Newspaper Page Text
( THE BRYAN WEEKLY EAGLE L 0 C Y WEDNESDAY. A Hall '"'as lu, today from Steep ,;ev. C, Freellng left today for IJton. ' ' "al Freeden of Kurten spent today Nwn. W. Lawless of Kurten was In the today. . jlivar Lloyd of Reliance wag In a today, ee Burley was In 'the city today a Reliance. 7. J. Lang was a Kurten visitor to city today. t. R. Burns was over today from mes county. !m Hicks of Reliance was a visitor the city today. 2y Koontz was a business visitor lay from Zack. Zrnest Wallace was an Edge visitor he city ioday. James Tobias was a Kurten visitor !o the city today, George Gilbert waB in the city to Jay from Wellborn. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Medland were nere today from Keith, , J. C. and J. H. Lloyd were In the lty today from Reliance. I J. W. Albritton of Corslcana was In be city today on business. J Charles Saxon was In the city today from Reliance on business. , -'Mr. and Mrs. E.'R. Lloyd were in the city. today from Kurten. a Roy Nunn left today to spend a week at LaPorte hunting and fishing, Mrs. II. G. Rhodes has returned from a visit to friends In San Antonio. Dr. W. G. Drummond and Prof. J. L. Cobb of Cottonwood were in the city today. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wilson and fam ily were in the city today from Edge shopping. E. W. Priddy returned to his home I in Marqutt today after a business V trip to Tabor. Miss Rosio Brandesky arrived to day from Corpus Christi to visit her cister, Mrs. F. Marek. sJI. O. Ferguson has accepted a posi tion Vita Sanders Bros, and entered upon his duties. Mrs. J. R. Robinson returned to ber home in Hearne today after visiting Mrs. E. J. Fountain. Mrs. C. W. Elliott and Miss Annie Stockton were in the city today from Pittsbridge shopping. j Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Gandy and I fdnughter, Miss OIlie, were In town (today from Rock Prairie. " M.,8. Freeman of Harvey, who re cently erected a nice home on Ursu I fllne avenue and moved to the city with his family, has accepted a posl (ftlon with the Globe Dry Goods Com A"y. He would be glad for his ' friends to call on him at his new loca 1 tion. fl ' THURSDAY. II. Sealy was in town today from Kurten'. J. W, Davis was in the city today from Kurten'. Will Cloud was in the city today from Kurten. B. Smith of Kurten was In town this morning. .1. L. Raines was in town this morn ing from Harvey. Dr. W. F. Odom of Kurten was in town this morning. Mrs. T. C. Grant has returned from visit to friends in Franklin. 4 1 ' Oenren Sninn wan In thn rltv todav ;6m Reliance. '" Clarence Saxon was a Reliance vis itor to the city today. J. II. Vernon of Zulch was in the city today on business. Jeff Crone was in the city this morning from Reliance. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cavltt were in town today from Wheelock. . Mrs. O. F. Chastaln and her sister, For Stomach a D Lid Bowel Trouble use Ware's Black Pow. der or Ware's Black Powder Tablets, safe and reliable remedies For Infants that suffer with Bad Bowels, use Ware's Baby Po wder.a harm , less remedy. AT ALL CRVGGISTS ' 50c and $1.00 Packages Manufactured by Ware Black Powder Co. DALLAS, TEXAS n a SUuUuUOou For Sale by Read & Stewart ' DRUGGISTS A L S Miss Nannie Whictiugtcn,, were visit ing in the city today from College. MIsb Irene Smith left today for Waxahachie to visit her uncle, Mr. Ben Smith. Mrs. A. W. Royder was in the city today from Wellborn. " O. 0. ,rutchfleld was In the city this afternoon from Hearne. Mr. and Mrs. T, B. Smith were In the city today from Reliance. . Misses Grace Morgan and Bertie Suber left this afternoon for Fort Worth, where they will spend sev eral days visiting relatives, and friends. . FRIDAY. C. H. Mathls of Reliance spent to day in town. T. Crenshaw of Steep Hollow was In the city today. Will Jones of Harvey was in the city this morning. Mr. and THrs. R. M. Bean were Jn. the city today from Iola. Miss Katie Claire Royder of Well born was in the city today. Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson were in the city today from Kurten. Miss Buna Holland was in the city today from Reliance shopping. Mrs. Robert Willams of Mart is a geust of her father, Mr. J. W. White. W.J. Coulter returned yesterday afternoon from Rockdale, where he went on business. Judge and Mrs. V. B. Hudson left yesterday afternoon for Corpus Christ! where they will spend a week or so. Mrs. J. N. Haney arrived yesterday from Amarlllo. Mr. and Mrs. Haney will make their home in Bryan. Mrs. M. E. Jones left this afternoon tor San Antonio, where she will her son. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Martin were In the city this morning from Steep Hol low. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Alexander and son have returned to their home in Marlln after visiting Mr. and Mrs. John B. Mike. Miss Hettle Elder returnea to her home in Ennls today after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Doane and Mr. and Mrs. May. Mrs. J. B. Edmondson arrived yes terday from Knoxvllle, Tenn., to Join her husband. In future they will make their home here. Mrs. McCranle returned io New Or leans today after spending several weeks at the home of Mrs. G. S. Parker. She "was accompanied by Mrs. W. L. King, who will spend some time in New Orleans for the benefit of her health. ' Rev. J. J. Tatum has returned from St Lolus, where he was called by the death of his nephew, who was killed in a railroad-accident He visited In Illinois while gone and found his old friends well and prosperous. He was accompanied home by another nephew, Lawrence Hanna, brother of the young man who was killed. 8ATURDAY. J. S. Henry was a Tabor visitor to day. Rev. J. J. Pipkin went to Bremond today. K. Gillespy left this afternoon for Ennls. Goree Nealy of Wellborn was In the city today. Allen Dyess of Harvey was in tha city today. . J. S. Whlttaker of Tabor was in town today. J. G. Llghtsey was in town today from Reliance. E. Llndsey was in the city today from Reliance. Tburman Smith of Reliance was In the city today. Tom Dyess was In the city today from Wellborn. W. G. Haygood was in the city to day from Benchley. V Mrs. George Royder of Wellborn was in the city today. Uncle Mark Wilcox was In the city today from Knobb Prairie. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. D. Robinson of Wixon were In town today. Charlie Crawford left this afternoon for a short vlst to Mlllicaii. Mrs. D. C. Buchanan was in town this afternoon from Harvey. - Miss Ruth Weedon was in town to day from Harvey shopping. Misses Borta and Alma Edge were In the ctiy today from Cottonwood. Mr. xand Mrs. S. E. Cavitt of Whee lock went to Waco today to attend the Cotton Palace. C. T. Bowman of Benchley was in the ctly today. D. Buckhaulter was in town today from Wellborn. George Gilbert was in the city today from Wellborn. P. H. Arrlngton was In the city to day from Milllcan. J. P. Crenshaw was In the city to day from Cottonwood. Miss Cora Dulaney was In the city today from Navasota. She will visit her parents at Fonntain. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Smith of Col lege went to Waco this afternoon to : visit friends. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Smith and their daughter, Miss Floy, vere In town to day from Reliance. ' Boland Lloyd and his mother, Mrs. E. R. Lloyd, of Kurten left this after noon for Waco, where they will rTstt friends. ' Mrs. W. S. McCraw has returned to her home in San Antonio after vis ltlng in the home of Mrs. M. J. Par ker in this city and relatives at Provi dence. v Mrs. A. P. Coleman left this after noon for Waco, where she J11 visit relatives and attend the Cotton Pal ace. . ' - Mr. and Mrs. Henry Moore have re turned to their home In Old Washing ton after visltng their daughter, Mrs. J. Kassisky, at Kurten. MONDAY. Ballard Moore was down today from Edge. . J. A. Beard of Wixon was in town today.! Joe Barnes was in town today from Tabor. Henry Koontz of Zack . was in the city today. - Henry Taylor of Mesa was In the city today. F. M. Wallace was in the city today from Edge. W. H. McMichael was down today from near Tabor. Frank Atkins of College was in the city this morning. Miss Essie Shealy was In the city today from Reliance. Will and Tom Shealy were in town today from Reliance. i W. D. Colson was a Grimes county visitor in Bryan today. Mrs. J. L. Hensarling of Wellborn spent today in the city. Col. T. E. Wren of Iola Is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. HIggs. Mr. and Mrs. George Royder of Wellborn spent today In the) city. Mr. and MraYCalvln Bennett were visitors to the city today from Mesa. Lee Jowrs went to Waco yesterday to attend the Cotton Palace. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sample of Cotton wood were visitors to the city today. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Cloud and fam ily of Reliance spent today in the city. Mrs. J. P. Royder was in the city today from Wellborn. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Smith and family of Reliance were visitors to the city today. Mr. and Mrs. Amon Williams of Colevlew were visitors to the city to day. C. H. Ivy went to Beaumont today on business. Dr. W. A. Smith of Millican was In the city today. Oscar Goens was an Edge visitor in the city today. Lost One brown suit from wagon between Bryan and Carter's Creek. Return to Webb Bros. Mrs. Henry Hodges of the bottom left today for Navasota, where she will visit her son. Mr. and Mrs. William Johnson and Miss Katie Ayres of Tabor were vis itors to the city today. W. A. SIngletary and daughters, Misses Euna and Eva, were in the city today from Tabor. Mr. and Mrs. Boyett returned to their home in Navasota today after visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Wicker. Rev. M. E. Weaver left this after noon for Fort Worth to attend the State General Baptist Convention.' Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kindt and children of Kurten were visitors to the city today. I Mr. and Mrs. Newton McWhorter, Mies Lottie Peters, Silas Redding, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Peters. Misses Nan nie and Pearl Rogers, Luther Peters, and others were over today from Cross, Grimes county,' trading with Bryan merchants and taking in the circus. TUESDAY. J. W. Hicks of CroBS spent today in the city. W. R. Goen was in the city today from Harvey. Mrs. T. D. Mason has returned from a visit to Calvert W. B. English of Steep Hollow was in town this morning. Miss Lena Lloyd was in the city today from Wellborn. Clarence Saxon was a Reliance vis itor to the city today. For Sale Fine Collie pups entitled to registration. Tom Higgs. J. L. Thomas Vas in town today from Cross, Grimes county. Mrs. Lena Worthington of Well born was in the city today. Judge and Mrs. V. B. Hudson have returned from a short stay in Corpus Christi. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Astin left this afternoon for Stamford, Dallas and McKInney. Mrs. ' S. ' H. Howell arrived today from New Orleans to visit her daugh ter, Mrs. H. C. Fulgham. Miss Alma Long, instructor of art at the Bryan Baptist Academy, , has returned from a visit to Waco. Oscar Wilcox accompanied Mrs. Walter Wilcox to Fort Worth today where Mr. Walter Wilcox is to un dergo an operation. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Prinzel, who have been visiting at the home of Henry Prinzel at Kurten, returned to their home in-Houston yesterday aft ernoon, accompanied by Miss Ella Prinzel, who will visit them. Mrs. P. A. Reed and little son, Lu clan, returned to their home In Hearne today after spending a day or two visiting friends and relatives In the city. GuyM. Bryan, Jr., of Houston was in Bryan today. He still claims Bryan as his home and always comes here to cast his ballot. , Mrs. L. M. Worthington returned to her home In Wellborn today after a short visit to her daughter, Mrs. A. May, In this city. For Sale Four residences, modern improvements, near Eastslde High School; also choice vacant lots, cheap. J. T. Turner. Real Estate Transfers. Guj Stevener to A. W. Stevener, two tracts, one in the H. A. Adams survey, containing 14 acres; the sec ond in the J. A. Phelps and the Ell Seale surveys, containing 12 acres; consideration, 2260. Gus Stevener to A. H. Stevener, 50 acres" in the J. E. Phelps survey; con sideration, $390. J. W. Murphy to W. F. Murphy, B0 acres in the Mary, Lawrence bead right; consideration, . 400. T. H. Lawless to Leonard McDonald, 80 acres in the William J. Lewis league; consideration, $1000. T. W. Frame to J. O. Maniord, HO acres in the Thomas James league; consideration, $1000. Robert Hall to James Johnson, lots 6 and 7, block 53, city of Bryan; con sideration, $850. J. M. Closs to Ewald P. Wlese, 35 acres in the Francis Henderson league; consideration, $1000. Annie Foster to W. E. Gandy, 38 acres In the H. and B. Whltesides survey; consideration, $450. Amon Williams and wife to H. L. Hensarling, 55 acres in the Marian Kegan league; consideration, $1815. SANDERS-HENRY. Saturday afternoon at 5 o'clock Rev. Sam Buchanan at his borne on East Caldwel street unltedt In mar riage Mr. Alfred Sanders of Cameron and Miss Ona Henry of the Thompson Creek community. The young man has been in this section for several months and has won the respect and regard of all, for a personal acquaint ance Inspires confidence in his ability and Integrity. The young lady is wide ly known by her sweet disposition and lovable character. She was reared near Bryan and the many friends of the young couple rejoice with them in the happiness which is their portion. GOODMAN-EVANS. (From Tuesday's Daily Eagle.) Mr. T. B. Goodman of Holligan Chapel and Miss Myrtle Evans of Goldthwalte, Mills county, were united in marlrage yesterday atthe court house, Judge L. D. McGee officiating. Mr. Goodman is a well known citizen of the county, and the bride, who has been here only a short time, la said to be a moBt estimable young lady. Horses, Mares and Mules for Sale. Just received & car of horses, mares and mules from Missouri. Call at my barn andee them. Priced to sell. J. W. Hunicutt. COTTON PALACE EXPOSITION, November 2-17. Excursion tickets on sale daily via I. & G. N. Ry. Popular low fares for ( special days. For particulars see ticket agent Take Notice. Two full-blood young Jersey males to let for feed until June 1, next, or j U( Date Al f if ..IV caUi ft. Ji. vniub. Country Store Changed Hands. H. F. Staany, who is at present a member of the county commissioners' ; court, has sold his store,. located a J short distance south of the A. and M. College, to V. J. Borlskie. The new proprietor has taken charge and will conduct the business as heretofore. Mr. Stasny wishes to express his thanks to the people for their liberal patronage, and to ask the same for his successor. It is the purpose of Mr. Stasny to move to Bryan in a short time. The Eagle will be glad to wel come Mr. Stasny and his family to the city. Albert Mathls Better. It is reported that yesterday even ing late little Albert Mathis, who w as accidentally shot at Reliance Friday, was somewhat better. His condition , was grave all day, hut there are now J hopes of his recovery. VAMX Good Health, Fine Digest ion, Strong Nerves, and Hearty, Good Humor come from the moderat use of Harper whiskey. Buy HARPER From JOE GROGIIISKY HASP o - vf3P fl 9 r .'. mm v m rv., nn Are Yea Going to Cl? Let Us Figure With Voii We furnish the best to be obtained at the most reasonable figures possi ble. If you build without seeing us and getting our terms and prices, you may be sorry. y Anyth ins You get exactly what your order calls for and at the time we promise it. Delays may prove expensive. Avoid all inconvenience by dealing with us. V Furniture and Undortaking When you need Furniture of any kind let me show you my stock An elegant line of Bedroom Suites, Dressers, Tables, Dining Room Furniture, Rockers, Chairs, Carpets, Mattings, Shades, Refrigerators, Etc., to select from. I will not be undersold. Get my Prices and Let Me Show You. ... W. 7. LABORERS, FARMERS AND MECHANICS In fact ljl people who are obliged to work un der unfavorable conditions or are exposed to , ; sudden changes of temperature are often sub ject to pains, aches and injuries. . SEVERA'S GOTHAM) OIL rubbed in well will expell the pains, afford relief and comfort and restore the parts to a healthy conditions Price 50 cents. Sevcra's Remedies are sold by all druggists. Ask to be Given SEVERA'S. -v - fo) in Lumber JAMES to l Mi