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The Bryan eagle. [volume] (Bryan, Tex.) 1880-1913, April 24, 1913, Image 1

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Bryan, Brazos .County, Texas, Thursday, April 24, 1913.
en. hi.
Ways and Means Committee Have Com
pleted Document on Which the Demo
cratic Party StandsIncome Tax
to Have Sliding Scale.
By Associated Press.
4 Washington, April 22. By a vote of
14 to 7, with all Republicans voting
against it, the House ways and means
committee reported the completed
Democratic tariff revision bill today.
Chairman Underwood told the House
the Income tax can be raised or low
ered from year to year, according to
the government's revenue needs,
thereby making possible a close bal
ance between expenditures and rev
Dues, such as is practiced In most
other civilized countries.
The new bill completely disregards
the cost or production. Thereby, as
a regulator of tariff rates, the Demo
crats assert, the highly protected In
dustries, like wool, become stagnant
because no real competition develops
to make them highly efficient, while
Industries where protection has been
reduced, like steel, lead the world be
cause foreign competition has brought
out American efficiency.
The Democratic leaders told the
House the future growth of the great
American industries lies in foreign
Wilson Appeals to California.
By Associated Press.
Washington, April 22. President
Wuvuvi-WLirinAnArini u- i-n-i- - -- -- --
Plans for New Jail Prepared by Archl
tect Fountain Approved Results
of Elections for Rural
School Trustees.
The Commissioners' Court adjourn
ed yesterday after the April term, and
the following business is recorded In
the iniuutes us having been trans
acted :
The election returns of the recent
election in Improvement District No.
1 were canvassed, and it was declared
that a majority were in favor of Is
suing $10,000 In bonds for mainten
ance of the levee.
The court canvassed the returns of
the recent election in School DfBtrlct
No. 3 (Mllllcen) and found that a ma
jority of the voters were In favor of
Increasing the school tax to 13 cents.
The court ordered that O. R. Dunn
be furnished with a road drag, and
with cement to build two culverts on
the San Antonio road; Mr. Dunn to
furnish all labor..
The bond of the First National Bank
for $100,000 was approved, and It was
designated as the depositary for tho
school fund.
D. Cahlll was Instructed to reopen
the Mosely Ferry road, closed by Si
mon Nemec.
A Jury of view was appointed upon
the petition of ten citizens on a road
to be opened from the Mosely Ferry
road weBt to the river.
Acting on the petition of thirty-two
citizens of the Reliance school dis
trict, the court set May 24 as the date
for an election to determine whether
the school tax should be Increased to
an amount not to exceed 50 cents on
the $100.
The returns from the school trus
tee elections were canvassed, and the
following trustees were declared
District No. 6. College J. C. Boyett
and J. L. Stasny.
District No. 7. Harvey N. A. Cot
nam and E. U. Peters.
District No. 2. Wellborn Tom Roy
der and R. H. Wilson.
District No. 3, Milllcan A. J. Ed
wards and R. E. Dunlap.
District N;o. 8, Steep Hollow I. M.
Cook and C. M. Rislnger.
District No. 9, Reliance J. H.
Mathls and C. M. Shealy.
District No. 10, Kurten Herman
Kindt and Jim Tobias.
District No. 17, Smetana John
Kosarek and J. H. Wehrman.
District No. 25, Independence J. J.
Merka and W. P. Means. '
Wilson today telegraphed Governor
Johnson, appealing lo California not
to pass any anti-alien land laws con
flicting with the United States treaty
obligations with Japan. President Wil
son says he appeals "with the utmost
confidence to the people of California"
on this point.
Charges a Baseball Trust
By Associated Press.
Washington, April 22. Characteriz
ing organized baseball as the "most
audacious and autocratic trust In the
country," Representative Gallagher to
day Introduced in the House a resolu
tion tor an investigation by a special
commutes and the Attorney General
of the baBeball contract system.
Pssted Sundry Civil Appropriations
By Associated Press.
Washington, April 22. By an over
whelming vote the House today passed
the sundry civil appropriations bill,
containing a provision that the funds
it appropriates to carry out the anti
trust law shall not be used against
labor unions or farmers' co-operative
associations. Former President Taft
vetoed this bill on account of these
two provisions.
... ioww
District No. 26, Minter Springs
J. A. Parker and A. B. Welch.
The plans for the new Brazos Coun
ty Jail were submitted by Architect
Fountain, and finally aproved. Plans
will be furnished to contractors for
the purpose of making up bids, for
flO each. The plans are to be re
turned in ten days, and the $10 deposit
will then be refunded. All bids are
to be accompanied by a certified check
for $ 1000.
The monthly report of Tax Collector
Wipprecht was read and approved.
Was Sentenced to One Day in Jail for
Criticising a Circuit Judge Re
versed by Higher Court.
By Associated Press.
Jefferson City, Mo., April 19. Wil
liam E. Nelson, owner of the Kansas
City Star, was found not guilty of
malice In the publication of an article
criticising Circuit Judge Joseph Guth
rie last February, when Mr. Nelson
was sentenced to one day in Jail for
contempt. The finding was reported
to the Supreme Court today by Special
Commissioner Crow.
A Very Liberal Ruling.
The commissioner held that every
person has a right to publish his un
derstanding of what a court has de
cided and differ with the court as to
.what the law Is, and criticise the law,
as long as he does not Impugn the
motives of the court, or charge It with
He also held the article which
caused the citation, and which related
to a divorce suit, was true.
(From Tuesday's Dally F.agle.)
In the membership of the Bryan
baseball team published yesterday aft
ernoon the names of the following
were omitted: Joe Spell, Algio
Hearne, Willard Skelton and Otis
Brogdon. The list Is still open , and
all who wish to try for the team are
invited to come out and join the squad.
Iola, Texas, April 18. The Zlon
MethodiBt Church was dedicated last
Sunday with appropriate services, both
morning and afternoon. The sermons
were preached by Dr. Rankin of Dallas,
assisted by the paBtor, Rev. Llewellyn.
Dinner was served on the grounds and
the church was filled to overflowing.-
Rev. H. W. Knlcktrbocker Returns
from College with Highest Praise
for Boys, Faculty and
"I do not see why there Is so much
talk about moving the Agricultural and
Mechanical College," said Rev. H. W.
Knickerbocker, pastor of the Central
Methodist Church, who has lust re
turned from College Station, where he
preached before the cadets of tho col
lege Sunday.
"I knew that we had a great school
In the Agricultural and. Mechanical
College," he said, "but I never thought
we bad anything like I saw. It was
absolutely remarkable.
"I And they have 2416 acres of land
In their campus and more than a score
of buildings which are valued at more
than $1,000,000. My trip through the
buildings gave me an opportunity to
see the splendid equipment they have.
"I can not understand bow It could
be possible for the college to be moved
and all this valuable property aban
doned. No educational institution could
step In and take hold where the Agri
cultural and Mechanical College would
quit. '
"It Is the healthiest bunch I ever
saw. It appears that sickness is a
stranger to the college." Fort Worth
Coach Melton is worried because
two of the track men, Knlttle and
Bryant, are laid up with mumps. The
track meet at Austin is to be held
on May 2 and 3.
R. S. Vandlver Is spending a few
days at his home In Houston.
Fred Jarvls went home to Kaufman,
where his father has recently sold bis
ranch preparatory to moving.
The revival ministers have been
visting the academy and conducting
the chapel services.
- The academy grounds are being
cleaned up and put in good shape.
The quarter-mile cinder track is in
splendid shape, and is being used con
tinually by the track team.
Mr. Sara Levy has Just returned
from a trip to Nashville, Tenn and
Birmingham, Ala., where he made a
careful Inspection of the relative value
of various kinds of pavements as com
pared to their cost Alderman Levy
is of opinion that vitrified brick is
the thing for Bryan to use, and says
that he stopped in Houston and saw
the viaduct being paved with vitrified
brick. The viaduct will stand heavy
traffic, and if brick Is good enough, for
Houston, Galveston and other cities,
it should do for Bryan.
Mr. Levy went to Nashville as dele
gate from the Bryan lodge to the Na
tional Convention of the Independent
Order of B'nal B'rith. Next year the
order will convene in Shreveport, La.
The proposed tariff schedule now
under consideration by Congress, put
ting wool on the free list, Is of inter
est to the sheep growers of Brazos
County. The present tariff on wool Is,
aprpoximately, 11 cents per pound.
The quantity of wool clipped In this
county is not of record, but the clip
per sheep per annum amounts to
about 5.1 pounds.
There are 3963 sheep and goats, val
ued at $9022 by the Federal Census
Department, on the farms amd ranges
of Brazoa County. The annual wool
and mohair production is valued at
$1233, and 824 sheep and goats are
pold and slaughtered each year, and
their total value is $1870.
The number of these animals on
the farms and ranges of the entire
State is 1,808,709, which have a value
or $6,301,364. The production of sheep
and goats Is 591,976 annually, valued
at $1,361,544, and the State's yearly
wool production Is valued at $2,267,
William Jones to James Palasota,
lot 7, block 67; consideration, $25.
Ed Graham to S. B. Wilson, a lot
91x60 feet In block 114; consideration,
Flames Caught Them Whlls, Driving
i In Wagon and Barbed Wirt
Fences Cut Off Escape.
By Associated Press. -'
Selling, Okhu, April 21. Rev. John
Leslie, his wife and child were burned
to death la a prairie fire yesterday.
They were driving in a one-horse
wagon when the flames caught them,
with barbed wire fences along each
side of the' road making their escape
in a lateral direction impossible.
; Mrs. Leslie attempted to save her
child by crawling under the wagon
where she was burned. The husband
was found several feet away. The
horse was also burned.
City Health Officer Will Ask That City
Dumping Ground Be Succeeded
by City Crematory for Burn
ing All Filth.
City Health Officer Dr. R. J. Hunnl
rntt In rilanninz en active flv swatting
campaign. Effort will be made to han
dle the danger by education, instead
of legislation, and to this end circulars
and posters are being prepared. .
The need a the campaign Is great.
The city of Bryan itself contributes
ireplv tn the'dlwavs threatening dan
ger, by the city dumping grounds, and
Dr. Hunnicutt is preparing 10 peuuou
that a rrematorv be built that the ac
cumulated filth of the city may be
burned. The matter is one that should
have the most serious attention or tne
Houston, Texas, April 21. Each
day sees a strengthening of the al
ready high poultry market in Houston.
It appears impossible to secure re
ceipts anywhere near approaching the
demand, and In consequence high
prices prevail. Producers will do well
by sending in supplies. Prices already
are against the sky and can not go
The Houston egg market is very
firm, and 13c is being asked for eggs
in the country. Dealers find little
profit in eggs, and most of them are
going into cold storage.
An unusual lightness in strawberry
receipts for the season prevails. Re
ceipts are averaging 300 crates per
day and up, but they are all taken and
there is barely enough to supply the
local demand.
New potatoes are not going very
welL Some supplies are coming In
from the Rio Grande country and are
selling to the trade at $2.50 Jer bushel.
Primary points have advanced prices
10c per bushel.
Some sections report cotton dam
age from the frost of a week ago.
How far this damage has spread Is
not known. The plant is crippled and
a rain is needed to test It out If the
damage Is permanent replanting will
Trade conditions in South Texas are
encouraging, according to reports to
the Houston Chamber of Commerce.
Failures are verp few, trade seems op
timistic and business on a firm basis.
Collections are fair In all lines of
Ambassador Bryce Sends Satisfactory
Accounts of His Conversations
Upon Subject with President.
By Associated Press.
"London, April 16. The report sent
by James Bryce, the British Ambas
sador to the United States, on the re
sults of a recent conversation with
President Wilson foreshadows, It is
understood, a favorable termination of
the controversy between the two coun
tries over the question of the Panama
Canal tolls.
The Manchester Guardian under
stands that President Wilson will
shortly make an important statement
on the question.
The ornamental Iron lamp posts or
dered by the Commissioners' Court
have arrived from the foundry. The
posts will be placed one on each cor
ner of the courthouse square, and will
prove very attractive, as well as light
ing up the square. The posts are about
ten feet high with ornamental top and
will carry several lights each.
Secretary Bryan Wires Gov. Johnson of Cal
ifornia to Withhold Signature From Anti
A .Alien Land Legislation Recently
Passed In That State
By Associated Press.
Washington, April 19. Secretary of
State W. J. Bryan today telegraphed
Governor Johnson of California asking
him to withhold his signature from
any anti-alien land legislation passed
by the Legislature of that State which
might violate the treaties between the
United States and Japan. Mr. Bryan
refused to make public the text of
the message.
To Finish Tariff Bill Today.
By' Associated Press.
Washington, April 19. The Demo
cratic caucus today resumed the con
sideration of the tariff bill with the
Strikers Number Half the Male Pop
ulation of Belgium Union Print
ers Out Crippling Daily
Brussels, April 19. Twelve million
dollars Is the estimated loss in Bel
gium from the first week of the strike
for equal ballot rights, which has been
Joined by 400,000 workmen, represent
ing half the male population of
The printers struck at Brussels at
midnight, crippling fifteen daily pub
The ball enthusiasts of this city
have organized a baseball team, giv
ing it the popular name "Dixie." Mr.
Fairman Is back of the boys and will
render them every assistance In de
veloping a first-class team, one that
will be able to meet all comers.
Their suits have already been or
dered, and will be of black material,
with the name "Dixie" worked in
white. They will make trips to neigh
boring towns and will also bring other
teams to this city. The first game will
be played here on next Saturday.
The membership of the team is as
follows: Eugene Driver, manager;
Herbert Preston, Edgar Buchanan,
Carroll Harris, Earl Johnson, Douglas
Houston, Frank Conway, Roy Roberts,
McDuff Simpson, Roland Nunn and Sid
By Associated Press.
Austin, Texas, April 17. Governor
Colquitt today ordered special elec
tions for May 6 in the One Hundred
and Twenty-third and Sixty-ninth Leg
islative districts, where vacancies oc
curred through the death of Repre
sentative Hunt ana tne election oi
Representative Buchanan to Congress.
By Associated Press.
Las Pafmas, Canary Islands, April
17. Owing to a sudden deflation of
the dirigible ."Suchard Two," through
a leak, Joseph Bruecker postponed
starting his flight across the Atlantic
Ocean today until a new supply of gas
comes from Germany.
Washington, April 21. B. H. Carroll
Jr. of Houston, who has the backing
of National Committeeman Sells and
the Texas Congressional delegation
to Paraguay and Uruguay, will, it is
said, be appointed. Secretary of State
Bryan has intimated to members of
the delegation that Carroll is accepta
ble to the President and the State
expectation that all administrative
features of the measure would be com
pleted before nlghtfalL Every effort to
amend the bill has failed, except
minor changes in the language, mak
ing It clearer without changing the
Slight Changes in Bill.
By Associated Press.
Washington, April 19. The ways
and means committee agreed today to
an amendment to the tariff bill trans
ferrlng buckwheat and rice to the
free list and adding savings banks not
conducted for profit to exemption from
the Income tax.
Vetoed Several Court Measures To
day Congressional Election Re
turns Canvassed Many .
Charters Issued.
By Associated Press.
Austin, Texas, April 19. Governor
Colquitt today vetoed the bills creat
ing the Seventy-fifth Judicial District,
and which reorganized the Thirty
eighth, Fifty-first, Sixty-third and Sev
entieth Judicial Districts; and the
bills creating the Seventy-third Judi
cial District, the bill reorganizing the
Twenty-eighth Judicial District, and
creating the Seventy-fourth District
The official canvass of the returns
of the special election for Burleson's
successor in the Tenth Congressional
District today showed Hon. J. P. Buch
anan received 11,256 votes and Judge
George Calhoun 8337.
The report of the Secretary of State
shows 602 charters and charter
amendments have been filed since Jan
uary 1. This Is the greatest number
ever filed for the same period.
' By Associated Press.
Eagle Pass, April 19. Postmaster
Chichester has received instructions
from Washington to resume the deliv
ery of mails to all points in the State
of Coahulla. Mexico, where the Car
ranza (rebel) government Is operating
A serious difficulty, which came
near resulting In a tragic butchery,
occurred among some of the colored
population last night, A negro woman
named Mary Mitchell assaulted a ne
gro man named "French" with an axe,
striking two murderous blows. He
was cut on the head and neck, and
while his injuries are very painful,
they are not considered necessarily
fatal. The negro woman was arrested
and placed in the county Jail.
Dr. W. F. Proctor, head of farm
demonstration work in Texas, has re
turned from Richmond, Va., where he
attended the Conference of Education
for the South. He is enthusiastic over
the meeting and Is confident of its re
sults on the future of agriculture in
this country.
He met Dr. Carver of Harvard, who
is at the head of the new department
of "marketing and rural economic con-.
ditlon8," and who Is working for bet
Iter conditions along these lines in all
parts of the country. He promised Dr.
J Proctor to come to Texas and be pres
.ent at the next session of the Farmers'

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