OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth weekly gazette. [volume] (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, October 16, 1890, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86088529/1890-10-16/ed-1/seq-2/

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Are anvays liable to sudden and severe
colds to croup soro throat lung fever etc
Kemedles to be etfecUAe must be admin
istered without delay J > oUihig is better
adapted for su emergencies Uian Arers
Cherry Pectoral It soothes the Inflamed
nicinuraue promotes espectoration rtllevea
coughing and Induces sleep The prompt tuo
cf tiits medicine las s cd innumerable lit es
both o jouug and ohL
One ol nij children had crorp The case
iras attended by our pli sielaii nid was sup
pused lo be UIltunder loiiliol One night1
1 was atartictt iiy the child s lard breathing
uj mi going ill found it
it < nctrly cejped to breathe tlyfyfins
thai in < hihls alarming conditionbad be
coirt i ii < dile in sfhe of the inedinijp it lad
taxMi 1 icasoiied a it such rerrrjlies ucuild
oc of no avail Ilaftyg a partbto bottle cf
Ajei > CIrrry Pectonl hi theouse I gave
the chlM thrie dose tt shoiyIntervals nnd
anr iu l > waited res01ts lrnm therrxment
the Iectoral was givAejie childs biealhlng
gre easier and in a Kurt time It was sleep
ing quietly and brjf3inf naturally The
child is alive and VelVioday and I do not
nesiute to say tit Aftrs Cherry Iectoral
saved its IIie Q J Y4oldrldgc Wortham
Texas t y
W r w13 coiishsflironchitis asthma
ami me Msty stages uf cogsumption tako
0 Ckerryf ectoral
OB 3 C AYTB CO Lowell Mass
Cold by all DrugjUu Irico 1 six bottles
w siit mum ii rffe
rv TUB
llhocfat rVJiiisnixa coiipaxz
Jullttlim ami Proprietors
Iowell Clayton swears ho is going to
defeat Ir okInrldgo if it costs him his
llfo Men ns dead as lie Is are perfectly
safe They nre not tho stuff to make
raurtyrs of No Iowell Clayton and
others of his stripe nro left to live nnd to
llnd life a punishment
WrfLiF SrittouK only son of exGov
ernor Spraguo nnd Kate Cbaso Sprngue
committed suicide rccontly at Seattle
This it tho boy who attempted to kill
Roicoo Conkllug nnd who afterwards
married nnd deserted Miss Weed the
Bister of his stepmother Ills death is a
fitting termination of a career ot dis
< r
will he made on the grounds tor the
ttrin Tinnt of thoje bailing from
The oysttr is a noble fish
llul rntiuot swim a mie
He has no tins he has no tall
He has no U eth to bite
Hut sti I he swims w th perfect easo
Tis trur through Ftrange to say
Ills awnn is not ubout the sea
But in the consomme
consommenalvcston Tribune
The oyster is a funny fish
As du b as dumb can be
Yet how lie talLs wheneer hes found
lnjoily company
And he Is cuilty of one jolec
Tis trae though strange to say
And that Is when he swims alone
Deep in tha consomme
Vfi5f7frlF > Gr OF 1UE TARIFF BILL
Evidences are multiplying dully in
proof of the pernicious and plundering
tendencies of the new tariff The re
niurkubie thing ubout these proofs nnd
e Men cj is the rei kle < s nbnmlnn with
wind they Haunt theimeives lu tbe fuce
of Hie public Hitherto the custom
utnoiig the iirotecled hits been to con
ceal ns fur ns possible the proofs of In
creased prc due to the tariff nnd to
how by innumerable sophistries that
the tariff cheapens vvhntever it
touches This bnld nnd uuked false
hood Is no longer available and has
gone to Oin tbe host of castoil lies de
ceptions nud frauds with which the
tariff bus been bolstered lu the past
Ditto of Ihut other abominable stupid
ity that the forelguer pays the tariff If
it does why does so shrewd n merchant
and faithful n Republican us John Wan
umaker ndvertlse an approaching ad
vance in the price of tinware because of
the Increased tariff on tin nud tlu platos
Why are merchant all over the couutry
especially dry goods aud clothing men
merchant tailors and so forth notofylng
tbelr customers that now Is tbe time to
buy before tbe rise in prices caused by
Increased tariff sets in Merchant
tailors in New York claim thot the price
of n suit of clothes will bo In conse
quence of the new tariff bill S15 more
than nt present More expensive dresses
for tho ladies and togs lor tho men
show ow the foreigner pays the tariff
iu u horn
But we are not only to have an in
crease in the prices of all manner of nec
essaries but arc to witness tbe creation
of mora trusts Now here Is tho Brus
sels carpet trust under process of forma
tion if not already organized at present
And hero again wo havs nnother example
of the reckless abandon and audacity
mentioned above Thegeuttemen at the
bead of it declare openly the objeot of
tbe trust to be not the chennening of
their product by reducing expenses as
trusts have hitherto proclaimed with a
profussion of honied and gracious
words but lo be the advancing of the
prltJ of carpet 25 or 30 per cent And
not only that but the closing down of 40
per cent ot tbe carpet factorios of the
country for one yenr to enable the
trust BJ their Philadelphia organ de
clares openly to limit the supply and
enforce the advance In prices
Make the supply less than the
demand says the aforesaid organ
by reducing the present output of
carpets 40 per cent and the Increased
price Is sure to follow But what is to
become of the 40 per cent or factory
operatives thrown out of work and
juinunl into tramps it may be asked
How often hare wo been told that the
tariff was designed for their protection
Is thnt another lie that must be cast Into
the Qfli heap and duic bins of the past
The increased price In Brussels carpet
can be maintained easily enough und the
monopoly perpetuated under the pro
tection of theMcKinley bill which places
the tariff nu such carpet at a prohibitory
Of course this outrage Is one that falls
chiefly on the rich nnd welltodo and Is
of small concern to the poorer classes
only as It illustrates the principles and
tondeucies of tho new tariff as well as
the rnunoity and no longer disguised
creed ot Kb chief beneflclnrles What
the Hrussels carpet trust may do others
can If it can limit supply and shove up
prices others may do the same and as a
result of the tariff bill we shall And a
general advance throughout in prices
If Republicans can stand it Democrats
= <
> > >
Lool at the date on the faa lf Jitt treats
trrnvper that your aubscri fifiifiitiaJ not run out
lefjreyou know it vM1
r jT i tub truth 1
iho robber tariff begins to pinch the
members of the party who have fastened
It on the country and they have begun
to talk out in meeting The Republican
party has been enabled to perpetuate the
protection to Carnegie and others by de
luding the farmer nnd mechanio with
the pretense thnt the tariff was protec
tion to American labor The naver
hill Mass Cazttto thus discloses bow
the shoe pinches
To thoe of our readers who are disposed to
quarel with the position taken by
Irrl at the date on the label ol f JJAt
vrorrerthat lour tubscnnfiqaifmiMr o
btloir ou fcrzotr it ivtffffi
yjvf 4tigWIth advertisen nis announcing
JlfeftVwcEs in pric on moU of the prime necessi
new bihJ
the Gazette
on the tariff bid we desire to call their atten
tion to the interview with business m n in tbe
Boston morning pamrs Elaborate explana
tion are unavailing when the plain fact remains
that prices for the necessaries of life are boom
ing skyliigh This may be o hizlny satisfac
tory condition o affairs for the iumorters man
ufacturers and dealers but with the prices of
tho necessaries of life enhanced and no corre
sponding incraise in the rate of wajes how cm
the new tariff work any thin
but nardship to the
great nais of thep opler The Gaztte speaks
as a Republican paper which canuot bat view
with alanrj the continuance of a policy that is
driving scores of abe m n from the party ranks
All over the country the uewspapjrs are teen
igan increase
sities of life
This is a condition not a theory aud we have
got tomtet It If McKinley is such a champion
of the people how is it that a fund of S U WO
lias been or will be sent into bis dis rict to
StxfrfWbVuccess attained In tho bor I brine about his reelection and who contributes
nm it if not he men who are to be benefited by tha
ing of an urteslan well at
vitation committee of the Kentucky asso
ciation In Texas havo decidod to have a
Kentucky day at tho fair and provision
Bourbon slate This committee doubt
less know that if there is anything a
KiTtiualau appreciates It is pure una
dulterated water
J cot at the date on te labcl + tflSiR
wrapper that your subttfAitStmay not
before you knots
A < ie l
g aC
nllowed for olher purposes iu tho naUSSjIi
of internal
Improvements But the
money appropriated for deep water on
the gulf was a boon to the entire West
and not to Texas nlone and without the
active help of Western congresimen ihe
money would not be given There can
from the last session ot congress as the
colonies were to make a favorable im
pression on George the Third or the
Democratic minority in the bouse to get
a fair hearing from Reeds majority It
took the hardest sort of work aud the
most skillful management on tbe part of
Southern and Western conzressraen to
obtalti what there should be no hesitation
about giving So much for what Texas
got of good from congress
Now let us see what of harm she in
curred from unfriendly legislation
What about the harm to her sugar In
terest caused by abolishing the tarff on
rnw sugar Truo enough there is a
bounty of one and threefourths cents a
pound but of what good is that to the
sugar planter when the law is so cun
ningly devised as to rob him of that and
give it to the refiner For months raw
sugar has been declining in price and Is
now at a figure that demonstrates the
lasting injury of the McKinley bill to tbe
sugar planters Tho damage resultiug
in this one instance is incalculable
Again tbe duties on horses and mules
bas put an end to tbe extensive trade In
tbeso animals between Texas and Mex
ico Tnere is a great deal of irritation
aud bad feeling existing in tbe state
among stockmen over that single Item
that is certainly harmful
Acain has not tbe lead ore tax ban
ished every smelting industry of Texas
across the Rio Grande and put an end
to oue of tbe rapidly growing enterprises
ot tbe state as well as Injured our min
ing industries greatly This tax as all
the world knows was laid to purchase
tbe political support of the Republican
leaders of Colorado It is a vicious and
disgraceful tax founded on nothing but
a corrupt political bargain
Thriving industries in Texas must lfflll1ffiijsji
legally exterminated in order that cor
ruptive Industries in a Republican slate
may enjoy a monopoly But of course
Texans should say nothing about that
No kick is coming from her to the ma
jority party which should bo allowed
govern in its own way
Then there is tbe cotton bagging tariff
sustaining and supporting one of the
most shameless and rapacious trusts In
the country But as this veracious
octopus feeds mainly on tbe cotton raisers
of tbe South why let it alone Ameri
can manufactories must be built up and
are not trusts prlvato affairs not to be
meddled with Certainly If tbey thrive
mainly on Southern products but not so
certainly if their plundering is carried on
chiefly among Northerners or Republi
cans as Is shown by tbe reduction of the
binding twine tariff
But this is not all for theMcKinley
bill deliberately doubled the tariff on
cotton ties in order to pluck the South
erners cleaner Btill and add other mil
lions to the coffers of the obliging gentle
men who put up so freely when Wnna
muker passes tbe hat
Now set all these things of a flagrantly
unjust harmful and destructive nature
over against the 200000 appropriation
for deep water and what has Texas to
aid lu balancing the account between her
and congress but tbe fame of Buck K1I
gores celebrated Kick Nothing what
Look at the date on the label of this Keeilt
vrapper that your tubscrtptton rnajnotpAavuvi
before you know it i ls i J
fo iyarjfSiriil6 crj6cr of the Weekly Gazelt
aievJblll tend the improved High Arm Seicing JXo
chine and paper one yearjvjjgJvSSg jSl V tj
Two North Carolina 3Ien Fight a Doal With
ristols One Killed A Woman the
Lexington nbaut fifty miles from Char
lotte ouo of the bloodiest duels ever
fought on North Carolina soil has taken
place For n long while John McCraery
has been watching Oscar Burringer who
seemed to pay McCraerys wife
more attention than the lat
ter thought was right On
several occasions McCraery bns forbidden
his wiro to accompany Barrmger to any
places of nmusement saying be was sus
picious of an Intimacy between the two
Several days ngo McCraery came home
and found Barrluger seated In the parlor
in a deep conversation with his
wife McCraery concludes now ns the
most opportune for hlra to forever cut
friendship that had developed > uto love
McCraery ordered Barringer out of the
house and told him If he ever caught him
in conversation with his wife again one
or the other would have to for
feit his life For awhile this warn
ing was heeded by Barringer
and the community thought tho matter
had been smoothed over Barringer
couldn t suppress a desire to see Mrs
McCraery nud be wrote a loving note
asking to se her nt tbe earliest possible
moment The note of Barringer never
reached Mrs McCraery but fell into the
husbands bands Instead of a reply
from the woman he received
a challenge for a duel which was to take
place at a suitable spot near Lexlugtnn
In McCrearys note he guve Bunlnger
g Sf2 e
run out
iriiAT coxghess has domi fob
A Republican organ in the East de
clares with refreshing assurance that
there is no kick coming from Texas on
account of any supposed neglect of tho
late session of congress to take care of
her Interest Let us see nbojjtrlbaVJJi
half faHiIorf
Congress did appropriate a
for deep water nt Galveston to be In
creased by future appropriations to six
millions Some other smaller sums were
Cans of It
preferenceof either leaving the state
onfronimg him iu a duel Tbe chal
lenge wns promptly accepted by
Burrluger aud ou Saturday evening
nbout 5 ollock they retired to
the selected place to settle affairs Both
men were armed with pistols As soon
as the seconds declared everything in
readiness they both began Bring After
both bud emptied their pistols Barringer
fell ou the ground dead McCraery had
aimed well und had seut three balls Into
the body of his victim
MtCraerv has tied from Lexingbja nnd
Kis ffi tHnti are still unknowi
IFcftuVd touch excitement
MISCS8a ifi
McCruerysyife wept bitterly ever the
dead body
from pain
efute tmtla
tnth Quarerly Heeling at Waco Pro
gramma Carried Oat
Erecial to the Gazette
Waco Tkx Oct 14 The Central
Texas Medical Association met this
morning iu tbe council chamber at tbe
city hall Dr XI C Girut the presi
dent of the association took the chair
and Dr WO Wilkes noted nssecretury
The following programme was carried
Firsr Nasal Catarrh b7 Dr W
OWilkes D suiisslon bv Drs D W
Claywell and 8 E Shelton
Second AppruJlcitis by Dr J
I Law Discussion by Drs John Gait
and B J Brown
Third Stricture of the urethra
by Dr W C Blnloctr discussion by
Drs Rabort Brown and J C Shaw
Fourth Hernia by Dr O Q
Halbert discussion by Drs W R Blal
lockund R W Park
Fifth Management ot pregnant
wotnun by Dr J H Hunter discus
sion by Drs J H Sears and J B
The attendance is not large bnt tho
proceedings were very interesting to the
physicians This is the seventeenth
quarterly meeting and several new
members were admitted
Lee Bally was arrested this morning
charged by Indictment with assault to
murder Jim Shannon He is charged
jointly with Hugh Cook who appeared
and gave bond Bally was Jailed The
difficulty occurred several months ago
The following arrests were made last
night and this morning sll charged with
felonies Grover Redditi colored
charged with assault to murder Hardy
Randolph tolored theft of 30 in money
aua L Wigley wbite swindling
The McLennan county alliance is in
session In Waco today with President J
A Hobbs presiding and Secretary O C
Robertson at tbe desk The attendance
is uuusally large
ISIaza In Helton Jail
Special to the Gazette
Belton Tex Oct 14 Last night at
830 oclock a fire alarm was sent in
from tbe jail The Ore department was
soon on band and extinguished the fire
which was u lot ot clothing set on nre by
some of tbe prisoners
XheJlrat Slan fa the World
Well If not positively tha best onaiSif the
o checks disease at thJFitartin
In preserving or restsfing tbe
heavengrant riftof health he desenrespro
found considntion His example is worthy to
be Imitated Ibe compalnu which afflict ns
are largely mbntable to a want of tone in the
stomach ijher inherent orinflictstfby onrselves
jpsnthajsMachabased rcpouSjflF ot the food
that iIusStsMsVsh ns rHmKK its require
tonic None
If He aWmiBmxpeLjesco and testf
monjsMj HostqKrs StomactjfJitters Unmedi
catgaPtimnlaB wont do JB golation as well
igoratUKt the dfgejKe viscera is not to
ected FJthese Thrjfch the agency ol
stntnacjj named aKng h of lite entire
tern Is Benched dyssWpsl and bilonsness
crcome pialarial lurbMrbladder and Then
Ltic cojpKunU are era 9as d by this salutary
ieforzaergU 111 health
He Wanted to Call an Extra Session But
Certain Influences Caused a tlop
Census I > turns of th Mxth Tens Dlstrlet
Enprems ConrtAdlmrnsOntof Eespeet
to JDSIIei > Ulllrr
Illaln anil Noble Were Thern
Ececlal to the Uazette
Washington Oct 14 narrlson lias
bat ked down and today nt a cabinet
meeting decided not to call an extra ses
sion He wanted to call congress to
gether tor tbe purpose of forcing the
senate to change tbe rule so tbe force
bill could pass before tbe end of the
Fiftynrst congress but Blaine and
Noble were against It and the president
hadnt tbe backbone to carry out bis in
tention However bis back down is an
Indication that the cabinet has little In
fluence and Is to be accepted as an in
dication that Harrison may come round
to the popular voice of the people nnd In
timate to tbe leaders in congress that the
force bill Is an Injudloious measure but
perhaps be may change his mind when be
reads the returns after the fourth ot
today announced tbe pooulntlon for the
Sixth Texas district by counties as fol
Williamson 25b3i 1J7S2
The total population tor the district is
2G7148 Increase 101452 or U120
per cent
Alonzo T Dunn has been npoointed
postmaster at Duun Scurry county
The Engllslimtn nicks
Washington Oct 14 Dispatches
from London nssert that Spain cannot
negotiate a reciprocity treaty with the
United States for Cuban trade without
violation of tho favored nation
clause in existing treaties with other
nations It Is said at the lepartmeut of
state that the point was dUcuosed and
Anally decided lu 1884 when Minister
Foster negotiated a reciprocity treuty on
tbe same basis ° tbut Is now proposed aud
it is now revived not by Spain but by
commercial interests of Great Britain
for obvious reasons
Condolence From ErPrrsldent Cleveland
WASHINGTON Oct 14 Among the
many telegrams received by Mrs Miller
today was the following from exPresi
dent Cleveland
Accept my sincere sympathy and
condolence In this sorrowful hour May
you receive consolation nnd pity from
Gods unfailing store and may you Und
uurav of comfort in the remsmbrnuce of
your busbauds noble devotion to duty
and priceless services to bis country
Gen Relknans Funeral
Washington Oct 14 The date of
the funeral nflhe late Gen Belknap will
not be determined upon until after tbe
announcement of the time nt which the
funeral services will be held over the
body ot the late Justice Miller The
widow of Gen Belknap wishes to avoid
selecting tbe same time as that at which
tbe Miller obsequies are to take place as
there a re many pirsous who desire to at
tend both fuueruls She bas determined
however that bis remains shall be burled
In Arlington national cemetery Mrs
Belknnp bas received a large number ot
telegrams of condolence from friends
sympathizing with her In her bereave
In Honor ot tne ExSecretary
Wasuinoton Oct 14 L S Grant
acting secretary of war today Issued a
general order in regard to the death of
Belknnp The war department will be
draped In mourning for thirty duys and
upon the day after the receipt of the or
der at each military post seventeen guns
will be tired
Jnte Tiutts Kxempt from Duty
Washington Oct 14 The collector
of customs at Norfolk Va bas been in
formed by the treasury department that
inasmuch as jute butts on which there Is
an import tax on and after October G
1890 are exempt from duty no draw
back can be allowed on bagging exported
after that date and claimed to have beeu
made from jute butts imported under the
old tariff unless such claim is fully sup
ported bv the proof of Importation pre
scribed in tbe regulations of June 3
Texas 1ntenta
Special to tbe Gazette
Washington Oct 14 List of patents
for Texas William lb Collier Colmes
nell pulley Lewis M Dickerman Ro
salie plow William Jefferson Mills
lamp bolder Jobu L Lancaster Wuxu
bacbie churn Francois P Ouboa Sail
Autouio car coupling Jessie D Pad
gltt Dallas stirrup
United Stnte Supreme Court Adjourned
Washington Oct 14 When the
United States supreme court met today
tbo chief justice announced the death of
Associate Justice JJiiler aud the court
adjourned till Monday next
The narrlson Pnriy at Home
Washington Oct 14 Tbe presdent
and party returned to Washington this
morning at Ss45 from their western trip
Tbey were met at tho station by Ex
ecutive Clerk Pruden The party re
turned to the cpltol well pleased with
tbe hospitality which tbey received Au
unusual feature of tbe trip was that
everywhere without exception the train
wns on schedule time or ahead or it
There were no ncoldents no rain or dust
and tbe weather was uniformly pleasant
As soon on the presidont bad breakfasted
he and Mrs Harrison took a carriage
and paid a visitor condolence to the fam
ily of the late Associate Justice Miller
The president also ordered the flag on
Kocosa Tex April 13 15M
To th Gazette
IB4it Sins Received the EncyclnnsdArf
nil right The book is nil tlmtjwjstfgrwl
for it I only wish thnj f rftve got
one ten years ntw s S Pwas first mar
ried J rgpjgifrroni irieiid tham to and
yoiuyr jtyrr V they are brimful of good
instruction Please
jjtvlrWrritid accept
my thanks Yours F B Sruiip
OffKVal ronit Rr v d by flnvcrnnr Hon fn m
n Nrm > r of fonnIes
Special to the Gazette
Austin Tex Oct 14 A further report from
the census trarsan received today by Governor
Ross gives tbe official couat ot population in
tbe following counties
Bastrop county 2022
Bszar couuty 53143
Cadwell c uuty 15751
Cameron countv HI6J
Dewitt county IIMi
Gonzales county 13O0S
Guadaloup countv 15133
Havs ctrantr 11X2J
Starr county Iu040
Travis County S319J
Wbb county 165SJ
Wilson county 10651
Ihe state purchased today Sni 00 worth of
Colorado ccunty and 41630 of Zavalla county
bonds s an investment for school funds
The West End street car company of San An
tonio Sled an amended charter todav Increas
ing iu capital stock from 50 D to J100IXW
A Cook Book Free
To every subscriber ot the
ZETTK who ends us 5125 In cfjjb jvwill
send the weekly GAZKTTRgJpr ear and
the Household Cook BjMjfiy Jlj pases
bound In clothj fjj 5rdorlng pnper
please raenthMjglQfii1offer Send Si25
aud adu gtrW Tin OtZETTC
gS5 > Fort Worlh Tex
j j
Ciain Speaks to a Larue Audience at
Cuero Flanagan at Bryan
The Ohio Legislature Heels In Special < > ajlon
to Weed Oat Fomt of Cincinnatis
Corrnpt OQ rials
Freds to the Gazette
Taylok Tex Oct 14 Tbe Hon Webb
Flanagan and W K Makemson candidates for
governor a d lieutenant eovernor delivered
long speeches at tbe opera house last nistbt
Flanagan will get a large vote here also there
wid be a heavy vote against tbe commission
Special to the Gazette
Collinsviile Tex Oot 14 W R Lamb
Independent candidate for congress in this tbe
Fifth district made an hours speech to ouj
citizens last nigbt bringing fn his claims over
the Democratic nominee Hon J W Bailey
lie thought the subtreasury system would be a
grand thing for tbe nation
Mr Crutsinginer of Ueni < on Republican can
dids e for state senator to represent Grayson
and Cooke al o made a speech which from the
amount of applru e Riven him seemed to take
well with both Democrats andRepublica s
Col G P Gregg one of Gtajscns candidates
for county Judge closed tbe occasion with a
Kood jolly talk that no douDt got the good will
of many of cur people
Special to the Gazette
Lcwisville Tex Oct 14 Dr J B
Wriftbt tbe independent candidate for state
senator fiom Denton and CoKln couniea and
Hon H A Finch of MclCinney the Demo
cratic nominee for the same ofHco are still en
Raged in a Joint discussion of tbelr claims in
Denton county Tbey spoke at Shioh last
nigbt and at SVaketon tonight
Correspondence of the Gazette
HAMiLTOf Tex Oct H Politics is at a
lowebbbere in county matters especially the
principal contest being waged for district at
torney of this district
Brerlel tothe Gazette
Abilevb Tex Oct U lion J IT Brown
in candidate from this the Jumbo district ot
Texts for lereientalive addressed the citizens
of the Abilene couutry at the court house In this
city unigbt
Special to the Gazette
CKVAV Tex Oct 14 Webster Flanaian
the Republican nominee for governor and Hon
Chalea tfrart Democratic nominee for con
gress from this the Fourth di tiict both spoke
here todav to a large number of citizens
Columdus Onio Oct 14 The Ohio eglsla
ture convened in extra session at 10 a m and
after tbe reading of th call the Joint committee
waited upon the governor who submitted a
message which was read in both bouses and re
ferred to tbe Judiciary committee and a recess
to 2 J p m was taken The messige sets forth
that tbe session was called because of tbe de
plorable condition of the public sarvice at Cin
cinnati and for the purpose of securing neces
sary legislation to give tbe people an oppor
tunity to select members of ceitain boards at the
November election He says it is unnecessary
to enumerate tbe charges of crookedness which
have been maie and concerning which a ma
jority of tbe members are informed The mes
sage says the time has corns to regulate and at
an a Ijourned session adopt a near charter for
Cincinnati as already proposed The governor
says the board started out all right but soon
became an object of suspicion and bad repute
and brought fourth press notices from Cincin
nati papers of opposite politics as to the corrup
tion in granting of the franchise to Eastern syn
dicates etc and report of numerous corrupt
propositions The governor apt eals to tbe leg
islature for the restoration of home ruleand ex
pre sies tne opinion that the members of tbe
board should not be fearful of going before the
people for election Tbe message cites the
statement of a prominent citizen that Cincin
nati has tbe lowest grade of political morals of
any city in tbe country
ceain srciSATsn cceeo
Special to tbe Ga
Coero TEX Sm6ii4 One
moAtenthusUMicpnblic gathi
ever witnejaSS ijlthis c ty assei
hall last n > t t greet their
lowciUzSTialn H W Crai
itpealc otilbeoHtical is1
oclocbJrlajite torchlight
heaieiTfcy ti Silver Corne
and firfFco fp mies fo
tiLns and
i where
the largest an
hg3 which
The original Wclnter Unabridged
Bt Tun
i w
bed J
ary and the Wetg qgf ji pjkn j
apVlwlce nearest the subscriber
le bonis
tlnn t6t lteak wt b tHWStand the
was filleTCWftsmrgeAbwd was prevented And
log even ssSihneruti v in tne hall Mr Crains
SDeech was a nWdWlV exposition on tbe tariff
question the compound 1 ird bill the Force bill
nd the Republican misrule His address
while forcible and sensible was one
entirely free from harp personalities and was
a model ot puriiy and diction logical force
and eloquent delivery and the facts thrilled
Democrats and Republicans aliks He exe
crated ibe McKinley tariff law as a measure
which attempted to reduce the revenue by ab
solute prohibition of foreign importations as
glaringly inconsistent in its reciprocating fea
tures and is inequalities and discrimination cf
articles used in the South He denounced the
calumnies aj ucit the booth as nttered by Re
publcins in cenxress and wound no with a
most eloquent peroration in behalf of the South
ern rights nnd interests warning the people
against tbe direct results ot Ihe odious fotce
bill if it should become a law and appealing to
tbeir manhood not to lend aid and comfort to the
danger Tusmeasnre by voting for a Republican
aud thus forge ihe fet era which would bind
tbeir bands and bush their voices as in tbe days
of reconstruction but to rise in tbeir majesty
and condemn this iniquitous bllt that it might
die stillborn in the committees of congress
Deafening applause greeted tbece remarks at
the close of bis great and remarkable speech
which consumed n arly two hoarj and wmch
its end left the audience speilboandand lis
ing JSlt ii ir j r
Wanted Ladles to cf vMtjglirtbelr
own towns and countgaj TUe employ
ment LlbenU j gjHDi8sIons Hocom
rn niia jjy sWpllred Address M L
Gazette Fort Worth Tex
Ur Howard Says He Will Collect the
1000 or Know the Keasnn Uliy
The IntrrraInni Fair A tnelatnn Sty Ihf re
is So Jlnner In th 1r ury lth Which
to Meet 1 belr Cblzttioni
Fpccial lo the Gazette
San Antonio Trx Oot 13 A re
porter qiie < tioueil Mr John Howarl con
cerning the trouble with the muiiagers of
the International fair association und
he said I knew that Messrs Wortham
and Schryver would be very bu y at the
dose of the fulr so on Thurs lay I went
to Mr Wortham and requested a settle
ment of the premium Mr Wortham
referred me to Mr Schryver and after
numerous delays 1 managed to get an
audieuce with that gentleman on Friday
afternoon I was treated very dis
courteously bv him and received no
satisfaction I informed Mr Schryver
that I would wait until SnturJav after
noon when I must receive a definite
answer whether he intended paying the
S1000 I met hltn Saturday afternoon
and asked him for bis answer and I was
informed that the association did not in
tend paying mo I told Mr Schryver
thnt I would camo right here until 1 gol
the S1000 When I usked him why the
premium would not be paid he
answered thnt the nsoclatlon had no
money and that It would probably have
to go into tbe bauds of receivers I do
not want to appear impatient in this
matter but tbe association and the peo
ple in tlie city should place themselves
In my position and they would realize
thnt I am right In demanding this
money Tbo people of Wichita county
nre depending on ine and 1 am respon
sible for tbe exhibit aud the collection of
tbe premium I shall stay right here
until 1 receive the amount although the
spnee has beeu secured for tny exhibit at
the Dallas fair Unless the SI000 is paid
there ore likely lo arise legal complica
tions that will not please the fair asso
ciation I wish howevar to avoid tak
ing auv such steps if possible I have
talked with several of the directors and
have received very little satisfaction
from them
President A C Schryver wns seen
his oUice this morning by a reporterj l
questioned ubout the alleged refusujvto J
pay the premium awnrded Mr HorfUrd > i
We have not refused to pay Mr T
ard or anyone else said Mr ShrvvVrln
response to the question
Hut Mr Howard bas not yet been
paid suggested Ihe reporter
No but our Inability to pav doe not
carry witli it downright refusal to pav
It is true thut we liuvo no money iu the
treasury ut present but u lieu those who
subscribed money toward hohiiug the
fuir redeem their pledges we will be am
ply uble to pay nil of our debts Since
the first of the mouth we have bad two
men out at work trying to make collec
tions of this bonus and so far we have
succeeded in getting ubout 12000 but
tbe fair association will pay alt its debts
if it takes nil our property to do it or
even if it busts the international fair as
sociation forever I do uot believe that
Mr Howard said the ussooiution has re
fused to puy him
There is some talk said tho re
porter that the association being un
able to pay its debts would be compelled
to go into the bands of a receiver
I have heard of it oh yes I think
I heard someoue say m a joking way that
as tlioo who subscribed toward holding
the fair were not paying up as they
should do It would be advisable to go
into the huuds of a receiver who would
make them pay up but beyond this sug
gestion there is nothing In the statement
We cannot Day premiums until the sub
scribers pny up The people ot Sau An
toulo have not supported us us they
should huve done but the fair associa
tion will not dishonor its nugagemeii ts
and every debt will be paid iu full if it
takes every bit of our property to do it
A Nesro Toy at llonnt Vernon Io s tha Jall
Preakln Jet to Perfection
Special to the Gazette
Mount Vkkxok Tex Oot 14
Last niRht while tho people of our town
were quietly sleeplnc Henry Douglass a
nezro boy about sixteen years old tho
only prisoner confined in our juil upon a
charce of theft and burclary mention
of which was made In The Gazkttk a
short time npo made his escupe An
other negro has beeu In juil with him un
til two or three days nco when he was
bailed out after which Dounlnsi was
permitted to remnlu outside of his cell iu
the corridor He broke down his cot
which wns nttuuhed to
about one inch in din
tbiee feet lontr and
picti he used in
iftlng Into
ttinc outsi
o dug ou
wall undj rt
a barlowdfife
ouredj ome menus
oflUrlifs nnd takln
Jail a
a secc
ell unjil yestej
id atl
two iron rods
r and about
m together
n the door
ted it to tT sjHPW rl l rTlilow
on th vi sMavtina let himself down to
Ibjagr dUniU After RettinK out of jail
nfe broke through tbo back window of the
store of Mujnrs Co and selected him
self a Una suit of clothes and a bat and
a pair of boots some finger rings and
other Jewelry nnd went ou his way re
joicing The sheriff is making a search
uud it Is thouirbt be will succeed In cap
turing him before he gets out of tho
First Lieutenant F J Simmons ot tho United
Stntrs Rrvenna Marine
Special to the Gazette
Galveston Tex Oot 14 First
Lieutenant F J Simmons of tbe United
States revenue marine who until re
cently was In command of tbe revenue
cutter John A Dix died At St Marys
infirmary at 7 oclockmhis morning
ctfti Simmons bar an attack o
sis on Septembe last but wn
ay when hoi
rhich be dig
years ol
em to
di pcTtion ever since
tloned at iijlveston for
years and trf
tiring dUposltldTrT a ppiBwirby
circle of acquaintacoes who bel
tbd highest respect He leave
and four ch ldren Tha body
shipped North
4 ieu a Ai B Wg
f < liver cb
catarrhriiumatumetc Bo sro to v
UockTs Sarsai rilla whch l peculiar toise t
Hoods Sarsaparllla sold by drajrjtsN i su
orf5 Prepared by C I Hood ACo Lowe1 a
iOO Doses Cno Dzllz
Are leading all ntherewS ue Soft f
the largest attend ce nd JjfroiSie
Course of study tactlci a l rjInpj eerAiive
Equi ments naf surpJseJPr y fttA i bljijti
Three gold mtfials ai iv > Sf diplomas f6H
Dallas at d SaujAntouljn fisJsT New ihu < tratcJ
catalogue free > AiJfess vL H Hill President
Waco or Dallas
CUBE 001
To enjoy IicnlIi ons
nlar cvaeuntionsjJjS
hours Tho C3f > K t ot
plij stent Tctgafftin from
HAepffiL cowslip
creruSRTy mid scrions For tt
oftBK common trouble TuffiA
YOlt lia > a trained a popularity iij Jcr
COielcti ElcjjaiUIy sugar coated
13 of incu at
I IMggCms
WWseVpu partlhirarv and riri o
rinwn to fait ntiedv by man
on TVAnn co
liSSorth Sevcmli 8t St Lo4lsil5
Tt > Seeure a 20OO 1 ulth l > r
nurni e i ntvfrfn r
nttlleU W weir aud Lrrp JH c
txrttstr than coin il r ltt < >
pptaratwe n < r durail nai < 4p
fry r < Htf r wor Mrvkeot
an coin HuulirifojU tr
a far jour thole IrfttOPi j
etonuhourown ceiHr a t i
T jewel olll i > SY Umi
jtrtntil levtr jfjsflEen i
rt pattw i
trr th fiiiiv J
t IV
4cuiO kWiteU to h rrt
lintst tiuivrfflrat in < t
UU lutalMf ihh n
< an J hifhrvt pr
InoTeuiJUmaJ IfaMiswa a
yon sliMim i j
f < M it tor t
let j on h m
t > r 3D dm s or t
and aeml lt A
order rV mmttfj req < I
imul at r jr aatxaruln It ai j
v will ship fi wauh to jo
by etprtM CU D You tc
ftinln it at the rt r j o3 aM
r < t f v j < Mirslth l It is a
only equal r but Vttrr than
har rprMBledQit j > ay th
arrnt s3j an < 4 xho > xpr
Lhantuantittlayoci ellr
yoo pay noihirff and It will be relnniej at onr xp < > Or ir >
ioUaj dun t wait thit will be vonr IAVT OlIATsjCE
THE AlTL MTfl A iHiO hl o > J I
IncorporauJ J31 and lJS VUrk St tkle IX
sliowtes terttaonlsJsJ
3ii o tot cord dxlfcv
pocLe knlfr wttahtjl
carried on sliouWw due mmn cai
timberwlUiittlumlwomn with ncr <
li w il > onate larger lztdia j
lijtzjjfjjof 3
lSfeyu ien7 2
Haw I Kalarf ai
reaisa riKTsofBOD
THEST Braaaia la a < i
Uta asyrra ll SlilM TrrrtloriM airrls Coitrl
YwiuwritsUeM BMk rallriplaaU aaS vr rteita
eulo < U > stu Uinu lTJ BECiCAl C3EUf f Aia0 t
Be <

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