Newspaper Page Text
Eczema Mot. VTUI? Uri-at All Her Life. Mr. B. D. Jenkins, ol Lithonia. Ga., ay hi daughter, Ma. inherited a a..r. raae of Kctenia. which thr usual mercury and potash remedies (ailed to relieve. TU ly year she was treated with variout medicine i, eiternel anpli cations and internal rcmolies, without result. Her sufferings wen- intense, and her condition rr'w steadily worse. All the so-called blood remedies did not set-mil resell uiciiis eaae at all until S. S.8. was given, when an improvement was at nun- noticed. The medicine was continue -d with lav- orable results, uud now she is cured .mud and well, lict J skin is perfectly MM and pure and le has been savetl fmiii tlncat- ened to blight her lile forever. S.S.S. cuarantt-rd f. ' '.' ) cures Kcetna, Scrofula. Cancer, Rheu matism, or any other blood trouble It isarcalblord remedy and alwayf cures even aftVr all else falls. A Real Blood Remedy. Take it rV.W icmfJy (-r a blooil disease; a tome won't cure it. Our look s .Volt- tain N"t to lie lansrh. I in Chi new Water. ' 1 REINFORCEMENTS ORDERED. Thr I .... Australian .. I I'm-trlo lit Mur Wllrti- .irr Ultra tli H'iC'l Ultra HiiMlaa Tr-M l.aii.l. run 1 y. m ( iiant A - fhi anl fo'rii,. o- LA en of thr Mr-whirr- l'.i--ln-: the Senate Greatly Improved. 21'!": r.' r: necessary votes claimed. OU IliotKl .111 . skin diseases mailed Iree to any address. Swift Spec ific Co., Atlanta, Ga. sss FOUGHT WITH CUBANS. frr.lrrl.-l I .ui.tuii Trll. at Si IllllS, Kl II 11,-1 urns llmiir anil ItM War. 7 . Kml'-nck Ftu. ton. who, ns In ilti' colonel and chief nf artillery, held until th- ittM lat . .ir. tli.- liiu'li---' iittiiii nocupi. ! In the I'ulsin Insurgent anny by mi til d-nth of I'll-in-, I thpnigh this rltv lift . to Ins Inline in loLi. AliK'i'.' tioplou, " nttclit "ii But gift iu til" in uf mumis H i I a tin- ' iai' f Shanghai. Feb. a The Chinese (In. trite says the British Indian, Australian and Pacific Niinilrniis liave Iwn oph-p-d ready to reinforce the His t in the fur, thus giving tln llntisli adminil a fleet i-asill" of coping with "any com binatton opening the Uniish mliey (n (he mcuiiwlnlc, adds tin- I 'bum (in n tte. Ilriii.h "lainis in tb" Vang Tsa Kinng will be siipporttd by a strong stpiadrmi .tain wed at I'liucm, to win- !i place two wnrsl'.ipn are en route In tlia event of Russia hoisting ln-r flag over the forts at I'ort Arthur tin- Brin-li ad miral has lss-n ordered to hoist the Hi M . Ii Hag over 'husan, mid tin' Jaiti est-fleet will ascend the Yang T - Kl ang ns s. m iii as the river rises. About T.'sin Itiissiau artillery and env nlrv mid iiiantltlea of sli-ees uud UMsV inn have arrtvtfi al Kmi. capital of Muin-hurian, provim-e of Kirm. A TRIPARTITE AGREEMENT. I MK l.lli.l Will II ..r Thrrr I'mort I I llil In I Ii I nrar Walrrs. Berlin, Keb. II All article in the St Petersburg N'uvisi Yn-iiiyn.w hu h has at tracted the al tent loll of Kunipe, declare, that Frame and tiennany supported Itus-ia's ih termination and npaad Kngiaiid with n-fen-itcc to Ta Men Wan, ami b- ii---- Ir-wl Salisbury, it is i Innm-d, lsobligisl to consult with bis colleagues In-fore the iiH-i lliig of parlbUMel as to the l st wuv to l at a reln-nt if Qfl ' Britain w Islir to avoid an ojs'ii coiillnit with Kttssla. Ma llslr a Mi-anlNg. I iii' I -1 I'eb ;i Si Hue of the after noon in w sS'rs n f'-r to the aliseliee of the Ku.siau and ieriiiun ambassadors. at Mnnjuis of Silsbury's regular W.-l-i newl.iv rw pttwol I !i ' il iili iilial If 1 1 irj'S, 'as ta'.ngu .lisipil.'ttiig irii nt $m3 Ma4laa la l'.nlMia larlhrr Arllaa l - - - ' i.ifi, i.,,. ..lrd Ih.aia fra aaaiMfa uf .a aa4 ml tha . , ., and oonwVnt of li- ir nib UnmN and Qafeta, gave OotOMl Fusion uu insight' tni 1 1,' iitTairs if rtf i-httut that f'-w v.w - b id 'i ii - man) haportaaM lafcra i Hon furnish 1 Kufon is a TeriU--it lo ii t. n i "it that Inabilities are BWsftag M '.'1 I fully exj i t to the war lennb natc in lb in 'ii.mlhs," siud In-. "'I I. - ( 'ul aus :ip- " ul'n ' lit thai lb' em. will BOl lust until .In lie, and I M iloiibt tliat the nisiirgi uis will come nn tun. They nn- willing to make AGAINST CHEWING CUM. Ills l:iat... tlii ill V . rt I't ' I ii flaws Ukt HaMli T'i: k.i, Feb :i - I'.isliop Mm II. Vine-tit if ih" Mftlnsli.l Kpte;l cbnri'h, a)ii-:iriug befnre I he statii leiu-s-nini e itnii hi. apiM-at- d to bi hearers to lake np lln chi-wiii't gum habit, mid to ja-rsevi n-iiulil it is crush, d out "f Kanan He asserttsl that the chew lug gum vice had mnne iiJllloimin s out of a few nn ii in a fi a ymrs, and Ulst- adof ib 'in any g l w h st. v. r. w i . . m m," lug diiiii;eroii- among lh - pn.i Be argu- i thai tba foumlnti m hi.v. mi ten n mu tlon and em im n d In tt tiu l Bev Dr. John Hall, the iinr, lo withdraw Ins resignation. I)r Hall on the following Sunday an noil nets I that he had withdrawn Ins n signal Ion made to the linl. A eiiiiiiniU'-.' w : lo esi'urt Hr Hall to tb cbureh and as lu enlenil he was p eeiisl wllh mil' h HstaHMmMs. Aft.-r making it brief iubln -s I r. Halt held a ps'i'piitiii in the vestry, and last of ull and iie moat pbasing fiatun lb. n wa a hue feast at his p -i.b m DEAD BODIES FLOATING. A Se..rr ..I lt.Mll.-t t. I In tValrrs .if rw I i.ulainl stairs. Bisstnii, I'eb. !l A MU of rsnn wep' ilpiwiu ilninl V,ll,tsi : .., Inflict 1 itl by the sloetii that swept over i-iislem M.i-si. bus. u iind lUi.nie Island M'Hi dav nighl ami Tin -1 lay iimming Kmir uiiitletitiflisl lli. s lie in tin- coroner'a office in i iloin-ester Kiv more are in I.ynn. brnnght over fpmi I. ml-- Nslianf. whip- iii- srJaorMM Chaflaf II Bnggs was w pi t. il Twelve nBktnitlfled enrpsmi ap' p. BOrtMl ni Italo-r's island in Sal.-m hnr BOf ThsTi I. i. must bine mnniiiil MM nt lb- eli.. in is win. . i were hist in iloiiet si. r hurls ir. Thut tin p an- ol In rs in ih" waters uf fli.'IsiyaMM iilino-t ciii.ini Wi-'k age Is -Hewn up and down tlie coast from t'a' Ann to ("ape Cisl. Thirty elnin. r- wi p- m II hi bu- lis lav I III l.iml I In . the stimii stsiis to liave Us u con:, etiliii h in I'M';- ttf I II I, I II. t. i.lrrtt It. ICV, 'i : Id. Ma- . fee .; '1 In- Washington. I'- b J The condition tn the senate p si ting the Hawaiian MMNMl tpiaty has gn'allv imppived, and I In- friends of the treaty, including i Senator Ihivis, chairman of tin- fnn-ign I rvlalioiis eotiimitti e, are contitlent that ! 60 n nalors, whos.' Mites up' necessary I for n two thirds majority, w ill vote fiT ralltiiallou. i '"iilnli in e in lln hanged 1 condition is found in the determination 1 of the friends of ratification to press forward the tp-alv to a luial vote This feeling was show II w hen the pri-ectllllg of the senate on lb.- treaty ni t xeeulivn session were o m il Senator Thurston made a motion for the postponement of farther consideration of the treaty until Man-h I The million was nut dls- i u'M-d at length and a voted down IVa !' l',..r. r.1li.( ..I i . .. Washington, Keb 2 - At the o iung session of the house t.slav Mr t'p w (Kip. I 'a I asked una in ma us eon-, sidernlioti of n resolution directing tlm aecp larv of war lo Issue medals lo -Vin I'euusylvania soldiers who l longed In tin lommand winch i -I tluough a mob at Ball i more uu April Ih, il'i,auil wlm received the thanks of i ougress II Was obji i ! I it I to Tin- army appropriation bill was sent to ..uf, rence, M. .r- Mull I Itep . la ) Marsh iltep, Ills) and Oaa ilsm, Teiin i la-ill tf apmitts i nut, i.. . The house thell Weill llllo ell llPV ctiihinittis and P sumeil lln , on.nb-ra lion of I In llislriet of I 'olumbia uppiir prni -ii lull In the senale Mi I' . I v urt-d I. -" BHptMl of a MIMtfcMI dipi iing lint secretary of IheiiUt-rtor lo fur o-b Urn senate with tin- total r capita isstl of MMfaH Indian children at ii-rtain Intlian and other facts i nun ru ing llieir tlui -at ion, ami the result of sneh Tin' vie,. p i, b ill then hid l-fop' the senate III. p-.,llll .f Mr JYtti. prrew declaring it to ! opaaMt to Ihn policy of the I ii it. .I Satis to miuira territory l defend which I he navy would la' psjuiml Tin MM e llllo i Ki t litis. - . i I . . ii-m, i TO MY P Appre. ialilig tlie paliut tin- past sen-oil, I coin pU men II of the HAPPfNEW YEAR! mH r V ;u know ho and Mttlii in for':i nf I'liurt -tn- k nf keep fail!, full r I - aaH hav? U ' Xlelin Mill ajOrM'l vvih one ami all , tior i tho stuck of I 'r iii's , the thoroufihly educated ill HIV elii-slnv, tli" exct Hent ta' Hundriea, I'erfuuiei. ittc, I will lliul me hero to serve you I well, at heretofore. M. H- JAMES. The LeMdillf Drujcjjist. GLORY FLOUR I In- i 111 FloUl I II! to HrMin n.cde of NO It T HKHN I TKII WHEAT. Fresh ELGIN BUTTER A,was ln St,Kk BLANKE & BRO.'S CANDIES are the I I.I -11 HI I'I'I.V .11 sV- Ki t I l l.Dj CIARTINE2 CANNED Q00D5. A in: si i'i :t(ilt in A xv IJ MDIN.' I'kkleA, Btsiu n Ith Toniato S PULL, Cream, EdeUlfc H'iiiii Wiiii' Aiislliin CHOICE in jrocerv cold r 1 t hew i babtl I hiii-it Th p form shuiild I- laid at tie t gum age of rhiidhiaal as lh" as i on of si-lf in i i!.- n n that U- Ma L If tin-child's will i it. I to Mrll'it, it isur tratuud to n-lt othur n not Oill most any slim oi a lair ngp- uu in wiiii Spain to iiideininfy ln-r for lln- tXptBOM of carr. nig on the war. The Sun-lr onnv la on the edge of revolt. Whether or not tin' govi-rmii1 nt deMP's to eon ! Hnne the war, lh nrmy will r-fn- i 1 prolong tin- coiifln t many Biontha" I A ! what the feeling in I'uUi It oonei ruing tin' aftit ni.- oi me i. niteii Rial . Colonel Pnnaton Mid that th" insurgents had eeosed to hojsi for inter veti'ioii mi the pint of t! i -oiinlry. An luji.ry In hi left hg, caused by bis b"i- falling upon him, was lh" null reel taute of Ids r turn to America Wlul on lil war to receive treatment he w:i eaiitup d by the Ssimh and for , prisoner in a dung, -n llH i Warililp. Kr.rlrH llnlnff Vtstn at I'ort M PltaM He MMd bis p-- MM An.iiiirr MMj lease on tin- provision that lie wtmltl N,.w Yirk. Keb. II A tlispnieh M ii" ' Ml 'ulsi until the re. nt ; T n, ,-,bl from I'ort nu I'nn.. . Baftt, . .1., i ail. m I . r I.' -! ..nn w . r- eiui"'i. iiiis, iii coursi hlobon ws.s particular in his rn". nsti, of the i Iii nig gum girl, and urg- d that -Ii" should I"' given to uiulerstanil that th" iiidiilge.ii'" tt llM bai'lt was to her discredit. HAYTI UNEASY. wave, winch MM into tins seeiion on W-.lne.dav morning, has hat-hud a ch ina i, wuh I he tin ninaneter raii.-uiK' laM) IO It degrees .,,H It l a War and eh etrie i ar MM has MM P red, I in tram f. mi di-l ml p mil .in-1st" MM M M a. N"W Y'ls. Feb I la far as trnfftr t. rsilicertliil lb" effi els in this ms-IIoii of the storm have U.u oreMM Tb Irmg Island rullpsiil has .u.e.ssliil iii raising the . intstrgo mi its MUMR divi Ion ,nnl ap running In lins-nsirt for the first inn" since M (May aMMJ The p'inoal of . now from the at i . -of Manliattaiilsirougli lias uptothls linn Cta.1 the eitv of New York f'll Kl Tin- first mails fpuu tin- inn 1 1,, rn sirt nf this stale this week have p-achtsl tb p. to r il ptsttoftlii hep- K.isti rn mil l la 1'pivnli ins-, also got Inn. but tin Ih.l.'l .1,1 I.. Ilrllr.a II. EMiN MJ .' Mmm papers islllllm-nt III m-e-l severe niu the alleged witl drawal of Brilalli's deuiaild for theopeiillig port "f I be 'fa l.i. ii Wan S U hoiu refuse I' i credit I he p I n ha in t . i ! precludes the issibilitles of his assiiiu lug again his phn e in the Culsin ranks. Aratiato en's llrirai'i Itrwarilrtl, New York. Feb. 7 A sist-ial to The World fp nn Ta" "i. I" i. avs I'mi. MMifO, who I- iimiI Ariingiireii, has been rommiaaioiied as lieutenant in lln Sinisli ariuv for that service Bai'iuo wa a - out of rangim n oays: Tin. city is considerably diaipneli '. by BO ininglv wi ll ImM Ml II' ' mill or two Italian warshisi will arrive In re within a fortnight to enforce the jsay Uii nl of nu iinh Maty lo llalv t'iiciiiiislai:ees p. riiiiltiug. I't. -el, nl Sam w i.l make his first tour of the mull tn ibis in. -nt Ii , Is'ginunig Feb IH 1 In p- is a slrong iiiiitep urp nt liep. a , . i . . . .... e . u Itrigane ann w as i aiiuri n ov mo p.iu i ish f..P-es II is giv.-n the opium of aiwinst tin- government, and should I In l I or ' th-im- I,' b II"' ing f to . oi" e Unr lilt' the I III! HI I for, thai . ibl ' taken, w !l,l I. ' Mils pr.e si all anny or un Ml ttW stPetS b'l'l- Banday night so ', M baM t no ii" sirs innir, n i .-. to P'g ' "itlnllintinna III I lllll-lll. Miiii.v I tit limit work for M adiiilttei'. In or w hich wen1 all s ain rtx-onlisl. M"i-e than lissi wer- liirnisl away. I.- 01 I I i -t It ol Sliapr. Vicksburg, Mi-.. ', i, , I'aplaiull 0 New .1111111-, I Tni Its! Hlatt-s engineer, arrl"il hep' fpnu nu laapMMOn al Rld 'sand Biggs' levee., ami states they are in a serious condition, ami (hep. i no telling when Hie danger will slop president li'gin his tmir mih, (hen- is gravi il rend trouble In re 'I In- Man kfaB party has a sipnig seep't cotubiiiation nguim-l the government, uud it is tins thut - "ii.-l ppcipltiil" tnmble. Mllll.l. I l'o.vell of the I'lllled Stab'. trill sis iii :-it Sun Isuinngo for t!.. jnrpiaa' of nrrniigiiig for I he settleiiient ol Alien-an i laltns against lliat coun- try DIES OF LEPHOSY. fa nii'l oilu r instruments. He died of tiils'p iilar leprosy, and il is said that tin re are nut mop- than half a iloaen uch eases iu I be conntrr. Hrr MM lliirnnl 110". Brenham, Tex.. Feb 7 Catherln" Milton, a eoloreit woman of I 'anijiiow u. had all her clothing burned off hero and Ust4.n1. . I ppiUtbly fatal injuries IMusaiiitt t.r si,, .rr,,, Cheyenne, Wy.. Feb :i TMMMa. nl sheep i,pj n ,rted lo have , rrtilll eolil ,u Mmtlon III Western fMMJ KlrrlaH. "joining ine nn nae bean uHnaaa Miiue. fan, a na senate and for flu days ami old timers say that this honse in joint convention elected as the hardest w Inter they have seen for I VBMs Stales M iiator, lion Thomas II the at Mi years CarUm county has I Turley, Democrat, he nst iving HI M OW.I'ioilieepandflonkmaslersitirrefoar T"" B'T'ublit-ana vote (or Hou. J. W. the loss w ill amount to ii pr cunt Baker t Nashville ttarrr AH.IIill StlerllllllM rirr llrlt.a a aurr.-irr t'..r llier lo.. Inr. N--w Y'ors. Feii. n Hi.rry Allmrry, an l" year old hoy, is ibad in the Kings, ton a m nu. . siital, llpa.klyu, ,.( I. or., ay Tha ymiiirr rtia a .nine hep- riom Key West, l-'la , ulaiul live years agn When ills father Hist dlseoventl leproay 1 iniit' ins. ,a Ihep' was no ward 111 the hospital suitable for lln- can- of a WWft th Muiiig man was plmsil ma mull biuliling I P-, toil for his Is-nefK nt the n ar of the hospital, A Mis. Wunl rolnntts-rtil in art as nurse, ami M young mini', nine was ,.ii pleiiaiuitly. is-ing nu ailept s.rformer mi the Inn- train frmu Host. rcivetl. Vnirls M re. ar I an, I (f.. m Johns, N. P., Feb. .1 -Subs 11 nien Is'limging in Trinity ly wep' it TIM II off III the II ' W 111).' seal llUlllll It IS feared HleV have ri-h. d Tin- M4i that we.. i out peeking fln-m hat" p turn-il, w lib nit bating got sight of them Tin- British MpMl, Iatdy Ib-rlha was driven aJMM at MMrV'l barlir. to mill s south of hep- She was imlssb ett in nu n-e fits-, and ts-caiiie 11 total wreck, lb r mm n men, it is fi-arcd. ar-. hst. although they may I. driflin alsmt 111 tin- Ita ill LMMMl Ills I lair. San Frnnelseo, Feb :i Ism Mannel L iarrika, n prMMd ol am ola, and a njttlMsJM 0OMI planter, has turned tuer all hi- l ist pfatntntiOM prop eriv to two prantaeal men "f Qi aaale niing i. w ho w ill Ittpildate tin eatM M him A ein-ul if MMM0NMJ Hu- liMs lot 1. has leiii aeiit out to nil with which Barrllo has hi and h i. M N W Mfl d bj Ann ncnli b, !- . iu Ihls eitv t'.s-h. n pp iiiiu ni inerolwnt, and Man nil lllgmr 11 will known law.r, l.i. In . n i,H.ini, i Inpiiilatoi . in chsa- up all s-ndlnir tMntttOM and lake i nure charge of tli" liuel jaitan eeeanetna Pea wr. Ir'inloii, Feb i - A MM h t 1 Tl." I nil r Mail fnnn N 1. a "The far astern siiuatimi i- nrr sc. nous, nn, I it 1. lali m ' tl .it Jujitll Ii actively pp'ikiiing for WM I., BMHMM I'M I'atls, Iindnn. Feb .' 1 ii rmaiiv. a nling ton ilissiuh from --i n. 11 ibiiianiit that I'ml Arthur and It Un Wm 14 ma I" free ptuts MM M - Mr MMA rekin reii. .' I ..- t-iiug 11 yameai pmpoara lo illilde the I'hilH-au l.sni I It.l 1 1 iB-tWM'li I i. .tl I 1 ,'..1 , ami liue sia. eir Mft I'-'ll ird, New York Feb '.' - Two .' story brick buildings UiU to '.'4.11 ShiIIi street, ai rs llo.lrioeil . tile In p. I l,r !,.- o I ,'i So l . out. nls will 1 t. . il 1 . M l HOWELL BROS. Quick Sale! Small J. W. ENQ holes in and Ket.iil I) Staple Fancy W INKS AM) LI -AHIl- Anciii lor tlu; Lsuisini Mleeial jlMltoa pai l to the aale of Colton, I alaayi keep tbr deal gtMsii in my line. lain 1lo..iiaiol It.irrrl sl.lnpr.l. I'l-oiia, Ills , Keb J- owing to thai shortage of the pal ills- i Ton iu I t i many ' s s ' Isiirels of spirits h.m la-en onlrird M Ibis 1 It V to Is- shl.S'.l lo Hsillbulg I J.W.fENGLISl Ita M MMI Feb. .' John ,-k oil. 1 1 i.ul M. hi Man I;- ai. I,, imii H. 11 rv 1 IkaiaM 11. u d exposition saloon Wc keop good cheer in bottles here. Good whiyky, wine and brandy; They're pure nice, and low in price; You'll find our place is handy." v ANDREW SHELBUB1 siinrr Senehed se Joplln, Mo, Keb II Another acri. lent occurred nt Aup.ra, and William Thnriilnii, n miner, was cmshitl lulu a shns leas mass by an hHMM bow Ml fulling BMB bun while he was working l" M BoiianaA mine. The p'k wi-hi beil l. imrii four ami tl v -tons, nud fell (Ma the Ps.f of the iln'l Ml ciiiighl Thmiiton Is-fop. heeoulilg. 1 11 w .11 PeJMMB fntste MBM III Kansas. Tokn, Feb. :i The Mate liv stis-k MiMy IssipI was BiVMl by telegraph by ir It. tin. r a m trinary org iMaWMMMi Kan , that cat tle bp- dying 111 the f IMM Bt nning. tt law a eoiiniy, fpim some caina- w hn h 1 In- stockmen hp- unable in ,u cover The minimis thai tin- An) at those almost ready lo market cattle liave Iseii torn fed ail whiter. I.ltll-His k. Feb t Hoverllor Jones has granted a continual ur,l in lo II II Whllehorn, sin was ronvictcd al as sault with mleiil to kill, at tin ' term 1 a tin 1 'lay county HMD court, and lib in . 1. the ta-rukutis" HeMl whip M MM Ma Joplsii. Mo . Feb :i - The vilbgi- of At lb 1 .las r - , l is iist 1 .i...s tiipiugh ipitta a emaathMi over thewhip- piil : of a schisil lulstp-aa by two of her male pupils Several days ago the teacher, Mi OUIe Miuhlm, bad ooaa ion iii MWMJ 11 1 1 t . ar old unruly Isty, but tb" Uiv fought Isick so Mgnpmsly I Ibal the tenchi r failed to compiir him, and the Si hlMtl . il sc 1.. W as aillue I wkal ImM Immj a lea mj Ml Mi-. Maiblov again irie.l to pnuisli 'Ihls I. .v. when his It-year old I mil her xveiil to his MtaMOe, and the two kOM ga. iMr imnhara. MUaolM MJ M I rrht eMblMl Oanlhil I In I . . a aa.. a. ... t a. a M .a I ..... a a v " t n-iiiniinT AiHr rri int., , Ii.. i. . ' sin. gave up . h.sii hntehlnff In that tU ' ' wriih iTi'i 1 vV" of " ! I leprcent UHif W-MM rllM 10 Patroii f Bra llrrat llrn.altil li.r Trl 1 PHII Alilmilo, Keb II Mtirrna, I'he rush of proaa-ciors 10 ii, ,. laotil golil .'iiiiilry lias MM a big .Ionian. I for Tela! bur pis, ami several thousand head hut tieen purchastvl in tin. ms'Moii and w ill 1- khlppea etQMI ttramlea. Met , and s ild to those wiuillng outfits. A number of shipments of hnrme have also n matte p-N-nlly fnnn Texas to Sealtle, when, they are U-ing sold to Klondike pnpecnrs li: 'l' j ....TO MY J s dnu rn tI mmH '-ell' , 'm lav line or lliki V -1 M 11 1 i ann, Crimea. !!i Htirlesiiti t'ntiiitj -. "lid aasets ..f cimiianii a r.-... "" i"l to mote than. more than I .enl.lentlv w.i.v. ,,, , ,.jm WM my ORi else in town or (. ill 11 1 rv I l.a ... . ' -r. ... .n.t-ietit offloe force. - allnirs nf whicl, art' "'-o.gemeni or FRANK W. ICoCOMNICO, . .. I Hlr PtMMa i.iiiil.'tlile Lift- Assurance) Moi intv ..f New VorkV FMlflo Mutual l.ifc; a,. Union Life; Fidelity and Caaualty of New York, "fcl'.,,r-r',J!' fJjFJfjjllllll nl la Rryaa I rsiprflfullj soilrtl ami will ! I'tyriaia . our buslaess, TaH 13.