OCR Interpretation

San Saba County news. [volume] (San Saba, Tex.) 1874-19??, July 15, 1892, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86088452/1892-07-15/ed-1/seq-3/

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> M
Loth the method and results when
rrmp of Figg ir taken it is pleasant
J refreshing to the taste and acts
Tcatlyyet promptly on the Kidneys
I n and Bawds cleanse the sys
tem tffeetmJIy dipd cold head
chMand ferera sod cores habitual
constipation 8ymp of Figs is the
csJy remedy of lie kind ever pro
duced pleasing to the taste and ao
pmbi to the stomach prompt in
to action and truly beneficial in its
Srte pr pared odIv from the most
lielthy and agreeable substances
xt many ezoetleot qualitiee com
° Dd it to all and have made it
Jse rnort popular remedy known
rrup of Fig is for sale in 60c
and 81 bottiee br all leading drug
rtvs Any reliable drugpist who
amy not have it on hatA trill pro
cv < it promptly for any one who
irishee to try it Do not accept
xjr cubstitute
Ttejjis l eblanc I
ll a store k
S jubri
03 Of l
man S i
bottle tn C >
ferr ai recommv
luss a line hell
farts of the case direc
< rr Hd Ague
y vfstf
< rJ < Mr Heutta irnUu
tars > A LUmrCtiurtnl i
ftorsHKol and mU Ms aw rre
thmUaLm < 0 lu s r Action
Batleriee re J3 ilr Huenfd nnt
reneh Canaj
Noire Dame d i
Cn who vra
k of Corj est
clec s Ocr1
id nirav
o his per winning for Miss n the means of
Il j ou d of many of the jSrice the affections
> u t e ful always by matrons who find her
he < id i > and h Klag after their pleasure
ard tbat Boschees Gere an S > ru j Uop
areJght bim through nicely I
Rtfllere Hendatlii
and will care
JRt tm rum
Jletirl lAae
In tilts ruinub
aljun Snowdrift
or axxa m rnATT
Abotethetesy was deodlessLintf
HM gran t rft green beow
And ye be ed Vie bfes90mlns telQ
litre sm neda allot snow
AiaUlfonot tbe feathery flakes
Gfossaed 11 bit elr In the noon
Allfco no hb it of frost bis chilled
Tie balmy airs of June
I crowed tM 3eM and laughed to find
Twm SBmi wr In disguise
A drift ol dailies on Ihe Ml
Had tricked o wondering eyes
An iunerlean ISelle
Mits Brice tbje daughter of Senator
Briee is probab ly the girl who has
made the most marked sensation of the
winter She is the forerunner of
new type
Her wealth has of course made her
a figure for unlimited attentions from
all the available men but Miss Ilrico
seems almost unconscious of her at
tractions It is generally conceded
Js beautiful
Her greatest attractions are her
eyes and a magnificent suit of soft
brown hair tbat rolls back from a low
broad forehead being caught in a
j peculiar knot at the nape of the
Many girls hare tried to imitate that
cull but without being able toproduce
the desired effect Her eyes are deep
end soft nnd their power to fascinate
is shown In the number of young p
who stand about waiting for a
to speak to her This has nance
case especially at her mr oeen the
tions and it has ly Chers rcoep
toft before turning her attcn
cr e > moment to the patient
n wys will It is a good medic 5
HE thorough in its work l i118 a sensible welleducated
aUTfrb with anything but a modern atli
Q B w r f tude toward her mother whom she
O O S thmks is the only woman in the world
says the St Paul Globe
And with all these oidfashloned no
tions she is full of life is a bright
takerandis fond of pleasure This
is just the type of society girl the
American girl will make when she
knows herself better and reaches her
majority Miss Urice only left the
acre Cosur at Paris last fall and the
designers are working on a stained
giass window for the Ohio school from
w nieli Mrs Hrice graduated in which
one of the figures has Miss Brice s
face and head
Cleaned and win lat for 1 r > jionable a demonstration as that which
i l ii Sr Sr Ml VL I marked the recent agitation in London
> ju > m nwd kjr wbakt fuiil The canvassers invaded the House of
For Sale by All DruggbU 1 Commons
X i OU7 drafsist loce 11 ll ke p tnea wriseto
irfrtckevfcesttvTCuAaraE AlMlMeif fl
ills wasarttgsa Tl rsj d < tu ± c3 s
V r7nuclut w rr t T at I
> Towers I OkMj
mri SkcHer j > eta
aasa MaT r ira tf ttjti >
juet MdAuUManxt otircte rs lo awe a ad
AixHlMerltaltans urttM pCat Tlaiaean
tar wf auc rac Itiltbc OCbJm fsjlliaj
> aji S3kar
1st ASoftWooleoCaMlar
24 TWs Tnit Aar i below
SUKba lrt j c orsnr u
Watch Out v r Hi
orOatti tbe ewlKU 11 <
1 < M >
illicit find
rose U9CW uu curckt l ku r Complexion
f rrt ywiim A l rei oia besr
laJaaa > atteaaatiiiiaaiaa
Mr Gad ttrne AntlSofTrase rosttlon
When Mr Gladstone made his famous
Midlothian address ho urged the
women to assist in the canvass In
mellifluous phrases he said that the
fulfillment of such political duties
would fill their future years with
sweetness Those honeyed words were
remembered and during the recent
English political agitation on the
question of woman suffrage hare been
quoted more than once Mrs Faw
cetfs interpretation Is if the votes are
for him it is womanly if they are
against him It is unwomanly There
ba never been in this country so fash
one a pretty girl richly
dressed is described at the door
A rebel in the softest silks
A klsl of mtisj Mr Wllkeax
bnttonholing the members as they
came out Mr Balfour was with them
In his speech the tory leader said he
could never look his female constitu
ents in the face if be declared by his
vote tbat women could do excellent
TONIC FOR WOKftENt soft brown eyes that look at rou
canvassing but could not be trusted to
vote At one of the meetings a work
ing woman deseril > ed asaMme Angot
from liattersea said tbat while statis
tics showed the physical deterioration
of tlae British army by means of chrst
measurements no such de rioration
was shown among women whose chest
measurements owing to outdoor life
and eparts were increasing
Or Isrkhorafa Wife
TLe wife of Dr Charles II Park
hum is what few women arc restful
Tie long salon parlor in her Thirty
fifth street bouse in New York is very
ijniet and when a lady in the second
beauty of her womanhood cOinesinand
begins io talk it is still quiet and con
tinues so tj the end of the visiL Tho
c ear and trucot sight they do not
tmile bat the gaze is not nnkind Tim
quiet face is seroas and thoughtful
iTtieqniet hands are very pretty and
j the simple brown dress with its brown
mohair braid is simple too Mrs
j tarkbnrkts devotion to her husbami
is sublime She lelicvcs thorougbly
in him and her faith must make him
j htrong One knows without asking
1 that she felt every insult and
necr r remark every fling
i sod saiord thrust aimed < at him
MorS1 or ° a ib ° jc hW
Nmes Reims ulct f
v v mu va j crasade against crime whieh did not
e g n make her suffer Even now as sho
r rH rt
FEMALE DISEASE8 ulksabontiLhercycsCU I do not
ASKYOUR DRUGGISTACOUTIT think any woman could be indifferent
i 00 PCR BOTTtX to the cmtemptuons and cowardly at
CMTTABOOG m CO DattMccpTtig tacks that an unprincipled class might
make on her husband she sait
Even if she were not in perfect sym
pathy with him his distress would
affect her I believed at sincerely as
lie did himself that be was doipg
right and although I tried not to care
what his encsiea said and wrote I did
care very mu h Every word of vi
tuperation hnrt me I did not get
used to it I am still neak
IVIijr Oar Women fade
Many grievous reasons confront me
i VvKll to why our women fade but I shall
renew touch upon only a few of the strongest
writes Felicia Holt in the Jnne Ladies
Ad rsieda
tm sons
c tt iii w f > re
i c Kipialuta pe
Home Journal I look at the many
women of my acquaintance I see lines
on brows which can only be brought
there by worry and worry I take io
be one of the greatest foes to a womans
youth There are dolls to be sure
who never think work or act I do not
here dlscnss such creatures but woman
PH HlttTEB KE61SI3E CO tt losli Uu In her vocation as a sentient being
In this country as in no other do
women hare to struggle in the
effort to keep op an appear
ance of great wealth they do not
possess It is an age of monopolies
rsncl stan 7 it to juui acoiplt owsT
irS AlStSSS DC S > eat ortnnes arc being absorbed
tnra iriLtItt saG > aTr
by the shrewd financiers hence many
and refined
by the world forgot or undertake a
struggle which ends only in the grave
It would seem at the first an unworthy
strife and so it is not only unworthy
but horribly degrading if entered into
with tho purpose of Tying with tho i
more fortunate for tho mere possession
justly entitled works of art music
literature and the outcome of the ages
Pre nce
ladr Tempi
Miss Elizabeth r
woman has been x > ttn En lk
Osborne after lurng on Dorothy
lecturer s > < ard Lady Temple The
celebra owed how high a place the
not d letters of her heroine took
r vnly In the contemporary literature
> Tier own time of her own country
and of her own sex but in literature
Miss Dorothy Osborne or Lady Tem
ple as she finally became was even by
her love affairs connected with inter
the course of trne love could not mn
smooth with a hot cavalier for her
father and a roundhead for a lover
Miss Lee with some skill extracted
from the letters much of the charac
teristic sparkle and brilliancy which
must have made the lonely life at
Chicksands bearable even to the
woman whose lover was kept at a dis
tance by party strife She lightened
the tedium of tho hours by penning
letters redolent of witty thought and
loving memory
Dresses for Summer Wear
The cotton dresses are among the
prettiest of the season whether elab
orate like those mentioned last week
or else so simply made that the family
laundress is able to keep them always
fresh and neat The housemaid
waist gathered toabeltwith enormous
sleeves and a bell skirt gathered not
darted at the top is the design for
pink lilac or blue Chamberys batistes
or lawns that young women and ma
trons as well will wear on summer
mornings at home in town or in coun
try houses A Swiss belt of open em
broidery with turncdovcr collar and
deep cuffs to match arc on a lilac
Chambery diess while one of China
bine lawn has black satin ribbon for a
wide Directoire belt and around the
muchbefiilled neck and wrists
Ialtl and the Name of Worth
According to a faraway 6tory it was
Patti who carried the name of Worth
into high places This was in the
00 when the empire was at its height
Patti was invited to the Tuileries and
Worth made for her a frock of white
and pale green tulle and fringed with
lilies of the valley The empress was
so enchanted with the frock that she
commanded It to be copied for her
First Woman Doctor of Ilillosoplir
The first woman to receive the de
gree of doctor of philosophy from the
University of Pennsylvania is Miss
Anna Bobcrtson Brown of Pennsyl
vania who passed a brilliant examina
tion in English comparative philology
and German and will be recommended
to receive her degree on commence
ment day June 10
A 1retty London < llrl
At a recent London ball a pretty
gin dressed like a Watteau flower girl
was carried into the room in a vernU
Martm sedan chair her lap filled nith
flowers TbeMS she distributed to men
and maids alike The man with a
daffodil sought his partner who carrie <
a daffodil Each flower sought it I
land tulips violets orchids and roses
Notes 1 < 7 tlte War
Smith College girls arc cnthnsiastie
and not unskilled ball players
Mrs Jennie June Croly is now in
Europe In a few weeks hc will return
with her daughter Miss Alice Carey
Croly who has been studying abroad
In England there has juit been or
ganized the Domestic Servants Trade
Union The movement began ttith dc
mand for hhortcr hours and a weekly
half holiday
Bertha Downing a successful teacher
of wood carving in New Jersey from
the work In her class of sixteen feebe
minded boys and girls pays all the ex
penses of the class
Jlus Murphy the womens rights
woman is the editor of the Melbourne
Punch She is a practical newspaper
nomanand knows the details of the
business from the job office tocl to
the editor s blue pencil
The Kanaka women roll the ends of
their childrens Cngir to make them
taper An enthusiastic travoler in that
land says that ony on statuary in this
country arc Mich beautiful hands feen
To preserve this symmetry the women
do no work
Again Professor Lombroso who hav
ing decided that women aio insensible
to pain ieclares in a book which he
has published in connection with Sig
lerraro that the disportion of female
tonnlc criminals is accounted for by
the inferior inulligence of their sex
Mine Clara Schumann has retired
from piblij service as teacher and
Jila3e1 it the age of 73 for years
Mme chnm uin both in England and
Ccrinant has excited the enthusiasm
and obtained the love and friendship
of young girls in the most cxtrnorcli
nary manner
The ancient college of St Andrews
Scotland which has recently opened
itsdoora to women has received the
fair invaders witli more chivalrous
welcome and accorded to them more
honorable place than any of the other
far more cultivated people 75
mast retire forgetting the world b potassium
of money but alas It represents toiho ii In rorm Fnlrr and In Motion
the fastidious and wellborn woman
all that to which br nature she is
she is only to be seen
Her bicycle
a Cherub on the Wins Ultlded Skirts
and Snspendera Compose the Bosnia
tlon Costume
Tilings the Qaeen Mar Not Do For the bicycling girl the nearest
Owing to the misfortnno of baring approach to a winged cherub that tan
been born a Queen Victoria is not al talizing fate permits within the reach
lowed a great many privileges that the of mortal eye the world is indebted to
humblest of her subjects can boast the safety Five years ago the
Tor instance she is not allowed to prophet who should have predicted tho
handle a newspaper of any kind nor a spectacle of thousands of 1803 ladles
magazine nor a letter from any person riding bicycles would have been
except from her own family and no mobbed by innumerable Mrs Crundies
member of the royal family or housej
hold is allowed to speak to her of any
piece of news in any publication All
the information the Queen is permitted
to have must first be strained through
the intellect of a man whose business
is to cut out from the papers each day
what he thinks she should like to know
These scraps ho fastens on a silk sheet
with a gold fringe all about it and
presents to her unfortunate majesty
The silken sheet with gold fringe is
imperative for all communications to
the Queen Any one who wishes to
send the Queen a personal
poem or a
communication of kind
any except a
personal letter which tho poor lady is
not allowed to have at all must have j
it printed in gilt letters on one of these
silk sheets with a pold fringe just so
many inches wide and no wider all I
about it These gold trimmings will
beretrurned to him in time as iheyare t
espensivcand tho Queen is kindly an a
rb Utfor he Queens
they are imperative
xYen now tho voice of bigotry is occas
slonally heard trying in tho wilderness
lone Voices however that count as
nothing against the ovcrwhelmiu
testimony of the girl riders them elvos
their fond mothers and watchful family
Hut a short time ago at a meeting
of homeopathic physicians a Chicago
it was unanimously decided that bi
cycleriding nab one of the most wholr
some and exhilarating forms of exer
cise that woman can indulge in More
than a scoic of mothers nhosedaugli
tcrs were enthusiastic riders had been
interviewed by tho doctors nnd in
every case no injntious effects had been
esting characters and men of note and found but on
of weak
the contraiy several
constitution hald been
made strong and robust In some
cases ailments and weaknesses peculiar
to the sex had been permanently cured
by reasonable and judicious bicycling
Grundy indeed has retired on dis
cretion for one of the latest items
from the wheel world tells of a dear
old soul in Cincinnati over GO years of
age who skims along the streets ol
Porkopolis on a bicycle threading her
way among the frame with ease and
Why not It is the easiest thing in
the world for a woman to learn to ride
the ladies safety and all riding
teachers agree that women learn
quicker than men
A short time ago a Cincinnati news
paper offered a prize for the best and
prettiest costume for lady cyclers The
costume that won it consista of a di
vided dress skirt supported frjui the
shoulders by ordinary suspenders a
light silk blouse held iu position at
the waist by a rubber band inserted in
the lower edge a iudsor tie at the
neck a jacket of the sjnic material as
the dress skirt cloth or flannel and
suitable material in black gray navy
blue or brown a yachting cap and
gauntlet gloves For underwear a
union suit
The most hardened and cynical mem
ber of the opposite sex has but to catch
Ilia renrth Victim
Information has just reached Iinnt
ington W Va of the lynching in Lo
men s colleges which hnve grudgingly gan county of Jim Smith a notorious
recognized the right of women to colored desperado Some time ago
enlen Charles Serpell aged 12 a colored
1 boy
Water 1roof Iper 1 m rlIcred B d robbed by Smith
tt who was caught later Tie ofllccrs
TlaPCr arC ° mlD S
f a r1lIm re orerpower by a mob
into use In France The is made
Ethical Import of Darwinism and
Belief in God
Sainory and Behauxlu Aro Glilnc Hera
Handful ot African Trouble
The French have two little wars on
their hands in > Vest Africa We have
heard recentlj tt tho purpose of the
King of Dahomey to force the French
again Into hostilities The French
hive accepted the challenge but it is
a glimpse of the bicycling girl thus arl c likely that we shall hear of hard
rayed He turns helplessly around to
gaze In admiration at the elfin rider
who glides along the asphalt street
with the case and grace of a svi allow
on the wing It is claimed that the
fighting for some time yet as this is
the rainy season along that coast and
the time is not auspicious for military
movements A month or two from
now we may hear of some very lively
bicycling girl is all things considered doings in Dahsmey and King Behan
the most irresistible of an Who can zan is likely to learn a lesson he will
resist the witchery of a creature ini never forget
form a fairy in motion a cherub on tho
wing who ever seems on the point of
soaring away skyward to be lost for
ever to mere human life
She lias a Success In London 1ersonat
Inr an Old Acquaintance
The accompanying cut is a very ac
curate reproduction of what appears to
be a faithful photograph of a young
inexperienced and tweetfaced girl
who is playing under the name of Mrs
Langtry in Charles Wyndhams new
drama Dangerous Grountl It has
been supposed on this side of the water
that the Mrs Langtry that Mr Wynd
ham had engaged was the same Mrs
Langtry with whom American audi
ences are familiar To judge by tlie
cut however cither there is a second
Mrs Langtry of whom America is not
as yet aware or the original has dis
covered the secret not only of original
but of piogrcssive jouth a discovery
on which she is heartily to be compli
mented and the secret which her sis
ters on and off the stage will be glad
to have her impart to them
A Dreadful Thine
Bostoi still speaks in whispers of a
dreadful thing that happened at the
Tatcrn club It became necessary to
admonish a wellmeaning but overfa
miliar hall boy to mend his ways and
accordingly a member of the house
cmnmitte was commissioned to admin
ister the lesson The house commit
teeman took the lad aside and talked
to him for some minutes in choicest
I Boslonese uoon the proprieties of
club life When he had finished the
imp said never a word but applying
on hand to his cravat pulled it out of
place so as to disclose the rlainly
I printed words This man was talked
I to death The boy was dismissed but
his conduct is mentioned with a chill
of horror
The other war is now going on
further northwest The French are
making a great effort to dispose finally
of the Sultan Samory their enemy in
the upper Niger region Samory has
been fighting the Frencli a good deal
of the time since 1382 A few weeks
ago the Sun reported that tho French
had driven him from his capital Bis
sandagu and they thought then that
Samory was nearing the end of his
rope But he does not relinquish the
game so easily and the French career
of success has not been unbroken
Since he lost his capital Samory has
been in the hill country south of his
former stronghold The French sent
a force after him to insure his defeat
but he has latsly scored at least one
little victory over his pursuers and he
took a few French prisoners It is
hoped that he has not such faith in his
ultimate success as will lead him to
treat his prisoners with the terrible
cruelty to which he is said often to
have subjected other prisoners of war
Gen Faidherbe who fought Samory
for years in the western Soudan de
scribes him as a monster of cruelty
Faidherbe says he owed the rapid
ity of his conquests to the terror pro
duced by his practice of burning his
prisoners of war by the hundred in
fiery trenches filled with blazing wood
asd oil We have not had Samorys
side of this story
One reason why he is now able to
offer formidable resistance to the
French is because he has quite a quan
tity of repeating rifles in fcis army
The French say he has S0J0 repeating
rifles and they blame the English for
permitting him to purchase these im
proved weapons through agents in
UrTtlsh territory on the coast
It is probable that the French will
not put an end to their troubles with
Samory until they succeed in killing
him Nearly all the troops Senegal I
can muster are needed in the war with
this prophet of the western Soudan
and so France is likely to have her
hands very full when Ring Behanzin
otDahomey assumes the offensive as
he is certain to do as soon as the
weather permits In the end how
ever it is quite certain that Samory
will bo defeated and his country
turned into a French protectorate
The Cheapest Shilling IVorth
Although it is rather late in the day
to review an almanac for 1S92 the ex
cellent work issued by the Xew York
World compels us to do so It i a vol
ume of no less than 468 pages and
crammed with all the information
which we expect to find in our own
Whittakcr and a good deal more
besides in fact an almanac a direc
tory and an encyclopedia of useful
knowledge There seems hardly a
subject on which it has not informa
tion whether official political com
mercial legal sporting Masonic or
otherwise It is the cheapest shillings
worth we have seen and is quite a
monument to American enterprise
Tennis Suits
The skirts of tennis suits unlike
those of last season which were round
nnd full are bell shaped The sleeve
r Jacob Gould Schurmao a Man at Eufia Eats Hallo heres Nat
Note in the vrorld of Letters Banks first at tho meeting City
Dr Jacob Gond Schurman who has Curer Ves I see hes hero first at
fiat been elected president of Cornell last he rtas altfays behind before
tnlvetsity Was born at Freetown
Mamma And now Eddie can yon
1 rince Edward Island May 23 1S54 tell me what velocity is Eddie
He is descended from an old Dutch Thats what papa let go of the hot
faintly which came to New Amsterdam plate with today Isnt it mamma
about the midJle of the seventeenth Will you have some of this straw
sentury benT shortcake Mr Withers said
in 670 he won the first of the six the landlady Yes maam replied
scholarships established by tho gov Mr Withers and some strawberries
ernment at Prince of Wales college also please
Charlottetown Late in JS73heentered Lady helping to lobster salad
Acadm college ova Scotia where he
suppose Mr OFinnigan that you are
remained for a year and a half leading
not accustomed to this dish in your
V Tn l1 Sut3 ts In 187S he country Mr OF concealing hb
> on we Canadian Gilchrist scholarship Ignorance Lobsthers Is it madam
n connection with the University of Faith maam tho shores of Oireland is
London which was worth S300 a year red wid em
for the three years Two later
years Pcrple d CitizenI am sorry yon
he was graduated at the University of t
haTeat the chansa only want 50
lhtll0 lmvmiV scholar cenU worth of stamps and this dollar
ship 330 a year for three years in
Hb took his doctors degree in phil
osophy in 1878 In June 1S78 he won
the Hibbert Traveling Fellowship
SlOOO a year for I wo years which is
bpen to all graduates of British univer
sities and was competed for by over
sixty men from Oxford Cambridge
Dublin Edinburg etc He spent the
next two years studying as Hibbert
Fellow at Heidelberg Berlin and Got
tingen as well as in Italy He enjoyed
the instruction and friendship of the
foremost philosophical teachers and
writers in Germany
In 1SS0 he made the acquaintance of
Sgsident White who was then Ameri
Wmiinister to Germany and who In
1SS5 recommended him for a chair at
Cornell From 18S0 to 1862 he was Pro
fessor of English Literature Political
Economy and Psychology at Acadia
college Nova Scotia and from 8S2 to
18S0 Professor of Metaphysics and En
glish Literature in Dalhousie college
Since that dale he has been head of the
Philosophical department at Cornell
first as Sagq Professor of Philosophy
and since 1891 as Dean of the Sage
school of Philosophy He is editor of
the Philosophical Review and has
written three volumes Kartian Ethics
and the Ethics of Evolution The
is the only money Ive got Arizona
Postmaster Thats all right WeU
flip It to see whether you give me tho
dollar for the stamps or take em for
Thats a lie shouted a Windy City
man entering a railway station as an
employe was patting up a placard
Chicago Limited Let me tell you
sir Chicago aint limitedl Shes got
more stretch to her than a wad of
warm taffy an it wouldnt surprise
me none to see the earth bulge out yit
to mako room for her
Dont you know It Is very wrong to
smoke my boy said an old lady to a
youngster who persisted in smoking a
cheap cigar Oh I smoke for my
health ans ivered the boy Bnt yoa
never heard of a cure by smoking
she continued presently Oh yes I
did nerslsted the boy blowing a big
clovd thats tho way they euro
pigs Smoke on then she quickly
replied theres some hope for yoa
Tet There lie Ieao
In the gastric region If troubled arllh nansea
from aea siclcness biliousness or otber cause
Hostellers Stomach Bitters trill immediately
put a stop to ibe stomachic disturbance A
prommrnt and most unpossant feature of
ltir complaint Is nausea In the morning
The symptoms disappear and the cause is re
moed by the Bitters Many persons haTo
very delicate stomachs which trifling indis
cretions in eaUng or drlnkioff or even somo
sljrht that is repulslre disorders Such per
sons cannot act moro wisely than to invigor
ate their digestive region with the Bitters a
tonic specially adapted to reinforce it Tor
malaria rheumatism kidney troubles and
nervousness the Bitters will be found mar
vellously benehilal and when seep Is outran
qull and appetite variable It soon Improves
b th It is la facta uosr
delightful remedy
comprehensive and
There are very few people in the world
brave enough to act happy when thsy are
IIALLS CATARRH CURE is a liquid and
taken internally and acts directly on the
blood and mucous surfaces of the s jsteni Write
for testimonials free Manufactured by
F J CHENEY Co Toledo O
A Itomantlo Moment
Your eyes are my only Books said
tho poet
Blue books are not interesting
reading generally she replied softly
And he well he was glad her mamma
had fallen asleep
So many people spend most of their tine
in suspendingswords over theirown heads
An old mans idea of a oko is to shave
off nis vUUkers and go home and startle
his wife
Laniss needing a tonic or children who
want building up should tafce Browns
Iron Bitters It is pleasant to take cures
Malaria Indigestion Biliousness aad Liver
Complaints makes the Blood rich aad pure
All mea are afraid of a very smart
J Charles ltlchter wholesale lnmcer dealer
1328 Van Pelt street Philadelphia Pa says
I can t speak too highly of Bradycrotine as s
headache oure
Our idea of very trjing work this kind
of weather would be to take care of twins
llananae Mncle Corn Palff
Warranted to care or aioney refunded Aslc
Tour drniifilst for 1C Trice 15 cents
Nothing pleases a man so well as to be
asked if his oldest daughter isnt his wife
Health Tld Itlts faro neat nervous men fl
Trial ICc Ohio Chemical Co Cincinnati Ohio
It is onl ths mea who are rolated to a
woman who tell her a disagreeable truth
31rs Wlnalovraa ootIilna yrupforChi
area teething softens t be guai rejsces InSsnini
ttoa alliTS pain cures wind colic C3ca bottle
We would litre to be a fish In summer
The Only One Ever PrlutedCan
aau rind the AVordT
There lsa3lnch display adrertlaeme it
In this paper ibis week waich hasnotno
words aliKe except one ord Tfco same is
true of etch new oao appearing each week
from tho Dr Harter Medicine Co Tins
bouse places a Crescent on evervthnsr
they make and publish Look for it serd
them the namo of t te word and they wil
return you Book Beictifcl Lithooripjs
or SastrLES Fkeb
Tnis weatuer is getting so bad it should
ha e a fire ecape to it
Misr persons are srolien down from
overwork or household cares Browns
Iron Bitters rebuilds the system aids
digestion removes excess of bile and curci
malaria A splendid teaic for women and
Professors a 3 becoming as common as
IosttUrl cured j
these Utile PHI
They alao r here DisJ
treaa f r im Drspepslaln 1
rtlgoa tlon anil TooIleartTE
Eating A perfect rem
dy farmcrliiess anssaj
Drowsiness Bad TaetH
In the Mouh Coatedj
ToarueFam in the 8tde
rejralate the Bowels
Purtlj Vegetable
Price Z5 Cents
Small Pill Small Dose Small
MrftKt MlfeUaVBiex
Uwdroppinff tools in dm
Tirrw oui
Shipped Anywhere on Trial Ottalocue Free
na VttirtUyJliiiHtHtrar > Kiitt
home without pain Hook c
nirti nlart ntriKK
a Mi lIWMD
AH 1 f 1 Georgia
ftftils > HMreit
for summer complaints
Perry Davis PainKiller
best medicine in the world
Irrflrt Ciajsn ail Sait ITcml Zzsl is tis T t
A Dl Twenty fi Deptn ThirtTTMchrfcU
w nliVpecUhu No vacation except Aug tcter
PARE T time Take any claa Iiwnw low
ItiradoatM ind > mand In order thnt all
ui paper = ° ° f mewh0 tooU PMDh
t l ye clallne bichromate ol rP Sfd COlrd essEtonjacketawhich are a part of
the prisoner tothe to w > > 1 particular
niarcst tree and this costume are worn overshirtwtit roar 151 AddraMi
swung him up Smith hid previously of white or vivid red surah or fancy Vat SMtri
killed three men China silk I
ACiaUtl 6 l 1 Trtaa
People Who Travel
Change of climate cr water very oftea
affect the bowels seriously If oa the
first cyaiptonis of any disturbance vou
woulu take Dr Biprers Huckleuerry Cor
dial much saCerias might be saved
Why does a mac want to catch 200 fisht
He cant use them
Sick Hsanacnr lassitude weakness and
loss of appetite caused by maaria can be
immediately cured by Beechams Pills
Have yoa ever noticed that rose dsys
you worn Lard and do ro hiajl
Secnre a Business Education at Heme
A full Oualaeas Courae glraa br talt ferfMt sat
isfaction low ratesi BrjaatsCoUege Baffalo it
Red currants mako as excellent bait in
fishing for catilsh or sua perch
Read the Jell Electrla Belt advertise
meat in this paper For sale by all drar
fists If your anirjls t do sot kee then
writs the company alrect
Wlut has become of the oldfas iloaed
mari who called nis watch his biscuit
ICt flying in tht fact
of Nature to tale the ordinary pilL
Just consider Low it acts Theres
too much bulk and bustle arid not
enough real good And think how
it leaves yon when its all over 1
Br Pierces Pleasant Pellets act
naturally They help Nature to do
her own work They cleansa and
renovate mildly but thoroughly tho
wholo system Regidate it too
The help that they give lasts
Theyre purely vegetable per
harmless the
fectly smallest easiest
and best to take Sick Headache
Bilious Headache Constipation In
digestion ISilions Attacks and all
derangements of tho Liver Stomach
and Bowels are promptly relieved
and permanently cared One tiny
sugarcoated Pellet for a gentle
laxative three for a cathartic
Theyre tho cheapest pill you can
buy for theyre guaranteed to givo
satisfaction or your money is re
Yon pay only for tho good you
This is true only of Dr Pierces
Swifts Specific
A Tested Remedy
For All
Blood and Skin
A Mil able core far Contagions
Blood Polaon Inherited Scro
fula asd Skin Cancer
As a tonic for delicate Women
and Children It bat no equal
Belcff rarely veceUUefIj harm
less in Its effects
X tmtfse on Blood and Skin Dta >
eM mailed raze on application
Jhuffgltts Stlt It
Drtwtr 3 Atlanta Ga
gUlaiindrymaid pretty xni stout
costing from St to 3
The American Well Works Aurora lit
kfely miroubJe and
The sfnmofit and pvrttt Iya
made Urn ike otber Ije tt twin
a tloe powder and parked In a can
iwltn remoTable lid the content
are always rtaJr for etc Vfl 1
make the txrt perfumed Hard Ponp
In 30 mloate without boiling 11U
the beet tor cleinslnx waste pipes
diainfectlDK tnt clw U washing
LrotUea paints trees ete
Gen Areata Phils Fa
If you use Dutcherii Fly Killer Every
sheet trill kill a quart ot flies destroy
their eggs and jprerent reproduction
Always ask for Butchers and get best
gredfc Jntcisf Prtg Uit at Altia rs
Plaoa Remedy tot Catarrn is the
Best Easiest to Use and Cheapest
GjQ iAtR RxH
Bold br drogststs or tent bj mall
60c KT Haieltlne Wamn Pa
TO 15
Fi stl knit
svtllslf UfhUbsf
rl ur platf
aujj lry > t > M UaHtwtrr tc Fimt
S Ml f j w lry f Mtt u m > oa U Until f
Sivttt h f lJ43 rW lel 3a iprli > M > s > lr l Ktsrry
ka > sMkM 4 > adiaiSsatiBt HCDtiMtU OiaralvaiU
rC J r fctiwlnir Muhlnff
ht llUtATK HVfi CO
30jLocQ t3tStaUrSlsMe
A Hnnnere < orUnnllnr
East on Pa bend X r prices
WI < dTCn Young men and 1 dies to learn telrjr
IIH1ILU raphy furposltl n > n rallrjaJ Dal
las Telegraph Collrce I > aUs Tci
irYOCEAHNLSTIYimrnltonwrrToutcfc I
raUy tend lue f i MaUi ni ai > MIIU I It
Kall dlaiaUlns alcdcari pe B8 E CUilStN Y
pood situation ftnie J I > l HOs Sedaju Jlo
CUTS pay tor an Alumtoum Lords myt
Ia Soareur Charm and MJojaioeopy of url > p
Macaxine T 4 blLBoat SuiOUvcbtbt U > uU
iSlSit ThonBsons Eye Water
rl some Ve Bla33Smswrr
fec rrE rtook ahcm out
AH around the world from East to West
Pipe Smokers think Bull Durham best
How good it is a trial will show
And make you smoke and praise it too
Get the Genuine Made only by
TTIS lIiUTYyonoweyour
eelfund family to net tln bciC
alue lor you rnn tier Kcono
nifzein your loot wear by pur
chasing I I > ouglH bboes
v lili U represent the bent
value for price naked a
thousand will tcstlfr
KrriKE no sriJivnTiiTE
A ffcnainePtred faoetftaf WIZ not rip line calf seamless
snuoth liuiae flexible more comfortable tjllsh and durable than
any other aboe erer sold at the price
Equals custom madeniv
liandeewed hoe The etylBh
S < f andS1 flnecalf roost
T easyandduTableshoeseveraoldatUieseprlcef ThejtTiU
floe Imported shoes coating from3 to 111
CO 30 Police Phoc wom byXarmers and all others who
vwi want a good hi > BT ralf thrre i rled eztenolonedge hoe
easy to walk In and wtl ketp the ft dry and warm
C 30 Flue Colt aC afA and SJ U orklnsmena Sboee
pflb will KUerrore wearf trtbe money loan any otber make
Thry are made for sen tee The Increasing sale show tbat work
Innmcn have fonod tbLi out
ud Vontlis S173 tcli o rboe > i at
BAVQI worn by the toys everywhere The most Benlve
able shors old at the prfcra
n niCC > 3 IInndewed S230 83 and S173
LMUI CO Shoes tor Mfe are made of the b t Don
Kolaor fine Calf as desired Tney aro ery atlUfc com
fortable and durable The 43 shoe equals custom mode
I aboesctwtuiK frm 4 to Ladles whowlsb loroono
v nilze In th ir roDtwenrareflnUlns thLiont
i CVlTIOV Bewareof dealers substltntlcRsboeswItb
outWL Th uclis name and the pii etampel on bottom
h aubatituii fraudulent and subject
6m ns an toprosecn
C ounce
ev rnr > w l nnilPl
Abrl FUR W L UUuULAo onU = b tlmby law for obtaining roonoy nndfr fatue rreUnwa
If not for anle In jour place end direct to Factors inline klud izrnud vrliltk
wauied PoMaar free W ill bI e e cluniTr i nle to hordealers ond crueral mer
cbantvwliercl kaTc no nncnt Vrite for Catnloinr W I DonkIns Itrockton 1e
lV free 1
Jate ten < tef
rtieivinsthehlKhe t nnmberof Totes frard and tuttln In exerr deparm nl
f tb > eartTertlseuieit when accompanied ty cent stamp will sit > yiqr eandi
> nt < t < lo e9 Aifftt t > lfiQ3
One Vote for Miss
yi < lreM Oak < lltT < ollege Oak CHIT Ter
See Waco Evening New fr iUil rcilnp
to Jllbapermonth by barmwtaberbal
modi JotjTincnoit onrenieni
bad > > Strictly oohdentlal
rt < 1 no
OWFSXIDSBjIcVickeraTheatreBldai Chlcsjo 11L

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