OCR Interpretation

The Bryan eagle. [volume] (Bryan, Tex.) 1880-1913, March 30, 1911, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

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Bryan, Brazos Coanty, Texas, Thursday, March 30, 1911.
fSeventeen-Year-Old Girl Tell Panic
lars of One of the Mot Wondf r-
ful Escapee Ever Recorded.
Mexican Noncombatants Suffering .for
Food and Begging to Get Into
United States.
jf - By AsBoeluted Prows.
New York, March 28. Ida Singer, a
4 venteen-year-old shirtwaist maker
S tho lies in her home suffering from a
V a i i i .. .i liaa lur.
w minor uruiaes unu iuw, iw
lips tho strange3t story to tell of any
the hundreds who escaped death In
the Washington., square horror Satur
,iov u-n fnn ml bv the firemen
i hanging half conscious to a spike In
ttte rear wall of the building opposite
' So third floor landing. She had fallen
;m the fire escape at tue ninui noor,
jit the pointed spike caught In her
othing and save her life. ,
"When I first heard the- alarm," she
says, "I was paralyzed with fear. I
Was too weak to run.l I half crawled
t$ a baofc window and 1 remember I
was crying bitterly as 1 raised a win
dow opening on the narrow lire escape.
i"Pl!imiB were roaring out of the
f Indowa below, but I knew I had to i Madero
SViiiown the narrow fire escaie and
qlimbed out. As 1 did so I looked back
and saw many girls rushing toward I
e window 1 had gone through. I was
lad they were coming and stopiied
Tying. , . 1
"I felt I had to go down aneau or
By Associated l'ri'88. .
El Paso. Texas. March 28. Thou
sands of noncombatants In northern
Mexico are, struggling to get out of
the country. Many women and chil
dren are without means of transporta
tion. Seventeen families are trying to
bo admitted Into the United States at
this' point.
In the Hig Bend section of Texas It
Is reported that nged men, women and
children are starving. All of them are
.Mexican refugees.
Says Mexican Insurrectos
Have Organized Regular Army
Corps to Secure Recogniton
of Belligerent Rights.
Hy Assocluted Press.
El Paso. Texas. March 28. Pro vis-
Judge Moore Will Make Injunction
Permanent Unless Grand Jury
Reports There Was Fraud.
By Associated Press.
Lockhart. Texas, March 28. A
Marchlnsr Investigation of the charges
of fraud In the Caldwell county local
option election was enjoinea on me
grand Jury yesterday by Judge L. W.
Moore, of 'he district court. The argu
ments on the writ of temporary In
junction he issued last week will be
heard Wednesday. Judging from his
charge, the writ will be made perma
nent and prevent a recount unless
fraud Is first shown.
i -
j By Vigilance and Bravery Prevented
Robbery Two of the Three
Bandits Captured.
By Associated Tress.!
j Corsleana, Texas, March 28. lilalr
i Tassel, "Kusty" Tickle and Matt
Tickle, three well known young men,
prevented the roblery of the Durdon
Processes Explained and Workings of
Machinery Shown an Eagle Re
Porter Who VlsltecK'Plant.
The origin of any material and the
process of Its making are always in
teresting, therefore the manager of
the Bryan Cotton Oil & Fertilizer
Works,. Mr. J. Webb Howell, Invited
an Eagle reporter to visit the plant
this morning for a tour of Inspection.
The entire plant was gone over and
the details and processes and working
of the machinery were explained. Com
paratively few ha vis availed them
selves of the opportunity to visit this
great plant, and to all such Mr. Howell
extend adi Invitation to enjoy the
pleasurable experience of The Eagle
Oil Mill.
tiiV oil mill a force of at least
taenrv men are busy making cotton
6eed meal and cottonseed oil. The
seed I ground Into meal and through
a mechanical process the meal is made
into cakes. These cakes are put Into
a press under a pressure of SiWiO
pounds, and thus the oil Is extracted.
The cake is then ground, sacked and
l readv for market as cottonseed
meal. The oil mill was the only part
Condenud Statement of the Condition of
The City National Bank
At the close of business March 7th, 1911
Loans and Discounts....' y ...$434,851.40
U. S. Bonds and Premium 102,000.00
Bonds, Securities, Etc 6,212.60
Furniture and Fixtures. I 2,000.00
Cash 296,852.12
Capital Stock $ 50,000.00
Surplus and Profits (net) 126,638.79
Circulation...- 50,000.00
Deposits 61 5,277 J3
I ..1 1 I ,1 t t.'.n rw.t.w.n Mo Axim fl Tl. I
. . , , .... nnnn thnf tho Inniirrectos have ior- , . ....u i nf th n ant runninc today. Aner in
own I had t "ken ' p obably ' n al V abandoned Ruerrl.la warfare and S,rm n eaving a Tacant houe e V the meal it
& downed when the first of the I have established a regular array cor, through a refining process
YlrU rolled out. of the window above In order to gain foreign recognition ,unUI monng fron) a and made Into cooking oil.
hie, crashing down on me. and I lost of their belligerency. : hoU,, in fu v!ew At 2 o'clock the c.rfinr Work.
my balance and felt myself falling. I i , trio seen leaving the vacant house en- heruuzer yvor.
4 remember I was almost glad of It be- ! tered the bank by prying off the door. The fertilizer department is most
Hore J lost my senses. PPflQPrPT llF Pt!l f iThu Joun m,n l-'ned fire from the complete. The building, 175x102 feet,
J"Whin I woke ud I was in the fun- rilUiJTLlJl UT I LnUL i hotel, and n dozen shots were ex-Utniirtj hpttween the Houtson & Texas
Inlest nosltion. I had to stop and study 'changed. The robbers escaped on a
It out. My hands were down by my
feet. I heard men and women shout
ing and streaming. I tried to move
and could nut.- After a long time 1
heard a voice- and a window was
opened. Two men got hold of me and
took me Inside ttie uuuaing. My cou,
skirt and bat remaineJ on a big spike
In the wall.
"The men wanted to know how 1 got
caught on that spike and 1 told them
I fell from the ninth floor. Im spite of
the horror of the situation we all
laughed ns we thought of It.
nut 1 shall never forget wnat i
saw below me when I was hanging on
that spike. I saw men and women
piled up on top of one another, some
were quiet and still and oiners were
frantically waving their arms and
shouting. I saw a girl wiping a man s
face with her handkerchief. After a
while they all quieted down.
Tho eravpl and reinforcing steel for
the sewer system arrived last night
he I tut unloaded today. The
excavation of the septic tank was com
pleted yesterday and the cement worn
ivo-n tnHnv Thn riln last
night filled the excavation with water,
and a ditch had to ne aug to anun n.
The cementing will probably begin to
morrow. .
changed. The robbers escaped on a
hand car. but Corbet (itizens ob
structed the track, wrecking the han 1
car and catching two of the men, while
. - !the third escaped. Corbet W23 notified
r-.tk... f in.nrri-otn LaHir Savs Diaz I'" . '
v.. w. V t.i0nhone
Will Resign and Limantour win Th ris(Jners gave their names aa
Be President.
By Associated I'ress.
San Antonio, Texas, March !!S.
Francisco I. Madero, Sr., and Gustave
i x- rn-i.
Mauero arnvea nere irom .e
this morlng.
The prisoners gave their name
John HIair. of Shelby county, Texas,
and McKonm n of Ca&lo parish. Louis
iana. No money v.as secured.
State of Texas, 1
County of Brazos )
Correct Attest:
J. VV. English
J. K. Parker
. H. Astin
Jno. E Astin
I, Albert VV, Wilkerson, Cashier of
the above named Bank, do solemnly
swear that the above statement is true
to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Albert V. Wilkerson, Cashier
Subscribed and sworn to before me, this
9th day of Mar. 1911. F. L. CAVITT
Notary Public. Brazos County, Texas.
Peace In Thirty Days?
By Associated Preen.
Antonio. Texas. March
Francisco Madero announced on his
arrival here this morning that peace
In Mexico is assured in thirty days,
and probably in ten days.
Senor Madero said there had al
ready been diplomatic exchanges, and
that the office of vice president, now
occupied by Corral, will probably be
abolished. President Diaz. It Is be
lieved, will resign after a few weeks,
Limantour succeeding him.
Central and International . & Great
Northern railroads, with a spur track
on each side making loading most con
venient. The Star brand cotton ana
nnm torturer, which Is the commer-1
clal fertilizer most generally used by .
farmers in this settiori. is made here, j
Tnajjnixer ii of the latest style and is j
very serviceable. The mixing, sacking i
and weighing are all done hy one ma- j .
ihins unit nftor the inzredients are '
r thv rnme out as sacked 1
one hundred' pounds. The fertilizer Is By Associated Press.
made under the supervision of Dr. G. j Juarez, Mexico, March 23. It is re-
..... - ... . ' naps, Maic ; uurieu iuai uauua ui iudujicuvo
BILLS WERE PPHQVE0 !"ri.lr ." U-
bearing his signature, ine power ior,
Rumor Throws Them
a Panic.
Companies and Allowing Commis
sioners' Courts to PrescrlDS "
Drainage Districts.
Repo-t Believed In Mexico.
Hy Assoclnteil Press.
Mexico City. March 28. I Bulletin,)
The San Antonio report that Presi
dent Diaz will resign is regarded here
as having some foundation, but It
will not occur until after the r
tablishment of peace.
... 'the fertilizer machine Is furnished by the flat-topped roofs and the five nun
Autnonzing incorporator, o, -urc.y Easoline engine, ,,1 f,ni eniHW In town made
which is also used to unload cotton- rea(Jy fof fln aUacfc General N-avarro
iTh'is fertllizeVplant is the only one 'sent out a troop of cavalry to Intercept
i in Central Texas, the nearest else- j a band of Insurrectos said to be cross-
where being located at Houston. .Many 'Jng tne rlver (rom tne American side
Hy Associated Press. ! carloads of Its product are shipped to ! . .
Austin, Texas, March 28.-Governor i various .points in this section. The 3 rew mues irom uere.
Cntnnitt thin mornlne aunroved the ; tm(irtap lust beginning to realize I
lillU onthnrllnff the Incnrnoration of'hn an inrTcasorl vipld nf from $ 5 to '
$10 an acre can De naa d.v tne use ui
exneriments nave
Recruiting Stations Open Day and
Night Need for Infantrymen
Said To Be Urgent.
By Associated Press.
Chicago, March 23. Fifty thousand
handbills were sent out today by the
army recruiting station here urging
men to 1nln th armv Th rpernltlne
station is ordered to be kept open day
ana nignt, uraers irom me war ae
partment at Washington say the pro
curing of infantry recruits i3 urgent
anrotv rnnmanles and itivlng commis
sioners' coum authority to prescribe
draiange districts.
FIFTY SPECIAL SCHOLARSHIPS Arc now offered to the People by
vy M
These Scholarships are goad at any time for aiVy or all courses. They may be paid
for in 5 monthly payments cf H each. On one of these scholarships a student may
attend school from now to Jan. 1, 1912. There "ill be but fitly of these scholar
ships issued. If vou are interested in this orfer drop us a card or call and see us.
These Scholarships must be disposed of at once. C. S. PF.RR , Prin.
Offers Star Witness in Camorra Case
Two Hundred a Week to Exhibit
Himself in United States.
1 Ry Associated Press.
Viterbo. Italy, March 2S. The trial
'of the thirty-six Camorrists is proceed
ing today. A man claiming to be Sam
Charing, the Milan agent of an AmeH
Mii theatrical house, has offered AU-
battmaecio. the main state witness!
against the Camorra. $200 weekly to
exhibit himself in the United States.
Preacher Has Erysipelas.
Hy Associated ITe.s.
Beaumont. Texas, March 28. Rev.
J. W. Moore, pastor of the First Meth
odist church in this city, is critically
111 with ervslielas caused from Infec
tion of nimnle on his face. He has
filled numerous, pulpits over the state.
f irt i1i7or and
proven this to be a fact beyond doubt.
Commercial fertilizers are revolution
izing farming, and while not as exten
sively used in this state as in other3,
Texas farmers are gradually learning
the advantages of intensive 'arming.
Last vear Texas used 33,400 tons of
commercial fertilizer and Alabama
used 1,000.000 tons, yet there Is as
much land that needs fertilizing in
Texas as there is in Alabama. The
fertilizer plant is located in Bryan and
the farmers of the surrounding coun
try can exchange their cottonseed for
fertilizer. The plant has a capacity of
100 tons per day. and there is never
a time when the fertilizer can not be
secured. Brazos county farmers in
preater numbers every year are using
this advantage to increase their yieia.
Slight Damage by Collision.
P-y Associated Press.
Marshall. Texas, March 23 A Texas
& Pacific pay car was hit at Hahnvil'e
last night by a pasesncer train, but
the damaged car and lTiymaster Ew
ine, with a sprained ankle, continued
over .the road today paying off the
Report Brought by Cousin of One of
Them American Miners Have
Joined Insurrectos.
By Associated Press.
San Antonio, Texas, March 23.
John Hamilton Dignowitty, well known
in Southwestern Texas as Ham Dig
nowitty, and two other Americans are
reported to have been shot to death by
order of a drumhead Mexican court
martial for participating in the revolu
tion. The news was brought' here hy
a cousin of Dignowitty, who had no
H M. Burns, a North Mexico min
ing man, said today that many Ameri
cans have been thrown out of work by
the closing of mines. He also said
that about two hundred Americans are
fighting with the insurrectos, mostly
unemployed mining men.
Recruiting at Memphis.
ATemnhla Tenn v Mnrrh 23 TTnl.
formed soldiers will shortly begin a
house-to-house canvass for recruits in
this section of the South.
Orders Received at Texas Stations.
TEy Associated Press.)
Dallas. Texas. March 23. Orders to
rush Infantry recruiting hav been re
ceived in the lexas recruiting omces
aad throughout the country. It is re
ported there has been & falling off in
enlistments since the mobilization of
the army began.
J L. Fountain E. J. Fountain
- Lards and Icons
St ck and Bond Brokers
All chaiacte" of securities bought
and so d.
I I minillif Illfll. 'i-BiMHHHaSHSJWSSMHSHai
, employes. u"u"-- - '
Quality and Low Price combined with Variety and Individuality. These Buggies are made up specially to our own
specifications. Having the snap and style even in the little things, carpets full lenftth of the body, extra braced-padded
dash, wrought iron fifth wheel and many other points we would be glad to show you.
How Can You Do
Without One
PARKS, -Bryan s
"There are tricks in all trades!" So the say
ing goes. I am frank to confess that our bus
iness has its share in fact, I believe our lines
offer the greatest opportunities to the dishon
est dealer. Therefore, it is more important
where you buy than what you pay. . F. P.
'The Taylor Nursery Bed"
For the sake of Baby's health;
for mother's health and corn-
Most wonderful baby bed
in the world.
5 days free Trial your money
back if vou want it.
urnuure an
is ?rs if 17
m ?i m - is-n
a mew n

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