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ii 1 ... !! if! s! 1 1 if if V The power behind the dough must be quick and positive in action it must produce certain, satisfactory results and jet be pure and wholesome. K C Baking Powder is the scientific com . bination of all these desirable qualities. Hundreds of thousands of good housewives know that we, and we ask yott for your Powder at least once. Guaranteed pure under all pure food . laws. Your erocer will return your money if you are not pleased. It will solve How to get the 77ie A C Cook's Cook, containing 90 tested, eastlv-made recipes, sent free upon receipt of the colored certificate packed in the2&-cent Z Mfg. DISTRESSING ACCIDENT Little Boy Accidentally Shot by His Brother with Pistol, Which Had Been Discarded. The twelve-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hebron was shot by hU brother, sixteen years of age, late Friday afternoon and the little fellow is In a most critical condition. It Is the old story of a discarded gun which was supposed to have been empty and neither of the boys knew It was load ed. The pistol was an old style .44 callber which had been hanging up by a window in the home and had not been used for over fifteen years. Late Friday afternoon when the boys were going from the house to the barn to turn the horses into the pasture the elder boy took the pistol and while walking along was snapping ihj hamrrmi- unit nntntine thp WPflimtl at his brother Whe the i c linger had . ,ow,' ? - - ; - revolved to where the loaded chamber flt ju(liclal (listrict 8regulating. thJe was the Kufn,fl"d- th j""" h'lk practice of medicine; the joint resolu the little fellow in the back on the H ,,m,ttl ,,, .,,, ....,, right Side Just above the belt. Medical attention was called at once , but there is little hope forhls,ing ju g feea. nlatlag t0 fesrtaln V.crj' . j,.. .n,i,i power for county commissioners' te yesterday the wounded boy . ..,.i,i, ,u ,..,.,, , recovery Late yester was still alive. ITALIANS TEflfllFIED BY Court Had to Adjourn Because Jurors Could Not Be Secured to Try Members of Secret Order. By Associated Press. Vitcrbo, Italy, March 14. Because of the citizens' terror of the Cammorrists the trial of thirty-six members of that order was adjourned until tomorrow to give time to hunt jurymen. AT Brigades Must March in Formation Twenty Miles to Leon Springs. By Associated Press. San Antonio, Texas, March 14. All the brigades here must march in formation to Leon Springs, twenty miles distant. This test will be made soon. It rained today, but the soldiers suffered little discomfort. HORSES AND MARES FOR SALE. Now in stock one car Kentucky sad dlers and drivers, registered. Two cars Missouri drivers and saddlers, ages 4 to 6; 1314 to IS hands high; .well broke; several steppers at 2:10 to 2:23 clip. Also have a good selection of good mules. I prepay freight on stock sold in 100 miles of Marlin. Call me 'over 'phone, or better, come and see them. Also have some good Kentucky jacks. CENTRAL TEXAS HORSE & MULE MARKET, I. X. Congers, Manager. Marlin, Texas. ' tf PROHIBITION MEETING. The Brazos County Prohibition Club met at the courthouse Saturday at 2, p.. m. The purpose of the meeting wa3 to receive reports of precinct organi zations. The work that has been done in so short a time is gratifying and shows that those who believe In the cause of prohibition are In earnest. Every voting precinct In the county is now organized, with the exception of Millican, Wellborn and Batts Store, and these will be organized soon. Those reporting were as follows: College J. O. Rlggs, chairman; Miss Mae Carson, secretary. Harvey E. U. Peters, chairman; C. L. Eden, secretary. -' Kurten J. P. Gilpin, chairman; C. E. Sheppard, secretary. Reliance J. C. Cloud, chairman. Independence J. A. Murray, chair- man. Edge James Wilson, chairman. The. PQ)W(Bir behind the doudh 9 K C has made bake-day a pleas ow sake to try K C Baking your bake-day problems. 27 Cook's Book Free Co.. Cotton woo.l-G. W. Blanton, chair- man; J. L. Edge, vice chairman; Roy Hudspeth, secretary. Steep Hollow I. M. Cook, chair man; V. B. English, secretary. Bryan C. E. Bullock, chairman; J. J. Ray, secretary. A committee compo3ed of Law Hen derson, J. B. Reed and J. J. Ray was appo mea w.rn mstruciions to prepare and furnish the fha rman of oqph nro. i .t.i . .t Cnct a poll tax list of the ..ualined voters of the respective precincts. SILLS SIGNED 8i IHt GOVERNOR By Associated Press. Austin, Texas, March 14. Governor amendment creatine a nrisnn.PnmmU. sion; protecting wild game; regulat- courts; providing for the. inspection of railroad equipment; making allow ances to ahsriffs for keeping prison ers; and diminishing the civil jurisdic tion of the Harrison county court. I THE MARKETS BRYAN PRODUCE. Following are the prevailing quota tions for the week in the local mar kets. Let It be remembered that these figures shew the prices paid by mer chants to producers, and tio not repre sent the retail prices: Hay, Grain and Other Feedstuffs. Hay Alfalfa, $19.3021.30 per ton; prairie, $16.00; sorghum, $10.00; mil let, $13.00; Johnson grass, $13.00. Corn Shelled, 65ti6512c; in 65fi; CSc per bushel. ear, Chops Per cwt., $1.23. Bran Per cwt., $1.3S. Oats Per bushel, 44 l2c. These quotations are made on car load lots to the dealer. Poultry and Eggs. Chickens Hens, $4.30 per dozen for large stock; spring, $4.00; fryers, $3.30 1(3.75; broilers, $3.00; peepers, $2.00. Geese Per dozen, $4,301(8.30, ac cording to size and quality. Ducks Out of season. Guineas Per dozen. $3.00. s Eggs Fresh yard, SlrlOc. The egg market is in very poor con dition with declining tendencies. The chicken market is in flourishing condi tion. Each day's offering is consumed and not half enough are offered to supply the demand aial every express car brings in a shipment to one or more of the local dealers. Cattle, Hides, Etc. Cattle Cows, strong at 4W3c per pound; yearlings and heifers, 412''(1 5c; calves. 3(r( 4 l2c. Hogs Per pound, 7c. Hides Green, orn Sc per pound; drv, 8 ft 12c. HOUSTON MARKET REVIEW. Special to The Rryan K.tglo. Houston, Texas, March 15. Still no rain! That was the wail of worry and disappointment to be beard on all sides last week. Planting is being de layed, truck farms are drying up and strawberry patches are putting f6rth small fruit for want of proer moist ure. Really the lack of rain Is becom ing a serious matter. The weather re port showed a deficiency for February, and this is likely to be the ease with March unless there Is a sudden change in the situation. Cotton is still bullish because of the strorig statistical position of the staple. This week the market is ton eerned with the government report on the amount of cotton ginned. This will be the final census report of the sea son and will count very closely the cotton raised the past season. Heavy rains would cause short selling and a depression in the market. Potatoes and onions are scarce in this market, owing to the heavy de mand that was made for these sup plies when the big body of soldiers was rushed Into the state. Orauges advanced 406750c a box this week on advices of an advance In California due to the Inability of pick 'ers to get Into the groves there on j account of heavy rains, and thli has 'out down supplies and forceJ ihe ad vance. Navel oranges are now quoted at $3.00. I Etannnas were dull the early part of last week owing to abundance of ripe j fruit, but this was disposed of by Frl iday and was supplanted by glower ! ripening stocks. Prices were un j changed on bunches packed for shlp , ment. Arrival of the Morcador In port i here with thirty-two cars of bananas 'did not affect the market, as most of j tliis fruit went to Inland points north jand east. I Poultry eased down last week, the movement of roosters and hens being 'the heaviest "since Christmas, and hens Isold as low as $4.75 Kr dozen. Young .chickens are still off the market. Kggs remain at 14c, with" the local market absorbing about all the receipts. Coun try butter is still a drug on the mar jket. I The lower coast country Is shipping 'much truck, cabbage, lettuce, etc., to 1 Northern market 3. i Collections last week were reported i fair to good, and all business satis i factory. There were no failures in the I Houston district of forty-two counties. x j KANSAS CITY LIVESTOCK, j Kansas City Stock Yards. March 13. I Cattle buyers soon lost the enthu siasm they displayed last Monday, and ithe market by the middle of the week I had lost 10V15c and had become a sticky affair, particularly on heavy j steers. It looked like this kind were 'going to sell better the first of last j week, but their popularity did not stick. While forecasting the market is not indulged in when it can ne dodged, the fact that heavy steers should be marketed before the middle j ?' ApHJJ. rally tood. 'oome an wir, and they are not like ly to pick up any when temperatures nre eoine nn all the time. Stockers iand feeders also lost 15ffj 2."c last jweek. Buyers were plentiful at the de Icline, and they are taking them at steady prices today. The general mar jket is weak to 10c lower today; run here li.uuii neaa. ah me uim-nris r i wpii Hum iifii iuua.1. aim ....II tin J (n.lnV on1 witn Kiner - h QOr becf outlet aI1 . . . . , sTel'rs W?0 .J , Jo me le $(U f -r jsra to their proiver nitch each week, and show a mucli more reasonauie pre mium above the middle grades than they did two months ago. i orn tea UKianoma steers sum in nc M........ tine dMsipn today .t ; $0 10 b,,lk of "''"'VV ply today from below the qiinran ne lino shnnt 1200 head. t.oou native. cows bring $4.303.30, heifers up to $t!.23, bulls S4.00fff 3.23, calves $3.00'rf S. 23, stock steers $4.30(3.73. stock cows and heifers $:t.25f 4.73. feeding steers $3.33(7( 3.80. Colorado fed steers sold today at ?3.73'f( 3.1!3, cows $4.4U 5.23. While the hog market is vacillating in the extreme, it ?eems to hare a pretty tood base to rest on. Average prices last week wero a little higher than the previous week's average. Hun Is heavy all around today, 13.0 Ht head here, and packers delivered a :iin, punch to tin market, prir-eg off 13 ft 20c. It is not taken seriously, and an, advance tomorrow would not be sur prising. Fresh meat trade Is said to be cleaning up packers' supples al most as fast as they can get thorn, and . all hands btiv freely evory day. Trade j in the product Is sv.isr.ic-n-y. ar ' , while receipts at the market will I 'probably gradually assume larger pro-j portions, receipts will not jump up suddenlv. Biem hogs are scarce, and I a widening gulf between big fnt hem ' and light weights may be exported for ; the next few months. To-) today 0.!.", I bulk Sfi.SOfi fi.83. ! A good run of sheep and lambs 'o d j 'to advantage, the close on everything! j being at the top prices of the year, I except lambs, which sold highest they :have sold siuce January 18. Run is I (21.000 here to3ay. largely from ( olo-; :rado; market steady at the opening. jbut lambs weakened later. Top lambs brought $fi.23, shipped in by Beatty Bros., of the Arkansas valley; bulk of I ewes $4.83. yearlings $3.73. clipped lambs sell at 'wethers $4.23. Feedin $3.23f( 5.60. J. A. RICKART, Market Correspondent. AT General Carter Says Ball and Shrapnel Are Target Practice. Cartridges for By Associated Press. San Antonio, Texas, March 15. The Xinth cavalry and the Fourth artillery are due to arrive here today, complet ing the division. General Carter today swept away 'any intimations that the ammunition is intended for service in Mexicoby announcing that it was for target prac tice. Even three-inch field pieces will shoot at targets. COLD WAVE IS SWEEPING THE NORTH One Above Zero at St. Louis- Never Touched Texas. By Associated Press. Washington, March 15. A severe cold wave is sweeping over the Xorth and into the southeastern portion of the United States. It looks as if it will miss Xorth Texas. The temperature was 1 degree above zero at St. Louis this morning. Sill 8 JIT L VESTOC HORSE AND MULE BARN SWEPT CLEAN BY FLAMES MOST OF THE HOGS y AND SHEEP' SAVED By Associated Press. Fort Worth, Texas, March 14. Up wards of a thousand head of stock were burned to death In a lire this morning which swept all the horse and mule barns on" the south Eide of Exchange avenue from the new Ex change building on Marine creek to the Swift packing house. The hog and sheep sheds just west of the Swift plant were also swept. The loss is probably about $.100,000, but the exact amount will not le known until night, as much of the fine stock was turned loose to make Its own escape and is not yet accounted for. Four men were badly burned, in By Associated Press. EI Paso, Texas, March 13. Colonel Roosevelt at a breakfast tendered him here this morning said: "All the I'nlted States demands of Mexico Is order, justice and indeKndence." This was his only utterance on affairs in .yexico, and was a great surprise. . BOTH SIDES FIRED ACROSS INTERNATIONAL BOUNDARY i Asjni-htiil l'i'Pl j J crch T-Firing the American side of the inter- boundary line. Mexican cus- toms officials at llgodones sent a vol ley at insurrecto whose return fire was into the American town of An drade. Xo one was hurt on eithef side. ALL-STAR MINSTREL WILL PLAY AT HEARNE. j The All-Snr .'.linptrel show present ed at the Colonial theater a fow nights ago will bo presented In Heaine on Friday ulht, Mai : h 2!. A sp - ial car has Iren ni ranged fc the company ard the low rate of SO cents for the round trip has been made. All parties desiring tJ accompany tV boys may do so, and it Is desir-vi that a large number go. These desiring to lie members of the paity may notify John Daly, Jr. FIIMIC WAR BESIN3 TODAY Troocs Will Eo Pr-jtC etS Packet Wil! Start Upori Arrival of War:l:lps r.t Crlvete-. By Assoeiatc-d Pre 9. Galvestcn. Texas, March 13.- A reg imental parade w'.'A be held toJ.iy upon the arrival of the warships now await ed, when it Is expected they will begin the war game. HOSPITAL CORPS DF TEMS NATIONAL HOD Under Orders To Be Ready to Take Field Not Enough Regular Army Surgeons to Serve Troops. By Associated Press. Dallas, Texas, March 15. From a reliable confidential source It is learned today that the hospital corps of the Texas Xational Guard is under orders to be ready to take the field at any moment. The regular army has not sufficient surgeons to care for 20,000 men, especially if typhoid fever should break out among the troops now stationed in Texas. ON THE WARPATH Issues Statement Full of Thorns and Teeth for Governor Colquitt. By Associated Press. Austin, Texas, March 15. Comp troller Lane today issued a statement on the governor's veto of the defi ciency appropriation bill, styling Gov ernor Colquitt as the agent of the "liquor oligarchy" and charging that the governor has destroyed the useful ness of the attorney general's depart ment. Mr. Lane says many of the liquor dealers will be unable to get their licenses renewed because there is no provision to supply him with the help necessary for handling this work. S ii cluding Murray Howard" and L. E. Walton. The others' names are un known. Nearly-all the fine hogs and sheep here for exhibition were saved. It ia rumored that the fire was started by a man cooking his breakfast In a barn. Some Individual Losses. Ry Associated Press. Fort Worth, Texas, Mireh 14. Armour & Co.' In this morning's lire saved 73 per cent of L'000 hogs In their pens. Pollard & Farquhar, of San Angelo, lost Konantz, valued at $."000, and two other horses worth $1000 each. Ben Calloway, of Enid, Okla., lost forty-five head of stock wafth $15,000. SECRET SERVICE T Papers of American Consul Did Secure Acquittal of Charge of Pistol Toting. Not By Associated Press. Eagle Pass, Texas, March 13. What Is regarded as a new and strict en forcement of the neutrality law3 was the arrest here today of Federico Chlcon, nn American citizen, charged with pistol toting. He had papers from the American consul In t'iudad Porfirlo Diaz showing blm to he In the Revret service, but this did not obtain Chleon's release from Jail. COLQUITT REFUSES TO DIS CUSS LANE CONTROVERSY Ry Associated Press. 1 Fort Worth, Texas, .March 13 Gov ernor Cohiuitt arrived here this morn ing for the fat stock show. He refused jto discuss his controversy with Comp I troller Lnne. i OLD G3TS WHIST TO ' FIGHT SOME MORE Ily Associated Press. Fort Worth, Texas, March 13. The Confederate Greys, a company com posed of Civil war veterans, have of fered their services to President Taft in case cf war with .Mexico or Japan TEXAS BAMBLfNG T Court of Appeals Says Gambling House Proprietor Beng a Vagrant Does Not Invalidate Gambling Regulations. By Associated Press. Austin, Texas, .March 15. The court of criminal appeals in a decision ren dered today upheld the state gambling laws, declaring that the fact that a gambling house proprietor Is a vagrant under the vagrancy code does not In validate the gambling regulations. CHAHPIOH STEER FROM By Associated Press. Fort Worth, Texas', March 15. A steer raised on the Silver Valley ranch In Coleman county was today selected as the grand champion of the entire fat stock show. Boog Scott & Bros. own him. LIEHTFOOT HONORED DT WOODMEN'S Twenty-four Companies Marched Uniform Rank Parade. in By Associated Press. Mineral Wells Texas, March 15. Attorney General Lightfoot was hon ored this morning in a song by the Woodmen of the World convenuo-j In session here. Twenty-four compa nies were in the uniform rank parade. W.NTS ST. LOUIS AMERICANS. By Associated Pre3s. Corslcana, Texas, March 14 Sev eral hundred dollars were subscribed today toward the Sneck company, the object being to make Corslcana the Iermanent training grounds for St. Louis American baseball club. the FIRE AT MELISSA. By Associated Press. Melissa, Texas, March 15. Fire did $15,000 damage here this morning. A dozen firms suffered losses. Few Fishermen' v3 for Fleet of Orient fBv AsHnrlflteri P.,.. l iciuna, lexas, .March 14. A l?T,il anese fleet reported off the Texas coast near Port O'Connor, after caus ing much excitement. nrnv,i tn only fishermen's yawls. ARMY IN TEXAS FOB . TWO WEEKS OR MORE By Associated Press. noiiiiiKion. J arch 14 It trim stated at the war' department today mm me army in Texas will remain in the present camps at least two weeks. T FATE OF AMERICANS Nothing Can Be Heard of the Fifteen Young Men Made Prisoners at Casas Grandes and It It Feared They Have Been Executed. v 1 El Paso, Texas. March 14. There is j much anxiety here over tho ram nf l fifteen Americans who wero made if prisoners at tne defeat of the insur-J rectos at Casas Grandes. It is asserted I mui mvy nave oeen executed. Two i requests to the Insurrecto Junta for (information remain unanswered. It Is 1 feared that the Junta can not pot nu,a of them. The friends of the federals say iney are sure the Americans are 'still alive. OF FORTUNE MUST TIKE CHANCES America Fighting with Mexlca Insurrectos Will Be Shown No Favor. By Associated Press.l Xew York, March 14. American! captured fighting with Mexican Insuii rectos must take the insurrectotJ chances. This statement was made Ui day by Senor Llmantour, diplomatl representaMve of the Mexican federa government. REFUSED COMMISSION 11 WITH INSURRECTO f Ftv Agttnrlntfi'l Proaa 1 Marshall. Texas, .March 14. Col. T j f T - ... . 1. 1 . I.I... it i.. i'-nii:vj , ui mis 'i ii, una reiuwi' an offer to fight with the Mexican iii surrcctos with the rank of colonel TWO YEARS FOR FORGERY, I By Associated Press. l I Marshall, Texas, March U.-Vfttl Ross wis today sentenced to twff I years' Imprisonment for forgery aifl I swindling the First Xational Bai here out of $1100. FIREPROOF SHEDS FOR FAT STOCK SHOvl By Associated Press. Fort Worth, Texas, March 15. has been decided to erect flrepro sheds to replace the barns on yest( day's burned area. HUNTSVILLE BOY GETS APPOINTMENT TO ANNAPOL By Associated Press. Huntsvllie, Texas, March 14. Set tor Bailey has appointed Densmc Hume, of this city, to a cadetshlp the I'nlted States naval academy Annapolis, Md. Lots For Sale! ROSSLYN, NEW TOWN SITE Suburb of Houston, on T. St B. R. R. Threr mtle fro'ti Houston Heights. 92.S.C0 each, 10 percent cash, 10 per cent per month. See J. D. Murray Or apply to C. R. KITCHELL & Cd 913 Com. Bank Bli'g. Houtlom. Tad H.&TC.R.F Through the back b OI itXES Ft. Worth Stock Show, $6. round trip, on sale March 12 to inclusive. Limit March 26 Sa occasion $3.60 round trip, on s March 17. Limit March 18; good on Hustler. . Houston $1 50 round trip sale March 19, Saturday ni train passing Bryan 2:52 Sun a. m. L' nit date of sale. S. H. HARRIS Local Ag c' k i . A