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A Urj C:t ! c :o of tbe highland boat tliat .Ulel for tbe Stuart cause, which , jar j Prince Charlie headed, eppar 'r lj was that heaven hclpa those who i t.'-r themselves liberally. They levied - toll oa the henroost, stable and, ac , ' cording to the author of "The Land of Romance," even on the pockets of the Covenantors. At Swartbholm a parry of those ma rauders overhauled the house of a tai lor, and when one of them was about to cut up a web of homespun that had UKen nts runey ine pood wire oarncs 1j remonstrated. "A day'll come when ye'll ha' tae pay for that." she solemnly assured mm. o .1 . . , l. rv i i "An' when will she pe hating to do that? be asked. "At t)l0 lllMt lnv " u.lM chn "An that will pe a fery goot louj? credit, the robber coolly returned -sue wass going to e only taklug a cont, Imt now she will ie taking a . waistcoat ns well." A Mountain In the Skv. Somewhere many miles away from mm eartn an enormous mountain twenty miles high Is flying throuch pace. The mountain Is known astro nomically as the planet Eros. Tho or dinary man has long taken It for granted mat all the planets are more or less round In shape. The small planet Eros, however, is an exception to this rule. Accordincr to the latest astronomical Information, It Is a mere mountain In space, "without form mid void." and ns it turns noon its mW first one corner and then nuother Is presented to view. These small worlds (few are over ten or twenty miles across) ere not large enough to have sufficient gravity to draw their struo. ture into symmetry and remain as when launched Into space mammoth meteorites. A tantalizing fact for as tronomers is that Eros rnssod virv close to us alwut Jan. 24. 1RTJ4 lefore the planet was recognised and that quite so near an approach Is not due again mi r.'Ta. "The Mint's Blown Up." I was sittins on the edire of mv loosening the heel of one of my rubber boots with the toe of the other, when suddenly through the stillness of the Sleeping to-vn. from tho power house half a mile away, came a low and ris ing note, the great siren whistle In the power nouse. Almost fascinated. 1 listened on the great note rose higher and more shrill and died nwnv nsnln. One blast meant a fire In the town, two blasts fire In the buildings at the mire and three blasts, the most terrible of nil, a disaster or trouble in the mine. pause, the sound came again and once more rose and died awny. I did not move, but there was a sudden cold ness that came over me as once mor for the third time, tho deep note broke out on the quiet Mr. Almost Instan taneously the loud jingle of my tele- phone brought me to my feet. I took down the receiver. "The mine's blown up," said a woman's voice. Atlantic. Eiyins No. The author of 'Tut MeCarty." a book of verse with n sottlne: of nroso. shows how naturally some of the Irishmen of Antrim dilute tho wine of narrative with the water of verbiage. In the ox cerpt belov-"Tho Way We Tell n Story" the diluent is used with u par ticularly free hand: Says I to him. I snys. says I. Snys I to him, I says. The thlnsr, says I. I Bays to him, la Just, says I, this ways. I hev, says I. a Rre't rspeck . tor you nnd for your breed. And nllVtillnir T Plld T mavm .I'd do, I wud Indoad. I don"t know any man. t says, I'd do It for, lays i. As fast, I e:iys, us for yoursel. That's tell In" ye no lie. Thei-c's'nat'ght, says I, I wudn't do To plase your fcyther's son. But thl", I snys, ye see, says I, I says,. It can't be done. C:rls cf Cm Pari Cu Araong humorous storied of tin. n- la law court it Is told bow a well knowu lawyer, M: Aleni Itousseau, was once pleading a rather tiresome case and, noticing that tbe Judges were paying uo attention to him, said, "As the president Is falling asleep 1 sus pend my BDeecu." But the 1 intra bad just woke up and cried, "And I sus pend you from practicing for all months." Nothins daunted, the law. yer retorted- "Well. I suspend niveolf forever and ever," and, gathering up bis brief and cap, be left the court and never appeared again. A Paris barrister. M. Clerv. however. was more vigorous. Seeing that the president and the assessors were nil vdeep. bo stoiied. and. dealinir a tre mendous Mow on the desk lu front of him that woke everybody un with a start, he cried, "Yesterday at this same hour I wus snvlnir" And the whole bench rubbed their eyes and r.sked each other if thtyr had really slept through tweaty-four hours. The same counsel was pleading at Versailles on a cold ilnv and romtit-L-iul that the iudci-s were all turning morn and more around toward a stove that gave out a welcome heat. "The trlbu- nr.i bcblud which I have the honor of Breaking" brought them all right about luce at once. He Had a Claim. In a certain town was a vounrr law yer whose father was very rich and who had been sent to an eastern law school. Since his graduation he had done uothlng except open an office be cause he bad plenty of niouey. This young lawyer was proposed for mem bership in the local Cre company. e cannot elect him." one of the members protected. "The constitution of our company says that the mem bers or it must sloop and live here in the city, and he lives out of town on a rarm and not In the city at all lla would be of no valuo at all In enso of a fire at night He doesn't sleep here at night." "No." replied his proposer: "it Is tnm he doesn't sleep here at night, but lie sleeps here lu his office all day." And they elected him on that cround. rhlladelphJa Saturday Evening Post. The Simple Maid. Twas In a simple country town, and the mold of all work was simple and Innocent In sympathy. When she re turned from shonpln? half a sovereign short lu her change Mrs. Mnngo Chutuey was naturally Incensed. Go back to each shop, you careless girl," she told Uio wcepiug maid, "and tell them you Jure half a soverclirn short In your money and they must give it you." Susan went and was back ncain in half an hour. Enterlns her mistress' sanctum, she laid five half sovereigns on the table before her. Faithful as always, she had carried out Mrs. Mnngo-Cbutnc.r s Instructions to the letter, and each shopkeeper, fearful of doing wrong and hurting a fellow crea ture, had thrust the misslns coin unoii the bewildered girl. London Answers. V.'atertpeicta, A WStrt flout Is a ininlataM trim m An rlginatluf la a strong upward draft oi air wnicn occurs above tbe surface ot a boay or comparatively warm wa ter, lu effect first becomes visible In circular motion at tbe point la ths clouds to which It ascends. This be comes a irtlrl. which condeuses the vaiwr at Its center, causing the per tlon of the cloud there to dron down ward In the shape of a rlcantlc lellv bag. At the same time the continuing upward draft Increases the rapidity of Its orikiual swirl and the condensed vapor caught within It uutll tho ascending and descending masses M: to form the waterspout. Xecessarilr by this process the air beneath the spout is rarefied, and thus where the phenomenon occurs at sea the water always seems to be sucked up into It. aitnougn tins is not really tbe case to any considerable extent.. For similar reasons where a waterspout or torna do passes over a bulldlug It does tuost of its damage by cxhaustlug the elr outside, causing what Is within to ex pand and blow the structure to piece The Whits Whale. The white whale, or belura. Is r.i arctic cetacean and closely allied to i!-.! narwhal. It Is pure white lu color. twelve to eighteen feet long, whale'.lke lu form, with a hug& niurzle und nu merous sharp conical teeth. The white whale swims with ex traordinary speed by doubling Its huge tall under Its bodv and then strlklni? out with It Scientists who have stud ied It In Its natural environs say that It Is able to catch the swiftest of fish es, often pursuing Its prey far up the northern rivers. It is gregarious and moy be seen nt times In herds of forty or fifty. These herds not infreouentlv mimbol orouud boats In the arctic seas, nnd tho natives of Greenland often capture them with harpoons or nets. The flesh ct tbe white whale, In fact. Is a con slderable source of food supply to them. From it also Is derived one of the finest grades of commercial oil. The skins are tanned nnd the leather sold in the trade as "porpolso hide." New York Times. . Sing a Song of Sixpence. The Londou Globe attempts an ex planation of the rhyme "Sing n Song of Sixpence." Here it Is: "The four and twenty blackbirds represent the four nnd twenty hours. The bottom of tbe pie is the world. The top crust represents the sky. The opening of the pie Is the dawn of the day, when the birds begin to sing, and surely such a sight is fit for a king. The king In his counting house counting out M? mnnur fa Mia cun Tlia mnmir I the king is counting represents the golden sunshine. The queen, who sits In the parlor. Is the moon. Tho honey sho Is eating is the moonlight. Tbe Industrious maid who is working in the enrden before the sun has .risen Is tho day dawn, and the clothes she hangs out are clouds. The bird that so tragically ends the sons by nliiplnz oir her nose is the hour of sunset." Free His HIM !a KI V::j. Among curious wills that of a e J In Dr. DunlttD. a Canadian, has nttn been quoted. It probably contained some or ine most maliciously express ed bequests on record. To one limth. er tbe doctor left his books so that be might learn to rend and aceulro mm. mon sense. To another brother be left bis big silver watch that the said brother might know tbe hour at which men ought to get up of a morning. To nis brotner-lu-law he left his best pipe "In gratitude that be married my sis ter Maggie, whom no man of taste would ever hove tukco." and to tho eldest son of a friend he left a silver tankard lest If he left It to the friend himself, who was a rahld ttntnw the latter might melt It down to cast temperance medals. To one of his sis ters he left u silver diiuk cup "for .... sous best known to herself;" to anoth er the family Bible, so that she might leaiu as much vf Its spirit ns she al ready knew of Its letter aud become a better Christian, und to his i? ter u five acre Held to cousole her fur being married to a man that aim to henpeck.-Chnmbers' Journal. A Pair of Cheerful Liars. The crowd lu the little count ----- ewit was watchlug the ralu wheu Deacon vwtnerspoou remarked that It ralu p.bout as hard ns nn-i..iv -.. had seen it rain. Somebody said: Deacon, how hard did von p.p it ralu!" "Well, sir." said the deacon, "nn upou a time, when I was at home, we had nu old cider barrel laying out hi the yard with both ends out nnd the bungholo up. aud. would von hoiim n it rained so hard Into that buughule wur water couldn't run out of iu.n, eiuls fast enough, aud It swelled u nnd busted!" Then ISeuhea lleurv snok nn it.. said he'd never seen it ralu very hard. uui ue a seen some mighty cold weath er, somebody said. "Rube, how ...,M did you ever see It get?" He said. "Well. sir. one tlni when i was living down In Pickaway conntr la hog kllliug time, we had a kettle of boning water settlnir on the sim-p. and we took it out l:i the vard. and It frozi; so doggone quick the Ice was hot '-.National Monthly. I J Lj ceI encatcpei . near 1.1s t;tion on tbe ttx.ii ot the. iimi. Loua. From tbat encampment grew" uie vniage or rort Lesne, and when Toussalnt L'Ourertum died tnoro than 100 years ago bis friends decided to remain In France. The passing of years and Intermarriages have trans formed tbe settlement Into a Fren h Tillage of colored folk, all of whom are enfranchised. Poetry 'and Pleasure. The poet writes under nnn rpMtrti'IIo-i only namely, the uocesslty of givhiT Immediute pleasure. Nor let this ne cessity of producing Immediate pict ure bo considered ns n deernil ni.m ,. mo poets art. it Is far otherwise, p Is an acknowledgment of the b:'ai:;. of the universe, an acknowledgment the more sincere because nyt formal, but Indirect; It Is u task light und e.w.y to him who looks at the world in ft. spirit of love Furl her. It Is u bor.mjce paid to the. native und naked dlg:ilt;: of mau. to the grand elementary m clple of pleasure, by which ho feelj ana lives nnd moves. William Words worth, Ths Sprotacled Bear. , . The spectacled bear of Ecuador is so called Ucause of a patch of whlta around oath eye. which makes the unlmal look as though lie was peering through a pulr of great spectacles. In size and general color the spec tacled Lear looks not unlike the Ameri ca u black liear. But its hair is very shaggy. At each side of the he:id U n white bar, which gives the r.nlinal the appearance of wearing u halter. But the most distinctive feature is the white around the eyes. The Offendinn Black Bottla. A church member in a lonely district or NisKatehewnn absented himself from services for some mouths. On being approached on the subleet he said he was sorry, but it wus impossi ble to attend any more. lie was pressed to give reasons and at length said it was owing to tho bad conduct of the superintending clergyman nnd catechist. He and others had witnessed them drinking when driving round on tlieir visits. They had passed n black bot tle from hand to hand.' It was inino.- sible to attend the ministry of such men. Inquiries proved that the of fending "bottle" was n pair of field- glasses with which the drivers sur veyed the surrounding country and tried to locate the various churches, shacks nnd trails. Sunday nt Home. Black Inhabitants of Franca. , Lying so much off the beaten track, tho village of Port Lesne, lu the Jura department of prance. Is visited by but few from the outside world, anil consequently, thi3 tiny community of men und wetneu of color is hut iiltie known. It Is-not a large village, for its Inhabitants number only about n hundred, but every one Is either blael; or copper colored. It owes its origin to the fact that about a century ug tho famous negro chief. Toussali'i! L'Ouverture. was brought from II:.lii nnd Imprisoned In Fort tie Joux. Many of his friends, all negroes, f0l In For It Either Way. Minister Now. Tommy, suppose tvou did something naughty and were asked Hyou did It. Y hat would you say ? Tommy-1 dunuo. Minlster-You don't know If Why-' why, what would happen If you t'uld a lie? Tommy The devll'd git me. ' MInlster-That's right. And what If you told the truth? Tommy-Pd git the devll.-Toledo Blade. t A Killing Joke. "I mdo Dr. Kit! fern, the eminent surgeon.j very angry when I met him one winter day enjoying a spin over the snow." "How did you make him mad?" "I congratulated him on bis sense of the fitness of things In taking advan tage of every chance to go on n alelgh Ing expedltlon."-IIultlraore American A Rang of Possibilities. "I have leeu told." st.Id th confident performer, "that I make my vloliu sound like the human voice." "Yes." replied the candid friend, ' leir there are so many kinds of huiu.m voices. "-Washington Star. NO CL j; 5 PECAN QAP . "ire-wet roesers. D ,lBl APelLJed'Prs. Paris. TexaartTh 7vt. ..... who 7 fT the who Saturday I nlzht a postoffice at Pecan, Gap, TXftg( " l nearly f 1000 In cash and other property. . . . BIG "VOTE IN HOUSTON PRIMAR. By Associated Press HOU8tOn. TpYO OO n!u- Coming Soon, "The Man on the Box- large talented array of players whose names are known only with at tractions of the tetter class form the lnTh"a" on the Box" is underlined When a Great Man Dies. There can be but austere and serious thoughts in all hearts when a sublime spirit makes Its majestic entrance Into another life, when one of those holns who have lone soared above the crowd on the visible wings of genius, spread Ing nil at once other wlnzs which we did not see. plunges swiftly Into the unknown.-From Hugo's Funeral Ora tion on Balsac. Through the backbone ot lexas Waco $3.45 round 'trip. Tickets o-i sale Feb. 8, and motninj cf the 9th, limit Feb. 12th. Dallas 16.60 round trip. Tickets on sale Feb. 13, and morning of the 14, limit February 17. Houston $3.60 round trin. Tick. ets on sale Fob. 13,. and morning ot the 14. limit Feb. 18. Mardi Gras, New Orleans $15.40 roun'd trip. Tickets on tale Fk ' 21, to 27, inclusive. Limit March 11, privilege of an extension to March 27th by paying $1.00 fee. S. H. HARRIS, Local Agent J J L. E. J. Fountain FOUNTAIN BROS. Lands and Loans and Bond Brokers All chaiacte- of securitiei bought and to'd. LAhD NOTES A SPECtALTt Attachment. The schoolteacher Mas trying to Il lustrate the difference, between plants and animals. "Plants." she explained, "are not sus ceptible of attachment to man as ani mals are." "How about burs, teacher?." piped r; small boy who had passed the sum mer in the country. Chicago News. . Net Always. , "Whenever I hear the suffrage com bated." said nn English lord, "on th? score of woman's protected, sheltered. petted lire I think cf a poor woman I once questioned in England. "This poor creature had been beaten by her husband in n drunken fury. The man had been drunk, it appears, for ten days running. '"My good friend,' I srdd to her. 'does your husband always drink like that?" , " 'Xo, my lord,' she answered. 'Some times 1 gets hout o' work.' " Traditions of Mother Shiotan. Of all British prophets Mother Ship- ton Is beyond doubt the most ce'p- bratod. She v.ns. In fact, all thnt a prophet and witch should be. iu strange contrast to the serious nnd scientific nostrndnmns. TIip flir who was born the sky became dark nnd gloomy nnd, according to her blogra nher. "belch t out nothlncr for nn hour but flames, thundering after n most hideous manner." ner nersonnl nn pearance. described by her admiring Diograpuer in iuij. is scnrceiy natter ing: "ner physiognomy was so m!s shnnen that it is nltoirother Imnosolhto to express runy in words or lor tne most ingenious to lino ner In colors, though many persons of eminent quail- ncotlons in that line hnve often at tempted it. but without success." metropolitan Magazine. A Wittv Retort. Au. Englishman in Dublin was nsked by nn Irish cab driver if he wished to ride throiiKu the city. "Xo," replied the Englishman; "I nm noie to walk." "Ah. well," remarked the jehu, "may yer honor long be able, but seldom willing!" Maks Children Happy. The first duty toward children Is to mako them happy. If you have not mnde them happy you have wronged them. Xo other good they may get con make up for that. Charles Dux-ton. Hie Reward. Lawyer Brown -So I celled the Judge n linr. Lawyer Joues And then what did you do? Lawyer Brown Thirty days.-Tolcdo Blade. And the Grounds. Lady Customer Do you -keep co"es In tho bean? New Clerk Upstairs, madam. This Is the ground floor. Trincoton Tiger. CHHH4 al r u . viywv inu rrovvru, 1 "You may not get any more business rroui me. I ve bought a law book." "I won't worry," responded the law yer. "In that case I shall probably get more business than ever." Wash ington Herald. A Tip For John, i Mr. Crimsonbenk nere's an item which says the swan outlives any oth er bird, In extreme cases reaching 300 years. Mrs. Crimsonbenk And, re member, John, the swans live on wa ter. ' VVhich Was Far Worse. TVilllaoisou Does your wife always nave te last word? Henderson Weil, If she doesn't, old fellow, she looks it. jgmart Set An Old English Inn. The Seven Stars Is an Inn or pub lic house in Manchester, England, which has held n license continuously Ince 1370. It served as the meeting place for the Guy Fawkes band of conspirators. Up and Downs. Xot every statesman takes his dis missal with the humor cf the Due d'Enernon. who fell Into disgrace with Henry of Xavarre. Descending one clay tlie great staircase of the Louvre, he met Uichelleu ascending it. and on the cardinal askinc indifferently if there wns anything new taking place D'Epernon replied. "Xothins:. except that, as you see. I nm going down nnd you are irolnir un!" Mr. ninnndolle Burton tells the story iii "The Fate of Henry of Xnvnrre." 71 (0) Tl Tl) as a ProsPerous year and I rt. ( am intJeecl Thankful to my. J1QJ' JIMJ fHends and the public for their Mtaritorftfw;,,,;,'! very hberal patronage.' The New Year finds my store better prepared to meet the wants of the people than ever before. It is filled with a complete line of HIGH CLASS Advanced Fast. "Mike, didn't you have some trouble when you landed nt Xew ork?" Tllrll n l!f unf" "You hadn't any password admitting you to the country, had you? "Xo, sor, hut before I had been in the country tin days I had the grip." Chicago Tribune. Not Always Desirable. "Shall we advertise for a man with experience?" "Well. I don't know. The last man had so much experience that we couldn't tench him anything." ritts- burg Post. Warranted Not ts Fail. Doctor Four wife needs outdoor ex ercise more than nnytkinir else.' Hus bandBut she won't CO out. What nm I to do? Doctor Give her plenty cf money to. shop with. An obstinate man does not held opinions: they hold him. Butlet. Knew All About It. "Do any perquisites come in your wav at the office?" "Xot much they dop't. We hnve a husky Janitor who' throws them kind of fo!ks out." Baltimore American. Cuffs and the Laundress. Why are laundry women tho nmat forgiving of their sex? Because tbe more cuffs you give them tbe more they will do for you. n n t-7 17 embracing everything carried in a furniture ' store. Let me show you my siock and quote prices, that is all I ask. A full line of Undertakers Goods also carried. Hoping that 1911 may bring prosperity to all, I am yours for business, n Ji n t) 535