OCR Interpretation

The Waco evening news. [volume] (Waco, Tex.) 1891-1894, February 22, 1892, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

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ruIos and Regulations at; tho Park
Opon C a. m. to 10 p. m. closod on
Sunday night Pool resorved for
Indies oxclusivoly Wcdnosday evening
2 to &:30; Saturday morning 9 to 12,
Monday night 9 to 10 for ladies and
gontlemen, pool party, tub, necdlo, and
vapor baths at all hours for patients
and others. Experienced malo and
icmnlo attoudants day and night.
Tom Pa non t, Proprietor.
J. B. CmtbNUT, Manager.
Just Rocolvod Largo Stock
Frosb garden seed. Como yo market
gardeners. Wo have ample to supply
you in everything.
W. L. TuoivEit,
at "Lion Drug Store."
When you want nice fresh meat
mutton beef, pork and purorlard go to
MeIiLOR & Dei.aney
325 South Third btrcct.
The onh oheap lots offered in Waco
for the last five years aro those now
on the markot in the Kirkpatriok Ad
dition, East Waco. TIicbc lots aro
being sold for one-half their real val
ue, making a ohanoo to secure a de
sirable homo such as will never ocour
Cheap JLots.
These lots lie high and dry. They
overlook a large portion of the city
and havo perfect drainage. They lie
in the healthiest part of tho city, catch
mg tho pure breezes from tho prairie
untainted by passage over nny part of
the city.
Cheap !Lot
These lots havo tho finest soil, a
rich sindy loam, admirable for par
dons, and are underlaid with pure
water in inexhaustible quantities at a
depth of fifteen and Bixtecn feet,
which can bo used for irrigation.
Cheap !Lot
These lots aro closer to tho contor
of the city than any other addition,
and at tho same distance lots are sell
ing for three and flvo times tho price
asked for these. Thero is millions in
it for persons of small means. Call on
Mrs. or P. G. Kirkpatriok, southwest
corner Eighth and Clay street.
All parties desiring plats of the
Kirkpatriok addition can obtain them
upon application.
New - England;- Magazine
It is uniquo, containing Amoricau
Legends. Traditions, History, Story
and l'ootry. Philosophy and Musio;
Science and Art.
A Few Articles for 1892.
TAMV.S 1-AJITOX, .....
TI ii'.j. r w nfiuTflvM
TiinruTUiti: or viiVcttmoitx,
) OU wnt this carefully edited and finely
Y Illustrated illtorary mafinzine of Bostou,
vrhotUer you have any other or not.
Every Number Finely Illustrated.
It treat" of American rubjeetg, rat ami
present Social questions aro Ulscueeoii In Its
fries JJ.00 a tear. Smcl loc. for Simple Cop).
'ilici iu EX' LAN
36 r. o.'
call; on ORADDKESS
Indian Territory.
Washington's birthday was cele
brated as usual in grand style at Bay
lor University today.
Tho country is being flooded with
literaturo of tho "naughty-but nice."
school. Or rather it is naughty and
nasty without being nice.
Thero were three additions to tho
Christian churoh yesterday.
Waco haB received a considerable
increase of population in tho last two
or three months mostly from Ohio
considerably from St. Joe Mo.
Tho oxoursions out to College
Heights yesterday were immense
Tho Hobson cars carried passengers
all day long and in tho afternoon
they were crowded to their full capac
ity. Tho now artesian well at tho
Heights was the groat attraction and
fre h air and rapid travel another.
Tho tiger of tho Corderillas which
has besn frightening tho Bosquo is
now reported to bo lurking in the
woods about Prootor Springs.
Pickled and spiced pigs,' feet 25
cents a dozen at J. A. Early's.
A venerablo darkey from tho Brazos
bottom was in town on Saturday ex
hibiting to orowds of gaping darkeys
on the square a petrified Indians foot.
It was a monster stono and a flrstrate
imitation of a petrified foot. It was
oiio of the bastard granite boulders
whioh ocour in this chalk sootiou and
tako many strange and fantastic forms.
Look out for m big specialty sales
Saturdays, J. A. Early.
Where will tho daily fire be tonight?
Mrs. Jas F. Duncan of Bonham,
Texas, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. L.
Honea Ninth and Cleveland.
Finest liquors for medioal pur
poses at J. A. Early's.
Japanese plums arc in bloom in the
southern part of town in tho sandy
Catholic Fair Tuesday, Wednesday
and Thursday nights at tho grand
building known as the Coke building
near Eighth street. Lots of fun, make
your arrangements to tako it in all
threo nights.
TheMokanna of Waco is the oredit
Am overstocked in preserves, finest
line in the city, selling at cost. J. A
The lots in tho Kirkpatrick addi
tion are the cheapest over offered in
Potatoes now sell at twonty-fivo
cents a bucket. It is not tho big orop
or low freight rates but active com
petition that soils them for that price
against forty and fifty oents the usual
price for tho last ten years.
Now York seed potatoes genuine at
J. A. Early's.
Tho fairs given by the ladies of tho
Catholic ohuroh are always enjoyable
affairs. That whioh begins tomorrow
night will bo one of tho best. It takes
placo in the Coke building and lasts
threo nights.
Gcnnesso canned corn $1.20 per
dozon at J. A. Eailj's.
Peas, radishes and lettuoe are up in
many gardons and adventurous fruit
trees are slighly putting out a few
Fino now suitings just in at Kirk
& Rccsing. All the now styles and
prettiest patterns. Call in and 600
thorn, they aro going off very fast.
Finest California bottled wines, at
155 oents per quart, best bargain ever
offered in Waco. J. A. Early.
Tho sale of bargains in dry goods
and olothintr has beon a feature of
Waco trade for two years, but it is
only in tho last few months that bar
gains wore to bo had in grooories.
Houskeopors by keeping a oloso cyo
on specialties offered from time to
time by the first-olass grooers, adver
tising in The Newb, can often pick up
big bargains both in specialties and
In a few days a
new book and pe
riodical store will
will bo oponed up at 401 Franklin
street, where lovers of Literature,
Musio and Art will find all tho peri
odicals foreign and domestic, latest
novels, sheot musio and all the Tra-La-La's
of a popular house. Keep
your eyo on the placo and your mem
ory on the number of 0. T. Ridley's
new stand.
You can't miss seeing T. M. Litllc'
wood, England's great champion.
Tin: -i:ws in i trump.
Congressman Bynuin lias decided not
to run for governor of Indiana.
An old second-hand dealer in Kansas
City, Kns., drove oil two men who tried
to rob him.
Chester (111.) penitentiary will stion
havo a iKiarl button and pearl jewelry
At Gainesville, Tex., Mrs. Williams
arrested Sam Ilnyworth as ho was mak
ing his fourth burglary on tho Williams
All the members in the French minis
try resigned becnut-o of nit adverse voto
in tho chamber of deputies on a clerical
Near QoMien, Intl., the family of a
sick man innneicd him in the freezing
water of a river. No eaiiho is given for
the deed.
Edward Parker Deacon, an American,
shot and killed 31. Abeille, whom he
found in company with Mrs. Deacon in
a hotel at Cannes, France.
Colored politicians had a secret confer
ence in iiiriiiingliaui, the object being to
secure control of tho Federal pntronngo
and lleimblicnu politics of Alabama.
ix nas neon lounit that tne title to a
Kood portion of Boonville. .Mo., still re
mains in the government from a misap
prehension in a location of the land
made in 1817.
I'IkIiI u Itli n ltiii'Kliir.
Kansas City, Feb. 22. A desperate
hand-to-hand conlliet with a burglar
took ilnce at the homo of Captain Rhode
walde, in tho north portion of Independ
ence, and a a result John Rhodowtdde
has a cut in his left (high Mx inches
long and a quarter of an inch deep.
John Iihodewaldo and his brother Wil
liam, both young men, occupy the sumo
apartment. John was awakened by a
lace curtain flapping in his face. Reach
ing out his hand lie felt the window
sash gone. He called his brother, and
immediately tho burglar seized him by
tho wriht with one hand and with the
other tried to stop his mouth. Rhode
waldo was placed at such a disadvantage
that his .struggles to bicalc tho burglar's
grasp were ineffectual.
William Rhodowaldo was n wakened by
tho struggle, and made for the unwel
come visitor, who turned his attention
to his now assailant. John also btruek
at tho burglar, but only managed to hit
his brother over tho head several times.
Tho burglar was getting tho worst of the
conflict when he whipped out a knife
and made a vicious slash, with tho prob
able intention of disembowelling John
Rhodowalde. Tho tin list fell short, tho
knifo entering tho thigh, cutting a seri
ous gash. The burglar then broke away
from the boys and jumped out of the
window. The wholo affair consumed
but a few moments.
MiirhOIuri li'il .Tliiliili).
Paducaii, Ky., Feb. 22. A few
months sinco Joseph Mu.iphy came hero
from Illinois to reside. He soon met Mar
tha Willianis,and being a dashing middle-
aged fellow, he won her heart and mar
ried her. In a few weeks the wife
learned that Murphy had onco been
mnrried, but thero was nothing said a-j
to how or whoa his wife died. Last
week Murphy's first wife and two chil
dren canio here, went to his homo and
without ado took possession.
Wife No. 2, understanding No. 1 was
to stay but awhile, concluded to keep
quiet and make tho byst of her predica
ment. To niako time pass easier she
planned a trip to relatives near by, and
returned to find Murphy, wifo No. 1 and
children and all her possessions gone.
Murphy, when ho left here, said ho
would return to Chicago, and as he
formerly lived there it is likely ho did
so. Tho man is of good figuro and well
educated, but attempted no work,
though having monoy. His victim hero
had homo means, all of which he got
through his promises just after tho mar
riage. Tho woman Murphy treated so shab
bily was herself from a neighboring
village in Illinois, and she has been loft
in a very sad condition.
J.ii!ir Ilftlfrt'iitL't Si'ttli'il.
Omaha, Feb. 22. In settlement of the
troubles between tho Union Pacific and
its conductors nnd brakemen, Assistant
General Manager Dickinson discussed
tho now schedule with tho griovanco
committee. Mr. Dickinson expressed a
willingness to concede to their demands
for overtime, which is tho most impor
tant point in tho revised schedule and
tho minorjssues wjll bo compromised.
Tho days of wonder will never
cease till the end of tho world.
Now is your chanoo to down all lOo
and 5c. counters at 4o. and I5o. at tho
liko it
012 Austin Street, Nothing
f aco Erang Ms
What Do You Want?
l)o yon want ncntiil
Do yo wnnt I'miHn?
Do ) on want n Partner?
Do you want n Situation;
Doyoii wnnttobuy Anything?)
Do you vt ant a Husband or Wife)
On ycu want Hoarders or Lodgers!
Do ynu want any "Ileln," main or forualet
Do you want Servants, dorks or Mechanics?
Do you want to rent a llooni, Homo or Store!
Do yon want to sell your Good-will and Fix
tures? Do Xow want to Kent or Soil your IIoufo, Of
fice, Lot or Karin?
Do yon want to liny or Sell a Horse, Wagon, ot
any kind of Vehicle?
Have you Lost or hound anything?
ilavo j on second-hand Goods of any klrd thtt
yon wish to sell or exchange?
Personals or Matrimonial Advertisements?
It so, The Kkwk will publish an advertise
rnont in tho Want Column forONKOHNT PEN
WOllD per day, or K1VK OUSTS PKU WOllD for
one week, s ven days
Tun M:v?8 Is tha ou'y paper that iroos Into
nearly every reading household in Waco, and
besides circulating largely In adjoining towns.
UnndredH can be referred to who have profitably
advertised In lta "Want" columns.
Waco Evening News
Ailvurtlslngln thlacolnmn oharged a th
rat" ofono cent per word Tor each Insertion.
Cnsli must nccompany tho ordor. except whore
ordered by a regular advertiser.
TJOIt SAI.i:--100,000 pood heart shlnglo' nt
92.60 per thouBitnd. Apply 708 AtiBtln
Avenue. 2 1G tf
TTTAI'ri:i To tindo a dorm annnro
YV pianos, ranging In valne from 2!itn SO'l
dollar", lor land or city
I'ionos" not 78 l'. u.
16 0t
yArvTKIl--lo liuyn Jcrsev cow, mnat ho
' joiitig utid a good milker. Apply at
NcwsOfflco 2-0 tf
ANTI'.n-To buy
endorn lien notes,
Ciias. Motz. 1 in
WAISTi;i work In S'cnoernpliy nnd
typewrltlrRlij Geo W. SfhTboionch at
WlllianiK & Kvana law office room 22 l'rovldent
WAXTriO. Johl'rlntlnKnf nil kmd atTiiK
Newh btenni Jol lloonn ShoWTOuriip
ircclntlon of a llTi'OrniiiK pnper by Bh Infill nt
least n Blime or your patioiMKc Btlslactlon
irunrnnteid on eiry older lccilvcd, and proof
W AINTUD 1o buy Second hand Fnrnlturo,
' btOTes, farpeta, IooIb, KvcrithlnK.
Waco Curloelty Shop.
WANTllHrartles who wnnt to Invest In
In tho rich agricultural lands of Central
Texa, to send tbelr addroes to THE WACO
DAILY MEWS. Information furnished free.
One thousand old suits to
303 North Fonrth street. A.
VV cloan at
Friedman, successor to Tho Uttlo Frenchman.
Foil HUNT Suit of rooms, first floor,
southern anil eastern cynosure, bav window a.
enuthern and eastern exposure, bay window b.
i. Harmon, corner ot Eighth and Washing
i. tf
FOIt ItKKT March 1, four room bonne,
no. DO.'. Sonth 4th street. Apply next door,
or to vV. W. Uarby atlllll'e IIusIiicbs CoUikc
Ll?ir At Gaunt HroB. Fifteenth and Jack
streets' ltork l.lin" or Slacked Lime
Portland, Bcsoudale and Louisville Cement,
12 ID 1 mo
FOICSA MJOltl parera nt 20 cents per hun
dred at The eV3 otllco.
FOIt lti:.Vr---Furult lire, SIotcs, SewiiiR
Machines, Everythlnc. Waco curiosity
Shop, CI? ana 019 Austin street.
TJtOK SM.K tCostl AtCoatl At Coat 1
JL Jcwelrj'. Clocks, Mlver l'latcd KnlrcB
rorks, Stvootis, Napkin Jiliu-H, 1'oiket and
'table Cnltrry, Eteriecopts, Ink Stands, Pic
ture Frames nutl Notions. This Is the 11 1st
time wecYcradrcrtltcd to sell at cost but we
ueslro to handlo only New Furniture and
Second band gooes'ofail kinds. Waco Curios
Ity Shop.
or Ash cord wooa, ttoe
for Post Oak
woou cr flro
12101 mo
pl are w ood
cut any lenRtb
Woman, Lovely woman, one", bottio of my
celebrnttil J'onti will permanently enlarge
your fonn -t Inches In Sudaya, and.rcnkuton
b beautiful us Cleopatra, or money refunded.
Price only (2.00, Woman's oniy tmo friend,
for It neter falls. Tokti, ftlorb us Tonti,
will mako the leanest person fat, and rcmovo
llioBe horrid wrlnklta. Send for sealed circu
lar M Us. 1)11 M1LLEK.
211 WAiual! AVENUE, Cilliuoo, Ills
TiOOO Agent Wiuiliil ((iilclll)'
to supplytbo liumciikc demand for
l!t(. lVi;i,l,' MI'lXIIMM ItCI'.ON,
."iOO I'liu'iih, lliclili' llliiktratt'd,
Irltt, l..i().
A HloKrapuy of tho World's dreatct Divine,
by the Sitrut)on or Aniuricu. Ilcwaro of
catch penny books, this la tho Mtiuuliirii
Agents' success astonishing Interest Inti'iiku
Bend iinlck :iOc. for out lit and gcttho territory.
Addicts. :l,llltAltl llltos,,
. Kill IIiicii Mr. ml, I'lilnilulplilH.
or, Ilroutltvii)' A: I.ocsiiMt St.,
St. I.oillE, .tin.
(Tho latest designs in
Thompson hangs them on
walls with success.)
Haohleri'a Arnloa Halve.
The boat salvo In the world for outa,
brulsoH, tor eg, uloors, salt rhouin, fe
ver sores, tetter, olmppod hands, ohll
blnliis, oorns aud all skin ornptlona,
and poaltlvoly jures piles, or no pay
required. It Is guaranteed to give
satisfaction or monoy refunded. Price
26 oents h box. Foi salo by W. B
Morrison tir Co.
Local Time Gard.
SfUannrl, Hnnsan A Txn.
asBcnRer Trains South Bomnl.
No. arrives 12:10 a.m.
No. 1 lim 1.2:25 a. rn.
No,3anlve ....Ik p. m.
No.yiosvfs 1:10p.m.
North Hound.
No. '1 lurlvoa 2:r a, m.
No. S Iaft7o 2:Ns&,m.
No. 4 miIvm 3:10 p. m.
No. loaves 3:!0p, in.
Travis Joxxs,
Ticket Agent, Paclflo Hotel lltoci
Cotton Bolt llimlo.
Train No. 1 loaves 11,00a.m.
Train So 1 aritves lOM5a. m
DltSfJ nxsr.
Tra'n No. a nrrlves oilsp m
train No. 2 leaves B:ao p.ro
HatwonWaoo and St. Louis solid train via
Parafpald to St. Lonlt on Iron Uonntalntrsc)
Into union Depot.
W. S. OlLLBSNk.,
OltyTloketOiUooatNo. 112 Sonth KourtSt.
fNo.83 Arr flilSa. m,
I SIL'v 8:10p.m.
W. K. OWKNB. Tlokot Agent.
Under Paolflo Hotel lllook. Opposite rostofflct
Sit n Antonio anil ArtiiiRiiN I'liwa.
Lv Waco at 6 a. in. Arrives ll:M p. m.
South Hound frelcht which will carry pas
oncer?,, leaves Waco Bt 12:16 p. ni.
Beiween rolati li TBli
Taylor md Kansas City and Hannibal,
uij ;jiii;uu inn ji uujir 'CllUi
tialnt of eastern ni fioruvnilliici, Hate
tbe M.. K. & T. E'y the ptt line to
New YoriBoston Montreal and 8t.P8r
J. K. Smith, Tinkot Agent, No. 124
South 4th Strent, l'acirio Hotel Waoo.
A. S. Donou, Traflio Manager, St.
Louis, Mo.
II. P. Huciiieb, G. l. andT. A.
Dcnison, Texas.
B. B. Paukkk, A. G. P. A. St.
Louis, Mo.
Cotton Belt Route
(St. Louis Southwestern Ry.) ,
St. Louis, Cairo, Memphis,
Freo Reclining Chair Cara
and Pullman Butlot Sleoporsl
Two Daily Trains To
ITTIm fknlvr T.ltin
J.J1U VfiilJ uuw dUTrlng pt
ontlonKKnld!iitrrrbIomnrtra tTM
rer MroMtlweity.
The Only line with throtd.iMtx
lrKrierTlebtir(arORT WORTH wU
The Only Line wHhthrm.hew.r.
Ic twtweea HBUFIIIS nd pdnti In CHJfc
The Shortest Route
Anitui LlnekTtbTot:ihUokettonial rtt
The Goiton Belt Routel
Esttui, mp Ubm Ublei ami nil iDformadoA
TrUll) ebterfallr fomUhml en Bipllrntlna Vt
iy BgontortheoornpniT, or
it. M. OJ-ltrtCB, ir. 11, It J A I'lXZJK
b'T'llatJ' 4'W I O'lPaM igU linn

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