WACO DAILY NEWS, FEBRUARY 1 i892 , 'i Our - IS STILL ON. - Only a few morelay. It will pay you to get our prices on Men's and Boys9 Clotlmig- THIS WEEK: u : HANSEL WOOD 123 South Fourth Street, : "Waco, Texas , , V&? ;'-. '.I.. , ,f- -'- '- V". S ,"' ,' , ' S ., T .- 5 'V' 1 j, , ffaco Mm Ms "Waco Texas. What Do You Want? Do you want Agcntal Do you want I'nrtls? Doyou want a Vartnor J Do you want a Situation Doyou want to buy Anything? Do yon want a Ilugband or WIf el Do ycu want Hoarder? or 1-odgpral Do you want any "Help," mala or fomalot Do you want Servants, Clerks or Mechanical Doyou want to rnntaltoom, Home or Sterol Do you want to sell your Good-will and Fix-turoat Do A"ou want to Rent or Boll your Hondo, Of' flee. Lot or Farm? Do you want to nny or 8ell a Horso, Wagon, or any kind ofVehlclo? Have you Lost or Found anything! Hare yon second-hand Goods of tiny klrd that yon wish to soil or exchange? Personals or Matrimonial Advertisements! If so, Tim News will publish an adtortlse moat In tho Want Column forONEU'Nr VKR WOHD per day, or F1VK CKNTS PKll WOHD for one week, (oven days. TuS News Is the on'y paper that eoes into nearly overy reading household in Waco, and besides circulating largely In adjoining towns. Hnndrods can be referred to who bare profitably advertised In Its "Want" columns. Waco Evening News CLASSIFIED AMUSEMENTS. Advertising In thin column charged a th rate of one cent per word for each insertion. Cash must accompany the order, except whero ordered by a regular advertiser. WANTED. WAIS'J'I2I Yonni; man wants position In somo fond office. Experienced. Good references. Address, I Kmployco, 'IiiisOkfick. WAIMTEI.-Wcrk In Stenography and typowrltlsgby Geo. W. Scarboiough at AVilllams & Evans law otllce room '22 Provident building. WAIT13l.-Efcrcetio nan with S100 f manage ofllce. Salary 70O per ymr nnd Interest In buslm ss. Addicss 45 Hurley build ing, Vt. AVortb, Texas. w 'ANTED- ScnillutrpBa nt. lnKnrlli llMirlitti street. Apply at onco. A r,KI'" "Boy nf Bovcntoen, eager for nosl vvtlon In some ofllce, fourvcars exporifnee. Can glvo god references. Salary no object to begin with. Address. M. T. This Olllco. w ANTED-.To buy omo nlco second hand oce fixtures. Address Ncwb olllco. w oQlco ANTEW-To bay a second-hand liDok- cre. Mu st bo cheap. Apply at News WANTED To buy a second hand flat ton desk. Must be cheap. Address Desk News ofllce. WANTED To buy Second hand Kumlturo, " Stoves, Carpets, Tools, Everything. Waco Curiosity Shop. WANTED Parties who want to Invest In In the rich aerlcnltural lands of Central Texa. to sendtbolr address to THK WACO DAILY NEWS. Intormatlon furnished froo. WANTED Ore thousaud old eulta to clean at S03 North Fourth street. A. Friedman, successor to Iho IJttlo Frenchmen. 6-21-t WANTED The address oriloynrlds Clark His ago Is about 13 or 14. his father died In Waco, some ten years ago W4en last heard from was living near Hurrlaon's Snitch, or Perry Any ono knowing of him will to both, he andmytelf n favor to write toll. W.Noulk.IU.D., Uarclay, Texas. MISCELLANEOUS. LOST A rlu.ter diamond ling, with 17 dia monds. Finder will bo liberally rewarded by returning to this oflico. ROlt KEN toT. A 'A nlcodwclllnc-house. Ann .,.... v . . . 7' I. .uiair. le. App'j 114tf ALIVE Florist can hear of a good opening, Appl) at this olllco, or Eigth and .Clay streets. tf LIME At Gaunt Bros. Fifteenth and Jack-streets- Hock lAm" or Blacked Lime Portland, Iicsoudale and Loutgvlllo Cement, 12 11) lino "ou AI'KOld papers at 20 cents per hun dred at TlIK Mff8 olllco. F OH KENT. FurnltnTe, Stoves, Sewing Machines, Everything. Waco curiosity bhop, 617 ano 019 Austin street rOK K EN T-7 loom honsetn Duton street near Ninth. Only $15 a month. M. 0. Kingsbury & Co., 017 and 0.9 Austin street. E OKKAEEAt Costl AtCostl AtCostl Jewelry, Clocks, bilver Plated Knives Forks ,8poons, 'apkln IUurs, Pocket and ', btcrlccopis, Ink Stands, Pic- Tallin f nltrv ture Frrmes and Notions. This Is the fliat time weevcradvcrilsed to sell at cost but we desire to handle only New Furnlturo and Second band gooes ofa!' kinds, Waco Curios ity Shop. 3AfeiiCy II Local Time Card. .VUiuntl, UauiscA Texas, So. No. No, No. No. No. N-. No. MkpngerTialns- . arrives ...i.... 1 leave .1 wives Sleavca Bouth Bound. 12:10 a.m. lliii , na. 1 k p. m. l:lDp. m. North Bound. 3 urrlves.., ?:tj . m. 2 Uitos 2:6sa,iu, 4 nnlves 3:10 p. m. I loavos 3:20 p.m. . TnAvii Jons, Tloket Agent, Paclflo Hotel Block . Cotton Del t nonle. oorao wist. Train No. I leaves ll;00a. m. Train jso. 1 arrives 10.-45 a. m. OOIHO BAST. Train No. 1 arrives Silsp m Troln&o.i! loniea 5:U0 p.m '-otxconWaoo and bt. Loutt solid train via Paiarpnld to Bt. Louis on Iron Mountain track lato union Depot. W. 8. GiLLasrik, Olty Tloket Oflloe at No. 112 South FourtSt. i II fNo, West bound. at. r. 83 Arr 0il5 a. m, RSL'v 0l80a.ru. 81 Arr 4:05 p.m. Bast bound v. 82L'v 10:20 a. m, Si Arr 8:20p.m. S4L'v 8:10 p.m. W. B. OWENB. Tloket Agent. Under PaoJOo Hotel Blook, Opposite PostofBcr Knit Autonlo mid ArniiMiN I'nva. SOTJin BOUND HO. S2.--NOKTII BOUNrf-MO. 81 Lv Waco at 5 a. m. Arrives n:t2 p. m. South Bound freight which nlll carry pas engers,;leaveB Waco at 18:46 p. ni. -xa.33:b- TO ALL POINTS NORTH AND EAST. THEOUOH IBAL1S CARET PULLMANn 8LEEPER8 Between Points la TEIi CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS KANSASCITY. Also FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS Taylor ind Kansas City and Hannibal. I0t3 ijlllUDJ lllll Jl UUfJT fClHU trains ol eastern am BotlBMnllnii, makt UB1..E. 41. 8T tie Dmt line to New Yort(Boston Montrea ni Sl.Pa r A. S. DODGE, Trafllo Manager. St. Louis, Mo. H. P. HUGHES, Gon. Pa"8. Agt., Dallas, Tox. E.B.PABKER, ABsiet. Gen. Pubb. Agt. St Louis, Mo. F ".'.'f ?AI,E--Cheap, four lots In t olleire Heights. E. L. NroiTS, 10th and llarron. rpEIiEPIIONE-Gauntllros. for Post Oak JL orAsli cord wood, stovo wood or tiro jjiore woou cur, any itpgiu, la 10 lino LADIESATTENTIONl Woman, Ijvely woman, one bottlo of my celcbrat -d Tonti will permanently enlarge your form 4 Inches In audays, and.makoyou as beautiful as Cleopatra, or moner refunded. l'i Ice only 12.00, Woman's only true friend, for It npier falls. Tonti, glorb us Tonti. will make the leanest poraon fat, and remove those horrid wrinkles. Send for sealed circu lar. HUH. Wit. WILLKK. 241 wabasii Avenue, Chicago, Ilm MY STORE, C25 Austin Peat baking powder 15o a can. Ml Get Lacy's prices on BrtiEii Cheek lest cLeap ccal sold in Waco, For tbo next thirty days, sco our prices. They will astonish you, PAitivBii Bros. THE Cotton Belt Route (St. Louis Southwestern Ry .) TO St. Louis, Cairo, Memphis, AND ALL POIKTB BBTOND. Free Rocllnlng Chair Carts ' and Pullman Buffot Sleoporei Two Daily Trains To I MEMPHIS r 'UXD AXL POIKTB BKYOK0, ' The Only Line .!! pUM. gen to connecting rdj atMHMFHIU with out a long n4 dtatgreeabls omnibus tarmo. fer ateM fh elry. The Only Line toro,th .iMP. tng our arrle btw VOBT T70UTH uU MKMPHIU. Tlie Only Line trKhthxotuheartoc rice btwen KBUTHIS sail points la OH Tit AL TEXAS. The Shortest Route TO ALL POENTB IN THE AUTrjLJiLlnelukTUir(mehtiectiODsaU itit The Cotton Beit Route) It a tea, map Urn tables and all lof onnadaf. trill b eherfsdly faralihivl on application! 4D7 agent of tha company, or B.N.OAJtTJSS. ir.ll. WiXMMZMt tl'T'ltng. Paaa' Ajj'U I O'lPasa' AgH. Unt J V A BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB VjBr fM