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The Waco evening news. [volume] (Waco, Tex.) 1891-1894, January 15, 1892, Image 4

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California Can Goois
Per Can.
2UC !
Pop Can.
Frrsh YrgctaMcs Received Daily!
Try Us for Fine Whiskies, Wines
nnd Brandies.
The Garden of Edon 1892.
From the Aratmas lUtlor llorald.
This Garden has beea an interest
ing themo for centuries and its loca
tioa a subject of inqury for both
Boholurs and antiquarians.
If this famous spot has not been
definitely looatod, lot the investiga
tion be confined to Texas, for it Las
within hor vast area tlio olimate and
soil, descriptivo of this historic place.
A New Year's dinner was given in
honor of the Aransas County Horti
culturists to be served from voluntary
donations of theso men taken from
their own gardens near Rockport.
Drafts wore drawn jpon the sdjacont
proprietors with the following rjsults:
Every mandato was honored, and
the result was stupendous. Mr. Joo
Tripis sent a liberal quantity of onions,
cabbage, cauliflower and tomatoes with
specimens of groen corn, a'pirgaus,
and cantaloupes. Mr. M. Kaltenbaoh
was Rtibunt when tho pross fiend arriv
ed at his homo, but Mrs Kaltenbaoh
and Mws Floronoo Farrol cntortaincd
him handsomely and loidod his oart
with imw Irish potatoes, magnificent
yams, white radiBhcs, black turnips,
lettuco and snap beans, and gave him
a bpt....uii btrawberry plant on whioh
wore growing groon loaves, green ber
ries, now blooms and a single rich, red,
ripe berry, that surely tried bis pa
tience to deliver. Tho last cluster of
grapes had beou plujkod for their
family dinner on Christmas day.
Mr. William Lomas, of Rockport,
sent liber .1 specimens of white giaut,
golden plumo and bleaohed colery,
with the fresh dirt clinging to the
Mr. Peter D. Ilouser sent a liberal
supply of egg-plan s, celery, ripe
tomatoes, o as haw, squashes, sweet
peppers, green, and ripe, and rutaba
ga turnips.
Mr. Christy Osborne sent a lot of
magnificent largo turnips, boots and
Messrs.. W. II. and J. C. Ives joint
ly sent a load of oibbages, turnipB,
onions, beets, radishes and Bweut
potatoes, with apecimons of groon
p a vines, groon tomato vinos, in
bloom, and fresh lettuoo.
Mr. II. G. Boles sent three lareo
watormolons from hit) enormous vino.
One of theso melons weighs 46 pounds
another 40 pounds und tho other 38
pounds. Mr. Boles also sent half a
dozen frying-aize chickens and a
specimen bunch of rhubarb, of whioh
nome atoms but ton days old, are
larger than a oarpontcr's ponoils. Mr.
Bolos sent soma olcgint homo-mado
preserves nnd pickles.
MesRrs. Holman and Hoffman sont
a lot of fine radishes, and Messrs.
I.o Hughes and Jack Burris sent a
full supply of fro3h milk and butter.
Mr. Jno C- Emory undortook to
supply tho tablo with geese, duoks
and small Game, and 0. L. Wilson
nent an elegant lot of frosh venison,
which ho killed that morning es
pecially for tho oocasion, and whioh
was warm whon deliverod.
Mr. J. E. Barber killed a lot of
quail for tho occasion, ond sent a fat
young must-fed hog.
The beef was raised and fattened
on the MoCampbell pasture, and
slaughterce bo Mr. Q. W. Lowis.
Mr. J. I. Caruthers sont a dozen
bottles of rich native wines from his
Inglesido vintage of 1891.
Tho markets of Rookport and Aran
ins harbor furnished fish, oysters and
game in endless quantity.
Tho orchards of Live Oak Peninsula
are jet in thoir infanoy and native
fruits could not bo scoured oxoopt for
dooorativo purpooes. Prof. H. P. Att
water of Rockport, loaned threo nativs
oranges upon a froshly out stem with
leaves clinging to it, and also donatod
a largo sweot potato tint had takon a
Bcoond gorwth and was enveloped in
a networ'c of vines grown from its
own body. Tho orango Bpeotmona had
boen givon to Prof. Attwator for pros'
ervalion in his museum of Southwest
Texas produots, and woro loaned on
The Herald's plodgo to roturn thorn,
but thoy woro inadvortantly eaten and
a sincero apology is the only return
Tho Herald oan make.
Banana culture was represented by
tho nodding loaves on tho throe fine
trees in the hotel ooutt yard.
Orango trees, lemon trees, fig trees,
applo trees, poar trees, plum trecp,
cherry treea, poach trees, pocan trees
and grape vines were lopresented
among tho decorations by branohes
showing groen leaves and fresh buds
and bright poach blossoms.
Lot tho bill of faro speak for
itself. ,
The bill of faro was prepared by
Captain Miller and the editor, and
tent to tho cook after all the pro
ducts had beon recoived. Everything
upon it was served at tho dinner,
aud every product upon the
tablo was prepared or illustrat
ed from tho products of Live
Oak Poninsula. Several hundred
copies woro hurriedly printod from it,
and tho following is a substantial
Oranges from San Patricio County.
AranBas Bay on Half Shell. Fried.
Trout, Oyster Sauce, Red Fish, plain,
Flounder Crumbed, Wino Sauce,
Chioken Salad, Stylo Hotel Hoyt,
Texas Curod Ham,
Colery, White Grant and Goldon
Dwarf Champion Tomatoes, Sweet
rotatoes, Irish Potatoes, Drum
head Cabbbage, Egg Plant, Marrow-
phat Peas, squash, Cashaw,
Egyptian Boets, Sweet Peppers, Silver
King Onions,Shoppard Radishes,
Golden Stem Lettuoo.
Vonison, Currant Jelly Goose, Oyster
Sauce. Brant, Plain. Duok. Oelerv
Siuoe. Turkey, Oyster Sauce.
Quail on Toast. 'Possum with Kraut.
Fresh Rhuberb Pie, Native Lemon Pie
Southwest Texas Bananas,
Native Grapes, Iativo Peoans,
Strawberries and Cream,
Watermelon, Vanilla Ice Cream,
oweet and Butter Milk.
Olarot, Port, Augelica.
Evory article on the above menu
was grown near Rookport, chiefly by
men who have recently cast thoir for
tunes in Aransas county, who with
in little more than one year have
mado homes, devolopcd farms and
brought products to perfection that
for quality and variety could not at
this soason havo been duplicated clso
whero within tho jurisdiction of tho
American eaglo.
Threo laigo cotton stalks with green
stems, groen loaves, greon bolls, new
blooms and lull opened bolls occupied
the center of tbo tablo decorations.
Greon sprigs of honoy-sucklo vine,
oleander- and orapo myrtle were
prominently displayed. In tho oontor
of to table assigned to Gov. Wheoler
and Captain Miller, was displayed a
largo watermelon standing on ond,
piuaolo shapo with aproading points
to display tho rod meat. Arranged in
vases around the contral board wcro
innumerable varieties of grasses and
flowers, and tbo wall decorations woro
propaared from the bright green
leaves of the swoot bay, tho oleander,
tho son bean vino and the salt cedar.
The decorations occupied tho ceri
lor table, four feot by sevon, and in
a pyramid eight foot high, ocoupiod
tho entire space. In addition to the
illustrations of tbo agricultural pro
duots shown upon it, were speoimons
of red fisb, trout and floundor, and
largo, fat oysters from Aransas Bay
upon shells largor than a mule's car.
Theso specimens wore sent by Miller
Brothors ot Rookport.
Tho souvenirs for tho reception woro
composed of soa beans, pumice stones,
star fish and shells from the oooan
beaoh on Mustang Island, guildcd
and hand-painted with mottoes by
Miss Maymo MoBrydo. TI107 woro
delivered to oaoh dopaning guest by
Miss MoBrydo in porson, and tho
guests were invitod to remain for tbo
' ' ' -- 11 -
Miles' Norve And Llvor Pills
Act on a now prlnoiiilo rogulatlug
the llvor, etoruaoh and bowels through
the norvos. A new discovery. Dr.
mllos' Pills speedily cure biliousness,
bad tusto, torpid liver piles, consti
pation. Unoqualod for men, women,
ami children. Smallest, mildest, sur
ost. 60dosos25 cents. Samples freo
at H. ORlshr Ao's.Drug atoro618
Austin avenue
E. E. Tliipo
Interior Decorating and
Paper Hanging a Spe
cialt'; Also Dealer in
Painters Supplies and
Wall Paper.
Real Estate Transfers.
Reported by Waco Abstraot and
Investment Company, II9 South
Fourth streot, Waco, Texas.
L N Bruco to E Hutohonridor lots
9 and 10 blk 4 Tinsley add Waco,
J N Cross to W Mibsko 136-52-100
acres Magec & Sadler surveys, $2400.
E Rotan to W 0 Kollum ot al part
farm lot 24 Waco, 2 tract at Mo
Gregor and 80 acros O'Campo grant,
J T Chambers ot al to Rotan Gro
cery company part farm lot JJ4 Waco,
H J Smith to E W Bird 100 acres
A P Chamberlin survey, $1100.
W Gresham to .1 B Payno 70 acres
Reagan survey, $912.54.
T P Stone to Geo Clark ot al part
farm lot 5 Waoo, $6000
T A McGhce and wifo to W A
Prcssloy tract University lands,
S D Blake to Blankenship & Bloke
company Dallas 223 0-10 aores
Chambers sur, $130413 33.
Sprague, Warner & Co by Sheriff
to M A Cooper 2 lots Waoo, $ 300.
City of Waco to H Do Lay lot 5th
ward redeemed for taxes, $7.73.
Providont Investment Co to J N
Hathway 4 lots Provident add, f800.
D M Spencer to M A Spencer lots
9 and 10 blk 8 Ashburn add, $400.
3 F McGlothlin to W N MoGloth
lin 33 1 3 uures McGlothlin sur, 425.
Est A A Casscday by Exrs to W
W Evans 146 acres Davidson 1920,
Total Jan. 14, 1892, $32838 50.
It Still Hangs on While the Nego
tiations Still Hang: Fire.
Tho only item of News reported
hore today i9(that tho Sap road attemp
ted to have a car of Hogs transforro d
to tho International at San Antoni
and the Employes of tho lattor road
refused to handle the cars, where
upon the Sap road was comnolled to
send hands and unload tho cars as it
was live freight and had to be attended
to. This it is belioved will prooipi
tate tho fight between the manage
ment and omployes of other roads and
that tho railroad oompany will depend
upon tho commission law to protect
them. Tho report that the grand ex
ecutive officer of tho Order "of Rail
way Conductors had doolarcd tho San
Antonio and Aransas Pass striko illo
gal is denied by tho members of the
ordor in Waco. Mr. Ed. O'Brien has
just returned from San Antonio and
that gentleman is authority for tho
statement that Chief E. E. Clark has
mado no suoh decision.
A Call For Aid.
Tho poople of Waco reoall tho
torriblo mino explosion at Krobs, I. T
a fow days ago. Many ptoplo are
sufforing for the necessities of life,
and circulars have been issued, call
ing for help. Any contribution can
bo sont to Jumps Elliott, at Krobs,
I. T., or will bo forwardod by The
News if left at tho offioe.
Tho eating department of the
Woman's Exohango is now run by au
ontiro now forco Mrs. Harmon re
signed and Mrs, Hyde was eleotcd bu
perintendant, who with competent
aud efficient assistants, will givo per
fect satisfaction to all who will give
thorn a trial. Oysters served in first
class stylo; moals prompt and at all
MfiPFtfADUKE en Grade Tductlonfor
-" -....l. 5-Joung Gentlemen and Boy..
MILITARY Su?frior i 8alt
-""""' Bth, Out, Xlectrio lieht
ARAnPltiY StemHeat. iJr..lu.W
nuHutm 1 uuakt, mut srm.M.s. no.
J. II. SIIOPE, tho Cash Grocer,
will show you what ho is doing for
8 lb Tomatoes per doz $1 20
2 lb " ' " J 00
2 lb Pcrfcotion Corn per doz. . 1 50
2 lb Fancy Family Peas per doz 1 50
2 lb String Roans per dozen. . . 1 10
3 lb Standard Poaches per doz. 2 15
2 lb " " " " 1 55
3 lb Apricots per doz 2 15
3 lb Grapes per dor. 2 05
3 lb Cherries ' " 2 65
Fanoy Mixed Pioklcss per gal. 50
" small ' " " 40
" Kraut per lb 3
" Mincemeat, 12 lb 1 00
First quality Flour per cwt. ... 2 80
Sugar cu'C'J Hams 10 Jo
Granulated SuBar, 8 lb 1 00
Y. C Sugar, 19 lb 1 00
Brown Sugar, 20 lb 100
Grits, 35 lb 1 00
Head Rice, I4 lb 1 00
Evaporated Peaches, 8 lb.... 1 00
" Aprioots, 8 lb 1 00
Dried Blackberries, 13 1b 1 00
Fancy Irish Potatoes, per b'okt 25
Yellow Yam Sw't Potatoos, " 40
Red or white " " " 30
Fancy Apples, tier bucket .... 40
Navy Beans, 23 lb 100
Dried Grapes, 20 lb 100
To iuy friends and customers: This
is only a small sketch of my low
cash prices. So call and look through
my stock of groceries.
Every day is a spooial sale day.
205 South Third Street.
Tho Necktie Club.
Offiocr Clay receipted tho "Stool
Grey Necti Club" this morning for
tho sum of $10, donated for tho relief
of tho distressed Davidson family, an
account of which was published in
vesterday's News.
Tho Steel Grey Necktie Club is a
scoret organization recently organized
in this oity to disponso charity to tbo
tho needy and for social pleasure for
tho membors It is composed of
young men whoso badge of member
ship is a steel groy necktie worn by
all members. Tho objects of the
ordor aro worthy and should bo eu
couraged. MATOn'B COURT.
Though still quite Bick, Mayor Mc
Culloch presided at this morning's
session of the pulico court.
The following cases wore disposed
Lonnio Gains for soliciting custom
on depot, platform, fined $20; Victor
Elick, for ngravatcd assault and bat
tery upon Nollio Barboza, fined $25;
Thomas Keown, for intoxication, fined
$5, and W. W. Sinolair, charged with
standing with his hack on Eighth
streot, dismissed.
People have no idea how
crude and cruel soap can be.
It takes off dirt. So far,
so good ; but what else does
it do?
It cuts the skin and frets
the under-skin ; makes red
ness and roughness and
leads to worse. Not soap,
but the alkali in it.
Pears' Soap has no free,
alkali in it. It neither red
dens nor roughens the skin.
It responds to water in
stantly ; washes and rinses
off in a twinkling; is as
gentle as strong; and the
after-effect , is every way
All sorts of stores sell it,
especially druggists; all sorts
of people use it.
Ml m
We are prepared to make
loans on improved country or
city property at current rates.
Vendors' lieu notes extended
Prompt attention.
Fort, willig & patton,
Waco, Texas
To tbo Lovors of Art In Photo
graphy. Having moved to my new gallory,
over 701 and 703, Austin street, (tho
old Ilinolnuan Building), I am 11 on
better prepared than over to givo the
poople of Waoo tho finest Photos in
tho atato. Tho beautiful "aristo" (so
highly endorsed by tho loading gal
cries,) in all its beauty, at my studio.
I will havo on exhibition for a fow
days, an elogant oil portrait of Mrs.
Geo. Clark, by Mons. Do Gissac, whiok
has been framed in a vory handsomo
"Florontino" lranie, making a portrait,
well worth a visit, to all, and more
especially 10 tho tho ladies.
I will bo glad to welcome my old,
and many now oustomors. Don't for -
got my now address, over 701 and 703,
Austin Avo.
Deanb, Photographer.
The following property is offered
for sale without rcservo or limit as to
price A man with some cash oan
make monoy and lots of it, if ho will
go and investigate this offer. But de
lay is dangerous, the property is
going to be sold.
10 lots, 8 bouses, corner Fifth and
Speight streets; 1 house and barn on
South Fifth street, this will bo sold at
a sacrifice; a 9 aero garden, 2 aorea
in asparagus, ono acre in fino fruit
and grapes, good improvements, oa
South Twelfth btreet.
A 65 acre fruit farm, 40 aorea in
fruit trcos (bearing) also $20,000 two
year old nursery trees for sale.
Sandy loam soil threo and a half miles
from oitv, fino garden land. Call at
613 Austin avenue for tho bargains.
A Deservod Compliment.
Col. R. S. Rioh who has been in
tho oity several days, taking orders
tor hiaexoellent patent document file,
left this morning for other fields. Col.
Rich has sorved many yoars of his
life as oounty ane district clerk and
while in the oity mado tho offices of
Deputy County Clerk Tom Brown and
Distiict Clerk Z F. Beasloy his hcad
quartors, theso officers being old
friends of his Ho pays tho above
offiacrs tho following well deserved
compliment. "Being an cxporioncod
olerk I took particular pains to ex
amine tho work of ray old frionds
Tom Brown and Z. F. Beosley and
find that their systems and manner of
conducting their official business
superior to any other I have ever ex
amined into. Your peoplo should be
prowd of thorn."
Bargains at Cummins' 5 and 10 ct.
A 1-2 gal, and pint oups 10a
A 5 Hole mouse trap 10c
A deep pudding pan and spoon. lOo
A ooverod tea steeper. ... lOo
A scoop dipper and funnel 10c
A wood apoon, fork and scrow
driver. lOo
3 Heavy glass Bauoo dishss. . .. lOo
2 Thiok, plain glass goblets. . lOo
3 8 inch tin pio plates lOo
12 Tin tea spoons lOo
12 Sheets paper, onvolopcs and
Pen 10c
12 slate pencils and 12 load.. .. lOo
2 10 oont tablets for lOo
A ooverod glass sugar bowl. . . . lOo
A covored glass buttor dish. . . . lOo
At Cummins' 5 and lOo. storo, 703,
Austin avonue, bitweon 6th & 8th st.
1 1
Liver Complaint--Bllllousness-
The ohiof symptoms of this disease
are depression of spirits, foul coated
tonguo, bad tasting mouth, disagreea
ble breath, dry skin with blotohes
and eruptions, sallow oomploxion and
yellow eyes, tired aching shoulders,
dull pain in right side, faintness, diz
ziness and irrogular bowols. This
complaint in all its forms oan bo
readily cured by taking Dr. Gunn'a
Improved livor pills as direotcd, and
a lingering spell of sickness will of ton
bo warded off by their uso. Sold at
25jts a box by W. B. Morrison &

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