WACO DAILY NEWS, MARCH 23 1892. W. IT. WILKES, M D W.O. WILKES, MD Residence 120 N 9 St. Realdence 319 N 12 St. DRS WILKLS & WILKES Physioians and Surgeons. ItOOMS IN ri-OVlBKMlVILDlNG. 6Ute nt Old Corner Drag Btore. Telopnono Bt OQlco and Residences. Dr. N. T. HARRIS Office on Austin Street over First National Bank. Euoknb Williams. Wji. W. Evans. Williams & Evans Atty's $ Counsellors at Law, rjt o viijexx jj uiZiMxa, WACO, - - - TEXAS. THE - "CALIGRAPH," A IVritlnv Maehitie that Hells on Merit. Without a Peer in the Known World. Hartley & Burleson Agents, 206 South Third Ft. Waco, Tox. Supplloiof all kinds on Shortest Notice, MANSION HOUSE Corner Sixth mid Wutlilngton, IUKS. J. M. AVIGG1NN, ritOPIUKTRESS Q-Good rooms and unexcelled table. Hcst of eerrl ;o at the mo&t reasonable rates. Con renient to bnelnces center of the city. R. T- DENNIS & BRO. uu uiniDiuuo'c2rjiuu,iuii 518 Aimtin Avenue. waco, : : : texas. Commercial House. Cor. Eighth $ Clay Sts. Vttly tiro bloeJis south ofSlo. l'aclflc Ji.Jt Dejiol. J- IF IBSTCIASS.-! Terms reasonable. Commercial Travel especially solicited. Mrs. N. H. Kirkpatrick. Blackwoll Hotel. Good beds and best of fare. Rates $1.00 por day. Meals 25 cents, 120 Second street, next door to the court house. tf J. B. Payno is offering big and as tonishing bargains in pianos, organs and small musioal goods. Buy Egan's Big Muddy Lump coal. Fine Work. Nevor in tho history of Waoo was thero suo h stook of boggles display ed as can bo found at Tom Fadgitt's. Tho finest work, tho latest styles and tho lowest prices. No trouble to show thorn. Call and see for yoursolf. One hundred vehiolcsin display room Remarkable Rescue. Airs. Richard Curtain, Plainficld, 111., makes tho statemont that she caught cold, whioh sottlcd on hor lungs; sho was treated for a.month by her family physician, but grew worse. He told hor she was a hopolcss vioiini of consumption and that no medioine could euro hor. Her druggist sug gested Dr. King's Mow Discovery for Consumption; she bought a bottlo nnd to hor delight found herself benoGtod from first doso. Sho oontinued its use and after taking ten bottles, found herself sound and well, now docs her own housework and is aB well as she over was. Free trial bottles of this Great Discovery at W. B. Morrison & Co's. Drug Store; largo bottles 60o. and $1.00. CrO to Kellum & LawBon for lots in Farwells Hoights. Dookory and Co,, Firo Insuranoo Agents Provident Building. BpBt cmopanies and oloso attention to in terests of insurers. Tho best restaurant in town, Joe Lehman's, No. 117 South Fourth street. Buy Egan'o Blacksmith coal. ni vi7D it nm niTAD c wpmii i i mud u 1GIIO THE WORST TO COME JOHN BROWN, 19 YEARS OLD, CON VICTED OF 'MURDER. Rnmnndud to .Inll to Aunlt Sontenco ol Dentil He Is One iif Urn III llipton Onus Who Murdered Detect He Whitehead and Deputy Marshal Pool-hoy. Fout Smith, Ark., March 23. John Brown, aged 10 years, was convicted of murder in the federal court and was re manded to jail to await sentenco of death. Brown is one of tho Wacooh Hampton gang, who, on the 8th of Do cemberlast murdered Thomas White head, a dotectivo, nnd Josiah Poorboy, a Cherokeo deputy marshal, near Table quah, Cherokee nation. Wacooh Hamil ton was an escaped convict from tho re form school in tho District of Columbia. Ho and Brown become boon companions after Hampton reached his homo after escaping. Tho ovidenco at tho trial just closed Bliowed that one Sim Craig had been arrested by Charles Lamb on a charge of adultery. Ho escaped from Lamb and Whitehead, with Poorboy. were at tho house of Lord W Shorlay, laying to catch him. During tho night Hampton, Brown nnd John itoach came along and tho two officers ordered them to halt until they could seo who thoy were. Roach got off his horse and laid his gun down when Brown shot him in the arm. Thon Brown and Wacooh both opened firo upon the officers, killing them. They took Whitehead's pistol and robbed him of somo monoy, also took Poorboy 's Winchester. Roach was arrested and lodged in jail here, but a nolle prosequi was entered m his caso and he became a witness against Brown. Hampton and Brown remained at large, committing depredations and peddling whisky until the 29th of last January, when Wacooh was killed by Deputy Marshal Heck Brunnor, and on the same night Brown was captured in bed at tho houso of Hampton's mother. When ar rested ho had his own Winchester lying across his bed and tho gun thoy had taken from Poorboy lying on a table by his bed. At the trial he claimed that ho acted in self-defente, not knowing who the parties were, and that they shot first. This ho could not prove and ho will no doubt hang. He takes tho matter very coolly. HEROIC MRS. BALDWIN. Her Kyc Removed nnd n Hand Cut Off, but She Wnnts to Found a Mission. New York, March 23. Mrs. Homer Baldwin, who was injured in tho Hast ings railroad wreck on Christmas eve, has submitted to a painful operation at tho Getty House, Yonkers. The unfortu nate woman's sightless eyes were re moved, as was one hand at the wrist and tho fingers of tho other hand. The operation upon her eyes was to lessen the pain that she has suilered and also to aid- the progress of skin grafting. "I know I 6hall never comeVrat of the ether alive," she said, "but I am willing to taka every possible chance of living offered me." Dr. David Johns administered the ether" and 'the operations were mode. The first operation, that of removing the eyes, was performed by Dr. Callan, as sisted by Dr. Schopon. It lasted twenty five minutes. Then Dr. Schopen ampu tated four dead bones that protruded ffom tho right hand and patched up the mutilated thumb of tho hand. Ho then cut away tho heart of tho dead bono of the left arm and removed tho mortify ing flesh around it. Tho operations on tho hand lasted just eight minutes, and a short time afterward Mrs. Baldwin came to and called for her father. Of the ten pieces of skin already grafted upon her forehead fivo have re tained their vitality and grown into place. One has already attained thosizo of a half dollar. It is Mrs. Baldwin's intention, if sho ultimately recovers, to establish a mis sion. Wont Hack on Him Oner. San Francisco, March 23. Tho an nouncement is make tliat Anita Bald win, tho only daughter of "Lucky" Baldwin, the well known California millionaire, had eloped with her cousin, George Baldwin. The latter came seven years ago from Crawfordsville, Ind., and since then lias been employed in tho Baldwin.Hotel in tiiis city. He is 25 years of age, while the young woman is 18. Tho millionaire seriously opposed the match and had taken measures to keep tho young people apart. As Miss Baldwin is a minor the young couple could not obtain a licenso to marry, so young Baldwin obtained a tug and thoy wero married out at sea by a minister. Tho secret was well kept and only di vulged when the husband and wife be came tired of living apart. Even aftv tho secret marriage Anita frequently a?ked her father's consent to marry her cousin, but ho was obdurate. He fre quently expressed tho intention of mak ing Anita his heirets if sho obeyed his wishes and it is said that ho promised to give her the famous Santa Anita farm with $10,000,000. During the trouble which arose during tho courtship "Lucky" Baldwin threatened to disin herit her if she married young Baldwin. norrluie jvtrucme. Philadelphia, March 23. When tin board of charities meets nt Huntington amass of startling information will come before it by Stato Senator Osborne of this city, bearing upon cruelties in-' flicted upon the inmates of tho Pennsyl vania Industrial reformatory. Tho names of eighty-three boys will bo pre sented, all of whom havo been victims of long confinement in solitary cells, and in most instances havo also been whipped with water-soaked lenther flaps, chained up to iron bars above their heads or to floors) and in somo cuses compelled to carry a ball and chain. Some of theso victims,it is charged, were driven iuto insanity and to attempt sui cide. Ittittcll Harrison ut llvniiKvllIe. EVANSviu-i:, Ind., March 23. Rtmsell Harrison, the president's son, J. P. Dela innrnnd C. C. Uphain, latter' two from Montana, are here negotiating for tho purchn'-e of tho Ev.iusvillo "street car lines which are to become electric tint, year. t 1; is claimed that Harrison and his friends are on a political lav in the iutue-a uf thu.ltiiiu i'.. faiherj but this tli-t young man denies, i-nying that hi.-. viMt is purely n business one. lie de clines to talk politics. 11111 (In. wilt;: Dally. New Youk. March 23. District At torney Ridgcway, who accompanied Senator Hill on his southern tour, lint? returned to Brooklyn. Ho said Senator Hill will have delegates from every southern state. Tho ex-governor, ho said, was growing stronger in tho minds of the people, not alone in tho south, but throughout tho country. Accidentally Shot. Velasco, Tex., March 23. Joseph Cox, a young gentleman living on his father's farm near Kried's ferry on Bas trop creek, a few miles from this city, accidentally shot himself whilo cleaning a six-shooter. The bullet entered his thigh half way between tho kneo and groin, and ranging down.lodged between tho nnklo bono ICMT JB3& Like another woman the ono who's used Dr. Picrco'i Favorite Prescription. She's a itronger and a happier woman and a healthy one. Tho aches, tains, and weaknesses, that made ifo miserable arc gone the func tional disturbances or irregularities that caused them havo been cured. Faco and figure show tho change, too. Health baa restored the charms that rightfully belong to her. For all the weaknesses nnd ailments peculiar to womanhood, " Favorito Prescription " is a posi tive remedy. No other mcdioino for women w guaranteed, as this is, to givo satisfaction in every case, or tho money is refunded. It's pro prietors aro willing to tako tho risk. What it has done, warrants them In guaranteeing what it will do. It's tho cheapest medicine you can buy, because it's guaranteed to givo satisfaction, or your money ia returned. You only pay for the good you get. Can you ask moro ? That's the peculiar plan all Dr. Pierce's medicines aro sold, on. Important Notice. The annual water rates of tho Waco Water and Light oompany aro as follows: Family uso $ 4 00 Banks 4 00 Offices 4 00 Barber shops, por chair 1 50 Bath tubs, publio 4 00 iiath tubs, privato 2 00 StoreB G 00 Drug stores 8 00 Saloyns 10 00 Bestauranta 10 00 Closet, publio 2 00 Closets, private .-... 1 00 Urinals, publio 2 00 Urinals, privato 1 00 Photographer 8 00 Privato stable for ono horso, including washing carriage. . 1 00 Each additional horso 76 Cows 75 Lawn sprinkling, 20o per 100 square feet for season. Offioo: Room No. 11, Provident building SOCIETY NOTE. Items and communications intended lor tbi department Bhould be sent to No. 800 North Twelfth street or tele phoned to No. SO, on or before Friday afternoon of each week, in ordor to roceive proper attention. News notes reoolved after 10 o'clock Satur day morning cannot appear until tho next week, however much wo may regret the delay. V - mw 1b Iil vjr nETDKNING FIIOU THE HUNT. IIjtHIS MAN has been hunting 1 with one of H. E. Am hold's fine guns sure shot. Fine guns for sale or for hire. H. E. AMBOLD, 419 Austin Street. ON TO WACO. The Rook Island Crostes Red River In July. It is now nearly an assured faot tv at long before the expiration of 1892 tho trains of the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific will be running regularly into Waoo. General Freight and Tiokot Agent Bell of the Toxas Central told a News reporter yester day that the track-builders of tho Rock Island route woud cross Rod River somo time in July. Ho did not know at just what point it would cross, but thought that a point opposito Henrietta would bo ohnscn, and that they would build through that town and conneot with the Witchita Valley road at Wiohita Falls. The Rock Island ban already acquired the Wiohita Valley road and when thoy mako connection with it, it will lcavo a gap oi only about fifty or sixty miles for them to fill to have a through line to the gulf via tho Texas Central from Albany and tho San Antonio and Aransas Pass from here. Thoro is little doubt hut tlut this gap will be filled as soon as connootion is mado at Wiohita Falls. As soon aB the gap is filled the through trains will bo run into Waoo and on to the gulf as soon as tho Brazos can bo bridged. i "WORTH A GUINEA A DOS NOTICE Complying- with general J quest, J UUliUriAftl'b IMLUS will in future for the United States be covered with A Tasteless and Soluble Coatins:, comnletelv distruisincr the b . . - C . C7 .. taste of the Pill without in any J way impairing its efficacy. J'rice 25 cents a Box, New York Depot 165 Canal Street. J Remarkable Facts. Heart dieeaio is usually supposed to bo incurable, but when properly treated a large proportion of cases can be cured. Thus Mrs. Elmira Hatch of Elkhart, Ind., and Mrs. Mary L Baker, of Ovid, Mich., wero oured after fluffcring 20 ears. S.O.Lin burger, druggist at San Jose, III., Bays "workoa wpnucr for his wife. Jjovi Logan, or 'Buchanan, Mich , who had heart disoase for '60 years, says two bottels mado him "feel like a now man." Dr. Miles' New Heart Curo is sold and gaurantecd by II. C. Risher & Co. Book of wonderful testimo nials free. PROVIDENT ANNEX. Honry Epstein, Proprietor. This elegant place of resort No.4H Franklin street has been newly refit ted and furnished. It is now ono of tho coolost and handsomest places in tho city. Nico appointments, purest winos and liquors aro Bcrvcd oyer the counter, and freo lunoh at all hours. Tho gonial proprietor has spared no pains or expense to mako his plaoo a daisy. Grand free lunoh Saturday night with popular uthletio sports and amusemonts. Drop in. Call on Laok fc GreenLorg, H4J Austin street, for a fino spring suit. Fishing taokle of every description with full stook of hunters supplio H. E. Amboumj. ." t PECI re- CljEap Lots. The only cheap lots offered in Waco for tho last five years aro thoso now on the market in ihn Kirknuinnlr Ail. dition, East Waco. These lots aro being sold for ono-half their real val ue, malting a obx"0 to scouro a do- aiiauiu uume suci as will novor oeour again. Clieafi JLots. These lots Ho high and dry. Thoy overlook a large portion of tho oity and havo perfect drainage. Thoy lio in tho hoalthicst part of tho city, catch ing tho puro breozes from tho prairie untainted by passage over any part of tho city. Cheap !Lot Those lots havo tho finest soil, a rioh study loam, admirablo for gar dons, and are underlaid with puro wator in inexhaustible quantities at a depth of fifteen nnd Bixteon foot, which can bo UBod for irrigation. Cheap IiOt. Theso lots aro closer to tho contor of the oity than any other addition, and at tho samo distance lots aro Bell ing for thrco and fivo times tho prico asked for theso. Thero is millions in it for persons of small means. Cnll on Mrs. or P. G. Kirkpatrick, southwost oornor Eighth and Clay streot. All parties desiring plats of tho ivirkpatrick addition can obtain them upon application. Rules and Regulations at tho Park Natatorlum. Opon G a. m. to 10 p. m. olosod on Sunday night. Pool resorved for ladies oxcluBivcly Wodnosday evening 2 to 0:30; Saturday morning 0 to 12, Monday nipht 9 to 10 for ladies nnd gcntlemon, pool party, tub, necdlo, and vapor baths at all hours for patients and others. Experienced malo and fomalo attendants day and night. Tom Pabgitt, Proprietor. J. B. Chksnut, Managor. Everybody goes to Joo Lonman's whon they want a good moal, or iio oreara. Go to Kellum & Lav eon for lots in Pravident addition. If ever you intend to buy a piano now is your ohanop. J. B. Payno will soil you one for a son?. Don't wait for the big boom now coming which will lift up priccB, but take advantage of tho depression and buy a fino piano of J. B. Pyno at about half price. CrO to Kellum & LawBon 113 S. 4Bt. iorlots in Col. Hoights. Joe Lohman is the most popular ros taurant man in Texas. His plaoo 117 South Fourth street. Dr. Geo. P. Mann, dentist. Full sett of uppor or lower teeth, $12,50. Buy Egan's Indian Territory ooal A Mothers Mistake. Mothers frequently mako a mistake in ncgloating tho Cough of n ohilcJ. A Fort Wayne, Ind., lady writos: My littlo daughter 6 years old had a sovcre Cough but as it was nothing unusual 1 thought nothing of it, and allowed it to run on for 4 or 5 weeks, when it booamo so obstinate sho bogan losing flesh, 1 called iu a physioian who treated her threo weeks without bon ofit. A neighbor insiBtod upon my trying Ballard's Horohound Syrup; it roliovcd her from the first doso and sho began gaining flesh rapidly, when we had used two bottles her Cough had entirely disappeared. I would not be without it. It docs not consti pate my childron. Ballard's H ore hound Syrup is freo from Opiates . It's tho most Boothiug Throat an Lung mcdioino in tho world. Price 50o. and $1 00. Sold by H. O. llisher &Co. Lack & Greenberg, morohau tailors, 4143 Austin street aro pro pared to do tho very finest work in thoir lino. Give them a call. Dockery & Co., Aesuranco Agents represent first rlass companies only. Every attention paid to placing risks, Givo ub a call at our now quarters la tno rrovioent palming. I