07ATE FAIil CF.TZXAS At Dillu C;:r.3 . cotczzn ic::. Runs to C07ODCR 31st t'-rcr, Better, Grander than ever before. Finest Collection Exhibits ever shown in Texas c cd u. c:he:i iufl la a little higher but It Is better. ASK YOUR GROCER. ''"N, T,:E a!ii.qt.c. ...to- w.ryf Atft a3 4nd 32 V:."AT O AT? Toe bun remarked to the muley cow As she cachled her dally lay, (That Is. the hen cackled) "It's fun ny how I'm food for an egg a day. I'm a fool to do It. for what do I get? My food and my lodging. My! Dut the poodle gets that he's the household pet. And be never laid a single egg jet Not even when eggs was high." The muK'y cow remarked to the ben, Aa sbe masticated her cud. (That la. the cow did) "Well, what then? You quit, and your name Ih mud. I'm good for eight gallons of milk each day. And I'm given my stable and grub; Ilut the parrot gets that ninth, any way , 4 All sbe can gobble -and what does he pay? Not a dribble or milk, the dub!" But tho hired man remarked to the pair. "You get all that's cumin' to you. The poodle does tricks, an' the parrot kin swear, Which Is better than you can do. You're neeeoaary, but what'a the use O' bewailing your dally part? You're bourgeois workln's your on ly excuse; You can't do nothln' but Just produce What them fellers does Is Art!" The Musicians' Chronicle. 14 L.rA V. Jm Cae frier 1 rto kss r-rrt a k-j nd useful Y.Z and looks good for an other half century expects bis reward In heaven and meantime Is a philos opher. He can Ulk on any subject ader the sn, from "tbe flower of poeny" to "tie precession of tbe equinoxes.- He apparently knows tbe "Iliad" and "Odyssey" by heart, so I know that when he banded me a bit of rerse It must l good. "Hera Is a hymn on the solar sys tem or some other lofty theme." thought I. placing tbe sheet In my let ter case. When 1 arrived borne I read: The Hunt climbed a wall. II climbed It once. He ellmbed It twlr than crawled away. Tbe bee sipped a flower, lie alpped II once. He sipped It twice then flew away. Tbe man kiaaed a maid, lis klaaed her ones, IU klased tier twice then walked away. The wall waan't sunny; the flower had no boney; Tbe maid had no money. Funny! The problem now la whether tbe con tribution Is a Joke or a gem. National Magazine. rN ' ' K Reproved Again. "I am told that there are some fine scores to tbe credit of Hcrr Batontap per." ventured Mr. Cuurox during a lull In the artistic conversation "My dear." said bis wife. w were dlacumlng music, not baseball." Washington 8tar. An Optimist. Ta. what Is an optimist?" "An optimist, my son. Is the man who make himself believe It will not rain tomorrow because he doesn't pos sess an umbrella." Cleveland Plain Pes lev. j. . i:ir:2Q cf i:::::'.::ce Telsphon HI lc'rs in Parker Building I sm now betterls)uipped than ever to do up-to-date tailoring and firt-cla repairing and pressing. JOHN WITTMAN. New location up-ttairt in Parker building. V. 0. Hudson Bryan, Texas. W. W. Wilson Franklin. Tex. HUDSON A. WILSON i e ' Attorneys at-Law Bryan and Franklin, Texas. Will practice in county, state and fed eral courts. Special attention to busl nes In Bniroi and Robertson counties FOR SALE. 1476 acres of land In tbe Moses Hughes survey, near Edge. Prlco and terms reasonable. SO acres adjoining A. and M. College land on west side near Providence church. Known as tbe George Pletzcr place. V. B. HUDSON. J. W. BATTS REAL E8TATE AGENT OSce in Taliaferro Build I eg. Opposite Court House. Pbone S7 Have In office tbe only set of Abstract Books of Brazos County Land titles FOR SALE 256 acre In the Burleson County Levee District all fenced; 235 acre In cultivation; 8 bouses. At half price and on reasonable terms. OR. ALGIE BENBOW. DENTIST HaSWriX'8 BOOK TOHI W. C FOUNTAIN DENTIST. CONFIRMED PROOF. Residents of Bryan Cannot Doubt What Has Been Twice Proved. In gratitude for complete relief from aches and pains of bad backs from have publicly recommended Doan Kidney Pills. Residents of Bryan who so testified years ago now say tool cures were permanent. This testimo ny doubly proves the worth of Doan a Kidney Pills to Bryan kidney suffer ers. Mrs. E. B. Roberts, Moseley. Street, Bryan. Texas, sayx: "A year ago gave a testimonial In which I told of the benefits I had derived from Doans Kidney Pills. I gladly renew that statement now, realizing that so msny persons are In need of a rellaUe kid ncy remedy. For sixteen years I waa a victim of kidney complaint and at timet I bad slight attacks of rhftt matlsni which caused my limbs To become stiff and "painful. My kidneys were also disordered and the passages of the secretion were irregular. When I heard of Doan a Kidney Pills. I ob tain! a box from Enimel & Maloneys drug store and they entirely relieved me. I have since enjoyed excellent health and bave no trouble whatever from my kidneys or back." For sale by all dealers. Price COc FoFtcr-MIIbum Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agent for tbe I'ulted States Kctnembcr the name Doan's and take no other. tf Pilkerton Wen the Race. At one of tbe regattas of tbe Na tional Association of American Oars men during tbe early nineties Jamea Pilkerton. for many years the cham pion sculler of America, was matched to row double against another team. He and his mate were tbe champions, and tbe general belief waa that they would win without effort But the Bight before the regatta public opinion suddenly and mysteriously changed. Mr. Pilkerton knew that this was not caused by any new development of strength In his opponent or any loss of akCl on bis own part. After making some quiet luqulries be discovered that there was talk of his rowing mat hav ing been bought np by the other side and of an arrangement to throw the race. Ue didn't say anything about his sus picions, but when the two men were seated in the ahell and were well out Into the deep water be leaned over to his mate and said: "Look here, you blooming cutthroat You've got to swim, drown or win this rare! You know me!" Ue won. Cfice upstairs over Smith Crvg Co. IK) YOL" OWN A IIYO.MEi INHALER. If you have a little liyotuel Inhaler (pronounced lly-o-nie) In your home you have a treasure. ' Into tlili hard rubber Inhaler you can pour a few drops of Hyomel and presto, you have the Wat little physi cian for catarrh, coughs colds, bron chitis, croup and asthma, the world has ever known. When you breathe Hyomel you bring the healing virtues of the moun tainous forest to your home. You get the very same healing, antiseptic air that you would breathe If you resided In the foreita of pine andeucalytpus of Inland Australia, where catarrh or consumption waa never known to ex ist. If you have a Hyomel Inhaler in your home, get a bottle of Hyomel for to cents. If you have not an Inhaler, ask for a complete outfit, which costs but one dollar and Includes an inhaler, a bottle of Hyomel, and simple Instruc tions for use. Hyomel Is sold and guaranteed by E. J. Jenkins to cure catarrh, asthma or bronchitis or money back. It will relieve a colj In five minutes, and it will break It np In five hours. It gives most gratifying- relief to con s'inii tion sufferers, and Is sold by dtf Cus Ind&sslion It r lievra stomach mWrv. sour atom. nrh, N l-. liini.aud cure all Mrnnvh rt: t att or nutx-y lia'.k. Laro lx if tal Ui W cvnu. lmigits iu fcU U-ruA Would Bequeath Her Ears. Harriet Martinean displayed orlg Inallty In the provisions she made at one time for tho disposal of her re mains. James Payn relates that, bav ing consulted Toynbee, tbe distinguish ed aurlst. with regard to ber deafness, "she was so pleased with the Interest he took in ber case that she resolved to leave blm by testamentary bequest ber ears. Sbe announced this inten tlon In tbe presence of ber medical man. Mr. Shepherd, who to my lull nite amazement observed: 'But. my dear madam, you can't do that. will make your other legacy worth less.' Tbe fact was. In the Interest of science. Miss Msrtineau had already left ber bead to tbe Phrenological so ciety. I asked tbe doctor bow be came to know that 'Oh.' he said. she told roe so herself. Sbe bas left 10 In her codicil to me for cutting It off.'" The doctor, however, died be fore bis patient, and tbe Phrenological society never received tbe legacy of ber bead. London Chronicle. A Cheerful Letter. Tbe following was sent by a country man to ms son in college not many years ago: My Dear Son t write to send you two pair of old bmcbw, that you mar have a new coat made of them: also some new socks, which your mother knit by cuttlni down some of mine. Your mother sends you HO without my knowledge, and for tear you will not epend It wlrnly 1 hare kent Daca hair and only send five. Your moth er and I are well, eierpt your aleter An nle has ot the measles, which we think would iread among other alrla If Tom bad not bad tbem before, and he la the only one Ml. I hni you are well and will do honor to my teaching. If you do not you are an aaa. and your mother ana myeeir are your affectionate parenta. Nantucket Inquirer and Mirror. A Nice Bird. Io you like a nice bird?" asked the host as they sat down to tbe table. "Ob. yes!" refpomlcd tbe guest im mediately and enthusiastically. You ought to call on my sister." ex plained tho other. "She's got one of the finest canaries ym ever saw. Well, what kind of a amiwlrh do you think you can eat?" Ixmiion Telegraph. An Arbitrary Classif cation. "So you think every patriot baa a more or less clearly defined ambition to bold public officer "Yea." answered Senator Sorghum. "Aa a njle. patriots may be divided Into two classes-tlie appointed and the disappointed." Wsshlngton 8tar. Badly Expressed. "For heaven's sake, be careful with that rifle, man!" exclaimed a musketry Instructor. "You Just missed me that time." "Did I. sergeant ? I'm a wfully sorry."' responded the Indifferent marksman. London Fun. It Quieted Mother. Tbe boost was all pild for. Mother was exulUut Jubilant, reiterative. "8ay, mother," burst out six-year-old raul eagerly, "print it: on your cards, mother, print It on yoar cards!" Delineator. The Ususl Thing. "What's tbe proper thing at a wed ding r ""V".ih the pair happiness aud tnll everybody else there's no eartbiy chance for lt."-Loulvl!le Courier-Journal. There I pnradux In pride ir makes snme men ridiculous, but prevents otbcTH from lomnUij; so. Co:tou. SSr. O 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 Did you ever vioit ITexj York, Chicago, St. Louio or any of the Great OitieoP If co you thoroughly poot ed yourself on hotelo before you got there, didn't you? Wanted to know right uhere it was located and just what it was going to cost you, didn't youP That's the secret of advertising. Let the buyer know right now what you haye to sell and what it will cost him, and when he gets ready he will know where to go. He will have his hotel located. The Daily and Weekly Eagle are Mediums that will thoroughly post the purchasing public as to s your business. TEE EA GLE pmnwe CO. . .' 0 o o O 0. o 0 0 8 0 0 0 i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 I