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Canyon City New VOL XII. CANYON, RANDALL CO., TEXAS, FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 4. 1908. NO. 23 irol ft ps Buy o Mand RAILROAD MEETING. Proposition is Placed Before Randall County People for Railroad to Silverton. " For some time then; lias boon sm undercurrent of tsilk regard ing si new railroad out of Canyon City sind the matter culminated into a meeting which was held sit the court house in this city Wed nesday afternoon. While not a long notice was given to tin; peo ple the court room was comfort sihly tilled when called to order. N grosit deinonstrsition wsis inside but the matter was taken up in si business like manner and fully discussed. Major Eugene C. Gordon, who represents the promoters, submitted in writing si proposition as well sis stating to the assembled crowd the ele ments of the proposed proposi tion, After the discussion the peo ple organized on somewhat of si permanent basis and elected L. J-. Cowling as permanent chair man and George A. Brandon as secretary, "the chairman having authority to appoint si committee of ten, to which committee, to gether with the officers, the propoitkm wis turned ovor for Investigation, to report at u meet ing to be held Thursday after noon, September 1". Major (lordon and possibly others in terested will be here to meet with them. The people of the town haye taken hold of the matter in their usual business like manner and not with a view of making a big blow and then have nothing do- We 1 in vi not spsico this wbek to give in full the proposition sub mitted, but we give below the gist of the matter so thsit our readers msiy be resisonably well informed about the matter. The proposed rosid to be built (nun Canyon City in a southerly PC southeasterly direction to a connection with some railroad further south or to built through Hrlseo county. That the people subscribe an amount equal to one dollar ier acre for sill lands lying within six miles on both sides of the proposed rosid, from the begin ning point to the county line. r'wplvp per cen'. of aggregate iPnoiint subscribed to bo paid In rush within fifteen days, after (onti'itct Is. closed, said amount to be deposited in some agreed bank as trustee, the remaining eighty per cent, to be represent i ed by notes of osw h separate sub scriber for his amount, payable one-third when rsiilrqad is entirely- completed to Randall county It. W. O'KKKFK, President .J. M. HLACK, Vice Prcn. I. L. HUNT, Casliier It. If. WIUGHT, Aunt. Cash. The Canyon National Bank LIT ."'..i-' .: Capital $50,000.00. Surplus 10,000.00. Profits 6,000.00, line, one-third one year from that date and the remaining one-third twoyesirs from that dsite, with per cent, interest payable semi siiiiiuiilly, said notes to be placed in the hands of a bank trustee, to be deliverdd when railwsiy is completed. The twelve per cent, cash paid to be paid out as the work on the grading of the road progresses, at the rate of nine hundred dol lars for each mile sis graded, the grade to be accepted by a com mittee of throe appointed by the subscribers, s,;dd committee to issue the checks. For sill these cash amounts paid in and used for grading there are to be delivered to the trustee first mortgaged, percent, bonds in amounts oqusd to cash paid in, same to be delivered to subscribers who paid the cash. The notes and cash remaining on hand sifter the completion of rail, way to be considered sis a bonus, First niortgago bonds to be lim ited to twelve thousand dollars per mile Canyon City to be required fo furnish right-of-way through su burbs of ssiid town, to a connec tion with Santa Fe railway, to gether with twenty acres for de pot grounds, sspue to be deeded to tli' rsiilwtiy company, subject o the. bilildingof the l oad, Also two hundred lown lots in Canyon City and lii'O sicres of land ad joining the townsite. The principal offices of the company and shops and round' houses to be built sind maintain ed at Canyon City for si period of twenty years, and silso division headquarters. All money for rights-of-way shall be taken from the twelve per cent, cash paid. The grading of all the rosid to Silverton or Briscoe county to be completed within one year, and mils and ties with trains running within two years unless hindered by strikes, great linsm cisil stringency or Providential hindrence, and if so hindered one year more shall be sillowed. Subscribers .may pay their subscriptions by work on railway at sr.O0 per dsiy for msm sind tesun, which shall be the same as cash sind bonds issued for same. Deeds for lots in Csmyon City sind :!'Ji) acres of Isind to be held in escrow until rosid is complet ed. Msijor ( Jordon is well recom mended, having been the first promoter of the rosid from lien to Plsiinview. lie organized sind secured the construction of the Georgia Pacific mil rosid from At lanta, Gsi.. to the Mississippi river. Also built si railroad from Clsirksville, Tenn., into south western Kentucky, which is now si part of the Louisville and Nash ville Rsiilway. lie inaugurated and built the Sheffield and Bir mingham Railway in Alabama, besides having been interested in developing other great enter prises in the South. Thursday morning the chair man, L. E. Cowling, appointed the committee of ten provided for sit the meeting sind they are as follows : L. G. Conner, L. T. Lester, .1. M. Black, CO. Keiser, C. T. Word, .John llutson, .1. A. Edwards, W. F. Heller, W. E. Hates, J. C. Hunt. A Small Fire. Considerable excitement was csiused in this city last Saturday afternoon when an alsirm of tire was turned in from the western portion of town. It wsis soon learned that some betiding in the smoke house of 1). A. Park of West Evelyn street hsid become ignited. A can of gasoline in the building exploded, psirtiall.v knocking out one side of the building, but prompt action on the psirt of the neighbors prevented any dsimsige to any other buddings. Prof. Redus, Prof. Craig and Miss Annie Kirk, teachers in our public schools, will conduct the county examination for teachers' cortiticsitos to bo held Friday and Saturday at the court house. HOME PEOPLE BUY. More of Our People Get Lands While They Can Get Them at Present Prices. Three of our citizens decided this week that they had better get ahold on some of our kinds while they could get them at pre vailing prices and they there fore? purchased each a section of land from John llutson, who rep resents the Cedar Valley Land and Cattle Company. The parties purchsising were R. M. Peeler, H. C. Taylor and J. Frank Smith. The terms are private, but we understand that the lands brought si good price. Mr. Peeler bought back si section of land that he purchased from the state and which he sold in 190.'. Mr. Peeler thought at that time that the land had reach ed its highest point, but now de cides that it was Wtter than he thought and therefore gives a good profit to get the land back. Gradually these lands that have been held for some time it large bodies are being sold and as fast as sold improvements are being made, so that in a short time the large ranches will be a thing of the psist. The three men who purchased the kinds mentioned in this arti cle arc old-timers in point of liav- ing lived in the county for si num ber of years and their purchase only denotes si confidence in the future development of the hinds. Old-Fashioned Box Supper. The ladies of the Baptist church of this city gave an old fashioned box supper on the lawn at the residence of J. H. Hall on West Houston street lsist Friday night. The attendance was large and a nice amount was obtained for the benefit of their parsonage fund. There were si large number of beautifully decorated boxes to be sold, and they sill went almost immediately after being placed on sale. This reporter cannot speak for them all, but he, does know that the one he purchased wsis worth the money and more. There was also furnished nice music and free watermelons. A sideshow- in the way of moving pictures also went to enhance the enjoyment of the entertain ment and all went away glad that thev had come. Mrs. Mae VsmWermin of Oak land, Csil., is visiting in this city at the home of her sister, Mrs. .1. M. Renshaw. After isiting here she will go to Coney Islsmd and the principal points of inter est in New York and other east ern states.