OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth weekly gazette. [volume] (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, June 26, 1890, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86088529/1890-06-26/ed-1/seq-2/

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The Use Of
narsli drastic purgatives to relievo eosthe
ness is a dangerous practice and more liablo
to fasten the disease on the patient than to
cure it What Is needed Is a medicine that
in effectually opening the bowels corrects
the costho habit and establishes a natural
daily action Bucli au aperient Is found In
Ayers Pills
Trtfei while thorough in action att
as as stimulato the bow els s
IoBtlght years I was rtSKccl with con
stipaUolg liich at last Jjmbe so bad that
the iloctSsr could do nujBFe for me Then
I began tfttake AjcCjWlll < i and soon the
bowels beaame regni and natural In their
In excellent health
Dorset Ont
need of a cathartic I
d And them to be more
Jisn any otlier pill I ever took Mrs B
Urubb Burwcllville Va
For jears I ha e been subject to consti
pation and nervous headaches caused by de
rangement of the liver After taking various
remedies I have become convinced that
Ayers Tills are the best They havenever
failed to relievo ray bilious attacks in a short
time and I am sure my sjstcm retains its
tone longer after tha use of these IlUs than
has been the case with any other medicine I
have tried IL S Sledge Weimar Texas
Dr 3 C AYER CO Lowell Mass
bold by all Dealers in Medicine
Db E C Wzfts ItsSkWftfo BoAisTnaAT
keht a njranftd epednlTOr Hysteria Dtxsi
tss Convu 1cFttA > J > > ervous Neuralgia
nkdacbe JffrviuSgPiestration caused by ths
tireiHJfcilcabjf oriUf v WaVetulness Mental
Dcprei onolterhl irAf the Brain resulting in
IntanlraardHfadMrtomiserydecay and death
I m tuteOUA 5j Barrenness Losof Power
in either ex Tifwluntary Losses and Spermat
orrhoea censed by overexertion of the brain sell
ibuse orWSfferIndnlpencc Each box contains
sftfraenfnn treatment jllKaboxorslrboxej
entbymailpreapidonrecept ot prio >
To cure any cae Wltheach orderrecelved by as
lor six boxes accompanied with SJuo wa wilt
send tbe purchaser our written guarantee to re
fund tbe money if the treatment does not etfect
i cure Guarantees issued only by
< p3m IMS BLIjS
ifC9wl iSton St Fort Worth Tax
luWtjy > rii tKtiJS ii4t without
m ET3
heaied TreiUw exrlftlnln atvt
Str tUppfc of
iglopmeBmwtTtoatu r JwllBfKuno
iUttOm KUSTOH Sl Put Hue Wfst S1
lrc itteKto ferife
itEUocjiiT rviiiisnixG comrAXX
Iublifhrrt and Proprietor
own county
Wheeler has oarned
Now Judge Cook whato
This Is a fly census says n contem
porary Only in the sense however that
it Is well covered with llles
How long will publio sentiment con
done murder in Tarrant county and
place the murderer on a plane with a cow
Ir we dont produoe our own 03trich
foathors and rear our own oamels it
wont be the fault of our tariff
friends Why does not Phmoas Barnum
call on Maj McKinley nnd insist on an
elephant clause In the tariff Dill
The usual annual cry of scarolty of
peaches and berries In Maryland and
Belewaro has gone forth Veterans
however bellore this is only to servo as
a protest for putting the bottom higher
in the box and for making the bottom
mailer In tbe bnsket
Go it MoKmley nnd go it ReodI The
fat fried contingent are blessing your
patriotic nop SingNankiPoo tariff
methods The mandarins of tho Celes
tial kingdom even look on It with envy
Go It nnd make tho Chinese wall
ashamed of Itself
The New York Journal gives tho
names of twonty prominent Wall street
men who within n few years bavo be
come insane Tno strain of speculation
is too strong for its slaves and they
more than men of any other business
seem most liable to loss of reason
The commission amendment is sweep
ing like a tidal wave over thestato
says the Austin Statesman Exactly
And what a lot of polltloal tyros now
rushing frantically about In their blind
efforts to stay its progress by construct
ing little med embankments before It
will bo overwhelmed in the flood Think
3f that MasterFord and what a drown
ing of tbe innocents tbero will be I
Mr Hocohas one hundred and twenty of ths
lix hundred delegates necessary to eleca and is
confident of attaining his end In this be is
lingularly lite to a modern Falstaff straining
to lift himself over a fence by bu bootstraps
San Antonio Express
Assuming fqr the sake of argument
that tho Express would state the situa
tion fairly why not put It in this way
Mr Hogg has already secured 200 of
the i delegates so far selected by the
countter If Mr Hogjr maintains this
gait ha will pass under the pole with
fivesixths of the votes of the state con
vention on the first ballot
Tire Michigan Central railroad company has
been brought Into the United States court on a
criminal charge of secretly cutting rates on CO
nno pounds ot oats and 60001 pounds of corn on
November 10 lffitf Theregular rate was 20
cents and the cut rato 1S2 cents The defense
nrnsthat the railroad company knew nothing
stent it and could not be punished criminally
Will the Waco Day or Col Hughes
jr Mr Clark or some other personal
iberty apostle tuke tbe above for a text
and elucidate it to tbe satisfaction of
those who are told by the apostle tbat
there Is no difference between an individ
ual and a railroad corporation
Tue Gazettii employs thirty night and four
day hands in the compostors rooms and has a
well systematized business It requires about
toOOO every month to run such a paper is Thb
Gazette Fort Worth Trade Review
Our neighbor is mistaken It costs
over 510000 a month to run The Ga
zette This paper pays out In Fort
Worth for labor alone nearly SG0OO u
month In Xaot The Gaeztte lacks but
a few dollars of returning in actual cash
to tho city every dollar paid to it by tbe
city Such papers as The Gazette
could not Hvo on the patronaee alone of
any city in tbo state Whatever it does
for Fort Worth outside of returning to
the city nil the money it collects from
the city is clear Rain to Fort Worth that
up to this writing bns made more out of
The Gazette than any individual firm
or corporation
Fiftythree counties have been re
ported as having Indicated their prefer
ence in the gubernatorial contest either
through county or primary conventions
Tbe result in the county conventions was
as follows
Hogg Anderson C Armstrong 1
Baylor 1 Bee 2 Bell 15 Bosque C
Carson 1 Childress 1 Collingsworth
1 DeWitt i Fannin 1G Fisher 1
amar 13 toe t Leon 5 Midland
1 Talo Pinto 3 Reeves 1 Kunnels 1
Somraervell 1 Stonewall 1 Von
andt 7 Wlllbarger 1 Wise 8 Wood
Young 3 Total 13G
Kgjtetructed Bastrop 7 Buohel 1
CsSjSfia Crosby 1 Dallam X Don
loy 1 Foley Galveston 13 Total
primary expressions
Hogg Coleman 3 Comanche 4 La
vacca 8 Marion 2 Montague 7 Bed
River 9 Stephens 1 Trinity 3 Up
shur 5 Total 42
Cook Jefferson 2
Wheeler Eastland 4
Uuinstructed Cooke 11
Hogg Bastrop 3 Collin G Galves
ton 13 Total 22
County instructions 13G primary in
structions 42 share uninstructed coun
ties 22 Total 200
The total vote of the counties that have
spoken in county and primary meeting is
241 of whichBoggs vote is 200 or 83
percent of tho entire vote bo far as
Qcaxah Tex June 2J The following reso
lution was read and unanimously adopted in
tbe couuty convention June 21
Whereas the Capitol Syndicate have at
tempted to blacken the good nama of James 8
Hogg an honest patriotic and fearless officer
of the state of Texas and now the choice of the
people of Texas ior governor and
Whereas we have an abiding confidence in
the honesty and integrity of AttorneyGeneral
Hogg and believe the statements made by the
Capitol Syndicates to be malicious and falsa and
intended to injure an officer that their wealth
could not buy nor could they influence or in
timidate hiin to step aside from bis dnty as an
officer of our great state therefore be it
Resolved 1 That we the Democracy of
Hardeman county in convention assembled do
denounce all such statements made against Gen
Hogg seeking to defamo his character as an
officer to be false and malicious
2 That we hereby express onr unqualified
confidence in the honesty patriotism and Integ
rity of James S Hogg and we believe that
from an honest and faithful discharge of every
duty in the various offices that he has held that
be has proven himself to be a suitable person
for the highest office within the gift of the peo
ple of Texas
3 That the delegate from this county to the
state convention which meets at San Antonio
onAugustl2 lb O be instructed locast tbe vote
of Hardeman county hrst last and all tbe
time for James S Hogg for governor of the
state of Texas and to take with them their
winter clothes and if necessary slay until No
vember 1 to secure his nomination
W J McDonald Chairman
The nbovo n solutions aro just
what might have been expected
n response to a charge of blackmail
made against n citizen of Toxas years
after the alleged offense and obviously
to compass his defeat for governor rather
than to subserve any end of justice But
n their Indignation the people should not
themselves be unjust This charge of
blackmail wa not volunteered by Col
Abner Taylor but citizens of Texas who
are supporting other candidates tor gov
ernor went to Chicago and solicited this
interview with Col Taylor Perhaps
as The Gazette has said before
had no Texas official or
cltizcn or newspaper ever
Will Tar AHSJfoneyi
6pedal to the Gazette
nnd Philadelphia today slgnei
tempted to blackmail the Capitol Syndi
cate its members would not have been
so suspicious of those who sought to
negotiate sales of land to them Let it
be remembered to Col Taylors credit
that despite his suspicions ho maintained
silence for years on the subject nnd un
til Tcxans themselres for selfish purposes of
their oicii dragged the secret suspicions from
him to the disgrace of Texas and its people
The very fact brought out by this af
fair that Col Taylor had been taught
suspicion Is a discredit to Texas and
disgrace there is and shame Shame
and disgrace for Hogg bad ho been
proven guilty shame and dlsgraco Tor
Texas that any man la It couldj roek to
ruin another
Distress after
headaohe and 1
Hoods Sarsapajj
good appetite
artburn sick
are cured by
also creates a
a Itecelver
New York June 24 Tho i
the Chicago gas company otfthis
directing Fidelity trust company 6iPhil
adelphia to pay all moneys belongin
the Chicago gas company to Reef
Davis He will distribute the dividendsSfl1
to stockholders as soon as tbo list ofl Makaxa sour
stockholders can bo made up and checks
prepared There is little chance how
ever that a dividend will be paid by
July 1 as Are days notloe must be
given of the closing of tho
books and It will take some days to
m ke out the checks Tbe dividend
then will not be paid probably until
about July 7f
To erers mint wbscber of th Veekly Gazeitt
treirflt ndiheimprocwJHigh Arm Sctnng Jfa
chine aidjMi > fr oiiricor for tZlSH
TheTwentyKinth Weeks List of Pre
miums Sent Out to Subscribers
Dlitrlbutlnz nandsann Boobs Sllvsr Spoons
Clocks and China Tea Sets Among
tho leople
Tbe following premiums have been
distributed among subscribers to the
Weekly Gazette since our last issue
John Hollis Alvordi Wi0e county
J B Barker Lampasas Lampasas
C A Brndfleld Waelder Gonzales
W D Garren naskell Haskell
P D Young NobilityFannin county
W Edwards Strawn Palo Pinto
Parker Crowley Tarrant
Haiges Taylor Williamson
Prince Forrest Cherokee
n Pettlt Doans Wilbarger
JL Goforth Bear Creek
John L Labrlene Carrinzo
One ot the Host Notorious Vonn Desperadoes
in tbe Indian Country Behind the
Bars His Career
Special to the Gazette
Fort Smith Ark June 23 Eugene
Stanley one of the most notorious young
men who ever figured In the Indian
country was lodged bohlnd the bars of
the United States jail this evening by
Deputy Marshal P Tolbert of Johnson
county Stanley gave his age in at the
jail as nineteen years yet he has eight
charges of highway robbery one murder
charge ana one assnult to answer for
besides having served two terms In the
penitentiary He has made moBt of his
record since last November when ho
and two pals robbed nn old
farmer named Horn of about 5700
They hung the old man burned his feet
nnd threatened to pour oil on his wife
and sol her on Ore before bo gave up his
cash In December he and his cousin
IIamp Stanley concocted a plan to rob
a roan near Bogey depot Choctaw Na
tion and tried to force a young man
named Jones to go with them Jones
ran and Eugene shot him lu the leg He
and bis cousin were both captured the
following night and the next while
handcuffed together Euaeno slipped his
bracelets and escaped In broad day
light Slnoe then he has been the
leader of no less than six highway
robberies On the Cth of April in com
pany with John Boyd George lleyer an
escaped convict Stanley got into a fight
with some ferrymen in whloh Meyer and
one of the ferrymen were killed while
Boyd and bimselt were wounded Boyd
was captured but Stanley got away
On the 18Hi of the same month be was
captured near Red Oak creek brought
to this city on tbe night tralu
and escaped from tbe hotel be
fore morning After getting away he
went to Johnson county sixty miles
from here where he bns been at work
on a farm and was captured yesterday
evening by strategy Letters found on
his person show he was on tbe eve of
committing another robbery and was
only waiting for n companion he bad
written for to come and take a band
He and John Boyd will be tried jointly
fot the murder of tho ferryman John
will likely stretch bemp
To dress tho bead with a good hair
dressing is a great luxury It seems to
give now life to the person nndmakes
him or her feel buoyaut wber6tt rbefore
they may have felt lowspirij f It is
very essenti however tojj Te a good
dressing onemthat will ijsaftt new vigor
into tho roots of thi Jt soften the
scalp and dissijnte agns of dandruff
or scurf The TCecMRfced peer of all
dressings is the yUplana Creole Hair Re
This reatoraiK cfeibine many quail
ties It winJJrTl onlwrnpart new vigor
to the halriapt it wtnjfcrestore It to its
natural colar and sbod the scalp be
covered wi any kind rat an eruption
the LouisiaKi Creole Hair Restorer will
effectually remove any such eruption It
will not soil the whitest fabrio and will
make the harshest and most brittle hair
soft and silky Mansfield Drug Co
proprietors Memphis Tenn
Soms Changes In Faculty Prospects Good for
a Lrco Altecdanee
To the Gazette
Superintendent J S Tomlln of Deca
tur having resigned the principalship of
the normal which opens In this olty
Julyl 1890 tbe executive committee
takes pleasure in nnnouuoing that Pro
fessor J M Carlislesuperintendent elect
of the Fort Worth ity schools has been
chosen conductor and in conneotion with
tho faoulty previously announced In the
Gazette will give to tbe teachers one
of tbe best normals Texas has ever had
Superintendent Carlisle is well known
throughout the state as one of the
most advaqoed teachers and successful
normal workers be stands high in tbe
ranks of Southern educators and teach
ers ot this portion of Texas are pecul
iarly fortunate In having such a favora
ble opportunity far advancement as they
will enjoy by attending the summer nor
mal at Fort Worth I
Letters are coming In daily from per
sons all over North Texas and some
from other states asking about tbe nor
mal and prospects aro Rood for a large
tees of fjNltiM desiring to attefsJVill please
fjgfwaftHhelr name at onda to County
Superintendent W H Pool ForfcWorth
for pain
y kind is
A Farmer Uurdersd In Cold Blood While
Brlvlnsr Homo With Ills Wf
MoxncEixo lix June 23 Harly
Russell nnd wife liyo in the country
about two miles from town Saturday
night the couple who had been in town
making purchases were met on tbe road
just out of town and Russell was mur
dered in cold blood They were driving
In a buggy when suddenly two men
sprang up from the roadside Ono of
them crabbed the horse and brought It
to a standstill while tbe other approached
the buggy without n word of any sort
and pulled n revolver and sent u bullet
through Russells body then disap
peared Mrs Russell was not hurt but
almost frightened out of her senses
She drove home where her husband
diod yesterday Before he died he re
peatedly said be recognized tbe man who
shot him as Calvin Holden and the man
who held tbe horse as Albert Dunham
but gave no reason why they should kill
him Holdonnnd Dunham were arrested
and both deny any knowledg of tbe
affair Th Jragedy is n rajftjpry
When theblood lsabjjslded with Im
purities tbe
ordered This
not last long wit
such oases a
never fails an
becomes dis
n of things can
ierious results In
erful alterative is
Sarsaparllla It
A Small Town In Nebraska Wrecked Omaha
Visited by Wind Kaln and Lightning
Lives Lost and Property Destroyed
Omaha Neb June 23 Pleasanton
a town of about 200 inhabitants situated
on the Union PaciUo about twenty miles
north of Kearney was struck by a cy
clone yesterday afternoon Nearly overy
house in the place was destroyed or badly
damaged but no one was killed Tbe
landlady of tho hotel was badly hurt and
a druggist Beriously injured
Omuia Neb June 23 Last night a
severe eleotrio storm accompanied by
wind nnd rain swept over this city Cel
lars were Hooded in various parts of town
nud much property was destroyed by
water On Fourteenth street lightning
Killed a team ot horses attached to a
street car In tho northern part of the
city the house of R A Jacobson was
struck Jacobson was killed
and his wife and children
bndly hurt At South Omaha the
roof was blown off the Grand Central ho
tel and the Interior overflowed A two
story house occupied by R E Kubn was
struck and burned Mrs Kuhn nnd two
children were rendered unconscious by
the shook and were rescued irotn the
buruiug building by the llremen who
discovered them through the merest
chance Tho da nge dand here and lu
the suburbswwill reach ffl0000
All humors SyhtrV P tetter sores
and dandruff ciffitfi jraud falling hnlr
checked heiin AMnees prevented by
using Halls > Ia Sicilian Hair Re
Thats TVhatthe Plaintiffs Have Done in the
Abner Taylor vs Hogg Milt Notalnc
on Which to Convict
Fobt VToeth Tex June 231590
Editor Gazette
Your splendid daily has treated th
candidates for governor with such impar
tial kindness nnd courtesies that I usk a
little space to Interpose a demurrer
to the indictment filed against Gen
Hogg by that great and wealthy corpo
ration known as the cnpitol syndi
cate through Its general attorney In
Texas the Hon A L Matlock
A demurrer you know proceeds upon
the ground that even If the facts alleged
be true they do not constitute nn of
In this case I insist that the fact that
Gen Hogg offered to sell another mans
timbered lands to a woalthy corporation
who was at that time acquiring Inrge
bodies ot prairie lands in Texas and
must of necessity need the timber to lm
provo tbe prulrio lands unless he made
the offer with inteut to blackmail the
purchaser Is not an offense either in
law or in morals
If you will read tbo charge pre
ferred by Mr Matlock ngainst him
he doss not charge him with any
Improper motive In endeavoring to rnako
tbe sale and when tbe main question
upon which guilt or innocence depended
was put to Mr Matlock by the reporter
of the Times Herald whether he Mat
look understood thnt bis Hoggs
motives were bad Mr Matlock declines
to state that be so understood them but
answers by saying I have stated tho
foots Well if Mr Matlock stated all
the faots and failed and refused to state
that Gen Hoggs motives were bad
then no offense is charged against him
because tbe very fact the intention ot the
party that makes tbo offense is wanting
and no fair minded court or fair minded
people will convict on honest man like
Jim Hogg is known to be of an infamous
crime upon a totally worthless Indiot
ment like this great corporation and its
attorney has brought against him
Jim Hoggs whole Hfe as well as his
public services is a complete refutation
of tbo eapltol syndicates Insinua
tion for that is all it can be called That
Jim Hogg was not influenced by any
improper motive is proved conclusively
by the fact that he did not
regard favor and courtesies shown
hlra persosnally or as a states
officer by railroad companies such as
free pauses extended him as bringing
him under any obligation whatever to
swerve from bis true line of duty as a
high and honorable offloer and we have
seen him therefore with free passes In
bis pocket like Ajax swinging his bat
tle ax over tbe heads of tbo railroad
combinations traffic associations and
trusts formed against tbe people of Texas
and their prosperity cutting off their
heads and driving them from ths state
If the eapltol syndicate had bought
his lands he would still hare per
formed bis duty as attorney
general like tbe true and honest man
he Is without feeling under any obliga
tion to tbe purchasers The peeple of
Texas will be proud of Jim Hogg as their
next governor aud tbe railsoads will
have nothing to fear if they will treat tbe
people right And this flimsy Insinua
tion against bim brought by this great
corporation which his sturdy honesty and
courage compelled to comply strlotly with
their building contract with the statewill
have no more effect upon tbe honest
fairminded men of Texas than a zephyr
has upon a ovclone Respectfully
Sam J Hunter
8peciai to the Gazette
Mzhtens Tex June 2 Mertena is
flourishing The Hawkins hard ware com
pany ot XliUsboro have opened up a
branch store at this paint
Crop prospects are splendid only a
little backward
Only Wreck and Ruin Remain of Two
Illiuois Towns
Many Lives Lost and Untold Knrabars In
lnred A Clean Sweep Where Irs rnry
Touched Unprecedented Water niia >
Mendota III June 21 A cyclone
swept over the country about nine miles
north of this city last afternoon and did
great damage The storm started west
of Sublette and traveled about ten miles
in a southeasterly direotion in a path a
half mile wide Hundreds are wounded
butno dead ere roported Ten bouse
were blown to kindling wood in the vil
lage of Sublette A scboolbouse near
Philip Lasingers north of this citys
containing twentyfive children was
blown to atoms and the teacher and
children found lying about the debris
bruised and bleeding All the doctors
from the city were on the scone Many
farm houses were blown to pieces near
West Brooklyn
Dixon III June 21 Pawpaw a
small town In the eastern portion of this
county was wrecked by a cyclone yes
terday afternoon Fifteen people wero
killed and tbe town destroyed Wires
aro all down and news is brought in by
carriers over the country A dispatch
from the prosecuting attorney and the
coroner saying tbe number killed
is greater than first supposed Great
damage was dons at Mount Cairoll
Yesterday rain fell In torrents nnd spring
branches became rivers washing away
fences and everything in their path
Carroll creek rose twentytlve feet In an
hour and carried away many horses
and cattle Tbe lass to farmers caused
by washouts will reach many thousand
dollars Reports from all over the
country tell of damage to orops fencing
aud bridges
EtrLViLLE III June 21 A terriblo
cyclone and cloud burst occurred aoout
live miles north of this city shortly after
4 oclock yesterday afternoon whloh re
sultvd in terrible loss ot life and prop
erty no less than fllteen people being
killed and a number of bouses and barns
entirely demolished Tho storm camo
from the southwest and had apparently
spent its fury when It reached the
vicinity ot the Fields schoolhousea new
buildiug atuudiug at tbe southwest
of tho four corners At this time a
black cloud driven from the northwest
swept up and gave the cyclone renewed
energy The fury of the storm was
awful In u second tbo whirling tempest
hnd struck the little school bouse and
In an instant the building was torn to
pieces At tho time there were eight
persons in the school room and as tho
storm was heard coming up they at
tempted to rush outside to seek safety
in open air
however for the death dealing tempest
was upon them aud not one of them
escaped to toll tbe fearful experience of
that moment The teaoher Miss Mc
Bride and her seven puplN were killed
and their bodies carried some distance
All were fearfully br ised aud
some crushed and pounded almost be
yond recognition Several bodies were
burled into a little creek that flowed
near which was now swollen to a tor
rent The names of thoso who perished
in the school house so far as known are
Miss Maggie MoBride teacher
Edna Hunt
Jennie Radloy
Minnie Berry
Ado Rudolph
Lena Prentice
Carrie White
Leaving the schnolbouss tbe storm
swept to the northdestroying everything
in Its path Occasionally it lifted but
the whole country from near Eurl
ville to Pawpaw is marked with ruin At
least fifty farm houses and outbuildings
are destroyed Eight or more persons
are killed All bridgesfencesorchards
and crops are ruined and tho damage is
very great The cyclone continued its
violence until it reached the village of
Pawpaw whero the greatest destruction
to life nnd property was caused
It is reported seventeen persons were
killed and many severely injured nnd
twenty bouses torn to pieces Tbe bodies
of somo of tbe victims were carried hun
dreds of yards and somo of them man
gled almost beyond recognition Not a
thing Is left standing in the path of the
cyclone at the scene of the calamity
near Earlville Search Is still going on
for tbo bodies of those who perished in
the schoolbouse
Some of tbe bodies were washed down
tbe creek some distance Tbey wero
divested of all clothing and were trjo vj
or less mangled The body of v utig >
White had floated under a bndge jaad
was not found uutil about dark 7
Reports from surrounding towns ows
the storm to have started at Hartiftny
in Lee county from there to h aveVro
ceeded to Sublette and then on to Cojp
Excited Tenple Eager to Get nold of the Cotton
Belt Bobbers Who Are Carried to
ClarUvIIlefor tafety
Louisiana State Lottery Compaj
Incorporated ay the legislature ti
ccitlonal and Charitable purposes and la
chlfe made a part of the present State Cojj
lion in 1S73by an OTerwhelmlngpopular tct
Its Fressut Charter Mm Jainarr 1st 1895
Its MAMMOTH DRAWINGS tafce place
SemlAnnually Juno and December i
DRAWINGS tako plaoo In each of the
other ten months ot the year and are
ell drawn in publio at tho Academy
of Music New Orleans La
For Integrity of its Drawings and Prompt
Payment of Prizes
Attested as follows
We do hereby certiry that we supervise th i
arrangements for all the
ton A great many aro severely Injurto At thtfAcaderiVyot MlbWc Now
but are distributed over a distance e3d5ft Jnly ia9 °
thirty miles and cannot all be reached
Tbe list of dead are as follows
Mrs Bittner of Sublette
Miss Maegle MoBride
A daughter of Aschal Prentis
A daughter of Isaao Berry
A daughter of W nunt
A daughter Irwin Radley
A son of Mrs Carry White
A son of Seaman Overkirk
A son of George Rudolph
Peter Reams
Mrs Searcy
Wlfo and two children ot George
Tbo schoolbouse in Brooklyn township
south of Compton was completely de
molished and the teaoher and sonolars
Injured two children of George Bolache
meeting death Tbe loss as far as heard
from toproperty In tho track of the storm
will reach 100000
Eaiuvillt lix June 21 The ru
mor that Pawpaw was completely de
stroyed and seventeen people killed Is
false no injury being done to persons or
property there The storm came from
tbe southwest striking near Sublette and
doing considerablq Injury passing just
south ot Pawpaw whero It rose above
the ground and did no further Injury
The path of the storm was about forty
rods wide and several miles long The
damage is about 510000 to property
Mendota III June 21 The tor
nado which lowered n portion of Sublette
in Lee county four miles north of here
yesterday also created great disaster in
tha county east of tbo Tillage across tbe
county line of LaSallo county At Sub
lette a dozen houses wero blown to pieces
aud many hurt Thence the tornado
rushed east and completely demolished
the farmhouse of T J Schmidt four of
his children being injured severely also
bis hired man Vul Reisers farm
came next and was also wrecked Adam
Weber and Dan Miller lost hay
barns and Leonard BIoss his entire
homestead P Scblessingera bay barn
was blown to pieces No one was seri
ously hurt at those places Next came
the school house with twentyflvo chil
dren In it eighteen Of whom were In
jured They had run from the school
right into the jaws of th9 storm and lay
bleeding around the Held George Pat
itsobs place was destroyed and his wife
probably fatally hurt One of his child
ren died last night Henry Arenas
farm was conmletely demolished and his
family have nothing left
Special to the Gazette
Texakkuca Tkx June 23Tho al
leged Cotton Belt train robbers were
again brought Into court this morning
and their trial resumed Tho statement
of Mrs Ratcliffe ns reported In these dis
patches last night was read by Justice
Cannon and created n profound sensa
tion The court took n recess until 2
oclock this evening and the three de
fendants were hurried back to jail Tbo
truth is that tbe defendants learning Of
the statement made by Mrs Ratcliffe
waived furthpr examination and the
court remanded them to jail without bail
Owing to the excitement existing the
court ordered thnt the three prisoners
John A Williams Napoleon Mc
Dauiel and John Brawley be com
mitted in the Clnrksvllle jail for
safe keeping More than 1000 people
gathered at the depot this evening to see
tbe prisoners off and it was remarked
by mauy that summary vengeance would
have been meted out to the accused but
for the regard had for Sheriff Edwards
and the earnest desire of the entire com
muulty that be should receive the rewatd
that he so richly earned In the capture of
the robbers The prisoners left this
evening at 340 on the Transooutinent
rond for Clorksvllle They were
together and in charge of SherlfSffitf
wards nnd four of bis trusted d
Tbe sheriff of Red River has bee
ed to meet tbe party with a strong gu
Ou an intimation made to Sheriff Ed
wards that the prisoners would SWre v
mauded of him to be triedifSy Judge v <
Lynch ho replied to the ejfcct that he
had placed them all in jaifjpand that he
would give up his life beforatbey shouhi
be removed illegally The pte ggn r s rB
gone and the excited crowd ms dis
persed and the excitement for thetig
boing allayed
The Iteramler Case fel
Saratoga N Y June 21 Thi lp
peal in the Kemmler case camo up for
argument in the court of appeals this
morning but when tbo counsel for the
people opened his argument the court
expressed no dcslro to hear him and
affirmed the decisions ot tho courts be
low which was that the warden of
Auburn prison was n proper person ti
procure the death sentence
Monthly and SemS
Annual Drawings of tbe LouisianaState
o th6 nndersigneiWian
paVall Prizes drawn in the
tcrfeiwhicb may be present
B i WatuLEVvJres
A htatvin PreiKW
CAiitfbiis PresTte ctuj
What s Scrofula
It Is that Imparity In the Wood which acne
kting In the standi of the necfc produces
lightly lamps or swellings whlcVjjiSiej rutS
running sores on the arms legaSr feet trtJ
developes ulcers in the ejes4ea > cr nose o
causing blindness or Jcstnej iljlch is tie orjs
of pimples cancerous crjSPBs or mmy
natUfestatlonsVosnaUKJipribed to tnm3rj I
It Is a more onsildPcir than
or cancer alone 1jfOruU combines the
possible features < nMh Being the mat u
it Is the most S < jfmpt all diseases or iZtr
for very few QelHa te euUrely free roa t
IIow canitiyBiredBy taking Hood
lr >
partita irhlcjBy the cVj has acroTt tr
often KhcjflPther bare
mecnswgs t t
proven itsjBo bo a potent 9 dpeculUroeu
for this < jjfcje Tor all affjetfcnj of the h
Hoods SrJfcparKIi Isuneqnilleilana soiEeofit
cures it hilfeffected are really wonderful ir c
suffer from tcrofota In any of its Tirl ns tony
be aura to give Hoods Sarsapanlla a ual
Moods Sarsaparilla
Eoldbyaltdrnggists flstrforS5 Treireu
by C I HOOD i CO Apothecaries Luweu im4
IOO Doses Ono Dollar
nd BaiSers Trill
siana State Lop
Company and in person manage and control tboj4KAF
Drawings themselves and that ihe sans sftB sj
30000 t to th
tret SlOi quitters p
tilth i Tr
lOOPRJZESfP 300are
100 PRIZES Si 2O0are
009 PRIZES OF 100 are
399 PRIZES OF 100 are
23W1S ntion rf
Vara 20000 ii J
ire 15000
are 25001
rto < t
siiit Frins scjonntlnta 105t8O0
Notb Tickets drawing Capital PrUesaranot
entitled to terminal Prizes
earFob Club Rates or any farther Information
desired write legibly to the undersigned clearly
stating your residence with State County Street
and Number More rapid return mail delivery
will be assured by your enclosing an envelope
bearins your roll address
X3M3E 0 I La > XX
or M A DAUPHIN > ewOrleans ii
Washington D O
By ordinary letter containing Jloasr Order
Issued by all Express Companies New York Ex
change Draft or Postal I ote
liJrtssE itster d Lttnr < italtl0CBrTener
New Orleans La
SEXE3tBTlt that the payment ot Prizes
New Orleans and the Tickets are signed by tho
President ol an Institution whose chartered rights
are recognized in the highest courts therefore
beware of all Imitations or anonymous schemes
The question now under consideration is
Shall the present charter expire In 1S93 by limi
tation or shall it be extended another25 ycarst
05E DOtXAK Is the price ot the smallest part
or traction ot a Ticket ISMTSD BI CS is auy
Drawing Anything in cur xtama offered for
less than ft Dollar is a swindle
In the fbautj
and artistic icork
of illustration
and the excellence
of its literary products IUrpe
Maoazim u eztcllnl li no t > i
hcation of its kind lyhica Ii e
sealedi c rfcuu2c t
particulars for home euro FREE of chinrjjt
splendid medical wort t should bo rad tyy j
T nn wfco is nervous and debilaed Asrrsi
eaf v c rowiEJi sscoius
JXfTt rT econdvT or Tcrtlar rfctj
jfcr 5li > Si d ys Vo c iiu uo < 1 i n
SjS eM o tliit theo cna no cr bo > i tfc t
C2 1rv < arj form Tarticd can Lc lna edSi
the jne inco
pen o i
this pnpcV
A CO Omaha
Cleanser nJ t > autl 9 t4 tm
Promote a luiuium rro rh
Nsver rails to Reslsrs Grsj
Hair to iLntyouihful Color
Care cntjtf < f0tW9 A ttrfaLirc
tip Pn e
trers of the Ctlebratei Fori f
Well Drilling Machinery
Architectural Iron
Cash Capita and rptusj6 000
conducted with honesty fairneSdf and ii
faith toward all parties and wuthri
Company to use this certificate JiiQi facs
of our signatures attached J ltf fidre
HC1 Main atreet corner Third upitaiM
< nS IonT WOETH TciX
a VS B Reliable andactlvelocal corrcipondequ
wanted in every good agricultural
throughout the btate
EST KATES and posifily WJafOUT < aiAi
desiiable real astaSif alMUnds anywm re a
Texas WetsfceUip rjtndowi LieaNorasat
extend thecCIor teoflRtSir cars as d il
ir tu nrv BUal and anJ
ttern pnSpecticm Bvo u unsurr s ed fact
tfexfor ipalfos aheap rates and mettinj oir
cue mct SSjA e solicit u share ol ait
r rfr
< rti5abtfs
investment company
0 rS > erlir
au t jj i
Bcs II SnirM
as tindidita
ia sjpsorojgartf11
vw rtbci
< J or Comics jJJrVtfor
pt candid r
intc yjl
E llfS l
Pottor CoUoro forsYouns d1
gantly furnished Accommodatloa P
Heaviness untarpassj o t
Mexican News
Ercclajtothe Gazette
City of Mexico June
23 11 wn
rain yesterday and this morning
many or tha principal streets
Minister Ityan is better Tbe u
hns disappeared
Tha American Consul
ther is congratulated upon the m
Inoraasa in salaries tte
Bankers take n plooray J uej
the LB
bill °
ncroement ou tbe silver
Special to the Gazette jt9
Kiltmre Cass County Tex rf
2i Dare Brown a colored empl0J
tbe Kfldnre and Unden railroad
lee broken while coupllnecarsyeit J
Prospects for a coqd cotton crop
suffering tor rain
with their work
g S a teSal afis y a Bg dfcai

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