OCR Interpretation

San Marcos free press. [volume] (San Marcos, Tex.) 1877-1892, January 10, 1889, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86088181/1889-01-10/ed-1/seq-1/

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Prove All Things I Hold Fast that which Is Cood."
vast, ia advance $2 00
Six months, '
Thras months,
Tb6 above rates Inolude the prepayment
of DOStaee by US. Dumpio wpm aout iruo,
Bingle oopios 6 oents.
Lecal and Transient Advertisomonts will
he chargea una uwi yo v""
first Insertion, and Fifty Cents por square
for eaoh additionalinsortion. A square is
tha soaoe of one inch. Fractional squares
will be oounted as full squares.
Advertisements for three months or more
will be charged at tne louowmg nm .
No. of Square. 3mos
6 IQ08
One square
Two squares
Three squares
One-fourth column
One-half column...
One celntn
$4 GO
8 00
10 00
15 00
85 00
40 00
(C;S 00
12 00
15 00
25 00
40 00
G5 00
$12 00
20 00
23 00
40 00
60 00
100 00
Yearly advertisers allowed the privilege
of quarterly ciiange.
Business Cards, one inch or loss, one year,
f 8. Cards in Business Directory, one year,
Local and business notioes will be charged
ten cents per line eaoh insertion.
Advertisements for Schools, Churches and
Benevolent Societies, half rates.
Marriage and Obituary Notices, of over ten
lines, charged as averweuicui.
Calls upon candidates, their replies and
their ciroulars, and all notices of a personal
charaoter, (if at all admissible into our col
umns), will be charged as advertisements.
A cross mark upon the paper indicates
that the time for which the subscription was
paid has expired.
All advertisements and subscriptions due
in advanoe.
Any of our friends would do us a speoial
favor by Riving us ine names 01 any per
sons within their knowledge who would be
likely to subscribe for the Free Pkesr, so
that we may send speoimen copies to such
Our terms for announcing candidates are
$15 for state and district offices, $'." for
county offices, and $3 for precinct and mu
nicipal. Terms, cash.
aomisasstuii 8tb diktkict:
Bon. L. W. Moore, of Fayette Ooonty.
Bos. IV. H. Barges, of floadalnpa Co.
Hon. Geo. T. UcSohRO, of Hays Co.
' Bob. J. li. Ellison, of Caldwall Co.
Bo. H. Telobmaeller, Presiding Judge, LaGraugc
J. M. Bethany, Attorney, Austin co.
tikis or noLtiixn oonnT.
Bira. lt Uandave In March and September
continue three weeks.
coonTI orriocBs.
Ed. R. Kons. Judge Uonnly Goort,
Jai.8. Storey, County Clark.
Ttaoi. i. Peel, Pistriol Clerk.
B. B. McBr de, County Attorney.
J. 8. David, Sheriff.
P. H. Johnson, Oeanty Treasurer.
H. 8. Fortson, Aaaaaaor.
Otto QrooH, Sarvoyor.
T. K. Poorqnresn, Commissioner Preetnct No. 1.
J. T. fiofortb, " " " .
I. W. Taorn, " " " 8.
B. B. Wllhite, " " "
fi. J. Smith, Jnstlee of the Peaoe Preclnot Ho. 1.
B. W. Oeoner " " " "
T. fT.Thora " " ' 8
J. 0, Howe " " " "
T, X. McKlroy " " 6.
J. W. Crow " " " 6.
B.Lelnoeweber, Constable precinct Bo. 1,
H. flolti, " " ' .
J, L, BgBr. " " ' 8.
B. B, Walllnr, " 4.
T. r. Obar, " " 6.
Tmita or soLaine Oouxtt ahd Pbboinot Cookts
Coonty Court for Criminal, Civil and ProbatKuna
oisith Monday in Jannary, April, July, Octo
ber. Commlnlonere'Oonrt Jd Mondays In Febroary,
Bay, Aotost and rTevember.-
Justloe Cmrt, Preolnot Bo. 1 Last Monday In
each month, at Ban Marcos.
Praoioot No.l 3d Friday In eacb month Mt.Clty.
" 8-Sd Wlmberley'a Mill.
" ' 4 tb tatardar Dripping Sprlnga.
oitt orrtoaas.
Biyor Ham met t Hardy.
Coonoll w. D. Wood, 0 W. Donalaon, Gld
Johnion, D, A. Glover, Kd. 1. L. Green, P. J.O.
Smith, Dan Bofhelna and Wm, Oleaen,
Ksrshal-J.il, Turner.
Street Commissioner -M. T. Chastaln .
Oeonoll meets tbe Brat Wedneaday In eaoh month.
rnoiie Sobool Trnatees meet first Tuesday in eaco
nenth at tbe Major's offloa.
B8TB0DIST. Preaching at the Methodist
Onareh oTery Sabbath, Bev. W. H. B. BImi., Paator.
Bonday Boboolat a.m. Singing at So'clixk p. m.
Prayer Meeting on Weonesday. Young Meo'a pray
er meeting on Monday nlrbt.
BAPTIST. -Preaob log at tbe Baptist Church
ory Bandar. Rev. W. D. Beverler, Pastor,
Bnaday Bcboal at 8:80 a. m. Tonng men'a prayer
Beetlag Tuesday night. Congregational prayer
meettag Wednesday night.
PRRSBTTIB1AB. BetTloes Jod and 4th Sundays
aeh month. paator. Bnnday
eaeol every Babhatb at :S a.m. Prater Meet
ing OTary Taaraaay at V.iO p, aa. All are InTitrd
to atlead.
OamsnAB.-BideT Psator.
day kkool at a. SB. A eerdlal InvlUtlo ei
teaded to all.
PKOTBSr ABT RPI800P AL. Bev. J. Oalbrealb,
Pastor. BarTleeathe ladaaditb Sondaya to each
meets. Baaday aebeol avery Sunday.
CATROLIO, aorrleea 4th Bandar In each month.
Bar. Father Smith Paaler.
Ft All, Hi
alia troa AasMn arrive at 8:48 a. a
, and 8.M
. eleaa at : a. an. aod a Jo p. an.
Mails froa Sea A a loot arrive at 841 a
ill a. an.: alee at I SAm.m. ae 4 eo . a
Nails from Lack hart arrive at 1044 .m,i claaeat
a. at.
Laltae;, arrlTae at 11 I., elaaea at 11:88. T. M.
alalia arrive eat stepart elally.
laaoe. ia WtairlT arrives Monte. We4
' a4 Frldaj. at f s. a. OeparU Taoedaf,
Tkrs4af aa4 Star4av at 8 A. H.
smn a arms.
For $2.60
ft fnMrn Fftteily Wk1y,
taa Barea. Tetaa.
fse u.t fm of wv-iinrt Irr-
SJeaeral Baiivar a a w 1.11 r ii.lltn 'T
P. H. eieepl Inriag dlatribn.lo. .7... .n.MI..
-" aaa n Inlm ! t.iiin. One v...: .
re .-r.b.ti . . ".B:rb7c;..f
ro4 ana- . ; rd tfcat Ue errev. If any, aaay b.
n. am. c m iv - 1
I " U'TT a4 Ireifwi seT. ' a
' I' ' . aa krttan- taaa e ---"
aui smkacr.Mwaa M u rtll
Glorer Bulldinrj:, on the Square
Special attention given to Diseases
of the
Mouth and Facial Nouralgia,
Marcos, North side Pluza.
oos, Southeast Corner Plaza.
B. McBRIDE, Att'y and Land Agent.
Office over First National Bank, San
IH. JULIAN, Judge Wood's New Build
. ing, Upstairs.
-pvli. J. H. COMBS, Judge Wood's Now
L Building, upstairs.
North side
National Bank.
door to First
JOHNSON fc JOENSON, Mitchell Build,
ing, North side plaza.
BRO., Southwest Corner
W.LEAVELL, South side Public Plaza
HO MAS TAYLOR East Side Piaza.
-rqpARDY & CO.
North side Plaza
T W. NANCE, Southeast Corner of Pub-
O lio Square.
ROBBINS, North side Plaza.
ing, Austin street.
M. GIESEN, South side plaza.
MRS, RICHARDSON, between First
National Bank Building and Nance's
Furniture Store.
R. PORTER, East Side the Square.
Our Clubbirifr List for 1889.
We are prepared to club the FHEB PltKUS to new
or renewing ubscribsra with tbo following pobll
oationa at the rates specified below, If ordered at tbe
fame time with our paper. In the first column we
give the regular price of eaoh publication singly
in tbe seoond the price of the same and the ran
Paass together.
With the
Free Press,
$ 8 76
3 00
2 76
4 SO
8 00
3 OO
Austin Statesman tl 00
alveston News j 20
N. Y. Weekly World 1 00
St. Louie ltepublio 1 00
K.Y. Ledger 8 00
New Orleans Times Democrat.. I SO
Louisville Courier Journal 1 B0
Cincinnati Kiiqul'er 1 15
a 90
standard. N.Y. (Benrv 0e reel . 3 60
3 90
Texas Sifting
Farm and Kanch
Detroit Free Tress
Ssturday Evening Post
Hew York Observer
Atlanta Constitution.
American Agriculturist
Scientitte American
Century llagallne-.
St. Nicholas ....
Harprr'a Tonng People
Tooth's Companion
Atlantio Monthly
Llpplncott'e Hagaalne
Kcleotle Magaiine
Phrenological Journal
Peteraon'a Ifagaslne
Popular Science Monthly
Ooop Housekeeping....
Harper's Monthly
" Weekly
H Oman's Magmlne .
Demoreat's Monthly
Sallou'a Magaaln
nsldrn Daa
Onr Little Ones
lIomrleD Farm
4 00
. 1 00
. 1 00
,. 1 eo
. a is
. 1 is
. 1 60
. 8 00
. 4 V0
. 8 00
. 1 50
. 1 IS
. 4 00
. 1 00
. 6 00
. 1 60
. 1 00
. 6 00
1 64
. 4 00
. 4 00
. 4 00
. I 00
. 1 00
, 1 00
8 00
1 M
s 6i
8 60
3 KO
5 60
4 20
8 00
3 10
4 SO
6 60
4 M
3 25
8 26
6 30
3 35
8 IS
8 26
8 60
4 V
8 to
8 SO
8 '.
5 40
8 76
2 TO
8 60
3 20
4 33
3 40
1 40
t&Any other paper or periodical
. end'tv,t included in tne aoore um,jur-
I - ' - . t A J".
ni.hed at projmtionftte rale, or or
drrrd tenaratdu at pMblUhcr prict.
free of charge and postage prepaid in
all fyf.
The aaany leasee cause by fallarea. robbery a
and petty tbefleeat of tbe snails, anak. it atalat-
aceeoary f crnviu--'.'i- j w
notify ne by paial j
kMhr fat la
praapiiy ear-
."fre"? rp-!-,lT "he
H.a.UteeeeT'ert'yeredire. which lvie auel
! Mukn ka been aia-d. I
1 I
,Tsaac h. Julian,
i-.Tat.acriT-aa V a.aiv
j ." rT art s:isi'-
qLD yEWSP.vrERS. for wrap-j
Hon. G. Edwards Lester,
Lato TJ. S. Consul to Italy,
author of "The Glory and
Shame of England," "America's
Advancement," etc., eto., etc,
writes aa follows:
"New York, August 1, 1R80. )
- . 12-2 E. 27th st. j
Db, J. C. Atbr Sc Co., Lowell, Mass.,
Gentlemen: A seuso of gratitude
and the desire to render a service to tho
public impel me to wake the following
My colleen career, at New ITaven, was
interrupted by a severe cold which so
enfeebled me that, for ten years, I had a
hard struggle for life. Hemorrhage
from the bronchial passages was the
result of almost every fresh exposure.
For years I was under treatment of the
ablest practitioners without avail. At
last I learned of
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
which I used ( moderately and In small
doses) at the first recurrence of a cold
or any chest ditliculty, and from which
I Invariably found relief. This was
over 26 years ago. With all sorts of
exposure, in all Boris of climates, I have
never, to this day, had any cold nor
any affection of the throat or lungs
which did not yield to Avuu's C'HBiuir
Pectoral within 24 hours.
Of course I have never allowed my
self to be without this remedy In all my
voyages and travels. Under my own
observation, it has given relief to vast
numbers of persons; while in acute cases
of pulmonary inflammation, such as
croup and diphthoria in children, life
has been preserved through its effects.
I recommend its use in light but fre
quent doses. Properly administered, in
accordance with your directions, it is
A Priceless Blessing
In any house. I speak earnestly because
I feel earnestly. I have known many
cases of apparently confirmed bronchitis
and cough, with loss of voice, particu
larly among clergymen and other public
sneakers, perfectly cured by this medi
cine. Faithfullv yours,
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
Prepared by I)r. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, M aea.
Sold by all Druggist and Dealers In Medicine.
It la with especial pleasure that we
call the attention of our customers to
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. After
fifteen years of constant use it has be
come very popular. It has gradualy
worked its way into publio favor by its
remarkable cures of throat and lung
diseases and by people who have been
cured by its recommending it to their
friends and neighbors. No one suffer
ing from a throat or lung trouble can
use it without benefit. It will cure a
sevcro cold In less time than bv anv
other treatment. It is one of the low
Drenaratlons that rnav bo irivon to
children without danger p.s ituoes not
contain a single injurious substance. It
has undoubtedly saved the lives of
scores of children by curing thorn of
croup and has never yet failed to cure
even the most severe and dangerous
cases of that disease. We anuend a
few testimonials from people who have
used it.
Chamberlain's Coush Remedy is the
boat ia the market.
. W. h. Gleaver, M. D.
Nodaway, Mo.
I had a severe cold for over two
months and thought I would try Cham
berlain's Lough Kemeay. 1 commenced
taking it last Friday night, and to day,
Wednesday. I am cured of my cold. I
pan truly say it has no equal.
vt. xi. juncaid, l ost Master,
Baden, Kan.
ITftvlricr had the occasion to use
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy it gives
me pleasure to state that 1 found It to
be one of the best medicines for 8
cough I ever used. In fact I was cured
of a cough that bafllod all other cough
medicines but Chamberlain's.
N. R. Burnett,
Atalissa, Iowa.
Chamborlain's Cough Remedy ia "the;
boss" and sells on its merits. The large
sale on it here was produced by one
f arnilv derivine treat benefit from the
I use of it and recommending it to their
, neighbors during our selgo oi whoop
ing cough.
C. V. Baxter, druggist,
UeWitt, lowtv
My little girl was almost dead with
croup, when I procured a bottle of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. A
change for the better was noted
after taking a dose, and before a bottle
was used a complete cure was affected.
I sincerely believe that the remedy
tared mj cuid s mo.
Couth Haven, Kan.
For Salo by RaynoUs & Danit L
D. A.
Clover National Bank
of na n a n or,
Ccpilnl Taid Cp $.0,0'jO.
Authorized Capital, $150,000.
A General Banking Traaet4. e
aaau Merchant. Flnaa a4 Indt iaals altclt4
w. D. wmr. w. a. rrtrr-nrv i.
$. T. rrcHDii, 010. T. rrr-.tBf r
D A.OtVOTES. W. VOHklf!-
ED. I. L. GREEK, . W.
Tic ra.tT.
v Trtrwl I C
L. A. . y , - -
L ZmC"
l:,ti-ArJrwJCao:?.!. - - 233.UJJ.
r,.T.eJ ri.e' sm:e.
CV urn .'
,larM.i H' a. . ..!'
l nni.'i " Iniri, r.-'". -
';' rl-i ;
J W Wa
Ilaavart H av.
J . fi Vv-aaa-.
t . ..-
Tho Legend of SIcopy Hollow
Vlien he entered tho Itcmsc, U10 con
quost of his heart was complete, It was
0110 of thoso spacious farm houses, with
hliih riil trod, but lowly slonlncr roofs.
built In the stvlo handed down from tho
first Dutch settlors. Tho low projocting
eaves forming a piazza along tho front,
capable! of being closed up In bud weather.
Under this were hung flails, harness,
various utensils of huabiuidry, and nets
for fishing in tho neighboring river.
Benches wcro built along tho sides for
summer use; and a great spinning wheel
at one end, and a churn ut tho other,
showed the various uses to which tliis
important porch might bo devoted.
From this piazza tho wonderful lchabod
entered tho hall, which formod the center
of tho mansion, and the pluco of usual
residence. Ilero rows of resplendent
pewter, ranged on a long dresser, dazzled
his eyes. In one comer stood a hiiRO bag
of wool, ready to bo epuuj in another, a
quantity of hnsoy wolsey, just from the
loom; ears of Indian corn, and strings of
dried apples and peaches, hung in pnv
festoons along tho walls, mingled with
tho gaud of red peppers; and u door loft
ajar, gavo him a peep into the best par
lor, where tho claw footed chairs und
dark mahogany tables shono like mir
rors; andirons, with their accompanying
shovel and tongs, glistened from their
covert of asparagus tops; mock orangos
and conch sheila decorated tho mantel
piece; strings of various colored birds'
eggs were suspended above it; a great
ostrich egg vaa hung from the center of
tho room, and a corner cupboard, know
ingly left open, dinpUivcd immense
treasures of old silver and well mended
Trom tho moment Ichabod laid hia
eyes upon these regions of delight the
peaco of Ids mind was at an ond, and Ids
only study was how to gain tho affec
tions of tho peerless daughter of Van
TusselL In this enterprise, howover, he
had more real difficulties than generally
fell to tho lot of a knight errant of yore,
who seldom had anything but giants, en
chanters, fiery dragons and such liko
easily conquered adversaries, to contend
with; and had to make Ida way merely
through gates of iron and brass, and
walls of adamant to tho castle keen.
whoro the lady of his heart was confined;
ail of wnicn 110 ao-hiovcu as easily as a
man would carvo his way to the center
or a unrtutmas pio, ana uien tho lady
trave hirn her hand as a matter of course.
Ichabod, on tho contrary, had to win his
way to tho heart of a country coquette
beset witn a laoynntn or wnims ana ca
prices, which were -fojover present
ing new dimoulties nlu. impediments,
and ho had to encounter a host ot
fearful adversaries of-.'rdftrflesh and
blood, the numerous rustic admirers.
who beset every portal to her heart;
kecDinsr a watchful and autrrv evo unon
each other, but ready to fly out in tho
common cause ngaintit any now competi
tor. Among these tho most formidable was
a burly, roaring, roystering blado of tho
name of Abraham, or, according to tho
Dutch abbreviation, Brom Van Brunt,
the hero of the country round, which
rung with liis feat3 of strength, and har
dihood. Ho was broad shouldered and
doublo jointed, with short curly black
hair, and a bluff but not unpleasant
oountenanco, having a mingled air of
fun and arrogance. From his Herculean
framo and great powers of limb, he had
received the nicknatuo of Brom Bones,
by which he was universally known. lie
was famed for great knowledge and
skill in horsemanship, being as dexter
ous on horseback as a Tartar. IIo was
foremost at all races and cock fights,
nod with the ascendancy which bodily
strength always acquires in rustic life,
was tho umpire in all disputes, setting
his hat on one sido and giving his deci
sions with an air and tone that admitted
of no gainsay or appeal. IIo was always
ready for either a lipht or u frolic; had
moro miscliief than ill will in hia com
position; and with all his overbearing
roughnoes there was a otrong dash of
waggiiih good humor nt bottom. lis had
threo or four boon companions of his
own Rtamp. who regarded him as their
model, and at tho head of whom he
scoured tho country, attending every
scene or feud or merriment, ior miies
round. In cold weather ho was dis
tinguished by a fur cap, surmounted
with a Haunting fox's tail; and when the
folks at a country gathering descried this
well tnown crest ai a aitoance, wiikk
intr uhoiit anions a squad of hard riders.
they always bUxkI by for a squall. Kome
tinies his crew would lo heard daiiiug
along past tho farm houses at nudnight,
with whoop and halloo, liko a troop of
Don Cossacks, and tho old datnes, start
led out of their sleop, would IMon for a
moment till the hui-ry scurry had clat
tered by, and then exclaim: "Ay, tlif-re
goes Brom Bones and his gnngr l lie
neighbors looked upon nun wun a inix
luro of awe, admiration and good will;
and when anv madcap prank or rustic
hrau-1 fircurrud in tho vicinity, always
shook their heads, and warranted Brom
UorK-8 was Ht the lxdtiin or it.
This mntirHjlfl hero liad for eoino tune
singled out the blooming Katrina for the
object or his uncoum gaiiantrit s,
and though Ms amorous Ur
iniT9 were eomrtliitxt liko the gentle
caresses and endearments of b?ar, yet
it was wluVprrii that elio did not alto-evlhc-r
di-oourngu his hpes. CV-rtairi it
is. liis advance wtro fcignals for rival
ran'h'kites to retire, who felt no inclin-ti-in
to cniha a Uon in his amours; inso
much, that vl-n IiU horse was ai n tied
to Van Tali Ialirig. on rsuiway
niirht. a sure rin tltat his master was
: ' , . 1 ... i. ; ..
rrHirting. r, as it b termed, parking ,
1 1 .M ' '
wiU.in. oil other suitors ka by ia
kr. aad earned Ua, we um ouer ,
run was i'tte. rl,su .....
t?i frTTcl''able rival with
hIkbu Crarie 11 to cnotetiil.
, I ormil rinr aU tl.lr c a rVmUt man
than h wouJ I liave f:.rdi.k from tl
crwn petition, aa. J ir t. Jin woull
hav d.'-inirr-L II had. ljrri, a
ha pry tulituro of f.'.kaijuty and r-rrriK-e
Is l.ia natjr'-; wuinf ana
xi, 1 fj.irit bk a r-j : le jwk yidUr.?.
Iit UUi-h: thoarb le U-rit, l t.-T
; J. l ti.O"Jh ht ixrsrtd lT5,!l
tb fclii-but f rr-hBti.-". yrt the ciorr. a.t H
. r-i'ik: a- ha mrt, aiid if-n!-d
la fel a I i,h u f-fir.
To Jtve Uin t!ae 1- 1 1 o;t.7v r-2rl
tiarivfcl (uJi IJtr U-S.TI mi.--rf; i-t
hf xnK a tiiku to I U.-rV-d ia l.i
;n-j"rr ur trrnlhv t-5- tmt
avlvaxK la a th4 aiJ f'T'v in'.r.Tya-
ir.5 rriax.wr. Ct'3'rY'T'" t hi '
V (A fr.- laia r tA fr'w-rt
vlriits at the farm house; not that tie had
anything to apprehend from tho nicdille
soino interfereneo of parents, which Is bo
often a stumbling block in tho jwth of
lovers. Bait Van Tassel was on easy, in
dulgent soul; ho loved his daughter better
even than his pipe, and, like a reasonable
man and an excellent father, let her havo
her way in every tiling. His notablo little
wife, too, had enough to do to attend to
her housekeeping and inanago tho poul
try; for, as Brio sagely observed, uucks
and geeso are foolish things and must bo
looked after, but girls can take caro of
themselves. Thus, wliilo tho busy dame
bustled about tho houfo or plied her spin
ning w heel at ouo end of tho piazza hon
est Bait would sit smoking his evening
pipe at tho other, wnteliing the achieve
ments of a littlo wooden warrior, who,
armed with a sword in each hand, was
valiantly fighting the wind on the pinna
cle of tho barn. In tho mean time Icha
bod would carry on his suit with tho
daughter by tho bido of tho spring under
tho prcat elm or sauntering along in the
twilight, that hour bo favorable to tho
lover's eloquence.
I profess not to know how women's
hearts aro wooed and won. To mo they
havo always been matters of riddle and
admiration. Some seem to havo but one
vulnerable point, or door of access;
while others have ft thousand avonues,
and may bo captured in a thousand dif
ferent ways. It ia a groat triumph of
skill to gain tho former, but still a
greater proof of goneralsliip to maintain
itossession of tho latter, for a man must
battlo for his fortress nt every door and
window. Ho that wins a thousand com
mon hearts is therefore entitled to some
renown; but ho who keeps undisputed
sway over tho heart of n coquette Is in
dcod a hero. Certain it is, this was not
tho caso with tho redoubtable Brom
Bones; and from tho moment Ichabod
Crane mado his advances, tho interests
of tho former evidently declined; his
horse was no longer seen tied at tho pal
ings on tsunuay nights, and a deadly
feud trradualiv nvoso between him and
the preceptor of Sleepy IIollow.
Brora, who had a degree of rough
cliivnjry in his nature, would fain havo
carried matters to open warfare, and
settled their pretensions to tho lady
according to tho inodo of thoso
most conciso and simple rcosoncrs, tho
knights errant of yore by singlo com
bat; but Ichabod was too conscious of tho
superior might of hia udvors;iry to enter
tho liBts against him; ho had overheard
the boast of Bones tliat ho would "doublo
tho schoolmaster up and put him on a
shelf;" and ho was too wary to give him
an opportunity. There was something
extrouiely provoking in this obstinately
pacific system; it loft Brom no alternative
but to draw upon tno 1 unds of rustic wag-
gery in his disposition, aud to play oil
boorish practical jokes upon hia rival.
Ichabod Decamo tho object of whimsical
persecution to Bones and his gang of
rough riders. They harried ills hitherto
peaceful domains; smoked out his sing
ing school by stopping up tho chiinnoy;
broke iuto the school houso nt night, In
spito of hia formidable fastenings of
witho and window stakes, and turned
everything topsy turvy; so f lint the poor
schoolmaster began to think all tho
witches hi tho country held their meet
ings there. But what was still moro an
noying, Brom took all opportunities of
turning him into ridicule in presenco of
liis mistress, and had a scoundrel dog
whom ho taught to whino hi tho most
ludicrous manner and introduced as a
rival of Ichabod'e, to instruct her in
In tliis way matters wont on for some
time, without producing any material
effect on tho relative situations of tho
contending powers. On a fine autumnal
afternoon, Ichabod, in pensive mood, sat
enthroned on the lofty stool from wlienco
ho usually watched all tho concerns of
his littlo literary realm. In his hand he
swayed a ferule, tluit scepter of despotio
power; tho birch of justlco reposed on
threo nails, behind the throno, a constant
terror to evil doers; while on the desk
beforo him might be seen sundry contra
band articles and prohibited weapons,
detected upon tho persons of idle urchins;
such as half munched apples, popguns,
whirligigs, fly cages, and wholo legions
of rampant littlo paper gamecocks. Ap
parently thero had been some appalling
act of justico recently inflicted, for his
scholars wero all busily Intent upon their
books, or slyly whispering behind them
with 0110 eye kept upon the master; and a
kind of buzzing stillness reigned
throughout tho school room. It was
suddenly Interrupted by tho appearance
of a negro in tow cloth Jacket and trous-
trs, a rouna crownoa iragmens 01 a
hat, liko tho cap of Mercury, ana
UK Jill 1 L U 11I KLIX3 V O "6 " i."t
half broken colt, which ho managed
with a rono by way of halter. IIo camo
clattering up to the school door with an
hi vil at ion to Ichabod to attend a merry
making, or "quilting fmllc," to bo held
that evening et Mynheer Van Tassel's;
and haviiiR delivered his messago with
that air of importance and effort at fine
language winch a. negro is apt to dls-
Silay cn petty embassies of the kind, ho
.-nilied over the brook, and was sd
HejuiiK ring away up the hollow, full of
tho importance and hurry of his mission.
All was now busllo and hubbub in the
Lite quiet school room, Tho scholars
wero hurried through their lessons with
out stopping at trilles; thoso who were
nimble skipped over lialf with Impunity,
and thoso who wero tardy had a smart
application now and then In tho rear, to
quicken their speed or help them over a
I tall word, uooka were nung osuto wun
out being put away on tho fclieivea, ink-
stands wcro overturned, lenches tlirown
I down and the wholo schciol was turned
I lout) an h"ur before the the usual time;
I lunrting forth liko a legion of young
'. imps, yeljiing and racketing about tlio
! gTe-n in loy at their early MuancifU'n.
I Tlio mll.int Ichabod now ricnt at b-ast
' an extra half hour at bis toilet, brWuiur
HI, 11 li. 1 1 1 1 IIUUI li. IJ13 ..'I inunujui
, , , - . . . . . ,1,1
ar furlhmg up l.u Ut and Indred
only nuit of m.ty I.Urk, auid mu-tcg
hi 1 t., jy a bit of broken Kx.king
hun? up -in the school Ikaiso. -Mt
mii-lti niaJto 1.11 sn-rJince ucrore um
n-itre In the truo nyleof a cavalier, be
iajrTTjw"-u av ijrm , I ' i .j 1.10 si. uii .m
tnn & aaa knUclUaVM.'aclxtlc-ricod
Duirhman of the rame of 1 Lans Van lUjv
ur. ari l thai r-iIUtiitJy trourited, Ihmk I
f'anh Lie a kr.U-ht crract in qurvt of avl-
rrj,tnrv Dut it ia HKt I aixmlil, in the
true ri.iiit iS r'a.-jitic rtory. Rive mm
avwritt of tl I'X-.ks and juiinit csf
ir,v Ixri and i.i rt'l Tl- atimal he
U-tr-ai l al a lirr-kf-n d m n tVtw IvCCsaj
. . . .. . . . .
U ti otruived J u-t evy air.g Ut
l.;a t-u-s. He waa ruct and
la-rr. ith a ewe nk an-1 a L'-wl hie
a l-ir..irKr; l.ia rav rane ard ttul were
ti.rVi a.-, i kiK4tod ilh lorr; cane y
L. 1 t i: aui ri c'attx at. I
aarxv-tn-l, lot t' !iif b l 1 r i vra of
a ri.u i u in it S-.l he tzitt Lave
i-J Ur ajid ia Lis dar. if we may
;a '.t tru-a i-u Tia'tic, li-i was Oua-
nowder. IIo Imd, Tu aof," Len a fa-or-
ito stood or his master s, tho choleric Van
liinper. who was a furious rider, and had
infused, very probably, soma of his own
spirit into tho animal; for, old and
broken down as he looked, there was
mora of the lurking devil in him than In
anv voung filly in tho country.
Ichabod was a suitable iltrure for such
stood. IIo rode with short stirrups,
which brought his knees nearly up to tho
pommel of the saddle; Ids sharp elbows
stuck out line grnssnoppers j no carried
his wldp porpoudicuhtriy in his hand,
liko a scepter, and as 0u horse Jo trued on
tho motion of his arms was not unlike
the flapping of a pair of wings. A small
wool hat rested on tho top of his noso.
for so liis scanty strip of forehead might
bo called, and the skirts of his black coat
fluttered out almost to tho horse s tall.
Such was the nnncaronco of Ichabod and
his steed as thoy shambled out of the
gate or lions von Kipper, ana tt was al
together such an apiwriuon as is seldom
to bo met with in broad daylight,
It was, as I have said, a lino autumnal
day; tho sky was clear and serene,
and nature woro that rich and iroldon
livery which we always associate with the
Idea of abundance, Tho forests had put
on their sober brown and yellow, whilo
somo trees or tho tenderer Kind had been
nipped by the frosts into brilliant dyes of
orango, purplo and scarlet. Streaming
files of wild duoks began to moke their
appearance high in tho air; tho bark of
tho squirrel might bo heard from tho
frroves of boech and hickory nuts, and
tho ponBivo wlustlo of the quail nt inter
vals from tho neighboring stubblo field.
Tho small birds wero taking their faro
woll banquets. In tho fullness of their
revelry they fiutterod, chirping and
frolicking, from bush to bush and tree
to tree, capricious from tho very pro
fusion and variety around thorn.
Thero was tho honest cook robin,
tho favorite srame of stripllncr siiortsmnn.
with its loud querulous nolo, and the
twittering blackbirds flying In sablo
clouds: and tho eoldon winced wood
pecker, with his crimson crest, his broad
black e-oriret. and splendid nlumaco: and
tho cedar bird, with its red tint wings
and yellow tipt tail, and its littlo mon
telro cap of feathers; and tho bluejay,
that noisy coxcomb, in his gay light blue
coat and hito underclothes, screaming
and chattering, nodding and bobbing,
and bowing, and pretending to bo on
good torms with every songster of the
As Ichabod iotnrod slowly on his wnv
his cyo, over open to every symptom of
culinary abundance, ranged wiui uaugiii
over tho treasures of jolly autumn. On
all sides ho beheld vast store of apples,
somo hanging in oppressive opulenco on
tho trees; somo gathered; into baskota
and barrels for tho market: othors
heaped up In rich pilos .for the elder
press. Farther on ho behold great fields
of Indian corn, with its golden oars peep
ins; from their leafy coverts, and holding
out tho promise of cakes and hontr pud
ding; and tho yollow pumpkins lying be
neath them, turning up their rair round
bellies to the sun, and giving ample pros
pects 01 me most luxunuuu ui iiienj uiiu
anon ho passed tho fragrant buckwheat
fields, breathing tho odor of the bee hive,
ami as ho beheld them, soft anticipa
tions stole over his mind of dainty slap
jacks, well buttered and garnished with
honey or treacle by the delicate little
dimpled hand of Katrina Van TassoL
Thus feodlng his mind with many
sweet thoughts and "sugared supposi
tions," ho journeyed along tho sides of a
range of hills wliich look out upon somo
of tho goodliest scones of tho mighty
Hudson. Tho sun gradually wheeled his
broad disk down into tho west The wide
bosom of tho Tappaan Zoo lay motionless
and glassy, excepting that hero and thero
ngcntlo undulation waved and prolonged
tho blue shadow of tho distant mountain.
A few amber clouds, floated in the sky,
without a breath of' air to movo them.
Tho horizon was of a fine golden tint,
changing gradually into a pure apple
green, and from that into tho deep blue
of tho mid heaven. A slanting ray lin
gered on the woody crests of tlio preci
pices that overhung some parts of tho
river, giving greater depth to tho dark
gray and purplo of their rocky sides. A
sloop was loitering In tho distance, drop-
Eing rdowly down with tho tkle, her sail
anging uselessly against tho mast; and
as tho reflection of the sky gleamed alone
tho still water it seemed as if tho vessel
was suspended in tho air.
It was toward evening that Ichabod
arrived at tho castle of tho Ileer Van
Tassel, which ho found thronged with
the rrido and flower of tho adjacent
country. Old farmers, a sparo, leathern
; raced race, in homespun coats ana
1 breeches, blue stockings, huga shoes and
magnificent pewter buckles. Their brisk.
wir.ue.reu imia amncm, in ciuuo cruiitieu
caps, long walstod gowns, homespun
petticoats, with scissors and pin cush
ions and cray calico pockets hanging on
the outside. Buxom lasses, almost as
antiquated as their mothers, excepting
where a straw hat, a One riband, or per
haps a white frock, gave symptoms of
city innovations. Tho sons, in short
squaro skirted coats, with rows of stu
pendous brass buttons, and their hair
generally queued in the fashion of the
times, especially if thoy could procure
an eclskin for the purpose, it being ee-
toemed throughout tho country as a po
tent nourisher and strcngthener of the
Brom Bones, howoTcr, was the Irero
of tho scene, having come to tho gather
ing, having come to the gathering on tils
favorite steed Daredevil, a crcatnro. like
himself, full of metal and inirchicf, and
wliich no one but himself could manapro.
IIo was. in fact, noted for preferring vio
lous animals, given to all kinds of tricks
which kept tho rider in constant risk of
his neck, for he lield a tract bio. woll
broken bono aa unwerthj of a lad of
L 1 V . jm ..Tl mii
f ain www I uuujvu w uwru ui-ni
ph-, Kl.t h,,ntt nnon the en-
,.11! raxr. of mv hro as he entered
- . - v Talnel-. ln4nioa.
n,a thct uMberrof IwiamlisM,
tK.,- it1h rflb. of red and
wUt.. but the am pis cJiarms of a gent.
tne Dutch country tea table In the sump
tuous time of autumn. Bach heaped up
pbittertcf cake of various ud almost
Indescribable kinds, known only to er
rvrienoed Dutch housewivva! Thfre waa
the doughty douffheut, tbe tne Irr olv-
kork and the crii-p and crumbling crul
Wt; cakc and short eakea, ging
cak and honry oakea and the whole
family of cakraa. And tben Uarrewrre
lauiitj ia aaisw- aiu iwa uf - hw
fe -a, fitm pjmpkln
I (,r4i aUoeaef ham and moki
tanrrrrrrr dViiAs diahf. of
nrr-csv-s-Tsl tJurua ahfid racb and far
ara.1 cfiirx, tv4 to mentl'sa brviM ahad
anl rani chickis; tng'hrt wtlh
Irrvrla of mk and crr-xra, all rrJnrWi
ticldv-t.trWlr, rantty morh aa I
hat e r.o;.- ral-l Ihm, wilh tbe irxAb
erly VvA jetriint fe CUaM U
vapor from tne midst Heaven bTesa' the
mark! I want breath and time to
discuss this banquet as it deserves,
and am too eager to get on with
my story. Happily, Ichabod Crane waa
not In so groat a hurry as his historian,
but did ainplo justice to every dainty.
He waa a kind and thankful creature,
whose heart dilated in proportion as hia
skin was filled with good cheer, and whose
spirits rose with eating, as some men's do
witli drink. Ho could not help, too, roll
ing his largo eyes round him as he ateu
and chuckling with the possibility thai
he might one day be lord of all this scene
of almost unimaginable luxury, and
splendor. Then, lie thought, how soon
he'd turn his back upon the old school
house; snap his fingers in the face of Hans
Van Ripper, and every other niggardly
patron, and kick any itinerant pedagogue
out of doors that auould dare to call him
Old Boltus Van Tassel moved about
among his guests with a face dilated with
content and good humor, round and
Jolly as the harvest moon. Ills hospitable
attentions were brief, but expressive,
being confined to a shake of the hand, a
slap on the shoulder, a loud laugh, and a
S reusing Invitation to "fall to, and help
And now the sound of the muslo from
the common room or hall summoned to
tho dance. The musician was an old
gray headed negro, who had been the
itlnoront orchestra of the neighborhood
for moro than half a century. Ills in
strument was aa old and battered as
himself. The greater part of tho time
ho scraped away on two or three strings,
accompanying every movement of the
bow with a motion of tho head, bowing
almost to tho ground and stamping with
Ids foot whenever a fresh couple were to
Ichabod prided himself upon his danc
ing as much as upon his. vocal powers.
Not a limb, not a fiber about him wot
lehabod prtd4& Anwe( mpo hU daneino.
ldlei and to have seen his loosely hunff
framo in full motion and clattering
about tho room, vou would have thoucht
St, Vitus himself, that blessed patron of
the dance, was figuring before you la
person, lio was tno admiration of all
the negroes, who, having gathered, of
all ages and sizes, from tho farm and the
neighborhood, stood forming a pyramid
of Blunlng black faces at every door and
window, gazing with delight at tho
sno, rolling their wuito eyeballs ana
nwintr rrrinninir rows of ivory from
ear to ear. How could the flogger of
urchins bo otherwise than animated and
joyous? the lady of his heart was Ids
partner in the dance and smiling gra
ciously in reply to all his amorous
oglings; whilo Brom Jones, sorely smit
ten with love and jealousy, sat brooding
by luinseu in one corner.
Casols nowaday are a rrr elabonst aod
xpenilve artlole of ornamental turn! tors.
Tinted vis! tins card, whloh have bssn bv
trodnoed, ought to be relegated to the hired
Reception choirs are so elegant and sump
tuous that nobody ever dare sit down aa
Music stand that contain a musical box
ars among imported article la the t urnttor
Unas! on brloavbrao ia gilt, brona and (fi
ver Is vary handinme and attractive thss
Statuettes this Mason are In endless vari
ety, and there I considerable originality ia
In tmokina; Jacket the tandenov Mem to
be to moke the wearer look a much like a
tool as pontfbla,
It b a mistake to stmpos that the anttrroe
ball chain are intended exoluiivety far "old
family servanta''
Bbo who ho not aTOt a braided Jec&et of
some kind is behind tbe procession, and moat
need procure one at oao it h wookt
catch op.
Many roung and aged fwella, to whom Che
imell of powder would be a tenlfyins;
novelty, now affect tbe army cape that I
worn by military oCVoera
Aside from any affection of ttwvryea, lorr-
nette an qnlt the fashionably correct thing
for women of Mavf air to dm In pabUe, tmd
It la claimed fnr itxn thai tber are rraoaftd
and stylish. In the hand ot soma, of eoorae,
tbeyar a temptavUoa to be rods and impo
lite la tha matter of tbe "from stare,"
ftarhslor Rutterly 1 a weallhy BMta, ao4
In fart War Inrreasa tils Ineofate a4 at to
arnne time follno Uia dictatM of hW heart be
maml hie ty-paarrlur, a very beaoUfal
airL But Iwt-e to tblet
Mrs. Hvtusrlf (a bride of a fear week east
thArinr.1 What a enrtea liUle MetraaMot
this U, any dear lira. Vaadertoof. Do yea
lane avhet It as fleUwil
Mr, VaahWtxnf-O, ;af it sseaOeda
Mr. Fmtterly-trxieall Wkat ed4 thfam
id tbanr aray Into Use abopal Basil w fT
bm u Ike diasaoaJ ceajntairt
Tbe Oial Antf WaM lsiateeV
Tlvre eM a eau-pcktii( bee aa Oeerge
Truiua fensa. taear La Orssre, Oe, ta
a4b day, aavl Lba par an ran oeatr break
M( lb ivward- One snata teefesd kC4 p. a its;
uoiatv. aCT. and aa U ax are aisasaa
fm.m4 tl t fnaraxK tsailas aUkla tbe
M Us anaraiec auad at Bleat. Oa beiaf tsid
arfcet aaas bad desae, tbe eld eejoty said I
H rJl. I desiM srkat's fHtrnf b lb aid Bif
t-r Vjw, sm at anaaCar aaatd U etaaj"
evjr ae d a atrep 1 eaejidal de dat t
it aaa tfceea bag bo la eb erttaa what aa
a loatasar arid say see aorara
Tw Haa M.li.aea a Taft, esaj ef ant-Aa-...
f Uaaaaral TaTI, as tbe sea feat Jedj
aOsM. .. .-
' "8 U U FiX I LL.

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