The Bryan Eagle.
Bryan, Brazas County, Texas, Thursday, March 13, 1913.
May Confine Special Session to Tariff and
Appropriations. No Change to be
Made in Foreign Policies.
By Astoria ted Press.
Washington, March 6. House lead
rs are strongly urging President Wil
son to use bis Influence for a plan to
confine tbe special session to tariff
legislation and the passage of the ap
proprlatlon bills which failed to pass
at the last session of Congress.
Secretary Wilson's Last Act.
By Associated Press. 1
Washington, March 6. The last offi
cial act of Secretary of Agriculture
Wilson was to reinstate C. O. Elliott,
chief drainage engineer, who was dis
missed during the Florida everglades
Will Reduce Number of Military Aide.
By Associated Press.
Washington, March 6. President
Wilson plans to cut in half the num
ber of his military aides and adopt
the custom of their wearing full dress
uniforms when touring the country
with him.
When Senators Bryan and Fletcher
cf Florida called on President Wilson
today about two appointments, he re-
ferred them to the Attorney General.
No Change in Foreign Policies.
By Associated Press.
Washington, March 6. It Is Indi
cated by Secretary of State Rryan's
action today that the new administra
tion will make no Immediate impor
tant changes in this country's foreign
policy. He approved the recent letters j
to consuls.
It Is announced the new administra
tion Intends to use every proper means
to avoid friction with Mexicans on the
Progressives to Control.
(By Associated Press.
Washington, March G. The chair
rrmn of the Senate caucus presented
a list today for a steering committee,
giving control to progressive Demo
crats. The caucus approved the list.
Wilton Very Modest.
By Associated Press.
Washington, March 6. After today'B
Cabinet meeting Secretary Lane said:
"The thing that Impressed Ine most
was the extreme modesty of the man
at tbe head of the table. He listened
to every consideration and decided
without the slightest hesitation what
should be done. He seems to have
an administrative mind."
Bill May Pass Proposing to Make It a
Felony to Sell Liquor Outside of
Restricted City Districts.
Eggs, 1214c per dozen.
Butter, 23c.
Hens, $1.50o.OO per dozen.
Fryers, $4.500 5.00 per dozen.
Broilers, $3.00 per dozen.
Hogs, 5'46 6c per pound
Cattle $3.00(53.50 cwt.
Calves, $1.00 cwt.
Hides, green 7'fcc; dry 10c.
By Associated Press.
Austin, Texas, March 6. The House
today refused to revive tbe full crew
Tbe House concurred In the Senate
amendment to the bill making It a
felony to sell intoxicants outside of
restricted city districts, which amend
ment makes tbe possession of an In
ternal revenue license prima facie evi
dence of the sale of liquor.
The House refused to concur In the
Senate amendments to the married
women's rights and Alamo bills. These
amendments were sent to conference.
This makes the Alamo legislation un
likely of success.
Tbe Senate spent all the mornfng
arguing the Cotton Belt consolidation
New Senate bills included one by
Senator Warren providing for tho
filing of a corporation's charter In the J Amendments were lost to give passes
Including the Hudspeth bill for tbe
sale of school lands In one-sixteenth
sections; the Willacy bill that towns
of over 5000 Inhabitants may have a
commission form of government elec
tion on petition of 10 per cent of the
voter, and tbe Senate railroad hos
pital bill.
The Senate spent the entire morn
ing considering the women's nine-hour
day dill. It adopted an amendment
permitting stenographers to work as
much as eleven hours a day, provided
they do not work more than fifty-four
hours a week. It also adopted an
amendment exempting telephone oper
ators in times of calamity.
, J By Associated Press.
Austin, Texas, March 8. The House
today passed bills rapidly, Including
one to place county and precinct offi
cials Ion a salary basis. It also passed
the amendment to the anti-pass act to
give Confederate veterans and . their
widows passes. This bill was amend
ed so as to give passes also to five
deputy sheriffs in counties of over lfJO,
000 population, to city health officers,
to presidents and superintendents of
orphans' homes, to insurance adjusters,
and State officials. Use of passes was
restricted to official business only.
county where the corporation has Us
By Associated Press.
Austin, Texas, March 5. The Sen
ate today finally passed the marital
rights bill by a vote of 19 to 8. The
House had already passed it.
The Alamo bill, placing its control
in a commission of which the Gov
ernor is a member, finally passed.
Representative Roger Byrne was en
dorsed for customs collector at either
V.) Paso or Laredo.
The House this morning began con
sideration of the bill to make the
home rule amendment effective.
By Associated Press.
Austin, Texas, March 7. In the
House today tbe liquor traffic com
mlttee reported favorably the Lewell
ing bill for 7 o'clock closing of sa
The House passed many Senate
measures to the third reading today,
to Governor, to State Revenue Agent
and to Legislators. An amendment
was adopted striking out in the pres
ent law the privilege of passes to
State Railroad Commissioners.
Senate Passes McGregor Bill.
By Associated Press.
Austin, Texas, March 8. The Sen
ate today passed the McGregor bill
terminating the paid tubercular com
mission and substituting therefor a
citizens' commission, to be paid only
for actual services rendered.
By Associated Press.
Austin, Texas, March 10 The house
is working rapidly. In less than three
minutes .today It engrossed the Bur-gess-Glasscock
bill affecting all Texas
irrigation development.
Considering Bond Issue.
By Associated Press.
Austin, Texas, March 10. The
House spent this morning considering
the Hill bill for a $3,000,000 bond issue
for the State penitentiary system.
Representative Hill, In defending Gov
ernor Colquitt for abolishing the con
tract plan, said:
"I bad rather see the system $3,000,
000 In debt than turn back to tbe old
system of contracting under which
men were beaten to death and women
about to become mothers driven into
fields and worked like boasts by brutal
The bond issue debate probably will
continue all this afternoon.
Date Set to Elect Successor.
By Associated Press.
Austin, Texas, March 10. April 5
is the date set for election of Tenth
District Congressman to succeed Al
bert S. Burleson, resigned.
To Pardon Sergeant Manley.
By Associated Press.
Austin, Texas, March 10. Papers
seeking a pardon for Sergeant Man
ley were filed with Governor Colquitt
In the Senate.
By Associated Press.
Austin, Teas, March 10. The sen
ate today sent to tbe rules committee
the Townsend resolution calling for
Immediate consideration of the crim
inal procedure reform bills, thereby In
dicating it bad no desire to hurry this
legislation. .
The Senate finally passed the Wiley
bill liberalizing laws governing rela
tions of guardian and ward, and the
Brelsford-Hudspeth bill, which Jhe
Governor disapproves, extending re
lief to certain western settlers who
have defaulted on land interest pay
ments. By Associated Press.
Austin, Texas, March 11. The Sen
ate today adopted the free conference
bill on marital right. This is the sub
stitute for the committee bill. Sena
tors Vaughah and Wiley urged its pas
sage, and Senators Morrow, Collins,
and Nugent opposed It.
Senate Judiciary committee No. 2
favorably reported the Collins bill
making It a penitentiary offense for a
newspaper to conduct a contest. Sen
ator Nugent made an adverse minority
report. The majority report favored
an amendment forbidding any contests
between two or more persons, but al
lowing newspapers to offer prizes, pre-
miums and commissions to those get
ting subscriptions.
The House amendment to the pistol
toting law, making the penalty a fel
ony, was favorably reported.
The Senate passed tbe Westbroolc
bill making common law marriages
null and void.
i no
Emllio Madero Says He Himself Will
Shoot Down the First Madero
Who Tries To Be President
of Mexico.
By Associated Press.
San Antonio, Texas, March 7. Em
llio Madero, who is here, today said: '
"None of the Madero family ever
will live In Mexico again. Each mem
ber will dispose of all his property and
the family will scatter In other parts
of tbe world, some in the United
States and some in Europe.
"The first man of the Maderos who
seeks to establish himself as Presi
dent of Mexico I myself will shoot
He said none of the family would
inaugurate a revolution for revenge.
Great An
No Stockholder or Anyone Inter
ested in this Business is Allow
ed lo Participate in this Contest
This Automobile Will Be GIVEN
AWAY as Advertised Without Fail,
lfHAf I I0TFMI 1 was told the other day that some ; our g00d friends said tnat "01d man yers was t0 sharp t0
IMU Vtf LlU I LI Vi ,et tnat automobile get out of his family." I want to say in candor I do hope that the public will
not pay any attention to this talk. This talk is caused from envy and jealousy. I do hope that
the peopie of this county have a higher regard for me than to believe any of this talk. You know it's the "hitdog that always
howls." I am no trickster. This car will be
Given Away to the Lucky Party Holding the Lucky Number
or the Nearest Number to It!
Inhn RoDM Plllt llat nrQ 2re the best strongest and most durable. Ho weak, shoddy castings, but a CULTIVATOR THAT DOES
UUIIII Uuulu UUIIIVdIUI 0 THE WORK. s& Remember us; we want your trade. We have nothing to hide, and will be living
here and doing business long after the envious person is forgotten. Yours, etc.,
South Main Street
Bryan, Texas