Newspaper Page Text
) s - v v THURSDAY. S. Seale, of Benchley, was In the city today. J. V. Wiley, of Tabor, was In the city today. John Sanders was in the city today from Tabor. Mrs. J. V. Reed was in the city to day from Alexander. Peter Goodson was in the city today from the Brazo3 bottom. Lum Holden, of Tabor, returned Inst night from a visit to Galveston. Alex IcCallum, of Tabor, was In the city today. Miss Lena Lloyd, 'of Bryan Baptist Academy, return today from a visit to Wellborn. Mr. George' Nedbalek is erecting a modern cottage on his lots In the west ern part of the city. It will be one of the nicest little homes in tbe city when completed. Tom Closs and Pat Moore were vis itors to the city today from Edee. Rev. W. J. Mead, of Kurten, was In the city today. Peter Goodson was here today from the bottom.' FRIDA7. Roger Williams, of Wellborn, was in the city today. J. B. Neely wn3 In the city today tvova Milllcan. 1 1. L. Rains was here today from Harvey. A. L. Smith was in today from Smetana. I S. Williams was here todiy from Colevlow. J. S. Franres, of Cottonwood, was here today. ThurmanBmIth, of Reliance, was In town today. P. L. Barron, or Rock Prairie, was here today. 1 Dr. W. A. Smith was up from Mil llcan today. S. S. Kennedy, of Fountain, was in the city today. R. L. Buchanan, of Steep Hollow, was in the city today. J. M. and J. P. Koyder were In the dyt today from Wellborn. J. S. Byars and Will Shelby, of In dependence, were In the city todsy. Robert Holllday and S!m Floyd, of Tabor, were In town today and called on The Eagle. Rev. J. J. Pipkin and family have moved to their new home south of town. The place Is known as the Polk place, and with the repairs und Im provements Jhat have been added re cently It is now a bcautlfu lsuburhan home. Mr. J. 0. Hall, of Rrenhani. manager for the Singer Sowing Machine Com pany in this district, has been In Bryan the last few days ami made T. A. Satterwhlte sa'.csninn and collector over Caldwell and Burleson county, in addition to Bryan and Brazos county. The contract for the sinking rf wells by Messrs. Lane & Bowler, of Hons f ton. has been fulfilled and tho work men are bmy today tearing down the derrick and petting tho machinery ' ready for shipment. SATURDAY , W. C. Coulson was here today from Iola. ' Wiloy Kelly, of Wixon. was .u town "uoday. B. A. Hugglns was here tcdry from Kurten. John Kcsarek was here today from Smetana. ' J. T. Dyess, of Harvey, was in the city today. A. W. Shclton, of Rosprim, was in town today. E. T. Graham, of Rock Prairie, was in town today. Dr. Leonard Jones, of Macy, was in the city today. W. E. Graham, of Rock Prairie, was In town today. C. L. Eden was in the city today from Colevlew. Dr. George F. Lee was up today from Wellborn. James, Yardley was in the city to dnv from Harvey. Clarence Skalns was In the city to dav from Wixon. F. D. Kuvkemdall was In today from T.onnnrd HchnnlhoilBO. a A. B. McSwaln was In the city to- . T 1. I ! n aav iroui hock mure. L. M. Haltom and L. X. Glaze were here today fr"tn Benchlev. f Miss Fay Buchanan, of Harvey, was In the city chcpplng today. T V ''"'"VfA, ' . ..' - ,' 'W Turkeys are high, and the better the breed the higher the price Farmers should raise more and better turkeys. I have plenty of fine Toms to let out to farmers on the co-operative plan. See me for particulars. . JOHN B. MIKE. ' - Henry Shows, of Thompson Cr?elr, was among the visitors to tbe city to day. 'l W. D. Yardley, N. A. Cotnam and J. D. Jones were in the city today from Harvey. The large wire sign on the roof of the Buchanan-Moore Company build ing has been repainted by Mr. A. E. Withers and now reads: "E. F. Parks, furniture and buggies. Your credit is good.". MONDAY Cy Koontz was in the city today from Znck. W. P. Bullock was in the city today from Steep Hollow. Mrs. A. W. Roydor, of Wellborn, spent Sunday in the city. Rivers Allen left yesterday for Poughkeepslc, X. Y., where ne wj;i en ter schoo". Dr. Claude Searcy, of Hemps'eaJ, Is the guest of his parents, Capt. and Mrs. A. J. Searcy. Sam B. Wilson has returned from the Eastern mrakets, where he has neon to purchase splrng and summer goods. J. T. Jiwler arrived today from San Angelo. Mr. Lawler Is getting every thing ready to establish the flour mill Bnd power plant and stated to an Eagle reporter today that his ma chinery would arrive at an ear'v date. J.. W. Hawthorne, of Harvey, was In the city todav. Mr. Hawthorne was struck by a Houston & Texas Central pnsseneor train some time ago and since that time hai been severely III. It was thought at first that his In juries were very slight, but they proved finite serious. His many friends are glad to lee him out again. CHICKENS AND EGGS WANTED. I will pay 14.20 per dozen for good hens and l"o per dozen for fresh eggs. MRS. W. H. STILWELL, College Stntlon. TUESDAY J. T. Lawler went to New Orleans today. Ab Andrews was here todav from Ztilch. J. S. Harrison, of Keith, was in the city, today. T. R. Joscy, of Benchley, was in the city today. Steve .Manning, of Navasota, was in the city today. A. T. Fowler, of Benchley, was in the city today. Miss Carrie Xoal returned to Nava sota yesterday, after a visit to Misses Beslse and Blanche Buchanan. She was accompanied home by Miss Eula Gregg, of Pitts Bridge. A surveying crew was In the city today engaged In surveying a line for the spur track from the Hou'son Z Texas Central to the site of the flour mill and power plant. Mr. Lum Holden, of T'ibrir, on ac count or the death of Ills wife leaving him with two small children, has sold his home to Mr. Llgo Thompson and will leave tonight with bis children for Wartrace. Tenn., which place will he their home In future. Mr. Green Stallings has returned from Ai.stln. where he has bcn with his little son. Ahney. at the Pasteur Institute. The little fellow was bitten by a dog supposed to be mad some week? rkj and has been under treat ment tl.ero since that time. Mr. Stall inss says he !s very hopeful for his son's recovery and that he is rapidly Improving. WEDNESDAY. J. W. Dyer Is In the city. Ernest Elliott went to Dallas today. J. K. Presnal, of Tabor, was here today. B. T. Battle was here today from Wellborn. Wert Boyctt, of College, was In the city today. J. S. Sith, of Steep Hollow, was in town today. Henry Kurten, of Kurten, was in town today. Dr. W. F. Odoni, of Kurten, was here today. Dr. W. A. Smith was up from Mil llcan today. Jim Tobias was in the city today from Kurten. !. W. Ulcus was In the city today from Kurten. Judge V. B. Hudson retrunel today from Houston. Dick Fa'n was In today from the Brazos bottom. Y fcJESB '-v . . . . -l ' . .- It I T. T. Goodwin, of Providence, was J In the city today. Mr. and Mrs. Floy Danaby left 'o day fo ra visit to Chicago. Mrs. Lou Robinson and Mrs. Josie Sheets returned today from a visit to Marlln. Mrs. J. n. Stevenson and daughter, Miss Maud, returned today from a visit to Calvert. Tbe concrete walks-and street cross ing at the Eastslde school have been completed. They are not on!y very convenient, but add much to the ap pearance of the building and grounds. Hotel propositions are getting nu merous. Rumors of three proposed en terprises of this sort were heard on the streets today. Sounds good. PRECINCT PROHIBITION CALL. By virtue of authority vested In us by the county convention which con vened at the courthouse In Biyan on February 25, we hereby call a meeting to be hel ! at the courthouse in Rryan at 8 o'clock p. m. on Tuesday. March 7, with a view to organizing the two voting precincts, the city hall and the courthouse. We would urge upon ev- erybody, both men and women, of the city and county who feel an Interest In the success of statewide prohibition to be present and take part In this organization and get ready for the great contest that we are going to be called upon to settle on the 22d day of next July. Don't forget the date and the hours and be present. Respectfully, A. W. BUCHANAN, ROBERT ARMSTRONG, Committee. MRS. MAUDE WALKER. It Is with fcre-t sadness we write of the death of another friend, Mr3. MauJc Vallur, who was formerly Miss Maude Davis. She died at her home In ll.'.UKton, but was brought back to Old Bethel cemetery, to the church of her childhood, to be burled. Among childhood friends she was laid sweetly to rest. The loving words of her old pastor paid the last tribute of respect to one whom we all loved. Born and reared In our midst, we all know what a bright, sweet and true spirit she possessed. Always gentle and kind, truly it may be said "of her, "none knew her but to love her." Indeed, as Brother Bullock said, we know it Is welL with her, but human hearts can not but grieve at her untimely death. Our hearts go out in tenderest sym pathy and love to the aged mother, brother and sisters and the broken hearted young husband in their sad bereavement. All the fond hopes and plans of life are laid low In the dust. The bright, sunny nature will be with us no more. But yet. like tired chil dren, let us put our trust in "Him wno doeth all things well." And may the links so cruelly broken here on earth Hbe reunited in heaven and draw all closer to that home where there will be no more partings or sadness, for we have the blessed promise that God himself shall wipe away all tears. A FRIEND. Colevlew, Texas. GiTY PRIMARY RESULTS The city democratic primary, held yesterday, resutled as follows: T. P. Boyett, city marshal; W. W. Gainer, city secretary; C. G. Walker, C. K. Jenkins and E. K. Parks, aldermen. The race for city secretary was the closest, the winner's plurality being two, while there were only four votes between second and third places. The total number of votes polled was 4-12. Following Is the result of the count: For city marshal: T. P. Boyett 251 C. L. Baker 1S3 For city secretary: W. W. Gainer 114 W. J. Walker 112 W. A. Watkins 10S J. T. Hines 65 G. B. Abercrombie 39 For alderman (three to be e'ectedi: C. G. Walker 334 C. K. Jenkins 2fi3 E. F. Parks 20. 1 Allen Smith 229 J. H. Gammon 7... 121 ALL TIRED OUT. Hundreds More in Bryan In the Same Plight. Tired all the time. Weary and worn out night and day. Back aches; side aches. All on account of the kidneys. Must help them at their work. A Bryan citizen shows you how. P. J. Vytopil. Mosely street, Bryan, Texas, sa:-s: "The first symptom of kidney disoase in my case was back ache. This gradually grew worse until it became so bad that I could hardly attend to my work. My rest was fitful and I was always tired. Doan's Kidney Tills, procured from Emmel & Ma loney's drug store, cured me. I believe that my experience with this remedy should be made known to the public, so that other iiersons in need of a kid ney remedy will know which one to use." For sale by all dealers. Price 50c. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo. N. Y., sole agents for the United States. Kemember the name Doan's and take no other. BEAUTIFUL HORSES RECEIVED. Mr. E. F. Parks today received a pair of beautiful snow-white horses which he has added to the equipment of his up-to-date furniture and buggy store. The horse3 are as fine as could lie obtained, being of the best Cana dian breed and matched exactly. They are five and six years old. respective ly, and weigh about lliiO pounds each. They will be used in the undertaking department. Mr. Parks has decided to give the girls of Bryan a chance to name the new horses, and Is arranging a most Interesting contest, the details of which will be announced later. The young lady giving the best names will receive a handsome piece of furniture. CHILD BURNED FATALLY AND MOTHER SERIOUSLY. By Associated Press. Fort Worth. Texas, Feb. 28. Claude Denman, aged 5 years, was burned to death and his mother seriously burned LOST? ft Somwherc between 9 a. m. and 4 p. m. a Golden Opportunity set with Good Inten tions to Start a Bank Account. No Reward Offered as wc will expect you tomorrow. : ESTABLISHED JANUARY 15th, 1886 First National Bank Capital $100,000 FREIGHT RATE E By Associated Press. Washington, .March 1. Tba Inter- ! state commerce commission today bus ' pended until July 1 the general freight rate advances by the Missouri, Kansas & Texas railroad and by fifty-nine : other railroads in the West and South . west. i INTO PH0H1BITIDH CAMP Vetoes Daylight Saloon BUI, Using Strong Language In Regard to Motives Behind It. By Associated Press. Austin, Texas, March 1. Governor Colquitt today vetoed the daylight sa loon bill. He declared it unconstitu tional because it prohibits a particular class of persons, the liquor dealers, from making campaign contributions. He say3 It might be equally fair to prohibit saloonists from contributing to churches or schools.. He says: "I must conclude thaf this provllson Is not the resutl of Ignorance, but is a deliberate act of a partisan spirit which Is seeking to bolster up political issues in this state which are seem ingly melting away In other sections of the country where rant, cant and political hypocrisy over such enact ments have been forced to give way to the sober, dispassionate Judgment of the people, who are returning to sane and reasonable enactments for the regulation of the liquor traffic." He says the Texas regulatory laws are perhaps the best of any state, but that they can be Improved and bet ter enforced, and he is willing to co operate for these purposes. House Will Frame New Bill. By Associated Press. Austin. Texas. March 1. It Is re liably reported today that th-3 house will not attempt to pass the daylight bill over the governor's veto, but will send beck a new bill. In the senate Senator Vaughan in troduced a resolution for a committee to try to arrange for action on meas ures cf general Importance. Vote 46 to 40 Galleries Crowded. Blonde Bass Not Present Sena tor Cullom Voted for Lorimer. By Associated Press. Washington, March 1. Enthusiastic senators and galleries and corridors packed with visitors awaited the vote on the Lorimer case at 1:30 today. The vote will be on Senator Bever- idge's resolution declaring that Lori mer was not duly elected, so that the opponents to Lorimer will vote yes and his friends will vote no. Washington, March 1. The senate by a vote of 46 to 40 sustained Lori mer's title to his seat. Lorimer was not present during the voting. Sena tor Bailey voted for Lorimer and Sen ator Culberson against. Senator Cul- lum, of Illinois, voted for Lorimer. T Promoter of Wireless Telegraph Sys tem Arrested at San Antonio by United States Officers. ' By Associated Press. San Antonio, Texas, March 1. Charged with, using the mails to de fraud, John B. Dickinson and Wlliam A. Bonier, operating the Texas Fiscal Company to promote wireless teleg raphy, were arrested today by United States authorities. They had been so liciting stock for a wireless company. ACQUITTED OF MURDER. By Associated Press. Fort Worth, Texas, March 1. A. S. Ward, a motorman. charged with tho murder of L. F. Embree, was acquitted this morning. Capital of Ector County Has $10,000 Fire. Bv Associated Press. Odessa, Texas, March 1. Five busi ness buildings on Main street were destroyed by fire at 2 o'clock this morning. The loss is about $10,000. of Bryan, Texas By Associated Press. Calba, Honduras, March 1. Unless the peace conference at Puerto Corter shall agree today on a candidate for provisional president of Honduras, Manuel Boniila announces that be will resume fighting Immediately. QUICKLY CURES COUGHS, COLDS AND CATARRH. If you, dear reader, could spend an hour looking over a few of the thou sands f t testimonials that we have on file, y n would not go on suffering from 1 tarrh, that disgusting disease that wul surely sap your vitality and weaken your entire system If allowed to continue. You would have just as muoh faith In HYO.MEI as we have, and we have so much confidence In Its wonderful curative virtue that it is sold the country over under a positive guaran tee to cure catarrh, croup, sore throat, coughs and colds or money back. No stomach dosing when you breathe HYOMEI. Just pour a few drops of the liquid into the Inhaler and breathe it in. It ia mighty pleasant to use; it opens up those stuffed-up nostrlU in two minutes, and makes your head feel as clear as a bell In a short time. Breathe HYOMEI and kill the ca tarrh germs. It's the only way to cure catarrh. It's the only way to zet rid of that constant hawking, snuffling and spitting. A complete HYOMEI outfit, which includes a bottle of HYOMEI and a Stevenson Machine & Repair Works c a s o l Fn e e n c w irs PHONE 7 BRYAN, TEXAS If you want to fit yourself for a good paying position take a course at the MODERN PRACTh OF BRYAN, TEXAS The very latest and most practical courses are used and when you have completed your course you will understand your business. Rooms over First National Bank. - - Call and see us. C. b.' PERRY , wBsaxaauami The Great Southern CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT. Received of Great Southern Life Insurance Company Five Hundred ThousaVij d6llrs($50O,000.00) UNAPPROVED TmiSCCPOS.T I5M3 in COM PL I NCC WTm THE PROVISIONS Cf CnAPTEH 103 Section 33 Insurance Iaso' tmcStatc cr Texas which resuiRES that the AMOUNT DEPCS'TCO VUST BE MAINTAINED SO LONO AS TrtC COMPANY SKALl HAVE OUTSTANDING A N V LIABILITY TO ITS POLICY-HOLDERS Alstin.Texas. scpte:mberm,9I0 Largest Similar Deposit Ever Made in Texas by a Life Insurance Company Ed. S. Derden, Ag't IC3SSQ PLANTING SEED ALL VARIETIES Seed Corn, Millet, Cane Seed, Oats, Garden Seed, in bulk and papers, Kaffir Corn and Milo Maize. m CO) 8 Hensarling Bros. o Grocers and Sarplas (Earned) $100,000 hard rubber pocket Inhaler, coata $1. If you already own a Hycmel inhaler you can get an extra bottle of HY O.MEI for 50c. "OUR INTERESTS ARE YOURS." (By. The Eagle Reporter.) Farmer friend, with muscles hard, We'll build you a wagon yard Latest style, Just down the way; Come right In and spend the day. Wear a smile, call around Our Interests are together bound. Next best thing to heavenly Zion Is to spend the day in Bryan. Co-operation, union, strength, All work together and, at length, Bryan will grow right out to you And you'll be living in Bryan too! INSURE WITH Southwestern Life Insurance Co., Dallas, Texas. $1,339,454 Admitted Assets December 31. 1910, with Jl,005,907 being In ex cess of the legal reserve, deposited with the Commissioner of Insurance. JOE B. REED will explain different kinds of policies so you will understand. Do not give your insurance to a stranger who has no Interest in you, only for what money be can make oj first premium. Also writes Accident and Sick Benefit Insurance. All should be members of the Friend In Need Society. At office 8 to 10 a. m. Life Insurance Company SECURITIES ' CO (O) CO) o 0 o Feed Dealers OOOOOOOQOOOO OOOOOOOOpOQOD V