Bryan AGLE. VOLUME 31 Bryan. Brazos County, Texas, Thursday, May 18, 79. NUMBER 14 SLttjr Yoars tho Standard T EFFECTS OF f i The City National Bank -1 E I HE STANDARD OIL DECISION . I l I I f f 1 7i V f I nil II ffv V 1A1 A Croam of Tartar Powder f.lado from Grapos NO ALUM I I6IINST LJ33R LEADERS District of Columbia Supreme Court Begin Action on Its Own Motion. liy A.- u iati il Ii vss Washington, May ;. The supreme court of the District of Columbia of its own initiative this morning insti tuted contempt proceeding against Siiiiuol Gompers, John Mitchell and Frank Morrison, under yesterday's ruling of the United States supreme court. FAREWELL RECEPTION TO MPT. AND !iS. MOSES The faculty of A. A: M. college will tender a farewell reception to Capt. and Mrs. Andrew Moses on Thursday evening. May L'.'., from s:;;o to 11 o'clock at the Shirley club house on the campus. The ladies of the campus. Instructors and officers of the college and the commissioned officers of the regimental staff are Invited tr attend. Captain Moses has served four year as commandant of cadets and profes sor of military tactics at A. i M. col lege, and as the United States govern ment only allows this period of time tu he spent in any certain place by officers of the army. Captain Moses will be removed at tho end of this session. As the military standing of the college has been raised to the very highest possible point during Captain Mo.-es' administration, the ef ficiency of his work is evfdent. Official private advices from Wash ington Indicate that the war depart ment will detail a first lieutenant to succeed Captain Moses. GROUND BROKEN FOR 'DELLWOOD CLUB HOUSE Ground was broken Tuesday morn ing for the beautiful club house and natatoiium to be erected at Dellwood park. The swimlmng pool will be round in shape and 100 feet in diam eter. The gentlemen appointed to secure the different clubs are Fred Cavitt, L. M. Hewit, Frank Duchanan, Prof. McKnlght, Jame Sullivan, Frank Webb Lawrence Parker, Emmett Cole, W.. S. Howell, Tom Smith, Ray Roberts, Ira South, Ad McQueen, John Hanway, Wilson Bradley, O. S. John son, James Hays Quarles, Jim Powers, Hal Saunders, Pete Winter, Stewart Harris, J. T. Maloney, A. K. Worley, J. D. Daly, Jr., Lamar Bethea, George Tabor, Jr. The' clubs are filling up fast, and If you want-to get into a good thing see one of these gentlemen and sign your name. WACO GETS TWINE MILL f Hy Associated Press Waco, Texas, May 13. Local cani- talists have taken $100,000 stock In a yolton twine mill, half of which will !Lo Issued In stock. The announcement i few days. M a jm II REBEL RANKS :Orozco Leads Mutiny Which Threat ens Trouble to Madero Demand Money and Food. i I l!y Associated Press 1 Juarez, Mexico, May l.'i. An Incip ient rebellion lasted two hours In the rebel ranks this morning, when Gen eral Orozco and his men surrounded Madero's headquarters ar.d declared the provisional president under arrest because he said he could not Imme diately give nionev and fori,! m Orozco's ragged soldiers. Madero finally dispersed them with the promise that their Immediate needs will be attended to. Madero had the new cabinet to re sign at Orozco's demand. General Navarro in Texas. Hy Associated I'rtcs.J Juarez, Mexico. May 13. Personally escorted to the Rio Grande river by Madero, General Navarro, whose life had been threatened, forded the water to Texas soil this afternoon. SALE OF 1.4 6. N. By Associated Press. Dallas, Texas, May 13. The sale of the Internationa fc Great Northern railroad at Palestine was postponed bv tho circuit court here last night until June 13. The postponement was not generally known until this morning. E HEAVY RAINS IN TEXAS 'Panhandle Deluged and Washouts in ! Southwest Four Inches at Carizzo Springs. Py Assoi illU'll Press Dalhart, Texas, May 13. Tie Iwav iest rain in three years in this section 'fell last night and today covers North (west Texas to Vernon. The creeks are full. ! Crystal City, Texas, May 111. There are several washouts on the Crystal City and Uvalde railway on account of Thursday's rains. There was four inches of precipitation at Carizzo Springs. JOHN DIETZ DECLARED GUJLTY Verdict of Murder In the First Degree. Wife and Son Acquitted. By Associated Press. Hay ward, Wis., May 13. A verdict in the famous Dietz case was re turned this morning, declaring John Dietz guilty of murder In the first de gree. His wife and son, Leslie Dietz, are declared not guilty. Dietz shot and killed a constable while defying the corporation to build a dam affecting his property. DEPLORES LOW WAGES. Py Associated Press. Waco, Texas, May 16. The State Federation of Labor, in convention in this city, adopted a resolution toiv deploring the meagre wages paid working girls and the people of Texas, particularly ministers. AGAIN POSTPONED Standard Oil Stock Slumped and then Jumped. Other Stocks Phenomenally Active After Weeks of Inactivity By Associated Press. New York, May 16. Prices went upward with a rush on the stock mar ket this morning after weeks of in activity. The gains ranted from large fractions to three points on every ac tive stock. Although Standard Oil opened on the curb market at U7j, a loss of 4 3-4 overnight, it recovered in a few min utes and rose to CSO. On Wall street the American To bacco Company's stocks Jumped fif teen points at the opening on th ;urb. On the stock exchange Ameri can Tobacco opened ten points higher. Tlie crowd of traders on 'change was largest In many week. Opening gains were, as a rule, veil maintained. Statement from Company's Solicitor. By Associated Press. New York, May 1G. The Standard ALL NORTHERN MEXICO FLOCKING TO MIDEM Scattered Bands of Ir.surrectcs Unit ing Under Great Leader Who Is Preparing to Take Control. By Associated Press. Chihuahua, Mexico. May 13, via EI Paso, Texas. May 16. The news of the fall of Juarez has done much to ward uniting all the scattered bands of insurrectos in the states of Sonora, Durango, Zacatecas and Aguas Cal ientes. '. Madero- is planning to try to take control of all these states. Refugees Arrive at Laredo. By Associated Press. 1 Laredo, Texa3, May 16. Fifty Pull man pasesngers, mostly women and children, arrived here on this morn ing's trains from Mexico. Saltlllo is surrounded by insurgents. Northern Mexico is quiet. Cuidad Porfirio Diaz Expecting Attack. By Associated Press. Eagle Pass. Texas, May 16. Swarms of Mexicans and their fam- ZEPPELIN'S LATEST Struck Roof of Shed and Is Total Wreck Had Been in Commis sion Only Six Weeks. By Associated Press. Dusseldorf. Prussia, May 1;. After a career of on v s:x weeks the Doutschl.ind. the latest of Count Zep pelin's dirigible airship models, was stranded today on the roof of a shed and is a total wreck. CRJIBJCKS AT LITTLE Camp Shaver Full and Veterans Quar tered in School Buildings. Weather Good. . (By Associated Press. Little Rock, Ark., May 16. The Con federate reunion opened today. The weather is good. Camp Shaver was filled last night, with the result that several of the school buildings have been assigned to quarter the veterans who can not find room at the camp. STATES FUNDS By Associated Press. Austin, Texas, May 16. Tho state's funds are low. Depositaries may be called on for $10,000 each on June 1. This is tho result of the failure of the legislature to pass tho appropriations bill. AIRSHIP STRANDED Oil's first word on the decision came this morning from M. F. Elliott, the company s general solicitor. "The company proposes to obey the decree," he said, "and It will be some time be fore any reorganiaztion plans are given out. Meanwhile, the companies affected expect to carry on their busi ness as usual." No Flurry in London. By Associated Press. London, May 16. There is surpris ingly little interest or flurry In finan cial circles here on account of the United States supreme court's Stand ard Oil decision. The afternoon pa pers generally hold the opinion that the oil decision Is "a theatrical but probably fruitless victory over the money power." Hies are pouring into Eagle Pass to day, expecting an attack by rebels on Ciudad Porfirio Diaz tonight. Lieu tenant Alvarez, commandant of the fe-ieral garrison of fifty men, has de serted. The town will probably sur render without a fight. Rebels Modify Demands. By Associated Press. Juarez, Mexico, May 16. The rebels have modified their demands for four cabinet minis'ers to three and still (SEVEN AWAY EREl M UN MS. It has always been our custom to give a Whip with each new Buggy. This time we are going to GIVE a uggy with a We Have Now on Sale 300 WHIPS at $1.00 Each With each Whip we record your name and number, when the 300 WHIPS Are Sold We Will GIVE AWAY EE A HON BROS. TOP BUGGY & o Bryan's Big E. H. Astin. Pres. Albert W. Wilkerson, Cashier Jno. K. Parker, Vice-President E. VV. Crenshaw, Asst. Cashier. demand fourteen governors of states. The government's answer to this prop osition is expected here tonight, and the insurrectos say peace deiends on it. The government in the previous negotiations wanted to give the rebels but one cabinet officer. Looting and Murder at Pachuca. By Associated Press. Mexico City, May 16. Looting and murder have broken out at Pachuca, PARKS Furniture and Buggy House FOR which the revolutionists captured Sunday. Armistice Covering All Mexico. By Associated Press.) Juarez. Mexico, May 16. (Bulletin.) Within twenty-four hours a general armistice covering all Mexico will be declared. WantedPasturage for forty young mules. Charles Davis, Steeles Store, Texas, Whip