OCR Interpretation

Bryan morning eagle. [volume] (Bryan, Tex.) 1898-1909, July 13, 1898, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86088652/1898-07-13/ed-1/seq-2/

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tat of Wm SMH, M Pmyn, .
Shirt Waists
Straw Hats;
These are jfoinR at Cost.
Ladies Oxford Ties
At Cut Prices.
Dimities and Organdies
Greatly reduced.
twilMM Art Astsaarla, staatUI SpM
tBalligi. aaa) Ob rr KaMnn
Mm ix.. Weak. I
AasoHaKa hut
Ik firewall
Kslr.aMly ralbatla.
Comtek., wm. by Ik
m f 1 1 . ,,!o uartcrs Jn.r 11
Tte Kings!"". Jamaica, July IJJT.
p. m
Portaniouih, X. II . Jul- It. -The
Spanish in- tiers who wet brought to
unrt in the suiltlarv crniaar St
-righting continued all dnriag tba da LouU from Santiago, numbering 9M of
to thu boor. The Amarlran. bar. ad- tb. . WDn fonnwl rt th. crfJW
of Admiral Cerrm'i aquadmo, ara la
comparative comfort in tha now bar
barrack cm-ted fnr them at Seavey's
inland. Anmnd tbem i a guard of lib
VV Wltlll tO VOH
thta Welc at'
'sses u'c at Brrsa, Taxes, u
taavi 'Us atU matter
JrTion raid:
- Per Month. 40c
wW.es, It
The indication are that there
ill he a new alignment of na
tional parties in this country after
the war in over. "Free trade and
failora righta" will be the toxin of
the Union: mark that. With a
navy superior to that of any other
nation, our merchantmen should
1.1 . a
till tiimi t tile coiium-rco ol 111"
world. The party thai champion
free trade will he the winner ami
bring about thu glorious consum
mation which will inaugurate an
ra of prosperity tor t hi - country
never experienced liefore. The
vanned tedilv ail 'lay In several of
tba Spanuh trenches oar troops foand
dummy wooden puna, but no Rpaiuab
soldiers. There was a very waak lire
from the Snanish troops.
The American nmcers hare received
farther evidence of lb great d litres eg.
isttng in Sautiago
n? Hi. DssSjraaSkM c .rv.ras Hast
Twe Huarir.d TbnuanJ IMUnUw.
a Crew of arn.rlran V easel.
Washington. July II Boas thing
over $300,000 will be paid by the gov
ernment a "head money," to officer
and sailors who destroyed Centra'
fleet. Thu is according to law, which
provide for the payment of $100 a head
for every man on the hip of tba enemy,
when the ships are destroyed. A few of
the officers receive pretty good fortune.
Ths lsw governing tin dutnbution of
this money i very explicit. There ore
exact provision carrying it into effect
and every nr. nl.ng t i ran., will
be paid in doe season.
Healer Is
And all kind, of BICYCLE SUNDRIES.
Wheels are the best.
Yesterday afternoon they were taken
to Greeley's Landing. Tba prisoner
were marched to the highet part of the
island where each man desalted under
the eyes of the marine guard whatever
belongings ne posanssed. It was a pa
thetic sight I'rom beginning to end and
such as wounl tiring tears to many eye..
The poor, wretched creatures straggled
np the hillside clad for the nut part in
rag, some i.f them l'ing coven-d only
With the fragment of a tablecloth or a
blanket, wbne other had on portion of
what was once a c inform.
Wheu the men lauded tome of them
were so weak that they conld not stand,
and laid on the ground until stretcher
wars brought aud were carried to the
main mad, where they were placed on
tba grass. Many had wound that were
still unhealed and tin ir heads ami arm
Cleveland, rambler
and Ideal
We Kive special attention to all kind ol Bfcyc e li.pair work
ThreeUoorsi Ptoati mfWMOhuug' Ilot.'l.
THE KRUPP WORKS, city directory.
A Cl l ull of rmsl.TM Maw Tkli rear,
an llody or Maa W faalralled-A Kail
war - 1 male; far la rselasltt
I s of the roasMlry.
The city of Bssen. Germany, Is lo-
showed the effect of the temble battle rated In the center of a hilly valley.
Bs-hl.y'a f'lia.rlng Words of Ills Bravery
Toy. I. lit. Heart a Ih. Bps.
Ish Admiral.
Off Santiago, July II On return of
the United Stat, si nil r H klyatothn
blockade off Santiago, on the evening of
July :i, the Iowa reported to Commo
dore Schley that Centra, the command
er of thu Spanish fleet, was on board
The commodore at once weut over to tiny
his reprcts. The Spanish admiral was
much cast flow ii by his defeat, hut pre
served adlgtuAed and. ..iirteous demean
war is the deatbnell of protective ; or notwithstanding. Commodore Schley
tariff and no one realizes the f ct
more than the republican 1 -aders
themselves. The United States is
destined to feed the other nations
of the earth. Denisoniiaietteer.
TflDS&afcaY, JULY I t. lw.
Admin) McGinty it now in com
oandoftBe Spanish fleets.
j KXatonge callt ineaiienuon
jfVatakies nien of his town to
the fidliBt the United States
trj'tlt Sk"' onlv institution in
thiinOBy a ' in make money
,lUXt. ' -.nn.'.
Ti Mtal card -ooii to
aoaiai. g of the past, at leatt
r-lfte card upon which the
jge prilltel bBVe been .
bemq. nte, which the govem
. sal tl im longer bear. Any
ca-lrflgolation Bixf. however,
aithi !.! KtBtnp p-til on
oak ... i" liru "! ""'
ikatA famous rlotoryi i"
alaai. sang 'level. Sp:lll!-h
i,.,ut A low of mn.
CUtgt t,, i.e .
l Silence; now
jaliu t)
It cannot be said of the war in
which the country is tow engaged
that it it "a rich man's war ami a
poor man's light. " Wealthy men -sone
of millionaires, and men high
in political ind social life, are now
camped with the soldiers of the Na
tion, and with this hickory-shirt
yeomanry of the land, will "seek
the bubble reputation at the can
non's mouth." We are having an
uaexpected and pleating revelation
of the lietter side of American
citizenship, and one that is calcu
lated to inspire more confidence in
he future of our country. Even
from ehe curse of war we gather
valuable experience "'from the
thistle danger we pluck the Mower
safety '' Luling Signal.
said ha deeply appreciated the fact that
the men of the ltnatktyn did not
exult by cheering wle-n thi-r learned h
was a prisoner on the Iowa He re
plied In response to the commodore's re
mark that it was the fortune of war.
"Ye, but I've hat my rmn now that
I've been defeated." Schley told him
snch a brave deed as that of bringing
out hi squadron could never be looked
upon otherwise than a a most gallant
feat, upon which Admiral Orvaralbiew
his arms around the comimslore and
said: " Ahl sailor are always gentle
men." Admiral Orvera said h thought the
dead would number TuO, though b
could not tall definitely.
Osnssi, rreurh and llsllsn Warship
Will Take a Hand If MMsl Mat
All.snel. sit, a Mote.
The editor of the Greenville
Herald, who wa an enthusiastic
upHirter of Coi, Wynne, pays
Major Savers the following mat
compliment' "Savers will make
Texas a splendid governor. A
tried and true democrat, of dis
tinguished ability, he will bring to
the office of governor a long and
varied experience in public a Hairs
and will give to the people of
Texas an honest, economical and
efficient administration.''
New York, July IJ.-A special
gram from St Thomas, to The Journal
report that the Danish authorities have
informed ( int..: States Consul Van
Morn that the M) tons of coal which
the United Stale ha In the harbors!
St. Thoma i contraband of war and
it removal by the l'nitil State so long
as the government I at war w ,th Spain,
will not tie permitted. Governor Ledor
matin baa informed the ron.nl according
to thi dispatch that any attempt to re
move the coal will!' resitted by Ger
man, French and Italian warship in
the harbor and waters nearby. Con
sul Van Ho n has refern-'l the subject to
the authorise at Washington.
In which they fought The crew of the
Cristotnl Colon were lauded in a body.
They went better clad and evidently
lietter fed than the other men. Thirty
members of the Colon's crew were,
however, severely wounded and had to
carried on stretchers.
The unloading of the crowd was wit
nessed by thousands, but not a jeer was
heaid nor an act performed which might
have given offense to the prisoner
Kortv have beeu taken to the hospital
suffering from wound and minor ill.
Of the officer, there were 10 -4 Iteut
enaiits, H surgeons, 3 ensigns and I paymaster-
and these, through some mis
understanding over order from Wash
ington, w ere returned to the St. Louis
It is nnderttl, however, that these
same nfrV-er will t landed again.
It wa an interetlng ight to watch
the prisoner aa they accepted the for
tunes of war. After breaking ranks
tney lked about and saw matins
and roue he and many other comforts
which had not been their lot for many
year. As they liked them over th v
appeared to accept the situation with j
much cheefuluess. They walked anmnd
with what appeared to he a dignified
air, and see mad lo be happy as appetis
ing lor were wafted to them from the
huge kitchen.
i ine of the most toti'diing incidents of
tha day waa the farewell of Captain K
Dial Morrou, of the Cristobal Colon, of
his crew just before be went back to the
St. Ijoui. Few who saw the tenderness
with which he walked down the line
aad affectionately embraced each sea
man a If he was his son, could refrain
from tears, while the ace no will be re
membered by those who witnessed it aa
' one of tha touching eiamplea iff the de
1 votion and reverence in which the sea
man of every warship holds his com
mander. When, finally the captain reached the
end of the long line he turned aud in a
voice shaking with emotion said a few
words of farewell to the crew as a whole
As he finished the half-lad men sur
rounded him, grasped tils anus as if for
one hut em brace.
wlu.-h abounds In coal and Iron ore
and the digging for both aad the melt-j Jn". M. Laarence.
tag of the ore aad casting the metal i -
Into Ingots and rolling It Into ban
have been the occupations of the In
habitants for centuries pa't- Fried
rich Krupp. the founder of the great
works bearing his nsme. was born Is I
ITU. and when crucible cast steel was j
first being Introduced la England and ;
'Its Importation from there Into Ger
many bad been Impossible through
the edict of Napoleon, called "the ton-tlnental-sperre."
F. Krupp hexan tt '
nroduce crucible cast steel, first Ir I
' small quantities Ar flies, sfamps. rolli
for coins aad shesrs, but only slowlj
could he convince and persuade Gen
' man manufacturers to use hi cast
'steel, and after a life full of dlsap-
polatments aad hardships he died IS I
1131. after a ionic and -ever nines
leaving to his bob Alfred little elM
than Ihe old homestead, which tll
stead In the midst of the grest works,
and the secret of his invention.
Alfred Krupp' energy and enter,
prise soon conquered. His first sue
I cess waa to lie able to furnish cast
steel of a varying degree of hardnes.
t in orrit x.
Ms)', C. A. Adams.
Mar.hall, T. R Boyett
Deputy Msnhal. K. H. Smith.
Secretary suit Treasurer, II. fj.
City Sexton, II. H. Jones.
Constable, ('. I.. Hsker.
Aldermen It. G. Tabor, W. S.
W. U. Harris, C. B. Wye,
ii st orrn I".
Judge, W. II. HsrmsB.
Clerk, i W. Mr.Michael.
Attorney, A. . Hoard.
lat (' idector, J. J. Adsms.
Tax Assessor, K. M. Nail.
MierirT. T. C. Xuiib.
Treasurer, K. W. Cerr.
Di-tnct Cl. rk. J Q, Williams.
l .'itiun-sioner- 11. J. Deens, Peter
Thootk, Faitx riiilllpe, I'. H. Arnng-ton.
nt hi ii i 1 mi riosi .
Baptist W. C. r nley, pastor.
ces everv miu.Uv ll a. m. and 1
p.m.; Sundsv school Vi a. m ; pray
er meeting Thursday Bight
ilethodlat J. 11 Cocbrin, pastor.
Service II a. in. sad 7 p. m Mir.day.
undsy school : a. tu , F.pworth
l.eag'ie undsv I p in prayer-meeting
Tuesday night.
I es; -t. r an J. P. West, pastor
tnereuy increasiag lis saapsautnir ...r , a.rwiris morning and evening 1st. 3rd
man ro w imriHiae. .-seat i amr in.
aad 4t unday in each month, Sunday
school ' a. m , prayer-meeting
Weilneailay night.
Christian, J. I.. Andrews. pastor-
Service II s. m. aad 7 15 p. ui. Son
day. Sunday school IM5 s. ra , Chris
tisn Kndeavor 3 p. m. unla . prayer
meritng Wailneedar night.
Free Communioo Baptist- A. M
teit i-astor ervicei eiery Sun.
day night in each month; Monday
school p) a. m
St. Joseph's Catholic t hun h Father
I'elnsr. pator. Mass at i and 10 a. m
Invention of the weldle car-wheel
tires, which ware patented In 1M In
all countrlea snd faratshed him capi
tal for enlarging his plant. la IMS be
Interested himself In coal mines. Iron
ore mines snd furnaces, which should
furnish the msterlal for bis Iron
works, and In 17 he began tu reap
the harvest from bl experiments In
augurated long slate with steel csn-
nons. and the great Franco Herman
war of 1870-71 proved beyond doubt
their superiority sgalnst the old
bronte cannon. Since then the u
reaa of these work snd their growth
have been phenomenal, and when Al
fred Krupp closed the busy snd suc
cessful snd nhtlstiThronic work of his'
life. In HIT, at Villa Hitrgel. his' iois.i mgnm...
princely home on ibe side hills of thai Ivsnli ast ommsmlery No. H, knight
valley of the Kubr, the city of Kssen, l Templars Meet .'ml Tuesday in each
Kl.oles, K. C II ti.
In recognition of his grest work, erect, month. A. M
ed In his memory a beautiful inonti-.Rhodes, Secretary.
meni on tne most prominent square or uy. T. lustm t
the city, aad deputation from iBBn' M Meets third
nations moiirneti si ins crave
Beaer llultnae and Ll.iit.aaat I'arransa
Itsuarl rrimi Vlontr.at liy
Sf.rlsl lt.iU.sl.
Montreal, July I!. Senor DaMBB,
late secretary of the Spanish legation at
Washington, and Lieutenant Carranza.
Kssen Is a city of M.OOO Inhabitants,!
and over U.utH) uf this population are
employed In the works of the abls and
energetic son of Alfred Krupp -Fried-rich
Alfred. Over l.iloo screa of ground
are covered with buildings and ma
chinery. Many coal mines furnish
T. lustm hat ter No. H7. It. A.
Mondsv in each
Ih. John u Tabor II. I' . Jim 11
Heetl, nec'y.
Itraio llge No. lat, A. F. A A. M.
Meet f orth Mi inlay in at h month.
S. B. i.'uchinan. W. M Joe B. Keetl,
1 . , mm ..... ...
nrs i. i..Mge ,ii, i.f K. "f 1. Meet
fuel for the works, over ton Iron ore flr-i and third In.al.y in each month
mines furnlih the metal, and large! A. M. W.ldrop C 0 D C Da
Iron ore deposits In Spain, near llllbao,1 . ,
have been purchased In sildltlon. and "f ' ' ' V "'
a sue. nil fleet of steamers ha haer.' mean laalge No. 17, A.O.I-. W.
military attache, will leav. Montreal tie i,,illt hnh u lag over 3U0.IM Mm Bl N' "'' fcoiid ami fourlh Tliursday in
that our
troved another
of fewer but inure
pi it would seem tn
ible fs t that "Ameri
have no equal on
WL their achievement- are
Mr. L T. Hawks, who resides
si x miles north of Madnonville, or
thirty-eight milet from llryan.
was here the pn-t week. Mr
Hawks says he lud not been in
Ilrynn for twelve e:irs bavim;
traded at another tOWO con-dd' r
ablv nearer him. but he was to
pleased with tl'
Spain Would .(otlt ll at Oaao If
by ii..- Loss of Only t una, liul
Not Olhsrwls..
night bv steamer for LivitismiI at the
urgent and repeated request of the Do
minion government The men have
been in Canada a number of months,
where they conducted a spy system in
conni-ction with the war between Spain
aud the United State. Thu, the gov
ernment contended, was a violation of
l the law. of the .ami, an i I In Suisli
this Spanish Iron ore from Spain to each m n.tl. M II J ., M. W., A.
the (ierman roast and up the Itblne.
Twenty furnaces at Duisburg and
F.tnden, n-i order.
Ilrysn No, l..lge lo.lj, K. of H.-Meet
are reducing ti rut and third Tlm.l..-. la ...k
the ore for the Krupp works and are month A. Kmden dictator A 1.
A man
into hi
.JH ..... went
supiwting llttt
3 come, .n.1 they
eoonomite, meea.v
,nd the man never
i.tak. until neai
hi- I
. illred th' COW
alien "'3 "
guartoftl'o pegtand .i
tant'e oll'cred by Hry.m ;i i trad
ing point that be In- leterniined
to como hero regularly in the
The editor of the Mexioo I Ifo,
Tribune thus atlsOanoot the sus
pension of his paper: "We have
lioped ami buttled, and hustled
and hoped, but, frankly, there it
little ground for hope, and conse
quently little further use for hust
ling. A republican paper can U
'got out' here, probably, but not
one of the Tribune standard. The
editor leaves today for the army.
Madrid. Jut I'.'.-The ii.sibiluy of
ice with tie- 1 nit.Hl Stat, s is widely !
discussed by the newspapers and by th
nhiic i'i ii- native pa -, .bt'lare
: mi i- er--!..tr- 'I lo accept la-aen priv
vi ted it implies vly the lo of (ulm.
I'.ut. thev assert. tf I lin-d r- war to will lii to Iindon ivod await onlers
Iperior ad van-1 the bitter end If the United State should fnmi his govtrum' nt lforv pmci dlug
officials were coiirteou.lv requested to
leav.- the country
Scnor DuB'' 1 very Indignant al
the treatment he ha been subjected to,
ami say the government will hear fnnu
bun again when the present tioubes
are ov. r. tin his arrival at Uivi r: n ho
owned or controlled by thrni
The main street of Kssen divide the
Krupp works Into two parts, connect. j
ed overhead with innumerable mam-1
modi steam pipe and bridges. and
parallel with it, running east nnai
west, the trnck ol the Ithenlsh atla
I' itner, rep rter
Hras . l amp No. 104, W. of W.
Mat t second and fourth Fridsy in tMh
oath, W. s. Stusrt; C. C; Joe B
Uee.1, clerk.
Ilryau Tent No. in, K. 0, T. M.
way pus the work .n ihe north, while Meeting ni.-ht iir.t aud Until Monday
In the south the railroad leading froralearli month. Ban 11. Wilson C Job
claim l'orto Itleo, l'hllippiue mils or to Madrul
an immense inueninity, which will 1
imptysslble for Sjtain to pay.
1 he t 'orrespomleucia -'tt it Gen
t'orrea, the min ster of war, iiss not
disagn e w ith ot er cabinet mi . tar so
seriously a ih generally supposed in
view- of the gravity of the CuKin situa
tion. It is possible he will no lmu'er tite
peace, provided the condition Is not
loo mi. run-.
ttl lllsi.k. Mil. I Hang.
May field, Ky., July ll Bob IV.anks,
the notorious tiegni ratiist, will hang
The jury returned a verdict finding him
guilty of ni. on the person of 1uiile
Bailey, a Wlilto girl under I'J years of
ijgr, and llxwi his puiilsbmciit at death
by hanging
Diiaseldorf to llr. : .; HiitMlmi:: .. , I It. I;,,. I. I;
Berlin skirts the mill. Innumerable
track connect tnene two main llnet of
railroad, surrounding In an Inextrica
ble network the building and truss
ing the street ead ::i; to Muelhelm, he
low It level. Powerful locomotives
orniK train loans ol raw Mltrta!
I'ryan I da , Home Forum
Meeting nights second and fourth
Weill eday eaeh month. L. A. Saun
Jer., j.res't; Joe B. Bred, financier.
Bryan Uhlge No. Vf.i National Ai l
Meeting tiigl.ts ll.t and third Wednei
Ihe yards and leave the works with 10 "och month. A. W. Molraan,
Waal Team. stars aad I'sektr.
St Iiuls, July lJ. Colonel Smith,
deputy quartermaster general, lias re
ccived onlors from Washington inse
cure UO0 teainster- for service in Cuba.
In addition to these men, who are want
ed immediately, Colonel Smitb has ls-en
Instructed to secure ftO or more mole
111. Condition of lotion.
Washington, July I'J. Tho cmp re
port of the tleurtment of agriculture. ,
say the cotton return to the statistici
an department of agriculture, made up
to July I, indicate the average condition
to be 11.1 per cent compared w ith Mi on
June I, I Mis. The averages of some
states are a follows: Louisiana, 80;
Texas, Ir i Arkansas, tt . aud Mineiuippi,
laiiiiioie iirouiiri. nniMifd and reacrl
I for shipment to all parts of the globe.'
I Miniature engines and cars move about!
! between the bulldirrs on the narrow-!
j gauge track, bringing mnterlal of I
I smaller slio from one building to an
, other until It Is finished and t, idy fnr
I the market.
Allan V ore n m urn
The cult of the beard, at cord n to,
tne Bncieui jewisa writers, started In
the garden of Edtn. Adam, they tell
us. was of prodigious height, and was
furnished with a long l e inl which
reached to his waist.
We are authorised lo announce ' ,
a-a candidate lor County Attorney of
llruoi county at the ensuing November
We are aiilboried to announce
as a candidate lor Cmmty Treasurer ol
Brani county st the ensuing November

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