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Dr. C. B Stoddard Hi A l.'STJN. - Tl XAS. P.irtlee itvinj; out of tU city will ple-iSJ ati tl.eir hpolntim nts by telegraph or mall few days in advance. Price KtCSia, VOL. XIII. AUSTIN, TEXAS, THURSDAY, MAY 7, . 1885. NO. 31. A TTCinnTAT 1 II i -v fa n JSL 'L kJ'Jl eLJL n V ,1 tn s o 3 TVf K'0A'7 ." ;,r HEALING! CTOES CATABE3, HIIEmiATTSY, EALGIA, PILES. WOUNDS, BUSKS, DEEHAGES, FEMALE COMPLAINTS, Usrd Internally fc katernnuy. J rices 50c, $1, $t.7."i. SoW everywhere. POND'S EZTEACT CO., 76 5th Ave., IT. Y. y r .Sale by Geo. B. Lucas & Co., Austin.Tex '.r-.Yv. LW 114 Xia majority of the ills of the human tody arise from a derangement of the Liver, affecting both the Stomach and bowels. In order to effect a cure, it it necessary to remove the cause. Irregu lar and Sluggish action of the Bowels, Headache, Sickness at the Stomach, Pat n In the Hack and Loins, etc., indicate th ai the Liver it at fault, and that nature re quire assistance to enable this organ ta throw off impurities. , Prickly Ash nitterBare especially compounded for this purpose. They art mild in their action and effective as a cure; are pleasant to the taste and taken easily by both children and adults, ta ken according to directions, they are a safe andpleasant euro for Dyspepsia, Geueral Debility, Habitual cou slipatlosi, Diseased Kidneys, etc., etc. As a Blood Purifier they: ere superior to any other medicine cleansing the system thoroughly, auA imparting new life and energy to thein valid. It is a medicine and not an tntoslcallns beverage, AU Y003 BRUGQiST FSR FE1CKIT ASH BITTE33, bnd take no other. FBICE, 91.00 par Bottle. PRIMLY fiSH BITTERS CO..S0LE PROPRIETORS et. Louia sad Ttunnnw CI jr. Hx Used herbs in doctoring th family-and her simple remedies HID CVftE in most cases. "Without the use of herbs, p- -, ical science would be powerless ; r r " et the tendency of the times is to j ; oct the best of all remedies for those jj;v.eriul medicines that seriously in jure the system. is a combination of valuable herbs, care fully compounded from the formula of a regular Physician, who used this pre scription largely In his private practice with great success. It is not a drink.but n medicine used by many physicians. Jf-Ib is invaluable for ItYSPErsiA, JilDS EY end LIVER COUJ'LAJNTS, XJiRVOVS EXUAVSTIOX, WEAK NESS, IFXtia ESl'ION, Act and while curing will not hurt the system. JKr. C. J. Jthodes, a well-cnowu iron man of Safe Harbor, Fa., wrV es : .. "My. non whs completely proprrat-w by fever and araa. Quinine and barks did hhj BO sotxi. I then ?n for Mlshler's Herb Bitters and iii a, Bbort time tbo buy was quit well." "E. A. 8clrellentrager, Druggist, 717 t!t. Clair Street, Cleveland, 0., writes : Your Bitters, I can ft-j,.nd do say, are rro. scribtHl by eoiue of the oldest and most prominent pliy siciaDs in our citj'." MISHLEB HERB BISTERS CO., 525 Commerce St., Philadelphia. Pavker'a Pleasant Worm Cyrno Never Fails BfllLEfS SALIN1 APERIENT CuresAdd Stomach, Sick Stomach, Constipation, Biliousness, Costivi ness. Indigestion, tieartDurt: Headache, Water-brash. . j bold bj ail deaiers toro cecw. - SENSIBLE YDUNG HAS, . A well known youner aentiem&B had ben paying special attertioe to the charms ot a voung "auy, wise had lust enweed "irom .pell cr sickness, made the folio g re mark: Gilt-edged Human BcUicxi ot fema e beauty, bound In inoroccoi can t obtained by the us cf Hir glish Female Bitters " He had seen the wonderful efficacy of English Female Bitters in tn rapid cure of his sweetheart, wbc had been prostrated with a female complaint. It is f dapted to the wants ard ne cessitiot ci old and young, married or single females, who suffer with any form of acute or chronic female troubles,pains and obstructions,hys' t erics, pi ins in the side and back, nervous headache, palpitation, cois extremities, loss of energy etc, at tended with loss of appetite, ema ciation and prostration. It is spe adapted to those at the Ti of Lafe." imparting strenetb and newed vitality topass through this 'critical period. As sate female regulator at all times, t few no equal. Large N ties and sola everywhere. Send your address to II l dock, lien. 1.P.CROKG0OLE&CO. 1 Proprietors. Iot'isville, Kj-t f liu taken the lead tm th. ula of that clu r remedies, and has giTeq almost aoiTwul utuhc tioa. MURPHY imO.V Pi.ns, Ter 5 has won the favor ot th. public and bow ranks among tiio leading Me"!- rl T DATS. oium sirietan. Vrd cnij by ths IZtisi Clisdcsl C. Cincinnati JBFUBB i oi in. o'.iaom. A. 1 SMITH. Bradford, Pf SoWby tru. eits -ce1.0O- j T ' .sTrv.r wy 4twilutly ct!r m w s world, l.ruirclf eievrcKfr--' "t"--.a ....... m. t UCNiTIC ELASTIC TRUSSN i' ass rr a 43BU A' - jr. Vk Ohio. Jy-i KICK. COLOBADO STOOKME.NS' EESOLU TIOKS TOUCHING QUARANTINE AND COLORADO RANGES. Sensational Tilopement at Dal- las- Young Man anl Ills Child Kritle. A Servant Locks Up the Mother to Aid the Escape of the " Daughter. Arrival ofMnjor Ueneral Bcho- lield at San Antonio Brutal Murder Discovered. Til 13 CAT TL 1331 EX. ICesulaiiuiis of Colorado Mtookji n Kef, r rin to Trxsa J.altle Special Telegram to The statesman Tm.viDAi. Col.. Apiil SO. The following resolutions wci-ea (opted here to-day: Whereas. Colorado has enacted a (iiiarantine law against tin; introduction of cattle into said State from soutii of ti.e Sotli decree of norti atitude, unless such cattle be liuid In tiuaiau- tine ninety d.iyi nor h of said 3oth degree ot uori h latitude, and, hcreas.-lhe oneiation of said law. if en forced, would crfai nothing more or less than quarantine grounds out of a (i.ood.y por tion of - some of our ranges and the whole of the ranges of others and cause complete destruction to the grass, which we deem ourselves entitled to in t lie same octree as do our friends, either north or south of us, regard their right to their rtsnective ranges; and Whereas. We have just rea bns to believe that there would be no attempt made on the part of Texas men to drive their cattle onto our ranges were it not for the inducements offered under said Colorado quarantine law, toge her with the assurance on the part of so,ue of thosu north of us, who are desirous of purchas ing Tex:ts cattle, that said law can be evaded. Therefore be lc Kesolved. First, for the reason that said law is Calculated io in flict injury to those who are unfortunately located unon the quarantine grounds thus created by said law, that we do condemun me same as Dcing unjust in me ex- reme. Second, That we earnestly protest against the appointment of such men as are known to be the heaviest bidders for Texas cattle, as members of the live stock, sanitary veterenary bi ard of the Slate of Colorado. Third. That we will. ty all means In our power, prevent the adopting of our ranges and the ranges it our neighbors, as quarantine grounds for. tlw benelit of either buyers or sel- ers.u Texas cattle, or any outer canie unless he same shall be established under some, law ful act of tue General Government." (sig.ned) T. E. Owen, Geo. S. Jones, D. C. Mar tin n. ! . smith, J . G. leary, L. Horn, lowers &.Gui;gell,D. ('. Smart, Gentry, Mathews & Woods, J. A. Forbes, L. II. Thoma-, Earl W. Spencer, J. ft. Tower, Thos,. K. Lee, A .1. Streeter, K. G. Head, Milton Hlghtower, Wm. Kiley, Towers Brothers, Jno. Threlkeld, Car rigan & Weller, James K. Trost, A. Khodes & Bros., Sam tjniith, A. H. Warren." DALLAS. A. Sensational Elopement That Came to Grler. Special Telegram to The Statesman. Dallas. Anrll 30. Ouite a sensational af fair, of an elopement and kidnappirg charac ter, occurred here to-day. A yotmg man named J. J." Teasdale, boarding at the Com mercial Hotel, had won the affections of Alice Cearuel, aged thirteen years, the daughtr ot the proprietor. -Her parents had arranged to send her to school at Bryan to separate them. To-day Teasdale succeeded in spiriting her out of the house and marrying her, having made oath that she was 18 eara of cge aim thus secured a license. A squad of police was called as soon as the girl's absence from home was discovered. They traced the couple to the American House aud surrounded and captured the patties, but not till after they had breu married. A cnlorcd servant named Lul-t Swe att, is in jail for aiding the flight of the girl. 'J he mother of the latter claiming that the servant over powered her (the mother) and held her a prisoner in her room when she discovered her daughter's ab sence. Tea-dale to-night s xceededin making one thousand dollar bond and was released. He Is to be prosecuted for kidnapping, aud also lor perjury, for swearing falsely concerning the girl's age. The child bride is at home un der turveihance of her parents. 15ASTKOP. Death of an Old Citizrn Crops Per gonal, rtn Special Telegram to The Statesman. iiisTROP. At-ril 30. James Nicholson.. Sr.. an old Veteran, and one of our oldest and most respected citizens, died last night, and was interred ui'.s evening Dy me masonic uruer. Mr. Nicholson was eichty-lwo years of aje.ana has been a citizen of Bastrop about fifty years, being one ot the nrst sett lers. The late rain- have done but little damage, with the exception of putting the farmers be hind with their work. Crop prospects were never better. Some corn is wai-t uign ana cotton in proportion. Bastrop is noted this spring for its tine gardens, which are early. A farmer has almost gotten to be a curiosity on the streets. Bunicess is very dull. The Arm of HlgoJns & Garwood are closiug ot their mercantile bus iness. They nave oeen odo oi ine leaning firms ot our little city for the last seventeen years. Mrs. McKean, of Austin, who has been visit ing her mother, Mrs. Eilei s, for some time, l ft for Austin, this morning, accompanied by her sister, Miss Mary tilers. The railroad boom has fallen through, and the freighters are happy. BELTON. An Irate Ha&band Hunting a Lotha rio WltH a Shot-nn. Spscial Telegram to The Statesman Bklton. May 4. We re soon to have a killing at least present, prospects ae Halter ing and ripe t rit. One L. T. Klchie wrote an insulting note to Mrs. J. T. Halbert, in the absence of ner husband. When her husband returned, she cave him the note, and both meu were on the street with their double- barrel shot-guns, but both parties were arresrr ed and their guus taten from them, and placed under . peace bond, wbich.C in our liulirment. signifies nothlntr. Mr. Halbert U Kx-City Marshal of Beltou, a maa noted for his courage, aud he Justly feels outraged, and those that Know mm sav tnat trouoie is aneaa Klchie is a barber of this place and don't seem io be easily friirhter.ed himself. The officers deserved credit for their prompt action in the matter. ' The farmers have been busily engaged since the ground got dry enough, and with a few more days' sun-bine they will be up with their work . 'I he weather is threatening rain to-day. 'J'o-dav is stray sale and the streets are crowded. He 1 1th is good; everything is flat tering. All we want at present is nice clear weatner. TU13 CROPS. j Benorts from E'en teen Counties la North. Texas. . Special Telegram to The Statesman. Dallas Anrll Tt.c Herald In the morn ing will publish reports from eighteen countl. s In orth Texas, covering the Texas grain belt as collected bv the Dallas Mer. bants' Ex. cha- ue. These reports show increased acre age hi cotton over i-si year oi la per cent The crop is from ten to twelve days late. but in good condition, with. 06i percent, o the crop planted. Wheat, oats ind corn are in better condition than for several years and Indications point to a heavy yield. The late flood did a good deal of damage in the over flowed lands, but, peneraby speaking, little damage restuteu to tne crops. Evidences of a Crime. Special Telegram to The Statesman. San ahtonio, April 30. At castioviiie a William 1 eea twelve-year old boy, stated that that his step-lather, who suddenly left Me dina County oue year ato. had brutally miir dered a man near his ranch, and night bui led the body. Search was made and trac es ot the burial found, but n body. The corpse had been washed away by rsiu. The murderer's whereabouts are uutnown. . KYLE, Concerning Swine Appointed to Cadetship May.Day. Special Telegram to The Statesman. Kti.k, April 30 - Walter Jones and A. John son, of Dripping Pprlngs, were arrested to-day by Deputy sheriff Nolan, charged with taking swine. The hoes belonged to W.J. Adams and J. T. Whlsnant. and sold toC. fi. Word ot Kyle. One of Mr. Adams' hogs escaped and returned home wlih a piece of rope on his leg. air, Adanis found the balance of the rope tied VIGOROUS near Hip rrsidence of Mr. Johnson 'and Mr Jones. Jliith Piit'euieu wer identified by the piircliaserof the Iiojs. Judge Lynch pi tiiern ii'idiT a $0 0 bond to appear at the D.s trict C(iU; t. In ths compefetive extmiiiation for a caiet ship in the United ssiates Navy, ht-ld in Flato nia, Amos YarbroiiKh, of KjIp, received tno a pointu tut. over nine ompetitors. Amos is a bright young mar., and ths people of Kyle fel proud over his suci-es. Lame irei);j: atiom me belua made for Fri- I day. May 1, the occa.-ijii beinj; for a pi nie, SKating am aaucing, to raKe putce inrt-e nines from Kyle. All business houses will be closed. The 15a u in Case. Special Telegram to The Statesman. Dallas, April 20. The extradition case of Bauiti, the cotton swindler, now in Canada, was again po d poned to day. The following dispatch to hief of IVlice Arnold, oflallai, from Detroit, explains the situation: "By reason of all the Judges being engaged in holding the string ass zes e'sew here, the Bautu case can not oe heard till M iy 20, at winch time it will bo argued in the Com t of Appeals. Will write particulars. (Signed) "Taos. Furlong." MILLSAl. Fatally. Sraldcd A Doctor' mishap. Special Telegram to 'The Statesman. Millsap, April 29. Mrs. Morrison to-diy accidentally turned a pot of boiling c ftee on her seven-year-oid daughter and a b.Jjy aged live nion'li. The girl was not dangerously hurt, but the baby received a fatal scalding. fr. Yeauer. of Mb oral Wells, was fatally in jured about midnight last ni';ut., while reiurn ng from a social gathering. His horre bec;me frigiitcne i, reared and fcli backward, crush ing the pjmmel of the saddle into the lector's stoinacu. t DEMON'S DEED. FIENDISH WOEK OP A EAGGED TEAMPINISDIAMA. Enters a Train, Kills the press Messenger and Itobs the Sale. Ex- Chicago, April 30. The Louisville express, on the Louisville, New Albany and Chicago Kailroi.d, due here at 8 o'clock this morning, was stopped near Harrodsburg Ind., shortly before midnight, by a band of masked robbers, who compelled the enineer and fireman to leave the engine. Entering the express c-ir. the American Express messenger was covered with revolvers, aud refusing to unlock the safe wa shot dead. The safe was broken open, but lound to contain but 400. The sc-ne of the roobery is among the hills and stone quarries, and is but thinly settled. Another Accouut. Indinapolis, Aptil 30. The express matter in the . L. N. A. & C. train was earned m the baggage car, which is occu lted by messenger aud "baggage-master. It was, as usuali the first car on the tram. The messenger's name was George N. Davis, oi Louisville. Last night at 11 o the train reached Harrodsburg, Owen County, a local station, the third below Bloomlrgton. It bas a population of not more than four hundred soulf , aud at that time of niglit as quiet as the grave. It is, iu round figures, 112 miles from Lafayette. There is a water tank at ilorroasDUi g, ana me iraia sioipeu mere four or five minutes to replenish the engine. While it was at a stand-still one of the passen gers in a sieeping-c.r, J. ti. aamuiou, oi Greeucastle, happened to be looking out of the window, and by the reflected light of the engine and lrom the car-windows, taw a man emerge aonarentlv from under the trucks, and d.sappear in the direction of the engine. Iu the brief g'.impse nr. iiactiuon nau oi me man, hi saia he was above medium higut, dressed in the tattered garments of a va-erant.-and carried a stick in his hand-a club for a stick. He naturally suposes him to be some tramp, who was pstealing a ride under the tiucks and dismissed the mat ter fr m ills mind. Meantime the engine had taken water and started. Nothing unusual occurred until the j Utile statlou of Smlthville Hid. about two miles Norh ot Harrodsburg, was reached. A sharo ring oi the bell on the enuine stopped the tralu. Befere an inquiry as to who pulled the bell rope could be made, the baggage mas ter fluug open the door of the smoking cr and reeled, covered with blood that trickled from a ghastly wound in the head. He sank on his knte- between the forward seats and gasped out to the horrified passengers who rushed to him, that a rooner naci enterra the bagae car, and shot himself and the express messenger. This was all he was able to say, when he fell unconscious on his face. By that time, Conductor Chamberlln was at his sine, aud, with a few of the more intrepid passengers, maae nn way mio me uaggage car. A siugle lantern, turned low, anu swtug- icg from a hook iuthe ecu ng, cast a aim light over tne iriguiiui scene, jmvis wa? stretched in a pcol of blood by the side of his safe, which' ws broken open and plundered. Everywnere was evidence of a terrific struggle. The floor as litteted with papers mat tne assassin id taken from the chest, and deeming worth less, threw awav. The heavy boxes which stood 1j the car were scattered atound in con fusion. Davis was l.fted and carnett into tne smoker. He was breathing, but it was evident bt. was wounded to. the death. He haa been shotlu the upper parr, of the head, a piece of sKuti as large as a sqver aouar ueuig meiauv blown off. From this apperture blood and brains freely oozed. Webber, the baggage master, gives the fol lowing accouut of the affair: "When the train slopped at Harrodsburg, he and Davis were asleep on their train chests. Both doors of the car were open and they had no suspicion of auy thing wrong. Just as the train got into nionon, weDDerwasawucenea oy a violent hlmv riiitliR head. Th ft force was swell as to half stun him but staggering to his feit he saw tan muscular man struggling witn vi th.-' messenger was bespotteu with blooo, which was gushing irom tne wouna in nis nead. he also had evidently been struck with a cmt while he was asleep. The Diuogeon wu which this had been done alage hickory stick lay on the floor, covered.with blood and hair. Webber was too badly hurt to take a part in the fight, and felt to the floor. The robber was a large man, raggudly aressea. Gov. Oglesby's Proclamation St. LOTJis.Amil 29. The recent proclama tion of Gov. Oelesby. of Illinois, quarantining cattle from Missouri, has created quite a com motion in various, parts oi , tne stat, ana strong condemnation of and opposition to it is crouulne out in all directiois. Gov. Manna duka has telegraphed Gov. Oglesby, asking him to reconsider his action in declaring quar antine against Missouri. An opinion prevails that Gov. Oglesby's proclamation is with-, out authority of law, and it is asterted that if the officers of Illinois attempt to enforce it as It now stands, the Fed sr d con.-ts will be invoked for relief, xnis iq oasea on a decision of the United States Supreme Court that no State can make an indiscriminate prohibition against tne admission et cattle irom anotuer State, and can only exclude such cattle as prove upon inspection, or other authority, to be actually aiseasea. . More Appointments. TXT k outvi-stav Ai-iril CO Thfl Proolflnnt 1 arjiM.ii vi a vj.v . (in - -a. a-v a otwvuv made the following appointments to-day : unanes ij. ocou, oi Aiauams, auiusier xiesi, dent and Consul-General lo Venezuela. Warren Green, of Kentucky, at Kanazawa Japan.' . . ronn u. Bacon, oi soum uaronna, unarge d'Affairs to Paraguay and Urapuay. - To be - unite i states censuis Bertnoia Greenebauin, of California, at Ai ja. AiDert Loenmg, oi New orK, at Bremen. Jbseph B. Hughes, of Ohio, at Birmingham. England. dona t. mtnam.or unio, at iionciuiu. Victor A. Sartori. ot P. nnsylvania. at Leg- ho-n. Robert -E. Withers, ot Virginia, at Hone Kong. . rublishers' Failure. Boston. May 4. Ja. R. Osgood & Co.. well known publishers have failed. They have ma t- an assignm -nt to rtooert jvi. m ,i se, jr., and have called a meeting of creditors for the 12th, of May. The- Hello rope Pinting com pany have also assigned to Mr. Morse, and a -meeting of has been called for the 12th of Mav also. The liabilities of Osgood & Company ere about $150,0:0 and assets nom inally large. The liabilities aud assets of the Heliotrope Company are unk-.own Debt Statement. Washington. May 1 The debt st itemer t issued to-day, according to the old ,form shows: Decrease of the debt during April to be ;f 5,46496 38 Decrease of the debt since June, 1884 80,075,529 98 Cash in Treasury 4-3,932,56S C9 (iold certificates outstanding . . I58,8f0,0f co Silver certificates outstanding... 14185,186 00 certincaies ot aepostt outrtana iug Refundlug certificates outstand i' g .-. Legal lenders outstanding Fractional currency not included 25.450,000 fO 241,050 00 34C,CS1,016 00 in amount estimated as lost or destroyed , , 6,966,153 88 Mnnv imitators, but no ennal. has Dr. Sacre' Catarrh an Remedy. WAR-LIKE. EUSSIAN 03UN0IL, PEESIDED 0VEE BrTI30213, .VJiQ'A rltH T 00 JfOlLlATOEY MEA LTEE3- Czar MohUiziu an Army . 1200,000 Men in the South of the Empire., of Russians Have Advanced South of Pen j deli an Unmistaka bio Act of Aggression.'4" England as Well as Russia Kapidly Preparing tne Conflict. tor ENGLAND. London; April 2. it was during the n;eet Ing ut Jiawul rindl, tl'at t?ie Ameer told EarJ Dufferin that he regarded the occup tion of l'enj eh of little conseiiuence, yt he attached the greatest iniDortanco to the retention of Mriiuithak. wliicii is half way between I'enl deii and Bilaumrghab Ouce the l-'tuslans Kln that point, taey will be ablo to threaten Balkn, and cut off communication with Cabul. loe latest ioisMan advance Is exuected to bring t- e ouestion lo a crisis The current opinion is th t KussU U really secretly pre paring for war much more rai-ldly tliao sho appears to Jio. ltussfan papuis are being warned to secresy. !t Is reported that the Khan of Bokara earnestly wtrned the Auieer not to neglect Cabul and BalWi. wiilla taking st-ps to protect He 'at, as the iiusstan army was massing In Turkestan, near Saroaracaua, with the luteal ion of marching oi Balkh, and proclaiming Ayo ib Kahn 'a meer. while the Afghanistan army was engaged at Herat, fis letiertothe im-er concludes : "I know, for certain, the Kussians intend not to marth be yond Herat, but v. ill cut off your line of retreat to Cabul, a id England's line of retreat to Can dahai. SHIPS OF SMALL PATTEBS. London, May. Tie Government hrssent an order to Dover to cease chartering ships of small pattern for transport service. 1 his :s believed to foreshadow the stoppage ot ail war P" eparatlons. RUSSIA AD CHINA. . London. My I. Dispatches from Shanihai state the di?puts be' ween China and it ssia, regarding the frontier of Manchocria. has be come acute, owing to the noa-arrival of Kus stan men bers of the Determination Commis sion and. constant postponement of the date of arriva at the place of meeting to settle the boundary question . The Chinese Commissioners have been readv for months to begin work. The determination and the failure of the .Russian Coiunissloners to meet them has caused the Chinese Govern ment to fear the sani farce enacted respect ing the Afghan frontier win be performed- in this case. Now u at the difficulty with iYnnox 1 1 relation to Touquln has been settled, China has become .more courageous and has demand ed that Kmsta fulfil her part ot the agreement which ,ed to the appointment ot the commis sioners. PEACEFUL, PROSPECTS. St. Petebsbuug. Mav 4 ThouGrh no defi nite news ot re-ac-proachment between Ens land and Kusia has been received, the war cloud seems suddenly to have dissolved, The news that England has not annexed Fort Hamilton hi the Japan sea gives a feeling cf renei. THE LONDON EXPOSITION. London. May 4. The Prince of Wales opened to-day the World's ' Exposition of In ventions. The Princess ot W-les. Duke of Edinburgh, Duke of Cambtidge, Earl Gran ville and Sir William Vennor Harcourt were among the distinguished persons present. The attendance of the general public is very large NEGOTIATIONS RENEWED. London. Mav 4. Iu the House of Lords. this afternoon, Earl Granville, Secretary "ot sta e for Foreign Affairs, in answer to an -Inquiry, stated that England and .Russia had agrr ed to renew negotiations in London, con cerning the Afghan frontier, and a meeting of a commission had been arrangea in detail. His lordship said both England aud Russia had agreed that the differences which had arisen from the Penjdeh Incident should be submit ted to a full investigation, aud referred to friendly powers. ENGLISH CONOLS. London. Mav 4. 1 p. M:" Consols closed Saturday at and opened this a. m. 87, both mousy and accounts in a tew minutes advan ced to 973. Kussian securities 91; stocks very firm; home aud foreign securities buoy ant. OWNERSHIP OF PENJDErT. London. Mav 4. A. disD .tch from Timul of the 3nh, states the dam on Karabard River Durst, tloodlng tne country for miles around and doing au immense amount of damage to tne military roaus constructed Dy tne ttussians wiio are making streueous efforts to repair the damages and prevent any further deduction. ine tuspatcn aiso states tnere can De no question as to the ownership ot Peojdeh, as the city has p?id tribute to Herat for over a hundred years, aDd that the guard for the government is composed ot Afcjhan soldiers, auu iias ueeu quanereu in me city since looi, and has been always an integral portion of raerat. RUSSIA. MOBILIZING 200,000 MEN, St. Petersburg. April 29. Russia, has or dered the mobilization of her southern armr. est mated at 200,000, which will be available m M) uays. RUSSIAN RESERVES MOBILIZING,. Odkssa, April 29. The Russian reserves are mobilizing. Ail business transaction beine entered into here are undertaken subject to heavy war risks. The Russian goytrnment has ordered the Southwestern Railway to pre pare several hundred railway carriages and have them ready at as early a date as possible for the purpose of conveying troops. It is reported here th it the newspapers published within the Russian empire have been forbidden to print anything in reference to current events in Central Asia. 'EQUIPPING THE FLEET. St. Petersburg, April 29. Fifty heavy guus have been seut from Kioff to Finland. The Czar has signed orders for tne equipment of the whole fleet. The Russian Minister of Marine has completed an inspection of all the torts at cronstadt. TUKKEY. TURKBY'8 attitude. Constantinople, April 29. All tlie powers have, through their representatives, verbally urged Tur)-'y to remain neutral in the event of war between England aud Russia. M. Nikoloff the Russian Embassador has had a special au dience with the Sutan. - In this the Russian statesman insisted that it was absolutely nec essary for the Porte to- maintain strict neutral- I iiy-ui case ui war.- omiiau oiueers are ai present engaged In Inspecting the forts along me i iiuaiieiics. me. rurw is rapiuiy crecL- ing fresh defensive Works on the BnsDhorus. The Sultan has ' ordered the heights of Threpia to be fortified: Turkish agents. have been sent abroad to purchase torpedo-boats on the Sul tan's accouut. ihe Porie. on Sunday hv-t. tel egraphed to Berlin a request to Prince msmaroK Tor. - nis opinion on the AnBlo-Rus'im question and tne attitude Droper for Turkey to assume, if they go to war. it is stated that the German Chan cellor's pro-npt response has not yet been made Dubl c. It is known, however, that' the Turkish Ministers held a special meeting yes terday, tc consiaer Bismarcus reply. GERMANY; GLADSTONE APPLAUDED. ' Berlin, April 29. Gladstone's speech in the commons ou tne vote credit is generally applauded by the German press. t . A NEUTRAL LEAGUE." ; Berlin, April 29 France, Germany and Austria have been discussing a protect for the formation of a neutral league, and have invit- td Italy and lurtey to loin mem. but neith of the latter pewers hava jet given a decided repiy. A STKAMGE STOTY. A. Wj vcJimaa Pl&ced at a 3IIlllo-n- --.. alie'a Grave. Chicago, May 4. The publishhd statement is made uere that A watchman has been sta tioned at thfl grave t Cyrus A. McCoruiick, eery night since the dead millionaire was Dunea irt uraceiana temetety, a year . ago. Mindful of the Stewart aft lr, it was decided bv the relations, tn keen Ticil over IiU onv Thoug a large salary wa offered, considerable difficulty was experienced in finding a nan who would accept ths task. . Finally, Mike Alien, an . - old" servant ot the dead man, volunteered for ihe service. From the constant strain on his su perstitious nature tne lonely watcher soon taielrpnosl nnd a friw u'Aplr s m Hbrl . Minn.tha Aa-,i, si !,, inI.Co K..'.nn. i.i lent round after night. During the late strike of employes of Ihe McCormlck Reaper Works the watch was doubled and extta re cautiont taken to iircvep the desecration of the grave. No violence wa? ottered to the sa cred spot however, and the speedy erection ot a mauseol-um is now contemplated, which wdl lelieve the watchman ot hisuuty Casualties at a Fire. Chicago, May 4. In the fire on South W ter street last night, M. Muenev. a single man, workiug with truck No. 1, was caught bv a volume of crates, cites and barrels which buried him six feet. deep. Charles Bird, stand ing just beside Mueney wht n the crash C ihe, fell just beside his companion. W hen all less injdred men had been extricated, it was sud denly dis-overed these two were missi g Fifty mn lost no time clambering ud the lad der, and with nicks and hocJks dragged away the debris until their comrades were found-both'- dead, 'ihe weight that had suddenly borne them dowa had crushed their lives out. BELGIUM. RUSSIA WON'T YIELD. .-Brussels. Anrll 29. A dl.-nurch from sr Petersburg says the he:d at the Palace to-day, at which the Czar presided; rejected the proposals made by W. t Glers to aJopt conciliatory measures toward England. Tlio reply of the Russim Government to Karl Granville, firmly maintained thetenpr of form er d:sp; ches. - Got the Better of Ilinu Buffalo, N. Y.. A pril x9. A Chicago bun ko swindled Josiah Beardsley, a prominent real estate dealer, out of 33.0CO, yesterday.. Lft Port. Norfolk, Va., April 29. The Russian cor nette Strelak left port at 1 o'clock tills morn ing. Aer destination is unitiiown.. A TRUNK HORROR. A BAGGAGE-MA TEE HOEELPIED BY DISCOVERING A : COBPSE. The Body Tied "With a Cord , : . A Deep, Dark Mys-. tery. PlTTriliUBG. Kav 1. This moruln? about Rhr Uulun Depot, upen bursting open a trunk which give out a suspicious odor, was hn; rifled ftad therein tne body at a at an, securely bound and In an advanced stage of decomposition. The face was badly - discolored and bioat-ed, a-d the stench was no great that it kept at a safe distance the large crowd which quickly gathered. The trunk was a common wooden one, and evidently had not been used before. It arrived here from Chicago over the Pittsburg. Ft. Wayne and Chicago Railway, at 1:20 a. in., on the morning express, and was cbect ed 4,171 , but no person called to claim it. The baggage-master no ticed a peculiar saiell wh.u It was unloaded from the train this morning, but no attention was paid to it till this evening, whtsn the stench was unbearable. After a consultation the railway officials de cided to open it, and the result was a ghastly discovery. The body, in order to get it into the trunk, had beu bent almost double. Aroun4 the neck, arms aud legs was a tiemn cord about one-eighth of an inch in thickness, which had been drawn so tight that It bad cut deep Into the flesh. Tnere was no mark of violence, and so far as conld be asc-rtnfned from aa outward examination the stomach was in a normal condition. The body was that of a laboring man, probably thirty years eld. of short, heavy build, with a smooth face. He was dressed in a pair of ehecked woolen cants: a blue cotton shirt; Hue woolen stockings, and had on his -feet a pair of new dress trailers. There wai nething on his person that wonld rurnisn any ciue to nis iaen tity except an international money order in tayor of Flllppo Carusa, lor Sj5j.o4. The order was drawn at Chicago on February 24, 1885. Immediately after the findinc of the remains Corouer Dressier was summoned and tne body was. piacea in nis cnarge. A. telegram was ent to the baggaee aeent at Chicago, but he replied he had n.- means of finding out who had it checked. The Coroner is now holding an investigation. He is cf the opinion that the Remains were in the trunk at least thirty six hours. ... GEJKTLEMAJtf GEORGE; Minister Peadletn Banqueted ana 3Iake a Jipeeeh. New York. A wil . At ajbanquet tendered Minister iGeorge H. Pendleton last night, at Delmonico's. by his clvils-rvlce friends, when the distinguished guest was introduced by President Ciarkes. He was greeted with vo ciferous cheeis, whieh continued tor several minutes. Responding to the toast; "Our guest of the eveuiug," Mr. Pendle.on said in sub stance : I feel so much honored by your kindness to-night, that 1 cannot well express my grat-. itud, for words ot fitting acknowl edgement fall. As I stand among ou, i am paimuuy conscious now inuen more owe to your considerate partiality than 1 do to any claim of my own. 1 was groping In the dark with the Jeiiks b 11, of tne old time, uuttl Mr. i orman B. Eaton explains i tne delects oi that measure. I then successfully urged the passage ot the elvll-service reform bill. After discussing tbe demerits of the spoils system, Mr. Pendleton continued: 1 have great faith in President Cleveland as the true fri nd of clvll-servlce reform. Cheers. The bold and manly stand he took in his letter of acceptance, ana n nis earner declarations, maae nis elec tion possible and his actions since have been deliberate aud within the limits of the highest duty. No more difficult task ever rlevolved upon a man than upon Grover Cleveland 0:i the day of his inauguration. In my judgment, on the whole, he has done reina'kably well. (Cheers.) This is tne critical lime oi nis ad ministration. He must fortnu'ate policies and encounter criticism from his political oppo nent?. He must appoint office holders and many good men will be disappointed, but it is the duty of all his just countrymen, how ever they may feel inclined to criticise him, to give lilm, now in the supreme moment of his trial ."that support which the chosen ruler of every free people Is entitled to receive. Gentlemen, l nnngie my neart est congratu lations with yours upon the eminent success our good rause ins attained, and thank you, one and all. for this flattering token of your consideration. Mr. Pendleton was lustily cheered after the conclusion of his remarks. He will sail Sat urday for Bremen on the steamer Elbe, APPOINTMENTS. . The Job oTCleanins Oat tbe Augean Stables Continues. Washington. May 1. Mr. J. B. Baird. ot (leortria. to-dav received his appointment as BUDerinieiiueui oi me ireau jieiter Venice, auu immediately entered upon the discharge ot the duties. Late this afternoon the President made the following appointments: Thos. M. Ferriall, to be Colltetor of Internal Revenue for the First District ot New Jersey, vice Wm. P. la- tem, suspended; Sprieviil Baden, to be Assay orof thrs United States Assay Office, Boise titv. Idaho, vice Norman H. Camp, suspended; George Hayes to b" Supervising inspector ot steam vessels ior tne inn Dis trict, vice Mark D. Flower, suspended. The appointment made of George B. Clark, of Missouri, and William King, of Georgia, to be Internal Revenue Agents, vice H. Clark, ot Kentucky, and J. Grimerson, oi lenusyi' vania. resigned, took effect to-day. K.J. Hale, appointed Consul at Manchester, is a native oi North carollua; aDour- roriy-nve vears of age. and Is editor of the Favetteville f N. C.) Observer. He has always been a work- ina Democrat, and was a delegate to the Demo cratic National Convention la t year .supporting the Democratic ticK"t strongly in pis newspa per during the late Presidential campa c i. He annlieri for a third-class mission, and was en doried by the entire North Carolina delega tion. The Secretary of the Navy to-day appointed Wn.F. Hwitzerler. ot Missouri, to be Chief Clerk of the Burt-ati of Stalls-los, vice Joseph M. Whitney, of Maine, removed. He also ordered the removal of Sn?cial Agent h. Chamberlain, o:ie of the causes of his removal beina that he was bor in Ver mont, was anpeiutcd from Virginia, and voted id Maryland, Lynch Law." Little Rock, May l. In Lincoln County, two weeks ago. an old man named Bower was murder d ou his d emlses. Suspecion pointed to Wllkers, his sor-ln-law, but no direct evi dence auoeared. Wednesday night Wllkers went te Bower's house aud abused his daught er w..o had him arrested on a peace warrant. While under guard in his own house. Thurs day night, a pay of men rode up and shot nun aeaa. .Appointment. . Washtngto ir. April The President to dav aDDOlntsd John H. Williams, of Indiana, to be third Auditor of the Treasury Depart ment, vies B. W. Keightley, whose resignation nas been accepted, to taae euect on ajin msi Sailed for France. New York April 29 Ex-Gov. McLane, ot maryiiuiu.uewiy appiiiieu iuluiiilci uirid'-ic, left this morning on. steamer Normanlie for nay re. THE OUTLAWS. A PI0THED BATTLE FOUGHT WITH A BAND OF THIEVE. IS INDIAN TEEEITOET The Bandits, . Fortified in House, Kill iir of thie Attacking i Arties, Miss Kate Morgan Drowned in the San Gabriel Narrow Es cape ol Her Escort. . Lad Killed at Taylor Mcln tosh, .the Murderer, Sent Up for Life. INDIAN TE lilll TORY, tour citizens Kllleri la an At'.arlt on a Bi'ud of Thieves. , . Special Telegram to The Statesman. Deniso.v, May 2. News cf a bloody trag edyat fee's ranch, Indian Territory, reached here to-night. A gang of .hed River stock thieves have in the last few weeks operated boldly and have stolen several hundred head ot rattle. A Urge posse started iu yursuit on Muday last and overtook a band of the th.ves attbu place indicated jesterday, fortified in a house. Tli a posse attempted to dislodge them, but failed and lost tour men in the fight. None Sot the thieves are known to have been injured. The follow ing is a hot of the deai : James R If, Andrew Koff , Sergeant Guy ot the Indian Police, and au unknown man from Cooko County. The Koffs were leading citizens of Cooke ixranty, ana engaged extensively In cattle-raising. Auotlucr Account. Sherman, May 2. A telephone message from Whlte,boro. asking aid- from sheriff Douglass, reports a pitched battle between the officers and outlaws in De aware Bend. The message was from Marshall Witt and re ports that Deputy United Mates Marshall Williams, two brothers named Roff and an Indian rolieemau named Guy, were killed outright and several citizens wounded Sheriff Douglass at once started deputy Bob May. who was raised In Delaware Bend, and deputy John Morris, to the scene. They will organize t. pose te assist in the capture of the outlaws. The fight is said to have oc-urred at Stelae's store on the line between Cook and Grayson Counties. Governor Ireland has been telegraphed to tor the rangers. ELGIN. An KJyable Social Occasion Local Events. Special Telegram to The Statesman. Elgln, May 1. Messrs. Angle Smith and Greenvlli LCunnlngham, two very popular and promising yuung men of our town leave on the 8th, tor Poughkepsie, New York, to take a Commercial course in that noted institution. The young ladles and gentlemen of Elgin gave them a ball at the hail last night. After the passing around of the cake and. ice cream and presentation of several beautiful boaoets .to the young gentlemen from their lady friends music ana aaneing were tne progi amine ot tne evening, and Indulged in by those who enjoy tripping the fantastic toe, till the wee small hours of the night. It was voted by all to be one ot ihe most enjoyable occasions of the seasoD. Max Bassist, one of our enterprising mer chants, has just retur ed from a fourteen days' trip from th Kxposition. Dry weather: more dry weather, is what we need now, to allow the farmers to work out their crops. Some report that so much wet weather has injured the cotton, and that some has already began to die. We have a concert to-night, for the benefit of the Methodist church, which promises to be an interesting occasion. The Elgin Times, edited by Mr. Green, is booming. It promises to be a live and well conducted weekly, it Is a new venture in our town. SHERMAN. The Convictions of Joe Smart and Joe Williams. Special Teli ram to the Statesman. Shbbmam, May l. Joe Smart, charged wlta having. In company with Jno. Allison, in 1832, gone to the residence of Bob Allison, and shot him to death, was found gui.ty to-day and sentenced to the penitentiary for life. The patties all reside in Delaware Bend. John Allison wns, at the last term o: court, sen tenced for life, for the killing of a aegro and firing a church on Christmas night, 1883, and also pleaded guilty to killing his cousin, Boh Allison, for which was found guilty to-day. Smart claims to have been coerced iuto going by Allison, and claims to have taken no part iu the killing. Smart was captured by St. Louis detectives at Beh ville, 11L, about two months ago, a heavy reward having been ot f ered for him. . Joo Williams was to-day convictrd of the murder of Wm. Galther, nrar Denison in Feb ruary last, a-id sentenced to Imprisonment for lite. He laid in wait for his victim and shot him from a clump of bushes, as he was returning from school. Williams had previously laid in wait for Gai !her, and shot him so that his right arm was completely crippled, and all hough 25 years of age, was attending school to perfect himself as a teaeher, that he might earn a living. stiuweii n. itusseii. tne e-uniiea estates Marshal, recently released from the Chister, 111., penitentiary, who has located at Deni son as an attorney, aeienaea tne prisoner. TEXAS STOCKMEN. Alleged Proposition to Quarantine South- era Texas Cattle. Special Telegram to The Statesman. San Antonio. May 2. Trouble is brewing between the cattlemen of North and South Texas'. North Texas cattlemen propose to es tablish quarantine against all cattlo aouth of tne utie oi tne lexas & racinc it an way tracit A special meet ng of the executive committee of the Southwestern hive S-ock Association which is one oi the largest ana strongest associations of the United States was held here vesterdav with closed doors. The Panhandle quarantine Was the subject ot discussion. It is not yet Known what action was determined upon, but the spirit of the Southern Texas Cattlemen ,s. that no such arbitrary line as the one proposed can oe maiutuiueu, even witn tne aia oi Win chesters. A SAD MISHAP. The D nins sf Si las Katie Morgan, a Yoant Girl. Special Telegram to The Statesman. Taylor, May 2. Miss Kate Morgan, i yo :ing girl about 14 or 15 years old, was drown ed in the San Gabriel River yesterday. A par ty irom xayior naa gone to the uaDnei to spend May Day. Miss Kate and her escort (Mr. Lusby) were crossing 1 he nvtr at an old ford, which had been washed out during the lst freshet. The horse and buggy -both went under and turned over, Mid supposed to have caugnt miss Aiorgn underneath. Mr. .Lusby Dareiy escapea; tue norseaiso was drowned. Parties were searching for the body of Miss Morgan all night, but have failed up to this moruing to discover a-iything of her bo ly. The river is full and water very swift, and the pr labilities are that tlie body has gont some distance down tne stream, ana it may De sev eral days be lore it is found. . MOBILE. Miss Byrnes Accepts the Sponsorship of the Austin Grey. Special Telegram to The Statesman. Mobile. Aia . May2. The following s the original of the letter of Miss Ettie Byrnes, ot MoDtie, in repiy to tne note or tne secretary of the Austin Grey, pt of erring the young lady the compliment of the sponsorship of the company at the drill; Mobile, April 27, Mr, s. J. Von Koenner- ltz. secretary or tne Austin ureys ; De.AH Sir Appreciating most cordially the flattering distinction conferred by the "Austin Greys" in tendering me the sponsorship ot their gsllant company in thr approaching 'In terstate Drill," I gratetu'ly accept the valued complement so courteously proffered by Texas to Alabama, and while pr-.udly wearing your "Old Gold and Blue" shall iodu ge the belief that, In any event, the contest will reflect ad ditional honor upon the chivalric "Grevs" of the "Lone Star State." With a heartfal "gulck bui, i am very respeciiony, Etttk Byrnes, 'lAYLOlt. Boy Killed School Picnic Loc natters. Special Telegram to tho Statesman. Taylor. May 2. A bov about twelve, or fourteen years old was run over by a cattle ear in the yard here last night-and kl led. He lived alKjut an hour. He said his - name was Edw.erd Michael; was from from Chico, Wise County. Texas, and was trying to get to Austin td see his uncle'. He had beat his wav hero in a stock car from Temole. It is suppos ed he got under tne car ln'gett ng off while the were switching in the yard. He said his parents were bi 1 1 dee i. Tli coroner is h 11- ing an inquest . - l:iv J Th f uDlic scIkv," li.ul a May Day picnic o...- the Mus ang. r.vervttiii'g pat oil oft p;easuni- ly to the school cmldr-i . ' Thetrnscie t f ihe Taylor pnblicschnel have secured the tv ces of frot A. E full for th i next term. This is t ie third Year Tat lor has ; carried ou h r fiee school for a ten m mli term each year. Over pupils get ten months free tuition each year at Taylor, ihe public school pre pa s hr pupl s for entry to any !lrst-:Tit;s college in the country Mr. A. M. ion has nrei:rHI ttl:in the ! erection of a line roldence for v. II Wxich.t cashier ot tne Firs-. National I'.a-jk, to be erected at the head of Mala street, east side oi i iau avciiu-, the rcsl lence pon ion of Tay lor. Minqr Brown nas moved the Texan of fice over the 1- n-st National Batik. The entry to ins oiuce is oeuveea tne oat.K and a bar room. Brown sas he is solid now, as- lie is be tween two ot t no great wann of a cou.itry newspaper editor money auu whiskey. Brueggerholt. Special Telegram to The Statesman. Brcksoekhoff, Mav 2. Farmers have re covered from the con.lusion resulting fiom a temporary suspcnMcfi of their work by he re- ceui neavy rai'iu, aiu tun ouiiook oncj mora assumes its generous touusc ot fu'urj p:os- perity. . Aliifo Senteuce. Special Telegra'm to The Statesman. STEHENSVIL' K. Mav 2. Monran Mcintosh was to-day convicted of tho. lnurderof li. Ham ilton, in 1 87b, and sentenced to Imprisonment for life. Hamilton was called to hi door at night, by Mcintosh, and shot to death in cold bl od. The Steamer Uarnett. Fobthfss Monrce. VA.-Tte British steam er Garuett sailed this morning at 3 o'clock. supposed for New York. ELECTION FRAUD. OITY COUNCIL DEOLAEE N. W. 00NEY ELECTED ALDEEMAN. The Mayoralty to be Settled .To-day Other Texas News. Galveston. April 29. The aconv over the aldermanio contest has ended. To day the committee ot the whole ot the City C uncil presented a majority and minority report. The majority report rejecting me returns irom tne 11th Ward and declaring N. W. Cunev leirallv elected as Alderman from the 12th Ward, was adopted by a vote ot 9 to 2. Aldermen Lrge and McDonald submitted u exhaustive mhior ty report which Was voted uown . At 2 p. ui. tomorrow. Hie comniitre of tha whole will tockle the may oralty contest which now absrbs public atten tion and promises to bf more exciting than the aldermenic contest. The steamship Aransas, of the Morgan Line arrived this moruing torn Corpus Chrlstl, crowded with .passengers eu route for the World's Exposition, anu the captain reports Urge numbers left behind, for want ot accom modation.. After taking on 1,4ft) sacks of coffee, the Aransas sailed at 2 n. in. for JSew- Orleans. more Sensational Developements In the aiayoralty ajonte&r. Galveston. May l. The Mayoral y con test between Ex-Mayor Fulton aid acting Mayor Atkins took a new and unexpected turn today. The sleuth hounds of investiga tion got on tne ngut scent when thev stat ted out to investigate the frauds in the alderman lc contest between Cuney and Allen . After seating turn y they iook up tne -rial again, ana to-aay tne uig wolf was fairly run to cover, where he Iras turned on hit pursuers and shows signs f Hunt. When the Council met to-day, in com mittee of the whole, the contestant (Fulton) through his Attorneys, immediately began proving the fraui uleut character of the re turns from the Eleventh Ward. These returns had already been proven so putrid that Atkins was unable, through hi witnesses, to po!nt out a single genuine ballot in the Eleventh Ward box. His entire defense con sisted of an exhaustive document labori-msly aliening, in a superficial manner, the existence of fraudulent ballots iu tlie boxes of the other w ards. For Instance, In the 7th Ward Atkins alleges the nernet atlou of such hnlous offences agalust tbe elect on laws as vtne pasting together of one ballot," another ballot he alleges "had a circle upon it made with a pencil; while s''ll another was "scratched with a blue pencil-'- In this man ner be enumerated perhap a hundred petty Irregularities. The attorneys Jor Atkins, at tne conclusion oi tne evidence oitered by Ful ton, attem.ted to call witnesses and prove for whom they voted lor iayor in the Eleventh Ward Fulton objected to it on the. ground that to show for whom they voted would be equiva lent to holding an election at a time and man ner tot provided for by law. The committee sustained this objection, and, on mot on of Al derman Lee, by a vote ot six to three the testimony offered by Atkins, was rejected. This brought ou tbe crisis. The attorneys for Atkins, after a hast v consH.tation, re-entered the Chamber and threw bomb shell In the camp by announc ing that Atkins withdrew his case from tur ner consideration ot the council. aud said lie would appeal to a more learned trl -bunal. The strangest part of the proceedings was the pompous announcement by the junior attorney .that he took the responsibility of say ing that the coutestee (Atkins) would contin ue to hold the office of Mayor pend ing the discussion ot the case by the courts. This is the rub: Fulton with the Eleventh Ward thrown out. has an undisputed malorliy ef 91 votes, yet Atkins refuses to abide by any result tne city council may aeternuue, ana ae Bantly declares war by unnounciug he will continue to be mayor, no matter what the council does, until disposed by a more "learned tnounai." ine situation to-nigni is one oi ap -prchenkive anxiety. as so n as AtKins witnarew irom tne con test to avoid his impending defeat, he repaired to his office and immediately began a whole sale decapitation orth e old and tried members ot the city police force. By nightfall he had summarily d'smbsed twenty policemen, in cluding two aetectivea; also discharged some minor employes. Some days ago he dis charged thirteen policemen, including Chief Police Jerdoii", and appointed others in their stead. Thus, to-night the entire poUce force of the city are new men. every one of whom is a strong partisan oe Atkins, it certainly looks as though Atkius was preparing to ahvslcallv resist the order of the City Council hurling him from office. That such a mandate will be issued to-morrow no body doubts. Excitement over the probable outcome is apparent everywhere. The popular reeling is decidedly against- Atkins ana nis methods. . THE WARSHIP STEELOK. Knffllsh and Busalan Bian-of-War Off Norfolk. Tl7-.Tv-.T Tn A nm.11 Q1 Tha fnw vetle. Streiok, after leaving this port Tuesday night; passed out to sea and is now supposed to beou her way to New York. Second Secr.tary Gregor of the Russian Le gation, arrived here yesterday, but left at once for Washington, when-he learned that tne streioa naa a?partea. rut Brit ish ship Garnet is still at Old Point Comfort. but It is thought will follow tbe Streiok at once. The Russian ship seems to have given her an tagonist the slip. The Garnet was close by the Streiok nutil Monday, when she dronued down to fortress Munroe. Under our interna tional laws the Garnet cannot follow under twenty-iouf hours, it ner purpose is to outrage the Streiok. The Streiok has a speed of fit- teen knuts against the Garnet's thirteen, aud nergun. are oi mucn longer range man are thoe of the Garnet. It the Garuet should at tempt to engage her she would first have to fin tbe Strtflok outside, and then the Streiok might keep just outside of range of her antago nist: and yet, with her superior guns, play up on the Garnet. This gives the lfu si ui snip a big advantage, and although she is a smaller ship, she would prove a formidable antagonist to the representative oi the British lioa. Arrived In North River. New York, April M.The arrival of the Russian manof -war Streiok it tlie North River has caused a great deal pf speculation. . PASSED SANDY HOOK. New York, April 30 The Russian man-of war htrelok, which left Norfolk, yesterday, passed Sandy Hook, Inward bound, at8:3i o'clock th.8 morning. "vVentern Union Operators. Chtcaoo, May 2. Notice has been given by the Western Union Telegraph Company that it will Day its operators their full extra work, this is in accordance with custom li.v.rgne until a few months ago, and for the restoration of which operators petitioned General Superin tendant Glower. Loss of Flesh and Strength, with poor appetite, and perhaps slight cough in morning, or on Irst lying down at night, should be looked to in time. Persons afflicted with consumption are proverbially uucouscious of their real state. Most cases commence with disordered liver, leading io bad digestion and Imperfect assimilation ot food hence the emaciation , or wasting ot the flesh. It Is a form of scrofulous disease, an 1 h curable by t hat greatest of all blool.-c etrislng.anti-bUllous and invigorating compound-, known as Dr Pierce's New Medical Discovery." Si ill Absolutely Pure. ' This powder never varies. A marvel of pu rity, strength and wbnlesomeuess. More eco nomie.d than tbe ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold iu competition with the multitude of low -test, tthort-weight alumu or phosphate powders. H id only, in cans. Royal Baklar Powder Compouy, 1-6 Wall street. New York. PANAMA. THE CITY OCCUPIED HY NATION AIA Panama. May 1. The city I en.ltt. 11m National troops occupied the city at l o'clock yesterday afternoon. There has be-n no dis turbance during the am stic ot j irtv-elght bou-s. Many, probably the ureates imrtlon of ihe rebels, escaped, taking with tnem their arm. The naval forces fr.-in ihfl United St tes tout nue quite well. Tbe first battalion i-i at Panama, ihe second battalion is at Colon. The artillery am; gatllngs are scattered along the line of lallway, at Mala'.tliln, San a auto tutu vliici yuiuia. LATEST KRON THE ISTHMUS. Panama. May 1. via Galveston.- Admiral Jouett has gone to Colon, after settl-ng the po litical squaDute yesteraay. ana oidored the Aliens r lemiug, teaman apprui ticc, died on the 30th, of fever, In St. Thomas hospital, on his 2ist birthday and the day his enlistment expired. ihe (let chment of the first battalion under Col. Haywood is expected to remain Jn Pana ma unt il eace is luny assured, j no last de tachment of blue Jacket" leave Panama this altei lio iii. A detaenn ent will t vnaln at Pav ralso aud S.n Pablo on ihe imlway under l.teut. Mason, Huntington and Klliott. Tha sick list is small, no serious cas.. in over looo men on y one case of iutox t-Jii. on nas oe. curred. Aizoum is aboara the 1 1 ine I lanehe. l'reii'h flagship. T1IK ENTERPRISE DEAD. NOT Taylor, Elxtn afc Bastroi K.liway. Special Telegi am to Tbe 8tat4- i.uti. Taylor. Mav 4. In regard o .lie favlor. Elgin fit Bastrop Ka lroad, pat t. .is tinting the matter In ch rge say it is not .l-au. but only "taking a little nap." and exno'.-ls to wake un so n entirely refreshed and wil b renewed en ergy, to push th matter throu !) lo comple tion. GOV. MARMADU li li 1113 Efforts to Stamp Ou' tne Cattle .Disease. St. Louis. Mav t. Gov. Mai n ucuke. In re ply to a letter from Col. Morse feneial man ager of the stock j ards at Kansas .'ily, asklug him to all a special session of I lie 1 .em stature to take action regarding plei ro pneumonia, says that he does not consider It necessary to do so, and asserts that the plague is now prac tically suppressed: that It has n.t at any time been outside of Calloway County. Hod that offi cial re orts just made by compel en I authority express the belief that the disease Is confined wituin a raaius oi eignt miles ot r union, tne point where it originated. The Gt veruor fur ther says that everything posiicle : being done to extirpate the plague. He he be lieves siiincieiii money win oe m'?ru oy pri vate subscription and that the disopso will be entirely eradicated within thirty la a. ine governor aiso tninas mat outer states have acted very hastily in (iiiamntlnlmr against Missouri. He says he has been strong ly urged to retaliate against them, but will nor do so, and he saya he will contlui e to use every means to suppress tbe pla ;uo and pro- . tect the Interests of the State. The Trunk Mystery. Pittsburg, May 2, At tlie ciion.r's Ira Quest Drs. Hamilton and Show niatle a Dost mortem examination, testified ttitu were no external marks of violence' ou tho Irceased. All his organs were healthy, exce.-t lb 3 lunirs. which were badly congested. This jju.'d result suffocation or strangulation. In accordance from with this testimonya verdict was ren dered that deceased came to bis -I rath Irom strangulation, at the ban Is of in c it to the jury unknown. Under Arms. Joliet. III.. Mav 2. Four comranles of State troops numbering 254 men at 'i w here underarms. The striking stone CJirns num ber 2,0W) and still maintain a threatening attt- ' tude, out no trouble has yet happen -i. Death of New Vobk. May 4. Mrs. Frank A. Vander blit, widow of Commodore Vandei Kit. died at 9 o'clock this meriting at her resides ;e, No. M Washington Place. She had been lor the last few days with pneum jula. T est Tour EaMng rowdci fr-Dayl Bnj LaJrer'lscd aa absno v. :y CONTAIN AMMUKA, THE TECY 1 nee a ran top down n r- 1 .fp. mm heated, then remove the cover ato ;n.!l. Aehmo- DOES NOT CONTAIN AJIM0NIA It. ButbhuM Has NEVER lWr 1, ttmf.i I. . InainUllonbeinesforaquartrrofaaaottirj'lt & tarsstood theeonramer'sreMfbietM'. " THE TEST OF I" AEH. ' Price Baking ;vv :r Co., irni 0- f Dr. Pnce s Special Lorl' Extracts, TaestroE )ngert,mot( t ., al , i flavor kr t .a i Dr. Price's Lur In ' Gems - For Light, Healthy I T . iul ltrv Rial jorl.1. ! DflOCERS, 8T. LOUMav FOR SALE L CHICAGO. . SPECIAL. bi tXTRACT . MOST PERFECT MADE 4 Purest and stroneeat Natural nilt FlaVortV. VanUla, Lemon. Orange, Alf .urt. Rose, 6te flavor as delicately and natural!) - tbe trait. PSHCE BAKING PQVV'ii:; CO., CHICAGO. - ST. ZOtTJt V