TFrSBSp .-ill
Hf RftH Thom anr! rom
cnrH t h.- Final Attar k
l the fit j.
He r-.il ik Brooklyn, T.-im
Itliina fcooklrnV sheU Fell
Miort anU she Withdrew.
That ltWK-il to the Flint Dl lios
In sb'" Tghlli-s- -su.ni-r He
rd" " Thomuinil Jddi
lioal Troop.
(attttt by the jL,m pr-.
jjflW1 headqnartcrs. New Hantia-
(0, JtT 17 D!1 U Ltendy,
j-uy II.! m -At U: thi morn
M Ota shift, r notified . m ti. raj
Total. " 1
t. a"1- s"
tolesv""'1-'" '
t McKinley'a dlrwc
inish proposition to
rrlson were allowed
ith -idearm, waa re.
Um United State
0 tnat
..dilaasf " 'Ttn hut mimcdi it. ami
1 anrren.hr (i.n.ri! To-
tml. '''
that h
Mi Ki
I in a brief not
nley'i prmaU
her t. rin- tii in
"If. At I
15 p.
at Ornti-
XiflI (esneral T'e
woohl lie terni I-
ea reaomed at 4
time he taatird in
tile ill v hh in com-
for a fresh attack
liah wnrka. These orders
mitigated from Aguaior-
What courier left with thin di
patch j" r " I o riock the artillery
wupiayaiiiw to open on the Spanish
rod U t$ srmstiec. Dvnainitc gnu
lartbiBitniii.-i on tin Hpsumh hlork
hoes wisW" absolute pmlasMi that
tbi tntst would obliterate it. Amer
inMSsats akwp in the trench to
night ' batteriaa of light artillery
wtUbltUI'MitinnaUaldntRbtatiii the
MfB(MhJ"" landed", Will b ready for
actios 4l'ck tomorrow morning
0aaj Shafter amid to the corr.
pondaatl' the Aaao-iatel ln-M thin
"Osaatl Henry and his division are
now bwbsbT at Jaragua. and are coming
M possible Mir lines cannot
eottve, bat if a c banco
ggan iawtf i'1 increase of strength will
of it. Shall not be
Mlflbave Santiago in three day.''
At -ml iiiipv-rni'i.- i.-i-
palfr Santiago, old men, women
iri ikji, whom the Spanianls per
gjtrtrtss fo to our llnJ to get food,
th ptofht of these lie plea people is
fr-jlll"-r I I"' Am. n. .in gn .J..
tas; all they can far them.
g i f U- BrMklva, Ihe Tessa and
0,- latlsB In Sbelllag " OHf
From the Sea.
the Associated Pres dit-
IjHBaady, off Agaanorea, Jnly
l,yhlTt Antonio, and Kingitoa,
Hrgjy II, :4ft a. m.-Tho
Veias. and Indiana, men r
Schley, began tho botB
. . , m a ....... S . I S
gt i in city oi .aiiu.iK" .
JKoB, In obedience to n
triQrsJ ShafbT, conveyed by a
jail shop- The warships lined
ttfntvt to west a quarter of a mile
tattiraw and fired over the lime
aad that own e dow ii to th aaa-
ahaaVMiy mile away.
tr-- "i.'-o. isii ttisHi
a. fatfl
Jnly 1 1 . After fk shots nings Bryan s regiment oi neuniaia in
from Htr Ituu Com fantry has lxen ordered hi.vhii i icneral
. tlu.U . I.' . , .. 11 .... I I j -' .'iir.i. 'if I ii'. .niit'i I..
ley waseoiivui''"! ,M" '""'"
s.iiin. -hort and ordered
as ....--r
.permitting the battleahip
ak ii.-ir irnns having a
The shot were fired with
, t ........ I M 11 . 1
tervalSOl iwi. I"."--
rti anuoanosd that th
fell a tuoiisano
TWIil-rf sn f"r
H t-i. n -Tho war
amwat-Tli ik. following dlteli
hsi !. aarSantlmro.Jniy i
jS wing ' the record of casual
' a
afc First dlTiawn '
I wen
t.,.1 Trsls l
taVtoo. Jnly 11
mi -J. !,. n-oelvei
4 1
that Ibe
., . nn.,.lMl to
v . . i..ntlK " . i
-ui . . anna "
r Hiianao
., . iIil. i Miriu-i".
on 1 'lit id.
. W
1. The St.
Port.m uih N. H.,
ml sued Milan Mt 40
fp.in (Vnrra
Hrr commit ni bts-sled by
Stale caet signal "T
with which the course of
hip wm traced and reported to
Sh navr ili tnruncat at lnrt
. i Mr .it
with MX)
nftl.r,. .rd. capture.!
"tr.im tin- monirnt lh.it h
i rum in' iii.w ... " t.i
falfhwd off the caat, affonN a ntnkimt
Mj lilnatratloo of the perfection which thi
urani-n oi ttw narai viim naa atta'.m .t
undi-r the energetic airectlon of Captain
Baxthttt. Erery life aaving -tatlou anil
every lighthouse on the roaat which
nigh ted the ahip flaahwl it report It
telephone and t.i graph -trauht into
the headipiartert of the m-trice in the
navy department. The inculent i grnt
ifvlng aa ahowitig the remote dinger of
any hnatil ahip appnwj'hing Unitad
Statea mrta without the knowledge of
the navy department.
Admiral Orvera I
the unwillinir pa
Ltmia. He will no
ni.iitb, however, hu
If waa among
r on the St.
nam at l'orta
aoon an the en-
llt.il in. ii .ir- . lulled mi Bl Ml v - .lainl.
fn tlie quarter prepared for them at
-hurt notice by Captain 'row imi-hicid
h. with th offleeni of hi Mii.uiron nnd
lb nirgeotui, who will be left with tlie
men, will be aent to Annapolut to 1
ronflii.il within the limita of the Annate
olia academy.
Captain Cooper, thflauperintedent. hu
imparl. i v.-rv unf..rt V quartern in
th cadet hui.dinga and came to Va
ngton to consult Secretary Img an to
th eiart meakuri' of indnlgence to !
hown hm charg
Admiral (Vrvera
dor not niguify t
parol.- bin haa
It ha U n impl
though it may l-
bringing of
to the Uuikil State
lat the proportion to
n Uua.ly diini'cd.
ptwttioned for a time
unniM-d that the id-
naral will
here until i
ment dlpl
inori. comfortable
of initial ural reneti i
it bun in Spam lia
Captain Knlate. who was commander
of lb Viacaya, is among the pnnoner.
and i aluo iuite til, having been wound
ed in the head during the Mancagn
All officer had the freedom of the
ship with one exception, and be was the
governor of Santiago de Cnba, who was
trying to escape from tic city on Ad
miral (Vrvera's flagship when she
was destroyed on that memorable day
of July H He refused to sign the paro.e
papers and waa consequently connned
in one of the cabins under guard.
The remainder of the prisoners were
confined between decks and closely
Twe IrfcwMis n4 rhrihee llrlii H.rr
Vomr Hatr Injnr-I M, l sajj
the lli 1 1 rial.
Tampa, Jnly II. The transports Iro-
iu"i ami iii-r..ee nn.ugiii .i"i wouiio
ed men irom Santiago. These were
distributed to positions on hore and the
transports are awaiting onler
At daylight the long train train of
hospital car was thrown open for the
reception of those who were going to
Fort Mcl'hersou and lit men wore
placed abonrd.
Biftlty-aeven were sent to the general
hospital of tbe Fourth nmir corps and
the surgeons there had their tlrr . ipTl
ence in dressing war wound While
the sufferers lay upon the Pmgh pine
table they gave an account of how the
wounds were raoeiv. d. Invariably,
they said when the Manser bullet struck
they win- kniK'ked down, but nff. p i
little. The holes seemed to have Uen
neatly drilled through the flesh ot
hone, milking no lac ration (inly on
man was unable to walk, all the othe
having sufficiently recovered to do so.
The wounds wen. mamlv talks hoinl.
arm and feet. Men with their feet
bundled in white cloth and their arm
In slinga were in abundance They
talked good natntedly of the light and
spoke highly of th enemy.
Hrr m J. Si.i.lll.
Washington, Jnly II. WUliaa Jen
Csrbell sail Mrt lag Mai. Bk
New York, July II. It I announced
thai James ('orbottiiu i Kid Met 'oy Imi.
ngreil upon terms for a '.' r.nind miili fi
to come off at Buffnio, ,ug : ; Tlie
purse will ! IvO.tssi. w ith a side bet
protabli'. It is said tl. n M.-C.o - n i.p
sentatlve provisionally accepted I'or
bett's lipul.ition that should the Kila-e
interfere the latter i to .vs. tbe wtu-
, , , ,.,! f the pnrse
Will lle....lnl Oi
n. -k.
Washington. Jnly, II From the I
information it can 1 m iuiii-d t
Mr Meek will bu Iwappointad ju
of the Northern district of I". va- Hi
non. nts here admit wlin-ihiy
abb to defeat hi oomtirination by the
aanute, yet the president will insist ou
havinf hta way.
Hilled Ills nwaellissrt anil MMa&
W.ico, Tex., Jnly 11. Much excite.
meut prevails nere in onioiwicin-iesovur
the -.id termination of a love affair in
BSBkiak u... r.una aPi. d.'Mil I'nlvin
. . i.i. i,.i i.i.
Blm IrM Ha rif-mnew ar-
Btaai liale-rf isii rw-
Sine th graai haa bgin tofrow
too abort for them Skagway . tome
of the confidence worker wbo allll re
main in Al.uk hai. taken to th
tralli, where lhy ontlau to let
nap a for the dollar I unwary Klon-
the Sk.inay trail, th
aure-tblng g imbler aeldom go higher
than the foot of White Pan auramlt
Half a doten or to uf tin tribe uaually
travel together, tharlDR at the rluae of
the day the protta of the trick tby
have turned. On of lb party U
ehoata a active operator. Hia nteai
aary ijualifl. .itmna are a capacity to
Judge human . hararter and a tongue
that l gifted :th gllbneia.
The miciefiil (onfli
beat dearrlbed by tb
der. HU eonfederau
carefully dbMaa1MBtt4)
blm whenaraf Mat
operator (
a poaaihle victim Is In
sight. The Letter to dlsgnta bla wolf,
iah character, the ateerer frequently
dona Ibe iheep's clothing of a packer.
It la no UDcoKmnn incident on the
trail to aee two or more notorious hun-
I'fi lOurwra furlnv nv lnm nflur lh
nthr nnnarnllv haacll fc i
with pack hi. h. If iinalyteii. would
prove to be nnthinc mora than straw j
or ( tip In i anvii sacks. A little i
ahead of them always l the operator,
eijnlpped with a small portable table,
three shells, and the rluslfa pea.
When the first one reach the ma
nlpulator of the am .cut. Imt to the vie-
tlm ever new game, he top. watches
and listens, and finally lays down bis
pack aa if to rest and ha amused.
Steerer No : fullnw ail etamp.e. ..
do thi
uthers in turn. Ily the lime
the proipectlr victim arrive he find
a spurioii Kloadlket Jnt winning a
bet from the shell gam play, r amid
the hair . in . ai , agral iWlMi "f Ui
"Well, well, this U my unlucky day."
say the man with the table, "hut I'll
give some othtr gentlemaa a rhaine
to win with tbe lntlt pea."
Ilack and forth jed round about go
the little shell again, a glimpse of the
pea being given tbe watcher at seduct
ively frequent interval. Another
steerer guee It location and win a
greenback or two.
"If you fellow are hitting me too
hard." dubiously comment the oper
ator, "I must size up my roll before
taking any more bets."
He opens a well-lined pocketbook.
and. while hi attrntiun is taken up
with Its contents, one of the steerers
slyly raise tbe ibell under which tbe
pea I bidden. That catrhe th out
sider, unless he he Invulnerable against
the temptations of bunco.
Laying his finger on the shell Indi
cated to blm, he offers tu bet f 10. $20.
$60, or a higher sum that it covers tbe
paa. His bet is tsken the shell Is
lifted, and the pea prove to be some
where else. I'sually the victim make
a second and perhaps a third bet. in the
hop of retrieving his loss, always with
the same result. A witness to one of
these episodes tells of having seen s
prospector wbo hsd lost 190 sit upon
his park and burst Into tears. He
said that bis Isst dollar had gone on
tbe game
Still higher up the trail that same
day a man who runs a tent restaurant
bet and lost $20. but the shell-game
player waa glad to disgorge It when
the victim s wife, a 200 pound lady of
German nativity, selied him by the
coat collar and screamed lustily for
A woman wbo said she was going to
the Klondike In the interests of the
Smithsonian Institution complained to
t'spt I.. A. Motile that confidence
workers were so annoying her that she
feared to continue tbe journey. She
Is traveling alone, and had railed at
th regular army eniampnient on her
way out of town, r.ipi Matil. who
lommands the troop here, aent an
escort of two soldiers with her aa far
is the Northwest Mounted Poltca pott
at Summit Ijike. After working one
point on tbe trail thoroughly, the con
fidence men scalier, to : . .. iiMttr at an
other point under Ilk. . r, umatanres
some time later in the day.
On the Skagway trail the shell game
Is not In operation regularly. The
men engaged at it are auppoaed to he a
detachment of "Soapy" Smith's gamb
ler. Those who uperate in Iryea,
Kheep Camp, and along to the base of
Chllkoot are under tbe leadership of
Tom Cady, a notorious Colorado camp
confidence man.
Other device for ratchir.,; lctlms
beside the pea and shell are heard of
occasionally. Th salted mli
:me of the most recent
those who seek to get som
J. T. Jones, President of
i n tee Title and Abstract Co
Juneau, saved a Uvea men I
falling into tbe club lies uf
i this variety. The mere
Jonea that he had a i bm t
pl.ner mine for ilie rati k)
l.'.nn It vm a naa airib.,
nan Is
na to
n g for
LB of
I of
Mot hi claim. I
MM of gold from t
ng hot und smaller particle. the
ifternoon the miner accompanied .lonea
md the merchant to bis claim. There
e pinned tuples of tbe dirt
The specimens obtained looked gen
line, but, being dubious, the .1 mesa
nan to-dsy bad them tested. They
-roved to he a composition of . upper
tine, bismuth snd tin. This i venlt ii
lones eipressed the opinion that more
nan one iocai iieoier in goiu Did mad
urchn. of th. bogus preclou, mtUI.
AfMfefcr CHASE & SANBORN Seal brand Coffees-
ARROWa BOT iw THE imi.k.
We know what la. I at adaU will be
We know not. No ooaarer kin i
To god themaelrr e" fnrwe
If god there bc-irhU wen , ,v d
l'ropheclei are arrowa ahot In the dark
At an unaeea mark.
It the
Wl ;
Of tbi
r 1 .
..! li... thr I'. ..
friaries Pollen Palmer, In bl
cently publUhed work on luehrlety,
der the heading "An Unselfish
the Hast," says:
"A good woman I not necessarily a
good wife. On tht contrary, she may
be, without meaning it i-d In spite of
her conscientious i. forts to he othw
wlse, a very bad wife to her husband,
and that In spite of her genUt M - do
cility, piety and excessive love for him;
and It Is possible that be might not
be In the position he occupies to-day
If. Instead of possessing these qualities,
she had developed stronger or even
more selflih traits of character. The
continued exercise of the spirit of un
selfishness on th wife's part hn
helped In no small decree to restrain
the husband from denying himself In
n hundred ways, and all Innocently,
hut not the less fatally, hss fanned the
flames of self-indulgence until hi
power of resistance, Insidiously en
croached upon by loving hand, has
Anally succumbed to her persistency,
and his great preservative against any
strong temptation to which he may be
i (institutionally Inclined has become so
weakened that be Is unable to ope
with tbe strong desire for drink when
It manifests Itself. Before either of
them is aware of It the husband's
strong mainstay and security against
sudden and powerful temptation are
gradually but surely undermined and
when the circumstances of life, sure
to be favorable at certain junctures.
Invite the presence of an underlying
alee, the man goes down before it snd.
In spite of his msnlfold struggles and
heroic resolves and efforts, falls utterly
tu redeem himself."
come from haunt of tin and
From filthy lane and alley.
To make all decent people squirm
As he goes down sin valley.
He twists, he sways, he slips, he fall
Among tbe street's foul clutter,
And many a wicked oath he makea
As he He In th gutter.
Until at laat the wagon comes
To take him to tbe "station."
Tbe most degraded, beastly wretch
With th whole creation.
Meanwhile bis children starve la
All home tie he must sever,
That he his appetite may sate
And drink, and drink, forever.
Sacred Heart Review.
Ilnnar run I rllalul.
Celluloid Is attractive In appearance, '
but a i i w danger I added to life when
this highly (omhiistlhle substance I
mad lulo articles of daily us. A
spark from bearth or lump or the head
of a Ik'htsd match falling on It I suffi
cient to prodme a -erloiia conflagra
tion a pim: graph in a celluloid
frame, held near a lighted candle for
closer Inspection, resulted la Ibe lor
of the picture und tbe belongings on
the pretty S-o'rlock tea table th a held
the candle.
AImsdeds comprise evetv kind of
service rendered to our neighbor who
need stfrh assistance. He who sup
; ports a lame man bestows an alms on
htm with his feet; be who guides a
blind man doe blm a charity with his
eyes; be who carries an Invalid or an
old man upon his shoulder impart
to blm an ulms of strength, ilence
none are so poor but they may bestow
an aim on the wealthiest man in the
li. ..ii,. i.ii.i M.roa.l ami al Heme.
The most horrible tktute of hath
nlsm Is that picture of a woman who
carries her sweet babe to the bm.kl of
the (ianges und tosses it on Its turbu
lent waters, watching It murmuring
lips sink benenth its tide; but her In
Christian America we watch 20u,n00 a
year, hopeless drunkards, take their
wive and children and throw than In
to the turbulent water of a drunkard's
Ts Tlnie lu Trti.t.
I. it noon don Id, bowevsr weak and
erring they may be, the security of
tbelr souls und th comfort or their
hearts amidst all trial, und temptation,,
and sorrow, who have a living He
dremer, sympathising with them In
heaven Interceding: for them with the
I ather, and ready to Impart all power, i
,. Hli own ,imgbly and dlvln
to tho. who trust Ills grace. I
..rin; kaiy H IXC
Chocolate Bonbons.
Patrons and Friends
Of Hrazns. Mndi-nn, (irinic. I.olxrtson an J
l?lireoU Cotlliti. -
Th combined Capital nnd asset of companies rep-rr-cnted'liv
me sinotint to more then
The capita! ami as.et of Compsnic I represent
writing GINN smonnt to more than. ..... .
I j infidently believe that I can serve you better ami I -helper
than any one else in tat l.lie af Rlakt, be they City,
town or Country.
I have nil efficient ofllit force, the affairs of which are under the
management of FRANK W. McCONNlCO.
I hIm reprenenl
KijUitahle Life Assurance Society of New York;
Pacific Mutual Life; Am. Union Life,
Fidelity and Casualty of New York,
Per watch I as lb sal- aulharli-d steal In Ir-an I tmp- KmIIt aslWit'a-sl will
sppreclsl your bu-lasas.
GU. P. Franklin & Son.r
Butchers and
We Buy Hides,
Markets under Academy of Music and next
door to John Mike's store.
Skin Like Velvet
Tho woman or girl whose face la
rough or red whoso skin i dis
figured with uglv pimpb . black
heads, moth-patches, liver uiolei,
freckles, tan or sunburn, can have
a akin like velvet if she choose.
Persistent uo of
Viola Cream
wilt make
nnd pink
.mention o
'! cam tlv
only prep
the face as soft, smooth
as a baby's. Without
doubt Viola Cream will
what wo claim. It is the
mam nt K'""'- and ann
do injury. It is u kit
well us a hs in In autiher.
cent jar. It will tiring
pincss and satisfaction
i r y a 5
in dll
! Ill
Hy the
time the jar is used
nanny nonfatal yourself in the
mirror. Your old complexion will
te replaced bv a new one Drug,
gists sell Viola Cream
A mUt h
Toledo, Ohio. a
' swev
BARLEY; AJax Hams and Breakfast
Bacon; Dozier s Crackers and Cakea;
French Mushrooms; Eels in Jelly.
I II-:
nnd all
f -irv.il.
Frail-., u T
harm ant)
Meat Dealers.
Wool and Pelts.
Mil and Qga k I. me itetween
rib sml smith Tc-.
III 111) I S
Vis 1 1, ni. ,) - Worth
VI lloii.ieti Pallas.
vis riaaaiu, mm. .mi rsris
C. rciihei i .iilieatuii.
'ton, Breohaiu. Auatln Waa.
Corsicana, W-liacbi, Ft. Worth.
lHss. riino.W. hinney, Sherman
l I'enion and eive flrst-cliii
-' V I . e
C.oMtg,,, M. I.. Roinixs,
Tr.thY Manager. ..!. T. Alt.
Wiuwg, At. Iloniton
f)n, Tens,
Mkil-isMUl n,,.. in ouan snoi oi utsitiii -.. i.u
UJSS bt N 1 awectheart. and then killed blm. If.
Nat '