OCR Interpretation

San Marcos free press. [volume] (San Marcos, Tex.) 1877-1892, January 19, 1888, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86088181/1888-01-19/ed-1/seq-2/

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i f.i
Free Press.
yu ms of 11 suit IP T IO. .
One year, lu ailvnueo
ix uiontlit, "
Three mouth. "
."I no
The nbore rnte Inclmle the prepayment
of pontile by im. Sample copien Mut ireo.
Kiuulo copiu 5 cent.
All Uboic,iTioM lor tin Kaaa I'n ahould b
tut In IB Mondaj le tnaur. Imertlon tli urn
k,aod til dvrtl.mtuu and bualoeaa Uvtlut
tut later than Wednrxtajr noon.
Pu.iTivaLT 00 einiimntiicailun publl.ti'il uulaaa
lha wrlwr'a real name acoomanlfa II, sal forpob
Icatlon nnt.ia dr.re but 111 our ova beurtll
nd iirotecilon.
Wc invite special attention
to the various clubbing terms
we offer to new or renewing
advance-paying subscribers to
the Free 1'ress. We feel
persuaded that no other pa
per in Texas offers so attrac
tive a list.
Lanmr was confirmed by a voto of
32 to 28.
Judge Cook coiim.s out strongly
jitjiiinht tho itnmirution movoruont.
TuiH of courso from him.
Tlie latoist dcwh from WuKhiiiffton
indicates tho pannage of tho Dlnir
Iriil by both hoiiKos of CongreHH.
Tho "littnuy t'ditur" of tho Hous
ton Punt credits tho line, "Fools rtinh
jn where unguis fear to tread," to
Hlialifispoaio. Wo thought every
body knew it was from Popo.
The recent blizzard at tho North
was ono of tho worst ever known.
About ono hundred persons nro oKti
inatoi to havo perishod. Tlio pi-evii
lent caul famine greatly aggravated
tho distroFs.
Wo notice with regret an an
nouncement of the recent donth of
ItoUa Ifynn, tho well known cam
edian. Ho died noiir Trinity,
Texas, while on a profeusiooal tour.
Alas, poor Yorick I
We have received from the Gover
ment printing ollico a file of tho
of tho Congressional Record from
the beginning of tho present session
to tho 13th inst. If any SI. C. fav
ored us ho was too modest to givo
his name.
Gen. Bragg, of Wisconsin, has re
cured the appointment to tho Mexi
can Mission. He is said to bo well
qualified, but we havo not seen it
mentioned whether or not he is a tee
totaler tho grand requisite, as has
appeared, for that position.
Tbo Fort Worth Mail says : A Los
Angeles paper comes to hand which
.. nhiine tin, flnlitwmfillf. llKHHKHM'IPtlt.
, r r 4 , t 1 1...
list of the city of Ls Anijeies for Hie
current year. It is composed in j
close nonpareil type, and nils forty
four columns of tho paper. Tho col
umns are twenty six inches long. It
merely goea to show that there are
two sides to the boom.
Dr. McGlynn, tho excommunicated
priest of New York,received a Christ
mas prtBCut of 1,200 from his old
parishioners. This is fjiOO more
than his former salary. We notice
with pleasuro that he continues to
have a large following among Catb-
.! ll. f ,lw,
OilCBiWuuii'pumiui "
Popo to dictate their Doiit'.cal views county. 11a is not, However, it nr(
or affiliations as American citizens. p' t with the majority of the citizens
r of liis county, and seems v.iliing und
San Antonio refused by an over-1 anxious to sel; out to a stock com
whelming majority to tax itself fr' lay und retire from the field,
another tou rents" on tho $100 to j By way of text we will notioe some
build an addaional i-ebool house fwr i poiuts of the above.
tho negroes. Of coarse. San Antonio J
, . . ...........
n. 1... .. !,.. .....
inej.rrwmT r""" " -"I,
t.w.iw bi,.1 t ho r voles cau .e l.oii'-lit
Or neradvi ntur. bo is'w.iit -'
1 '
in f;r tl.r pas..:.
flho 15!a;r bill.
The S hi M n os Tiii r.
nlerd upon its tev iit-i
.t.i u
..I .;
....... 1 1 ..,.n!r..i ..f .
1 r. i v 11 ri ij ..-.'. .....
1. w l. il i .. 1,1 Hi tl 1'i t llllt it
! I . 1 .
lriHn) li.itvr.
...,.l I . V. .1.1 V r IMU.
4 in ten. M le.it lliJ .uinii
Ik p S be liinT
'f ho JiVt friai Pro. I! lnuuuN.-li
f th L.(Sr. f.'i .I.mrnil i in t!u
jrst nnJ tundy ;! ii.i''.i we Kiv
!.ivii found t- riiii irt-ri.-e ti.'a.
We lt. ill i. 't b
ootir n jtj.oi tie '-O.d 1 '.p.t.
new nc-pj -r vti.' u !; !n -:-d
IjViftOT M. Km- W'u.'.j l:. lib
toiid '.. .; .ni l pi' !. - i n.t 1
priw of C-.-l V- -' no i"'ii b ii
Ktnn V'.) r. t'.-it in- C'tc'1 I ti't h.t
ns't-rU 1 b if r j '. f r I : I." '
li'bt ci. bra 1 1. Il J
h- frvn C. 1 i'v V .tt I'. '. 1 "
Vrry I.i-Iy. lrTtr. )i- j-j t.' 1 i-
Un 'ltloll
A too common typo of the country
nowi-paper in Tex is, is one of which
but !il tie cn bo said in its favor. In
bnsiiifFs it is a slouch if not a fund.
A coimidiT.iMo part of itn ostensible
advertisements ure "dead," un 1 the
unfortunate who once gets an adver
tisement in its oJuiniitt is frequently
unable to get it out again. Long
ufter it has fultille.lt it mission, and
I,.. 1... ,.l,,wii.r f,.i-r,,tli.n it it iri re-
I tuiued by tho enterprising putriisher
! nil II .... " l'.i. tl,.. ui nut rfilNtin
ho sprcuda out Lis advertisements to
three or four times their proper size,
without additional pay, while ho
sends out his paper to whoever will
agree to tako it, risking the chances
of gettiug any pay. llo charges on
ly about half the rates of respectable
newspapers (save wheu u chance to
"gouge" occurs.) aud his advertising
space is dear at that.
As regards questions of public in
terest, he manifests no fixed princi
ples, but is a tiino-server, trying to
please all. His grand supposed win
ning card is to praise everybody alike
aud indiscriminately, to "lay it on
thick" with an unsparing hand. The
consequence is, no is everyoouys
convenient tool and repoctod by no
Tho literary staple of his paper,
(aside from its profuse, gratuitous
puffs) is mado up of poor littld items
of street corner news and curbstone
gossip. It advances no idea, dis
cusses no principle, but is infatuated
with the idea that its line of small
beer paragraphs is tho acme of jour,
But tho roador may inquire, what
has all this to do with Hie position
and mission of tho Fi:k Phass 1
Wliv, mat this, the latter ure
tho very opposito of what we
we havo imperfectly dilineated. The
Fhi;e Phess contains no dead -head or
dead boat business, no subscriptions
are taken or retained for it without a
good degree of moral certainty that
they will bo paid. Dead advertise
ments aro not tolerated til are
promptly taken out at tho expiration
of tho time paid for. A fair, living.
uniform prieo is charged for thorn,
aud becauso of its established circu
lation among the solid well-to-do
people of the country, full value re
ceived is ussared Ui its advjrLising
patrons. Editorially it scorns to
indulge in ' indiscriminate puffing,
gives praise only where it is deserv
ed, and does not hesitate, however
regretfully, to criticise, or condemn,
where its paramount duty to tho
public so requires.
Nor doos it seek to ovado or tem
porize as regards any quostion of
public interest
Ou tho contrary, it
is always ready to show its hand, and
always on tho side of tho pcoplo
generally. It assumes no superior
wisdom, but claims tho simple privi
lege of expressing its opinions, con
ceding tho right of others to do the
same. Its mission is to hold up the
standard of morality, education and
political principle, and to lead oil' on
1 1 . ' ' ... . .
all the lines of human rights and ad
1 vancement.
Such is our programme and plat
form. Header, how do you like it ?
Tho Colorado Citizen, noticing our
new volume, docs great injustice
no doubt unintentionally both to
I i. i i : . :t ...... L.
After some personal references indi
cating as wo "guess" prejudice
growing out of tho prohibition cou-
i test, editor D.iker says :
Editor Julian gets up a good pa
papjr, and u st.iir.i.'li advocate of tiie
f 1 '. . ..
; mterer.ta ot rtlll
i cos ami i lays
1- Tho Citizen administers a h.ird
. . t t i I
Him to lo no noon e oi our town umt
. , , !
COULltvbV l)IOrtl :V llltliliatill-'. US It i
' ,,. . I
"'" n."uo" u n ruuuou-
'if ; P'l"-r, tau:ie!i!y it-vole.l
... 1 1 i
tJ tncir luleroMS, in-y are fciuaii hiki
(ii..:u ....oiLTh in .!is.-ri!i iih on
Tlic rive
'':kSiy pounds i.f person il
j t
... ... .
1,1 "i"-1 u" "-1" i'" " "
Kenera.lv) just uu.i t.oora.
uuuicd I
- - j
I'l'iM'.C ,
. ... .
V,. I ..., I uilh II, .1 n .!.
UiO ('.11.' n
4 en to la va I'v nst rt
1 - . .
itu.t we bra not in norviM itu tot .
i'.tr of tl.e e'r.-a.-. .f ovr -
i: i
Iv. We vuii J. r tho ab-iurliJv of
kMi-li . r,l ..r..r ,.v.n. , '
, .
..v wi.li i, l.i w 4't i:ie i n i
!-! IVi-lllV- I.Vii.'j! V !! !'.:!.lil
oi-i-.ii. y t-:i
piL Co.;! 1 wo !. iv. d t.-ttist udh
mil "a tl.o i.i ij ii .ty t.f t':- p-vi'! i'a
i;.'ii't, ly t ' Tr j'i-i-iiuii
i rs
. .1 1
1 I
company and retire fro.n the field."
He forgets lu it wo gave as our chief
reason for wishing to sell tho fact
that wo had been in tho business so
long, and preferred to tumour efforts
into otlu r channels. For this reason
we ure willing, not anxious, to sell, to
a stock company or any other party.
W'f suggested u stock company be
cause the subject hod boon broached
by others, and to silenco the cavils
of the handful of the dissatistie J with
the Fiiee PitKss. That is tho whole
Como up to II iys county, Colonel,
and talk with our people, and you will
soon be ablo to form a more correct
conclusion as to tho standing of the
Fmke Piikss and its editor with the
majority of our citizens.
By an extra of the Free Lanco,
published at Decatur, Ala., wo learn
that that place is enjoying a boom
and no mistake, und is already trans
formed from a sleopy country village
of a thousand inhabitants into a
pushing, bustling city. Northern
capital and nutcrprise, btarting man
ufactures, tolls tho story. As a sam
ple, it is stated tint tho Urbann, O.,
car works, the largest of the kind in
tho world, are about to remove to
Decatur.- The capital now employed
by them is over $1,000,00') and their
works will cover over fifty acres of
When will S .n Marcos' turn come?
The Austin Statesman expresses the
opinion that tho pistol law is a fail
ure. It does not look much like a
failure in this, Milum county, when
at the last term of the county court,
there woro four or five convictions
with the jail penally attached. Tho
pistol law is not responsible for train,
stage, or highway robberies. Ex.
This law has only been a failure
where it 1ms not been impartially
enforced, and scions of tho "first
families havo been hold exempt by
public sentiment dictating the faith
lessness of oCIeials.
Ex-Limd Commissioner Walsh Strikes
the Key Note or 1'erinaiicat Pro.sjH'ri
ty in Western Texas.
The Austin Statesman a short time
since interviewed C.ipt Walsh on the
subject of irrigation, which is fast be
coming the paramount question
in tho filturo of Texas. Wo copy
"Cantaiu, Mr. Wooldridgo in his
remarks before the board of tmdo re
ferred to vou as being interested in
ho irrigation project now under
discussion. Hive you given the
question anv'special study "
"I have, for years, fooeu convinced
of tho practicability and advisability
of irrigating the Colorado valley, und
for tho past year havo been urging
its advantages. I have discussed the
nuestioii with many of our most
wealthy ami enterprising citizens, and
am gratified to hiM tho l'leu lias at
last assumed a question of mode.
The valley will certainly be irrigated
in the near future."
"Did you read Mr. Wooldridge's
article in last Sunday's i-tsue ?"
"I did, and in the main feature.",
viz.:. that it is practical and that it is
a necessity, I agree with him."
"Did you hear Judge Terrell's re
marks on the subject before the
board of trade V
"I did, and was sorry ho mado
them. I am no more anxious than
the judge to advt rliso our country
as a desert, but I recognize tho fact
that agriculture hero without irriga
tion is a lottery. It is true that no
man depending upon farming for a
living iu this country will ever starve,
but why struggle for a bare subsist
ence when a liltio enterprise and
capital will maka agriculture a source
of wealth both to tho individual and
and to the whole city and county ?"
"The judge says that in thirty-five
years residence in this county he has
known but ono failure of crops, viz :
IS 17. If ho means by failure tho on?
ly year iu which nothing was made,
he may bo right, but tho farmer who
toils for twelve months and docs not
harvest enough to pay for tho years'
supplies is firmly convinced that he
ha made a failure."
"It is proposed to invite capitalists
and agriculturists to visit our section
this spring, with ft view of adding
.l -.iil.i..ii t.-i imi itAiinli
i"'n mm f '"""1"11 ul"
I do tv hove to eonvmoo tbt-nj that
. . I . . . . . 1
tb's w n UewraMe country by hiiuply j
- i1.v:, tli..n .iifnvi.n !i..i-i.t am-iinr
ttli demonstrating our be aithful ill-
.... r I . 1 r
( loate. 1 .10 iowr-i-uit 11 junjries 01
...l-lAfrici and ti.e ioe-boun I call 0!
Al.iMa nave i'li.eu 10 rei ni uiu u
01 ':i '
,,lo rca.-M.n t'l.d ni ni v eotiM bo ni i.Ie
tin i'i. Sj it wdi Im I. ere. State
fi.-4 t. nv vimt rs ntl.l k'.oW t'li-n
.1 ;t. f. .- . I...., .1. f .,,,.1
M "M".lillin ml . . .v. -n.v ... .
tiiov .A ft. iv. 11 -iwvvit luuen We
iii - iv iM to i v 1 ' 'fr-'it j our a 'r.eiii-
. ijr j UJ, tll.,uura!
f o imi
suppri-ss tiie c f.ieti
y t!u 1-i-t t nsu. 15 .
prex - ii!
I llrl. i !1 - t 1 a it
wc !n l !!i ,t for t!u
tti Vfirs from 17. to 1 tiie tiv
r.i- -.t.-n prod u-v of
ty w.is I-.ii? p. r
.jililed !' ..lid !;)'
,tai?e nn.; b I ! tl.
tLe r a J tv luft v i
iMr.'-.t'.-. r aero. S
Tl l . IMII'.I-
, t::..t ;i rc
..r . t
- t- r. 1 1
.. thm 11
iu tiie
t':0 l.vr
Ik- ?i r--. i '.i in i 1
o-. r.-port-l.
it'll II;'' Mtii row ! ::)- t ..N
r.,.1.- ri I
d. :.c:: -.'i 1 .:L t.-
1. r v...! JT''I
t'-:r -iv. r
1 .ir au.'
our unfailing supply of water, it will
not militate against our interest to
say that irrigation is always an ad
vantage aud bometimct. ft necessity.
Two-ity years ago Colorado was an
alkali desert cowred with sagebrush.
To-day tho one little town of Greeley
pays taxes on nearly as much prop
erty as Travis county. Au irrigation
scheme which had its origin in the
muscle of live pioneers, has develop
ed into a corporation with thirty-five
miles of niaind und over three hun
dred miles of ditches, and a properly
assessed at nearly five millions of
dollars. Irrigation is the direct and
sole factor of this wealth.
When the gold fields of California
refused to longer yield their fabulous
wealth, attention was turned to tho
soil. The enterprising men vho
composed her population were quick
to leurn from their predecessors, the
Mexicans, the value of irrigation, and
to day tho boom of the golden state
is the wonder of the world. Without
irrigation, tho state would be depop
ulated within twelve months. These
instances could bo multiplied, but it
is useless, and I have referred to them
merely to show that tho fact that ir
rigation is ti necessity will not deter
capital from seeking an investment in
any country. On tho contrary, put
20,000 to 50,000 acres of our valley
under irrigation, and the prosperity
of our town is assured. Property
will advance in value and capital will
flow in. Suppose that nothing but
cotton were planted the average
product without irrigation is, we will
s ty, one half bale per acre, the pro
duct would immediately leap to one
balo per acre, and in many portions
to one and a half bales, theincreas
ed product for one year would more
than repay the total cost of irrigation.
During tho past few months the
dealers of this city havo paid for im
ported vegetables over 820,000 per
month, at the rate of 240,000 per
annum. All of these could be pro
duceu ou 1,000 acres of irrigated
laud and the money bo kept at home.
"What are your viows as to the es
tablishment? factories?"
"They will come in good time, that
is, as soon as we have a surplus pop
ulation to seek employment therein."
"Yon seem to have faith in irriga
tion V
I have. It is no experiment, but
has been practiced since history be
gan, and to day, nearly one-half of
tho cultivated land of "the globe is
under cultivation."
Capt. Walsh is a gentleman of
strongly pronounced views on sub
jects ti practical importance which
attract his attention.
' Only an Indian squaw; brown as a berry,
Llplit as the mountain deer, active ami nfiile.
Voice deep, yet sweet and clear; form sliflit and
Back from the sunburnt brow, thick and entwined,
Tresses of raven hue float unconflncd.
And, thoiiRhasavnfre bi-lle, wit is not wanting
Woudrously boaulifull darkly enchanting!
Toronto Week.
Absolutely Pure.
TbU powiUr never virion. A rooiiel cf purity.
strength urn) whulfnompiie.HB. Mro economical
Ltjftu i he trdhinry trin.i, mid cn nut h oM io cm
petition with ihi niuititutlf l low te-, lir.rt weight
rtltim or ptioMituite powdi-ra. H"I1 "illy in cans,
horii. BiKiNO l'i.uLft Co.. 108 Wall St., N. Y.
Our dubbin? List for 1SSS.
We are prepared to club the FIEEK PRMS to new
or recewinif su !(. ri1wr with tho fcllowin publi
cation t i'-e rat peci1Uil bcl jW, if ortUrtd at the
fame time with our piper In the tirtu column we j
give the reirular price of rarh put. Mention hinqly, f
in the ttevond tl; piiceofthe same an J the Fan a !
t'KKbg together. I
With the
fl 00
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1 M
Free PreM.
$ 2 S5 !
.1 (hi ;-
Autlip State-man
'.ivvfi.ui New
S. Y. VVr-fcly V..rld
St. Luuii Ki p ibiicdc
N. Y. l.e,IKr
Nr ()-lana 1 ittifji Pcnrrrdi
LciuUvtlle four itr Journal.
Tex. .a ifrtnit
1 76 1
2 !0
4 0 '
5 10
3 10 I
2 .-
3 on
:: M
4 so I
3 10 '
a io '
4 cr. I
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t I;etr.iif Frt-e '
Sm l-.ri iIIlitv
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Sclrniiric n.-ij,-.in ...
t; tury .r- ..
!t. .fil..!
ll- p-r'ii Yfcr.r rrp...
o:ill,' t'oiin.'.!' u .
AlliMi'- M..i.i!nr
I. ilpr-.:i rti, i:nl;ue ..
l-'ti- II,- V.;M..
t'brrii.ilf.ci i J iltrnal ..
1'. irr-uira jiZit,: ....
!V.-:L- 'cf.irf Myi ti!r
lla'l , t'. !..-..lh! v
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. .
ROYAL Sowtiiji Jk
. aU-Mi
Clis1 UNt; J.Li-. .
. . . i- f.- . .iti.iT -wio athakwl "I
la-mi- r- 4& "'.,;rr
r; ..-.Tfj.-ri.vA. f K-?r
MrV -.u n.l;.t jf iipt w,
ill Ha" M"'" ir '
1.1,; )-,h .i.ut,l ctiwk. Taticaa aMai aU
W4i- vr-Ur u C1.
AJJru.i til oidera to
Mao Marcoa. Tfxxt.
M Jnrk of AH TmiIm. By 'lim Iirapr
Tb wwnicrlul irll of ao kiihii bii.liJo l ntukto dtt
trtvt. Full of ooni jtl iutii 'ii. f in'iy iujiiint )f irartl
Io Europv aol AmgrUa, aud iftrillioi f4"&tu-s as kwvpr
f a cuWaual UfUaat.
M I.ova, lion, ill rrpaforit. Hy thMInefia."
ThH chaf'milK .l.-ty .wry h uiit of f-w twi ww ihc prt
f lha pooulw author, ii U 'piriu-1 lb action, at J rull oi
Itualioui cftlutttiUHl to IUi.tr.iU; blpti ifj atitl tflra
piiuauujr to ttM wrath Tb. wuri ut a reaiua.
in C'lnuiltinnH iintilf. Py Charts Hfte.
A hap; il tM "i-'ry of farm Ii:.. full f itinv rn.. pIctu.-M
an! iiaitairal MBtlmeou. Au lu.-ni'.ui plot. .'ltir ; nrra
ttr. onaracur with pmlm j1 tu-tivr jutt ,U "elij
tvtf AH Id all. ur) f tbi tuJil Uurtttiurt auJ .tadabla
tffuru of ilii lltuitftuui aoiaor.
3. Th llautitri! IIonjf. By 3ir K. Biilwr
Lriioa. TbUh ou.f the t;ret author Tiinw c mcrlli
anJ mppilr hM turtei. Wdr4 :A lUn.ilorf Uarougbuuk
fcrybod raJi U witb lwllnit of rfftl Ut.
81. John Milton. WU- n. Why. an.l Tiat he
ITrvta, bv H. A Tit. LU -l Vi b.illf .nt autU'.rj
work, ibe prttH'nt' ne Ij aiu.nl 1 oi tnlvli mJ c.ntt.vatxt
nf..rmiio-a. Il U fill r .uri.i.c. cud n- ou a a Wt
frMar VWvtn. lit t'mei, itlf 6i.d r-'ri rtrua la Mt
tbio tiom auy niut-r oarjj.
ea Or. larifrnitl. Hy Clnrl-a T.-ns. One
pf l)i -Mvo ci'l p -t in t aii.u . iti- :'.:i of a quuul
and cutu-ut I'Wtfivr. !: l.ii'!c. l-u;lv,i. und rtira
I.Midr.t. to tHi K" rj iMir.fiiiut lit 1 HJ " Dr.
MrU"t-l," and all luvcra Ui.o ilrni.y to Mi (iMKrij 'Ian.
7l. Tiie liiiii:hinntMfra Myrry Vy
riiitT'.f K-.ii.1-? On '.'. i'.TTii.'M y (Itf l- 'l
tli:t:!ii:1v 'oil jf.ti. . fM-liim-ii-r!. '.-! I-'-nif. T.!? -lot
l v, xYo' arl. C "Vii' 'I 1 t't.-.r(l-'' Jfnn. HH 3r
mimic thro'ijh i ir.-t "f lur i: , :!s t-art;il cSnd
burn- m in roal.T ltii a JH-jUo a.MWlciw ur t:caa
7." Allan JinitPritili t!io In.-? anrl bwt
DoVfitmra tU ..t i... ulr H. !!i r haceard. Io
IBi trv t.l A .A-VA I'm- rnit..v Mir- i.. the
c1 'r'(lvi-i!t?L;.e v. (' 'i"!lt' uliuivitin aii-1 liirliltnij
o;tw;r tut rualo " ho" Ii r r. .iii m In tH.n. N
m.v- j. lilu:: M-nii".' .-.- wst eor.i' u.ta uria.- la
K:i r;i-'i Ii: -ra''ir? aitilt mw.lfiliari- ti.-. vjiuioiity vi all all
otucr w.r!i. Pftd i.
W. AHnn iint4.'rn:nij Fj.rt II.
77. Aliitit Qantbi n- liu. Vait HL
n. Alln:. OKiiii: ;..n. r.n-t IV.
V Yh'! Tr of '( lcvti!:. B? ChtTlea
ni-t -j. ti :- i' t'v !; . 'fl- -i!. '-'I aT tb9
, ,t .fit,-. -J.-.n; ri-, ' ''rt'.i '.ii!: it-'.c Mrt!.
1 1 !.- v"' I" 'vi'.-i- ' :ii.. It ait-i'iuda In
' . - .-.luii.'i. .'..i i.. i;.t-(io-. iiii'i irWonu.
78. Iliirv Uirtfi 3)rntli, nr Lifeftn.l Work of
Rev. Gm.-,o '. ti t, A:.fe l r.-o'ubi.l .ii lr. ill
Northwcit. Bvh:uM;licr, J. U:. A. .'k-Wuos. Tiie m irier
of ttili grft'vuli't: i.t.t! Hi.-T'rJ "tu.-r ud .ln,i;njt
tCH'praD?e vimni l.'ti bjhi i ir.ll f li-.irur ilimuu tuo
NoruiAi'it nu I tair iMiuirv. riu w . t un ntiiy
written revL-w cf iiu Ljr.u mi ln ojrs r m.u J6iiuu a
rapiuj u-jojuatjl Uii MuMiu4tiri. Ptrt t,
73. Duty t'nto I)uiii c;c. l'arl ii.
70. Tin' f'oiniMj Knci'i t-r Now Vtvl. Uy
Blr K. BulwiJ- Luo:i. A ihr.hlu ? M.-tcry or !lr-j anion? a
Ideal pi.;du f.ii I in t'.c -Mi.r.' ol iv t-mti. wiure ttio
beautiaiu A:-:al.ii, tiia ijrai i.ri'-u, n:t tSuii:- furs
auduio'ivo free. A cu&raiiL.f lw-i ii-tit, eaoriil. Part I.
71. Tiie Cuuiliitf I-ueOi or'ew Ctojna. fart II
09. Hul!ilo7:itiil i;u(trfly By Uavttl Chris.
Me M'-tiav. A jp.iiy ' i 't. --ty ir bumnu .-liarajtcr, yet
nol a biVcve.-.L.4-.7U. 11l:11oi aud Bmterllie ar all
BTbuUd Ui.
65. She t or Advent ur-. In tlie Caveo of Kor. By
H. HiKp i!3i;ri T'.n -u -u- njd n.: liar utory ii a
newli:rrturo la ihp II.,) 1 r.f licli.j.i. It t.-.jductljn oat
earri-.l ttu ruir.jr iuto hu i auist. Tho
i;or at.l vai it'., m t-o-.L nti: it t'litrja.L;. taariain ;
tu narrative im;jart a pi: triU n ii xU-iwi inrouga
woudcrlul tweatj alsiai ili evvutd, Part X.
66. HIih or Aihv:iiU".o etc. Tart II.
67. She; or Ad vultures, eta Part IIL
63. Slii( or AdV'iulu va, etc. Pert IV.
61. 'nllt'j(in I lie f'wiirttrr. T.y Sir R Bui.
werL .'ltoLj. Uhoftt:i' Um t-f ;uc fcreut autlior'a hiiario'
n-irlei. Full nl rapine i:uauuiii, quick aoiiou, and rara
6H. StiibliPd In Mm !nrl By E. Lynn
Lloton. A irun, Btirrii.': -wye. tlvftM Ncipniitan Juj-n,
by an nutiwr lio lnvtui f-.;f;Jou vu and bandit
tiitrioalti aituiiikjii 11 n tiont-.T. r.'t I.
63. Stabbed (n thr. DarU. Purr II.
M. Tho i'rlc't'.'t :i Jlie Hrmtli. ByCharlee
Ol.'kfaj. Ou-; cf tli H.r;.i-j.'t ui1 ua Jtrtn thirws ever
writt '0 r-T IHiLuiii. AM i.?7i it it iti ttai.tj' nd pnthu,
kni itvrjlltt :.tj9ii-vei ml r.nl l'u biicr feume uf liii
moBt imr.'jiuativtf Wur i have ij-en fcrittu,
Rr. Tiir l.rtdy of l.yoim. By Sir E. BiUwor
Lt -):. Ttii" iiii la-lv i- sc.-u iu t'a3 ccl-bratd p'.ny of
tlie sam? n:i:i'e. It raufis ;" llit! iiroitl-i (t'ci'tro if devo
tion anl -ill. jr tit eprc:iou of " teadi puii n" vr
plfljtd on tli j tb'o.
fin. Julia nnd flr fonifn. "y PaWd Chris
tie Jlurrv. Tf ip .iiiiho.- in atv-T i-.-ei!oti- nn-traoy. In
"Julia tiiid l(2r o" tnj iri t'fuiiiui.vly ch irmiii. Tba
rea-liT ii liol.l '( tiio la.t tu a ejtll wui;li uiukct iiiiu rert
the eui or tbo fctory.
W. Dnnm! An ,1Ta:tlo Tlrfpodo. By JubHu
II. Mn;rtii". A riOW-Tii:! a.id th:il.i:.T ri.rr of Hf on an
AiacrLau linvr. 'l'io tjtions uro rut-'.ral. tlie plot In
lcne, ilic ssit 'Mm: r..:i-.tl it.. 'il.t- baud of a raastor ti
viiii fr i-n f'l1; " nV. .ttx,aid " at Livcroo'., U tha torrililo
londiu',- at X, w York.
67. Vi!Hun fShukpcnros How. .en,
Wfcjnn-i iVi'ai h-Mvpf-. li.v IT. A. Yalna. Tberi; auvcr
his ti?en t-umpr-.-'! iu'.c, rt-jH firk-f pac-t so mucii t'oul
tlio ln'.i". lit " 1-ar 1 of Avon" ai in tliit woris of tho
brilliant Ff -Ji:!i a-H-ur. H w'U o,v,u U.C fjCB Of tluroadtfr
to a tbouiand thi.;.-' le iicvtr dieaji-.i of
65. Rn' lrw. 'Princi? vt Aliysxlfiln. By Pr.
Sfimiitl .iv.'.'ij.i i. Ou-; of iliine it'ii. i -r:n.l wHtinj by a
mantci ii.iu ! Ii a-' r-c c:j 3;rJ n u u rt-ij.i. It Is a
torv or tl.--- li.ij::':u b-Ritlnlti uaci-icit mouda, tiarceat
loiifili,;. aad njuios- t. j'ln::ivii9. r.iit I.
66. Kni'ehiK. P'-:iu'c of Abyyinia. Part II.
61. HJiitKy. Cy Kir E. llnhvr Lytton. Tiol
vernal fcikst ar;'i Mf .vaat oi' Venl.'e" sbould rca4
BuWer a " M im v.' Uu tci i'kj h'ovj tillu you itue tho
eoluagu a& i tn:f: ih jiu ;le u lite fiiil play.
62. Pi UVKlivrlon. By h.:rles Rcade. Thta
maittTpi';.-!!' by - n..vt:iil i oue of thus exijuliiia
oaos.iii. wiM; v, M wn mi-j'W i-ruamL-ut their work. Not
to kuow cil'i'jtou i not to kiinv KuUe. Fart X.
63. Vctf WnHttifftnii. I art II.
61. Ttitry .liRi;i?i, ".nr. T.adlte. Two
af thuf rtt-iy u A 'ln.t -ilr.u'y 111 8-riei of
htiino iiid tlMy will fic-fc -ui! i'"i ire. The ouiht to
be read Uy evrr . ai hnt th; world to face.
49. Paul und Virutniii. By Bernarlin f!e 81
Pierre. Tliii e!;?nT.i tui'.'"-n-:a ain.iij n iiuw.' it frcHbnoia
and beauty vr It Is (he ' nory thai
never. Ilei, told tu tbo t"jttt .anguagc aud leodcreat ityta.
Part I.
60. S'nnt nud Vlrutnln. Port II.
48. Cnrittiiut H i.hti-u. By Sir E. Bnlwer
Lytton. Th iii'i' ' ia. IW ml Itlou and bril!ii.nt
frenoli rritn.t ataaMt ( jit In hi: immortal
iilay ofCirljia' h.'ta tt r m whicb hah becuma
biatoriu. Il Is ruwr (! ai -lMnntlc compollion.
47. IJuuc't .irrtcn. ar.l tlf rtiins. By Alfred
Teeny itu. for purity of n nlce iweetnea and
to-ictunir pnthii, t!.f !lM-;tt plot tmi D'l'e' surpamed lili
r.iifi-!i A-1n." In ill m r rf htnnn RiTcctfou he la at
ti hK, n nd oue caJLJt liuuvv t!io iul.-lfturtate ffiibout
kuuHin it.
4R. Fotnro oitd .lti!lof. By William Black.
a) . h f i f .''b lovfri.who mingle tender
r-uiTnc;: i1 fi a "V IP nmke everybody
tiiH?. 'i .u utLiLi- a jturiei ai aliiaya raoj and full of
I. The Widow TtetiVft rairn. Tbta Ij tre boon
erT ti.'K-u Mjnr ritiiaciii;ivra U i'.td til, tbi-y cii'd, aud
Il i jb" ;if iuiiny t.i-'i'ty as it cvix w :ia.
9. U !.-itir Kveiitno; KcrreHlions a larire collection
6" Ac(u; i hw: lo. l at i aux. (.mue... i'utiiie. lor au
Clal K Mi riugi, tTivaiv thto r:cHl. and rtfRinft liott;s.
3. Uaok to tlie I1 1icujs A uvl. liy iiaiy
C-cii Mi v, hutiir el 'Hi-t'ku -riirf."
4. Irlblotiut', tttciiMtlona nnJ Keni'Iirf.a Iar:a
a-J cmti'otioo lor actiuul t vtiucu aitdjiublic ai d
pi i.atf ci.ii-r tiitir.ifuu.
o. '1 hv tundHM ."ttcr1'rIterforLadie-BudRen-tl'i'icu,
ii cuiitpit'U piil-le to corfeMcyu-itDoe, tlvittf pUia
dn. oih'is rr tben.n'iiiltioti ot Utura vt aM.v aiud, Ml.a
lut.iiti.-rnidi' loruiH and ex imp ies.
6- The ), pit lt.cp. a Norri. By t llkla Collioa,
aui'iur 1 " 1 'ne W'ut;ui ;n U'Lite," el?.
T. K1 t'uiirt Farm. A Nwel. By lira. Iltnry
WtHi i. uu.h- r ( - Knsl l.i i.uc," ate-
b. The l.aly nfthe tnktt. By Sir Walter Peati. T'.a
I.a ly uf tne I uke" i- miukiic in rtra. aud of all tla
ork' tf Sco t, n ii la more InauMtui that tbia.
V. In ( wpld'a et. A ovl. ily il author of
M Dur tboriji'."
AnM Barton. A N. vel. Br fleer Flij;. ao
tl.i.rcf "A'im. Kdi-.- "TVe Mil! .n tl;e Ik-'-.' ;.
II. Lady feweiiriollue'a llreaoa. A 2vi. Ky tba
Bulger tl -'I'uia iburLR."
1- 1heMterr of the Holly Tree. A No el By
ti-t aui'.-'T uf boia Thi.rn.1."
The Hutlcft f IV It, I lam or and Fvn. alartra
el e.ti u A Uj Iktaity aiuli-, u.vt,ji ic , i I'Cit,
BLd joKes.
U. John BonerSRi:la Wife. A Xovtl. t.j yi.a
Vu tv ai.ili.-r of bti il i.iUi, beMieiupn," tf:.
It. The Cray Woman. A ijvL Xy Uri Vt.SA,
auth. i -! "Mtr; 1'ai ..i..' t-ra.
lu. Ixtet-n out pit to H tort co by P.-paiar Ar'TieA.
tni'.iii.'.Lf te. b i.tii tuaj an i d. irv v k.t.rie, i.vria uf
eiHtT li:o,vI aJwhture. ot rail ay Ui. twal vir in
I n mi.ii.
!?. Japer Taea Regret. A Nnri. By Xita
C. Cra : v... r.-ith. "uivri 1 m I.":.
If), f ancy k iri tr Ilouir Adopiileat,"eiitlr-lT
aew e;, tlil i'j , f'.utaili.i i ni au-i pti-.tltjl
latrcvilnt. :cr ittii it .ainy Ha'kr:-.aii j-t-ct en, I rt Lh,
B(.r-::e v.-k. tmUwtr., .lj., rK.. irvrb.c.y and tMotr,
:i ;trit t.
W. 4rlonV Tatry FtHra foe (lie Tvaag. TTo
Inf.! '."ii ii it.ry kUiu: jidL.urd. ' La...3.B
arc d1 " -d t a.
'. ili'i.titti f tiqnctieirv,T l.elea ai.4 Gi-rtWea a
j r ! .-; -a a.i i (.recau-S. ft' U.i ihc m.
fc.i-.ie' i n ai' o .
.l I s. I KBon!. f.p the ITHItift. a ftMy
k- ? t U-C.U, lul.X.uU -la f-4 tail, ip4t w. aU.u tIClwul
I he Hone rrk Bel ami FamtlT
rta.l, C.-b'ii.iui LUH:r'S . ,i-i ll- ut fnu ( ri'rt; Ml,
L.i t . :,ir-r.iw t. '.ac W ! ewe a. aaAa
- 3! :-(- i. I ( i(i..u Tut AwrLzr. a
t. i . ii -( . ai, i ii -l, ! u-Kit.t OtM n-Lf
tl.- r-- ist li - yt .;s a-ai.i..rt a caxwoiaof ib fM.i,
ff V- r- .:-(-.
tl 7 Pi.pfjUr Datla4o. tM lat w atet mvaala.
1 1 - i ' a ; i ii,.jt..-i ,
2 f tl Iffct.. i.i. H t?rl rT. -
U At lie UcrMV Jlcrry. ' H. t I lactate
a ' r " 1 !i iwiin VtT. "'
yiilArc Trvi!n). 1 k.tf. y - t L tek
a- !'rk lja Ai.'tL ty tfct --tV ? " Ca!jH
B k
. karea e . r.t. ft P L. raa
Je. ' i .-f k a: - mii '.I.--, c '
4! f.v A C; kvj teu faar.fuiftarof
-re. s . "
1 CsVrlrt'e Storvtas. A Vvaol. By Vilkfc C.raaa,
i K.r'f tr HVW-J. A Py Mary
r- i : - t II ;!;... r 1 T-
I'vli ) -rU-.. ' ' r JLBraaV
f- i - K.lfM. e
A ..-'- lH.a. 'a .m. k-j U oaAar of
V L r Ufw iel r;'.rLi.nuW.ak
C - .
ti Ti T tin Cw"..t. otOh
a ' ' r, , .
" . I T.'wr -t. Ba,W of
t ' i. - ...'. -,i U ti- a
- i: is T. V.v -7 1-. a ? 1
' " - K- t J- '
" ' " ' " I . , ,
I. I'.'l. Ii..-.n4 I l.w r..HiKI
. ' . ' .....
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r-i . c I ..... t- rMWi.
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t.. 4-
O.ir. Motto j
ITAi. M'.rM
IhtiHjU Wnrtt.
Jjuny if'-.
Vj-.-vV vV!iW.V.''.v viaVxj h yy. vV y " -
.Vw.V V; .:..V.V.VsV..VV.yO .wx hVvVii4, k' V
h 4- ---
?53? M SSfti 1
ur. .v. nrl ll.oriv
Anil l.lil It .hln. n'er laml and
nil unlvrrsal man la frff I
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