Newspaper Page Text
1 k g LOCALS THURSDAY. A. W. Dycss was in today from Harvey.' C. R. L. Jonos was Jn the city today from Harvey. Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Louis .Mike, I'.'' Cy Koont 5as down today from I Zack. - Joe Kopecky of Bye was In town today. I Steve Moss of Tijor was In tin? V ity today. 1 f 3. X. Stasta was down today from Wheelock. ' T. A. Towler of Benchley was In the city otday. J. S. Byars of Independence was In rli city today. J. E. Ilullock of Steep Hollow was In the city today. ' J. Harris was In the city today from Harris sehoolhouse. Mrs. J. E. Covey and little son are visiting in Hearne. Miss Dlrdie Suber of College Station went to Franklin today. Mrs. R. II. Seal of Benchley was In the city today shopping. Henry Kurten, Jr., was in town to day from his home at Kurten. Morgan Clos9 was down today from the- Harris school community. Dr. and Mrs. W. P. Jones of Harvey were visitors to the city today. Mrs. W. I. McMeans returned to Palestine today after visiting Mr. and Mrs. It. P. Lemon. J. J. Keith and family of Grimes county were in Bryan today. While here Mr. Keith paid The Eagle office an appreciated call. Mrs. A. L. Ewing of the bottom re turned today from a visit to her old home at Whitman, Washington coun ty. Mr. Ewing met her here. Mr. and Mrs. Charles House of Xav ssota arrived today to visit Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wilcox. They are en route .to Paris. Texas, where they will re side in future. Dr. and Mrs. Bartlett Sims have ar rived from Atlanta. Texas, to make their hom in Bryan. Ir. Sims' many old friends are glad to welcome him back to Bryan, and Th Eagle is as sured Mrs. Sims will tie accorded a moBt cordial reception by the ladies of the city. J. W. Worthington was in the city today from the Brazos bottom. The hunters have been putting in good time yesterday and today and tome right ni e baggings have iM-en reported. Mr. and Mr, .lames nauie euu have issued invitations to the mar riage of their daughter, Miss Pauline, to Mr. John Sharp Williams, Jr., of Yazoo City. MUs.. on Wednesday evening, November 1'.. 1911. at 9 o'clock, First Methodist church. Bryan. Texas. FRIDAY. Hugh Foley visited MumTord today. Mrs. W. G. Taliaferro is visiting in Calvert. - F. II. Pool was up today from Milli can on business. J. R. Smith of Reliance was in the f city today. M. S. Freeman was in the city to day from Harvey. John Riley was in today from Reliance, community. Miss Addie Moseley went to Austin today to have her eyes treated. Freed Woods and llulert Lewis or Hearne were visitors to Bryan ttxlay. Mrs. Hill Wilson and little son went to the A. F. Wilson plantation in the bottom today. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. JoneB and chil dren of Harvey left today for San An tonio to attend the fair, and from there they will go to Crystal City and other points. SATURDAY. J. K. Presnal of Tabor wa3 in the tity today. ' John Tauber of College Station was it town today. Henry Koontz was down today from Zack. V. T. Echols was in the city today from Edge. F. W. Yenger is attending the San Antonio fair. Rev. W. J. Meads was in the city today from Tabor. Hal Hearne of Dallas Is here on a visit to his mother. J. H. Herron of Bishop, near Corpus Christ!. Is in the city. Mis Laura Mlms was a visitor to day from Holligan Chapel, lived in Brazos county for many yars and is a good man and citizen. I. M. Cook of Steep Hollow was among the visitors to the city today. E. G. Liebold went to San Antonio today after a car of horses and mules. There was a big crowd in town to day and the merchants did a big busi ness. Albert McCallum. Blanton Wiley and Roy Ball of Tabor went to Waco today to attend tne Cotton Palace. S. F. Harlan was in the city today from his home n the Alexander eom n unity. . THE BRYAN WEEKLY EAGLE mrTmS!ISS'- . I I inuimnii ,11 1 I I A no I ' riflllTllin III lllllflll Jim Tobias was In today from Kurten. J. S. Byars was in today from Inde pendence. C. M. Smith was over today from Willow Hole. S. L. Ball went to Austin today. Florin Roth of Xurten was a vis itor to the city today. John Sabo was in town today from the Kurten community. Miss Hallle Boxley of the bottom was a visitor to the city today. Mrs. Roy Danforth and Misses Cora and Leila C.rlffln went to Austin today.' Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sample were vis itors to the city today from Cotton wood. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sample and Prof. J. L. Cobb of Cottonwood left today to attend the San Antonio fair. C. M. Rislnger of Holllgan Chapel was a pleasant caller at The Eagle ofTIce while In the city today. A. A. Dean, W. . Slallings, Alex McCallum, Jim Henry, O. L. Wilcox and others were in the city today from Tabor. The Eagle regrets to chronicle the removal of Mr. W. L. I'tsey and fam ily from the Wlxon community to Wealthy, l.on county Mr. Utsey had Joe Hearne, Jr., has returned from Houston, where lie spent several weeks. He Is much improved in health. There are five new houses going up on Ursuline avenue east or Allen Academy. Mr3. C. M. Proctor and Mrs. B. F. Lemon went to Galveston this morn ing to attend the funeral of Mr. A. W. Proctor, who died there this morning. The northbound Houston & Texas Central Hustler was two hours late today caused by a freight wreck on the Katy at the crossing JuRt outside Houston. One of the wrecked cars of the Katy train was thrown across the Houston & Texas Central tracks. MONDAY. Dr. X. S. Grice went to Waco yes terday. Dr. Algle Benbow visited Xavasota yesterday. I. B. Berry of Aransas Pass Is the guest of Mr. C. M. Rhea and family. Mrs. S. H. Brockman Is visiting In Waco. Mrs. Amelia Thomas of Navasota is the guest of Mrs. Cliff A. Harris, .lop 11. Reed went to San Antonio ypgter(jayi j T ,f Spel, wt,nt l0 jaylor today to visit hi 4 son, Sim Siell, and family. ( Mi((s Mina Granam 0f Rock Prairie was a visitor to the city today. C. ('. Morgan was in today from Reliance. T. A. Hensarling of Steep Hollow was a visitor to the city today. Mrs. Gus Ilinz of Kurten visited the city today. A. Cot.nam was in the city today from Harvey. F. W. I)cke was down today from Zack. Mr. and Mrs. S. IC. Locke were vis- iiors to the city today from Zack. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Gilpin were in the city today from Kurten. 1 .lames Leonard, Sr., of Ieonarl schoolhouse was In the city today. I J. W. Dyer arrived today from - tri, n the road. ! j.; Peters. J. H. Reed, John Pate j, R (;ranam w,ro jn the city ! today from Harvey. j Mii!S p0j0 slaughter of Reliance . returnoi today from a visit to friends Wellborn. Mrs. Dr. R. E. Bledsoe and children went to Taylor today after visiting relatives in the city. T. T. Goodwin of Providence was a pleasant caller at The Eagle office !t0(lay , 11 i..;i.irlnn n W nnnlntv Thad I I, 11. ! Williams and Ie Thompson were up today from Millican on business. W. H. Engledove of Marlin is iu the city prospecting with a view to locat ing here. W. R. Parker and Jasper Gilmore were in the city oday from Thompson Creek. J. W. Sheppard and son, Matt Shep pard, of Kurten were in the city to day. Mrs. C. P. Fountain and Mr.s R. P. Marsteller of College were in the city shopping this morning. W. B. Satterwblto of Caldwell Is the guest of his brother, T. A. Satter white, and family. Judge L. D. McGee visited his son, Homer McGee, and family at Mum ford Miss Onie Reed returned, to school at Villa Maria yesterday after a visit to her home at Marlin. District Attorney W C. Davis re turned to Cameron yesterday for the opening of court there this morning. Dr. Claud Searcy of Hempstead vis ited his parents, Capt. and Mrs. A. J. Searcy, in the city yesterday. Misses Graco Bowman and Mattle Peverley are visiting in San Antonio and attending the fair. Mrs. W. W. Meachum and Miss Blanch Meachum returned to Ander- on yesterday after visiting Mra. THEY ALL BOOST BRYAN. -vn.wvr.- HUH Nk H NINA N Ralph Howell. Frank Wllosn, a well known farmer of Xormangee and for many years a citizen of this county, was In Bryan today. Mrs. R. T. Milner and Mrs. B. Sbisa of College were In the city shopp'ng this afternoon. Mrs. H. B. McDowell is visiting rel atives in Hearne. Mrs. R. Q. Astin went to McKinney today to visit relatives. F. D. Perkins of McKinney is In Bryan on a business mission. Mrs. Sampson of Beaumont (former ly Miss Laura Dunlap) Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. John3on. Dr. W. A. Smith was up today from Milllcan. Mrs. R. P. McMinn returned to Mil llcan this afternoon. Judge J. W. Doremus returned to day from a trip to Houston on legal business. t S. H. Dunlap returned today from s business trip to Houston. President R. T. Milner of A. & M. College was in the city this afternoon. R. M. Connor left for his home at Madisonville Jhls afternoon after spending several days In Bryan. .John W. Wiley of Tabor was in the city today. W. J. Burt was in this afternoon from Steep Hollow. TUESDAY. Mrs. T. X. House is visiting ber mother in Hearne. Henry. Fickel of Smetana was In town today. T. J. Wilson was down today from Edge. J. G. W. Allen was In the city today from Steep Hollow. W. E. Elliott was in today from , Tabor. Frank D. Gartner of San Antonio was in the city yesterday on business. C. U uaner ana nis iaiuer, air. . J M Williams of near Wellborn, B. Baker, returned last night from was in town today. They went up to consult a W C Boyett went to Milano today noted specialist who had been spend in business. Iins das in DalIa8- in ref;ard t0 J Myers and J. It. Astin went to 'the senior Mr. Baker's health. He had San Antonio today. 1 Rone, however, before they reached George P. Edge, merchandising at j Dallas and they did not get to see Harris sehoolhouse. was in the city , today. Mr. and Mrs. Louis White returned this morning from a visit to the San Antonio fair. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Stevener were In the city today from their home In the Kurten community. Joe Wozniak returned to Bremond today after visiting relatives in this 'outny. Miss Minnie Braatz is visiting llfr sister. Miss Clara Braatz, in San An- tonio- The concrete walKs across intersecting streets, where the mud and slush are cleared off. are Rreat conveniences. Judge W. C. Gibbs and son, Carr Gibbs, arrived last night from Kountze. They are guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Gibbs. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sample and Prof. J. L. Cobb of Cottonwood returned last night from the San Antonio fair. They report a nice trip and that the fair is fine. J. T. Swanson was a business vis- nor to uie nij .-. Misses Grace Bowman and .1att1e Peverley have returned from a visit to San Antonio. .John and Oscar Wilcox were in the city today from their home near Tabor. Messrs. D. S. Lloyd and son, D. B Lloyd, of Reliance were in the city to day. Mr. D. S. Lloyd left for a visit to his daughter in Frio county. Mr. and Mrs. Ab Andrews, J. S. Broadway, R. H. Adams and S. J. ; e d wt . ;r.u io San Antonio fair. It would 1-e hard to find in all Texas In a town the size of Bryan, as splen did stocks of goods as are carried by Rryan merchants in all lines. They certainly meet every demand of this section and in return should have the undivided support of the people. Mr. Hugh P. Scott of Joplin, Mo., has arrived and accepted a position with E. F. Parks as bookkeeper and office man. Mr. Jesse uuuock, wnu has heretofore kept the books, goes on the floor as salesman in place of Mr A. W. Buchanan, who resigned to en gage in farm demonstration work, Prof, and Mrs. Chappelle of A. & M. College were in tie city today. Joe B. Reed returned last night from a trip to the fair at San Antonio. W. S. Wilson returned today from a business trip to Houston. Father J. P. Gleissner went to Hearne today to conduct the funeral services of Mr. Bassett, an old settler of that place. Mr. and Mrs. George Dunn and chil dren returned to their home near Hearne yesterday after visiting rela tives in the city. Miss Mary Knowles went to Mart today to visit Mrs. S. H. Bateman. She will also visit relatives in Waco while gone. Mrs. C. A. Lindsey came up from Houston today to attend the funeral of a relative whose remains were shipped here from the home in Xorth Texas. R. M. Gordon of Bryan, manager of the Gordon-Sewall Grocery Company of that city, was a visitor to Houston yesterday. "Bryan is continuing to grow stead ily," said Mr. Gordon, "and I believe all the merchants enjoyed a heavy fall trade. Bulging Is probably the most active feature in our town and it has been In progress for some months with no signs of decrease." Houston Post. r Five new house re now going up on West Anderson street, and another nice home on th.'s street is to begin soon. This Is fast becoming one of the leading residence streets of the city. THE STORE THAT IS READY. When a fellow goes fishing he wants plenty of bait. When he goes hunting where birds are pelntlful he needs a full belt of cartridges. So with a mer chant; when his customers come he must have a varied assortment from which they may make their selections. The Eagle reporter on his rounds to day saw one store that was good and ready. It was that of W. J. Coulter, who has Just returned from his second trip to market this season. His late purchases are arriving in car lots and his store is full of boxes, cases, bales and everything else in which goods are packed, and his large force of salespeople are working day and night unpacking and placing them on the shelves. It is a magnificent stock and Just what the people need. Good warm blankets, comforts, clothing for men and boys, dress goods, shoes in fact, everything in the dry goods line, and the most elegant line of trunks ever seen in Bryan. It is worth your time to visit Coulter's store. mm. BAR NETTE-H ARRIS. Dr. S. S. Barnette of Kilgore, Texas, and Ml Irmj Harris of this city I wepe "unIted in marriage at 1:30 this afternoon at the FlrB, Baptist church. iThe cereraony wa8 performed by Dr. M Weawri tf)e pastori asgisted by AleJand;rt cnapain 0f A. & M. 'college, who led the closing prayer. Iramediat,iy aner the ceremony the bHday . wag dr,wn tQ the Hous. 'ton & Texas Central station, where good.bveg wer saidi and Dr. and Mrs. Barne(te oft by the Hustler for their Kilenre. A' full report of the wedding will appear In the oesiety columns of this paper on Saturday afternoon. BE GUiESS CASE Xorfolk, Va., Xov. 8. In the trial of Mrs. Minnie L. Murdock and Charles Merkle, whose case came up in court here today, developments may come to light to show the case a par allel of the celebrated case of Mrs. Belle Gunness, the Indiana woman who was charged several years ago with conducting a "murder farm." Like the Gunness woman, Mrs. Mur dock is suspected of luring men to her little farm on the outskirts of this city and then murdering them for their money. The specific charge upon which Mrs y. to be tried is the alleged murder of Harry Harding, a sailor, whose body was found in a shallow grave on the Murdock farm early last summer. The discovery resulted from a statemen'. made by an old negro who called at the sheriffs office and reported that he had been asked by Mrs. Murdock to dig a grave at the farm, reputies hurried out and, digging in an onion bed where the earth showed signs of recent disturbance, found at a depth of a foot the corpse of Harding, with its head crushed in with an axe. Following her arrest Mrs. Murdock is said to have confessed to knowl edge of the crime. According to her statement, Merkle, jealous of Harding, murdered him single-handed. She said she went to sleep while the men were quarreling. Presently she awoke, put out her hand In the dark and on the pillow beside her felt the wet face of Harding smashed to a puip. a Merkle's bidding she said she helped conceal the body under the bed. and the next night the two burled the re mains in a shallow grave in the gar den. Search of the Murdock house is said to have brought to light scores of let ters from men with whom the woman had corresponded through matrimo nial agencies. Two men seen with the woman are said to have disappeared mysteriously. One, a Civil war vet eran, vanished so completely that the thorough search made for him by his Grand Army post failed to find a trace I ef him Mr. W. W. Johnson and Miss Martha Williams, both of Xeeleva, in the ex treme southern part of this county, came to Bryan today on ,tbe 12:37 Houston & Texas Central train. A marriage license was procured at once and the couple proceeded to the home of Dr. M. E. Weaver, where they were united In marriage, Dr. Weaver offi ciating. They were accompanied by Mr. J. T. Howerton, manager of the Templeton farm at Xeeleva, and a rel ative of the bride. Both bride and groom are most ex cellent young people and have a host of friends in the lower part of the county and at Navasota. Mr. and Mr3. Johnson left Imme diately after the ceremony on - wed ding trip to San Antonio, after which they will return to their home at Xeeleva. BIG LAND DEAL. Mr. Charles Davis of the Brazos bottom closed a deal with several Ital ians today, by the terms of which he conveys to them 300 acres of fineTiot- tom land.' The consideration was $123 ! per acre, a total of $37,500. TEXAS INDUSTRIAL NOTES By Commercial Secretaries. The Guadalupe cotton mills at Cuero will resume operations shortly, after over a year's shutdown. Bonds for the Improvement of Mar lin's streets to the amount of $10,000 have been approved by the attorney general. The Chambers county commission ers have ordered an election to vote on a bond issue for road construction. The city council of Beaumont has ordered an 'election to determine the issuance of $90,000 street paving and sewer bonds. Matagorda county will vote on a bond issue at an early date for drain age work. Zavala county road and bridge bonds to the amount of $23,000 have been approved by the attorney gen eral. Tarrant county commissioners have called an election for Xovember 23 to decide on a bond issue of $1,000,000 for public roads and $.'00,000 for bridges. On Xovember 11 Henderson county voters will decide on issuance o: $1".0,000 of bond 3 for construction of roads. Bonds have been issued to finance the building of a levee in Milam coun ty for the protection of farm lands from the overflow of Little river. The city council of Rogers has made ... .r. 1 F- . .. a contract wnn a la.vior unu iui pile line from Leon river to the city reservoir that will furnish 360.000 gal lons of water every twenty-four hours. The Commercial Club of Rockport is financing the erection of a large cotton gin at that city. Armour & Co. will erect a $40,000 cold storage plant at Texarkana. The Bowie Chamber of Commerce 13 organizing a stock company for the manufacture of vitrified brick and roofing tile from rich deposits of kid ney shale discovered near that city. The city council of Victoria has voted to grant the St. Louis, Browns ville & Mexico railroad a franchise to operate a steam motor and electric railway. This was done for the pur pose of placing the railroad's Bloom ington extension terminals In that city. It is reported that the Missouri, Kansas & Texas is considering a double track for its line from Hills- boro south to Granger at an early date. J. H. WThite of Wixon was a pleasant caller at The Eagle office while in the city today. John B. Hines left on a business trip today after a visit home. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Evans are vis iting In Hearne. Frank S. Taylor and Wilson Buch anan went to Hearne this afternoon. A. B. McSwain was in the city to day from Rock Prairie. Mr. and Mrs. S. Wr. Meredith of Mil lican were visitors to Bryan today. J. B. Dunn was down today from Wheelock. Rube Grant was in today from the bottom. Rev. J. J. Tatum has sold his resi dence and a part of his land in the eastern Buburbs of the city to Mr. O. W. Whitehurs. J IIUIIIIIIU III lllllllllll Mjnehui Hold Impregnable Position, but May Surrender. By Associated Press. Shanghai, Xov. 8. Fighting begae at Xankin at 9 o'clock this morning. The Manchus are strongly entrenched on Purple Hill, commanding the city, and un'l ss they voluntary surrender, this poslton is believed to be impreg nable. Several thousand troops attacked the imperialists at Xankin on Purple Hill, but were repulsed with more than one hundred killed. The revolu tionists aro now preparing to renew the assault. NOTSU-OH CARNIVAL, HOUSTON, November 13-19, 1911. Excursion fares daily via I. & G. N. Railway. For information aB to pop- ular rate3 8cneiuleg ctc, see ticket agent. COTTON IN UPPER PANHANDLE By Associated Presa.J Dalhart, Texas, "Xov. 8. The first bale of cotton ever raised in this sec tion of the state was brought to Dal hart yesterday by R. S. Hague of Moore county. FROM JOY RIDE TO JUL By Associated Press.) Waco, Texas, Xov. 8. Edgar L. Smith of China Springs yesterday bought an automobile from a local dealer with a check for $1C00 and took a Joy ride. Today Smith went to jail when the local bank failed to honor the check- CATARRH SUFFERERS If You Don't Know About Hyomei Try It at E. J. Jenkin's Risk. Xearly every reader of The Eagle has read about HYOMEI. but many of them continue to suffer from catarrh just because they do not exactly un derstand just what HYOMEI is. To these sufferers E. J. Jenkins, the druggist, says you don't have to know anything about HYOMEI except that you breathe It and that it doe3 not contain cocaine or opium or any harm ful drug. You can find out all about HYOMEI without taking any chances whatever. Just get an outfit today, read the sim ple instructions, give it a fair trial and then if you are not willing to say that it is the best remedy for catarrh you have ever used E. J. Jenkins will gladly return your money. A complete HYOMEI outfit costs but $1.00 Extra bottles 30c. San Antonio International Fair, November 3-12, 1911. Excursion tickets on sale daily. For full particulars inquire of agent I. & G. X. Ry. POSTftL BANKS IN Panama, Xov. S. The first postal savings banks in the Canal Zone were opened today. The establishment of the postal savings system here is very gratifying to residents who have Ion? desired to put their savings in the hands of the government for safe keeping. The system established here differs materially from that in the States, in that no interest will be paid on the I deposits, the object being merely to i provide a depositary for the funds of the Canal Zone inhabitants. Mrs. M. Bonneville, Jr., left this aft ernoon to visit her daughter at Mor gan City. La. She will also visit rela tives in Xew Orleans before returning home. H.&TC Oil Burning Route 'OnTiiii." Cheap round trip rates to Waco account Cotton Palace Exposition $3.45 en sale daily Nov. 3rd to 17 inclusive, limit 20th, all trains. $2.85 oh sale daily Nov. 3 to 19 inclusive, limit 2 days in additioa to date of sale. Not good on Hus tler. $1.25 on Nov. 5, 9. 12, 16 and 19th, limited date of sale. Not good on Hustler and no baggage allowed. . . $2 on sale for trains arriving Waco evening Nov. 11 and morn ing 12th. limit Nov. 13. and again on sale for trains arriving Waco evening Nov. 18 and morning 19, limit Nov. 20. No baggafe al lowed, not good on Hustler. S. H.HARRIS, Ticket Agt.