Shows signs ot falling begin at once tlie uso
ol Iyers llalr Vigor This preparation
strengthens the scalp promotes the growth
of new hair restores tho natural color to
gray and faded hair and render tt toft
pliant and glossy
We hate no hesitation la pronouncing
Avert Ualr Vigor unequaled for dressing
ilia hair and wo do this after long experi
ence In Its use This preparaUon preserves
the hair cures dandruff and all diseases ot
the scalp nukes rough and brittle hair soft
and pliant and preents balancss While it
Is not a dje tSo e nna nave used the Vigor
say It will stimulate the roots and color
glands of faded gray light and red hair
changing the color to
A Rich Brown
or even Mack It will not soil the pillow
case nor a pockethaniiitercnlef and Is al
ways agreeable Al the dirty gummy hair
preparations should be displaced a onco by
Aycrs ITair Vigor and thousands who go
around with heads looKing lik the fretful
porcupine should hurry to the nearest drug
store and purchase bottle of the Vigor
The Sunny South Atlanta Co
Aycrs Hair Vigor fs excellent for the
lial It stimulates the growth cures bald
ness restores the natural color cloanses tho
scalp proents dandruff and Is a good dress
ing We know that Aycrs Hair Vigor differs
from most hair tonics and similar prepara
tions it being perfectly harmless From
Economical Housekeeping bv Flizil it Parker
Ayefs Hair Vigor
racpAnED nr
DE J C AYER CO Lowell Slasc
Sold by Druggists and Ieif uiners
f to mmv to
JV1iziaiijx > xrijr ixzussdjlv
vviiocjtAT rvjizinixa compjjtt
Publishers and Proprietors
The price of corn is frettlus higher and
higher Uncle Jerry Rusk ana the
drouth together nro doing famously for
tho agriculturists in booming prices
Look at the date on the label of this wseks
wrapper that your subscription may not run out
before you know tt
Ii IIauiiison livod in England he
would probably be found playing tlia
role of a Tory understrapper in Ireland
executing the coercion law and evicting
Look at the dale on the label of this weeks
wrapper that your subscription maynot run out
before you knoic it
The yield of corn this year will fall
considerably below the demand for
home consumption and the price will go
mounting upwards It will bo amusing
to hear the Republicans In 1692 attrib
uting the splendid price of corn this yoar
to the bouiQccnt inlluence of tho AloKln
ley bill
Look at the date on the label of this weeVs
tcrappcr that your subscription may not runout
before you know it
Dit Hariuson has family prayers reg
ularly wo are told not omitting them
when on routo traveling Now why not
put up a brief petition uow and thon for
the South rather than attempt to cor
rect her alleged shortcomings by force
Tho president hns great conlldence in tbe
Lord who ho hns said mado him presi
dent If tho Almighty would conde
scend to do ns small n thing as that He
would certainly answer any other reason
able request in behalf of the South
Look at the date on the labBl of thii weeks
wrapper that your subscription may not run out
befote you know it
In spits of tho determined opposition
of about fifteen Republican senators to
the consideration even ot tho force bill
the president willit seemsmako anothcr
effort to have that bill reported to tho
senate There is no real difference be
tween Harrison and that Now York freak
Elliott F Shenard In mental makeup
they are very much alike with this dif
ference that Shepard Is far more inter
esting and nmusiug because of the pic
turesque and variegated nature of his
meanness and foliy
Lrok at the date on the label of this weeks
wrapper that jour subscription may not run out
bsforeyou know tt
The political situutlou in South Caro
lina is very much like that threatened in
this state just previous to the conven
tion Tho Palmetto Warwieks defented
in the convention went out and Hocked
by themselves invoking the genius o
Democracy to bless them and tho spirit
of Jefferson to guide them in an unholy
alliance with negroes Republican car
petbaggers and tho llotsum and jetsam
of corrupt political lifo in the state We
bad a rather narrow escape in this state
from a virtuous break of that sort
Look at the date on the label of this week
wrapper that your subscription may not run ou
before you know it
Quay has kuocked out tho New Eng
land warriors in a single round and
left them the power to do notbiug but
storm and ravo and curse their fate
Good for the Pennsylvanian Ho does
not own that mailed hand for noth
ing and never did he make better use ot
it than when he floored tho Hoars
Chandlers and Spooners of tbe sonata
f with It No matter what his personal
and political character he has done not
the South alone but the whole country a
service In suppressing that brood ot
vipers bred among tho rocks and fast
y nesses of tho New England coast Quay
may be and we bare no doubt la guilty
of all ho Is charged with but he Is no
fool no bigot and no hypocrite We
can afford to giro the devil his due when
the lines are recalled that say
Naught on earth so vile doth live
Bat to the earth some special good doth give
He had the political sense to see as
many others of his party taw that the
NewJEngland gang of hotbeads and
mnrftots governed solely by their ril
laluous passions were bent on a polloy
that would if successful wreok the
party to say nothing of the Injury
rf StfeCriSiB
to material interests involved
For bis own partys sake
the political adept stepped into
the arena and with one blow from his
mailed hand tumbled the whole gang of
political debauobes into outer darkness
where thoy now lie howling like so many
fallen angels cursing and gnashing their
teeth in impotent and unavailing rage
Tbe coup was a clover one and Illus
trates very strikingly the ability and
sagacity of Quay as a politioal strategist
and general He has killed the force
bill hamstrung tbe malignants and
madeit possible for congress to adjourn
before snow falls
Our esteemed contemporary the
GD News Is like a man halfseas
over or one that has been well rapped
over the sconce since tho indorsement
by the convention of the commission
amendment It appears to be very
groggy and wobbles suspiciously on its
feet Its tongue is thick and its ut
terances incoherent silly and threaten
lng It warns trillers to beware of the
elephant meaning we suppose the
vengeance of Warwick and say3 that
tbe True Blue Democracy rray not like
tho amendment when all know that
but for tho True Blue there would be
no commission If tho aforesaid True
Blue Democrncj gets waked up
wo are assured that tho amendment
will be snowed under like prohibi
tion True Blue Democrats havo been
and still are asleep it seems Well one
would havo thought differently at tbe
convention but those Democrats were
not what tb News considers true
blue Oh to bo sure They were
largely of that atrocious clas3 of crimi
nals known as young men and lacked
tbe necessr y moss and other acorotions
of time t fix the stamp of genuino
true blujj Simon pure Democraoy on
them ihey were a spurious nud
counterfeit article and not
worthy of regard Certainly to bo
sure But tbe question arlSLS what are
wo to do about it Their numbers ar0
formidable How is that to begotten
over A very pertinent inquiry to
which tho News answers that In addi
tion to tho True Blues who like
tho god Bel slept when their adversa
ries were at work there may be thou
sands of Republicans who havo their own
reasons for opposing this amendment as
they did prohibition
There you havo an answer to tho in
quiry and a solution of the problem
Political miscegenation An alli
nuce between Warwick and Wrlgh
Cuney botween the True
Blues and the Senegambians
Warwick ns genoralissimo would rear
tho standard of genuine Democracy in
tho van of the blaok host and proudly
lead the assault on the polls Tlier6
would be nothing wrong about that
thinks tho News for tho alliance ot
blacks and whites would make them all
True Blues seeking to vindicate the
rights ot the honest citizen independent
of party conventions A grand
scheme without doubt and one that
would cut a jolly llguro In the state
There is such a scheme on foot in South
Carolina wo believe at present How
would It do to wait and see how it pane
out Or can the News hold its horses
that long
Look at the date on the label of this weeks
wrapper that your subscription may not runout
efore you know it
The Cholera Keconl
London Aug 12 Ono hundred and
seventeen persons died from cholera in
Mecca yeseerday In Joddah seventy
nine died
Ayers Ague Cure is an antidote for
malaria and malarial diseases whether
generated by swamp or sewer Neither
quinine arsenio nor any other injurious
drug enters into the composition of this
remedy Warranted to cure fever and
The Chamber of Commerce Asts that Interior
Jobbers be Protected
The Texas freight rnte situation was
taken up at an adjourned meeting of the
Southern Interstate association and it is
possible that the matter will hang Ere
tor a day or so All the general freight
agents from Toxas will be la attend
ance and no doubt there will be some
tbiug determined on that will bo satis
factory to all parties concerned From
Fort Worth Richard Lord of tbe Fort
Worth and Rio Grande and W V New
lin of the Denver hare gone to tbe meet
There is going to be no little work done
by merchauts from tho tidewater cities
iu Texas who will do al they can to
have rates established as favorable to
those cities as possible In view of this
fact the chamber ot commeroe held a
meeting yesterday and adopted the fol
lowing resolution offered by Col W M
Harrison president of tbe State national
bank addressed to Missouri Paclflo offi
Whereas in view of the fact that Galveston
will have a strong lobby at Chicago working for
and demanding a continuities of reduced rates
recently made in their favor we respectfully re
quest that 3 ea instruct your people to lookout
for the interest of the North Texas jobber who
will not be represented at that meeting And
Whereas we look upon the proposed redac
tion as Inimical to tbe interests ot the interior
Resolved that it is tbe sense of this chamber
ot commerce of Fort Worth that there should be
continuation of common points and a wider
difference between carload lot and less
The secretary is instructed to band a copv of
these resolutions to Mr T M Hunt tbe repre
sentative ot the Taxaa and Pacific railroad com
This resolution was presented to Mr
Hunt and it was also telegraphed to Mr
J Gould
The Purest and Best
Artloles known to medical science are
used in preparing Hoods Sarsaparllla
Every ingredient Is carefully selected
personally examined and only the best
retained The medicine is prepared un
der the supervision of thoroughly com
petent pharmacists and every step In
tbe process ot manufacture is carefully
watched with a riew to securing in
Hoods Sarsaparilla the best possible re
5 t
Democratic Clans Fold Their
Tents and Quietly Disperse
Webster Flanasraa Willing to Accept
tlie Republican Nomination for
Governor of Texas
Hosg Worlbam and He Call Given a Boosing
Reception on Their Cetera to Austin
Mississippi Convention
Special to the Gazette
San Axtoxio Tex Aug 13 Tbe outgoing
trains today have been packed and jammed
with delegates and visitors to tbe stato conven
tion returning to their homes Several hundred
ot tbe delegates and others took advantage of
the low rates offered by the San Antonio and
Aransas Pass road and left this afternoon for
Corpus Cbristi Hockport and other places
along the west end of the coast
Special to the Gazette
Austkt Tax Ang 13 Three of the leading
nominees on tbo Democratic state ticket all re
side here They are James S Hogg Demo
cratic nominee for governor W B Wortham
for state treasurer and John D McCall for
state comptroller Thin evening on arriv
ing from the San Antonio convention which
they did on the same train they were given an
impromptu ovation by tr citizens of Austin
A crowd of several thousand people assembled
at tbe depot wben tbe train rolled in at a little
after 7 oclock Wben the cars pulled up to tbe
depot tbe multitude yelled and hurrahed at the
top of their lungs When the three distinguished
gentlemen descended from tbe coach they
were met by a committee and immeaitely es
corted to carriages in waiting A procession
was then formed by the local military and tbe
Travis Rifles commanded by Capt Houx and
tbe fire department The line of march was
taken up through Congress avenue headed by
the band which played Dixie amid tbe re
newed shouts from thousands of lusty throats
As the procession approached the im
posing granite front of tbe capitol the
front of that magnificent structure was lit up
by beautiful red fireworks which cast its
flickering glare om the future governor of the
great state of Texas and two of the leading men
in hi i cabinet Wortham and McCall The
crowds collected around a temporary stand un
der the great oaks in the capitol park and be
neath tho glare of electric lightB the speaking
began lion John McDonald ayor of Austin
introduced tha distinguished recipients of con
vention honors Several speeches were made
one by Mr Ward on behalf of thecitizens which
was duly replied to by Messrs Hogg Wortham
and McCall
The committee of reception consisted of Mayor
McDonald W Graham Burroughs Myrick II
E Shelley and Peyton Brown editor of tbe
Statesman When the procession reacbed the
stand two brass bands were playing Dixie
while the bayonets of the Travis
Rifles glittered in the glare ot the
electric lights As Hogg McCall and Wortham
ascended the stand the crowd shouted hurrahed
and yelled tbe ladies clapped their hands and
waved their fans
There were ten speeches all brief and to the
point and in the following order R H Ward
T W Gregory and Mr Gibson for tho
the citizens M L Munford of Fort Worth
Jim Browning of the Panhandle James S
Hogg W D Wortham John D McCall ex
Governor Lubbock Editor Imboden ot the
Piney Wood Judge Sbcpard of Camp county
Chairman Webb Finley of tbe state Democratic
executive committee
Mr Ward called attention to the fact that the
Fan Antonio convention had relegated tbe
D mocrals with war records to the rear and the
new generation now proposed to run things
Messrs Gregory and Gibson did not much
improve upon Ward bat made pretty fair
made a rattling good speech He made a fine
appearance and brought down the house at
several points in his address He represented
his town witb first rate ability
lie was followed by Jim Browning and all
know what a fine speech Browning can make
when he tries Instead of uttering anything
aqainst Hogg however he spoke favorably of
the hero ot tbe hour
All eyes were turned to tbe stand and a lusty
shout arose from Austins yeomanry as Hoirg
fceran his speech He began by sayirg he
didnt feel much like peaking not having had
either his dinner or his supper
Tho other geatlomeu followed mentioned
above Chairman Finleys speech was especi
ally well received As tbe orators of the even
ing came down from tbe stand Governor Ross
shook hands with Hogg McCall and Wortham
cordially and then the crowd of several thou
sand people quietly dispered to their homes
as the last strains of the bands died awaj in
echoes against the buildings of the city
Special to tbe Gazette
Dallas Tex Aug 13 In published inter
views in the TimesHerald this afternoon Hon
Tom Sash and Mr James Maroney the hard
ware merchant express themselves as well
pleased with the work of the San Antonio con
vention Bryan T Barry who was also seen
said lama Democrat I have always sup
ported the ticket and always will At the proper
time I shall furnish my vens on the platform
as I have not the time today
Judge Robert H West whose anticommis
sion views are so woll known said
Judge what have you to say on the platform
and the ticket named at San Antouiot
Well I hardly know whether it is best to
say anything or not after tbe battle is over I
am an anticommis3ion man and made the best
fight I could I am a party man I am a Demo
crat and I believe in party discipline
The railroad plank adopted is that a test of
party fealty Does it commit Democrats to the
support of the amendment
Well yes and no but I rather think It does
Under the circumstances the men who led in the
conventon dl J the best they could and the rail
road plank is not altogether objectionable The
subtreasury bill and government ownership ot
railroads had many avowed and vociferous advo
cates in tbo convention at San Antonio The
convention swept them aside gave utterance to
well defined Democratic views en these vital
principles and redeemed the party from all taint
of anarchy I am satisfied I am a party man I
believe in discipline I believe that a man can
be a Democrat and not subscribe to a certain ar
ticle ot political faitb or alleged article
Arthur P Gorman of Maryland is a Democrat
and yet Atrhur P Gorman fought the Mills
bill Then there is nothing objectionable from
your standpoint in the platform
As I stated to you before I am a Democrat
and on the question of committing the Demo
cratic party of Texas to railroad regulation the
convention did as well as coulJ be expected
On that point we close I regret the attack upon
the Fedeial judiciiry as I consider that the
supreme court of the United States stepped into
the breach and rescued tbe Democrt tic party of
tbe South from the hands of the pillagers in the
dark and gloomy days succeeding the close ot
our great civil war I again say I deeply regret
the attack npon Mr Justice Fuller and his asso
ciates However the fight is over We are
Democrats and the Democratic party Is greater
than any one man I am a party man I believe
in party discipline and the San Antonio conven
tion closed up the gaps We march oa together
to victory under the Democratic banner ot our
Terrell Tex Aug 15 The Gazette is
congratulated bv the Hogg men for its Cim po
sition in a lone fight for Hogg and the commis
Special to the Gazette
Henderson Tex Aug 13 ExGovernor
Flanagan left this evening tor Athens where he
will address a large meeting ot Republicans on
tomorrow In an interview this evening with
tbe governor as to his candidacy for governor
which has gained so widespread notoriety he
remarked that he did aspire When asked if he
would accept tbe nomination of the state Repub
lican convention should it name him ha re
plied that no patriot will refuse
t Jackson Miss Aug 13 The constitutional
convention has under consideration a series of
proposed amendments to tbe constitution sub
mitted by Judge Calhoun They cover almost
every important change called for Shortly
ofterasaembling this morning a resolution was
adopted by which it was agreed that the conven
tion upon adjourning today would not assemble
again until Monday morning A resolution was
offered by Senator George to print ail resolutions
or suggestions submitted to be printed and
agreed to The chair appointed a committee on
temperance and liquor E L Martin ot Jack
son was appointed reading clerk and Herman
Denle ot Vicksburg and W H Madden ot Leake
county engrossing clerks
Ouaha Neb Aug 15 The Democratic
state convention adjourned at i oclock this
morning after placing in nomination the fol
lowing ticket For governor James E Boyd of
Omaha lieutenantgovernor Dr Alex Bear ot
Norfolk secretary ot state Frank A Spragus
of RnshvUle auditor R B Wahquist
of Hastings treasurer W H Cush
ing of Plattsmouth attorseygenaral
Joan U Hiagins of Grand Island commissioner
of public lands Jacob Gibler ot Imperial su
perintendent of instruction C D Rakes traw of
Nebraska City The platform reaffirms the dec
larations of the last national platform On tha
subiectol tariff it says the Democracy of Ne
braska does not believe in tariff upon tbe neces
saries ot life and scouts as delnsive and
hypocritical the plan ot aiding the
farmer to pay off tbe ever increasing burden of
his mortgage by increasing the tax upon cloth
ing wool tin Dlate and crockery and denounces
the hypocrisy of tha Republican platform of
this state in saying that we favor a revision of
tariff in the interest of the producer andlaborsr
while a majority in the national home of repre
sentatives is gsggins free speech in the interest
ot tha manufacturers
Macon til Aug 13 Democrats ot the
Third congressional district yesterday renomi
nated Charles F Crisp by acclamation for his
sixth term
Tyler Alexandria and Northwestern
Special to the Gazette
Ttxeb Tex Aug 13 The Tyler Alexan
dria and Northwestern railway is no longer a
thing on paper surrounded by doubt but is a
living reality and soon its arm of steel will
stretch from the plains ot Northwest Texas to
the piney boundary ot Southeast Louisiana
Tbe annual meeting of the stockholders was
held yesterday and afterwards tbe directory
met The result in brief ot the most important
meeting was the adoption of an entirely new
plan of operation viz The counties from
Gainesville Cooke county via Denton Collin
Rockwall Kaufman Van Zandt Smith Rusk
Shelby San Augustine and Sabine then a
brareh road to Alexandria La and a new line
to Orange are called on to subscribe to the
capital stock on the basis and rate of tMXiO
per mile for every mile of the road actually
constructed within said county For instance
it there are forty miles of the line iu Smith
county the county will subscribe 10000 to the
capital stock and so witb all counties 93 per
cent of these county subscriptions to bo ex
pended only within the actual limits ot tbe
county making the subscriptions a 10 per cent
assessment S per cent at a time to be called
for at an early date to make preliminary sur
veys and for other necessary expenses incidental
to put a great work like this on foot No sub
sidies are asked for the company proposes to
build on a safe aDd economical basis with no
water in the stock cow or hereafter Influen
tial capitalists Jn the East are backing the
movement and if tbe counties along tbe pro
posed ronte comply with what is requested of
them tbe capitalists will meet all reasonable
demands The road can and will be built and
all of it at the same time It is the purpose of
this company to eventually extend the road
from Gainesville to the coal fields of the Indian
Territory theuce to Denver and Pueblo Col
The meeting yesterday was an enthusiastic one
and there were present Governor Hubbard presi
dent Capt James P Douglass vicepresident
JohnT Bonner secretary Mat B 8 Wathen
chief engineer of tbe MissouriKansas and Texas
Col C T Bonner and the consulting engineer
of the Tyler Alexandria and Northwestern
raiWay President Hubbard leaves on tho 19th
for tho East on business for this road The
plan adopted is an easy one and no doubt the
road will be built
The following Is a samsle of thousands
of letters that the Mansflold Drug Co
Memphis Tenn manufacturers of tho
Louisiana Creole Hair Restorer have re
I promised to report to you ray opin
ion of tbe Louisiana Creolo Ualr Restorer
procured while in your city during the
Tflontb ot September My hair at that
time was rapidly falling out It had to
all appearance lost all its vitality What
remained had a brash wiry appearance
I have used three bottles of tbe six I
purchased and tbe result has been that
my hair has regained all its original rig
or and health It has becomo thick
and glossy while formerly It was appar
ently dead I bare now stopped using
it for there seems no necessity for a con
tinuance The balance of the Restorer
I promised to some of my lady friends
who are highly delighted with its use
We consider the Louisiana Creole Hair
Restorer tbe best remedy for tbo human
hair ever beard of
The foregoing letter was written by
Mr Jacob Qoodlett one of St Louis
noted business men
There Were Several of Them The Premium
was Divided
Tuesday morning wben D M Dill
who brought in tbe first bale of ootton
as noted in The Gazette appeared on
tho public square witb his cotton for
sale ho found two more applicants there
for tbe same honor and emoluments
It appears tbat all three bales came in
late Monday night but although Mr
Dill was evidently the first the other
two olaimed that the difference was so
slight that they were entitled to an equal
share of wbntevor premium was going
So it was settled The second and third
competitor each received SIS premium
while Mr Dill got S2175 lie also put
his bale which welshed 420 pounds up
at auction on tbe square and it was
knocked down to Harry Hatchell at six
teen cents Tho bale netted S3893
The other bales sold at ten cents to
NIel P Anderson Co The cotton was
classed as strict middling The bale
brought by C L Langford from George
Sandys farm weighed 392 pouds and the
other by J Roberts from Springtown
Parker county weighed 480 The pre
mium which Mr Dill was entitled to
strictly according to time was gatbored
by Mr Pressley superintendent of the
compress from voluntary contributions
of the merchants and business men of
the city
Read tbo advertisement of Prof Smithi
of Lexington Ky whose College re
ceived the Gold Medal at the Worlds Ex
position for business education
Its Construction Looked Upon as an Accom
pi Ishrd Fact An Important lleetlng
Special to the Gazette
Corrus Christi Tex Aug 17
Many land owners of this and adjoining
const counties met here last evening to
indorse the plans ot John Willet for the
construction ot an outer harbor off the
coast of Padre Island A coast commit
tee was appointed consisting of Atlee
McCampbell Claude Keeran John
Adamson Stanley Welch John S Mo
Campbell and U Lott The com
pany to construct tbe harbor are
to receive free such lands
as may be necessary for their
purposes and suob building material as
may enter into tbe work The under
taking is ot national Importance It
will develope a scope of territory extend
ing to tbe British possessions on tbe
north and tbo mines of Mexioo on tbe
south A body of Padre Island fronting
ten miles on the gult ot Mexico has just
been purchased by Mr Willet who left
immediately for tbo east The construc
tion of tbe harbor Is looked upon as an
accomplished fact which will give Texas
another deep water port ot great magni
To restore thicken and give you a
luxuriant growth of hair to keep its
color natural as In youth and to remove
dandruff use only Halls Hair Renewer
Panama Canal Company Concession
Bogota Aug 19 The government
has passed to the senate the petition of
Lieut Wyies ot the Panama canal com
pany commission recently arrived from
Paris Ho asks for six years gratis pro
longation ot canal company concession
Also asks that tbe government concede
to tbo company 10000 heotarei ot land
for tho lake which will be formed by
tbe river river Chacres the government
receiving 12000000 francs whloh sum
the company will pay by Installments
Nothing raoxo offered
Jttdfre C E Heath Prohibition Candi
date for Governor Speaks at
Kim is
The Congressional Fight Brd Hot In Collin
County Returrp from tha Choctaw
ElectionNo Bloodshed
HotrsTos cor rrr
Correspondence of the Gazette
Ceoceett Tex Aug 12 Probably the most
interesting election that ever occurred in Hous
ton county was tbat held by the Democrats of
this county last Saturday It was their second
primary for tbe selection of their nominees and
upon Its result depended who would serve tbe
people in the various county and precinct offices
for the next two years for tbe nomination here
by the Democrats means an almost undisputed
claim in November Notnfthslauding tho great
interest manifested which in some instances
bordered close UDon bitterness the election
passed without unfoitunate mishap Some of
the boxes are remote from the county seat con
sequently tbe result has just been ascertained
It is as follows For representative W F
Murcheson received a majority in tbe first pri
mary For county judge J M Madden defeats
W A Davis majority 24 For county attorney
John 1 Moore defeats O D East majority 166
For county clerk A J C Dunham present in
cumbent defeats J R Howard majority 30J
For sheriff F H Bayne defeats Frank Hal
comD majority S2 For treasurer J J CooDer
defeats M M Baker majority ITS For col
lector Charles Long defeats J H Sheridan
majority 11 B S Hearne is elected commis
sioner for the Crockett precinct William
Pritchard and George Waller are elected justice
and constable for the same precinct respectively
Special to tbo Gazette
Esnis Tex Aug 13 Judge C E Heath of
Rockwall Prohibition candidate for governor
addressed a well died bouse here last night on
tbe political issues of the day He was fre
quently applauded and especially did the audi
ence seem pleased at the plank in his platform
requiring a person to have lived in the United
States ten years and to know bow to read and
write before he would be allowed to vote He
said be was a Democrat running on the Prohi
bition ticket thst he had alwavs voted tbeDeni
ocratic ticket until the ninth ptank in the plat
form ndopted at Fort Worth by the convention
in 1SS forced him out that he would never vote
the Republican ticket and would not vote tbo
Democratic ticket so long as they put whisky
in their platform
Special to the Gazette
Sherman Tex Aug 13 Parties in from
Collin say the congressional campaign is zed hot
there between Hare and Bailey Hares friends
are meeting Bailey In joint debate
Special to the Gazette
Sherman Tex Aug 13 National Treas
urer Wilson Jones of the Choctaw Nation was in
Sherman today Jones is an intelligent pro
gressive man a halfbreed and nas a large fol
lowing among both classes Fullbacks and Pro
gressives In conversation with your corres
pondent ho spoke encouragingly about tbe
gubernatorial race The voting places are not
in close proximity to railroads and the returns
are slow coming in His friends believe he is
elected by a good majority over Smallwood
Jones has held many places of prominence in the
Choctaw Nation and is very popular He is
wealthy having been engaged in cattle raising
and merchandising for years He is now with
out children having lost a beautiful daughter
while at school in one of the old states and bis
only son died iu adespsrato battle wherein sev
eral were killed Jones is quiet peaceable citi
zen and will give kin people a good administra
tion it elected
Special to the Gazette
Oklahoma O T Aug 13 The Farmers
Alliance congressional convention of this terri
tory met here today with ICO delegates iu atten
dance Col Samuel Crocker an associate Okla
homa boomer of Payne and Crouch was unani
mously nominated as the candidate for delegate
to congress The convention issued an appeal
to the people of tbe United States for corn
wheat potatoes and such other provisions as
would be donaetd The drouth is such as to
cause general distress among the farmers and
unless the people or congress do something for
tbe amelioration of tho agriculturists of this
territory great suffering is sure to pravail
Special to the Gazette
Oakland I T Aug Is 2 p m Contrary to
all expectations tbe election here passes off
without a crofts word Indian Agent Burnett
with bis police is here Byrds militia is here
Two polling places are open and though sixty
squaw men have been refused vote there is
yet peace and good nature everywhere All
honor to tbe squaw men
Esipobia Kas Aug 13 Tne Peoples ratty
of the Fourth district nominated J G Otis a
prominent farmer for congress yesterday
Topbka Kan Aus IS Tho peoples partv
held their state convention in ibis city today
for the purpose ot placing a full state ticket in
nomination There were 573 delegates present
Jacsson Miss Aug 13 The entire mem
bership of the consiitutional convention were
present and answered to tbe call at tha opeuing
of this mornings session except Hon J W
Cutter ot Coahoma who is in Colorado The
convention proceeded to seat its delegates
which was done by drawing lots tor seats At 10
oclock the convention adjourned
Jackson Miss Aug Id There was no even
ing session ot the constitutional convention
owing to the fact that matters have progressed
up to tnat point where it is necessary that such
subjects as are introduced to be referred to their
appropriate committees
Before adjournment this afternoon the ques
tion of awarding printing for the convention was
taken up and referred to a committee
Columbia S C Aug U Tha Democratic
state convention called for the purposo of de
ciding whether state officers shonid be nomina
ted by the convenvion or primary plan met to
day Mnch confusion occurred tin the nomina
tion ot a temporary chairman W T Talbot of
Edgefield was chosen as temporary chairman
J H Bean ot Edgefield and J T Duncan ot
Newberry were elected secretaries All three
are strong Tillmanitcs At this stage 130 p
m the lists of delegates are being called sev
eral counties being contested by tbe straight
outs and antis
At 530 tbe convention reassembled and ap
pointed a committee to ascertain when the cre
dential committee would be ready to report
The committee reported that the credentials
committee wonld not be able to prepare its re
port until late in the afternoon and another re
cess was taken until 7 pm The convention
was called to decide as to whether or not dele
gates to the September convention will make
nominations for state officers or if they shal 1 be
chosen by primary plan or by means ot county
convention as formally
Sacramento Cm Ang 13 Tho Republican
convention this morning adopted a report of the
committee on organization making temporary
officers permanent Nominations for governor
Columbus Ohio Ang 1J About 450 farm
ers met here in state convention today in re
sponse to a call issued by prominent agricul
turalists to take action toward presenting their
interests to congress and the legislature J H
Brogramwas chosen permanent chairman and
W H Lawrence permanent secretary After
some discussion it was decided to select a com
mittee on resolutions by congressional districts
The convention then took a recess until 130
p m
of the farmers convention was a strong fight to
get a temperance resolution in tbe platform
but was finally defeated and tbe convention
also refused to make any expression on tho tariff
iBsue Proceedings were prolonged by a con
tinued effort to bring in politics and parties
in various forms but none of then succeeded
The committee on resolutions reported a long
address to the people setting forth that tbe
farmers must take new departure and hence
forth be a factor in politics The question
Was whether this could ba best
accomplished by tbe formation of
a farmers party or by making their Influence
felt in control ot existing parties It is the
sense of this convention that they shall thor
oughly test tbe latter course Their aim should
be to give direction to its action of political
parties so as to encourage and protect tbe in
terests of agriculture 1 he plan of organization
was submitted in substance that it should be
known as the Farmers union ot the state of
Ohio composed of one delegate from each
county in tbe state the society officers to con
sist of president vicepresident secretary
treasurer and an executive committee
The committee on permanent organization re
ported for president S H Ellis Warren vice
president W H Lukens Marion secretary
A M McDonald Huron treasurer S G
Walcott Fulton
Topexa Kan Aug 13 The Farmers Alli
ance ot Kansas met In convention here today
to nominate candidates for state officers Five
hundred delegates from all parts of the state
were present J T Willets chairman of the
state central cocsaittee called tha convention
to order and was made temporary chairman
Committees were appointed and a recess taken
Upon reassembling congratulatory tcitgrams
from the farmers convention in session at
Columbus Ohio was read and greetings were
returned The report ot the committee on res
olutions was read and unanimously adopted
The resolutions reaffirm the principle ot theAj
Louis platform and demand shorter hours for
laborers equal distribution ot lands for
homestead tho passage by congress of the ser
vice pension law equalizing of paper money on
gold values payment of exprisoners of war
tor tlms spsnt in confinement and a national
arbitration law The platform denounced the
detsctive system which allow employment of
all forces of armed men by corporations
and individuals and condemns the Blair
bill An attempt was made to insert clause in
the platform indorsing prohibition But the
clanse was omitted The nomination ot candi
dates was then begun W F Wrlghtmoore was
nominated for chief justice of tbe supreme
court John T Wllletts of Jefferson county for
governor and A O Shlnn of Franklin county
for lieutenantgovernor
Kansas City Mo Aug Ii Nothing has
been heard here at II p m of the election in
the Cbiokasaw Nation today Ten rolling
places far remoted from each other are from
thirty to fifty miles from tbe nearest telegraph
sta ion and reports ot the election cant be
received until late
Topeka Kan Aur 13 The pjoplas partv
slate convention convened this morning at 930
in the representatives hall A boat 2o0 delegates
are present representing the Farmers Alliance
Citizens Alliance Union Labor party and
Knights of Labor The majority are farmers
and members of theAUiance 1 be convention was
called to order by John F Wllletts chairman of
the central committee who was made temporary
chairman Various committees were appointed
and convention adjourned until in tbe evening
St Louis Mo Aug 13 A special from Se
dalla Mo says the Becond days session of the
Missouri Farmers and Laborers union opened
at 8 oclock this morning The matter of elec
tion of officers was taken up and laid over nntil
tomorrow mornings session This was done
because the committee on revision of the con
stitution was not ready to reportit being un
derstood that the committee would
not only recommend changes in the titles
of officers but that tbe new officers would bo
named to act as purchasing agent for the organ
ization at Kansas City the only other officials
of the kind being located at St Louis
Tho executivu committee reported that the
bondsmen of Treasurer Smith of Howell county
who defaulted for S12J0 were ready to make the
shortage good Smith is in Washington and
will probably bo prosecuted
The remainder ot tbe morning session was
taken ud in passing a resolution introduced by
W C Harris declaring that there was no truth
in the report tbat policies was discussed in ses
sions of the order It is stated however that
the committee on resolutions are discussing the
subtreasury and financial scheme and tbat
certain members of the committee are strongly
in favor of incorporating into their repor favor
able action on tbe measure W C McCuue
the originator of the scheme is here in the in
terest of the plan and was to have addressed the
meeting at the courtuense this evening but he
was ill and Henry Tracy spoke
The Flames Extlngullied with Fine Wines
nnd Costly Silks
Not long ago there passed over the Atchison
Topeka and Santa Fe road a freight train with a
cargo that was probably never before equalled
in value by that of any freight train that has
crossed the mountains and plains since the
transcontinental roads were commenced The
train was drawn by two powerful engines and
consisted of tbirtyeight cars laden with silk
wine oil and sealskins tho latter portion ot tha
load being registered on the waybill as worth
59JOCO They are being taken to
London England to be dyed and are
a part of the first catch of the season The
silk and tea formed a part of th cargo of a Pa
cific mail steamship which arrived in San Fran
cisco a few days ago and are consigned to New
York and London merchants The wine is from
California and is consigned to New
York parties There were also two
cars of CaliforniA honey destined for
New Tort The contents of the thirtyeight
cars are probably worth 550000 On tbe way
across the Majave desert one of the cars was de
railed at the foot of a heavy grade There were
then two sections of the train A fire broko out
and the entire train was saved from destruction
by breaking open casks of wine aud dashing the
contents on tho flames while bales of silk were
opened and the rich fabric thrown across the
burning wood smothering the flames in a short
A Claim that They Are the Most rrofitnble
nt Any of the Improved ISreeds
Richard Peters in an aiticlo in the Sonthern
Cultivator takes a firm stand in favor ot the
Essex hog which is no doubt one of the best in
America at present This partiality for the
Essex leads him unquestionably into errors in
regard to other breeds Buch as the Berkshire
and in his zeal for his favorite makes unjubt
charges against others He writes as follows
In the columns of the Southern Cultivator
you have had many articles of great interest to
your readers on the subject of swine and in ad
dition thereto I would like to give a few facts
about the Essex of the prescat day since they
have been increased in size and otberwiso
greatly improved by English and American
breeders I began experimenting with the Es
sex about the j ear 1856 and have made careful
selections of females from year to year and
avoided close breeding by obtaining the best
males to be found in England and America un
til my herd now equals any in thp world in size
of the breeding stock In fecundity it probably
excels that of any other herd For example
three of my matured sows farrowed bringing
fortythree pigs sixteen fourteen and thir
teen respectively Of these thirtytwo lived
and grew rapidly the mothers being capital
I have found the Essex the most profitable of
any of the improved breeds they are free from
disease are easy keepers and mature early
My herd has clover and tho gleanings ot the
grain fields and a good range in a wood pasture
thi carne < them through the spring and sum
mer and fall months Those intended for bacon
are given the run ot the pea fields and are made
ready for the knife with three to four busbeU of
corn per bead The Essex can ba fattened at
any age the only objection to them is tbeir be
coming too fat to be depended on as reliable
breeders when fed tbe usual amount of food al
lowed to other swine Thoje intended for
breeders should be allowed to get their living on
grass or in a woods range and started to breed
at an early age My killing hogs are ready for
the knife at eighteen to twenty months old
and can readily be made to weigh 250 to 300
pounds net at a cost of two to three cents per
pound The Essex as a rule are not carniver
ous I have bad sows attain the age of four or
five years and yet during tho twentyseven
vears that I have bred the Essex I have not seen
br heard ot a chicken or lamb eater
My observation shows that the white breeds of
swine are unsuited to a hot climate on account ot
the mange The Poland China and Jersey
breeds are large and mature late they are ad
mirably adapted to the Western country with
lowpriced corn but not profitable in a cotton
region The Berkshiies by many persons In the
South are highly valued but on my farm I
found them to be carniverous lamb and chicken
eaters and disposed to become wild when
allowed to run on a large range Very many ot
them also were affected with lung troubles in
dicated by a hacking cough Many breeders of
the Essex attribute the Improvement in the
Berkshire to a cross of the Essex made by tbe
English breeders In tbe management of my
herd for several years I have nsed kerosene oil
liberally both externally and internally to ex
terminate the parasites of the skin and tho in
testinal worms to which al tbe breeds of swine
are so liable in the Southern climate
The G A If Celebration About at An End
The Womans Belief Corps
Boston Mas1 Aug 14 Aside from
tbe sessions of tbe national encampment
and womans relief corps a great part ot
tbe G A R celebration Is over Tbo
numbor of reunions today Is compara
tively few Some posts bare already
left for borne At tbe second days
session of tbe annual convention ot
the ladies of the G A R today reports
of tbe departments of Kevf Jersey Penn
sylvania Illinois Calfornia Kansas
Iowa Ohio Arkansas and Kentucky
were read and referred Tbe following
officers were chosen for next year
President Mrs Catharine 12 Herat
Louisville Ky senior vice president
Mrs Julia M Johnson Altoona Pa
junior vice president Mrs Mary U
Smith New York city treasurer Mrs
Anna B Grnbb Camden K J cbap
HnSarahA Mctcalf San Francisco
national counsellor Francis If Wood
Topeka Kan A council ot administra
tion wa also elected The president
appointed Mrs Anna D Motley of
Loulsrills secretary for tbe ensuing
VThea Baby was sfck we cave her Castorix
Than she was a Cn3d aha cried for Castoria
When she became illsj the clung to Castoria
Vaensie had Children ihettTatham Castoria
To itself in many important particulars Hoods
Sarsaparilla It dlfiarent from and superior to any
other m dklc
reeuUar in combination proportion and prep
aration of Ingredients Hoods Sarsaparilla pos
sesses the full curative value of the bait known
remedies ot th TCgetable kingdom
reeuUar In its medicinal merit Hoods Sarsipa
rilla accomplishes cores hitherto unknown
Peculiar in strength and economy Hoods Sir
saparllla Is the only medicine of which can truly
be said ICO doses one dollar Medicines In larcer
and smaller bottles require larger doses and do
not produco as good results as Hoods Sarsaparilla
Peculiarlnltsgoodnameathome there Is
more of Hoods Sarsaparilla soldin Lowellwhere
It Is made than of all other blood purifiers
Peculiar in its phenomenal record ot sales
abroad no other preparation has ever attaintd
such Fnarity In so short a time Do not be in
diced to takeanyotherpreparation Be sure to get
Hoods Sarsaparilla
Soldbyalldroggists 51slxfor 5 Preparedonly
tj C I HOOD i CO ApothecariesLowell iUsi
IOO Doses Ono Dollar
Cleanses the Scalp Removes Dan
druff Stops tho hair from falling
out and produces a luxurious
growth of rich glossy hair
Ctapped SUn Jtle
liumt Irtttr and U > Un troablei cured by O
S iar T3fiE
30citcniKiM orllbCOXacO 1
Ce Parker Gincer Tonic Jt curei th worst Ouja
V k Lungf Dcbilrr Indigestion rainTike in tlt e > r
HINDERCORF4S Tb onWiuwcnrBfurCornt
tSai JfpHc EcT rjKuautfc or ixiaCOX at co N x
= 3 = 3B
Uervons SLJLS
25cts a Box
iT iWfl > JIT
fcfQ Karly Decay amt Abus <
U Impoteney Lost Vlfor axd
> esltMallrreitored Yirleoc ltcarfd Farts tnlargtd
strengthened KeerHome Trttlie sent free Ed leaded
Secrcsy 1roC 11 UUTTS IT J Fulton MV Y
BafSniag from th effects of youthful errors early
decay wasting weakness lestm iihoodelcIwU
tend a valuable treatiso f sealedl oontalnlne full
particulars for homo cure FtJEEof charge 1
splendid medical wcrk shouldoe read by everr
T who is nervous and dsbllitated Address
rrof F C J70W1EH Hoortua Conn
Symptoms of Torpid Liver
lom of npprtlt and nansathti bowels
Ore costive but oin tIme3 alternate with
Jooienet or tllnrrhtra pain In tha head ac
companied with a dull heavy sensation in
the Lack part pain in tio rightMdeand nn
dor shoulder blade fullness after eating
vrith a disinclination to oxurtlon of bod j or
tnind irritability ol temper lowspiriU loss
of memory with a feeling ot having neglect
ed some duty general weariness and debili
ty If theso warnings unheeded serious
diseases will soon be developed o better
remedy can bo used than Tutts Fills A Mn
ple dose produces such a change of feeling
jui often to aatonisb the ruffe rer
Tutts Liver Pills
Cure Bilious Diseases
Price 25c Offlco 39 41 Park Place N Y
Higrh Money Kates and Striko Ilumcrs
Lowered the Stock Market
Darlujrtlie Lnit Hour Stocks Kf covered 11 tt
08 Per Cent ot Their Early Losses
Railroad Bonds Very Dull
Special to the Gazette
New York A up 19 Money Closed 30 per
cent highest 23 lowest 10 per cent
Exchange Quiet l9 < e < 63
Silver JllDii Pcr ounce
Wheat Futures lQiVJ higher spot lots 39
2 higher
Coffee Firm and unchanged
Sugar Firm and unchanged
Wool Dull ani unchanged
Cotton Easy middling 11 ISlGc
Hides Strong and active Buenos Ayres dry
13c dry Texas luawc
Stocks Tha whole market went down nearly
a point this morning on the threat of an ex
tended strike and the high money rate3 From
1 oclock until about 230 tbe market was firmer
owing mainly to lower rates for money which
was down to 10 per cent Bnt partly because the
rumored railroad strike did not come ut 12
oclock today as predicted the recovery in
stocks was Vt per cent market closing fe
Atchison 41
Dry goods dull without change in prices
Denver Texas and Fort Worth certificates
tort Worth and Denver ls 10ti
Atchison general mortgage ls S4Vi
Atchlson incomes 6S
Kansas and Texas ls 115
OeneralSs 73
General 6s 81
Missouri Kansas and Texas general 6s SL
Missouri Kansas and Texas consolidated Vs
8t Louis Arkansas and Texas ls 63
Texas and Pacific ls tW
Texas and Pacific 2s 40
Special to the Gazette
Bostojt Mass Aug 18 Wool Better d
xnand Dricesfirm
corroa srors jlsd fetches
8peclal to the Gazette
GalvestosTzx Aug 19 The trend In the
spot market is still downward New Orleans
Savannah Baltimore Boston and Memphis
each declined c while Liverpool Galveston
and Charleiton dropped l16c the market as a
rule closing dull quiet and nominal except
Liverpool which closed weak and inactive and
New York and Galveston easy Augusta quotes
old cotton at ll > ic and new cotton > c lower
Futures closed quiet and steady with declines
in Liverpool and New Orleans and a slight ad
vance in New York
Liverpool Intures opened steady and slightly
lower ruled steady near monU lllCo lower
closed steady for near months at a decline of I
points late months 1 point lower than yester
day New York futures opened steady with August
at a decline ot 8 points other months 1 to i
points ruled steady a an advance over opening
ot 3 to 1 points closed steady August and a ep
tember Unchanged other months 3 to < points
higher than yesterdays close
New Orleans futures opened steady al a de
cline of 1 to i points ruled steady at an advance
on all months of 1 to t points over opening ex
cept August which Is i points lower than Mon
days close
Wool Firm and enchanged with no transact
lions reported
Coffee Steady and unchanged
Sugar Stron and firm with an upward tend
t 3 BS S