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COMMERCIAL CLUG NOTES GALVESTON BEADY FOR HIS GIRL WIFE On account' of the services at the Methodist church at 10 a. m. the board of directors passed their regular week ly meeting today to 9:13 Wednesday morning. There should be a full meet ing, as the report of the hotel com. mlttee will be received. There Is also a sentiment among our citizens that a city census should be taken, as there Is a general feeling that the federal census leaves Bryan about two thou sand short of Its real population. This matter will be fully discussed and de cided. The meeting should not last over forty minutes, and all may then go to the church service. Mrs. Bessie Lawrence, COG North Regent street, has completed the grad ing and filling of her lawn, making another effective Improvement to this thoroughfare. There are still some lawns to be worked on. A number ;)f men have remarked that the crossing on Anderson street at Main would be better if it were not so low. The fault Is not with the walk, but with a short place at this particular place on Main street, which will be graded down to the street'line. The Cedar Hill dairy wagon was first on the streets Monday morning. This Is the beginning of what h ex pected to be a modernly equipped dairy and creamery for not oniy Sryan but Brazos county. It is the purpose of the proprietors to make thU a per manent market for milk and cream, also to furnish the very best print dairy butter. The mechanics have practically taken possession of the main store room of A. M. Waldrop & Co., but let the public be patient with the Incon venience for a few days and the beau tiful effect of the improvement will amply repay any slight annoyance during changes. Trains Will Run Into the Camp Grounds- Pete Klondyke Arrested for Violating Neutrality Laws. By Associated Press. Galveston, Texas, March 8. Pepa rations for the reception of the troops ordered to rendezvous here are al ready completed. Trains are to be run directly Into' the camp grounds. Pete Klondyke was arrested today on a complaint filed by the local Mexi can consul, charged with violation of the neutrality laws. TO PHEIE1T IHSUBBEGTOS By Associated Press. Eagle Pass, Texas, March 7. A troop of Mexican cavalry left Cuidad Porflrio Diaz this morning for Sabinas, where it is said the insurrectos are threatening to cut the Mexican Inter national railway communication. By Associated Pre3s. Cedar Hill, Texas, March 7. Wil liam Monden w"as arrested here this mroning charged with the murder of hU young wife, who was found dead with a rifle bullet In her heart last Wednesday. It was previously sup posed that she committed suicide. BAILEY OPPOSES STATE WIDE PRQHIBiTfON In a Letter to a Friend at Belton Says He Prefers Local Option. ( s By Associated Press. Belton, Texas, March 7. Senator Bailey In a letter to Rev. W. M. Wil liams, a prominent minister here, re plying to a question by Mr. Williams, announces that he favors the present local option system. LOS Iff j ... Somwhere between 9 a. m. and 4 p. m. a Golden Opportunity set with Good Inten tions to Start a Bank Account. No Reward Offered as we will expect you tomorrow. ESTABLISHED JANUARY 15th. 1866 First National Bank Capital $100,000 of Bryan, Fexas Surplus (Earned) $100,000 fil A. & M. The secretary took a drive yester day of considerable extent through the city, and was agreeably surprised to note the many new sidewalks, cross walks, repaired lawn fences, trimmed shrubbery, newly painted fences and buildings, and the number of new homes recently started. Many of these Improvements cost, but little in real money, but a deft hand is the real artist. BALLING EB HAS RESIGNED Sent in Resignation January 19, but President Requested Him to Hold on Till Congress Adjourned. By Associated Press. Washington, March 7. Secretary of the Interior Ballinger has resigned. His resignation was tendered January 19, but President Taft requested Mr. Ballinger to remain in the cabinet un til the close of congress. He accepted the resignation today "with regret." MARSHALL MESSENGER BECOMES SEMI-WEEKLY. By Associated Press. Marshall, Texas, March 7. The weekly edition of the Marshall Mes senger,' which has been running since 1877, came out yesterday as a semi-weekly. A PRECIOUS MEMORY. Over Forty Per Cent of Cadets Come from Farms and Very Few from Cities. More than four hundred of the stu dents of A. & M. college, whUih Is 40 per cent of the student body, come from farm homes in Texas. This Is a fine showing for the farm ers. It Indicates that the farmers are patronizing their institution, but more DAYLIGHT SALOON BILL AGAIN. House Committee on the Liquor Traf fic Will Try to Pass It Over Governor's Veto. When backward through the years look, Or turn the leaves of memory s book, There is one scene I love the more, As slow but sure the years roll o'er. than that number of students are tak ing the agricultural course. In his biennial report to the board of directors of the college Col. U. T. Milner, the president, gave statistics I showing the number of freshmen stu 'dents from farm homes for each of tlie two sessions, and did not take into consideration the sophomores, juniors and seniors. Till iTIEAT AT TEXAS UNIVERSITY President and Faculty Have No Police Powers Will Try to Stop Class Rushes. pared as usual as to "ifew students Tis but a grove, a wooded dell, I lor the board and was understood by Where feathered songsters love to j them, but when it was published it dwell; was niisiinedi stood by the press, sev- Where evening's sun with rays most: era I of the newspapers thinking it re fair Lights up a scene of beauty rare-. By Associated Press. 1 Austin, Texas, March 7. The house this morning discussed the bill provid ing for the sale of the public free i school lands. No ac'.on was taken up ' Mr. Eugene Edge today staked out I to the recess hour. the ground for a twenty-five foot base-, The house committee on the liquor j0 princely form there finds repose nient and two-floor addition to the traffic will attempt to have the day-And shetler from life's cares and "Store on t ie i.orner. i ne uus ness : hunt sn oon mil nasseu over tne gov-i e-rnor'8 veto. Indications are that the ' There, 'neath the spread of one great elm, , The monarch of that princely realm, A tiny mound of earth still stands, Uncared for now by loving hands. ferred to the entire student body. In order to show exactly the figures for the student body of the present ses sion, there being a registration of 1070, Secretary A. B. Wilcox and his assistant, James .Sullivan, have gone over the records for every student at the college, and t he following is the statistical statement allowing the pro fessions of the fathers of all the boys: By Associated Press. Austin, Texas, March 8. The senate committee Investigating hazing at the .state university had President Mezes and several of the faculty members before It this morning. The testimony showed that the faculty Is without police powers and could not arrest boys for disorderly conduct. It is very difficult to apprehend the offenders so as to use expulsion. Class rushing prevails more exten- statement was pre-, eively In every other big university than at the Texas university, but It Is tioped to eliminate it entirely at the Texas institution by having professors accompany the students on all special occasions. of tihs popular store, has grown to such proportions that increased room was absolutely necessary. The base ment will contain an ample packing room, also a toilet and rest room and boile? room for steam heat. The first floor will afford a well-lighted office, allowing increased sales floor space where the office now staucs. The see on floor will be given exclusively to the millinery and ready-to-wear de partment, affording much need el extra space. Work will be started on this addition tomorrow morning. N woes ; A thousand times more precious still committee's efforts will be opposed. Tne onc Go(i chose tnat spot to tl!1 I 'And in the thoughts that mem.'ry I brings. Or on the crest cf sleep's soft wings, ' My heart is wafted to that del' ) "i I Where sleeps the mother I loved well. ' Convict Jake McKinney in the Al I cable Chronicle. PARAGRAPHS CONTRIBUTED BY COMMERCIAL SECRETARIES. House Passed Several Important Bills. Senate Antis and Pros Agreed to Pas3 Legislation Recom mended by Governor. DISTRICT COURT. ! By Associated Press. . i Austin. Texas. March,". The senate this morning passed the following i bills: Providing that commissioners' ! courts may appropriate as much as iflOoo to supplement appropriations of (from Robert In the district court tlu case of W. H. Smith vs. A. It. Winter, suit for injunction, was called for this after noon. The following divorces were granted during the day's session: I.I1 lie Hunter from Major Hunter; Mitt Handle from Nettie Handle; Tennie Davis from Ben Ravis; Matilda Law son from Phil I.awson; Mamie Ballage from Sylvester Ballage; Rosita Martin Martin; John Jenkins lhe ye ar back j.' t'ae federal e-i ail ment of agriculture lays i-peelal stress on the farmer keeping account with each farm product in oiver to know from which the gain or loss arises. No merchant or banker would attempt ;the state acd t!;e nati0nal government ' from Minnie Jenkins: Abe C.oss from to run his basins-is without keeping ... farnl demonstration; the house bill j Nellie Ooss; W. S. Ransom from Theo books, and farming is about t.;e only '(.rMtina. willaev county, which the! Ransom: Charlie IJngrnmb from Jos. Louse wante named Kennedy in honor of Jack Kennedy; the Hous'on county road law;, ceding the property on which the San Jacinto battlefield is situated to the I nited States; creat- business that is uat one of record. It Is as Important that the farmer know his paying crops S3 it ,1s that the mer chant know his paying customers, and non-paying crops will, ruin the farmer as quickly as non-paying customers will destroy the merchant. phine Lipscomb; Nancy Boatwright from Joe Boatwright: Martha Arm strong from J. P.' Armstrong; Nathan iel Bigelow from Arcenia Bigelow; Mike Cuggins from Michalir.a Cm:- IB SUUULCVl IV LUl. I "IH.U k.HIVJ v j .llli-VT . U.h.xUlO I i Will 1 iV 14 tl i i i . ll V. llf h:g the county of Culberson out of the igins; Marcia Sweeney from Charles eastern part of El Paso county. . . Sweeney. Farmers 404 Merchants . . , Bin Stockmen 120 Lawyers 112 Doctors ":! Real estate men C- Bankers 41' Traveling salesmen s Railroad men 1 Insurance men till Contractors 19 Mechanics 11 ' Civil enginei rs - Clerk s llottlkeepers 4 ; Cotton bujers 8 Lumbermen "1 School teachers 1 Ministers R Architects .i College presidents 2 County officials I .I Total ....1070 N While the statement above separates farmers' sons and stockmen's sons, it would not be fut of place to combine both classes as sons of farmers and stockmen. However, all those who are net sons of farmers or .stockmen da not come frim the cities. Suns of mer chants, lawyers, etc., from rural pre cincts are among them, and a state ment from the college recently pub lished shows tlie country precincts are v oit represented. Two news Item? appearliiK simul taneously in the February i yess of the state announce with force the greatness of Tc-yvv-nd the " or-ierfu! uiversil;.?t'..:;t c7. tr rat era' ?:,.duw ments. One di.'rntr'a ."io n the sr.::'..-e.-n part of !: a:. ate is'.U o2 stra.v benles being s'.i:; fed ly the c:. rior.d , to Northern :;:"! the r-.L:e? cf tra!rs t; tit .ire sno-vl owsd in tr-c ."ir. r.rndl:. !tnrv-ni::;r herrv o. -; 3 iimtiin? si'.c'.v ,!:. v. c;i the ?.::v.e d y ' is a novc' cx; ;r !; ".c th;t. few str.tes can boast. Nattiro in trrrti ::: To;:;; gave it an'- cr ever;, thine , nn 1 our'ti! deposits, agricultural ';f:.:i'Kit!rs and industrial opportuni ties are a3 d:eisifled, staple and In vlthig t s ot r r H'r.fte. The f.iccry will t.ike the r.i '.' iv.Me rial which tr firr.i is mriths In' Under renewed pressure the antis and pros caufussed this morning and agreed to pass t'ae legislation recam- 1 mended by Governor Cobniitt before j final adjournment of the legislature. ; II vioTOfiy for the farmers ST a mil mm tikes & M. Walloped Varsity by the Large Score of 13 to & in First Game of the Season. Ssys a Daylight Saloon Lav Would Be Constitutional. imantour Returning frorn Frarce to Displace Enrique Creel as Minis ter of Foreign Affairs. jears if ; reducing, the f -res: ing an i the mr. i 5 cn'u'.e? lag, and vith'n fvplve hov It. vnP'p. T' :'.:: ovy is a v' will hutll et:tp!.e. Te factcrlc ri.v.ur- ;a event 3 dotnte hnl'.der "ts reeds By Associated Press. Washington, March S. In Br A.-sriated Press. j ti jn with the mobiii-atiou of Auitir.. Texas. March 7. Attorney ! States troops on the Mexican Geneva! Llghtfoot has famished Repre-there are persistent rumors h so'itatlvs Nirkel- of Hill countv. with a change will soot; he mad? in m opinion that .1 daylight saloon law jinet of President Diaz. It is said Ssnor would he consUtuional." I Limanrour, who arrived la New Yoik last night from France, is slated for I minister of foreign affairs. onnec Cnlted 1 crd?r e that :e cah- T'ae A. M. baseball team opened the mv.sjii yesterday afternoon in a .tame with their old rivals, the I'ni versity of Texas. A. & M.'s team Is a pippin. Fast, steady, a bunch of live hitters that make tlie scoreboard look like a domino game. In the gams yes terday the Farmers outclassed the Varsity bunch, and tlieir victory was uite to superior batting and fieliing. The lo: score as reported by HettU. scorer for Varsity, is as follow: The Box Score. AH. LETTER FROM WEST TEXAS. To the Editor of The Bryan Kagle: hlnclosid you will find money order for which to continue my subscription. I I he children say they can not get I along without The L'aglo once a week, I as it is almost like meeting some of ! tlie home folks, and when it reaches ;the house the children have a tus.-cl to see who shall have It first. I will ; always have a warm place In my heart I for the people of Brazos county, and I mnrn rc!ifiri;it'v n rmiTiil ( V.f : , -ri .,1 Prairie, for there I spent my happiest days. I am glad to hear of Bryan's b! Improvements. I understand she i soon to h.ive a flour mill. Now, it i:e s. On the 17th of February a steady rain fell throughout tlie nfterit' on aa.l nUht, measuring 1.G.1 Inches, making ! the total :!.17 Inches, the lest lain we have had In West Texas for years and the heaviest rainfall ever repotted tor ; Kebniarv. This rain, following the Inch rain of February 10. gives this section the fires: season possible. Texas this year iIl be like Hill, the Cowboy." While on a visit back Fast to see hlg best girl they were out riding one day when Bill was telling her about the West Texas plains, and told her n;e could ride for miles and miles ami not see a tree of any kind, l n it even a riding switch. Then he told her of a narrow escape he had from a wild steer. "I had ro; ed the steel' he (ontinued, "anil in trjing t ) throw him my horse lost his footing i.nd ."el! with nie and as I got up the beast j made at me. I was running for life jan ! the s'eor hookini; where I made uny last tracks. I saw a free and ran up it." "Oh. Bill." Interrupted the girl, "I thought you said there wasn't any 'rees out there?" "Well, there just had to be one "or I would have been agoner." So West Texas has got to make a crop this cr she's a-voner. Well, for fear this will go to tlie waste basket I will dose with best wisehs for Bryan and Brazos county, I remain as ever, ' J. r. CASTLE. Big gprints, Texas. TfflS THE FIELD FOR Twenty Thousand Troops and a Fleet of Warships Will Take Part in Grand Display. By Associated Press. Washington, March 7. Within five days 20.0UO troops, comprising one quarter of the United States army, will be concentrated In the depart ment of Texas. A fleet of warships will assemble off the Texa3 coast. This Is said to be preparatory to maneuvers on a grand scule. Thirty five hundred coast artillerymen are to, gather at Galveston. CREATED SENSATION. Oredrs to Move Army to the Border Set Wild Rumors Going. By Associated Press. Washington, March 7. Tito nuickly flashed orders to move on Texas last night has created a tremendous sen sation and all sorts of wild rumors are afloat: for only the president, the cabinet and the general Btaff knew that the cause of the moving of one quarter of the fighting force In five days to the border of another nation Is to bo a refutation of tlie Insinua tion that the American army Is a snail. President's Cabinet Says Troops Go Solely for Maneuvers. By Associated Press. Washington. March 7. After the cabinet meeting tills afternoon it was announced that the troops sent to Texas and to California, on the border of Mexico, are going solely for maneuvers. By Associated Press. Washington, March 7. (Bulletin) It Is rumored that the real purpose of the troops being sen: to Texas is the Mexican dlsorlers and dangers to foifc elgn property in Mexico. 'THE ETERNAL QUESTION " WHICH IS ITS OWN ANSWER. SUCCESSOR APPOINTED. THAN MARCH 11 Waller L. Fisher, of Chieaso, Gets Job. Taft Says BaMinger Is Victim of Conspiracy. By Associated Press. ! Washington, March 7. Waller L. ! .Fisher, of Chicago, was today appoint- j ed to suceced Secretary of the Interior 1 Ballinger. whose resignation was ac- j cepted by th president this morning. ! President Taft in the letter appointing Mr. Fisher says: "Secretary Ballinger j has been the object of one of the most unscrupulous conspiracies for defama-1 Hon of character which history can ' show." He considers the attack on Ballinger was an attack on Taft's administration. Senate Passed Eight-Hour Measure and Bill Regulating Fraternal Institutions. By Associated Press. Austin, Texas, March 7. The gen eral legislative situation makes a post ; onement of adjournment to March H, or later quite possible. The senate finally passed the following bills: Reg ulating fraternal beneficiary institu tions and the house bill establishing the eight-hour working day. BIG CROP CANTALOUPES. By Associated Press. San Antonio. Texas. March 7 The cantaloupe section of the state in this vicinity expects to ship seventy-five carloads thrTs spring. HARD FOUGHT COUNTY OPTION CAMPAIGN. - By Associated Press. Locknart. Texas. March S.-The county option election campa gn is one of the hardest fought political contests on record fcere. ODD FELLOWS' GRAND LODGE ELECTS OFFICERS. By Associated Press. Waco. Texas, Marfh 7. Tne state grand lodge of Odd Fellows in session here this morning elected William lllingsworth. of Dal'as. grand master, and S. W. Porter, of Sherman, grand treasurer. ON TRIAL FOR MURDER. By Associated Press. Marshall, -Texas, March 7. The trial of Bill Alexander, charged with the murder of Bug Wagnon and Jim Olive, is now on here on appeal. Alexander has been once convicted. RAILROAD STOCK A. & M. Simmons, if. Henderson, ss : Fuller, If ... . 1 Neyland, lb. . : L'n jerwood Dodsou. rf 2 ' Wathen. 2b 5 Roach, b '. . . . 3 Hohn. c 3 -Moore, S, p 4 cf., R. II. PO. A. E. 1210 110 2 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 17 10 112 0(1 0 0 0 0 0 115 0 1 3 112 2 2 2 10 10 2 2 0 12 Caused by Uneasiness Growing of Disturbed Condition of the Country. Out Totals 37 13 11 27 11 C AB. TBy Associated Press. New York, March 8. Uneasiness over the Mexican situation has caused unusual weakness in the stocks of the National Railways of Mexico, both first and second preferred stocks drop ping one point each. Texas- Long, lb 3 Baldwin, 3b 5 Stacy, 2b 5 Massingill, If 4 Moore, F ss 1 Russell, p 3 Moore, H., cf.... 3 Nixon, rf 2 Ramsay, p. 0 i Brown, c 2 R. 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 II. 0 1 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 PO. 6 1 1 1 0 .1 1 1 c A. E. 1 0 1 2 1 0 1 EL PASO WILL BE HEAD QUARTERS FOR JUNTAS By Associated Press.l E! Pas 0. Texas. March S. The local revolutionary junta announces that El Paso will be the headquarters in the I'nited States for the entire insurrecto cause. This looks as if Madero may plan to confine his operations exclu sively to northern Chihuahua. Editor's Note. This letter, men tioned In yesterday's Eagle as having been received foo late for the contest, was opened tills morning and because of its merit the ed'tor requested and secured iK'rmlssi'.,n of the author to IMiblish it. I think to live happily on $1S per we-k depends altogether upon the haracter and disposition of the giri ou marry. One w ho aspires to every thing not essential to true home life, such as clubs, dances, admiration of the opposite sex, and devoid of the "harp and golden crown," will not and can not lio on $ls.per week. The more wealth we have the great er our responsibilities, and if not used aright we are Letter off if we have iess. 1 haven't an Idea but our richly mar ried girl friends would gladly surren der all their riches for our quiet, re tired life, with all love possible In curred by living within our means, anil for our sweet, untroubled sleep, which is not given to those whose conscience is not clear, fearing a great unfore seen disaster may be In store Tor them from day to day. To be happy find live on SIS, let love and your home be your Prst thought. Don't Indulge in automobiles and the latest styles, but be neat and sweet, pay as you go. don't make bills you can not meet regularly, and you can live on $1S a week and Mil most beautifully the niche God Intended. MISS MARION FOOTE. 21 T 10.1 05 13 200 210 C Withdraw Ticket from Will Make Fight in Regular City Election. By Associated Press. Nacogdoches. Texas, March S. The advocates of the commission form of city government for Nacogdoches will withdraw their ticKet for Friday s pri mary election, but expect to enter a ticket in the regular city election In April. Totals 31 6 By innings: A. & M 002 Texas 010 Summary: 1 Two-base hits Neyland. I'nder Primary, but wo d Roach. Hohn. S. Moore. H. ; Moore. j Three-base hits Massingill (2). 1 Home run Russell. j Base on balls Off S. Moore S, off Russell 2, off Ramsay 1. Struck out By S. Moore 8, by Rus sell 2, by Ramsay 2. 1 Hit by pitcher Fuller, Nixon, F. Moore. 1 Umpires Clark and Sullivan. Time of game 2:15. If you want to fit yourself for a good paying position take a course at the MODERN PRACTh , OF BRYANT, TEXAS The very latest and most practical courses are used and when you have completed your course you will understand your business. Rooms over First National Bank. - - Call and see us. C. b. PERRY Stevenson Machine & Repair Works GASOLINE ENGINES PHONE 7 BRYAN, TEXAS -K