mo', but lie like a log, Can't bant fnr grutia no mo' in da bog Pile on d fat pin knot! Sou him In da bar'l till d ba'r fojoh looae, File on da fat pina knotal To git ao fat, ob! waiio't be a gooae, Pile on da fat pina knota! How, yon gal folks, com an' aorap wid a hell, Or a knife, or snmpfln'dntdode work well On, my! dem aptir' rib I think I kin email, Pile on de fat pine knotal Soon will de cblttlin' crackle In de pan, Pile on d fat pina knota! An de lard fat slzz da aa bard aa it can. Pile on de fat pine knotal Don' let dem pig' feet up an' mo away. An' paa diit little ing roun', Mia' May, Per dere'e lot of fun on a bog-killin' day, Pile on da fat nine knot! Cleveland's Joke. One of the applicants for office from Texas, was received very affably by the President-elect, who treated him to a glass of wine. "Will you smoke T" asked Grover banding him a cigar. The pilgrim from Texas took it, and in a voioe trembling with emo tion, said : ' "Thanks, Mr. President, 111 smoke it to the last day ol my life." "That man is a smoker," remarked the President, after the applicant hnd bowed himself out, "but lie is not yet a confirmed smoker." One of the most remarkable fea tures in the history of Methodism, and one that gives a peculiar interest to the Centennial celebration now in progress at Baltimore, is the fact that its ratio of growth corresponds almost exactly to the percentage of jui-reuae 111 iuo uuuuujr a pujiumuon. In the last quarter of a century, for example, its strength has grown from 8,600,000 to 15,000,000, again of 75 per cent, and our increase of popula tion in the same time has boen that shown by the difference between 81,445,000 and 65,000,000, which is practice Iv the same menRiire of train. This goes to prove that the Methodist Church is very closely related to the American scheme of civilization, and very secure in its hold upon the popular judgment and conscience. To any body who ha disease of throat or lungs, we will send proof that Piso'a Cure for Consumption has cured tho same complaints in other cases. Address, . T. IlAXEtriNc, Warren, Pa. Ill-tempered and Un fair. Mr. Blaine's letter dismissing his suit against the Indianapolis Senti nel is exceedingly unfair in its spirit In effect he says that he could not get a just verdict in Indiana, This is a serious accusation to moke against the people of a whole Btnte. It is a serious accusation to make against the Federal court, which in Indiana is Republican in all its branches, and which in all the stutcs, whether republican or democratic ia lionet, t and impartial It seems to us Mr. Blaine might have withdrawn his libel, suit against the Sentinel, without libeling the whole State of Indiana, her jury system and her conrta of justice. Backlea' Arnica Salve. Tba beat salt in the the world for cuts, braiaaa, Korea nicer. Bait Rheum, fcrcr aorea, letter, chapped handa, chilblain, orna, and all akin eruptions, and positively urea pilea or no pay required. It ia guar aated lo g-e perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price Z.I cents per box- far sal by Baynolda A Daniel. ly Tirtne, properly ao called, ia onl the conformity of the will of man t that of the Creator. Now, the will of Ood ia always the same, always caique and simple : virtue ia only tbia will put into practice ; and if the. reqnet in the Lord's prayer, "Thy will be done in earth aa it ia in Lea ven," could be at the inaUnt grunted, we ebonld aee in tbe w hole world only one religion, one morality, one virtue. M. CuquereL Try It Teararlf. TV prenfof lb podding is wot ia ebew. ttf lb string, bat ia kaauag aat opttortwitty try Ik artark? yoaeajf. aV. fYoaaaae. tbe Irirat. aaj a Ira tnal booi of I. atad I'm j eat rb m afv4 wuk Owagka, sw Aauraav Oxsararraoa ew acy Lrag Thlj Idea af Going West to Colorado or New Maiioo, for par air to relieve UuoaaatpiUia, la all a auiauba. Aay raaaoaabla aua would na Vt. Hoaank Cougb aod IO tie; Bjr rup fur eooeumpttoa lit all IU Aral atagaa. It Bvr falla lo ft relief la all caaea of OoUKba. Colda, Bruc ebitia, Palna in tba Cbt and all eJTociioo llialareeotieiderad primary to CooaampUoa. Prlo AO oenu and fl.OO. Bold by K. frooma. "Dridet t "Wut'a tba most genteol thing; for a M; aa ia a lady to carry ia tho itreot, orT (jook t "auro, thin, aoine prefer three-ToIutne book. Hut I prefer a roll of music, meailf, quite caret- aod aiejr like." A Wonderful Dlaeorrry. OonroniDtiea and all. who Buffer from any affection nf tba Throat and Lnnga, can flirvl a certain ear iu Dr. King' Kew Dia. oorery lor Uonaumption. inouaanaa 01 permanent enrea renry to truin or luia atatement. No medicine can abow aucb a reoordof wouderful cure. Tbonand of one hopeleaa infft-rrr now gratefully pro. claim tbay owe their liv lo tni New l)i eovery. It will eoat yon nothing to gir it a lrif. Pre Trial liottlea at ltaynold A Daniel' Drug 8tur. Large aice, f 1 00. In this year tbere will be two eclipaea of tu aun ana two 01 U10 noon. ' Aa annual eclipxe 01 tn pan will ow March 16, visible in the United ftatea a partial eclipse. March 30 partial clipe of the moon ill take place, invisible in Australia, South Pacific ocean and Cape Horn. September 24th tbere will be a par tial eclipse of the moon visible here. It will begin nt 31 minutes post 12 m., and end at 37 mintes past 3. Terr Remarkable Recovery. Mr. Oeo. V. Willing, of Manchester, Mil b., write: "My wife ba been almoit belDtM for fire year, ao belpleia that she could not turn over in bed alone. 8he naed two bottle of Electric Bitter, and ia o much Improved, that ba i able now to do her own work." Elactrio Bitter will do all that la claimed for them. Hundred of testimonial attent their great curutiv powir. Only fifty cent a bottle at ltaynold A Daniel'. I Pile are frequently preceded by a sen of weight in the back, loin and lower part of tlir nbdomen, causing the patient to sup pose he ha some affection of the kidney or neighboring organs. At time, symptom of indigestion are present, flatulency, nn easinesa of the stomach, etc. A moiatur, like perspiration, producing a very disa greeable Itching, after getting warm, ia a common attendant. Blind, Bleeding and Itching Pile yield at once to the appli cation of I)r. Bosanko's Pile Remedy, which act directly upon the part affected, absorb- tng the rumon, allaying the intense itch ing, and enrcting permnncnt cure. Price M cents. Address the Dr. Bosanko Medj cin Co., Piqua, O. Sold by It. FItOMME, IICJCTIXG A CURE fOR MALARIA. AMD WBAT TBS INQPIBII AND INVKBTIOATIOMI DBVXbOPSD. Cursed with that vague and indefinite Boiuothing, cullod miliaria, and living in Lancaster, Pa., tho birthplace of Mishlor's Ilrb Bitters, Mr. Walter KieiTor, of the Daily New Era, resolved to investigate ita cura ive powers, of which he had board so much. He writes aa follows: "Calling on James H. Marshall, Esq., at present and for twelve years past, postmaster of the city, I asked, 'What do you know about Mishlor's Horb Bitters?' 'I know,' was the answer, 'that it is the most palatable bitters I have ever taken, and as a tonio it has uo equal.'' That was encouraging, and the next pur. on I met was Win. A. Morton, Esq., of tin Lancaster Intelligencer. 1 addressed the same inquiry to him, and quick as a flash came tbe answer, "I have used Mishlers Herb Bitters, off and on, for ten yearn, aud have found it of great benefit. On one oo oaxion, suffering from sovtre prostration, it waa uie umy imug w give me renor. stepping into the office of lion. D. P. Iioseiniilor, Mayor of Lanoahter, I repeated my query. "It is the best tonio I have ev er known, and I regurd it as an infullible cure for malaria," smi.iugly answered his Honor. "Mr. Steiuheiser, what do you know of Misliler's Herb Ultt.iH?" I aukod, addressing Mr. J. O. Hteinheiser, now United btates Mail Agent, and for eight years Supurin teudeut ot the Lancaster county Hospital and Insane Asylum. "Never had a uiud in Un) Hospital that acted so charming ly, nnd tor curouiu disease it never fuils to give relief. " "Mr. Long," addressing a member of the firm of John t Long's tious' drug house, the oldest dmu house iu the Stale, if not in America, "Wuut has been your experience Willi AliNiilcr's Herb iiilterHr" "We bundle a grout deal of it, aud the deuinnd is con stantly on the increase. I regard it as be ing, niediciuully, the bcBt bitter in tbe market. People who buy it once invariably call for it agniu." J be next place visited was John II. Kauff- nian s drug store. "How s the Mishler s Herb Bitter murket, Mr. Kauffman?" "It uevcr was better. We sell a grout deal of it in the city, but the bulk of our tra ie is from the rural districts among old farmers ho need a tonic, and among those liviug in malarial regions. One old Kuutleiuau from tli country has been coming for eight years, nd as we know about bow long a bottle will Inst him we know just wbeu to expect him. It i a great bii'ein." II. a Cochran, another prominent drug. gist, wit the next pcrsou approached. "W bat has been your experience with Mah ler's Herb Bitters. Mr. Cochran?" "For steady sale it linn no equal. It is chemically pur and medicinally strong. Lately the demand for tbe Bed Label brand that in tended particularly for ladies ha greatly increased, ami I know of nothing more popular or mor effective for tbe weakness, ea peculiar to tbe female sex.'' Meeting Rev. J. O. Fritchie, an octogen arian minister of the Om-pel on the eire-t. i engaged mm in conversation, and remark ing on hi great m and seeming good health, he aaid. to my surprise. ' I owe it all to Mishler' Herb Bitten.; it is the beat Iriend I have, sustaining me in all moment of physical wrakneaa. and if any one de. ire uiy teattmnnv ton are at liberty to iriv them "iv name. La-i them address me. anJ I'll tell them all about it." But why multiply this home testimony? Address whom 1 Uiikiht prvat her, lawvrra. banker. drncRi-ts, merrhants, all ho bad any knowledge at the hitter, aud tha teeti. many waa overwhelmingly in ita favor. Suffice lo aay that, although a sk. pt ic es the subject of raring lualarsa, I beraine coavincvd thai ther waa oo p-eriarathio, andoo thst wnU ear it. and ita name it kibbler's Herb Bitter. Tha Austin CtpUl ia",lel arjain,'" and ia orceoJexI by axjulher evening papor cmllcxl tha Sun. Wkea eaj 4 a Xm lm Cv. eavbac- ra. tai ! Canto aaro. a-aat ee 6eee t au ai a aa' 0 rm4 fTatral M. awaaaaliMeariiaaiaf aaf al U Ww. evaaaa ! ea ie'a air. . .a. a axaaa. a aa. aMvrai W. araaeey.eaapia itniat awl. eai aa Tm- cm in, keaiara a r I rr -el m aaii) Tk au nan baxlaMjla aar- aaxa n. Kkw Ton, January 8. The Pro hibition convention to-day declared that the National Prohibition party is an independent political organiza- lion 01 aureus 01 me several oiaioa, free of all sectional prejudice and reference, and its members ecknow edcre no dictation in the nae and die poaitl of their ballots. It will make no ooiupromiHe of its prohibition principles by coalition with any other political Dartv. The prohibition of the liquor tra.Ilc ia a N itional iwiue to be conauniuiatod by an amendment to the I'eperal Constitution, and the I'roliifion party ia a necessity to secure such and amendment, and to maintain an administration in power favorable to its enforcement Our Clubbing List for 188S. W ar arspsr slab Ik. MIS rkSiS I er rB.lo sub-arllwi wllk lb rallealsg skll il.M si lU ra) m txcintd bkw. If rdor si lbs his Mat wllb ear ftptt. la lbs Srsl aoluaia at flT lb r.f alar srlca f each aabllaailo Uttglf, la Iba aa4 lb price eftha Ml a4 iba Fas ra ingaibar. Wllb Iba free Pra. liBljr. TbaCarraal 14 0 Oa Pave I a l so 1 66 M. V. Wklj Itlbaaa I SO St. Laala kapabllaaa I R.V. U.r 00 S M 4 66 5 6 S S 06 S 66 t 6 I 00 S to 1 00 1 86 10 S 6 a ao 4 HO 5 06 1 t6 4 40 5 I 6 66 4 66 a so 64 16 4 46 96 a 66 5 66 I 65 4 M 6 60 5 66 6 16 6 IS 6 J5 16 r O l..b.TIin Utaoeral.. I M Tka Mrapbte (aklr) 1 LauLtiII. lori.r Jaareal I 64 T.I-. -inia. 1 0 ram a. tuaak 1 BO liairull Pra Praia 1 Rarllnclen Baaker t M Salarday kenln Puat t 00 Ckla so Miliar 1 0 Maw fork Ob.erve' 15 Atlanta Con.llmtloB 1 (0 Prairie Varraar 10 T.saa Slock iaarnal IM Am.rleaa Acncullutl.t 1 M Varmar I 0 Icl.mlflc A merle. a I M li.aibara CullUamr 1 6 Cai.tar. Hagasl - 4 0 SI. Mlchiilaa I 00 Harp.r a Vonna Paopla.... 1 60 Toatb'a CamiiaiiluB. 1 T1 Atlantic Mopiblr no Upplncatt'a Mx.tioa 3 00 rclacila naraiitia ... tin Pli' Journal , 1 0 Paiaraoa'a Ma.aina I 00 ApDl.tnn'. Journal a 00 Popular Monthly 6 no Tha Mleroro.ra 1 00 M.s.iln. of American lllatnry.. 4 60 rreuk Lealla'a llla.tralad Nava- papar 4 00 UdleV Journal... 0 " Chimney-corner. 4 00 " elbar public. tiona at proportlooata raiaa Rarpar's Monlhlr 4 00 S 00 ' Waekly. 00 t 16 " B.i.r a on til Oodey'alJidy'aBook 1 IK) S Kt Damoreal'a Mnnthly SOU 66 Mallou'a Haalna 1 60 S'l Onlrlen ba S 00 4 16 Oar Utile Onea 1 60 S 06 Pontage prepaid an all tha above. Any elbar pa par or periodical rurnlehad at proportion. ta ralaa Wa will alio aand an oflha abon alnajlv, or anj other paper or periodical at puklUbara' prices, Iraa of charaa. The saany loaiae earned by 'allure, robbery of, and petty tbalt. ont of the mail., make II abeoluta ly neecaaaary to aend eod.lderable aurn. by poatal order, real, tared latter or Amounts onde (5 may ba aenl by poatal note,. Tne aafa arrlrel of all publications guaranteed. If after a reaamiabls lime any auhecrlbrr falla to receive tha publieation aenl for, notify n. br pn.tal card that tba error If an, maybe promptly cor rected. Our responsibility oeasea when paper arrives witb dale, correctly oredltcd, wblcb Is evidence tbe publisher baa been said "H00OH Oil COUflllS." Ask for "Kough on Coughs." for Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Hoarsenetg. Troches, Ho. Liquid, i!5o. "ROUOfl OH Rats." Clear out rats, mice, roaches, flics, ants, hed-begH. skunks, chipmunnks, gophers, IS. Druggists. BRAKT PAINS, Palpitation, Drosieal Swellings, Dizzi ui'BR, Indigestion, Huudivhn. Hlceplcssness, cured by Wells' Hialth Kenewor. "Ronoif on cokn.i.'I Ask for Well's "Bough on Corns," 13c. Quick, complete cure, Hard or soft corn, waru, bunions. "ROUGH OS PAIPJ." POHOT7SKD Pt.AVTHR. Strengthening improved, the best for backache, pains iu the chest or side, rheum atism, neuralgia. THIN PF.OPI.S. "Wells' Health Henewer" restore health and vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Headache, Ner vousness, Debility. $1. WHOOPIttfl CO00H. and the many Throat AffectiouB of children, promptly, safely and pleasantly relieved by "Bough on Coughs.-" Troches, 15a. Bal sam, 2!o. etOTRKR. ' If you are failing, broken, worn out and nervous, use "Wells' Health Benewer." $1, Druggibt. f.IFR PRKHRKVUR. If you are losing your grip on life, try "Wells' Health Benewer." Goes direct to weak spots. "ROTJOH OX TOOTHACHE'" Instant relief for Neuralgia, Toothache. Facenche. Ask for 4 Bough on Toothache.' 15 and 25cts. PRITTT WOIIFK. Ladies who would retain freshness and vi. vacity. Don't fail to try 'Well' Health Re newer." CATARRHAL THROAT AFrKCTinitS. Hocking, irritating Coughs, Colds, Kors Throat, cured by "Rough on Cougb." Troches, l."c. Liquid, 25c ROUOH 0!t 'TCH." 'Rough on Itch,' cure humors, eruptions. rmgworn. tetter, salt rheum, frosted feet, chillblnina. THR HOPR OP Till RATICW. Children, slow in development, puny, acrawuy and delkate, use "Wells Health Renewer." WIDR-AWAKR three or fonr hours every night ennghing. (let imiiKHliatfl relief and sound rest bv us ing Wells' "Kongh on Congo." Troche, 15c. .Bsbntn, 2.V. "rocoh on pain" poaorsin pi astfr. Strengthening., improved the beat for backache, (wins in chest or id, rheuma tism, neuralgia. (IU VtM Aii lt&4 UU&. I tt U-l. faarwa.1 Kw at rTaTf (. tatttHttai ral at. Limmrmrj tmmi eyM-vaeBi rtf arat tM (t aWl. l1Hllr OLD NEWSPAPERS rem xijtiw- BURN Mr 0 r tiTMt. TZXZ3 Chicago Mtly Jews AND TEX THE SAN MARCOS Free Press. Tm CHICAOO WEEKLY JJEW3 I now an eight xmgt. ality four-c.dumn pap r. It is the target " dollar weekly Iu America, li eight broad longpsgea prcacnt cuch week a inw of choicely eleciol matter, cttiitaininf much to 11111 each of the varying tie of lb family circle. Fir and f. rcmot It give all Thk Mswa, complete a to detail, yet conrioo in form. I's ennue. lion with the CHICAGO DAILY NKWS (mem tier of i he A'-oaUd Prei) give it facilities' for new gaibering unsurpassed by any journal in the country. IU MAitxKf Kia-ORT are pcclally com plete and ihoroiiihiy inistwonhy. Par ticular aiteutioii 1 given to agricultural and home mutters. Every issue con tain aix completed BTORiRi, and a regular ln-inllmnl of an oiiginal story by otn well-known English or Amer ican author, exclusively secured for the CHICAGO DAILY liEWf. Con densed nottson fushinns, art, Industrie, literature, scicucc, etc., etc.. appear regularly. Few piipcra In the country are so ex icnivcly quoted by the rrcs In general for lis briuht and humorous paragraph ns I lie L'til- iiga Daily JNrtM. Th.e are all reproduced in the WEEKLY NEWS. In its ediiorii.l expression the pit per speaks from the. at und point of the INDKI'ESDRST Jniirua'.Uit, thereby escap ing the tempiuilon to support or con done the qucs lonuhle under the pres sure of parly nllegianco. Mere partisan extremists will not like if; the fair minded and thoughtful of all parties will appreciate mid value its candid statements of tacts nnd conclusions, all ra'culuted to qualify tho reader for the formation of Ins owii intelligent opinion. The political events of the year Income promise to hsmiiiiu siiclt a character that a thoroughly truthful nnd im pnrtinl record Is'come all-importnnt rather than n partisan ore, colored and perverted lo individual liklnif. In nil itsdc'inrtmcnls the CHICAGO WEEKLY NEWS aim to present an i;nl rpi isintr, impartial unci entertaining family newspaper of the very highest giade. WHAT OLD SUBSCRIBERS SAY When they Henrv their Subicription. Wllll.m f'.nnon. Punltae. Oakinnd County. Mich., un: Anieric. 1 tblnk It ia tuu bcai p.pcr in I.. A. " ea n, Sullivan. O . asya: "It la better iliin muv 1 Hi''- i; .laaics r. Mauii!, ni. Chartea a'reet, New n. !..,.. t h . .u.: " Iu t'omiiNrlnir vuur paper aim o'ltrra 1 reuelve. I nat your., tho Ciiicaik) Wrkklv Srw. la itoml. lietier brat. 1 truuitl -.oiiim n In a iial Hi a uuiuberof tha Nawa. ;t l. (A. ui-i.i...cror ibe ily. It U true IOA,?r"T,Ur. Kokter. Womlliull, Ilenrr County, III., ncp: "It la uuc of iba . ft pera ub- Knoili'S. A'l'lnn. tlrh.. aryai I don't wont to t : n niin.lier. I, ia tbe beat paper for news I haw er ' ." . v Peicr;. ' a. Bauntlcri County. Nen., inva: "1 likJ til u V. cKkt-Y Kaa. It la full of rendiiMu ami Mil":t c t.cwa. ati'l nl'liotifli 1 era In reui-lnt f tiliiu eUlv Jnuruul. I am con dr iiwil t'i adi ;i: Tna WarxLY Sawa aa N i. 10 hrraue Lt 1 a uon tri!'i-n ittltuue In l.ll'.'ca. irlvlrm li. the iiiKiirlileil iruin c- tie. riiln tliu ki-iiona of ail luilt.ial par- "'l'. K. I'aveniMjr'. I'alr'-yra, X. Y., anj-at "it I. thi! ilicaprat ami beat paper 1 ever r"lr'i, . b Imviiii. raenlhal, Vo.. tirr. "I like our pui rr n r. li' u- U. I V" oilirr rr-ia, f.ut rt.i nut vXc lie-lit aa aoll a tbe WasKLr 5? f w. MrtufeM. Tea.. ya : "I am 1.1,-h'v ilcncj wl h ilm ''. f"r I (rn imnI tlci n'ri-vi-iiK-1 i.i I' In am-li o that I k" boin HJi- of tin- aura lull fm-y i forth, a Inch la ut i on- Inip'oii-H-ir tu uei In a aitict: pan) Juur IiaI u.''tltU't' tt- If -j 'z- ami clinisctcr cnnsiclcred, the CHlt'AGO WEEKLY NEWS is f ehntiitst irrtk'ii in Aimiiri. ONE DDL LA 11 A YEAH, postage included. Our special Cluhl)in.s Terms bring it within the reach of all our subscribers. 8peci me riipiea miiy he seen at this office. Scud trtihsci iplions lo this offlta. m SURPRISE ! THE GOVEKNMENT ENDORSES The American Agriculturist. raoa tbs yairr ersan, vol. S.jcst rosuaaaD. "The American Asrleulinrtatia apeclslly worthy of mention, becauaa ol tha remarkable aueeeaa that ba attended the onlqoe and nntlrln efforta af Ita proprletora to Inereaa and extend "ita eircalatloa. lie eontenta are duplicated every month for Ger man edition, wblcb alao elrculatea widely " Tbia tribute la a pleaaiuf Incident la Iba marvel lone nearly HALF A CrHrtJKT Career of tbia racognlaed laadlnf afrieullual Jaar. aal of tbe world. WHAT IT IS TO DAY. Ix monlha a iro tba Anerleaa Aarlealtaiial enter. ed ad a new eereeret proape l'a, so ta-day It la farauperior to any alnilar periodical aver produced In tbia or any other country aiebar la edltatlal atrei'gth: richer in angravlnga; printed aa Inar pa. oer. and oreaentia la avarv laau la auaina of orla;iaal reading matter tram tbe ableat wrliere. and nearly a hundred iitseirvuooe. ut. newrge Taarser for nearly a quarter at a eenlurv the ediir.a cblel of tba American ggrlcaltarlet, Jaeepk Harrla, Brroo D Ba at aad, Col C. M. Weld, aad Andrew H. Fullei. tbe other long time edl ara. loaetbar with tba other wriiera wb baae made tka Ameticaa Ag- rkullurlat wbat It la w-day. are still at their poet. WHAT. FREE??? I rerv eabeertber whoa aabrerlptl la leaaMdlata- ly forwarded ae with tba price, ti t par year, as tireoteeitra lor paeiaga Cyaleped'a maklag I as In all will recataa tka amarlaaa grteeltur let far Deo. 1SA4, aad all f 1SS&. aad art II ba pre). aeated with Iba Aeaerioa agrlealtarta ramllv Cy alapdla, (Juat aat). TO Fagaa aad arar l.0 aa gravlaga Stroagly Vaand la detk, black aad gold. Tata oi.tirly new m a reeaenie! evor baae and kk af rf n aaa far mnrv aVpartaaat of kaaa kwldgo. laaladlBC aa grKllreJ aap- plameat ky Ur.Taarkr. Send tkra taa eaM eaaeap fee aaalUnc yaaj apevl- ea aopy Amarlcaa Aeancalaarle. aa ale forty. a Prmia Laat. wlk law lllaetrattaoa, aad apclai page af ar Paaally Cylipadta. aaeaaa are woaied eaeywkera . , AurM ruautaru Aataicsi AHaicrt- TrailT. ttaviaW. Jaa, Prae. Aaa aeateattar. 71 Rraadwar, Haw Terk. Ja 1 MARRIAGE GUIDE (OUb,E.IWA(I. kBaTitUIT a awnaaa - yaaaiy pna l i i niiii 'm ft-p ava aaj M( air, wrtaaa , jewJ mm, - rmm . mmmmmm jjl WrmljaT j ' M fc, wfH waaae Cwr m4 fJ mt aa WO f aaai a CLaae aaanaaei av- -an a rraat eeaaai ta ayafw aa - 1' aa J ' Pa I eaa.daa aereaaa. aw j . eri - y eaa m. - aaJ, rVa , Jit WAD YMR TfSSJTSlfTS. eaa taaaaavaereoea ml lla aea aiaael foe - riailTaTr. i.a.. rA Ua ..aai.-ti.;r.j l Uu7aa!aar.lkat I l I aeed TaO LirTa.tSS, a!Ii7lIa yaicl.TaaTIifaiWiaaa kVueitiiar, ia.eaaaaaa P O a4d r aa. "pa. J. A. iua . l raaei a e Tea. PARKER'S T01. A Para FaU Medlclae ttat Karcr In UxIcAto. If ye are lawyer, Bunliur rbaeloee man e- a.u., ka aaaaiul a'rals or astIMM alaa, aa mm Laaa i.waleaUaa aUmalaala, but a fasaaa' Teaaa. If ye are meckaele ar farmer, wora wit arerwors. ar a aaoiaer, raa aawa kald duilea lr faaaaa'a Teat. r mmm nave utaaaeiiB. atueuaaetiav. . Driuary Oaeaplalata, ar If ye are troubled wlik aay dlaerderef ika laaga, elomaak, bawala, bleed a aervaa, yea aa ka eared ky faaaaa'a TeaiO. If ye are wealing away freta a, dlaalpatla. r aaydlaeaa rweakaa aad raqatr enejaie.i uka Paaaaa'a Taaie at aa , It will laeigraMaad kalldvaaap from Ike ratde kut will aeaerln leiloale. II kaa eared bsadrad af lie aa, II May aav yoara. LAtmO r-tefse all eebetltetee. Parker'a Teala le aa.vpmd 1 ike beat remedial ageete I lb world, aad la aatlraly dlff. rant Irom pre par a Uo eel ginger elnaa. eaaa ir circular. PARKERVS Hair Balsam The beet, el anaat, and moat eooaomleet balr draaa- lag. Paver fall-to raatora tna youintut cotor aa gray kalr. Tkla eicgoot ureee lepreitrrv vy aaa ha bav Bead 11. lo any aimiliar article, aa account I IU aapcrlaraleaLllnae- and parit). It cauulua meteriala aal that are beoeScial t the saalp and kalr. Parker Hair Balaam le finely parfhmed and la warranted to preaent lalllif of tha balr and ie re move daadrtUT and lubli.g. 'lllfdCOX 4c CO., 1S lVllllnm alrrr(. ,1rw Ywrk. Ms tad I aftai, at all daalera la medlclrea, Oreat aatrlng la baying dollar atae. BORDE1UTO WW . COIJ IQI I 1IIUTAIT imTTTOTI aoa 1 a-.a T0CR0 LADIIJ B0TI AUD TODRO Mill, splendid eckeota la delightful luealloaa. (InUraly eepaiaie, and flva minatea' Walk apart.) RPBCIAL BATHS. Par two from nni family. For catalogue addreaa Bav. W 0. BOW B.N A.M.. Pre. Burdttntown, B.J. A"n&1'.rlm GOLDE1V cf-a. aa VHVW.T. Or LllillT eft ih ebool l eacber, Student, toung man and Ladle, acllngageau "or tbia bo-k. ara making over tlOO per oonlb. Halle faat. Una agenl aold Tl Drat IS blaaln 6 dara. Hecura territory oulcl. Alao egeul warned far tba beat llluatrated Family Bible eraraeld bv areola. Send far clrculara Addraa TBIA BOOK m BIBLI Co., 767 Blm at., Delia a Taxaa. ANT MAM or woman wlaning o make f ,000 clear money. could write Im mediately lev fnl1 narticolara. Mo axnarlenca ra- quired. $1 worth of new good will ba aenlyoalrre. Addreea at onca, UAM0H CHEMICAL WORKS. Mew Bedford, Me FREE A book of 190 pure on A Oourtahlp, aent free bv tha Union Pub. Oo.. LOVE Newark, N. J. Bend 6a f or poaUga. rite moat Sueceaalul rmettr everdla- covered, and It I certain In Ita eSecte aud doe not bliiter Head prool below. Irom he pirlt of Tba Time, July ee is4. lluraea Iu tbe atable paddock or at exerclae, ara alwaya llanle to accidental bruite, etc., which fre quently result In enlarging tna joint ana tanning bunche on the knree and feet. Dr. B. J. Kendall, of Knoaburg Kali Vi., baa I covered a mot uc- cealul reuaedv ror tbeae trouble, wnicn ia certain In It effect and doaa not bllater. Tba Doctor la In dally receipt of leeilntonial of of tba good effect oi ai remeoy. ii bdoqiu aiwaye oe aapi on nana bv ownera orboraea and keeuera ol II vary atamee. "rice SI per bottle, all'ea )f. Por aala by drugglata everywhere, and by Dr. JL J. Keudall Company, Knoaourgb Fall, Tl. Q HOLSTEIN -CATTLE ! iW Over thirty yearly record made by cowa In tb hard, which averaged 14.11 J Ibe 6 oa, per year, at an average age of 4 and a half year In IHM onr entire herd uf mature cowa averared 14,164 lb IS oa. In ISM, our eniire herd of eight S year aide, averaged IS SBSIbetoa. On April let. TKH cowa In tbl - bard bad made reeorde of from 14,0100 I 18.000 Ibe, aacb, tha average being lS.SoS Iba SS-lSos. Wa milked through tha year ending Jane laat, flva matare aowa, tba aatlra lot average Ing lft,31 Iba 1 S-& os. Nor oss or rasas aaeoaea is svss aaaa cqoauM wir aa equal, aeaaaaav eawa, sv aav aaaa. BCTTEII HBCOktDS). Kin aowa areraaad IT Iba SX ae par weekr Bight belter I veare aid averaged IS Iba oa, pa week. Eleven kalfara twa yaara old and younger, averaged I Ibe S mica S oa par week. Tbe above reaorde ar eafflclent guarantee f eaperlorlty. Tan u tb exaa v Cam wrr waioa To roes a Baas. ffTMTII efe POWRM LAKBSIDR STOCK PABM. STBACUSB, V, T. etSS-Sm PATENTS. tnTKmORa aead medal ar eketch af year Invea. law, wba I will make aara'al preliminary eiaail eati. aad raparl aa to patentability, with advlea. eimlara at , eaa -r eaaa. All bad aaaa before O B. Pateat flc atlaadad t far lamnt rsee. Infaraatloa aad raiereace cent ea anpllaatl. B mkmrmm eJo Pafevit la aecured. J. tu Ltri tLL Ti AAniBgrnn, v. u. DiracUy opposite D. S. Patent Office. THEOILTTIOI IRON TON EC ti am rewf r-" WVCOO- e UYIa 6aV. a Wlia va tt mjk at aa vioa . tons t '' 1 I ii r.ra vrraa.aa T K . eei e i toil iaaatr-ae-We-taaAre-rtaae.l' Wa.l a t Mrar -. :e a ae m it-4 tie taaaaa tar awaa-! fwwlaa. f aaen m la. ewe la,e. gatiaaa la. pre raT. LADIESr -a-n t r i fka) aVdjadi a a' jjrtv. k r'r -a-r m4 l-p-w y -' - T-9 Wm 9m W flVaf) fkMa Af Lm Rkkrti,fll1s4 '"aw. : aa Mats-'' -ar tf- - -'- laf faBjiUf. eajf w afigf-er -- - ' aU I I W il ns t Tt 1 n it a ClapTdM. -a. 'I i xm jc 1 i ekdaf BtwaTeTJkTAd4 ' BP" aBV.VBW THE DIRECT LINE WESTERN TEXAS AND aii. eeorr nt taa tfiA ! am Jntemalional Sr Ereat Norlhern RAILWAY, paaaa Cat Take Their Choice of Bontes, Ittker via Taylor aU la ew WACO LINE, 0i vl lb Sv. Loaia. I aoa Mecaviia at SaamiaB Bin.wiV. Cloee aoaaaatiaa ai win awea Principal Cities la the Southeast. I tka Dale Papal at Bl. Ul wltk Bipraaa Uaiaaiaaii airaaue Pullman Palace Sleeping Cart ketweea HAW A "TOM 10, ACTI!f, BODITOa and OALTBSrO.t.and elegant Hotel Care belwea SAM AHT02UO and ST. LODId, Wllboal Cbaoge. For Tlcketa, Kale, A , rpy I P Ticket Ageou. ar la I. P. mOHItS, Paeaeager Agent. Heaato. B. W. McCCLlrOUGH, Oen. Pa. A Ticket AgtH Oalvaaua, Tasa. W. A RBWM AM. TraBe Manager, Oalveaten, Taa. B. M. BOXIB, Sd Vie Praa. il. Uul M. mcblilr iflfT I Vnr ITielnrv. Romano and WANTED ) Philosophy of Oreat Americau Crime and Criminal." The moat startling book of recent yar. iJiograpnicat-rictor-iL 161 Snperb EenRraviug with p"n al portrait of th celebrated criminal. 659 Boyal Octavo page. Low retail prlo, $2.60. It! a work of art aawalla of thrillino- bistorts inter! I bound to pro- duo a profound imprewion. Agent (ell it by tu inousanas. a. gnua csauca au vassera. TSend for full par ticular, a n d b a ' nnnvlncad that thi i the most saleable and profitable book ....hliat,t. nr in Ma lima, sand 75oat one - , T for csnvassint book and (tate your choice of township. Adaress, . v. inujiioun a. OO., Publishers, St. Louis. Mo., or Nw York City. jnl 4w . CUT THIS OUT. im comiTE hotels rm.' FOB FIFTY CENTS IN STAMPS, we will send you fire complete novels (peo- ple' library style) and a sis months sub scription tO tba TEXAS ABM AND ItAHOH ; a semi-monthly 20 page, 80 col. journal, de voted to Agriculture, Stockraising, L'tera. ln.i Vmmo Folks. Household etc. The regular prioe of tha Texas Fabm and Ranch lor six montns is nriy cents; uiereior w give yon the five novel free. We do this n Infrntlnre nnr tinner into families where it has hitherto been unknown. CUT THIS nnr ami onH it tn na with flftv cents in atumna Ar nnatAl note and wa will send you Texas Fabm and Ranch for six months ana give you jree tna iouowiog nvo mii: Beautiful, but Poor; The Grass Widow; Ha Final Iata! Five Years in a Convent: Lucy Daltou, the Female Detective. Ad dress HOLLAND A KNOX, Austin, Tex. IYIA!I Prominently prevalent amonv Chronic Ileaa la Rervuua Debility, he moat tUngeiou. Intldlou. a.tal farm nf m i ich la the hidden or Iniuerceo tlble paaalng away of tha vital Suid through tba excretion ol the ndy. Dr. Jobanneaen baa given exi lU'Ive attention to aucb oaae, and p clal co-rr ol Dia aiecictne ara being rowardei1 to t nr i. tna country onuy. ii im Ki-j.riKikiiM ;mci: Anv Debility or Deranremant ot Ibe Kervora Sva- tem, including Sperniatorbrs, aonorrbca,Sypblllla. Mricture, lnipo;ence, ete , etc. FBK.K An explanatory circular, daicrlptlve o Jobanneaen'a method. Iu all aoferer' luitrnaing (ikiiV oji:i.i'u. 9t Hontli Mtreet, New York City- dcilr 1,92, 3. t and M per ftmj , earilr made by Agent' celling he I" ok entl.le.!, ' TH K IHIUTUH IT HIMIK " lltreataonalldia eaetman andhorae.and give the beat reolpra lor their cura. 100 illunlraln oa and IM page. Bataila for 3Sot4. Ageui'a prleeScta. percopy and leaa according to tba quantity ordered. Fampl cupy aod full Inatructi ma aaut for 35 eta. Addre.a llASLar A Ossoaaa, II Pambertou Square, fioa.ou. Waa. ItUI.LKIC SKATES. Sent to any part of tha United State by mall, pre paid, on receipt of prloe, Tho beet and cheapest Holler Mtntee In tba market. Tbe Unset health-giving exerctaa aver invented. Ton can learn to akaia In your oarn houee, Deacrlptlve and price llt sent free. Addreea M islsv A Oaaosas, SI Pembertoa Square, Boaton, Ha. HEALTH IS WEALTH, CURE GUARANTEED. Dr. I. 0. WEST'S 5BRVR AND BRAIN TRK4T HEMT, a guaranteed SpeclBc for H Valeria, Dlasl aeia, ConvaUlona, Pit, Nervooa Benrelgia, Head ache, Hereon Prut ration caused by tba uae ot alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness, Mental Deprea aian, Saftanlng of tba Brain resulting In tneenlty atd leading le mlaer,deeay and deatb. Prematura Old Age, Barrene, Loa of power In either aaa, Involontary Loaaee and Spermatorbora cauaed by over-exertion of tbe brain, aelf-abaaa, or ever In dalgenee. Each bos conlalna ona month'a treat ment. $1,00 a box. or tlx boss for (5.00, east by mall prepaid an receipt af prlca. We Unarm alee Six Roie Ta eara any eaa. With each order received by a for elx boxae, accompanied wltk SS 00, we will aen tna parcuaaer our written guarantee to refund tne money If (be treatment doaa not elfeot a car. Guarantee laaurd only by JOHN 0. WEST A CO Sal W. Midraon St.. Chicago IHUmla, octUly vo GARDEN! SEEDS f I0U HAVE VOUtflUNEEO Aa will want B Stew a Ik lent eaeoiT. Thaa my aew Seed Catalogue will eerprla yea. ete matter waere yao kaao kaae dealing at wid eeea meaaa. H al metha rrww aa all, aye aaaajht to here It keeae eaviae aayobare. WM. H. MAULE. Ut 1S1 Front St., PhiladalpKia. ticatataaUTa UapalraUlaywaaUblV Mwraambla Pw4 Taratakia) rla. Pan a. AS tH2 - - 4 -am, I f ' e . -fVl.Tl "aa'o WORTHWEejT CCCAWTOL&aaWu Al'lSTlM YCXAST. PILLS 35 YEAR3 IN USE. Ae 0ra tart ffidy r ! urapa ef th Ago! SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Leeeofhppolltc, liuwrlarnailte, I'aln la lb Banal, nil 'a a dull atineailaa lej tba Back pari, i'uia ud-r lb aboalder blarl., Failure after culln-, with a die- " laclinatlaa ia xcrtlaael' LoJy er salad, Irritability ol temper. J.ow spirits, with faellngaf hualn a.-tli-ctod aoma duty, Vearlarae, llainea, t lut taring at in , fieart, lat boforatbe wyea, lleadacb aae tha vliht y. Ueatloaaneae. wltk ; tfal dreams, Iliuuly colornd I rise, and CONSTIPATION. XTJTT'SI rilXM are aperlitlly adapted! to such rea, one do eileet snob a eliangoof frolliiirntoiiHl. mlaii tlieenrrrrar. Tbay Inereaa the A ppe-t I to, end t-anee the body to Take rtu l-'lcali, t .t tueav-trm l seiarlahot.and pyth.-irTonle Action on tne llaratl v Ortrana.llr ir lav Nf aula ere prndili--'t HrtraaiVn. 4 M vryM.,1, . TUTT'S HAtB DYE. GeiiT Hair or Whisbck changed to Uur BlaCK by a ainKla aiiplleatlon of tbl Un. it Impart a iiuturul color, act matanuneoualy. 8oil- bp DrnggUU, or ent by expreaa on receipt of Bt. OiTlo,at4 Murray St., New York.' ) Tli Buyers' Girn ia issued Sepi ' ' andMaRh,euxhyeari224rMs,8xll iacbea, with over 3,300 illustrations . a whole picture gallery. Give wholesale prices ehreef le eofutmar oa all goods for ' 4 personal or e . family use. Tells how to f order, and gives exact If 1 cost of ev ry thing you 11 - I I use, drink, eat, wear, or VaasilX hara fua with. These wwy invaluable books contain information cleaned from i the market of the world, we will mail a copy Free to any addreea upon receipt -of alio postage 8 cents. Let us hear from you. Respectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD A CQ, at a aa Wabaah Aveame. Cblaaaaa Ul. ft NAVI NIAITR TNI IIYEI MUST Bl KEPT IB CIDEt, 19 Is ft car fnr Ut Csjaaatshi teas ft Ills emntsxl hr ft TtnM eot) dllloBol thLrtu DrtpplaHC(tiitllptloaa BlIloiuMM JSDdl?,Ba.Mslsjrlei,Khama Il rfultttt Ibsbowals. pvrinM th blootl, stid alrtnithana tha yileaw AalBtbtaiuriail.y MlDinHK. Tfcnnswaf1MTtplltvt lala pti9 lu mvlL Aft J Oracilsl vUt tail joa tu iattvik PATENTS Ibtalnad, aud all other baalneaa In the V. 8. Pat. oflle altn.led lo ' . mt-'omo1 iinpmi"iivii.w. 7. . u.u. ...v,m. aea-tob alupaiaiiiala 'eaa time l)n ihoa re. nolo ' ahi NtiTuK. B od MDltEl. or lK i , e uiir i. nafontehnilv tr.'e or rharge. and wa tnuka MO Ehakoe nSi.uss wkomVain PATEN r. Veraier. hero, to K Poitmaster. tli risnt. of Uoaey IMv., and t.. olfl. Iiil ot Me U. 8. I'.Ui'it OSIoe. Por o rcuiar ailvk-e, to m aa re-erono a to actual clleuu la your own state at un,y. adilra- g y & Q H Ocipoalt reieul Offloe, V.altlaiftoa.D.C DR. HENDERSON. aaa m. ftftti WvAunimi St.. krSAS CITY. MO. ew m. ...P,UJH44 Ur.fttAlaa 19 aeaAia ftfUlW llVUUiW vaawa mi t Chronic, Nerroua aud Snaclftl Uiaewti. 8flmtatU WeakiiMft (Night ho) 8e aal Debility (Loss of Baxual I p-r.a I QuftnntwCureor money vcAindea Chr 1 Al.nrl avnarlsni. am imnorUnt. Nft narcuiT ar tDiunouB ihcuivhi . l?nlwh.r"rrn BHEUMIfflSMHfuK A POSTTTVECUBB for RHEUMATISM. S00Q fcrm M,ethle ieatinentfail. toeureorhelp. Oreal,-.tdiotj SWoal. ofmedk-lne. One doae glvea j'',KJ,Z move efever end pain In Joint, i Cure 'BS!?,' ' Sand rauunantotra.. w th atunpfor C i''" j! "'JJ 0r.HBdrOB,06Wyndott$I..Kn. Cttv.a FREE! RELIABLE SELF-CURE A favorite nrmerlntlon of nna of tb dual uoted and aucceaafui specialiHts In tbe IT. S. (now retired! lor tbe cura of afe-rvaw ItrbiHtv, m Jf watrawM, byeaJmaaaatiil Vaoaw. Bent lo pi al n aaaled en velopea-eo. Uruggiatacan All it. Addraa PH. WARD 4 CO., Uuiaiana, Mo. OPIUM WHISKY HA 15 ITS cured at home wltnout iain. of partlculara sent Fie. a lf.W00LLEX,M.B.,Atlanta,0a. dooel Pay for Agronta. OlOO to S3I ma. metcleaelllnc earCmud New Ml famauaand Deeiolve Balllraal Ihet a0 per ramouaaiio ueciaive eaataaaa-aiafm - nu to J. C. SSeCnrelsr dfc Arftuua. Ha. Ti "HECOMPLETE H0ME... tolc. New edition.-Ne bindinra.-New illuatrauanl I from aew design. Saperbljr gotten up. Same lo pnea. Adapted to all clasael. Sella at aiglil. Ar.atl "toniejMf work. EXCSJ.LIKT TSSat. The Uandtomeit pioipaeua CASK. oi.. M. E. Cor. 4th A Chemut Sra, A. Louil. Mo. Alao other araad n book and Dili An Independent Newspaper of Dem ocratic Principles, but not Controlled by any Set of Politicians or Manipulators; Devoted to Collecting and Publishing" the New of the Day in the most U estinjr Shape and with the greatest pos sible Promptness, Accuracy and Impar tiality; and to the Promotion of Demo cratic Ideas and Policy in the affairs of Government, Society and Industry. 1 Malt, rT $S 00 to 100 DAILY, ter Year - - DAILY, per Hoeth . . SUNDAY, per Year DAILY aaa SUNDAY per Year 700 100 WEEKLY, per Tear lia-iaaa THK BUTT. Jfeaa Ttr CU9 Persona answering any af tkee ad-rt.rmete arm d. wall ta etat iket IkeJ aa tkaea la tkla paper. 3 -.-T-aA-aal Mi I ML?L 3 "1H4JaafBafaff(WaS- Lrri.f I a a wa