THE WACO NEWS.FRIDAY MAY 20 1892. 2 Uitos SJtt&t 1$ctaK5s Judgo Clark's Appointments. Gonzilcs, Thursday, Miy 19. Platonio, Saturday, Miy 21. Houston, Monday, May SI). Galveston, Thursday, May 20. Bellvilla, Saturday, May U8 TO ADVERTISERS. Tuc Nkws will take advertising with tho understanding that if it hat not a larger kcal circulation than any daily pnper published in Waoo, no charge will bo made for the advertise, ment. Clark went to Son Actonio loaded for Bexar. All the available dark horse tisibor in Texas stands in tho Clark column. Tho "slime and slander" business did not pay and tho govornor has "Boratohed it out." Railroad employees who wear brass collars aro not so numerous in Toxas ns his eioelloDoy seems to think. Tho governor can not rnako minoy friends by discussing newspapers and thoso who aro opposed to him. He should discuss the issues. Hogg won't talk about the Interna, tional rocoivership oaso. Ho has good reasons tor it from tho stand point of a candidate. It is full of dynamite. Texas has a "Jack, tho shooter" now. If this had ooaurred in south or southwest Texw, Gov. Hogg's law and order crowd would have been howling today. Fifty-six years ago Sam Houston turned Toxa3looso on tho banks of tho San Jaomto. In August noxt George Clark will turn Toxas loose at Houston on tho banks of BufEiln Biyou. The Clark campaign committee is receiving calls for more literature than they can supply on demand. The peo ple are earnest and anxious about this campaign and that means success for Clark The administration olaokers charg ed Clark with making tho race to boat Hogg and not for the nomination him self. Now they are caucusing to find a man who can beat Clark after Hogg is out of tho lace. The orazy fiend or fiends who murdered thoso four women in Dcni son if caught ought to suffer for the crime just the sanio as a sano person. las News assumes that the ussas sin was crazy because a human being possessed of his right mind oould never butcher defenseless women in thut wa. When a human being geti to that point in his thirst for blood le has lived long enough. There will be 79 votes in the con gressional convention, and under the two-thirds rule 54 will be necessary to a choice. Only four counties have elec ted delegates. They are McLennan, Navarro. Burleson and Falls. Gerald 3ias McLennan, 8 votes; Ben Rice, Falls, S votes; Pendleton, Navarro, 14 votes, and Burleson 4 votes, and if Pendleton gets Bell, his own coun ty, which is conceded to him, he will go into the convention with 35 yotes. Milam will instruct for Antony and Limestone for Blake, leaving Washing ton doubtful. It is now certain that the contest will be an exciting one. Neither one of the candidates can possibly get the necessary two-thirds on the first ballot, and if the delegates stand firm there will be a lock. On account of the small vote of McLen nan, which is less than half what it ought to be, Judge Gerald is placed at a disadvantage. If he can ear ly Washington he will be second in the race and will stand a good chance to be nominated. From the signs of the times at present it will be a lock between Gerald and Pendleton. THE PEOPLE'S HOMES .V JEOPARDY. In the wild and rockier prosecu tion of tho railroul corporations by the prcsont stato administration ho his reaohod a point that does not only establish boyond quostion tho truth of tho charge mado against Gov. Hogg of rabid hostility to railroads and a de termination to orush them out of ex i9tcnco if possiblo, but it shows an utter disregard of the iotorosts of tho people of Texas individually and col lectively. Tho Val Vordo suits brought into question tho titlo of '20,' 000,000 acres of land scat tored oil over Texas, most of it hold by actual sottlera for whioh thoy havo paid their good money and upon whioh they havo by dint of labor placed many inillioda of dollars in improvements. Tho state claims ono twentieth of these lands and the governor says if ho is ro-eleoted ho will mako tho railroads and tho people disgorge Suit his been instituted in Witchua county by Attorney General Culborson seeking to reoovor from tho Houston and Toxas Central all tho lands granted to it by tho state, amounting to about 6,000,000 aorcs, much of whioh has been sold to actual settlors. Sinoo this suit was filed it has been impossible for these pooplo to obtain loans on their lands nud as a result further im provement has beon stopped indefi nitely. It is impossiblo to estimate tho damage to Texis directly and in directly growing out of those suits. Not satisfied with tho deadly stib at the material development of tho 6tato oontainod in the alion land law pass ad by tho regular session of tho leg islature a law whioh cast suspicion not only upon tho peoplo of Toxas but upon the validity of tho stocks and bonds of ovary oorporate institu tion in tho state whioh owned land even for business purposes; so determined was Governor Hogg to "bust" the corporations that ho hesi tated not to strike down tho homes of a largo number of Texas people in order that ho might bring the railroad corporations to his feet. Tho Fort Worth Gazette in giving a history of tho legislation relativo to the central land subsidy raises the point that should the stato bo successful in wresting these lands from tho rail road they "would n)t be subjeot to homestead looation as artialo 3q3G of tho revised statutes excepts from such disposition of lands hold undor color of tills from tho stito." Tho sottlers then oould not pre-empt the lands after tho railroad is undo to "dis gorge" but would be the prey of tho land sharks who hold certificates on thousands of aorcs of Texas lands and who stand ready to pounce upon ovory aoro reoovered by tho state. This is the state of things brought upon us by our present governor. Could mad ness go further? Are the people of Texas to be robbed of their homos that the governor's hatred of railroad corporations may bo appaased? It is time to appeal to oooservatism It is timo that mon who have oast their fortunes with' tho empire state of tho South oomo for ward in solid phalanx and domand that tho inveterate and indiscriminate war on our land titles shall stop. It is no timo for oompromiso or flinching. Hon. Goarge Clark etands as the ohampion of oonsorvatism, justioo, peaoo and progress, livery patriot knows h'is duty and ho should, in this needy hour, perform it with out fear or faltering. Texas must be roloased from this thralldom. Georgo Clark pitched the battle, is making tho bravost fight for Toxas that has ever boon made sinoo Houston, Crookett, Bowie, Travis and all thoso heroos of tho early days fought for her freedom. Will Toxas pooplo who have soon the honor of their stato suffer at tho hands of ig norance and offloialism put thoir brand of approval upon it? Will they stand idlo and see this vicious attaok upon thoir land titles suooeed? Will thoy return to powor tho man who has brought distress "to thous ands by his sonsoloss truokle to a morbid sontiment? Two moro years of Hogg would bankrupt Texas. Ho tiro him and turn Toxas looso. A MODERN ATTILLA. Senator Garwood tho brilliant young lawyer and statesman from Bas trop county doliercd an oloquent speooh in Dallas Wednesday night from whioh tho following ta repro duced. It strikes two vital points in Hogg's administration: "Since Atilla with his Huui docended upon the plains of sunny Italy there Ins been no suoh attack upou tho land titles and values of a country as Gov. Hogg is making tuday upon tho homos of honest settlers. And to what oud? Ho says to give to the sohool fund lend to tho railroads. How beautiful 11 this ehai 1 of progress. Tho state givos tho land to tho railroad. The railroad sells tho land to tho private oitizen who builds his homo thoreon. Gov, Hogg makos the private oitizon ' dis gorgo" and londs tho amount recover ed to the railroads. Tho differonoo between tho two oandidatos stands prominent hero. Clark belioves in quieting tho titlo3 to theso lands aud will recommend a validating aoi. Hogg proses to take their lands away from thorn, sell them and lend tho money to the railroads. Clark pro posescs, in caso there is any money to lend, to let the peoplo havo it. This oasc, like auothor of his (Hogg's) celebrated land cases whioh was also reversed by tho supreme court, as usual, has done moro to unsettle land values than all the land frauds and forgeries in Texas for forty years. No department of the govern, niont, state or municipal, is safo from his wild attacks. Tho state has been long struggling with tho problom of how to control her convicts without leasing them. Wo believed that in the successful operation of our sugar farms we had reached a successful solution of the matter. Tho state of Texas, thereforo is a large sugar grower competicg with tho planters of Louisiana. Tho federal govorument gives a bounty of a few cents on each pound ot sugar raised. Now if wo are in tho sugar business wo must con duct it on business principles, other wise wo should quit it. There was $40,000 accruing to tho stato on this bouuty. Tho logislaturo provided a method of receiving it. Tho governor vetoed tho bill. Ho was opposed to bounties. So are we all. But to re fuse to accept $10,000, which alone can enable us to successfully compete with thoso who do acoopt it is sheer madness." Electric Bitters. This rotnedy is beooming so well known and so popular as to need no SDecial mention. All vho havo used i Eleotrio Bitters sing the samo song of praise. A purer medicine does not oxiBt nD(l it is guaranteed to do all that is claimei. Eleotrio Bittors will cure all diseases of tho Liver and Kiduevs, will roraove Pimples, Boils, Salt Rheum and other affections caused by impure bloud. Will drive Malaria from tho system and prevent as well as ouro all Malarial fevers. For cure of Headache, Constipation aud Indigestion try Eleotrio Bitters Entire satisfaction guatanteed, or monoy refundod. Prioo 50 cts. and $1.00 per bottle at W. B. Morrison & Co., drug storo. Diaru nds, -vetches, jewelry, silver waro anu bric-a-brao, all going at a great sacrifico at tho groat bankrupt stock of D. Domnon & Bro.; Brown & Co., auctioneers. Bronze Powders, Gold and Silver Paints at C. F. Smith', 401 Austin avenue. Whon you want ntoo fresh meat mutton, beof pork and puror lard at 10 oonts per pound, go to MeLLOU & DELANEY 125 South Third street. If our first price is too high th?n ask for a lower one, we manufac, ture all grades of work. Dallas Screen Co. Lewlne Eftlfil Oil I B" Ladies', Misses' Children's Men's bliL uALlb Youths' and 1Jys' STRAW HATS. We find ourselves with an overwhelming large stock of Straw Goods, and to sell them out clean we make special prices. This week Hoys' Straw Hats for 15c 35c 50c 50c Lot of Large Sizes Men's for 25 cents, worth 75c and $1.00. I Lot of fine colored Wide Brim 50c, for Misses' I and Children, worth 1.00. 1 SHOOZJE 8MUZE. SHOES. r. J"stn??re"exd- Pine Canvass Oxford Fedora Tics in red. Fedora Ties in Ooze, suitable for fine trade. Will sell them for orices lower than ever. Come and see them. Lewine Bros. MOORE HEanfactui ers 1 Alexandre's Baking Powdor. Alexandre's Pure Bpioes. Alexandre's Java aud Rio Blend Cotl'oe. Moore Bros' White Wine and Apple Vinegar. Moore Bros' Pure Cider. Having purohaHOd Mr. Alexandre's buslnes we a re now prepared to till orders promptly. Pntroulze Home Institutions. Sustain our efforts to make Waco a Great Manufacturing Centre. REAL ESTATE AND RENTAL AGENTS, WACO, : : TEXAS. Have removed from PaoilTc Hotel to Room 28, Provident Bld'g LiverysTransfer STABLES. 0. W. DAVJD PROPRIETOR. The old Orand Jlulldliuj, A'orth of l'lata, WACO, TUX AS. The Cnost vohicles and horaca in th oity. Otf.ll carriages for ladies a spe cialty and when desired, ladies can ' have a driver in livery. All trains met. Prompt attention to Jail orders and satisfaction guaranteed. Horses boarded on reasonable terms.! W,D MAYJIKLD, ProsMent. J. D.;BELL, Vice President. JOIIN;D. MAYFIELD, Oaehler The Gity Savipgs Bapk CHARTERED FEB.I12, 1892. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL $100,000. No v offers 6 'per cent, interest on deposit. Interest payable from date. Bros. 5c, worth 15c. Children's Black and White Sailors for 15c, worth 25c. Boys' Black and White nice Straws for 25c worth 50c. Boys' Black and White Soft Straw for 35c worth 65c. Men's and Boys' Yacht Hats for 50c, worth 75c and $1.00. lixtra good Men's and Youths' Straw Hats worth $1.50 for $1.00. Opera Toe Shoozc for 50 cents. Oxford Toe Shoozc for 50 cents. Patent Tip Oxfords for 75 cents. Turn Tip Oxfords for Si. 00. ROTHERS. Whdesale Grocers Moore Bros' Flint Candy.