San Marcos Free PresSo 1 JULIA. IST, "Prove All Things I Hold Fast that which Is Cood." PROPRIETOR 15TH YEAH, h SAN MARCOS, HAYS COUNTY, TEXAS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1888. NUMBER 52. , FREE PRESS. ,OBUM WBXI AMD KKTEDKD AT TUB ODD CLAM MATTES.! ' RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. a afar AA Out W aavaace .i w git month. " , 00 Ibr wouthi. " 60 Th above rates tnoinae tne prepayment f potUa by us. Sample copies sent free. Single oopie 6 oeoU. ADVERTISING RATES. and Transient Advertisement will bohrd One Dollar per square for the irt on. and nnr ueuts per square (or moIi Additional insertion. A square is h paoe of one inoh. Fractional squares -in k. niintd as fall squares. w" - r it.. AdTSrtlsemenu lor taree uiuwui or uivio Will DOOUurjjou """ " jfe of Square. 3 mos 6 mos 1 yr. $4 50 8 00 I $13 00 8 00 l'i 00 20 00 io oo is oo tn oo 15 00 25 00 40 00 35 00 40 00 60 00 40 00 05 O0 100 00 Oa square Two squares Three squares One-fourth column One-half column... One eelum Yearly advertisers allowed the privilege ef quarterly change. Business uaraa, uiw iu m.o, f A. Cards in IJUSiness uireoiory, one year, ai Local and business notices will be charged ten oents per line eaoh insertion. Advertisements for Schools, Churches and Benevolent Societies, Ball rates. Murriaee and Obituary Notices, of over ten lines, charged as advertisements. Calls upon candidates, ineir replies ituu airenlars. and all notices of a personal ebsraoter, (if at all admissible into our col. umni), will be charged as aaveruseweuui. A cross mark upon the paper indicates that the time for which the subscription was psid ha expired. ... All advertisements and subscriptions due in advance. Any of our friends would do us a speoial favor by giving us the names of any per sons within their knowledge who would be likely to subsoribe for the Fbes Pbess, so that we may send specimen copies to such persons. Our terms for announcing candidates are 15 for state and district offices, $5 for oorraty offices, and $3 for precinct and mu nioipal. Terms, cash. GENERAL DIRECTORY. OFFICIAL IMRFX'IOBY. ooxamimK ftm mutkiot: oa. L. W. Moore, of Karatla County. niTo-J5rii distiiot: Bo. W. H. Barge., ol Uuadalup Oo. r.lf.KTATIVIl 81V DIITSIOr: H.. Ooo. T. MoUobea, of Baft Ce. Bo. J. L. KHIiion, of C.ldw.ll Co. DI.r.IOT oocat Itu oiinm, Hen. H. Telchmueil.r. lreiidina;Jndga, LaQrsnge J, H. Betnaay, Attorney, Au.tinCa. TIB OLl OOCBT.r Bin. lit Monday to March and September. Kay cenllH three .. Id B. Kone.Jadfa County Coon. Jai.O. Storey, County Clerh. Tboi. J. Peel. Dletrlol CLrk. 8. B. MoBrlde, County Auurney. J. I. Dvl. Sheriff. r. M. Joauaon, County Tr.a.arer. B. S. r.rtiou, A .or. Otto Orooa, Hnrvayor. T. B. Kourqareao, ComoiUiloner Preolnet Ho. I. J.T.Goforih, " " " 1. W. Th.rn, " " " B. B. Wllhlte. ' " " B.I. Smith, Judlce.f the Peaee Preclnot M. 1. ' B. If. Reaner T. (T.Tli.rn " ' ' " " J. 0, Rowe " T.B. MoKlroy " " " . J. W. Cro " " 6. H. Lelunttreber, Con.tabI pretlacl Bo. 1, H. flolti, ' " S. J. L, Kftn. " " " B. I. B, WalUo, " ' " I. P. Ohar, " " " Tlornoi.ntimCouTT D Paanixor Oooafe Coeaty Court for Criminal. Civil and I'rohate hue. n.M-th Monday. 1a January, tril, July, Oeto b.r. '..Commlatlonera'Oourt Id Monday la February. May, Aogu.t and Mavemb.r. Jualloe Court, Preelnet Mo. 1 Uat Monday I each mouth, at Ban M treoe. Preolnet No.i Jd frlda In eath month Ml.Clty " S sd Wlmlx-rlfy'n "HI. " 4 4ib ftaturd.v Dnpplnu Sprlngi. cirv me. Mayor Baromett Hardy. Oaunell W. D, Wood, 0 W. Donaleon, Old Johnioa, D. A. Glover, Kd. J. L. Green, P.J.C. irallh, Dan Holhelna and Wa. Olneu. Manhal-J.M, Turner. Ilreet CommlMioner -M. T. Chaataln. Ooaaoll meeu lb Aral Wedneaday in eaeh mootn. rablle School Truster, meet Brat Tueaday in eacu nenlb at the Mayor' ofllc. ClIlIIIC'nF.N. MITB0DIST. Preachlnc at h Methodltt Oharck every Sabbath, Me, ft. H. B. Bin. Paator. Souday School at Ba.m. Blnglns at S o'clock p. m. Prayer Meetlb; on Weoneaday. Young Non'a pray er n.ettne; on Monday nlrht. BAPTIST. Preaching at tha Baptl.t Church ry Bundav. Bev. W. O. Beverley, Paetor. Sunday School at :0 a. m. Toungmen' prayer m..tlng night. Ceagregatienal prayer. etlor Wedneaday night. PRRSBTTCB1 AM. Barvtoe lad and 4lh Buudaye eaeh month. pa.tor. Sunday School every Sabbath at : a. m. Prav.r Meal ing every Thureday at ?: p. . All at Invited to attend. CHRIsriAM. Eld.r Paeter. Benday School at a. at. A cardial Invitation . t..d te all. PRiirBr ABT RPIBCOP AL Bev. J Ralhrealh. Paatw. Berrleeathetndand ih Sunday I ch death. Sunday eohoel every Sanday. CATHOUC. aervleea th Sanday in aach milh. Pather ajmlth Paaior. IHAII.B. ARRIVAL AXD DEPABTCBE OF. TO AMD FROM BAN MARCOS POST OFFICE. Walla fro. arrl. at 4S a. a, a ad derCd separately at pHOlVtneT pnvrx, -. 're of charge a d pottage prepaid in . elM at T:l a. a. aad 4 4 p. aa. J all Case. M " Mk'n im" " Ullag ,' at 18 M., alMi l 18 J. P. M. A.a alalia arri.eaad depart dally. laaee. via WIeiberley Arrlvee Mowday. Wed- )4ay mmt Friday, at If. " Teday. Tkaraday A4 Satsrday at A. M. waca . Oeaeral BMIeory trm A. M-, 1. 11 . a.d fraea P. M.toB P. M. aacept daiiag dlatrtaatla lbM aad e Beadaya and holidaya Op -pal -.Ha- , p a Free to Mr S karri brr. vifl give a copy of Keodair vaJoM ; UlU.ork Tlk Hori asJ bis Di-. to very obo)cribT, MwovoSd.who will nMariod ' that be We it To rtkc it win bo . i -aiatueniapcinp;. , ' . "T : n for let -.4 tabeaav.4L It barn tfc W faolita, ' IW b prrau-r. It will Oereor k BO J(Kt kOcrest U girt ai joaar wrien. t DR. N- M. NYE DENTIST, Johnson Building;, oa the Square, Special attention given to Diseases of the Uouth and Facial Neuralgia. mr81y BUSINESS DIRECTORY. BANKERS. GLOVEB NATIONAL BANK OF Marcos, North side Plaza. 8AN TTMR8T NATIONAL BANK of San Mar- fi a ai. a -i - Til jl ours, ouuiuetuj vuruur t ikh. la wr as. Tt MnnmnH. Att'v anil Tjina Annul Office over First Nationul Bank, Sau Marcos. NOTARY PUBLIC. IH. JULIAN, Judge Wood's New Build . ing, Upstairs. DENTISTS. TTK. J. H. COMBS, Judge Wood's New L Building, upstairs. DRUGGISTS. RAYNOLDS Plaza. & DANIEL, North sido DRY GOODS & GROCERIES. PT. TALBOT, Next . National Bank. door to First JOHNSON & JOHNSON, Mitchell Build ing, North side plaza. DAILEY & Plaza. BRO., Southwest Corner G 10CER1ES. R W.LEA VELL, South side Publio Plaza. rpHOMAS TAYLOR East 8ide Plaza. ARDY & CO., North side Plaza FURNITURE. J. W. NANCE, Southeast Corner of Pub. lie Square. WA TCH MAKERS & Jtt WELER8. W. H. BOBBINS, North side Plaza. GROCERIES & HARDWARE. W M. GIESEN, South side plaza. VILLINRT rBS. KICHARDSON, between First lYL National Bank Building and Nance's Furniture Btore. SADDLES AND HARNESS. J." PORTER, East Side the Square. Our Clubbing List for 1889. W am prepared to olub the FUSE PBBS3 to new or renewing aubiorlbera with the following publi cation, at tlie ratei apecllled belowif ordered at the am time with our paper, lo the Brat column we give the regular price of each publication alngly, la the eeeond lb price of the aameand the Faa Put together. giy. With the Free Pre.a. $ 1 86 3 no Auatln Stateamao .1 00 QalTeiton Bewe I 36 M. T. Wnolly World 1 hi i T6 1 Si. Louie Bepubllo 1 00 M.. tadgor 8 00 New OrleanaTimea Democrat.. 1 ft Loulivllle Courier Journal 1 B0 1 75 1 1 fi! i 5 00 6 60 1 Ml 8 60 S 60 Teiae Blftlnga 00 Farm and Kaucn. 1 04 Detroit Free Preae Saturday Kveuing Pout.... Sew York Oberr AtlauU Constitution American AgricuiturUt.. Scientific America Century Magaxiu- St. Mleholaa Harp.r'a Young People.... Youth'e Companion Atlantle Monthly Lippincott'a Magaalne.... Kelso tic Magailu Phrenological Journal.... Peteraon' Magaiin Popular Soieuce Monthly . Good Houiekeeplag . 1 tiO . 1 00 . 8 16 . i a . 1 60 . S 70 . 4 00 . 8 00 . 1 6 . 1 IS . 4 00 . 1 00 , B 00 . 1 0 , 8 00 , B 0 1 6 . 4 O . . 4 0 , 8 00 , 1 o 1 0 .160 8 1 6 60 4 so i 8 on s io f ' s Vt 3 -. m 8 30 4 to J J JJ 6 40 8 7s Barper'eM .itbly-. Weel ekly Baiar Oodey'a Lady'a Book. Wotaan'e M.cniine .. Drnmat'i Monthly Ballou'a Magaain. . dolden Daye Oar Little Onea Homo and Farm a I 60 3 10 4 X, 3 4 8 40 t&TA y other paper or periodical not included in the ahore lit,fur Lhed at proportionate rate, or or- " . A '. . ,. i r 1 t,. u ed by failure nbery , JB4 pty U.rt .It of the maila, ak. It iboolate- . .. ,trrT 1 lj .1.1. be plal , ly - I I rr. regl.r4 Utter ar draB. j Toe aafc arrtvmJ af all paWlealM a-ar"- ii.iu, i rwtl ll w t" rtn Ik- pMwaxi aea lc. ify a- ky'' cir4 ,kat tAa orrar, Ifaay, aaay promptly rected. JZTZZSt,. tb. 'MMttfbNd PATENTS. CiliM . T '- a-4. all paun JLTrmt VavVtl or- oca orncit is erronrs o. r ' ' i PICK. r--. !rac. wa-ae ,m4 aa IAS COt i to ta tiia. rK..a - Hl , m frr. tlawr. Ow p XmUr.ZSr7ZX--b . - tJ. fwt ... "J. A? a . paU W dk oxadi.PaaaM Oftcr, aua, - C Luxuriant Hair Can only be preserved by keeping the) scalp clean, cool, and free from dan druff, and the body in a healthful condition. The groat popularity of Ayer's Hair Vigor Is due to the fact that It cleanses the scalp, promotes the growth of the hair, prevents it from fulling out, and gives it that soft and Silky gloss so essential to perfect beauty. Frederick Hardy, of Itoxbury, Mass., a gentleman fifty years of age, was fast losing his hair, and what remained was growing gray. ' After trying various dressings with no effect, he commenced the use of Ayer's Huir Vigor. "II stopped the fulling out," he writes ; "and, to my great surpriso, converted my white hair (without staining the sculp) to the same shade of brown it had when I was 23 years of age." Ten Years Younger. Mrs. Mary Montgomery, of Boston, writes: "For years, I was compelled to wear a dress cap to conceal a bald spot on the crown of my head ; but now I gladly lay the cap aside, for your Hair Vigor Is bringing out a new growth. I could hardly trust my Bouses when I first found my hair growing ; but there it is, and I am delighted. 1 look ten years younger." A Binillur result attended the uso of Ayer's nair Vigor by Mrs. O. O. Pres. cott, of Charlestown, Mass., Miss Bessie H. Bcdloe, of Burlington, Vt., Mrs. J. J. Burtou, of Bangor, Me., and numerous others. The loss of linir may bo owing to Im purity of the blood or derangement of the stomach and liver, In which case, a of Ayer's Sursiipiiiilla or of Ayer's Pills, in connection with the Vigor, may be necessary to give health and tone to all the functions of the body. At the sumo time, it cannot be too strongly urged that nono of these remedies can 1 much good without a persevering trial and strict attention to cleanly and temperate habits. Ayer's Hair Vigor, Prepared tiy Dr. .T. O. Aycr ft Co., Lowell, Mae. Sold by Druggiatu and l'erf uiacra. CBOUP. SOME RKADTNO THAT WILL PTtOV UTTEB ESTINO TO VODNO JIOTnElta. BOW TO ODASD AGAIX8T TUB DISEASE. Croup Is the terror of young mothers especially during thn early winter Dionlhs, as it is then most prevalent To post them concerning the cause, first symptoms, treatment and how to prevent it, is the object of this article. The origin of croup is a common cold, children that are subject to it tako cold very easily and croup is almost sure to follow. Tbo first symptoms of eroup is hoarseness, it Is a peculiar hoarseness, easily recognized and once heard al ways remembered. Usually a day or two before the attack, the child be comes hoarse and gradually shows symptoms of having taken cold, and this is where the mistake is usually made, the mother thinking her child bos just taken com gives it no especial attention until awakened in the night by the violent coughing of the child, finds it has the croup and remombors it has had a cold or been hoarse for a day or two. Such circumstances often oc our, and in many eap"i the mother has nothing in the honsoTnat will relieve it, and may be several miles from a physi cian or drug store. Yon can well im agine the situation and her distress. The time to act is when the child lirst becomes hoarse or shows symptoms of having taken cold; if Charaborlain's Cough Remedy is freely given from that time on, all tendency to croup will disappear and all danger be avoided. The remedy prevents fully ten thous and cases of croup every year. It is the main relianoo with many mothers thronsrhout the Western States and Territories; they have learned its value and how to nse it, and in those families eroup Is seldom Known Because It is ajwoys prevented. The best treatment forcroup Is Cham- iberlain's Cough Remedy used as di- reeled with each bottle. Careful in- q.uiry falls to reveal a single case wnere it has ever failed although a great many tevere and dangerous cases havo been cored bv it. Csb any mother who but small children afford to be without such t remedy. It costs but fifty cents, can the afford to tako the chances tor so trivial an amount. a - A Good Liniment When you need a good liniment try Chamberlain's Pain LSalm. It cures Sprains, Lame Hock. Rheumatism, Neuralgia. Cuts, Brutu, Burns. Scalds and TnnUiaheV 2U 6CM And dOiiAX bottlea. For Sale by Rnvnold & Daniel. WoMAirs Disease PEuniAIt-TD -HER-5EX. IF-TA KCN-CUrING TH CHAliGE-DF-LlJFE OA MG MXl 47 L WUifLU. B RAD F I E LD RE GULfVTCR Cq tfi ATLANTA.C. For aaie by all lrCs":- Iev. i OLD VEWSPAI'LIIS. for wrap-. Somewhere. Somewhere the wiud is blowing, I thought as I toiled along In tha burning heat of the noontido, Aud the fauoy made me strong. Yet, somewhere the wind i blowing Though bore where I gasp and Bigh Not a breath of air is stirring, Not a cloud in tho burning sky. Soniowhore the thing we long for Exists on earth's wide bound, Somewhere the son is shining When wiuter nips the grouud. Somewhere the flowers are suringing, Somewhere the ooru is brown, And ready uuto tbo harvest To feed the hungry town. Somewhere tho twilight gather And weary men lay by The burdou of the daytime, And wrapped in slumber lie. Somewhere the day is breaking, And gloom aud darkness floo; Ihough storms our bark is tossing, There's somewhere a placid sea. And thus I thought .tis, always. In this mysterious life, There's always gladness somewhore la spite of its pain and strife; ' And somewhere the sin aud sorrow Of earth are known no more, Somewhere our weary spirits Shall find a peaceful shore, Somewherd the thiugs that try us Shall all have passed away, And doubt and fear no longer Impede the porfeot day. Oh, brothor, though the darkness Around thy sonl be cast, The earth is rolling sunward And light shall come at last. Our present system of election laws b the growth of experience, anJ pro gress is steadily being made toward rejrostcrinir the will of the voterr. The most iinporUnt requirements are now the registration of voters, the closing of the p jlla at & o'clock in cities, the secret ballot, and the de struction of ballots after they are counted. Not all those provisions are in force in every state, and the provisions for a secret ballot are lvj where perfect us yet, but all these re quirements are to come, aud should be urged by all good citizens every where. Registration is absolutely necessary to prevent frauds. The closing of the polls ut 4 o'clock iu the afternoon requires the voting to be done in daylight and the counting to be completed eurlier, before returns from remote districts are received, thus lessening tho danger of tamper ing with returns in cities, where fraud is most likely to occur. The reasons for a secret ballot are the protection of the voter from undue influence ; and we are learning that it is necessary to so arrauge the voting places as to make it absolutely impossible for any person to tell how another votes un less he himself makes the statement. The destruction of tho ballots is a late provision in the state of New York, and should be adopted everywhere. At first it would seem that ballots should be preserved to be recounted in case ot dispute, out experience has shown that it is impossible to guard them for any length of time. After the election is over and it is known just how many votes are want ed, if a recounting is ordered it be comes easy for those iu possession of the ballots to fix them to order. There is no reason why a second count should be more accurate than a first The best provision, there fore, is to throw around the first count all possible safeguards, so that it is as likely to be correct as any there after made more likely, because the canvassers do not know the result in other places and tftn destroy the ballots. The report of the Secretary of the j Treasury for the month of November .shows that the public debt was in creased dm in f Hie uioct'j $11,000, .0)0. This W4. owing to the extra J ordinary payment of $21,673 000 in pensions to be distributed in the ' ..... 1 ..A. I,.. (Ta niinL'l(.r , ndir rr jDVVCItl OfcH? V MV .JIK...!-. ; 'December 4. The net surplus cosh j in the Ircaitary on the 30th ult. was ig32.234.715, agaiot-t $74,431,&(;3 fori I November 1. Tu public debt was! redacol daring the tnunlb 11.000,-; 0V the intrrent burring part of which j its now Jl7,OGi2'J2. Tue goi J coin ; ' : i . A . i Jini aviBtiKirewmj auuvuuia tu tivrf,- 3-JJ.133. The ivct.pu Ir tbe mouth i : w-re ?2H.5:0,IGo, uud for tLe five months of th priAitit fiacal year, glC-lSliTCS. The ea'tora roe:pt' ft the month wre 41 5.2SI.503, and' frora itu-rc! rtvesioe. $ 10,3t2,3..l i When rexl rlt sent twfio down Lil L l' grc.aoJ very Everything goes to indicate that the Universal Exposition at Paris next year will be a crroat success. Tho preparations for the affair are on macnifieent scale. The total area of tbo buildings and enclosed ground intended for tho Exposition is 3,000, 000 square feot or about sixteen acres. The buildings are fine structures of glass and iron, lighted by oloctricity and are now fast approaching com pletion. It is expected that tho tota number of exhibitors from all eoun trie? will reach 30,000. Tho space nl lotted to the Uuited States is about 75,000 feet, and it is expectod that the exhibits from this couotry . wil fully equal if not surpass those in 1878. All the European couu tries except Germany, take an interest in tho Exposition and will tuuke displays LITERARY LIGHTS. Henry Labouchcro was recently summoned by tbrco different cabmou for not paying their fares. Miss Amelia Barr has just finished a novel of 300 paces of printed matter aftor six weeks' work. Alexondor Dumas I said to be engaged on a new comody, in which ho will satirize the journalistio worlj. Vernon Leo, the English author, is de cidedly masculine lit appoaranoo and fond of sitting with her logs crossed and smokinjr cl garottes. W. E. H. Locky says that the statement that tho seventh volume of his "Illstory of England" is in the bauds of tbo nruitor is in correct. Pope's beech, the "Beneath tho thado a spreading beech displays," named in many of his youthful poems, bos just boeu discov ered to bo still standing. M. Zola says it is a mistake to regard the French as a dcinocratlo people. No nation Is more wedded to aristocratic idea or fonder of outward marks of distinction. lira. Humphrey Word, writer of "Ilobert Elsiuere," is a ulcco of the lato Mattbow Arnold. She lives with her husband Iu Lon don, and their home is the model of a literary bouaehod. Mr. Ward is on editorial writer for The Loudon Times. Tho eccentricities that have been laid at tho door of Auielie Rives did not display thcmsolves at Newport In the person of lira. Chanter. Ubo was quiet and dignified and Bocmod to tuko but little pleasure iu tbo ful somo flattery showered upon ber by Mrs. Loo Hunter and ber satellites. According to Alpbonse Daudot litorary people, as a rule, havo a horror of music, Lecouto do Lisle and Buuville share in this opinion. The moment a piano opous Don- court frowns and Zola follows suit. Daudot alone anions bis especial entourage loves music madly. Rider Ilaggord indignantly denies that bis Btory, "Jleoson's Will," is largely borrowed from Charles Aubert, the Frencn novelist. Mr. Haggard Is prepared not only to prove that the fanciful resemblance bctweeu tho two books in save for tbo tattooing incident pure fancy, but to show precisely where be got tho idea of the tattooed wiu from. Dr. Oliver Wendell Holme says that he usually replica to tho request for Iris auto graph wheu a card for tho signature nud a stamped envelope aro inclosed. Among tho nxiuedt3 that he did refuse was one addressed to "illss Olive W. Holme" Ho thought tho writer of that know too little about him to have a genuine longing for bis handwriting. John Durroughs is one of those fortunate writers who will not and need not writo unless they fuel incline! Strange to say of a man who devotes hi pea to nature, Air. Bur roughs never writes lu summer. Ho spends all his time out of doors during that season, lay ii iff up material for the winter work, He lives within night of the Catsklll mount ains and has a llttlo (arm of bis own. DAUGHTERS OF EVE. The Empress Eugenie sent her own wed ding dress to Lie worn by tne rnncess uuua Bonaparte, Miss Nellie Bayard, the fifth daughter of the secretary, is to en ber society formally tula season. Patti has not yet found a purchaser for ber castle la Wales. It is cheaper for a man to build a cutlo in Spain. Judge Davenport, of Kansas City, has de cided that women can wear trousers w ben ever and wherever they please in Missouri. Nancy Edgerly, of Wolfboro, N. H., I 105 years old, never bad a physician but oaco la her Life, and then threw the medicino away. Princes Clementine I endeavoring to ar range a marriage between ber son, Princo Ferdinand of Uulgaria, and tbo rrlucecs Marie Louise of Parma, The three (tnpson of the nw Duchess of Aosta gave her a bridal pretentof a diamond nockluco valued at (00,000. Tho duke bad (1OJ.0O0 wortit of Jewel set for hi bride. Mrs. Crovcr Cleveland I collecting money to flnk.b tho American church la Berlin. One IUaj in Kansas City, a M. Eiuipum, ooo of tho original John Brown men, has given tfiO) t it the purpose. It U sold that Dr. Margaret Crumptou, who baa been elected a delt-cto Iroiu Fittaburg to tLo Pennsylvania Medical o cXr, tho fint woman in tb United State to recHvo each a cutntnlasioo. Fen i mora Coper only daughter atill live at tha txsTeUsl'a bote at Cooperstoim, ou Lrlai-go lako. It. Y. Tho old boumteaul ba ba a tn down, but tb old material wa a-t-l io building tb ntw bousa Tbo raarica of rtiMda, though nearly 40 yetrauf ae, a atiU young la ijarnoe and spiiit. Sha or daortnj mad it a hearty InuTU-r . C.uu ria cnaJa diaraal fmtr crea U ber lifa, b-r vivacity I rsmarkaba. Mr. Ahnm4 LUrtlrtt, tha AAxrtraa BKXber of Lady Bard t Cuu buaband, i doamted a a nri;htiy oU lady of 6J. bo haMtaally ar wfJor" wa-l and ha I tMtjaJly Anmraa . Sb lire as aad Wr bouaiboU iactad a aa Aomi bnrrw, M bMio-jre, anai, -tb a.ka4 tomJir,' Vtra A, U., Jr., aad tUir arrra ctutirta. CUROU3 THINSS OF LIFE. A et-watrie Tialan-Vy, rrA.'y daad, wiJei aU Lji rnanj la Ui 4rrtJ. AVurt tl aiwaraa gag taaA eoadj ba V m-i art acj aa Oi ai kiararnaa a CJ,a.Tit. MAKING A WILL GOOD ADVICE TO PEOPLE WHO HAVE EARTHLY RICHES. While Tou Ar Tot Allvo Do term! no to Woom Tour Cttoloest ruaaeaslon Shall Fall A Cao tn Point. U ting- One' Fvraonai Itelongtaga. Everv ono cannot Indulge In the sensa tion of making a will which disposes of millions, liui every one can attain a degree of satisfaction to ono's self by makluir a dlapositlou or ono a possessions. We accept it as a matter of course that tho rich man aud the rich woman shall bequeath his or her outato to contain heirs suirirestod by nature or choice, but tho ordinary, everyday people lu the world live along without much thought of time when somebody oIbo shall possosn tholr all. be it much or llttlo. Indeed tho very suggestion of making a will la regarded by very many sensible men as a borbiiiKur of evu, a certain preparation for a dreaded timo which Is sure to bring it nearer. Especially Is this true of self made meu of a certain ago, who have a like dread of inoviug luto a now, flue house which thov have built lato in life aud which thoy loavo untouanted for as long a time as poaalblo from a suporeti tious dread. listino one's nni.ONOINns. Yet the idea of making ouo's will, If souarolv faced. Is ratlior a pleasant one AU of us. especially all women, have cor tain possesHious which aro valued for ono reason or another, porhaps from associa tion or faucy, porhaps for lovo of a givor or real intrinsic worm, ana eacn is proo ably awaro that some other body has an admiration for and would tako good care of that particular thlnir, wlille -the per sons to whom the disposal of It would naturally fall might sot no value on it whatever. A case pruuet'.ts itself to view lust now of a little home made pluslicov ered stand, not very well finished, not much of an ornamental addition to any room, yot of Inestimable value to a widow because it chanced to bo tho lust bit of work from tho dear hands which had beeu her support through a long and happy married llfo. It chanced that dur In? the manufacture of this artlclo young friend was paying a visit to these Dconlo and enjoyed with them tho inter est In, and diversion of, watching tbo tablo crow under the tmkerers hands, and one day made tho re mark, thoughtlessly and carelessly, "You must will this to me." Shortly after tho sudden death of this cenUo man tho wife Informed the friond that she hod straightway gono and put this bequest In her will. Do you think there In no mm fort nnrhnna only very ocra- slonid, but still a comfort. In thinking that It will buconio tho possession of ono who, too, watched wltn Interest every Inch of pltmh glued on, every nail driven In. and will valuo It in quite another way tliun any otiier person? Nor is this at all an exceptional case. With almost every possession is somo other person associated, and very likely UUMU VVUVi, no, li'l , ,d ,ai,w muv ii.w. child who always bogged to be allowed to hold for a minute to her tiny breast the small bust of flora, wbicn ornamented bracket In "auntto's" room, or a favorito 'ounir cousin who always smoothed with endcr touch tho rich folds of your boat velvet crown, or tho friend who stuuTou with vou that history of sculpture in your middle llfo and brought bacii an unex pected cllmnso of youth and school (rirl friendships to you both, or tho boy who Helped you plant in yon Dig jar ana caro for season aftor seoHon that growing pnJmt Who will have the samo thoughts . . . T . ... , and such gratification lu tho ownership of tbeso tilings as tlioyT to wnom cau you give a stronger proof of tho lossons ot kindly remembrance ana rncnasnipr NOT AT ALL UNPLEASANT. Ta there no 1ov in makliiff those llttlo plans to please others, so that when tno veil of darkness shuts you from their sicht. your coins: may not be all an un broken pain that no tender thoughts of bow you had planned to remain in their thoughts should follow you on tho un known voyage to tho mysterious beyond? While this, perluips, is tlie strongest ar gument for persons who possess only trwing things to mako a will, tlicro is an other, too, which has a pleasant sido. Few of us have tho sllc-htest Idea of what wo have; things acci'.uiulnto so fast. In a good bized family of comfortable moons thero aro enough tilings of valuo given at ono Cnnstmaa season to warrant tne making of a will. Tho listing of what ono does possess Is a pleasant occupation, full of surprises, and would nil many t'.'cary hours for elderly people1, whoso tvoniug eyesight and general feebleness debars thorn from active Interests and employments and leaves their lives but a quint season of waiting. Did you ever lose a friend and feel ao lrreelstlblo longing for something that was hers? It might bo that she had pre sented you with many thlnir, but none could trlvo you the satin fart Ion that would ensuo if yon hod any old book or llttlo picture sho had loved and prized. W ben one goes away from home it is usual to see that all which is left bcliind is properly cared for. Why, then, not fol low the samo natural Instinct when leav ing them behind forever? To those who had jewels and locos, plate and costly china, it seems aa absolutely a wrong not to arranjro for their disposal, lust a Is dono In tho case of monoy and otb'T fa tats. Heirs r.ra mervly human, often very human. poaMwnIng tho fault and fnjltle of their rare aa well as tbo vir tues, and bo or sbe who cao adjust bis affair lu such order and with auch aimple dirvctneh that there are no wrausliiiga over ttwtm U not only a wis man bat a publio benefactor. For Dot Ling can civ to tho world a lower opinion of mankind than the published accounts of the greed and dinrmtes over aa estate. "S. 8. E. M." In Chicago UeralX Mamie I can't imagine wby Clara's room always smells so of arnica. Lis Why, don't too knowf Sbe i en traced to the captaio of the fool- ball Lam, D arnica always reminds . . , - n i oer oi Liiiu. i uea. lien who make a goo-1 canvaM onght to go into the text bisineaa. Rjcbetr Tot Expreaa. Sfkicgof pronss they ar to chrytanlhemum abow at Lwroce. Kariaas Qiy Star. A tad of two ci ti The New York ALd Urxk'jsj Crid rock. WHAT THEV WEAR. Quite an effort is making to bring tn vetvcS flower among winter trimming. When bonnet strings aro worn velvet rib boa I often usod for them, but for trimming, bias loops of pieos velvet give a much bettor fleet, Voloan red, a tint so brilliant as to be blinding, and eolous, th complimentary of eadot blue, will be long favoritios for winter ribbons. Open work embroidery, the designs ouU lined with cord, is the fancy of one noted Parisian milliner, and by bun set into, not on, tho brim of dlroctolro bats. lUbbous of cashmere daiuaitce Inwoven with threads ot gold. and silver ar the highest high novelty, but not bo much chooen as plain armuro and' peau de sol Uxturaa woven lu several stripe of a color. The itampod opon work to which pinking has grown Is noeud styliih and sinfully ugly. It come lu bauds to be applied to the edges of drnporlos and "dch," and Is faatened on with tho eat (titcb of our grandmothers. The last sweet thing In Jackets Is the Nea politan, of scorlot cloth, oloas fitted at book and with fronts sloped sharply from the throat, clasp to display a ihirt of scarlet silk in crossed folds tout simulate a kerchief. Tho rumor of longer walking klrt Is hap. plly unfounded, as new Paris gowns, ail of them, clear tho ground all around, and somo vsu como but to the shoo tie, which is very much to tho good of cleanliness and comfort, Tho girl who dare now wears about ber white neck alternate atrouda of pearl and coral beads, while aha who begins to show silver lu her locks matches it with row upon row of dark silver beads high about tho neck. ., A big directoire but and round Russian toquo aurnamed the "Bkobulelf," both of block velvet and garnished with plumes, ore tho uovultles by which Madamo Josse, of. Paris, expects to win tho regard of ber grate ful country. Tho summer flower fade and th summer flowered gowu with them. Autumn stuffs' aro plain, or at most show stripes and checks, aud are made up la straightly severe fashion lu strong contrast to the riotous draperies ol the season just passed. Here Is the list of new colors for day gowns, nud somo of them would moke the Venus do Medici boartbreakingly bldeoust Wlutorin purple, punch flame, peony, deer skin, Cordova leather, clover blossom and Mepbisto rod, ond iu grays, powder, thunder eloud, toa gull, dove, dovo's breast, mouse and peui'L , Rich, heavy stuffs, as plush, velvet and big flowered Lrocadus, will bo lorguly combined with light ones, as crapo lisso, silk mull, China crapo, iu the evening gowns of this winter, which will bo very often in princess shnpo, with fronts of tbo heavy stuff mcotina only at tho waist over tahllor and galrap of tho light o::a Bcotch pluld in all tho loading tartans ore chosen for somo early autumn gowns, and, aro undo Into long sweeping draperies over silk ckirtrt of tholr dominant hue. Three pi nked ruffles throe Inches wide and set over each other not ono above tbo other finish tha skirts at tho bottom, but are only seen la event of tho drapery's dUploooment. New York Commercial Advertssor. ' STAGE TALK. Frans Rommel, tho pianist, Is coming back to America next year. Dorothy Dono. a domure and pretty Eng lish actress, wants to play in America. Blondin is at homo In France again. He was not so much of a curiosity this time as bo wo on bt flrrt trip. Charles Byrno and Arthur Wallack have modo still another version ot "Uncle Tom's Cabin," which they will produce lu Philadel phia, Oliver Doud Byron owns nine cottage at Long Brauob and I wealthy. Ho will soon appear iu a now play called "Tha Upper Hand." Henry E. Dixey and nenry A. Abbey say that they havo secured two of th most won derful attraction "on the otbor lido" that ever came to this country. Time will show. Robert Mantoll give Othello a new mako up this season. Instead of presenting him a a nocro bo enacts blm a an Arab with long. straight hair, and carrying a straight sword instead of a curved scimctar. Benjamin Oodard, th French composer, is said to be almost consumed with vanity. lie ha been toU that be look liko Beethoven and ba bait of himself and tbo Gorman master in every room iu hi house to diaclovo the retcniblonc more completely. ftELICIOUS GLEANINGS. Tb Rov. James Cleary, of Wlicoitsln, has delivered 174 lecture and admlnUtarcd the pled go to 1U),0U) persons during tbo loat year. Iu 1S70 the number of communicants In the Lutherau church iu th Uuited Utales were lea than 4OJ,00a' Now there are over LO0O,0O0L In South Africa there are Z-J Presbyterian congregations, numbering 54,330 conimunt caut and controlling flv college one each at Cap Town, Wellington. Burgberadorf, la Cape Colony, aad two at Bkimfontein, ta tho Orauge Frco State. According to tbo statistical report for I860 of tho Evangelical aavjclation, fust pab lUbcd, that body of Oannoo Mutbodiat has !4l,f3 member, 1,150 itinerant praacbr. and t.Wltt churches. Indicating a gala of 4,154 member, S3 iirvacber, and bJ churches. It I proposed to bold a world Sunday cboul convention Id London urxt Juna. If tins cooveotioa I held it will h made up ut defecate front all part of the world, aad a hip will ba charter which will tak 803 uegato to London from tbi country aJouo. THEIR LUCKY OAY3. Napukaoa laid special itrca oo tb SOU of March. Tb Anglo Saxon ermed three day la the year a especially aaageroa the hut Monday la April, tb flrat Holiday la Aagatt mod ILa Uat llooday but oa la Daneaubav. Tb 31 of Septeralxr ra OotowwlT for UtnaUa day. It ara th day of Daabar. tbe day of tVoroeater, and, k.ppMof all fur bis waarybeut aad brain, ta day of mm uVaUv, AecerdiDC Brave tome. Caarlaa) V was partial to bt. XatthW day (Feb. S4) I on t Jay b wa alar til etaparur. day ciuaawJ. aad oa tbat day aUng FVarcai 1 wa takes pnaooar at tb bauiaca Pa via. Fur rranri I tb la, day ot Jmrnmrnrf re a anarfcad anniiuayy. It na m btrtaAay, the day ol which be tawan Aing. Uw Baar rta Vf af mm dacgW aad ta Uy of Cbarla Y actry Into Paria Pnp Blxto V wa bora WadaJay. tb Utb of baomber, 1UL aaayl hi praf atoa vtla th OvxieiMra oa a rradaawlav. "Tl YtT': BTada day a ana mi UatjogaJ Loca.