OCR Interpretation

Bryan daily eagle and pilot. [volume] (Bryan, Tex.) 1909-1918, October 21, 1909, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86088651/1909-10-21/ed-1/seq-3/

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: il ; : nit
V 4
Cut the Coupon L
from Palmnliva naern aluMtiuiiiMit
i and get cake of tha daintiest toilet
t aoap made, absolutely free Iwl
The Celebrated ttaxnta
Any Style at
Oysbr v. i h:rt Crd:r
I tht only place to get quality rook
ing especially, and tatUfaction.
In connection with
Molmco Bros.
Fina Cigars and Candies, Fresh Fruit.
Nica place. CJivt ui a call.
H. A T. C. Schedule.
No. 3 Northbound 1:38 p. m.
No, 6 Northbound 1:02 a. tn.
No. S Southbound 3:14 p. in.
No. S Foutbbouud ? 52 a. in.
I. A. O. N. Schedule.
No. H Northbound 1057 a, m.
No. IZ Southb"tid 4:30 p. m.
Jim Ileal of Prospect, was hi town
Steve Mot- wni down today from
Jw Hia' was down today from
Uieelo. k.
Jim Tobias of KurUii. was In tin
city today.
lial niack book containing bills.
Koturn to Cw. W. Higg. 271
c;m 8nvn of Hellancc, a In
town today.
J. L. Hyara whi In the ity today
from Itcllanrv.
300 po'inda new crop turnip toed ai
Iawh!nn y's. t tf
I)r. W. V. Jones of llarvy. wan In
the city today.
C. M. Rlsinger was In the city today
frotu llolllgati Chapel.
Wanted Ten hi nds of good, clean
rags. F.agh I rlntlng C . tf
It. U. Elliott waa down today from
bin home near Whcelock.
Nice new cottag-t for rent. IS.00 lr
month. See A. O. Hoard. 273
Mra. T. M. Ewing of the bottom
waa a visitor to the city today.
I lav you any rant? If s bring theut
to the Eagli? Printing Co. tf
Lost-Monday night 110 bill. He
ward for return to thla office. 2G5
U M. llaltom. a prosperous fanner
of near Penchhy. was In town today
Mra. J. P. Uoydcr and children of
Wellborn. re visitor to "th city
Ir, K. P.crlow of 7.uU !i. v an over yes
tcnluy afternoon and list iiIkIu on
tin tlncss.
' Posh btead roll.- and fancy PaVIns
ready every mn. ling f 'r br.n'ufaM.
If Mr ;. OttJ iVehric.
M. r.irinnn:i and ili:vi.:!:.-r V.
Kay. .: vU'.tors to the l' tUay
from Harvey.
Kobt. Armstrong went to Waco to
day. 8. 12. Lock of near Tabor, waa In the
i lly today.
K. L. Smith waa In the city today
from Fountain.
J. C. Boy pit wai In tbla afternoon
from College Station.
. W. T. Young went to Mllllcan tbla
afternoon on buslnesa.
("apt. A. J. Searcy went to Hemp-
Mead tlili afternoon.
Mra. Johnlo Koppe of Kurten, wa
a visitor to tho city today.
noon from a religious congress of his
church h ld at Plttuburg.
Mr. P. II. Dawson of Wellborn, was
a visitor to the city today.
Mrs. '. 0. Oliver of CorMtirtia, In
the gueL of Mrs. J. II. Webb. ,
Itev. J. N. Thonta.i, pastor of the
Chi Im inn chuiMi. retunxM this uft r-
J. II. ll"iir and K. W. Klllott of
Tiilxir, were Iti the rlty tiwlay.
Mjjta Prnnkle Anmtron retiirne l to
her home In llearno today.
fd. T. K. Wren returned to his
home at I'da today t'fter a vlmt to rel
a'lvea In thi city.
MIk Ira Ma"1' Camp went to her
home In Nnvaswita thl afternoon tor
a ahort vlxtt.
miuu lu.rthn !"..ivi.a of Wclllm. I
tho glleKt tf her CtMlhlll, Mi l!eie
IbibliiHon of WUon.
Mrs. O. II. McCJee of Stoncham. who
haa bi'en 1ltlng relativea In thin
city, went to Henchley today. .
W. II. Uuchannn. a merchant rf Kur
ten. waa lxiklng after bualneaa mat
tera In th city tiwlay.
For Kent Two choice front rooma
In the IVrklna building. Apply to The
Flrat National llank of Itryan, Tel. 273
Car load of Fine Arkamaa Applea on
trmck near Pout Office. For ale cheap,
price accotdlng to quantity. 271
We are alwaya In the market for
aeed' cotton and cotton aeed. Round
balea today 13 1-2 baala middling. I
have both round and aquare preaa
bring mo your ginning. 8. II. Pun
lap. tf
lx)st The building plana from the
Jamea building. Party taking them
away will please return to foreman at
worHr or J nine 'drug More. 273
X. I. MrCulloch. manner of the
Farmer' Cnlou Warehouw and busl
neKN mumigi'r for the Fnpners' I'nlon
of the county, left lod.iy to vlt.lt Ial
and Fort Worth.
The Old H 'lluble Sltuer Sewing Ma
chine. Sola for enh or on small
i-.in!h!y pn:'tnent. Also neodlea, oil,
jb. lt. ami rxtra for all mnVen of
vr. tnncblnwt. T. A. K:iMe: white anb-a-'man
and roll.-ctor. t-iin-er Sewlnc M.v
You Ape Going to Buy a Sunt tMs r
If you arc as wise as we think you are;
it will be a
Schssffnsr & Mmrx Smd
vou can't buy any better clothes than these; because no better clothes are czli
1 or sold. It doesn't make any difference who you are, uor what your busiss;:;
it doesn't make any difference how stylish your taste is, nor how long a pur:s
you have, you can't pay enough to your tailor to get better quality or more perfect
style, or a more certain assurance of fit and value in the wear than we can furnit
you in these
. Hod
Hart Schaffner & Marx 'Safe
At $20.00 to $35.00
We are showing the new things in
Men's Coat Sweaters, Soft and Stiff Hats
: aJA 'le an 'orc 5ifrrs, Fancy Neckwear, Half Hose
r-1 W kr Hi" MMt fe Mara
rks'& W a H dl n dD ip
Bryan's Big Clothing Store.
IVan Chaa. Puryear phoned The
Kagle tbla afternoon that a reply had
been received to the invitation re
queuing Prenidnt Taft to atop at Col
lge Station Saturday en route from
llouaton to Dallas. The Invitation waa
accepted and hla train will atop five
nilnutea. A The exact hour li not yet
knownH'ut auposedly about 12:42 .
m. aa the aeclal will leave llouaton
at 10 a. ni.
"Battle of tha Clouda." Exhibit""!.
Texaa Inland and Marine Fiah.
Agricultural Exhibit Occu
plea Three Large Build
- Inga.
In the amusement world nothing bai
more prestige than Pain Pyrotechnic
Company which thla year la produc
ing that thrilling spectacle. "The Bat
tle of the Clouda," at the Internation
al Fair of San Antonio. November 6th
to 17th. In thee daya, when aerial
navigation la coming Into Ita own, a
production of thla character Is timely
and should make the Interest therein
all the greater, for nowadays nothing
nee rim to have greater factnatlon than!fuld readily be used In calcining the
psiM-r on the iron orei of East
' .as. Prof. William D. Phillip of
the Bureau of Economic Geology of
the l"nlverlty of Texaa aaya:
I believe In the Eaat Texaa orea. I
believe that there la enough good ore
there to be used as the basis of a very
large Industry, whether It be smelted
In Texas or shipped out. We may now
be upon the eve of considerable under
taklnga there.
In preparing these orea for blast
furnace use they should be calcined,
and right here is where one Industry
begets another. We have In Texas
and within easy reach of the ore flelda
large deposits of lignite suitable for
the making of producer gaa which
but it la a fuel that will readily K-l2
Itself to the making of prodacer-gs
which In turn, can be used to great ad
vantage In Increasing the percenters
of Iron In the orea by removing lie
Contractor Dodaon U going rl;-t
ahead with the work on the M. II.
Jamae building. He la well along wl:?i
the foundation and the brick work r.l
begin in a day or two. lie baa a t
lot of material on the ground aad ti
working a large force of hands.
rhlne C. Phone i'C.
0 :'t .
Tr a box of Cascaro Quinine
id They will relieve thit cI-I fjr you in 2-1 hours.
The Went Newa pays this merited
i compliment to tlie brainy young man
from Drao county, the Hon.' Wilbur
('. Davis: "The ll nnt.ei PoM an
nouiK-es the probability tf lion. W.
('. Davli vt Dry an entering the rare
f r Coi.gresK BKaiio-t Mr. Hardy of
fnrsirana. Should Mr. Davis deride
to enter the feriip tiicre will lie some
thing di his all along t!i line for be l
an crntor c-f n- in ;i!i nbllliy en 1 v.iieit
I It coines to a rough r.nd tll'ul l" !
t Niti Vi'iH!ir DuvU h at li'i.i'e :ih 'he
I ti.-l of ti-i-in lie !s 5r,nc I.H fee-
I o.id tett.t as a l i' ir.bcr ( f the l. i l.i
it ;iie ft'id i'ijr!:ig l"'h l.tm be iv;is
aiwajM '("Mul h.itiliiu f-r 'he m.----
, ' t'.e Me de-t rvoi fi'iiiethinj
,h. r " !!:!! ('';-.' . r.I.
ores, wmio tne tun value or gas maae
from lignite Is not very high, yet It la
high enough for such purposes and
great advantage of
the efforta to conquer the air.
"The Hat tie' of the Clouds" Is a fore
runner of what might occur in the
future. Warfare In the clouds offers, possesses the
greater iKimibl'.lilcs in fact, some! cheapness.
unheard of possibilities that only The use of lignite In gas-producers
time Itself can bring to a solution crjls likely to be, in Texas, an Industry
a stale of perfection. j of larg. proportions within a few years
The fact that a sMHtaie of thU;nd one of the contributing agencies
character h tr be produced by the, will be Its employment In connection'
Pain t'omiviny I sufficient guarantee, with the Iron ore of Knst Texas. Not'
tt it not even the slightest detail willj as a fuel for smelting th ore this
Special to the Eagle.
Fort Worth. Texaa, Oct. 21. A stat
conference of men and women Interfi
led In the welfare of Lomeless and de
pendent children convened la this city
today for a twoJay aesslnn. Include J
I Vl.t I. . C. N. R. R. Accourt San Anto
i nio Irtcrn4.i;nal r:ir.
1 ........ I'm irt.'; Tl I'.-Vi'v l!:'l"
X,-v. to K.. at:d ;r;'l'!s arrivint; morn
Kill. I.i.r,!: f.ir ftiirn ?'.v. l i
nlr.r cscur I'.n r?tc in effect
f r f i ll d.t i.
l-'or ln: i n.ifljn ca!l cn, or writo
D. C. DoMarctt.
Ticket A?". -, j. & C. N". II. II
be nerloctod In order to make the pro-: not now possible but ai n fuel for
tu.-tlen c(:n;dete. There has been a ' Improving the quality of the ore before
ur.at oi:il:i of m n y to comidet.- It givs to the furnace.
tlu.M rpi-n-l. nnd bang It to the hls'i-j Upnite Is not a bl;.t furna.v fuel,
e i jm vi!ile pe;fei(o:i In .order tlmt
soceciioc mav fc lbw its mean hi
'!niit the aid of e.!;o! it'.oti or ;i (
; i .:rr.v:i. , ,
The ';"' t.--.(l- l!l b- fillnwe-1 !i!.!i'-;
!v l: n "iii.'i;; i' U nt dt- !.i of p ro-1
! . hti!. t e.nl'!
!.-ct Jin I b-
i.'i ! an In m 1: ihi; firework.-. S. . al .
hundred !''! le fire employed in to;
I r )-!i;i tint! atid i. s;-t .. Sal tr::Ii: f. r
e-:rej for I's transport ati -n. AID
i .'r(-:il.-' ii! Iv.ve In' r:v-s to tl
In-ehinMi nil
anong the topics scheduled for dis
cussion are "The Dei'ndent Children
of the City, and What ,to do VTJti
, Them." "T'ae Child es an Asset of th"
Nation." The Kelation cf cur 1bt:n h
to Our Churches." "The Af and w d
Child and it Father." and "The Juve
nile Ccnrt and Its Opportunities."
Office uostalrs ever Smith Drug Col
u e eryihlr. ti..i' I)
s' In t!:e v ay cf hi ill ;.in !
.andredth Turnip So
"Prc-I T'lon.-'te Civoig" wli be the
o.,u f-r n--'.in on ? v.o Vi.-.-!on.'
;i- the I i -st D ip'o t ch'tr.-h top!it nt
:: "'). V rjb. !v Jiuivd.
l 1
. L0 CSiitS pwf pjl!itd
niONF. 142
Y ii
-rw r jr -r m -"-tv vf rj r tt T7 'iT f If "tT" V-V .7 H eT? f
? A, : J !.j hX M U I V V Ml A In' SAM
Wc ,v,ra.r.;.c a lot vi 25 BCSUtifuJ TciltVCd Vaisl3 a I OHO-third lOS? than ValUU. omc arc beautifully EKrolJcrcJ. others tuckri aid
pleated: rt.reri.ls arc excellent. To lAHO O 'ttOlSO for TiVJrOty vill let you pick your choice .u Ot.19 and SJ.30. Worth $1.75 and $2.0C.
Tltcse are the scisor't newest and latest modcL. SCO OUT -VindOV todrs N-t a Waist sold until TluusJay at J) a. in.
Wil&ON & BtERDEN The Big Busy Sis
. -mmmammmmmmmmmmwmmm mmmmmmmHm tmmtmmmmmmmmmmammimmmmmmmm'mmmmmmmmmmmmm aaaaaBaavwBacMawBaMwaat'aMaBBssBBaaMi aaaaaMasw
: " " ' f A . . ' ! ; . i ... '

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