I watoVjed br ksu aba eaiue to "lew
Ttit two tww-t cUerub bea4e that lay
Witblo tba pillowed cot tbat knew
Hut dreatua of cbildlioo-l BUilnleM wayi
I marked bar m nr bwul Uot low
To kias eacb Utnler fluhiug face,
And aaw ths welliuR tear dna flow,
And on bur Umbo leave truce.
Though life be prodiil of Ilea, '
Tliouub many brarta are bard and rude.
Ha ia niiktAken who deulna
The inborn love f motherhood.
Ia eUUlkst niaiiaiotie of tba great.
In loweat dwelling of the jioor,
Do guotle women ever wait
To teach, to comfort, to endure!
I watched thoee little obililren grow
To wiuaotue luitiJ and stalwart youth
Beneath her ey-e whoareiuetl to know
All patient ways of trtut and truth:
They aa br own bora nettling were.
Vi ,th uaught to dreiwl and naught to rue
They found in hr fond love and tara
The mother whom they never kuew.
John lloruu.
New York Las n new periodical, tbe
Dynamite Monthly.
Mr. Mollio Hnnt-McCftleb-OJom
is the wane of a Texus poetess.
Texas Las shipped and sold out of
tbe state G,707,U7G Lead of stock
sine 18C0.
There is a banking firm in Sun Fran
cisco composed of four ludics and
two gentlemen
Thirty thousand patents were is
sued last year in Great Britain, against
20,000 in this country-
A bottl so constructed as to ro
semblc an eloplmnt in slmpo is to be
built this year on Coney Island.
Denis Koarny, tho broke-down ag
itator, is now running an, eniployment
bureau in Kan Francisco.
London Truth says the nuisance of
the age is not the cigar smoKer, uui
the lady who objects to Lira.
The sawdust and refuse of the saw
mill is now made to yield fourteen
gallons' of rosin and a quantity of tar
per cord.
On the subject of the color blind
ness of justice ob regards poor men,
the Waco Day preaches a true ser
inon in the following : "Tho fate of
Alexander E. Mocre is a worning to
tho poor man, who is without money
or friends, and sweet consolation and
' assurance to tho man, disposed to sin,
who can roiso cash or is blessed with
influential friends. Moore is a white
man a carpenter and a poor davil
withal. He forcrcd a note for $'225,
and traded it for lumber. Lu6t
Thursday he was arrested, Friday in
dieted, put on trial yesterday and in
about one hour's time convicted and
condemned to threo years in the
peniteutiary. As Josli Billings would
say 'every wheel seemed to be grea
sed for the occasion. Jus punish
ment is just, and properly speaking
there can bo no pity for Lim. But
there is a mdrul in his case that is
one-Bided, and it is this : that tho
law's delays and opportunities are not
for the poor man, whether he is guilty
or innocent ; that thoy are like fine
clothes, rare wines, rich jewelry or
any other luxury within the reach
of the man who hns money or monied
friends. Moore's crime was a small
one, compared to Bonio others, that
meu commit and yet manage to evade
the rigors of law. With money
Moore could have staved his case off
until another perhaps severul terms
of court, lie need not havo gone to
iail at nil. Bail bond would have
given him largess, uud his conviction
would have been a matter in the dim
future. His punishment, wuicli we
soy ngaiu is just, is to the rich man a
reminder of what his money can do
for him if he sins. To the poor man
it is a stern hint of what he may ex
pect if ho trots into trouble ; justice,
like taxation, isu,'t always 'equal and
uniform.' It is a pity, but such is the
The press of the stato is vory prop
erly advocating the passage of a
law requiring all judical and trust
sales to be advertised in newspapers.
Such a bill has been before several
legislatures, but, though just in tho
extreme to parties has been
opposed, because it was beneficial to
newspaper men. The oflico-seeker
uses the newspaper man nil ho can,
squeezes him dry, if possible, and
then oppososa just measure bocauae
by it this same newspaper man may
be incidentially benefited. Tho edi
tors should organize against the
oflice-seeker. Statesman.
Judge Teichmullor'8 charge to the
grand jury of Austin county is printed
iu the Times. Among other things
he said :
One of the crimes to which I refwr
is drunkenness of officers. In official
life a drunken employe is not merely
to be discharged, lie is in addition to
be punished. There scctus to be a
prevalent idea that perjury in affida
vits required to be filed in connection
with procedure in tho courts is so
genera' as not to excite surprise win u
discovered. If this should be true,
no subject more seriously dctnana
that the power of the people should
he exercised through tho grand jury,
than this.
The Kerolirr 9ut(.o,
If what everybody says ought to
be so, then the practice of carrying
concealed r.eapotis should come to an
immediate end. Nearly every news
paper iu the Southern States as well
as every preacher and lecturer are in
Tcighing aai&U the very object t ion
able and often fatal cviL Tho eenti
mxtt of t'le p!e acema fcet against
the prmctve, rhich is the trt!et
indicate u goitig to ibow that it must
come Ut anervl, or at lea-t, lx abated
to a great extent
In Lis n.eae to the Lrih'ture
Governor Ireland recomm-i.k-d that
tbe law be ain-tiJed an J tbe penalty j rarnrg wepi t '
tna-le m sever tbit it w oc! 1 L jto ;
tibitory. i
The Laredo Times reiuurksi
The Her. John II. McLean and The
Gitl-eaton Newt are having their pe
riodical tilt over tho question uf "lie
ligion in the public free hoo!s," Mr.
McLean must learn that m all relig
ious denominations help to support
the free schools, no such arrangement
could prove satisfactory to more than
one denomination. A mun with
hobby can't see anything else, and
Mr. McLean has a hobby. Thero is
no fear that any child will be roared
in Texas in tolnl ignoranco of God,
Iso the churches, tho Sunday schools
and the fireside will have been defi
ceut in duty. The schools are do
signed to preparo the pupils for se
iuir affairs, and their efliciency de
pends in noe.ii.ti!! degree upon their
non-soctariuu tviiduct.
Crows first appeared in Russia af
ter the French retreat from Moscow,
and the pcoplo still Late them and
call them Napolens scavengers.
An old lodv iu New York offerod
DiHtrict Attorney Oincv six etrcrH as
an inducement to show leniency to
her son, who was lately indicted for
This Idea of (Join West
to Colorado or Now Mexico, for puro air to
relieve Conituuiption, ia all a iniHtnke. Any
rraaouttblo ruuu would iwo Or. liowtnko'a
Cough and Luug Syrup for conNiiinption in
all iu flint Hinges. It nover fiiila to give
relief in all cawM of ('otitis. Coltlx, liron
chitiH, I'nitiH in tlio Chest aud all affectious
that are considered primary to Conmiuitition.
l'rico r0 cents aud $1.00. Hold ly it.
General Lontrstrcct stands six feet
two inches high and weighs over 200.
1 ut he is age ng vory fast, his hair is
whito, his eyes are dim, and his bear
ing hard. In contrast, his youngest
son, Robert Lee Longstreot, is a
bright: beurdlens boy of nineteen.
To anv body who bna diKeaitn of thront
or lunt, wo will send proof that 1'iHo'a
Cure for OoiiHiiiuptiou Iiuh cured tho same
couiplnintd in other canes. Addretw,
IS. T. 11AZKLTINS, warreu, rn.
A singular accident happened luto
ly at a mill in Nashville, Tenn. A
workman was thrown toward a circu
lar saw, and thinking he would strike
it, died from tho fright. lien pick
ed up ho was dead, but there was no
sign of a bruise on his body.
Ituckleu's Arnica Salve.
Tho bent wilvo iu the the world for cuts,
bruiHCg, Sorcg ulcers, Suit Itlieuin, f aver
Knres, tetter, chapped handu, cliilliluiiiH,
coruH, mi J ill I kin eruption, and positively
cureH piles or no pay required. It in guur
uuteil to givo perfoct Hutihfuctiou or money
refunded. Trice 25 cents ier box. For milo
by KuynoldH & Duuiul. ly
Ex Governor "Tom" Coi win's only
child lives at Lebanon, Ohio, with
her husband, Judgo Sago, of the
United Blutes District Court. Mr.
Corwin's only grandchild, Young
Sage, is an ollicer in the army and
his sister is tho wifo of an oilicor.
Try It Yourself.
Tho proof of the pudding is not in chew
ing tlio Ktriiiff, but in hnvini; nil opportunity
to try tho nrticlo youinelf, It. Froiumo, the
I)rtift!Ht, una a free trial bottlu of Dr.
HoHimlto'h Couah nnd Lung Syrup for eftch
nnd every one who in ulllieted with Couhx,
CoUIh, AHthinu, CouHumption or nny IiUug
A auction
An English judjjc lately refused
the exi)oiises of three tradesmen who
prosecuted men for stealing goods
from their shop doors on tho ground
that by exposing their goods in the
way mentioned they held out a temp
tation to steal.
Villiara Wbiteside, of LancRNter, Pa.,
writflK: "Kor oror ix yearn, I wiw alllicted
with diarrhoea. llioltler'a Herb Uittnrs
cured me uud improvod my general health.
1'here ih no remedy in the world thut can
show a ttiniilur record of enses, covering so
large arani0 of ilisease, bhUuh grent hotiHe.
hold epecilic. Kidney and liver cnmplniutti,
iudiuobtiou, foul stoiimi'h, (lizziiicnn, nnunea,
sick beiulnelie, etc, nil yield to the limbic
of its trentuient.
Immigrants ill-clad and in a state
of sfjirvation have been arriving at
Montreal latoly. They are pronounced
pitiable sights wandering through
tho streets with securely clothing
enough to cover their nenkedness.
The r-onsuniption of Aver' Pills fur ex-
ccedx any precedent. They are constantly
w minus the confidence of IIioko who use
them. They clemiNe tho blood, improve
tho nppetite. pnunnte (lieattoc, rowtoro
beiiHhy action, mi 1 regulate every function.
lhflTare pleiiKiuit to take, eentle in their
opcrutiou, vt thorough, Kcarcliinj;, aut
powerful iu uibjuiug uiscuse.
It is estimated that not les than
20,000 elk. and antelopo and mule
deer are slaughtered every winter in
Minnesota, jiontann and Y joining
alone. At this rate the hide hunters
will soon find game scarce.
A Walking Skeleton.
Mr. E. Spriiieer, Mechanicabiirc, Pa..
writea: "I im alHit-ted with lung fever and
abacciut on ltniklii, and reduced to a walking
xkclctou G t a fre trial bottle of lr.
Kiun' Near lixxnery for Couanmptimi,
wbicb di I tne no niticb Kiiod that I boneht a
dollar- tottle. After uniitf three lttli-.
found iiiyaa'.f oin-e more a tuau, completely
reatort-d to bealth, w;t!i a hearty apjotit,
and a giia of A. li of A II m.
t .l at Uvu'lU A I'nui.'U' Prnj Store
an.t pi t a fr trial'e of tbiaoerta n
euro .ir all Lurg u acA-x. Iue bottlca
t V.
Since- tli n-o nt Southern cycnc,
thecu'-q-ri--!itj ctvona of t!;o aevtiun
throitli li!-h the xtirm a5s.l hrc
Itrrn in.lutri"Usly at woik digging
refuge csve.
Tkoejiaaala Say Sax.
Mr. W. T. Atkine, i imnl. Kaa . wr;te:
"I awver laectUte ia rantDeB l ynvr I.lf-o-trie
flittara my raatneuera. tb- jpre .
Mr aktaafM-t-oa bl ar rapi-i llr
Ki'-rine .ittT ar tbe parral and t-4
tn-ti'-tDe anl i!J p.-tivalT -ri
Ki lrav t ene-i Vti'i I'nri'r h
t.inrvi t1 r-rxU tL '-w ri. Si fTi 'f
f-i eff.arl t li ibct tLm They tll
aTt 1. z, r. j .1 i.ra ia 4.t er'e
e-TrT . jt. ,., 1 4 '-y rejta K-.U ty
RarianUa a bj Itt-tm.
rrnr rmt pir.r.
of weil.l In the back, loins and lower part
of the abdomen, causing the patient loaup.
m he hai aomo afTictlun of thekidneyaor
p. irliboring orjrana. At tinv-e, vinptomi
of iiiiliueotiiin are pre. Mil, a flululccr, un
eauinoe vt the alomach, etc. A ninitir,
tike nrrapiration, producing a very dia
art-rails iuhinr, aftrr jrHtinir warm, ia a
aimmnn alu-mlanl. Wind, Jllcrdinaj and
Jtrliiiif J yield at nnee to the appli
cation oi i. rioeanko' I'ile Ih-aiedy, which
acta 'iirertly upon tliepartu elltvtnl, absorb
ing llie 1 uninni, alloying the Inti-nes) Itch
ing, and elliTting prrmanrnt cure. inn
IS ornU. Adiln- the. Ir. Ibaaanko Med
cine Co., I'iqua, O. hold by
OurClubhlnir LUtfur 1SN5.
We are prepirH to tlub tbt fill I MIH le new
r rale( eubaerltora ullli the fullvlii pbll
utlena at xi ri pclnl blow, If erdrd l lb
hum lint wllb our paper, la lb Sret colun.e
live tba regular price of tatb publlcailaa alngly,
in tba aavond tba price f tbe aanaaad tba Fa a a
Paaaa tiatbar.
Wllb tba
tlnglj. Frae fraaa.
Tba Currant t t
Oa Wat loo S-a IU 10
X. I. Warklr Irlbuoa 100 I U
St. Uala Hapubllcaa IS I ho
K. T. MQiiar a w i
Naw O'lrana Tlnra Urnccral.. I n a
Tba Urapblc (waakly) '
Loulafllla euurlar Jgureal I m "
Taiaa IfKnar ' M
Farm and Kaucb 11 M
Iiatroll Praa Praaa lie aw
llurllnjtton llawaaja I S SO
l.turdar Evanlna fuat 100 SOU U'laar 1 00 S 84
Slew York OvaarTar I ID iu
Atlanta Con.tllulloo 1 DO aw
Pralrla farmer I 00 S 40
Taaaa Stuck Journal 3 00 4 Ml
Aoiarlcan Agrlculturlat 1 ao a es
Amarican Farmar I 00 am
Bclentltlo Amarlran S M '
Soutbaro Cultivator 1 M S Is
Cetitur? Maaail ie- 4 00 S 65
St. Nlcbnlaa S 00 4 f5
Harpar'a Vounn Propla 1 r.0
Toulb'a Companion 1 TS 4
ailantla Moiitnljr 4 00 JB
l.lppincolt'a Uacailne S 00 4 45
Kolacllo Mairaalua S 00 ill
Chronological Journal 1 00 S 6A
Pottraon'a Jlaqaitne 1 00 M
Applflon'i Journal 8 00 SM
p.ipular Solrnce Itoutbl 6 00 4 30
Tba Ulorocoaut 1 00 w
Uagr.iine of Amarican Hl.lory.. 4 to 5
Frauk Leallo'a llluttratcd Ntwa- B 11V
paper 4 oo n
" MUIV Journal... 4 00 25
11 (Jhluinoj-Cornar. 4 00 it,
" ether pulillcationa
at proportionate
Flarper'l Wotitlilr 4 00 6 00
Weekly 4 00 B 25
Saaar 4 00 6 S3
Oodey'a Udy'a Book 00 55
Drmoreat'a Mnntbly 1 00 3 55
llallou'a Hagailna 160 S 3'
Oohlen I)a)a 3 00 4 15
Our Little Onea 1 60 3 05
Poitaga prepaid on all Ilia abova. Any otber pa
per or periodical turniabed at proportionate ratea.
Wo will alao aend an? of the above alngly, or any
nlhar paper or periodical al puultabere' pricea, free
of cbarce.
Tba many loaaea cauaed by failure, robbery of.
and patty theft out of the mall, uiake It abaolute
ly necceaaary to aand codaidrrable auma by poatal
order, reglatered lotter or draft Amounta undo
.ri may be aaut by poatal nolea.
Tne aafe arrival of all publication! guaranteed.
If after a reaaotiable time any aubacrlbcr falla to
receive the publication aent for, notify ua hypnatal
card that tbe error Ifuny, maybe promptly cor
rected. Our reaponalblllty ceaata when paper arrlvea
with dalea correctly credited, which ia evidence tbe baa been said
"Rornii o cotiniis."
AkIc for "lloiifjb on Coii(,'1ih," for OoukIih,
CohlH, More Throat, IloarmueKH. Troches,
Mo. Liquid, 25u,
"ROUnH OR It iTS."
Clonrrt out ruin, mice, roughen, ilies, niitn,
bod-hejjH. . BkuukH, chipuiunukH, gophers,
lit. PlUgglHtH.
Paltiitation, Drophical RwelliiiRB, Dizzi
ness, Iudi!,"f'i,n, ileinlai'ho. KleeplcsmiBBS,
cured by v lib Hoii'th Icenewer.
"Jtnijnil ON COKNS.'I
Ask for Well's "Hough on CJorns," 15c.
Quick, complete cure. Hard or Boft corns,
warts, bullions.
Stren;:tliening improved, tho best for
bneknche, pains iu tho chest or sido, rheum
atium, neuralgia.
"Wells' Hoalth Henower" restores health
nnd vi(,'or, cures Dyspepsia, Hoadacho, Nor
vousness, Debility. $1.
and tho many Throat Affections of children,
Dromptly, safoly aud pleasantly relieved by
"Kougli on Uougus." Troches, Uic. isni-
sam, -.10.
If you are fniliiiK, broken, worn out and
nervous, use "Wells' Health Itunewer." f 1,
If you are losing your grip on life, try
"Wells' Health Keuewcr." Goes direct to
weak spots.
Instant reliof for Neuralgia, Toothache,
Faceache. Ask for "Hough on Toothache.'
15 nnd 25ets.
Lndii'S who would retain freshness and vi
vacity. Don't fail to try "Wells' Health ltc
Hacking, irritating Coughs, Colds, Sore
Throat, cured by "Itmigh on Coughs."
Troches, l."c. Liquid, 25c.
RorjfJH ON tTCn."
'Hough on Itch,' cures humors, eruptions,
ritifiworn, tetter, salt rheum, frosted feet,
Children, slow iu development, puny,
scrawny and delicate, atso "Wells' Health
threo or four hours every night cotighiug.
(ret inmii.diiita relief nnd sound rest bv us
ing Wells' "Hounb, on Coughs." Troches,
l"c. Ilalsntu, 2.K.'.
"ROl'ill! ON PAIN" I'OROrSSn rt.ASTKR.
Stnne;theiiing,, improved the best for
backache, pains in chest or aide, rheuma
tism, neuralgia.
Wben yaa vttt ar leave New TArk Cltv. eavebair
raire, Rsjrt-aaar and Carriac Hire, add atep at
the tlratid t'aiea n.ttet. eppoal a Grand Central de
ant. I leaaut rnoma fitted ap at reat af vne mll
lna dnllara. Ted'ica't to 1 JO and apararda per dar.
a'arnpaaa plan. Flrvator. Rrataurant aupplled
wilhlhe beat- Horae rara, atacra and rlaratad rail
r.l In all depnfa Famttiea eae Itva better at tba
Orend t'liin llrtl tnf .u mooej than any ether
trat-rlaaa bntel la tba ctljr. ciX3 le.
an tin a ,t. Q
an tin a ,t. f1
r a T.miNt
Fct i!c cLt sj- at tLi cf!!c
Free Press.
Fcr S2.7S & Tear, Fctiptinid.
b now au eight page, aixty four coluniii
paH-r. It Is the lurgeat " dollar weekly
to America. It eight broad. Ion pa(?es
present each week a maa of choicely
aclectetl matter, containing much to suit
each of the varying tnMe of the family
circle. First and foremost It pivea all
tub NRwa, eompMo as to details, yet
concise In form. l' fonnn'i oB with
ber of the "e.'iff J'rtm) gives it
facilities for news fathering unsurpassed
by any jourtinl In the country. Its
mark bt itiii-oitTS arc njioclally com
plete and thoroughly tnwt worthy. 1 sr
ticulur uttention is given to aprit ultural
and home matters. Evy Iwtiie con
tnina six coMfi.F.Tnn btoihks. and a
reRulur lustnllmiant of no oi initial story
by some well-known Knylili or Amer
ican author, exclusively nectind for the
densed notes on fnxhions. art, Industries,
'literature, science, etc., etc., tppcar
Few papers In the country ore so ex
tensively quoted by tho press in general
for its bright and humorous paragraphs
as the Uhirago Daily Sue: These nre
nil reproduced in tho fcfcKLi
NEWS. In Its editorial expression the
paper spt-nks from the slundpoint of the
Indkpendhnt Jounmllst, thereby escnp
Inff the tcm)iittlon to support or con
done the questionable under the pres
sure of party allejrlancc. Jlcro pnrtisnn
extremists will not like it; the fair
minded nnd thoughtful of nil parties
will npprccinto slid value its candid
statements of facta and conclusions, all
calculated to qualify the reader for the
formation of his own intelligent opinion.
The political events of tho year to come
promiso to ansuine such a character
that a thoroughly truthful and im
partial record becomes all-important
rather than a partisan one, colored and
perverted to individual liking.
In nil its departments the CHICAGO
WEEKLY NEWS alius to present an
enterprising, imparliid nnd entertaining
family newspaper of the very highest
When they Kenae their SuUcription.
William Cannona. Pontlae., Oaislaml County,
Mtelt.. aaj-a: "1 tliltik. U la the belt paper In
AL.eA.CV!ch. Rulllvnn. o.. anya: "It la better
thnnniany of IherS papera."
Jamea 1. Malum-, Vi tt. Cliarlea atreet. ow
Orli'inie. I.O., anyp: " In cinitrliir yuur paper
wlill mlicii 1 uti.ln-. I iu-t any youra. llie
Ciiica.ho Wbkki.v Nkwh. la Koiicl.lit-tter. beat,
I w.julil auuitt-r nil--a o hh-bI t ti - it ii number nf llie
Nr-H. It laiie iiump:iici "I Hie ilay. li la true
'"Alfred"'!''. Fnatrr. Wm ilbni', Ili-nry County,
III., aaya: "ll la o.icof tl.u c.e . w papcra pub-
"w"w. Hliodoa. Ailrlnn. Mle'i , Kio-n: "I tb-n't
want to n.laH a n'.iiilnr. ltlailie Let paper for
news 1 Imvo rv, r n,!-' " , ....
1-eicrl.unaliiir. 1.4 -r.l-aiiptlera County. eb..
enr: -I Hue f lis n keki.y Nana. It la full of
rt-ailabl'- iiiul valual e ni- a. and nllhouxn I am
In rraliit of nlnu wi-rkly Ji.ernala. I uin con-irulu-il'
to atl-pt The wkklv iia b Vi.
Ill b. eauae of i's inn- -anlaan mliude In
polltlca, t-lvlng me "ie uiiniirbjiHl tniili
conn-rulnii tlic actlfni of ail political par-
"m' F.. Paverp'irt. Talnivrn, N. T., arya:
'It la tUu il;epust aru beat paper I ever
"m. L. Bi-ltoimn, rannlbal. Mil, aayat "T like
your Diipi-r ver inu h. 1 (!' oilier papera,
but du not lino tlu lu aa well n Hie W t-XH.Lt
w!K. Law. ManiiieW. Tel., anya: "I am
blltlily pleaai'd Willi lb" Suva, for I get poll
tb a pre-"t il I" It lil mrh "' 1 cel both
ahlca of llie ini.'Uloa fairly aet fortli.lilrh la
utterly lniioaslllc to get lu a atrlctly puny Jour
nal of either alUli."
Its iz'! and character considered, tluo
cheapest weekly in. America. ONE DOL
LAR A YEAR, postage included. Our
special Clubbing Terms bring it within
the reach of all our Btibucrihers. Speci
men copies may bo seeu at this office.
gend Subscriptions to this office.
Tho Representative Newspaper of the South.
Co u ricr- Journal
ai embodied iu
n f tj j 1
wi:i:ia.Y col joi nvti,
Haa no aaperler a a frreat family and political pa
per la tbe newapaper world, lu circulattou Ia
than any politic. oewnper In tba outh, and Ii
excelled b? but few Id tbe United State. It cno-
tklae, ech week- Ibe mt,t complete fummsry of
he dwv n ih worlil. anl tta editorial eolumm.
'Hbnnt WTTvaoN, KUih r-ln-( htef) are alwaji
able, etrotig and bright. Among tbe
are IVIeffreohtc Specialt from all tbe tending pnlnte
iu me LBifd ntateeaiM hurope, serial arj .-uort
Stone. I lmfteB Senrtone ibe day aftrr delivery iu
Hroukirnlaberriacle, Market Reperte. Fanbittn I-t-
tera, I erf end tfct. Stporle, Auewcre to Correb-
rfmtienu lVpan merit. Poetry and Department for
htMreo. SUomt in tbeCouotrj ehould be ultb
ut it.
Dally, til a jear qtk1t. f i a rear: Weekly.
SitiKlrOt'J.oBe rear, 41. Fta Corrae. one yer.
$& SO. adrr a club of live fat been ent ua tbe club
rater ran, tbronabeut tba ear, add tint-le b
crtp(fnna received at ear loweet flub rate $1. 10
(or yearly hukciipikua. Yearly aobactiptioni only
caa be reecived at ib-a rata. Oar terme for le
ibae ay. r are 1 1 for 8 m-ntba, 75 cent a fur
aiontb: f-6 c-nta fcr S aaontria
A laaiPt.a t'erv ol rTeeklyCoar1r JoarnaJ It aent
fre of rbarpe foreiaainaiioa oa applcatln. Lib
era' cah cBsmiteti allowed to catiTaecraa atd
oalflt aeot tba, lre of cha"c 4d Ir
W K. H AIJ ft A!,
Pre ideal Courier J. aml Co.,
Looiaville. Kf.
lVravntic miJ for a Tariff for Reretme
f 30 faft. tne atiriaat-eo- !rwWeraroa4
m- 't m -. i rf a . ti . wxaa
a u rriatM. -ajo m u -aii"a ai
a-v - ' -im nay oe ty t-
E ... oattT. vm. o a a
ti U a-"f ! A W f rrrTr mTax LaTJ
Alt ! r-a -- m C-"-' -1 fa4 I v, t
(Vij-w- t - ft-i nr a c V"
mr ft ! - . f. a. Wr --, ara.
Anv AUVKitrisKimxrs.
ae i
v o a-j t A UK.t m. Ui r"
X I'm re rauillr Mcdlrluo that Never Id
toxlratca. Uf ar a lej ar, eaiulater or botlaeae nan
kauaual bj aieutal a'rala.r aulloua eatea, d aot
taae latoalcaiiua ailomlaota, but aa faaaaaa
If to are a naebanl or farmer, wora wn
araroora, or atutber. ra aJu by l.aiiljr or
beuaabuld dullaa tr faaaea'a Tcaio.
If ao baaa t;apapala, Kheamatlan, Klittia r
. ' . . ..... ..a .ii.ii.l viia. ant
urinary utinpieiuia, vr i. - - -
diauHerof tba lunna, alnoiarb, bowala, bluwl or
oaraea, yoa eaa oacuraa 07 r..
f M rfla.ln.tlon. or
liraaaraB,iiMa a-v ....... - , - -
any dl.eaao or weaane.e and require aitmulani
I . .11 .uA
leaa raaaaa a iuaiu oi bpci , i -
build to a Iriim the Brat doo but .III aeverln
ornate, baiaarrd boodredaof Uvea, II 01 ay
aav yuora.
t ACTIO" I Refoa all auballlulea. Partter'a
ToBlo la cxtrpoaad of the bet remedial aitenta In
tna worlu, ana ta entirely uinarwua ,,u, y -
Plair I3al&am
The batt, ol ar.eal, and moat eeonoailcal balr dreaa.
Iti(. Never fall. In real nre tba youthful color lo
ray balr. Tble elricetil dreaa la praftrred by thoaa
ha be uaed it. lo a 11 v aim 1 liar article, ou aoeuunl
ol Ita euperloreleei.lineea and purity. It eontalna
material! only mat ar ueueuciu 10 w eceip
Parkar-allalr Balaam la finely parfiiraed and la
warranted lo pretem falling ot the balr aud to ra
nuradaudruuaiid licbl'if.
163 lllluin Nirt-l( XfT YrU.
SOc and 1 alaea, al all dealera In medicliea, Onat
aavlugin buying aoiiar ana,
ro. I ma
Hnlendld acboota In dellabtful b-catlone. (Knllrelj
aepaiata.and flfe mluulea' Walk apart.)
For two from aame family. For eatalognra addreaa
Key. W C. HOW 1.1 A. M., Prre. Rurdeutown, N.J.
Hcbool Teachera, Mtudenta, Toung men and Ladiea,
acting agenta tor thla bm k, are making over :0l
per uontb. Holla last, fine agent rold 71 flrat 15
daya, another 11 in one day, euothrr 10 and & hi
blealn 6 daya. Hecuro territory aulck. Alro
agenta wanted fur tba beat llluatrntrd l-'amlly Hlhl
averaubl bv agenie. Heud for clrculara. Addreaa
TKXAS BOOK B1BI.K Co., 7(17 Kim at., Oallaa
woman wiahlug
10 make li.000
L-li-ar m 0 11 y ,
could write Im
tnediatrly for
full parilcuijira. bo experlenc re
quired, f 1 v orth of new Rooda will be
aetit yoa lioe. Addfeaa al cce.
Niw Bedford, Maaa
A bonk of leopagea on
AOoortabip, eont frot
bv the Union Pub. Co.,
Newark, N. J. tienil 00- for poataga.
I Itc mo tit ul l.rutft;- ever dis
covered, and it is coruiti in Ua eflbcta and doua nut
blister, heud proof below.
Frnin 'lite 'Spirit of The Times,'
July ao IK8 t.
llorat-a In the atable. paddock or at cxerciae, nre
alivaya lia'ile to accidental, etc., wblcb fre
quently result iu eiilarK'.nn tbe Joints and forming
buuehea on tho knees and feet. Dr. B. J, Keoilall,
nf Knnsburg KalU Vt., has r.t covered a mo-t auc
ceaatul remedy for tlteae troubiej, wbbtb ia certain
in its effect and dues not bllitt-r. Tho Doctor ia
In dally rtcelpt of tesllinonlala of of the good effect
nl bia remedy. It should always be kept on hand
by ownaraorhorea and keepers of livery stauloe.
"rice 1 per bottle, aix l.ottlea 5. Kor aide by
druggiata everywhere, and by Ur. 11. J. Kondail
Coinpany, Knosourgb Falls, Vt.
Over thirty yearly recorirs made by cowa in th
herd, which averted 14.212 lbs 6 oz, per year, at
an average ape of 4 and a half yeara In 1881 our
eutire herd of mature cowa averaged 14.1G4 lba 15
ox. I11IM8.. our entire herd of elicit 3 year M,
averaned 12 38S lbs 9oi. On April lt, 1HH4. TKN
cowa in thl herd had nrnde records of frim 14,0100
to 18,01)0 lbs, each, the avsrurre being 15.698 lha
6 3-10 ox. We milked thronch th year ending
June taut, five mature cow, the entire lot average
fug l.S.Hil lbs 1 2-5 ox. Nor onk or masa arcnao
uuttric icerH9.
Nine cowiraeeraned 17 Iba 5 nt. per weeVr
Right heifer 3 vear old averaged 13 lba i oa. pe.
week. Kleven heifers two years old and youiifrer,
ave ratted 10 lba 8 ounce 8 i per week. The above
record are a aufflclent irurantee ol auperiority,
Sill I II A: rOU FIJ ,
INVKXIOIt' aend model or metrh of ytfur Inven
ioti, when I will make a careful preliminary exami
nation, and report aa to pNtentaMlltr, with advice.
eirculara etc., paaa rr rRAana Allbuitneaa brfore
U H- l'ntnt me attended to fr MinaaATR rras.
Infnnu-ition and re'erencea t.t on anplicattoo. No
Cbarce uiip ?trnf Is iftired.
J. K. LIT I II' ii AsiiiitsrTony j i..
Dirnctly opposite U. S. Patent Oifice.
Kfc toll tali
It ' rHIV -! - tHe BJ-OCO-r-f'-'a
r LIVE I IDhiiYt;. ai.-l I . ma
ltrAi-iU aa.lV.MiH.(T(l.iT I- I ' -J
t. - rr-i'iirlix rilii" ! : l .
-,x... . - . -.a... ' lt 'i-.. I - -in..
)r. ft ... im. ate. tia a If a-iltl
. l ', ...A -l e;lt. I
. i.i,. rew-en e , i-.t i...aca
ti... I -r I .e-.'-. Iir.r-, .
t-.r . -r,
t1 HiritalKiJS lUla.k a ,a:. i
c It v " . a ' : -r i-h ax a-" . t- -
1 . r-.. i i. r , t r r a-.te .4
M r. -a. - ' ; ' ' av .'. ,-i.'ar- j
;i . .. at ..(. t'-a : : t. r, U' 'l .
A. r t T h ! . T . ' W V .' ai I'- iAf. J
r -- - ' 1
aT a rj T .Taa"8 " ar" tvt f 64, I
a.- a Loaai
Wll Eli
' "X m Jb
r au. rotars ia raa
ia rta Ta
nleinalionalSr Great illietii
Cun Tula Tlulr CUoUe of Koiiton.
Ilthar rla Taylor aid lb a
0 la tba Hr. Unit, laoa MouiTaiat at latmiaaa
Hall-vat. CloaaeunuaotlMt at Uttl arnca tor ait
rrliicljml Cltloa Inthf SouthpNt.
la tba Uuloa Dapot at St. Uola with Jtipraas
train i" .11.11..
Pullman Palace Sleeping Cara
and tlAI.VFrtlO.V.aod alt-aant flolal Cara batwaaa
AN AN ro.V'10 aail IT. UUUIa, Without Cbanga.
aar fat Tlrkvla. Rataa. it . troll lo tor of tba
Tickat Af aula, r lo
u. p. Ul'OnKg, Paairnitrr A fen I, Hooaloo.
Oen. Paaa. a Ticket Alt., OaWaalop, Taaaa.
IT. A. NKWMAM, TraMe Hanafar, Oalreaton, Tax.
H. al. UUXII.'id Vic fna. at. Uola 11.
The JTree Press,
Ona yat (or only AJ.05, Two papara for littla mora
than lb prlua ol oo.
Py paying at 3 OS toa will racrlr for ona yaar
yourboma papar with lb COUK1KK-JOURKAI..
8IIDTH,.lenioeraile and fur a Tariff lor Kotanua
Duly, and tbo bc-t, brlgbtaat and ablast famllT
weekly In tba Utiltad Stulea. Tbnaa wbo deatr lo
exiniin a copy of the Courier-Joarual caa do ao at
Ibis ottlca.
cu r THIS OUT.
we will seiid you Ave complete uoveU (peo
ple's library style) and a" aix mouths sub
Btiiption to the Tkxas Farm and Kanch ;
a semi-monthly 20 pfttfe, 80 col. journal, de
voted to Agriculture, Htockmiaing, Litera
ture, Young Folka, Household etc. The
rcijr.hir price of the Texah Farm and Ranch
for bix mouths is ilfty cents; tburefore we
give you the five novels free. We do thiH
to introduce our pnper into fanjilirs where
it has hitherto beeu unkuowu. CUT THIS
OCT aud scud it to uh with fifty cents in
stumps, or postal note and we will send
you Texas Farm and Kakcu for six months
and give ymi free the following five novels:
Beautiful, but Poor; The Grass Widow;
Hnr First Love; Five Yours iu it Convent;
Lucy Dulton, the Female Detective. Ad
ilrens HOLLAND A KNOX. Austin, Tex.
Prominently prevalent among Chronic Diseases Ii
Ncrv.iua Drbiltiy. tbe moat ilatiRi-Kiua, lii.liliona.
and fulal lornt nl which la the bidden or Impercen
llble paasinir away of tbe vital lluld through tbe
excretions of tho body.
Dr. Johuu'iesen haa given exclusive attcntinn to
such cases, and special cor-rat-a of lifa medicine are
bolntt lowarilc ' to ull irar rjuf the country daily.
Any Debility or Ilers'ipement of the Servors Sys
tem, iiicladin Hpertnatorbrn, tlonorrbea, Syphillia,
htrlclure. Intnoteiicu. ete . etc.
FKKK An explanatory ciiculnr, descriptive of
Johannetien'a nitilio'l. to ull auiierer'a aiiitresstng
ll.t VfltiUI.DK.
01 Sontta Mrot't, Acw Vork Cllf
SI, 3, l nl Jt't per faj-, easily
niaile by HKent'a t'eilliiK lie lioi.k ettti.lo l, '' CM K
sun roil l l laapTii-,." it tn-ata on nil aia
eitata ol titan and hovae, nnd K've- 'I'9 beat recipea
lor their euro. 100 illutmtiinia ami 1011 pages.
lUtafls for lilcH. Atjent's price 5 ots. perenpy and
less uccordii k lo tbe quantity ordered. ample
copy ami full i urii ruct ion aent for'i.'i eta. Addiesa
MaM.av & OauouttK, '21 lanilierton Square, Boston,
Sent lo any part of the United stntes by mail, pre
paid, on rert-ipt of price, Tbe best and cheapest
tolli-r Mknlt; iu the mnrket. Tho tinea!
health-jri ing exercise ever Inveuted. You can
iearu to aksie in your own house, licscrlptlve and
price lit sent tree. AuuresB k usboenk, ii
l'embertoii Stiitiire, Boston, Masa.
Dr. E. C. WEST'S KRRVR AND BRAIN TRR Al untrantecd Spec. tic lor HviterU, 1lr.x1
nets, Coiivulfions, FlU, Nervou Neuralsla. Had
nche, Nervmifi Proit ration cauied hy lh us of
alcobol or tnbaceo, VV aReiulnfia. Mntnl Ufprefl
B.on. Sofientnr of the Brain rcfuMlDs in inautiitv
ai d leadinff to miner, decay aud death, Premature
Old Afte, Burreness, Loss of power in either tex.
Invulunlary Lofnt-t and Jpertnatorhea cauaed by
overexertion of the brain. ftlf-abQxe, or over in
dulgence. Each box contains one month' treat
ment. 1,00 a box. or nix boxes for 16,00, aent by
mail prepaid ou receipt of price.
We (jiuaraiitee Mix Roxes
To core any cane. Wftb eacb order received by n
for eix box accompanied with $5.00, we will arnd
the purchafiir our written guarantee to refund the
money if the treatment doea not effect a enre.
Guarantees faaned only by JOHN O. WEST A CO.,
8Ai W. Uadison St.. Chicago Illinois oct231y
Eaavtouse. A certain cure. Not aslve. Three
months' troutnifnt in on' packnge. Good for Cold
Ui the Ui4i 1, HfwJucue, Piizinefla. ITny Fever, tfta
FUtyceuu. Hyatt UritKeiMa. or f mull.
K. T. AlAZtLlIlNi; Warren,
Ao4 will want the RmI m ta Uast m
tar mw 8d Cataloeo will auiroriM voa.
whart yon hav bmm dMlinf it rill nrm awmy. It ia
natlvd Fr t ml I, and joa avtxi to Ktav li
btiun burtnc aoywbtra.
US ft 131 Front St., Philadelphia.
Saeor Healthy
action to tba LiTen
-cmaj troitblaaa.
faiW TtifUUs; KaOr.ic Prlea 2Sa. AH SrvtlM.
- 'N-al
a' 'I ' ' . W-
iizl W Hall c
25 YEAR3IM Ustj.
Taa Oraatait Med'.-al Tr.uniyh Of Ida
I.aaofBtPllta, UoiTpUrnattvn, l'lB 4
lha head, with at dull aviiaaiioa la tba
bark ran. 1'ula uutlor ta nhuuliltr.
bladn, Fulliira aftrr rutin a, witU atlla.
Incllanllsa la eavrtlaaaf fcorfr i ranlini,
Irriiablltlf of tciuprr, Low aulrlta, with
a (eelluf si bnvlaa; naglrelod aoma alutr,
W.arlpraa. IXazlncaa. llulterlniBitho
Heart. Data beforaiha Taa, Iloadara
Tr lha rlihc era. Ueaileaaaraa, wltU
llal ilraama, Illikly colored I rlae, and
TTJTT'H FILLS era tapeclully adaptoa
to aucb rase, ono doao effrcia aut-li a,
,hnng.iofli):lna;iatontinlilillioaiitircr. .
They Inrrcaaellia Aiiuctllo.atidrauaailio
bndr In Talaa oil a'lliit u a tua avtvut is and bfllu-ii'Tmiln Artlun on
tba IHB.atlvaOroana.Hrif la.rMtoi.laan)
jirii.litr.vl. Hrlri t HI tavrn V t.,. V.
tutts iM mif
G.1T Hair or WHi-lcnt charut-il to a
Gwnr 11I.CK by a alngla appllcutlon of '
thlaDra. It Impart, a iinluntl cohtr, acta ;
inatanlanroualy. bll by DruKnnta, of
aentbyazprtiaaon roculpt of a I.
Office, 44 Murray St., New York.
T)l0 HUYKBS' OUIDB U issued fVpt,
and WarxlwoQch year: 224 pages, 8 z lit
iaulica, vith brer 3,300 illustraUon-
a wU'jlopiuturegallury. Give wholesale
prices dirfl to eomumert on all good lor ...
personal cr buty usa.
Tells Lo via SP3 order, and "
gives exact 4 f C08' '
erytltingyou t J J use, drink,
eat, vear, or VSirajr hare fun
with. These !fca. invaluable
liooks contain information pleaned from ,
tho markets of the world. AVe will mail ;
a cony Free to any address upon receipt ''
of the postage 8 cents. Let us hear ,
front you. Respectfully,
S7 tSS WaiMsab Anaaa, Cklaaara. Ill
mm :
li a ear for Uwr Caatplila ta and III anir1 by a TarpM coo
dltlonof lhIalvrtu bypiial. Conitlpftdon, Ulllouimtis,
Jundlc,He4dsch,MKl'tTU, Ktieamallf mtn. It rcctilat!
ttiobowela. purl flea tliel'tood. and slttnf tbent tb ivttcm.
Am UalHb)a FillLV KDICfKB. ThouatmH of Tsilimoa
Ult prova iu nviit. Aaf dmisUt will ull you Ittnpuutletv
)blalne.l, and all other biastneas In th- U. S. Pat.
tat olUtir attamlrd lo or Miiiikhath tVus.
OH'otllc Isoppoalte tlio U. n. I'atont (imoa.aod
e ca t oh pjioiiia lu 'eaa time t.liao those re-
UOte frntll Vk'AllimTOM.
a nn .ttwiibij or iw i Mi,j i mi
atentahilltv ir-r of rharire, ami we make HO'
I'll iunr.
, U M.
ir. ken
:lrr. Heru, ao a c i unniiwici, ma oum,. .
MOHfy IIPUT i..a" i" oni-iuif vi u. a.
.fH.,i nnin. Kor D'ruii iii' ailvk'O. t in and
tne u. s.
rriprettc a to auluul isllcuu lu your owu Slate or
M Opposite falaut uJloa, V uahluttoa,D.C
i Baffin tt uiaauaie is atcaiciuo. ii mfmmsm
- . r. I . ..... 1 I f . . . ... 1 1 ' nil
Chronic. Nervoue aod Siaacuu Disqnaes.
Bemlnal Weakness iMrdI Isaacs) &)!
f ant Uellllltr IIjOBS pi rHIXUHl rVBrrp.n,
OuaimntrCuroor money refunded. Cnaijsi
i.. A..n.nrl .vneriptiitt' am Immirtanl. HA
SuofTuTurious medicines uad. No tinat lostJVon
baalnosB rat'snH from a distance treated by mail. Medl
cina Mi,tevervwliercfreofVimKieorbreolia8c. Matayou
ea"e and send for terms. Omsullation fra. and conlidtnlial,
A BOOH for both sexes, tllusld, acut seolcdforOomatampa.
RHEUSV1AT1S MtrSticuck
MseVhis trment fails to cure or help. QJ'2
In annals of mediein. One do givea Y, j .t?l ,n
move, faver.nd po.n injniiitai ,ftP,T,2
Bend statement of ca.o with auunpfor Clrcul.ra.
Dr. Hettderaon, 606 Wyandotte St.. Kana: Cily.H
taaaaa A favorite proscription of one of tba
ntubi uotod and succeuaful specialists In tho X'. H.
I now retired I for tho euro of .Vrtotf Je6fif y.
i.nmt lannhooa, ireaksiauasand neenfl.
lu iilainBcaled envelope IrugfflstacunlllliU
Address DR. WARD eV CO., Louisiana, Mo.
finillBil WHISK V HABITS cored
I I UI 1 1 sil 'il home without pain. Hook
lir EillEinr jiartlctilav. sent Free.
Wl iVSViit Jf.WOOLI.liV.M. U.,Atlanta,ua.
iooil Pny for Airnls. 8100 to lr
mo. uailel.i'llliiBoiii'SJrinul N'r IIIIit.
I'amena nntl IHTial Bat lie. ot 1 1' arid
Write to S. V. jncCua-ttr k C'u..Ns, 1-ouia, 3io.
laanU Hanl-S
forth is lieautilul
I bottk. New edition. New bindings. New illuatratldns
tram uew designs, aupcniiy sTOlieu up. d.oiiu iu.
Adapted to all clashes. Sells at sight. Areata dnini( lir
work. Excellent Terms. The handsouieat pruapuciua
cr issued. Apply now.
Wm. (1ABRETSON ti CO.. N. E. Cor. 4th Chenut Sty.
Jt. Louis. Mo. Alao other urand new books andiiibles.
An Independent Newspaper of Dem
ocratic Principles, but not Controlled by
any Set of Politicians or Manipulator!;
Devoted to Collecting and Publishing all
the News of the Day in the most Inter
esting Shape and with the greatest pos
sible Promptness, Accuracy and Imp
tiality ; and to the Promotion of Demo
cratic Ideas and Policy in the affairs o
Government, Society and Industry.
Boca, oy Xait, PoafjMfcL-
DAILY, per Ysar WJJ
DAILY, par Month "
SUNDAY, per Year ' J
DAILY and SUNDAY per Year
WEEKLY, per Year ' 09
Addnm. TBS CJT. Jfraa rr Cif
iyVS Pertons answering ocv
t!':0 a three aSTrrtl"
$."t a. at.ll I. arate that Ue aa"
Ikees ta Ikia apr.
a,, ' -
Win C? AflRTm