lty Harriet Preicott SpoSvd
In sntnmer when ths woods are green
With meadow spires in between
With boughs that in the breexes toss
With grass tnd leaves and vines and moss
If np In Venus or in Mars
Eome little child looks at the stars
And one great Lamp swings oat on high
Like b lite emerald in the sky
I wonder It she thinks How clear
The sweet Earth shines tonight ani near
In winter when the snows have come
And far andwide the ice fields bloom
And cloudless depths of perfect hue
Bathe all the world in blazing blue
When gazing on her evening skies
That little child with happy eyes
Sees one great planet bluer far
Thsn Lyra a great sapphire star
I wonder if in such new birth
Bhe knows that Lamp is still the Eirthl
By Flora Haines Longhead Author of Wn
He Guilty Etc
chajter arnt tob valley op tub shadow
i HERE is he Take me
Ito him
She was mounting the
stairs and there was
mingled entreaty and
command in her voice
Ned turned silently
hack to the doctors
room Fast the landing
through the narrow pas
sage wayto the sunshiny
room where a noble life
was searing its close
She gave one low cry
s she sawthe still white
face Then she sped
noislessly to the bedside
and bent over the dying
Oh my husband
Speak to me Look at me
Not so much as the flicker of an eyelid an
swered her passionate call
My darling Tell me that you hear rnc I
have come to yon Make some sign one word
to tell me that yon know me
Hewn stone could not have been more motion
less iron moro irresponsive than the inanimate
Then Ned and the younger lady standing
near the door not daring to move lest they
should disturb the griefstricken woman wit
nessed a heartbreaking scene
Despairingly she chafed the hands of tho
nylng man placed her lips to them again and
again She stroked the thick brown hair bach
from the forehead where the death damp was
gathering She pressed her cheek against his
with a wifes < upreme love but tenderly as a
mother caresses her child And all the while
she paared into the detf ears broken protesta
tions of the pentup auction and grief of years
Oh my flarlng My poor boy near me
Awake and listen to re If only for a moment
1 loved you then I iove you now More than
life liven thfn that cruel night when yoa
went away my poor unfortnnate husband I
was sick sick when the colonel told me I came
as soon as I cont d travel I loved you alwavs
my brave noble unselfish hero Come back
coni back to me that I may make up to you for
the lonely years we have spent apart Sly God
help me Give him back Tell him how I have
waited and prayed and looked for him Eight
fen ears And then to find him only for this
Oh my God
open now blazed with indignant fire A world
of stern resolve made itself felt in his halting
Illget wellwithoutit sir
Very well sir A fine example of profes
sional courtesy sir Ibid you good day sir
A smile sudden and fleeting played about
the lips of Dr John then a look of exalted hap
Elness swept over his face He stretched out
Is hand
Mary my wife
She fell on her knees beside hiu without a
word or cry Great Joy like great sorrow is
often speechless
Ned fled to the hall outside The doctor was
better The doctor would get well The doc
tors wife and daughter had come to him
He saw Mike McCrary coming and shouted
the glad news to him then ran oil to carry the
happy tidings to the anxious watchers at Home
He had crossed the bridge and was turning
into the garden path when he saw Hope bare
headed and with her long work apron tied
about her waist running towards him
Oh Ned Father father father she cried
and caught him by the lapels of his coat sob
bing as though her heart would break
Not dead but standing on the porch unas
An awful fear came over Ned rebuking his
glad sense of thanksgiving at Dr Johns conva
Dead he exclaimed in a tragical voice
Come come quick she cried catching his
hand excitedly and hurrying him towards the
Not dead thank heaven hut living Upon
the thresbhold of a new life with a renewed
lease of health and strength Standing on the
porch unassisted but feeble and uncertain as a
babe when it first begins to totter through the
world On his feet for the first time in five
years looking at Ned with the old cheerful
smile and a proud fiush on his face
It was when you hung out thesignal
cried Hope We had all been watching for it
since daybreak We could hvdly coar him to
eat his breakfast and when be was through we
wheeled him to the window and left him there
He thought he saw something bright but the
branches of the pepper tree huug between He
Ned and the younger lady were crying help
lessly by the door when they heardthe old
physicians step in the hall They tried to keep
him back a little and to give the older lady
warning of his approach out there was no need
At the sound of the opening door she arose
controlling herself by a strong effort Bowing
with digalfied recognition of the physicians
entrance she awaited his verdict with sad and
hopeless eyes
Dr Thompson was a cadaverous old gentle
msn with a sombre countenance suggestive of
undertakers and funerals There had never
been much sympathy between him and Dr
John Too many patients whom the old doctor
had given over to die had been saved by the
younger man
Dr Thompson was an old fogy it Is true but
even old foglts do not relish being superseded
by younger men with better schooling and more
progressive ideas Therefore it was with a par
donable feeling of triumph that the old doctor
had answered the call to his young colleagues
bedside He had taken pains to inform every
body he met that Dr John was worse and had
sent for him
He drew back with a start at the bedside
What was this
Instead of the petulant sufferer he had ox
pected to see chafing under his enforced con
finement here was a man already marked by
death silently parsing into the great unknown
one to whom earthly rivalries and differences
were no longer a matter of moment
How long has he been sot
The old physician was startled out of his cus
tomary composure He put the qaestion to
Since 4 oclock this morning sir I sent im
mediately for you
Dr Thompson stooped and placed his ear to
Dr Johns chest laying his finger on his pulse
Then he drew from his pocket a slender rubber
case and took from it a small glass tube which
he slipped within the parted lips
This thermometer was Dr Thompsons one
concession to modern science He used it on all
occasions and it is said diagnosed disease by
means of t This time he took it out and looked
at it and then around at the others with an air
of owlish importance
Will he live asked Ned and tho ladies
eyes repeated the question
Now Dr Thompson knew enough of the signs
of approaching dissolution to be sure there was
no mortal hope for Dr John But he had his
own professional dignity to maintain and knew
that it would never answer to come so many
miles to declare his inability to be of use
Hml he said straightening himself and
fastening his thumbs in the buttonholes of his
coat Hm A bad case a serious case
madam If I had been called in sooner But
ahem as I was not
They awaited his next words in breathless
There Is just one thing that may possibly
save him said the old doctor in a deep voice
He must have an emulsion
Dr Thompsons emulsions were the terror of
every household in the valley Dr John had
once been known to say that more people had
died from Dr Thompsons emulsions than he
had ever saved The old doctor had heard of
this speech and there had been bad blood be
tween the two physicians ever since
Now whether they are right or wrong the
people of the valley always have It that Dr
Johns professional spirit was stronger than
death itself Be this as it may what patient
care and tender nursing had failed to effect
what love itself had been powerless to accom
plish was brought about by this projected out
rage upon his own cods of practice
For the sick mans hand which an Instant be
fore had lain white and nerveless on his breast
trembled moved then lifted with a slight re
pliant gesture waved and fell back
The little group was startled Even the old
doctor accustomed as he was to dying men was
shocked at this unexpected manifestation but
he repeated bis decision in an or cular tone
lie must have an emulsion
This time the pallia lips quivered the head
moved slightly and a faint whisper broke the
Ill die first
Be it dead or dying man who spoke the asser
tion was a direct challenge of the old gentle
mans medical skill He took it up instantly
with a snort of Indignation
Youll die aithout it sir
Dr John was so weak that he ccnld sot lift
bis head from the pillow lut his eyes wide
was sure it was the red handkerchief and he
couldnt wait for us to come to make certain
The red handkerchief repeated Ned in
Yes the red handkerchief of course see it
waving now
And there true enough was the red handker
chief flapping against the perfumed branches of
the honeysuckle at the doctors window seating
the hummingbirds from their field of sweets
Ned knew then that a miracle had been
wrought In the dim light of early dawn ho had
mistaken the red for the black and it had re
stored his father
And he talks as well as ever rejoiced nope
But he has been stanling there ever since
Ned We cant get him to sit down
Oh children began Mr Austin and then
he stopped and choked back something ruling
himself us a strong man must You dont
know what it is to have the use of my body
again Its been a hard trial to feel that I was
no good in the world to know I was only a bur
den to you
A burden repeated Hope indignantly
and the boys reechoed the cry
Well I suppose I must give up now said
the father for his legs were weak and be felt
them failing beneath him But I warn you it
wont be for long Im going to take a hand in
the fruitpicking next season and theres a
patch of ground hack of the house that vegeta
ble garden of vours that you dont half take
care of Ive been aching to hoe it for a year
Several weeks later a pleasant party assembled
under the shade of the trees in the door yard of
Home ranch
The doctor was in the invalid chair this time
his fase still thin and colorless from the effects
of his illness but wearing a look of happiness
that gladdened the hearts of all Mr Austin
arrogant In the consciousness of his newfound
health as longtime invalids are wont to be
kept an officious watch over him waiting npon
him in an ostentations manner that amused the
young people and brought a gleam of fun to the
doctors eyes
Mrs Sherwood was at her husbands side
and their daughter Bessie sat at his feet on the
upper step of the little porch In the shadow of
the vines whero she could watch the others and
escape observation herself
Hope had been somewhat afraid of this ac
complished and talented girl Bessie Sherwood
had been accustomed to the best society all her
life She had received a thorough education in
all that it befits a young lady to know She had
been under the constant tutelage of a mother
who was not only a true lady but a wise and
sensible woman In her owu circle she had
been noted for her gifts of mind and graces of
person she had even written for the papers
and had written very well yet she was shyer
still of the childwoman at Home ranch than
ever Hope could have been of her
She embarrasses me with her odd direct
ways and her almplo dignity Bessie explained
to her parents It doesn t matter if she does
wear plain gowns she ha the air of an arch
duchess Where did sbo learn such manners
papa dear
From the hills and fields and streams
Dame Nature is a noblo teacher Hope Austin
has no other way my little girl reolied the
doctor fondly
There was something very touching in the in
tercourse between this father and daughter
Each seemed to be perpetually striving to get
back to the precions years they had lost the
years of dearest companionrhip between parent
and child
Ned I hear you have a report from Wash
ington What do the authorities say at last
Inquired the doctor
I dont think you will want to hear It all
replied Ned drawing a cumbrous document
from his breast pocket The sum and sub
stance of it Is that oar application is denied
and we now have to wait three years longer to
perfect the contingent entry made in our fathers
name Who stands here a living testimonial to the
wisdom of the decision supplied the doctor
smiling upon his whilom nurse
Nevermind We can afford lo wait said
Ned cheerfully This season has put us well
ahead We can rrake the house more comfort
able now and add a room or two We have
been figuring it out Martin and I and we
think that next year we can count upon a clear
income of more than lXJO
And an increase every year began Mar
Not too fast my boy warned the doctor
Phylloxera may lay hold of the vines hot
northers strike the fruit new pests develop
Recollect too that the state is settling up fast
the day for fancy prices has gone by
At any rate we are sure of a comfortable
home and an independent livine said Hope
One of these days you may sell off a few
acres resumed the doctor with akinllook at
Hope It will not be many years before your
level land will be worth JlOOo an acre You will
be rich
I dont bcvo I could possibly feel any
richer than I do now I feel lite a millionaire
twice over said Hope drawing a letter from
her pocket which she read aloud
Philadelphia Nov 1SS
MyDear Miss Hope After due consideration
with my gardener who is also an enthusiast
over ourblack rose uehave decided to offer
you 200 and a royalty of 20 per cent on all our
sales for the exclusivecontrol of the plant I
am so sure that you have sufficient confidence in
mo to accept my offer that I take the liberty to
enclose my check for the firstnamed sum I
should like to have the plants young plants
shipped at once that I may get them safely
housed for winter growth
Please convey my warmest regards to Dr
Sherwood and his estimable wife whom I have
known from her childhood also to their charm
ing daughter whose companionship I know you
will prize
Present my retpects to your fatherand your
brothers and accept for yourself the assurance
of an old soldiers stoutest devotion Your
obedient servant Bobert L Marshall
And what arc you going to do with your
check Hope Bank it or Invest in a gold mine
or buy a piano book pictures new clothes
jewelry what quizzed the doctor
A buggy replied Hope seriously The
most comfortable that can be found so that
father can drive about every day Oh he thinks
he is as strong as anyone but he isnt doctor
and he needs to be watched and scolded like a
Cheerily as Hope spoke Bessie Sherwood
who was watching her narrowly saw a troubled
shadow on her sweet young face
There was one clause in Col Marshalls letter
that Hope had suppressed but that she could
not put from her mind It weighed upon her all
the time like a prophecy of coming trouble
Tucked auay in a postscript at the end of the
there had been a few words addressed to
cr alone
My nephew insists on repeating his visit to
California this coraius year He is a noble fel
low Bo good to him my dear
That was what made it so hard If he were
less worthy she would not care so much But
to Inflict such pain upon him to possibly be the
means of ruining his whole life
Suddenly Bessie Sherwood still absently
watching Hopes face saw it brighten and fol
lowed the direction of her eyes
Tom Bateman was coming up the path
Yet Tom had less to say to Hope than to any
of the rest When he had exchanged greetings
with them all he turned to Ned
What news from Washington Is your claim
It will be three more years before we can
prove up was the reply
You are lucky to get through so soon Ned
There seems to be no limit to the time an ordi
nary man requires to prove up to his own
satisfaction to saya nothing of anybody else
observed Tom seriously and his eyes for an in
stant sought Hopes which were at once shyly
averted while his mute question remained un
It isnt a question of years It is a ques
tion of a lifetime lorn said the doctor earn
estly but the quick touch of his wifes hand
upon his own and her look of loving confidence
seemed to deny the assertion
the end
aquatic sroitxs
Water Polo Obstacle RacesThe Water
Toboggan The Aquatic llerby
By Capt Charles E Clay
T has always been a
matter of some sur
prise to mo that there
aro not more of sys
tematic sports in the
water during bathing
season especially at
the populous and
more frequented sea
side resorts where
hundreds of boys and
girls go in swimming
every day and be
yond a little splash
ing and a short desultory swim get no
further amusemeut out of their morning
dip There are a number of very divert
ing and clever evolutions that can occu
py a boys attention when in the water
which besides exercising bis ingenuity
and calling Into play bis inventive facul
ties are a very beneficial addition to the
development of muscles and sinews and
tench him a great many ways of hand
ling himself when suddenly and unex
pectedly immersed in the water
Tbe most curious exhibition of skillful
pilotage on water I witnessed on one of
tbe large rivers of India The native
Bshermen in that distriot do not use the
usual round skincovered basket boat
known as tokra for their piscatorial ex
cursions but astraddle of a large mussuk
skin with hook and line they work out
into the stream to try their luck Now
a mussuk skin is nothing more nor less
than a large goat skin stuffed as tight as
a drum with hay and straw nnd sewn up
at neck legs and along the stomach so
as to ronder them perfectly water tight
These water bobbyhorses were ar
ranged along the river bank float
ing on tbe stream and the adrot
fisherman to mount his water
steed simply leapt peegyback fash
ion on to his mnssuk nnd sat astride
of his obarger like a very paladin of old
balancing himself on the round porpoise
like bobbing rolling black slippery
object with his legs and feet which were
immersed belo v the surface bait way up
to the thighs He held bis grip by knee
and thigh just as our modern horsemen
do and steered and propelled himself
along by working the portion of bis legs
and feet that were under water He
bad bis bait and tackle slung around his
neck in a basket and seated as grace
fully as dragoon on parade he glided
unconcernedly down stream handling bis
lino Ha often got a bite too If tbe
Hsu was small our centauriforra angler
yanked him in and pouched him nimbly
but a big mabseer a species of Indian
salmon would run him all about stream
while he held on to his line like a cow
boy on his bronco holds to a steer he has
roped Often meinhesr mabseer sulks
neath a big rock and piscntbr is an
chored patiently above him Then ho
makes a mad run up stream and our
Hindoo Isaao has a glorious barge pro
cession paying out his line cautiously to
ease tho strain on the fishs mouth and
legging it for nil ho Is worth They aro
so patient these natives that they
rarely loose a fish and sooner or later
Mr Mahseer is tired out and the mus
suk rider paddles his steed ashore and
captures bis prize
It was ludicrous in tbe extremo to see
our festive Tommy Atkins of the Euro
pean regiments attempt to emulate the
mildeyed Hindoo and monnt tbe
mussuk The goatskin would be floating
about a yard from the bank Tommy
after carefully judging the distance
makes the fatal lean to straddle and
lands plump on Us back The restive
steed elves a wild plunge and Tommy
would bo sent beadpn into tho water
to rite spluttering and cboking wbilo
the spectators convulsed with laughter
would chaff him into tryIns again The
mussuk wasan endles source of fun and
amusement to Tommy in bis leisure time
and in India he bos plenty of it
The English counterpart of tbe mus
suk Is an empty kerosene barrel coopered
water tight From its shape and buoy
ancy however you could never ride it
if it were not weighted by a leaden Keel
Besides this you should fix to each side
of the lead keel a strip of board
about six or eight inohes deep This
will prevent the barrel Irom rolling
round and round in the water Cut a
slot out on each side where your legs
drop to the water when astride Take
an inoh deal board and carve out a
horses bead and neck and Ox it to one
end of tbe barrel Cock a small hand
flag staff up at tbe other and on it you
carry your riding colors You cant
paddle the barrel along with your legs
so get a light doublebladed paddie
How you nave your mount and your
mallet nnd nro equipped for water polo
The game is played just like hookey or
shinnoy on the ice the ball being a largo
bung cork or inflated rubber ball Buoy
out your ground or rather your course
on the water length about 200 feet
width from fifty to sixty A very good
kind of buoys will be found In old nail
kegs but be sure they are coopered wa
ter tight Make a hole right through
the bung and continue it out through the
opposite bilge of the keg through these
two holes reevo n stout rope and wedge
up the holes so that no water oan get in
side the keg Your ground moorings
can bo large cobble stones or rocks
which can be found on most beaches
The depth of water should range from
six to ten feet and the ground must be
chosen outside of the breaker line if you
intend to play where there Is muoh surf
The goal or rather the buoys should be
anchored eight feet apart and designated
bv flags stuck into the upper portion of
the bilge of the kegs It Is not necessary
to buoy out the side lines of your polo
grounds The umpire and referoeshould
follow the game in a handy little dingy
and when the ball goes out or proscribed
limits he should piok it up from the boat
and toss it within limits In Itarting
the game it is generally customary for
two of the opposing teams to face
for the ball as is dono in lacrosse This
is done in tbo center of the grounds
The object is for the riders of eaoh team
to hit the ball with their paddles and
drive it through tho kegs representing
the goals at either end of the course In
a game of water polo everythiue goes for
fair That Is to say players are allowed
to jostle and bump one another in their
attempt to gain possession of tbo ball
and if you are unlucky enough to un
horse an opponent it adds materially to
the fun and excitement of the game
Under these circumstances I need hardly
say that all that intend to play polo on
the water should be expert swimmers
As t ese games last from half an hour to
a full hour I recommend players to wear
tblok woolen jerseys The ordinary
woolen bathing suits if thick enough
are just what you will require A team
that is in the habit of playing together
generally have a oertaln rush a right
and left field and a goal keeper The
art of rushing the ball along is by pass
ing the ball from tbe left to the right
field player and vice versa and so tak
ing it along in n zigzag line The oen
ter rush chiefly employs himself by get
ting in the way of the rushers of the op
posing line
This aquatio amusement is played also
on hobbyhorses But both ends of tho
paddle must be stuffed with a large
amount of cotton batting horse hair
or any other material that will make a
soft knob on the end of the paddle about
two feet in circumference Two riders
place themselves fifty feet apart and
paddle toward each other and when
tbey get in range attempt to push each
other off the barrels by means ot the
paddles no blow should be struok during
this mimio encounter but you should
simply thrust with each end of your pad
dle holding it in tbe middle just as you
would a quarterstaff I have known
boys to become so expert in riding their
kerosenebarrel horses and have their
steeds so nicely weighted and balanced
by their side keels that tbey could stand
on xheir horses and paddle at a consider
able rate Of oourse you will readily
see that such an expert bas a great ad
vantage over one who is sitting astride
his barrel
Some very interesting diversions can
be inserted into a programme of swim
ming and diving races by having an ob
stacle and tub race A good course for
an obstacle race Is about a quarter of a
mile The contestants all have a twen
tyfive yardsrun on the sand and then
take to the water wading out passing
the breakers until they come to tbe first
obstacle which can be two or three long
heavy spars anobored at right angles to
tbe course and at equal distances you
san place other obstacles In tbe shape of
clx or eight barrels lashed together with
both heads knocked out They are an
chored in position and the swimmers are
roqulrod tb crawl through them The
next obstacle can be arranged In the
shape of a raft composed of stout planks
lashed together The swimmers should
be Instructed to dlro under these If
you hnve two or three polo teams or
ganized a capital obstacle is
formed by anchoring four or five
of these barrels In a line and re
quiring tbe swimmers to scramble
over them The turding buoy should be
anchored 200 yards from tbe shore and
tbe competitors take tbe obstacles in the
order tbey come after turning the buoy
tbe finish of course to take place on the
sand from the starting line Another
very amusing incident is tbe tub race
Each competitor supplies himself with
an ordinary washtub These are ar
ranged alongside of a bathing float on
which all tbs competitors stand At the
given signal each competitor steps into
bis tub sits down In it and tho only
means of propulsion is bis bunds With
these he paddles himself to the winning
post If you have never practiced this
amusement you will find it almost impos
elble to sit in your tub and make any
progress and the ludicruous attempts to
get Into the tub after once you have fal
len out of It will cause endless amuse
ment to the spectators
This amusement should be practiced in
six to ten feet of water where there is a
good clear sandy bottom Common
white saucers and tho ordinary china
eggs are tnrown into the water within o
given circumference and from the float
each diver attempts to secure and bring
to the surface as many of the saucers or
eggs as he can succeed in picking up
In order to arrive at any success at this
amusemeut it is necessary to know bow
to regulate your brentbmg Just before
you intend to plunge make three or four
rapid exhalations and follow by a deep
drawn inspiration taking into your lungs
as much air as you possibly can hold
Plunge in head first and get to the bot
tom as soon as possible Do not enter
the water with your eyes onen but open
them Immediately you are immersed
While under the water let the air out of
your lungs as slowly as you possibly can
Pick up the saucers with your right and
hold them underueath the arm ot the
left when you have got as many as your
breath will allow in order to shoot
rapidly up to the surface give a sharp
kick with both feet on the bottom
as soon as you arrlvo with your head
above the surface throw yourself in a
floating position on your back nnd ac
cumulate your saucers in a pile on your
chest You will Bud this tbe easiest way
to carry them safely to the float I have
often known boys who have just picked
up ten or a dozen saucers to lose half of
them while carrying them to the float
because they could not bold them while
swimming on tbe chest No boy should
be allowed more than three attempts at
one time of bathing It is a good plan
to stuff your ears with a little cotton be
fore practicing diving In a circumfer
ence of fifty feet at a depth of eight tho
best record I have aeeu made was a col
lection of fifteen out of twenty saucers
thrown down but the man was so ex
hausted when he came to the surfaoe that
he could not bold his head above tbe
water and had to be dragged to tho
float by bis friends firmly clutching his
saucers with both bands to his breast
It is hardly necessary to say that one re
quires a bright day and very smooth
water for tbe thorough enjoyment ot this
can be played jus as well in the water as
on land but the manner of practicing It
Is a little different You require good
deep water in the first place Six or
seven of you stand treading water ten
paces behind each other Tbe last man
swims to tbe one in front of him and
places bis bands on his shoulders forcing
him boneath the water and jumping over
his head This he continues to do until
he bas sent them all In turn under him
when he himself takes his position and is
sent under by all of those behind him
Tho fun and amusement is in not only
pushing tbe ones that give you the back
under the water with your hands but
as you send him beueath the surfaoe
quickly raise your own feet putting one
on each of his shoulders and give him a
smart push downward jumping yourself
as high out of the water as you can I
have seen lots of boys very expert nt
this and would send their companions to
the bottom at a depth of twenty feet
Remember that if you lont want to get
your head and nose full of water
directly you feel tho jumper seize your
shoulders seize your own nose with your
left hand and let yourself go easily when
he pushes you rather than attempt to
resist his shove
This amusement of course entails tho
construction of a regular slide built after
tbe same pattern as the snow slides for
winter tobogganing The toboggans in
which you take your seat are made very
much after tbe pattern of tbo boats hung
on circular swings only they are flatter
bottomed and longer amidships When
started the toboggan charges swiftly
down the smooth wet planks of the
slide and striking the water at an
angle the Impetus given tbe boat causes
Jt to skip several large bounds along tho
surfaoe of tbe water before it finally
stops Tbe fun consists In holding your
self into tbe toboggan while It is taking
these giant skips Care should bo taken
that all the occupants are expert swim
mers for nine times out of ten your ride
ends in a capsize When you are pitched
into the water seize the boat it you like
but under no considerations catch bold
of a companion
The swimming serpent is formed by
any number of boys standing one behind
theother each holding the hips of tbo
one in front of him In this manner
tbey strike out simultaneously with tbe
legs only the leader swimming in a
tortuous serpentlike line With a
little practice a dozen lads can keep
time perfectly and the exhibition is one
that looks very attractive from tbe
beach especially if a regular uniform ot
bright colors Is worn by them all
In order to take part in a series ot
aquatio exercises snch as I have detailed
above a regular swimming club should
be formed by friends stopping at the
same watering place and the captain of
the club should appoint a regular swim
ming hour when as many ot tbe club
members as possible should attend To
enjoy a oourse of water amusements
embracing the different exercises I have
mentioned one thing is absolutely
necessary and that is you must be an
excellent swimmer and then tho prac
tice ot these various sports will but
add to your general prbticiency in the
By Maurice Thompson
The woodcock on account of Its soli
tary life during most of tho year is a
hard bird to study Some of its most pocu
liar and Interesting habits seem to have
escaped the observation ot tbe natural
ists who have bad little opportunity to
watqb them in their native haunts In
the Northern states their feeding grounds
are os a rule in low wet lands that are
covered with a thick growth of bushes
jjB > Ci > w i
and swamp grasses rendering It almost
impossible to see them when tbey are on
the ground In tbe South however
especially in the mountainous parts I
have found them feeding in tho com
paratively open woods where Ibad little
trouble in seeing them and making note
of their movements
Early In March the woodcocks arrive
In the mountains of North Georgia Ala
bama Tennessee and the Carolinas and
scatter themselves widely in pairs to
spend tbe nesting season The male bird
bas tbe habit of rising spirally in tbe
early morning light sometimes higher
than the tree tops and balancing himself
In the air uttering a lowdroning sound
which may be beard to a considerable
distance This is bis call to his mate
and when he tails tho female Is sure to
be near the spot The birds play in n
very droll faBhlon running round and
round each other In a small circle on tho
ground their feathers ruffled their
wings delicately lifted and their long
bills pointing directly upward their
heads resting upon their backs
is aw 4p
jfeu 3is
Sometimes they hop on one foot holding
the other at an odd atigle as If It were
broken wbioh givos a very comical ap
pearance tbe male in the meantime ut
tering a low murmuring sound The fe
male bird often carries hpr youug be
tween her feet wheu flying nnd I huvo
seen the male bird do this One singular
habit of woodcocks which I have never
seen noted by ornithologists is that both
male and female sit upon tbe nest nt the
same time while Incubating if tho
weather is cold and wet In doing this
they draw very close together looklug
inopposite directions their heads thrown
back and their bills elevated at an angle
of fortylive decrees
The woodcocks hill is covered with a
membranous sheath that has a fine net
work of nerves this enables tbe bird to
And its food by boring In soft earth Its
feedingtime is at night or on dark
days when it may be seen moving about
in a quick nervous manner touching
tbe ground with the tip of its bill and
using Its wings and tail as if there were
danger ot tumbling over Tbe nervous
covering of tbe bill is so sensitive that
the bird can distinguish with it tho
slightest movemeut of a slug or worm
several Inches below tbe surface by sim
ply touching the ground Sometimes iu i
boggy places where the mud will shake
the woodcock drums the surface lightly I
with tbe forepart of its wings to make
tbe worms stir so that it can detect
where they are and probe for them
Another curious habit of this bird Is
that of moving its eggs to an extempor
ized nest when it is disturbed while in
cubating I was told of this habit by an
old negro and afterward verified it by
experiment Finding a nest near a spot
where I was camping I disturbed tbe
sittingbird two or three times each day
and on tbe third day sho moved her
eggs to a new nest about fifty feet away
from tbe original one The second nest
appeared to bo very rudly and hastily
constructed and was in u placb muoh
more diffioult to reach than tbe first
The whippoorwill also has this singular
nestmoving habit
Terrible Experience of a
Known Abilene Stockman
lost Ills Paanc < A Btdly Iilsfljnred
Form A rase for tho Hospital
The Full Particulars
From Dally Gazette Aug 22
B F Daugherty a wellknownstock
man of West Texns wh03e home is at
Abilene is now in tho citr hospital in a
precarious condition as tbe result of
falling from a rapidly moving train last
Daugherty wns coming east on tbe
Texas and Pacitio train due in Fort
Worth at 605 oclock When at Aledo
be went forward to tbe baggage car to
get bis satchel preparatory to alighting
at Fort Worth Either by accident or
intentionally ho remained in the bag
gage car when the train again got in
When rounding a short curve about a
mile east of lona about fourteen miles
from Fort Worth he was standing in the
door ot the carl Suddenly he lost bis
balance and fell forward with fearful
He struck on his head and shoulders
When Conductor McLead stopped tho
train and returned he found Daugherty
in a bad condition indeed His face
bead and hands were badly bruised and
As well as possible the injuries were
dressed and tbe almost lifeless body
placed on tbe train and brought into
Fort Worth arriving hero twenty min
utes later than the traina schedule time
He was taken to the city hospital where
he was given the best medical attention
and where he now lies in a critical con
A Cook Book Free
To every subscriber of the Weekly Ga
zette who sends us 125 in cash we will
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Fort Worth Tox
Central and South American Railroads
In the report ot the United States
senate of the International American
conference relative to an intercontinental
railway line the railroad mileage of the
different American states is given as fol
Argentine Republic
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British Guiana
Miles vfl
Louisiana State Lottery Company
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rcationa and Charitable purposes It fru
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New Orleans La
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New Orleans and the Tickets are signed by the
President of an institution whose chartered right i
are recognized in the highest courts therefore
beware of all imitations oranonymous schemes
Remember that the Drefeut charter or The
Louisiana State Lottery CciLpany which the
Supreme conrtof the IT S has decided to be a
contract with the state of Louisiana and part of
the constitution ot the State DOES not expire
The legislature of Louisiana which adjourned
on the loth of July of this year has ordered an
amendment to the constitution of the State
to be submitted to the people at an election in
1M2 which will carry tbo charter of THE
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