Wo will occupy our entirt
room will . en, w.jt
ft... k of TOIL KT ARTici IN
Standtnl lines nf IVrfum ..e I ...... th,'
Preparations, Kin.. Hm !,.-. climh Ell
B nuich-
sB Tll
V.BBBaV ? Arin
to share a liberal increase in our business
ear. iiweMt we are eon.IM to .xwupy t
uf oy NUI, Cauwku., t.i ni .t th
trade. J .
We are Alway. Anxioui to Please you
MicwHrn t,, .-,.M i; U
bs"1 "
...At." "'
Ha.lai to ... Ial
, at Thi I i ..
Ilea M Sael WIM aa Arraaiat ml
lasarteea eWaaia Itaing ,i.
!' I la ... .k
. Your, trur
Gffffo Co.,
.. ..
.'.. -a l . . , r.. F im. ' .
e M
Mim Katie Stuart
at wlMattali
ii visiting rele-
ih sVilior.
sra' miTtm ruci:
Pr Wnt. JO . Per Month, 40r
SDAY.JULY 10, lhW.
J. M. Ca'.dwetlaea aick ycaterday .
J.T. Jonaa of BeHsnce, wae here yes
ta day.
Dr. i.e., I: Tabor waited Mlllican
y eater lav
Two tip t-ta.n itoma for rent. Apply
tolra'cocu. tl
Try the old ratable Trqj.,la.indry.
K. B. I-omai.afsjt. f ih.ii I
Prof. I.. I.. Mrlewls ban baan in Aust
:a the paei twodsys.
Miss Adah La I'olk ratoraad In
Hempstead yeslselay.
J. F. lark and laughter, Mlaa Nan-
ale, area "tei wells
K Bock
Dr. J. F. Kave- waa hero from Milll
can yesterday.
A. (i and Sobe Steele were here from
Milliran yesterday.
J us'- received at Kdge Ur a ate of
; extra line North Texaa corn. 196
Magnolia lieer l rente a bottle at the
White F.lephant Saloon in the Zemiati
J block. lid
C. A. tilenn, S. S. Kennedy, J. C.
Illume and othara wen- here from stone
City yi sterday.
Ira (finch ha a numU-r of new hug
giee and hanilaome new harnea with
which it i delight to drive. dtf
Mr. J. C. Dillard of Dallaa, and Mia.
I-eilat'nnwayofthl. city will 1 mer
ited tbia morning at 10 30 o'clock.
Fr pure fountain and liottle coda,
Dr. Pepper, and all the lateat iced
drinks, candies, fruits, nuta, ate., call
Ion 0. ti. Preoof. ItSU
Mr. and Mm. V ti J..llv, Mr. and
J Mra. J. I. Wilson, Mlaa Callle Jolly end
(I ay too and I.I Hie Jolly of Bethel, call
ed on the liege while in town yaeb-r-day.
I pay special attention to prompt and
oinfortahle livery aerviia for drummer,
and other transient perenaa, and take
." "I care of all "boarding" horaet -en-ruated
to me. Iradoocb. I'M
A negro woman engaged in pulling
fodder in a field aliore Woodville Friday
waa -hot in the forepart of,the leg above
the knee with a email hullet. She ap
parently doaa not know the aourri' ol
the rhot or whether it waa n accident
or not.
ilTFaahlBgliai.' Tub I MtmJbn baa
beau directed to Ilia rang of gens on lmr
ehipa. for on thi depends wbetVr 'be
bomWdment will ! '
fortaor whether it will be tT. etWe upon
fiantiatfo Uaelf. Th. r- an- tW Uittla
hlH and tw armored rruiwra beaidaa
the l.'avr hipa to ma tkla ttae, nana,
tjr, the tettleahlpa Iowa. Indians, Ma
Mtrhnai'tt, Dri'iron. Texa ami annon-d
erni r Ni York rid Brixkivn The
tlrrirm ami Iowa ari- fo be ru-bed w ith
the esatern Moadron to the "it o(
Spam and therefore may not t txirt
In the hoiiibardment
The three lattii'hip and two armor-
eil ernlaera combiiietl barn W huge I J.
inch, g-incb ai. I s-inrh ira. having a
range of 10 to 1 1 atilM on an arcar.it"
elevation, anil a ranif' of over alx mil' a
on the elevation which can bn given m
turret. Thi u an leati n w hich can
clear Morro caatb) and the harbor hat
tori' nil I i .ill . nil , :'
Santiago. The maximum elevation on
ahlpUatnl i IT degree, whi' h limit tie
full range of the hearv . .i ;
half It U only the lame gun above
mention.', I that have a ranire which
could get anywhere near the city, a tlm
iJ-mniler ami under, t iv i
not over three or four uile, while the
galling gnnx an- for akw rang)', luual.v
not aeaniilng lotaiyanl.
Naval exwrta aay chat the tombanl-
ment will ! confined mainly to the
fort and ltterie, fur while the big
gun can about reach the harlor, yet the
moat effective work rati 1 dime against
MorM, Cayo Smith, th S. ij.a and oth
er fortification leading up to the city.
mce imw an- p mui i u ine way i ctear
to Santiago
Tlie Tin
York, July 0 A ilitteh to
lea f rim W'aauiagtou aaya :
"tone from Santiago atmnt the
, i.iii-:iit ,i iij
Amerwan t'l
o out re
by the
laace 1 1
uad rae.i
QleVelaud, fAiUbler
and Ideal
We gi. -petinl attention lo
tre on th
ratued toe
nao of the old I
der. It h not i
pert that the
Hpmiii'h hlp i
uliah' ii at "ti in
bad our nuiu b
powder Aa tt
and iti -a ri ... n i.f 1 it- ftrwd aft r
th himuiMi hi- ..ur v U were oen-
Veloprd in the moke of the.r own gun
tiiat many a hot went wild tlvit other
wlae would have itrur home.
Inquiry at thu onlnaiu-o 1 un an of the
navy department a to the pro-pecta of
our uar.uip U-ing nppliel with inokc-
h - .-a.lir elicited tin- information that -.ui, bound No -there
i uo protbihty of thl beiiiir I (forthbound No :i
Hon. rai.v. f,i. ., eon- 1. rahle t.me
to come. Coniinoil ir il'Ni r.l, chief of
the unlnaii'v bureau, said tliat the bn
reau had plar.-l vi ry large order with
private manufacturer- lor mnoWeh'
powder ami thai lar i oii.gnui"iit of
r mire of 1 it wen Iviiik receiviMl and forwarded to
the hiM off Santiago. It would take a
loiik' time, however, tho commodore
aaid, to aupplr all th" hlp, and in view
I of the iuantitie of ammunition likely
' to be uwd then.. It would ! illthcult to
1 preent facilttie for manafacturiug tn
j powder in thl coantry to keep them
tt'lial aaUh f'..nnl ay.
Madnd, July It The SpanUh coiimiI
ar Hong Koiiif cable, that the iiiMirgenla
att'avir.. Manila lav. haw "rev.i.i.il
againt the Americana " He add that
a abarp r u-1 1 . I wa esactil, ami
that the n ult i- not known. In anoth-
fte M..y Ma,. apii.,i ror rnl That er part of ihe dwpaleh the Snuh con
h.fir, via, ii. ,m4. I aol make the a rtion that tlwrnajort-
, , , , , . It of the Philippine In urgent have n-
ah.,,gto. July -Uv.ly later- wlrw, , wrican .,,,,,.,..
eat it taken by the war department of-1 wltn hoetility U-caoae tin y included a
tidal tn the n-port n-uaniim; the large in,,, of negna-
nninla r of refng-e who have tied in
panic from Santiago tn avoid the hor- ift
ror of war Many of tliee Mi.e, non
comlntanta, have looked to General
II. & V. TlmeCMril, Urysn
.Korthliound No 1 1S:lMpm
. 4 03 p n.
1' 07 a m
tapthlHiiind No 4 1:44 afA
t. & O. N. I i in c Table, llearnel
wear bovkp.
No. 1 leave. .liW a ui.
No. 3 leave U .u6 a. m.
AM Bot'Mi.
.So. " leavea ::;.'.; a. m
No. 4 leayea .4 JU p. m.
urrwakB nt aaxa akd aan axtokio.
No. It, leave llearne 3-10 p. ni.
No. 10, arrive at llearne. .. .11:56 a. in '
II. X T - Time Tnlle llenrne
NS Mc-ilajBBWrBBg
... ... . '
ill ainiia oi iiuvi.e i . j : r mr
'riirl)oor TXorlli of l '.x-liiiMr- lut
Bleate a i.tr I ,rlian.l aa.l t
Itala W.iltli It" IW.a I rulllra.
The taat that can l i
lecture i f the mm
iLhaa been an nr. 'hitecti
Isjlearned. laaeniou.
ed isdiviUualitba. It hi
ext ruueiit v. bl1 It 1 a
aa 1 . ii i
by tlielr kr
lcut of I
have orctir
aid I f tlie archi
ll etitury is that
ir. of exceritioiv
.ml acrompliah-
I.., rtof
r.i las andci
la en frnulem
nth their eon
iil and ttaaierti
,ih' r than aided
ii fc-rest aehkira
loot not amn U
0 apiad"'
by Uttering
1 vnliwr naigae.
KoK IM hoi e.
1 arrive.
I arrive.
We are author tied to announce
a a candidate (or t'ounty Attorney of
Braxoa county at the ensuing .November
have been niuit
en-rimcnful 1 1
alvvd, theorizad.
Thy have formed achnol
clacaioeir romantic tradif
which have fallen apart I
rprvt and
ir ff"rt
fjee aral
i have as
. let Well.
i Bk
of ltaiiooch' nobby
"BaasV '
cigar told only t.y'4rrTati.n.
ur mi inL to enjoy a nice
Tt I' 1 " '
Mr. M. P. laai of Mattlaou coaaty,
ben licet! vuit.iv telaflvea bere thl
Urge arboonaraoi fieaii com
rente at the American beer
Mr. and Mra. (
to Waabir.gton
north and eaai.
Write your nam plainl on pa. k
una for the Tm laundry
max, agent
i Joe B. Heed' ioeoraace rompauira
have all adopted the policy of paying
death i Iiiii ariaing from the ,r with
Spain. For accident and life inanrence
either in lodge or itraight life conipa
nieeeJoe B. Ueed. tf
The Kagle retxirter aw yeterday a
. stationary box of hard wool Iw-autifu'.-
ly carved and decorateal. The i. waa
maiU by Miaa Idalette West, aha late.
ly returned from t'l rati win-re she
a 5c became highly prolirient In thla
!'.' 1 1 ' pleaatni; art.
lrivel The White Klephant Saloon haal juat
turn-' la" handsomely rehtted and la now
dtf otai of the prettieat resorts in town.
Magnolia beer 10 rente a bottle. 191
Two Mur lU rnred.
Wablntrton. July I.. -The war de-
tmelit haa annonn . th" t nr. hi-
flu. .r. tiiu.p I ' lv .if I'j.r tti i.-Ati.. i liv
Bhafter for ai.tauce, whii h may nutke H, IgaajinlVi Kavigat,.,ti .umpanv
a mm r- dram on theeommi-ari i.ranch fr llM. a, ;l ,,.,., s. ,.., a,.,.,,.
of the expedition. Eapeclally l this so modate a n gimeiu of infantry and the
in view of the great difficulty experl- horwini of oftlc r. of t o n ifimen.. Sbn
cured by tin- general in getting In n:- w''1 oveihau.e.l and tltt- .l up prcr-
plica from the tranaporta to tin. hoi.
If the city of Santiago hold oat for a
long time and Shaffer haa th" n .ileum,
tstaiits on hi haml to feed, ill" iuee
t ion of their otenance may Wonm a
wriou coiiuinlnini for the g . rumetit
Oaaaral Bhafter ha authority to iim
ration to the hungry people and he
undoubtedly will do so to the greati-at
extent without uiiulnng hi own n
souroee lie haa full discretion to act in
the mailer, and will do hi utmoat to
relieve II II V -llfT.rilltf mat lilt V el.;.
I'or in. tun. i i tig hi' ha all the aton s
in i-e.aa.ry for in- command, and enoiifli
to ileal out aollle allpplle lo th" I 'llbaila,
a- i ieiieral Kgan of the comtniiHary .1.
partmeut ahipped niieh a qnantlty on
the tran-iHTta. In addition to tteave al-
at"t i In hi r .I. jump ..iii-h
The department alao haa imaght
the ateamrr Itita, one of the NMiinh
prlre hi captunal by our vinael. She
will be fitted out for tran-iiort puroe.
VI iil M a Tip from la.
Madrid. July H Ar-eimlmg to new-
la ra hen' the Ktlllh lllllllater Of for
eign alTuir, Duke of Almovodor de Kto.
.I.-. .aruiK no Kur'Ma all ae,. , la l i-e e i
to intervene in U half of . aee mi
Ih" belligerent make a nipieat to thai
All II..
You IT
beer for a
'. 1 . Moore have gone
and to other polnta,
II. y
la ;n
all kinds of eatable merrbandl, to )
followeil a.Kin lie ti v't, r I v the Mohawk
Burt Norwood receie.l and f uwardrd and Mliiaippl with stores of refriger
' to Maihsonville yealenlay a lautilal sted beef ami fr.-h vivgcuble.
' gold bengal which he gave away aa the
reau 1 1 ol i he recent Meteor Con teat, to
Mlaa May Viear. Tlie bengal baa the
' veer, the ymmg laly s name and "From
Burt Norwood, llrvan, lexas' lisn.l
s imely engraved on It.
Bead John M. Caldwell's ad givug
no. ice of his removal ale tbia month.
He will lie Inceted at Head dnu-t le
alter August. In"1'
. buii Osew -... .i. bm
III" Veaaal Waa I ...I.
N. w Y'urk.Jiilv !i - ! le C.v.ie .t. am
er Delaware, from New Y'ork for
ready there in -rt the Victor atanit rharl. t.iii and Jacksonville, wa atnii
to leave New York with a great maa of doned off Itanicgat, N. J , at 10:114)
o'clock Friday night, la ine atlre Th"
paaa- ni;. ra an i . 1. ft tlie .-.. 1 mi
boats and life raft. There were TO per
miiis ill iill, ami they wen-n-M-aeit by the
memla-r of the Cediir t'n-k lifennvini;
tat Ion. with the all of the tithing
.min k S. r. Miller All the paaaenirer
wem trnnfernd to the ateam vacht
Oivan King 1 lie captain ami Vi of the
cp. of the illfatinl steamer wen- land
ed at Harm fat. pn aumably to look af
ter the ship
We are authorized lo snnnnnre
aa a candidate lor ( uty Treasurer ot
Urn a u'Unly at the eiiniing November
t (It N PI ON I N I ION.
Iliiriiioiiloii li'tiiic of Iteaao-!
erata lit i lie 'onrthMat.
The ilem.K lalic county convrulton
met Material at then rti .-e, A..'
I'eichanan piesiding and Malcolm
( arne- acting aa aecretary.
The meeting wae formal and entirely
A large Hat ol delegate were elected
to each of the varii.ua convention, and
the body unanimously instructed f.r
t'uiberion, 'aayrr, lliownlng, Tom'
Smith, K. W. Fialey. Aloaon Mayfleld,
J. H. Kendall licrire W. Smith.
Seth P Mill-, Judge 11 II. Kice
'Judge Tom Brown, Judge T. T Iteeae,
K. I.. Henry, J. C. Scott and I: Hen
leraon. John n TaUr waa elected asi ntjr
chairman for the next twoyeara.
I They are M iking BIG CUTS IN PRICES on some ol
their Line ol CLOTHING. -bmbbsw
I Some $18.00 Suits going for $12.5C
I 15.00 " " 10.KO
I 12.50 " " 3-bO
I io.oo ti ' ' 7-7S
I 7.50 5.25
I Call and ee
Webb Bros.
Two WaralOn. Wr It a..l.
Washington, July 0. lufiaination
ha laai'ti aetit to Waahiugtou by Snn(.
eon that the Critotl Colon ran la,
saved and tuideil to the American navy,
ami that there W a tHlbllity that the
Maria Ten.ua can I' of some mtvic
Twa W.ti Vlnrlnll. W.Miafta.l.
Trxarkaiia. Tex., July '.I A shoot
ing M-rape occurred alamt . ven mile
from this plai-. in which D. A. Babb
and Kme.t Allen were mortally wound,
ed. Their aaaailant wa J. M. Neal, a
tenant on Itabb' farm. He rami, to
Texarkana imttniliatelr after tbe affray
and iiiTeiiiieia.l. Neal tntt that
Babb ami Al.eii dialikeil him and had
threatened hi life Itefnre. They attack
ed him in a watermelon patch with
WlltchesU'r ritlea. He f,. jj,,
however, and drawing two revolver
from big Uaita he fired with Urh hands
until he ilLasMod the mull. None of
their ikofa caught NiaJ.
Wuiita to Surrender.
The Newe rlrruletor here received
the following last night from ihe'.a!
veston News: "Serretarv Alger gave
the rorre-pondents positive informa
ti'.n that the hoinbardment of Santl.
ago began at no.n, Hut now italfW that
l.inarr- ;.aa !e . d to surrender rnndi-
tionally. Ariniaii extended until I
noon tomorrow i Sunday, i"
Mal'.v i f tin
nnd. r tie 1 1
limit and pow
fnllnwlng of 1
kaa ,e. .He . ! cert ai
anii s have been In
loftier uMitiTea Th
. I 'au- .t
In the same soil tbi
trie telegTeph. the t
ether triumph nf
rxtnl iteii a i. rtaisapnra.ur
full of thapoesil 1 1 iti.se
tu n, bo bei aaaa it ba
adi.uitairc rf cnnc ntri
not flowered as it Urn
s It Bow ere. I m trie By
in. --llitu. sa
tal.rr.flaa rrl.
"Oxf.ml nwin
Ir nil the .,..!.
thfe.vl of thl ct
whoh-aale d. il
the wntiT. "Th
white bin-h tut
An. ..I !. ik. ...Iill. In
Tham are many other p
Maine, eJao, where the
port ant Jjjirre m aaaj
in that part of th. state
nosy all the year n.uml
strrh log iatnatnpa i
froiii 1 to 2 Inches wide
thii'knea Tbe.' rtri
sptail faetories. where t
Mr. and Mr. J. W. Kngliih ai l Mr
Mrs. J a. O. Chance and little .n lelt
last night (or lltilielo, N. Y.
ark.al lufa
tOU lata r W
to on Blach
ed, in f. t,
the pnol'. .
cpt poli.lu
from anoth.
from wln re
re hardly -a n ssaln, until
II finish d for market ea
ig. dn.p out by the bohi I
ma. hineM ,. ral nsia away
the striai atarted In Th
Mr. Rii lianl Harding I'uvi. in
n liystericiil ilisji.itcli to tin- '. w
'York lleralil, roiuletntis the entire
Onl? On lull rail l I'uv
W'aahiugioii, July U. Only one bill
which poasail l.ith house of eiiign-a
fallwl to become a law mi account of the
failure of the n anient to attach hi ig
tiatun1 It waa a hoiiM' bill B:it.ninai-
lug In.ono to i airv into effect M.ine pne cwlcltl. I ol tin- li jlit :it S.intiiigu ami
viaioiia of ib" I'urtia bill concerning th"
government of the Indian Territory. It
x-i"i the senate almut a minute liefnn'
2 o'clia k and not in tune to m-eive the
signatun. of either th" Mir pn-nliuit or
the speaker aj the house.
Ni w
riaoslsi a Cteaeraa Deea.
York, July I Fraticiico J,
in dead St tho 'ilil-or hotel, nf
oi--1-" and neuralgia of th.
heart, aged in, lb- wa a man of large
wealth and xva a di a -eiiilaut of on., of
tile moat noted t'llb.111 fauilil. a. ,, n
111 brother had notable can t . aa 1
yee, pbysieinn and engineer. He
tsts 1 1 trin Ik r of the same family of
wfcl1 Ii 'animal I'lsm roa, die famoun
fipaiiiah prelate, waa a member
I'rlar liaaiirtr'. Ilnrothal.
Iiondon, July '.' The Berlin corre
spondent of The Dally News aay he
hear from a reliable amin-e that Prince
Loui Napoleon lloiiapurte, who i.
a c iloii' 1 ill the llii--l.ui inn;,
is about to l.-come ltrnthed to
the Kuaaiaii tirand Diiche Helena,
danghterof tiraml Dnke Vladmirand a
cousin of Unimir Niclmla.
eaMM'iitlly reprmiclii - i "ii. h at'
ter for remaining two mile in
rear of tbe lighting front, a.iv-
(iulveaton Tribune. In tlie
iiIiht ( n il. Shatter haa been
M.lei t.i k' . lli tent oil BtMOMI
of illneaa. In the .ml ihu ii, u
ciimmaiiiling gener.il pla. t i in
rear. In the tliild place, Mr. Hardin.-
' commandini ability aa a
stoi v-tei r il l). not lie. eas.-iry im
ply mili'ary knmvliHlne -1 1 1 ti r to
that nf the ciitiro war ilrpurttri nt,
which has ilaily ami hourly nlvico
of Khnl tAT in ... II 1 'a.
pt.il get their ghaai by ing rapidly
i revolved In IstTel tnrm.l by machin
cry the polish resulting fnun thecal
j tact of the spisil in the larrel
"In the herkwiaal villagea of Ox
ford count v una ases scarcely aay oth.)
industry but .pailmakuig. and .
per, ai In the ucighbnrbniai u In soint)
Way Interest..! m the bastne The f no
torb have been eating int.. the Main
bin h fnnwt fi yenra lit thiTe still
n. to be enough, f tin. Iitnl. r !. ft ta
i unary for many years ta
b-rfth 11-m. Is of feet o
fiad the
eon Mil
1 tuw
1n4..r n.. lc.;raelo.
Tomnkea ,!
aarv r.a.ni i. unit.
of I
I T'la
a dtl
h ad i
Snlt Avaln.l III I'ra Urr.
xarkana, Julv It Attorney Ilea.
cral 31. M. Crane of Texas ha filed aim
in the di.trict conrt of Bowie eouutrt
Tel., praying for the f . .rf-it u i of I ha
charter of the Kansaa City. Pittsburg
and ( iulf railway. The action la based
on the n.quirumeiit that the company
maintain It gem ral nlllon m thcjhiatn
nf Texas It allegei that the olh . a
were moved out of Texas last January
and the penalty asked for is ttlOO.llOO'
damage. Iwsldeaaii additional damage
of i"i000 per day following the tiling of
the suit.
I.i. Ilariis.l Ii. ol.
Hnlibanl t-itv, Tex , July . A hor- ... , . ,
rible BN is-cnml at this atat I I'mlav kV ' 'e1, ' """' M"ite.l ,
morning in which the rc.nl of Will Talcum Powder, I .c a box. This iw.
Thoiiipsou w a l iirn. il. Mis. Tliomie "ler sen i.,r j h' e.sewnere. isolrt on y
sou. hi. wife. a. fatallv burin . I. nving by Sam II. Wilson .v, t o. 141 1 f
In the evening at J 110 o'clock, t 'ansa of i
the lire was u coal nil can e,
niallnil In Knl urkjr.
Iitulon, July Ii Thn'o cases of
mallHix have developeit a few mile
east of hen-. Kvery pn-cautioti will be
taken to prevent a further spread of the
. sel."
II,. Ill Iln.kan.
Ballltiger, Tex., July Ii i'r.uik Neo
man, a young man residing here, had
both legs broken by I. coining fasUued
before the plunger of a hay prraa.
For lletii -F.ight lot favoravlr I", at.
ed for a cotton yard in northern V of
town. Apply to W. I'. Young nt court.
holl-e if
July II and II 11. k T. C. will sell
round trip ticketa to (ialveaton for tt.'K)
Ticket good to leave i ialveaton Bp to
7 llOp. m. train. Inly 17th. Ticketa must
f signed and stamped in tial veston be
fore return.
alb l with tn,.
a point sN.nt i
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ITliaps it would lie la .t ion,
ower latt of the window 1
lark cloth nr paper. I 'lose
aa not Ui have any ,1 W1(l ,
the exposure J. A. Boos In
Mail ami l.xpreaa
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