OCR Interpretation

The Bryan eagle. [volume] (Bryan, Tex.) 1880-1913, May 04, 1911, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86088572/1911-05-04/ed-1/seq-2/

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iron mm WILL
So Says Judge Freeman, Who Has
Just Seen George Cculd in
New York.
By Associated Press.
Houston, Texas, May 2 Ret elver
J. T. Freeman, of the International &
Great Northern Railroad Company,
arrived at home toJay from New York,
where he talked with George Gould.
He emphatically denies the report
from St. Louis that the Iron Mountain
railroad will control the International
& Great Northern.
Caused by Riding in Cold Pullman
Car from El Paso to Houston.
By Associated Press.
Abilene, Texas, May 2. Alleging
that the frigid tem;rature in the
car in which he traveled on October
31, 1910, from El Paso to Houston,
permanently impaired his health, O.
P. Thomas, past grand chancellor and
now supreme representative of the
Knights of Pythias of Texas, filed suit
yesterday for $31,400 damaees against
the Pullman company.
Foreign Quarter Is on Island Protect
ed by Gunboats in Surround
ing Waters.
By Associated Press.
Hong Kong, May 2. Today's ad
vices from Canton say that foreigners
there have so far escaped harm. The
foreign residents' section occupies an
artificial island north of the city, gun
boats in the surrounding waters pro
tecting it, and guns are mounted on
the approaches to the island.
The government seems to be in con
trol of the situation at Canton today.
By Associated Press.
Waco, Texas, May 2. It is learned
on apparently good authority that the
Cotton Belt railroad will shortly con
tract for a line of railroad from re
phenville to the Thurber coal fields,
a distance of thirty miles.
Dallas Takes the Lead and Solicits
Co-operation of Other Counties
Alorg the Line.
A Dallas special to the Galveston
News says:
A macadam roadway from Red River
to Galveston will soon be built if the
plans of the county engineers' depart
ment of Dallas county and the Dallas
Automobile Club are carried out. The
proposed road will be a little more
than four hundred miles in length and
will pass through Grayson, Collin, Dal
las, Ellis, Hill, Mclennan, Falls, Rob
ertson, Brazos, Grimes, Waller, Harris
' and Galveston counties.
Assistant County Engineer Cade has
been in correspondence with members
of the commissioners' courts in most
of the counties through which the
proposed road is to pass, and all from
whom he has heard have expressed
themselves as being favorable to the
idea and have indicated a willingness
to assist In building the road.
One hundred and fifty miles of the
proposed road is already macad
amized, but it will require the united
efforts of all the counties to close up
the gaps along the route. The road as
proposed will be to take the most
practicable direct route and pass
through the county seats of the vari
ous counties.
Beginning at Red River, Grayson
county reports that there is ten miles
of good macadam along the proposed
route, Collin county 5, Dallas 30, El
lis 15, Hill 10, McLennan 13, Falls 20,
Waller 10, and from Houston to Gal
veston the joad is already completed.
Grimes, Robertson and Brazos coun
ties have not yet been heard from,
but all the others interested seem to
favor the project.
Another route is also being consid
ered, and whether or not the first one
outlined will be the one chosen de
pends on the commissioners' courts
of Robertson, Brazos and Grimes coun-
' ties.
The other route being discussed is
the same as the first one as far as
Waco. From there it is proposed to
go through Bell, Williamson, Travis,
Hays, Comal and Bexar, then to Har
ris and Galveston. Some of the pro
ponents favor the second route, stat
ing that this route has many advan-
;t:cs over the ether from the fact
1 that many more miles of the road
'are already built.
! Several of the counties along the
line have Issued bonds to be used In
improving their roads and In others
bond issues are contemplated, and tm?
i promoters of the idea are confident
'that it will not be long before auto
imobllists and others will have a first
! class road from the northern border
;of the state to the coast.
! d.. in nui ah Atria Arkansas and
r i vow m
East Tennessee Cotton
Crop Retarded.
By Associated Press.
Washington, May 2. Unseasonably
cold weather prevails throughout the
South toJay. Frost is reported In parts
of Oklahoma, Arkansas and East
Tennessee, and the cotton crop is
much retarded.
Will Also Be Used for Pauper Home,
and Will Be Operated by
the County.
The county commissioner's court,
now in session, has perfected arrange
ments for the establishment of a per
manent convict camp and pauper
home. A tract of twenty-six acres of
land, Just north of the city, has been
purchased as a location and the neces
sary buildings will be erected at once.
The institution will be operated by
the county and will be superintended
by County Road Superintendent R. P.
McMinn. This will be the headquar
ters of the road working force and all
the county convicts will be kept there.
Anti-Manchu " Movement Extends to
Kwang Lung and Amoy
By Associated Press.
Hong Kong. .May 2. Latest dis
patches say anti-Manchu movement
has spread to Kwang Lung province
and to Amoy.
Some of the dead at Canton were
strangled to death.
Governor Harmon Afraid of White
wash if Matter Is Left to Legis
lative Committee.
By Associated Press.
Columbus, Ohio, May 2. Governor
Harmon and other state officials de
cided today that the grand jury should
investigate the bribery charges against
forty or more members of the legisla
ture, in order to avoid an immunity
bath, which is likely if a legislative
commitee investigated the affair. The
grand jury accordingly met today.
"Panhandle" Hall, a Noted Pro, One
of the Judges Pressley and Gra
ham Are the Others.
By Associated Press.
Austin, Texas, May 2. Governor
Colquitt today announced the appoint
ment of the judges of the Amarillo
court of civil appeals, as follows: J.
A. Graham, of Amarillo; J. M. Press
ley, of Roby, Fisher county, and R. W.
("Panhandle") Hall, one of the best
known prohibitionists in the state.
Judge Graham was supported by the
A. B. Martin, of Tulia, has been
offered the position of state tax com
missioner, succeeding L. T. Dashiel,
but has not yet accepted the appoint
By Associated Press.
San Antonio, Texas, May 2. Five
non-commissioned officers and one
private, discharged today from the
regualr army, will spend the three
months until they can re-enlist fight
ing for the Mexican Insurrectos. Many
other discharged regulars have done
the same.
By Associated Press.
Austin, Texas, May 2. The last ex
amination for teachers' certificates
under the old law will be held at
county seats May 5 and 6.
Two of the Employes Each Gets a
Hand Caught in the Machinery
and Badly Crushed.
Mr. E. M. Andrews, foreman of the
laundry at A. & M. college, and J. H. ;
i 0..1.h T. ii'nrl.'lnff In S ltirnln- i i
were both painfully injured this morn-1
ing. In some way the right-hand of!
Andrews and the left hand of Suber
were caught In a mechanical clothes ;
wringer, and before they could be j
extricated they were mangled and ,
bruised very badly.
Medical assistance was called at
once and both parties are reported
resting easy.
Will Devote Two Weeks to Hearings
on Canadian Reciprocity Many
Special Interests Will Be
By Associated Press.
Washington, May 2. The senate
finance committee has decided to de
vote its times from today until May 13
in bearings on Canadian reciprocity.
It i3 exacted that representatives of
many protected interests will apiiear
before the committee to protest
against features of the reciprocity
If Carabajal's Credentials Are Not Sat
isfactory Correction Will Be
Made by Telegraph.
By Associated Press.
El Paso, Texas, May 2. "If Judge
Carabajal does not bring full creden
tials 'from President Diaz it will be
because of an oversight and we will
get them by telegraph without delay."
This statement was made by one of
the Mexican peace go-betweens today.
Judge Carabajal, who was expected
last nigth, has not arrived yet. The
cause of the delay is not known, but
he is expected by tonight.
Fired Indiscrimnately but Nobody
Was Hurt Probably Only
Done for Bravado.
By Associated Press.
Chihuahua City, May 2 A band of
insurrectos entered the city yesterday,
firing indiscriminately despite the
armistice. They fled before anyone
was hurt.
It is believed that the raid was only
for bravado.
Advise All Americans to Move Their
Families Into United States.
By Assnciiited Press.
Nogales, Ariz., May 2. Southern
Pacific railway officials here say the
Mexican rebels have served notice ad
vising all Americans to move their
families into the United States.
Easy and Quickest Way to Break Up
a Cold.
If you want instant relief from cold
in head or chest, or from acute ca
tarrh, try this:
Into a bowl of boiling hot water pour
a teaspoonful of HYOMEI (pronounce
it High-o-me), hold your bead o.erthe
bowl and cover head and bowl with
towel. Then breathe the pleasant, pen
etrating, antiseptic vapor deep vnto
the lungs, over the sore, raw, tender
membrane, and most gratifying reliet
will come in a few minutes.
Druggists everywhere will sell a
bottle of HYOMEI for 50c. Ask for
extra bottle Hyomei inhalant. ,
Don't be stubborn. Don't be preju
diced. There is not a particle of mor
phine, cocaine, or any injurious or
habit forming drug in HYOMEI.
Give it a trial at E. J. Jenkins' risk.
He guarantees it. It is made of euca
lyptus and other grand antiseptics. It
will chase away the misery of catarrh
or any affliction of the nose and throat
in a few minutes.
You can get a trial sample free by
writing Booth's Hyomei Co., Buffalo,
N. Y.
Mr. T. R. Jo3ey has opened a gro
cery on Redtop street, near Dunlap's
gin, in the northern part of town.
,7 V
Pedigree can be seen at my barn
POSES. House Joint Resolution No. 2.
A resolution proposing to amend the
Constitution of the State of Texas,
by amending Article lfi, Section 20,
thereof by striking out and repeal
ing said section, and substituting in
lieu thereof a new Section 20, pro
hibiting the manufacture for pur
poses of sale, barter or exchange,
and the sale, barter and exchange
of intoxicating liquors, on and after
the second Tuesday in January,
A. D. 1912, within this Stale, except
for medicinal, scientific and sacra
mental purposes, and providing that
the legislature of the State of Texas
shall, at noon on the second Tues
day in January. A. D. 1912. by au
thority of this section, meet In ses
sion in the city of Austin, and pass
efficient laws to enforce this sec
tion; providing, further, that this
section shall not prevent any ses
sion of the Legislature from passing
any law to enforce the snme; and,
providing, further, that all laws in
force when this amendment Is
adopted, providing penalties or for
feitures in relation to the manufne-
aalii np tr.insimrtatinn of in-
. toxicating 'liquors, shall remain in :
full force and effect until modified
or repealed; fixing the time for the
election for the adoption or rejec
tion of said proposed cons'itutional
amendment, directing a proclama
tion therefor and making certain
provisions for t-nid cle-;'';n and the
ballets thereof, anil nithol of vot
ing; nrescribirit certain dn's ff,r
the Govemcr of this Stile, and mak
ing an appropriation t defray the
expenses ot said t-!ert!o:i.
Be it received by the Legislature cf
the State of Texas:
Section 1. That Article V' of
Constitution of the Staff of Tc:s lo
amended by striking outturn! retail
ing Section i1) thereof, and substitut
ing in lieu of said Section 20 the fol
lowing: Section 20. Th manu'ir'uro ror
.purposes of sale, barter cr ewh'ttr
and the sale, barter and exchange of
intoxicating liquors on an! after th
second Tuesday in Janu trv, A. IV 1"!:'.
is hen by prohil'!te! within thN S;::te.
except for medicinal, ?cent'fic and
sacramental tmrposes. The Legisla
ture of the State of Texas shall at
noon, on the second Tuesday in Jan
uary, A. D. 1912. by authority of this
section, meet in session in the city of
Austin, and pass efficient law3 to n
fnre this section: but nothing in this
section shall prevent any session of
the Legislature from passing any law
to enforce the same; and all laws in
force when thl3 amendment is adopted
providing remedies, penalties or for
feitures in relation to the manufac
ture, sale or transportation of intoxi
cating liquors shall remain in full
force and effect until modi fled or re
pealed. Sec. 2. The foregoing constitutional
amendment shall be submitted to a
vote of the qualified electors for mem
bers of the Legislature at an election
to be held throughout the State of
Texas on the fourth Saturday in July,
being the twenty-second day thereof,
A. D. 1912. At said election the vote
shall be by official ballot, which shall
have printed or written at the top
thereof In plain letters the words
"Official Ballot."
Said ballot shall have also written
or printed thereon the words "For
Prohibition," and the words "Against
All the voters favoring said pro
posed amendment shall erase the
words "Against Prohibition" by mak.
ing a mark through the same, and
those opposing it shall erase the
words "For Prohibition." If a major
ity of the votes cast at said election
shall be "For Prohibition" said amend
ment, shall be declared adopted. If a
majority of the votes shall be
"Against Prohibition" said amend
ment shall be lost and so declared.
All the provisions of the general
election laws as amended and in force
at the time said election Is held shall
govern in all respects as to the quali
fications of the electors, the method
of holding such election, and In all
other respects, a3 far as such election
laws can be made applicable.
Sec. 3. The Governor of this State
is hereby directed to issue the neces
sary proclamation .for said election
and to have the same published as re
quired by the Constitution and laws
1 ss;.
Furniture and
When you need Furniture of any
kind let me show you my stock
An elegant line of Bedroom Suites, Dressers, Tables,
Dining Room Furniture, Rockers, Chairs,
Carpets, Mattings, Shades. Refrigerators,
Etc., to select from. I will not be
undersold. Get my Prices and
Let Me Show You. . . .
W. T.
of this State.
Sec. 4. The sum of five thousand
($.'1100) dollars, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is hereby appro
priated out of any funds in the State
treasury, not otherwise appropriated,
to defray the expenses of such procla
mation, publication and election.
c. c. McDonald.
Secretary of State.
(A true copy.)
This Is the Case with Many Dryan
T o many Bryan citizens are handi
cap el with a bad back. The unceas
ing pain causes constant misery, mak
ing work a burden and stooping or
lifting an impossibility. The back
aches at night, preventing refreshing
rest, and in the morning is stiff and
lame. Plasters and liniments may give
relief, but can not reach the cause.
To eliminate the pains and aches you
must cure the kidneys.
Doan's Kidney Pills help sick Kid
neys. The following statement should con
vince every Rryan reader of their effi
ciency. Mrs. A. F. Thomas, of Navasota,
Texas, says: "I am glad to recom
mend Doan's Kidney Pills, as they
proved to be an excellent kidney rem
edy. I suffered for some time from a
severe pain in my back. This caused
me a great deal of misery and worry.
I had heard so much ot Doan's Kidney
Pill 3 that I procured a box and in a
short time after I began using them,
every symptom of my trouble disap
peared. I gave a public statement
recommending this remedy over a
year ago, and I am now glad to say
that I have had no recurrence of my
former trouble."
For sale by all dealers. Price GOc.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole
agents for the United States.
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
Fifty to one hundred continually on
hand. Priced to sell. All stock guar
anteed as represented.
MARKET, I. M. Conyers, Manager,
Marlln, Texas.
"Our baby cries for Chamberlain's
rnntrh Rfimedv." writes Mrs. T. R.
Kendrick, Rasaca, Ga. "It is the best
cough remedy on ten marKet ior
coughs, colds and croup." For sale by
all druggists.
'Ji. V ,
E. J. Jenkins Sells Best Prescript!
on the Money Back Plan.
Almost everybody knows that si
headache, nervousness and di.f.in
are caused by a disordered stomach.
Upset stomach and Indigestion h:
len Just because the food you eat do
not digest but lies In the ttoma
and ferments or turns sour.
You can stop fermentation ai
stomach distress in five minutes
using MI-O-XA stomach tablets, a pi
scrlptlon that has done more to cu
Indigestion and put thf stomach
fine condition than all the specially
on earth.
A large .'0c box of MI-O-NA stoJ
ach tablets Is all you need to y.
quick and lasting relief. K. J. J
kinB guarantees them.
Mrs. Altle Ktson, of 93 Dun Roii
Battle Creek. Mich., used MI-O-XA a i
within two months was In as go
health as ever, and has a good, stroi
stomach, and eats anything she llk
She attribute her good health
If you have heartburn, belching
gas, heaviness or any Btomaqh troub
no matter how chronic, try MI-O-N
stomac htablets on money back pla
Sold by K. J. Jenkins and lead!
druggists everywhere.
! Mr. W. G. Hatch, of Hearne, di
this morning at 9 o'clock In San A
'tonio, after a long Illness. Mr. Hat
,was a local Mason and a member
the Bryan lodge of Elks, and was p
sonally known and liked by u lar
circle of friends In Bryan. The
I ceased Is survived by a wife, w
jwas Miss Myrtle Wood, a daughter
Mr. C. G. Wood, of Hearne. The
neral will be held in Hearne tome
I Ross Brogdon, of this city, a stude:
f A. & M. college, met with a pain
'accident this morning. While at wo
in the woodworking department t
fore finger of the left hand was
most cut off. The Injured meml
was dressed and the injury promid
not to be serious.
One brown colored horse mu
about thirteen hands high, four yea
old, no brand. Ring me at Edj
Texas. Three dollars reward if fo
in Brazos county; five dollars if
of county. W. M. JONES
Edge, Texas.

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