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THE BRYAN WEEKLY EAGLE A. 4 M. PRIZES SI DALLAS J. H. RIdgway, acting professor In charge of dairy husbandry at A. & M. College, haj finished the scores of those students of the college who took part In the butter judging and dairy judging at the Texas State Fair at Dallas. The combined score shows the following: rJ-' - ftoort, first prize. a. ArcTachcrn, second prize. R. K. CaldwelL third prize. F. N. MeMlllanX fourth prize. The fair association offered four prizes of $25, $15, $10 and and In addition there Is an annual prize of $25, divided 15 and $10, which Is given by DuPont Lyon of Sherman. Mr. Lyon has been giving this prize for several years as an encourage ment to students to study in the agri cultural work. John C. Rums, professor of animal husbandry of A. & M. College, ha3 re ported the following as the result of the students' judging contest In re-: gard to livestock:-Cattlo-F. N. McMillan, first; J. B. Miort, second: H. L. Fuchs, third. Swine J. J. Rrown, first; J. A. Sehoflcld, second; 0. E. Ehlinger and J. K. Carson, third, a tie score. Horses and Sheep Combined J. T. Kgan, first; E. P. Menke, second; .1. If. Stone, third. There were twenty-nine students in this contest. FOURTH VENIRE IN MIIRA CASE Hasty Preliminary Sifting by Judge Bordwell Counsel Expect Pull I Jury by New Year's Day. I By Associated Tress. Los Angeles. Cal., Nov. 4. The fourth venire In the McNnmara trial today appeared before Judge Hord well to undergo a fast preliminary ex amination bv which the court weeds out all those who for personal rea sons are disqualified for jury service. Ry chance the jury wheel turned ' out in tho drawing of forty men today the name of Harry Chandler, son-in-law of (leu. Harrison Cray Otis, pro- prietor of the Times, and vice presi dent of the company which publishes that paper, for the alleged dynamtiin? the plant of which the McNamarus are on trial. ON THE WING ll!y As(i i.ito.l Pre- Imperial Junction, Cal., Nov. I. Aviator Cal Rodders left this place at 10:40 o'clock for I'ai-aileua. one hundred ami eighty-four miles away. r ' 'i. 'COTTON PALACE AT Governor Colquitt Delivered an Ad Dress Many Editors Present. flty AryoclutPil I'rcss.l Waco, Texas. Nov. 4. The second annual Texa Cotton Palace will be opened this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock by Governor Colquitt in an address following a grand parade. This is Press Day and many editors are here. The Unused Acre. mon as farming, and Is everywhere and always a menace to the business success of the farmer. It lowers the r luiviuv v ' k 111,; ini lu , ,1 nuua 11a wut- Sien to the tax; It costs for fencing: it levies toll of time and patience; and when the farm is for sale it stands ut like a spavin on a horse and de preciates the value. It wastes val uable property, it breeds a spirit of slackness, it stands out as the visible and ineffaceable sign of the poorly managed and under-productive farm. Southwestern Farmer. An Argument for Government Control. Now that the American railroads have come under what amounts to virtually one ownership and control, centered In New York City, it may be necessary, as the federal supreme Court's recent decision indicates, to vest offilcal regulation of tho rail roads in the federal government That, at any rate, will be the chief argu ment in support of the concentration of this control if it shall come to pass. Houston Chronicle. AWFUL CONDITION , IT Native City Burned and It It Feared the Wetleyan Mission and In mates Perished in the Conflagration. By Associated Press.) Hankow, Nov. 4. Almost the whole of the native city of Hankow Is afire U1I3 morning and it Is feared that the Wesley an mission near the Ham river, in which are 50 blind boys and 150 wounded persons who, with the staff of the mission, make up 500 persons, was destroyed. Dr. Rooth, head of the mission, asked the Imperialists to grant an armistice of two hours to permit the removal of the inmates from the mis sion, but the firing ceased only half an hour The Red Cross steamer which at tempted the rescue of the inmates was driven back by fire from a rebel fort. One shell riddled the steamer's deck house. REBELS CONTROL SHANGHAI AND YANGTSE DELTA. (fly Associated Press.l Shanghai, Nov. 4. The new revo lutionary government effectively cop trolled the situation in Shanghai and the Yangtse delta today. Since morn ing the rebel cause has been strength ened by arming all who applied for rifles and ammunition. The forts at Wu Sung went over ti the rebels without resistance and other up-river forts have hoisted the white flag. UIP MIKES IMl TRIP The boy's appetite Is often the source of amazement. If you would have such an apatite take Chamber lain's Tablets. They not only create a healthy apietite. but strengthen the stomach and enable it to do its work naturally. For sale by all dealers. I Ily Associate. I ITi'iWJ j Atlantic i li y, -V J., .Nov. i ne ; airship Akron, under command of ! Melvin Vaniman, left its hunger at I 9:30 o'clock this morning for a trial flight over the city and the adjacent ' ocean. The airship is a big dirigible bal loon esecially built for flight across the Atlantic oiean. To test its equip ment it was maneuvered over the meadows near here for some time to day and came down twice when some thing appeared to be wrong. A Mail Carrier's Load seems heavier when he lias a ivmi back and kidney trouble. Fred Dueu-' ren. niail carrier at At bison. Kan., says: "I have been bothered with kid ney and Wad.ler trouble and hail a severe pain across my back. When ever I carried a heavy load of mail my kidney trouble increased. Some time ag'j I Marted taking Foley Kid ney pills ainl since taking them I have gotten eirireiy rid of ail my kidney trouble and am as sound now as ever." For sale 1 ,y all druggists. Minister on Trial. Murphysboro, lil., Nov. t. The case of Rev. ,1,'iint'j Freeman, who is al iened to have cut his wife's throat with a pocket knife and then con cealed her body in the (ellar of her home, was callej for trial today. The alleged crime was committed last June nt the Freeman home near Ma kana. Freeman said h'.s w ife was re ceiving attentions from a physician of Carbondale, 111. ' Is your husband Cross? An irrita ble, fault finding dispositno is often duo to a disordered stomach. A man with good dige5tion is nearly always good natured. A great many have been permanently cured of stomach trouble by taking Chamberlain's Tab lets. For sale by all dealers. Don't waste your money buying strengthening plasters. Chamberlain's Liniment is cheaper and better. Damp en a piece of flannel with it and bind it ove rthe affected parts and it will relieve the pain and soreness. For sale by all dealers. Georgia Club Women. Rainbridge, Ca., Nov. 6. The ad vance guard of delegates and visitors has arrived here to attend the annual convention of the Georgia Federation of Women's Clubs, which will meet tomorrow for a three days' session. Mrs. Hugh M. Willet, president of the state federation, will preside and the delegates will Include prominent wom en from every part of Georgia. The local clubs have provided elaborate entertainment for the visitors. "There could be no better medicine than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy". My children were all sick with whoop ing cough. One of them was in bed, had a high fever and was coughing up blood. Our doctor gave them Cham berlain's Cough Remedy anl the rim dose eased them, and three bottles cured them," says Mrs. R. A. Donald son of Lexington, Miss. For sale by all dealers, Clair Sanders and W. P. Allen left yesterday to visit the San Antonio fair. S VETO SUSTAINED c Supreme Court Decides That Gov ernor Had a Right to Cut In Two the Appropriation for At- ' torney General's Department. By Associated Press.) Austin, Texas, Nov. 4. The attor ney general's office has available $41,580 for the fiscal year ending Au gust 31, 1912, according to a decision of the supreme court rendered today knocking out half of the appropriation for that department of $83,160, In tbe case of Fulmore vs. Lane, which was brought to test the constitutionality of the governor's veto. DFT By Associated Press. San Antonio, Texas, Nov. 4. The first detachment of the troops In the maneuver camp to leave was Com pany L at noon, who go to Fort Leav enworth. Dy Tuesday afternoon the site of the camp will be deserted. DON'T UNDERSTAND THE DIVORCE UR Cambridge, Mass., Nov. 0. A pecu liar matrimonial mlx-up Is furnished in the case of Mrs. Sophia McLeod, whose action for the annulment of tier marriage with Alfred -McleOd, SU- rierlntendent of one of the subway construction companies in New York ! City, came up in court here today fori trial. Mc McLeod was married in 1877 j to Augustus Doull In Prince Edward Island and lived with him until 1890, 1 wh(,n thf,y ReparaloJ. Cambridge to live In 1S9i and sued for divorce in Rhode Island the next year and received a decree. She was not informed by her Rhode Island lawyer, she declares, that residence 'in that state for a year was necessary I to give her a right to sue for divorce I there. i I Relieving her decree was valid, -she j ' . , 4 m,t,i t irinn n "(IS III.IIIIVU IU .MLIA'UU III li'HV, IjaSL , April she was informed by McLeod ! ;t'aat there was doubt as to the valid-j j it y of her divorce decree. She re-1 ifu-ej to live with him until the point should le settled McLeod then left i Cambridge and went to New York, j w here he has since resided. Mrs. Mc ILeod now seeks to have the Rhode ! Island decree set aside and her sec- ond marriage annulleJ .1. K. Parker, 2021 No. 10th St.. Ft. Smith, Ark., says that he had taken many kinds of kidney medicine, but did not get better until he took Foley Kidney Pill.s No matter how long yoii have had kidney trouble, you will find quick and permanent benefit by the use of Foley Kidney Pills. Start tak ing them now. For sale by all drug gists. GOMEZ A CHILD? Prosecution Will , Attempt to Prove That Mexican Boy Lynched at Thorndale Was Only Thir teen Years Old. frty Associated Tress. Cameron, Texas, Nov. C The question whether a child was lynched is expetced to be decided in the trial of Ezra Stephens. G. P. Noack, Harry Wuencher and Z. T. Gore, charged with the murder of Fernando Gomez, the Mexican lad hanged here on Juno 19, last. The prosecution claims that Gomez was only thirteen years old and that his weight was les3 than fifty pounds. Previous to the lynching he stabbed to death Charles Zeitung, a garage owner, for calling him an unprintable name. Core's case was taken up first in the Thorndale lynching and the others were reset for November Mrs. Vermillya Taken to Hospita to Keep Her from Poisoning Herself. Ry Associated Press. Chicago, Nov. G. Mrs. Louise Ver millya, the" widow suspected of poison ing Patrolman Arthur Bissonette, will be arraigned while in bed in her room in the hospital. She was taken to the county hospital, where the police thought she would be less likely to repeat her attempt to poison herself, which attempt at suicide she made at home by cilmly sprinkling popP mixed with arsenic in her food. COLQUITT MUST MAKE GOOD By Associated Press. Houston, Texas, Nov. 4. Several demands were made today on the surety companies for $17,500, the amount of the bond of the missing president, Frank Vaughan, of the de funct Harris County Bank & Trust Company. Coughing at Night means loss of sleep which Is bad for everyone. Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound stops the cough at once, re lieves the tickling and dryness In the throat and heals the lntiu. i mem branes. Prevents a cord developing Into bronchitis or pneumonia. Keep always in the house. Refuse substi tutes. For sale by all druggists. PAY-AS-YOU-ENTER STREET CARS IN WACO Movement to Prevent Crowding Negroes. by lay Associated Press.) Waco, Texas, Nov. 6. A movement has been started here to keep open the rear door of pay-as-you-enter cars, in order to prevent crowding by ne groes. WACO PREACHERS CRITI CISE COTTON PALACE Denounce Sunday Opening of Picture Shows and Carnival Shows. By Associated Press. Waco, Texas, Nov. fi. Rev. H. D. Knickerbocker, pastor of the Austin Avenue Methodist church, and other ministers of this city yesterday in their sermons criticised conditions at the Cotton Palace, referring partio- She came tolularly to the opening of the picture shows and carnival companies. DN N COAST Volcanic Island Emerges from the Sea in the Midst of Columns of Flame and Smoke. f By .VsnciaKvl PrsO Port of Spain, Trinidad. Nov. C An islalld nas KU(uiPnlv rUen from the sea in Serent's Mouth strait, be tween the inland of Trinidad and the Venezuelan coast. Tho phenomenon was preceded by an extraordinary commotion in the sea. from which burst huge columns of flames and smoke. The joint meeting, to be held Mon day morning at 10 o'clock in County Judge A. G. Hoard's office, between the good roads committee of the Com mercial Club and the members of the commissioners' court for the purpose of jierfecting plans for a petition to the commissioners' court for an elec tion for a bond Issue for road improve ment in Brazos counjfy, is of vital im portance to this work. If a petition is agreed upon it can be prepared and presented to the court at its Novem ber meeting and an early hearing can thus be secured. This work can only be accomplished by the assistance of every member of the committee. And right here it is well to call attention to the fact that 10 o'clock means 10 o'clock. It is very unpleasant for the chairman and a few members of tho committee to be obliged to wait from fifteen to thirty minutes for tardy members. It is true that every mem ber of the committee is a busy man. He was selected for thu reason. Busy men are capable men. Yet one man's time is as valuable as another's. If every member of a committee will be prompt to answer a call business can be promptly transacted and all return to their own affairs. The members of the good roads committee are Mr. John K. Parker, chairman; Messrs. S. B. Wilson, J. L. Edge, Tyler Has well, J. Webb Howell, L. L. Mclnnis, L. M. Hewit, A. B. Carson, Eugene Edge. A. M. Waldrop. Ed Hall, Mar shall Dansby, V. W. Capps, E. J. Fountain and E. H. Astin. A Household Medicine that stops coughs quickly and cures colds is Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound. Mrs. Anna Pelzer, 2526 Jeffer son St., So. Omaha. Neb., says: "I can recommend Foley's Honey and Tar Compound as a sure cure for coughs and colds. It cured my daugh ter of a bad cold and my neighbor, Mrs. Benson, cured herself and her whole family with Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. Everyone iu our neighborhood speaks highly of it." For sale by all druggists. T OE THE BONES Red Cross Christmas Seal Campaign to Raise Funds to Build Hos pital for Children. At a meeting of the executive com mittee of the Texas Anti-Tuberculosis Association in Austin last Friday it was decided to establish a hospital home on the gulf coast for children afflicted with tuberculosis of the bones and glands. It was reported to the committee that there was practically no pro vision in tbe state for these children, and, In fact, that little had been done throughout the country In the way of special hospital provision outside ot the Sea Rreeze Hospital IrNew York City. This institution was made fa mous a few years ago by "Smilin? Joe's" campaign for funds for a new hospital building. A medical member of the committee described this form of tuberculosis to lay members as consumption of the bones. It was stated that most of the hunchbacks were cases of tuberculosis of the spine and that most cases of hip disease, resulting in a shortened limb, were tuberculosis of the hip. En larged joints were also attributed la many cases to bone tuberculosis. The positive statement was made that this form of the disease was not conta gious. Physicians frequently find that the children of consumptives are af flicted with tuberculosis of the bones. The treatment given at the Sea Breeze Hospital on Coney Island, New York, was described. The little pa tients spend practically all of their time in the open air and much of their time, when the temperature permits, in the water, as the Institution is only a few yards from the beach. Salt wa ter and sea air, combined with skill wul surgery, brings wonderful results. It was pointed out to the committee that the Texas gulf coast was, because of its milder climate, permitting sea bathing practically all the year round, an ideal location for such an institu tion and the prediction was made that cure? could be effected there as read ily as in some of the famed sanitoria rf a similar nature nil thja slmros of I the Mediteranean sea. Members of the I committee expressed their belief that 'gulf coast towns would vie -with each other in offering inducements to se cure the location of the sanitarium. ..... . - purchase of a building and for the . . . ... ,. . - , maintenance of the Institution and fo'i its other work the association will soon place on sale, in every town iu I Texas, the 1912 Red Cross Christmas eals and the organization plans to sell 1,000,000 seals in Texas between now and Christmas.. The Red Cros3 Christmas seals are sold every year at one cent each. The seals are placed on the backs of let ters for weeks before Christmas and on Christmas .gifts and packages. Bus ires houses buy them in large quan tities ani use them on their mail, on monthly statements and on pay en velopes. One member of the commit tee told of an instance where a long overdue bill was paid in December of last vear because his debtor was so i pleased to find the little message of Christmas cheer and good will at tached to his statement. Tho nt;snci:tinn is nrpnnizinir com- ttees of ladies in every town in the. mit state to take charge of the salq of seals. Mail orders for seals have al ready been received at the associa tion's office in the state capitol build ing at Austin. THE GRAFTER AND THE SUCKER. One of my esteemed contemporaries takes his en in hand to land on tho t mijoind enough w ater to irrigate 70. sucker. He claims that the sucker i-sjooo acres of lanJ. a nuisance anu an abomination anu should be speedily confined if not wiped bodily off the face of the earth. The sucker, as this editor claims, en courages fake enterprises and in this way does a great harm to society and all kinds of legitimate business. All of which Is true. But when he talks about shutting up all the suck ers or exterminating them he is con versing through his head covering. If all the suckers were confined in jails, penitentiaries or insane asylums, or whatever might be decided on as a uroper kind of place to confine them, these institutions would need to be enlarged and multiplied by 50 and there would not be enough left outside to guard of care for the suckers in side. For a vast majority of men are suck ers. Man is prone to tie a suener as the sparks are to fly upward. It is true that we don't all snap at the same kind of bait What catches the eye of one doesn't appeal to another, but if the grafter only knows with what kind of bait to conceal his hook he can gather his victim every time. The dweller in the city remarks "ha! ha!" and again "he! he!" as ho sees the Reuben invest in the gilded brick and the next day he himself in vests his simoleons in wireless tele graph stock or yields to the seduction of a promoter who is representing a company that Is going to make a net profit to its stockholders of 500 per cent per annum by planting and har vesting bananas In Central America. The wise guy who can not under stand how any whiskered tiller -of the soil could possibly be fool enough to let himself be taken in by a lightning rod agent will cheerfully invest in a gold mine located somewhere in the mountains of Alaska, where the snfcw Is 10 feet deep during 11 months in the year and 8 feet deep durlgn tha other month. The city-wise one watches the boob at the fair handing his cash to the man with the three shells and tbe little rubber ball and remarks that he can not understand bow any man can be such a fool, and then goes straight way and buys an alligator farm or in vests in a ranch among the foot hills of the Andes, where he expects to raise gllaloo birds for their plumage and clear up 50 per cent a month. Even the grafter himself is often worked by some other gTafter who happens to have a kind of bait with which the first grafter is not familiar. Topeka Mail and Breeze. TEKJ5 INDUSTRIAL NOTES There is $100,000,000 invested in the oil industry In Texas and there are 1250 miles of pipe line iri the state. Galveston, Chambers and Jefferson counties will jointly construct an in- tercounty highway in the near future. A half-million-dollar bond issue for road improvement is being planned in Bowie county. 1 Corpus Christ! is to have new wa terworks soon at a cost of $250,000. The Texas Cotton Mill Company of McKinney, a corporation of all home capital, has had to materially enlarge its plant on account of the great de mand for its products. One hundred farmers near an An gelo have formed a company for gin ning and milling purposes. Randall county is represented by four cars of fine cattle at the Kansas ;City fat stock show Rock salt in paying quantities bas I been found about forty miles west of Amarillo. The Southern Pacific railroad and " . the Nona Mills Company, which is ' . - ..n n r.f I i m A f (it c n 1 1 In- a "" ment in Hardin county, win operate an experimental farm at Nona. The first cargo of lumber shipped from Port Bolivar to Havana was made early in October on the steam ship Indianapolis, which carried a million and a half feet of yellow pine. Through the efforts of the Spur Commercial Club a state exirimental farm has been established near that city. The county commissioners of Nacog doches county have recently bought a steam tractor for road work. The Texas Mideoast Industrial Con gress has planned to give lectures, illustrated with colored moving pic- tures, at the t mcago lanu snow. About December 1 work will begin on a 3000-foot well at San Angelo. the money for the work being raised by public subscription. Construction has begun on a dam across the Medina river about thirty miles west of Ssn Antonio that will Port Arthur business men have plans under consideration which they expect to make that city one of the gulf terminals of the Morgan lines. The Amarillo Real Estate Exchange is a new organization composed of the leading real estate dealers of the Panhandle. The development of that section of the state is the aim of the exchange. International Sanitary Conference. Santiago, Chile, Oct. 31 Health ot ficials and medical men representing practically all of the countries of the three Americas have arrived here ta take part in the fifth International Sanitary Conference of American Re publics. The conference will have its formal opening tomorrow and it is ex pected the sessions will, continue a week or ten days. The meeting will be under the auspices of the Chilean government, with Dr. Alexander Del Rio as president. Backache, Headache, Nervousness and rheumatism, ohth in men and women, mean kidney trouble. Do not allow it to progress beyond the reach of medicine but stop it promptly witn Foley Kidney Pills. They regular the action of the urinary organs. Tonic in action, quick in results. For sale Jby all druggists.